Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-13 Thread Axil Axil
Since the electromagnetic and the weak force are closely related I wonder….

If charge accumulation causes electromagnetic fields to build charge
screening strong enough to completely lower the coulomb barrier, why is it
safe to assume that the weak force will still be strong enough to operate
the standard radioactive decay function.

I wonder if the strong force will rearrange the nucleus during the fusion
process in a way that does not consider any interaction or interference
with the weak force therefore leading to the exclusive production of stable

If the electroweak force goes away, does the strong force change its
nature? Do protons attract each other inside the nucleus the way electrons
do in cooper pair formation as happens in superconductivity?

The bottom line is, can we assume that our understanding of the way
isotopes form and behave in cold fusion is the same as happens in nuclear

The lack of unstable isotopes in cold fusion might mean that cold fusion is
not caused by neutrons but by charge screening.

Cheers:   Axil

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Eric Walker wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 2:12 AM, Alain Sepeda alain.sep...@gmail.comwrote:

 one hypothesis about normal isotopic ratio in transmuted copper, is
 that the result is the same as nature, because the process is the same...
 Larsen talk about R and S nucleosynthetis process, not so different from
 WL (or similar neutron or hydrino absorption)

 I think the rate of flux is an important variable.  With a high flux, the
 isotope ratios that result after everything has settled will be different
 than with those after an anemic flux.  It is possible that you would need a
 similar flux to what occurs during r-process nucleosynthesis in supernovae
 to get similar ratios.  Such a flux is generally very high.  But another
 variable here is the speed of the neutrons.  I suppose those emanating from
 a supernova will be traveling very fast, and if you had much slower ones,
 the flux might not need to be high to get comparable ratios.

 Ed Storms brings up an excellent point about neutron-based explanations.
  Here is my elaboration:  it is true that the neutron-capture cross section
 goes way down when the neutrons are very slow.  But that's a relative
 change of what is normally measured at higher energies, and even with a
 hypothesized momentum near or at zero, the cross section will not be
 infinite.  So there will be some elastic collisions with atoms in the
 environment, and some of the neutrons can be expected to thermalize and
 exit the system.  You would then expect to see a substantial number of
 these be picked up in a detector, but this is not seen.


Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-13 Thread pagnucco

Your statement below -

it is true that the neutron-capture cross section goes way down when the
neutrons are very slow.

- is not strictly correct.

Check the 'Atlas of Neutron Capture Cross Sections' web page at:

Click on, say, 'Ni' in the periodic table shown, then check the cross
sections for various nickel isotopes.  They can be thousands of 'barns'
(i.e., the cross section of a uranium nucleus).  Most Ni cross sections go
up quickly as neutron kinetic energy declines.

The statement that escaping neutrons should be found may be correct.
However, the interaction of low energy neutrons with nanoparticles, or
surfaces with nano-topography seems complicated, so I'm unsure.

-- Lou Pagnucco

Eric Walker wrote:
 Ed Storms brings up an excellent point about neutron-based explanations.
  Here is my elaboration:  it is true that the neutron-capture cross
 goes way down when the neutrons are very slow.  But that's a relative
 change of what is normally measured at higher energies, and even with a
 hypothesized momentum near or at zero, the cross section will not be
 infinite.  So there will be some elastic collisions with atoms in the
 environment, and some of the neutrons can be expected to thermalize and
 exit the system.  You would then expect to see a substantial number of
 these be picked up in a detector, but this is not seen.


Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-13 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:11 AM, wrote:

  it is true that the neutron-capture cross section goes way down when the
 neutrons are very slow.

Good catch -- a typo.  I meant to say that the cross section increases,
i.e., neutron capture becomes more likely.  I've been flipping concepts
lately; I did that with wavelength/frequency in an earlier post.  It's nice
to see some graphs of the change in cross section.

The statement that escaping neutrons should be found may be correct.
 However, the interaction of low energy neutrons with nanoparticles, or
 surfaces with nano-topography seems complicated, so I'm unsure.

Makes sense.


RE: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-13 Thread Jones Beene

From: Eric Walker 
it is true that the neutron-capture cross section goes way
down when the
neutrons are very slow.

Good catch -- a typo.  I meant to say that the cross section
increases, i.e., neutron capture becomes more likely.  I've been flipping
concepts lately.

You got it right the first time – at least with regard to many elements and
especially the most important one.

The study of neutrons at cryogenic temperature is well-known. And in fact
nickel, in particular, is known to reflect cold neutrons, when it would
otherwise absorb them if they were warmer. Are ULM neutrons somehow warm?

In fact, nickel is often used in experimental cryogenic neutron devices
because it does not absorb ultracold neutrons. See the table here:

If you want to defend W-L, which is impossible, start by trying to imagine
how “ultra low momentum” differs from “ultra cold” and then ask yourself how
the authors and supporters of such a brain-dead theory can continue to
overlook the 800 pound gorilla in the closet?

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-13 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 The study of neutrons at cryogenic temperature is well-known. And in fact

nickel, in particular, is known to reflect cold neutrons, when it would
 otherwise absorb them if they were warmer. Are ULM neutrons somehow warm?

According to the Wikipedia article, 58Ni (the most abundant natural
isotope) has the highest neutron optical potential (likelihood of
reflecting a neutron).  That's really funny.  Thanks for the pointer.

The page that Lou mentioned indicates that certain isotopes of nickel have
a neutron capture cross section in the range of 10^3 - 10^4 barