Re: [Vo]:The Aspden Effect

2012-02-29 Thread


FYI: Within your ref: "That quantum jitter, by the way, is the so-called 
'Zitterbewegung' that underlies Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty in 
quantum theory, by which neither position nor momentum are certain, but 
multiply the two together and you get a definite quantum of angular 
momentum h/2π, where h is Planck's constant of action. I have good 
reason to believe that matter acquires that jitter property by sharing 
it with a universal activity in the aether itself, or the 'vacuum 
medium' should the word 'aether' seem inappopriate terminology to a 
physicist who may read this."

See explaination in Guglinski's book Quantum Ring Theorey, 2006.

Warm Regards,


Terry Blanton wrote:

This is worth repeating from years ago:


Re: [Vo]:Ang.: [Vo]:Rydberg matter and the leptonic monopol

2012-03-24 Thread wrote:

  In reply to  Jojo Jaro's message of Fri, 23 Mar 2012 00:19:42 +0800:

2. I don't believe bulk heating the powder is the best way to create Rydberg matter.  Bulk Heating it would tend to concentrate too much heat on certain portions of the clump and possibly melt it.  At the least, the heat would probably sinter the nickel powder and destroy all active nano sites.  Someone correct me, but if I remeber correctly, Nickel atom migration and the start of the sintering process begins to occur at around 500C.  Clearly, with bulk heating, you can not prevent heating a few protions of that the nickel powder clump to 500C.  The goal is to ionize the powder and hydrogen to create Rydberg matter, not heat it and sinter it and melt it with bulk heating.

If the Hydrogen is injected through a very small hole, then the gas jet can be
directed at the Ni powder on the bottom (after passing it through the arc of embedded spark plug powered by continuous pulses from a buzz box), puffing it up, resulting in constant
mixing, and ensuring that the temperature of both gas and powder are constant.

Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-07 Thread


Show this to one of your non degree tech guys working at your transducer 
based instrument factory shop in N. J. :

He could assemble it in an hour. Use Ar instead of He. Next day check 
for He. Surprise!

The C deposit is conical nano structure and has a trapped H within. No 
need to check for excess heat. Where there is He there is Rossi Fusion. 
The ECat appropriated Chan one Hydride mix and must be changed every six 
months because of He build up. His attempt to get patents on Hydride 
fusion ran into prior pending obstacles. Hence the rush to cheap mass 

Warm Regards,

Reliable wrote:


I intend to do some more research on this - plasmonics is pretty dicey.

I'm not sure whether a nanowire has a cross-section large enough to
scatter gammas originating at any significant distance, thoug, unless they
are extremely collimated.

But, I am more optimistic than you are that W-L would pass this test.
According to the calculations in the paper I cited, the enormous effective
(not relativistic) mass of those electrons make each look like a subatomic
battering ram to any particle unfortunate enough to collide with one.

I will try to find a local college with appropriate lab resources.
There's a slim chance I can get it done.
Probably expensive. Too bad I lost the lottery.

Lou Pagnucco

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 03:29 PM 4/5/2012, wrote:


Regarding the absence of gammas -
... is it reasonable to suppose that a high energy gamma would
experience many (anomalously high) dissipative Compton collisions before
escaping as a less energetic photon?  If this is plausible, could we
confirm it, by embedding a few radioactive gamma sources inside nanowires
and observing whether gammas are attenuated and/or directionally
during current flow?

Gamma sources could be placed so that gammas pass through the
supposedly active heavy electron patches, and, if W-L theory is real,
drastic attenuation should be seen. That attentuation should not be
seen with controls. W-L theory requires 100% absorption of the gamma
energies that would be generated from neutron absorption, so this
should not be difficult to detect.

Since Larsen patented this, it's really on him to demonstrate it. I'm
not about to try setting up some complex experiment just to prove a
wild theory wrong.

Now, if I had a reason to believe W-L theory, if I were a proponent
of it, then, sure, the experiment would be very much in order.

Widom and Larsen are raising a highly unlikely theory *without any
experimental evidence specifically supporting it.*

If they published a gamma screen paper, with sufficient detail for
replication, and showing their own results, *then* we'd see some
movement on this. Until then, it's fancy pie in the sky.

That wouldn't prove W-L theory, but a successful prediction is golden
for moving ahead with new science.

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-07 Thread


See cheap => Chan. Why did so many ridicule Propane over Ar? Maybe that 
was key to his success. See 
Hydrocarbon + Ni in arc => C2H2 + H (highly active) and now C2H2 + Ni => 
unexplained temperature results.

I decided to duplicate Te Chung. Found that long stem spark plugs "NGK 
LZTR5AGP3381" fit nicely in 3/8 iron T using a Thread Insert "OEM 25648 
FIX-A-THREAD" Hey Guys, how about some suggestive help. How many plugs? 
Do I use Model T Ford coils, old CRT TV HV power supply, Teslar Coil, 
Medical RFG used to fuse back nerves, RFG generator used for "bench" 
testing, .. to energize the plugs . what? And how about the Ni? 
I remember a comment last year in some blog where a Bloke  observed 
"thousands of tiny sparks" on a marble floor which had coin Ni dust on 
it and spill residue of floor cleaner after lights off to close for the 

Do I use a plate heat exchanger as a reaction vessel? Do I dump in some 
Mg, Fe, Cu, or a metal hydride with the Ni?

Not to worry yourselves. Have a concrete slab on isolated property and 
plenty of blocks to enclose the devise.

Hey, this Stimulation of LENR is almost more fun than sex and less 

Warm Regards,


Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 09:30 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:

The idea was doing something cheap, right?

Yes. Cheap carbon dioxide laser? If we could get direct stimulation in 
the range of 8 - 22 ThZ, great! That would replace the two visible 
light lasers. However, I'm not clear if the far infrared would 
penetrate the windows and electrolyte.

2012/4/5 <>
Why not use a carbon dioxide laser?

At 04:05 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
>The problem would be the output. The low energy
>tail would have also a very low power. I think a
>specialized equipment for that band is required...

Re: [Vo]:Robot aircar taxies and ground taxies would provide "another degree of freedom"

2012-04-07 Thread


What you really should try is my time machine. Yes, I programmed my
computer to go back in time. Links to OTR. There used to be a blast
from the past by a Bloke named Jed from Georgia. He must have moved
on. Try my time machine:  

I virtually tour past, present and future all over the world.  That
avoids inevitable travel frustrations. Pick up or annually rent a
tin roof shack on a deserted beach in PR at $100/mo. Land of no
rules or regulations but part of the USA. Build whatever you want
wherever you want

P.S. Orlando to Ponce $59. Fillet mignon import from Honduras $1/lb
in P.R. Sea full of lobsters, wild coconuts all over and a cool
trade wind.  Easy living.

Warm Regards,


Jed Rothwell wrote:

  In the thread about airplanes that convert to cars, Craig
It's another degree of freedom. For those of us who
  are private pilots,
  we have a tremendous range of territory at our finger tips. We
  can fly
  1,000 miles for a weekend trip, but many airports don't have
  rental cars
  readily available, and the terms of the lease are such that
  impractical to rent a car for a short period of time.

I see your point. Okay, let us think about how this might work
in the future with a combination of fully automatic taxis, both
VTOL air cars and ground automobiles. These would not be air
cars that transition to ground vehicles. They would be two
separate vehicles, both designed for the purpose.

Assume that air cars go about as fast as today's Cirrus
aircraft, 400 km/h. While you're at it, assume they have
built-in parachutes for the entire aircraft, like the Cirrus. We
are talking about the distant future. The vehicles are
completely automated. Parents think nothing of sending a
six-year-old child up in one by herself. You could send one
empty with no one on board carrying a package, or send one empty
a hundred kilometers to some isolated place to pick up your Aunt
  Assume that ground vehicles go up to 290 km/h in tunnels, or
on surface roads at 30 km/h.
  I am talking about conditions starting 50 to 100 years from
now, continuing for the next 300 years or so. I can't begin to
predict the shape of technology thousands of years in the
future. That's futile. I do not postulate anything we have not
already discovered. Nothing like anti-gravity. Let us stick to
wheeled vehicles, maglev, and aircraft that the Wright brothers
would understand, plus -- of course -- advanced robotics and
cold fusion.
Suppose I am in Atlanta Georgia and I have business in
Emmitsburg MD, 950 km north. Assume that people do not allow
private air cars to land just anywhere, because they are
disruptive. They make a lot of noise and wind and they kill
wildlife. Assume they can only land at designated locations such
as shopping malls that offer air service. Emmitsburg is a small
town. You sometimes see crop dusting helicopters in the fields
today. Naturally they have helicopter ambulances. But I do not
think people would want small VTOL aircraft taking off and
landing in the surrounding area on a regular basis.

In this scenario, I drive a short distance to some local mall
that offers air taxi service. I take an air taxi to Gettysburg,
PA. in about 2 hours, 20 minutes. An automated ground taxi is
waiting for me there. There are probably no taxis available in
Gettysburg today, but there will be in the future because many
elderly people in that area who do not get out often will not
want to bother owning an automobiles. As I said, you will have
the option to call a robot taxi that comes to your door in 15
min. which you can use all day if you like. These vehicles will
be cheaper in any town will have a few of them available any
time. Even people who own their own cars will want a few of them
within 30 minutes in case their car needs repair, or friends
& relatives come from out of town and everyone wants to go
out somewhere, or in case you buy a bunch of furniture and you
need the equivalent of a pickup truck. The cars resemble today's
Zipcar more than a taxi -- the difference being you don't have
to drive. Even if you are blind you can go anywhere you like by

North of Gettysburg there our many Amish people who prefer no

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Green Technologies Communicates With Interested Parties

2012-04-14 Thread

After viewing the lightning, back to:

Ni + H

H From:
1. Pressure tank
2. Metal Hydride via heat decomposition
3. Plasma arc decomposition of Hydrocarbon (See:"">
and )

3. Appears to represent electronic control capability and safety
compliance. Easily placed in a sealed cartridge with insulated
electrical conductor access. 

Plasma trigger anyone?

Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Powder (cartridge format) will be sold as a component to each
Hyperion unit.


Re: [Vo]:Znidarsic's constant

2012-04-21 Thread


First, for the sake of clarity, a hydrogen atom stripped of
electrons is a proton, has a +1 charge and can be called a hydrogen
ion or better a hydrogen cation. A proton with one electron can be
called a hydrogen atom with no charge and can be considered to be in
an unstable exited state, readily able to combine with an identical
twin sister to yield H2 molecule plus energy. A proton with
2electrons called a hydride ion has a -1 charge and is classed as an
anion. The 2 electrons fit into what some people call the S shell.
All atoms in motion have a natural propensity to cool or lose energy
by emitting radiation if surrounded by matter at a lower
temperature. The radiation is called electromagnetic and is
described by the term photon at times. The photons emitted usually
are not evenly distributed as far as wave lengths being more
characteristic of system circumstances. 

Statistical Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics are the bases
of my ability to understand modern trends of out of the box
suggestions here, having taught both.

Carbon nano structures usually can be thought of as polymers of a
simple benzene ring configuration yielding planar, spherical, cup,
cone, tube and etc. geometric formats. 

I say this for clarity and pray the the colleagues here pin down
what they are discussing, thus avoiding much of the back and forth

Now, it was reported here at one point that plasma within a
hydrocarbon atmosphere does yield generous quantities of  nano
carbon cones containing protons. I prefer to refer to this system as
a method of trapping and containing protons by way of nano
technology stabilization.

Love your comments, keep them coming and intrigued by your theories,
especially Znidarsic's constant.


Intensity wrote:
The hydrogen must be in the mono
  atomic form and stripped of its electrons.  H2 absorbers such
  as carbon nano tubes do not appear to work.

From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sat, Apr 21, 2012 3:25 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Znidarsic's constant


On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 7:09

  As far as Jones comment as
  finally..Its is finally not.. this was done 15
  years ago.   Jones did ask a good question of
  why hydrogen in nickle and why deuterium in
  palladium.  It must have something to do with
  a resonant condition at that speed.  Helium in
  another metal may work at a different pressure
  and frequency.  I am trying this trying to
  achieve another result.

  I was wondering about dissociation.  Can anyone
clarify -- will hydrogen dissociate in any metal
that is acting as a cathode, e.g., Pd, or will it
only dissociate in a metal with a
crystalline structure of a small enough size?





Re: [Vo]:Defkalion

2012-05-21 Thread



Well known. See Santilli. See how neutrons kept the Tarpon Springs
facility evacuated even days after complete shut down. See the
reactor that caused the scare in on of Chan's links
( Get serious and do a little digging. It
really is exciting! Stay away from knowledge thieves such as comic
books or SciFi. Robots, Face Book, Rockets, Psychology, and other
pseudo science areas are wasting time and effort for those who
experiment, calculate or theorize in the Physics Universe.


Robert Leguillon wrote:

So, arcing in a hydrogen environment produces monoatomic
hydrogen from diatomic hydrogen, eh?

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defkalion
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 19:29:59 +0800

 Seems to me that Woomera (Who appears to be an actual
  eyewitness) is confirming for us the presence, importance and
  use of the 2 spark plugs.  Page 16 does show 2 orange wires
  that appear to be spark plug cables.  (Off-the-shelf Spark
  Plug cables do have brightly colored red or orange
  insulations.  And the picture do show a cable that is about
  the right diameter size for a spark plug cable.) 
 I know I am harping on this spark plug thing, but the
  sooner "replicators" get over this doubt, the sooner we can
  focus on the corect replication design.  It does appear the
  evidence for sparks being integral to the process is
 Those who doubt the use of sparks do bring up a good
  point, sparks will cook and melt the nickel nanostructures. 
  Hence, the point that I keep on repeating, Sparks PLUS
  turbulence is the answer. 
 As I mentioned before, Rossi redesigned his reactor from a
  small cylindrical design (original ECat and the EKitten
  design) to a flat "fat cat" design.  The reason for this, IMO,
  is to design a reactor that would be more efficient with
  sparks delivery.  This allowed him to controll his reaction
  better as DGT seems to have found out - that is, control the
  reaction rate with the apllication and modulation of sparks. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Fang Sen 
  Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 5:55 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Defkalion
  The reactor I saw is shown on Defkalion's website
  G'Day,  I wanted to point out some of the items that I
saw are now being shown on Defkalion's website:
  The room is the same room as I visited.
  On page one, the 3rd picture from the left,  in the
middle is a graph of temperature.  Note the cross
hatching.  This is fusion taking place using two items
depicted on page 13 & 14.  This cross
hatching depicts  a VERY high temperature.
  Just look at page 5 at the 'box' It's got hardly
anything connected to it.  Hydrogen, two wires and a
  The test reactor I saw running is on page 23 & 24. 
It only had a hydrogen line at 1bar connected along with
two wires.  These wires were connected to an item shown
on page  13 & 14 in the VERY center of the picture.
I'll leave it to you to find the item.  They are not
connected.  They are VERY important.  Heck there's one
just sitting on the table on page 18. in the rignt
hand picture.  Page 24 is just as I saw it.  Note the
items on each side of the reactor vessel.
  Page 16 actually shows the wire that should be
connected and isn't.  There should be two of them.  That
same item on pages 13, 14 is also sticking out of the
  This test reactor was SO simple.  What is being shown
now, is a plethora of thermo couples to closely measure
the reactor's temperature in various places within the
reactor. This means, to me, that they are trying to
optimise the reactor and possible internal design
changes.  These themocouples are positioned where the
fluid would flow through the reactor.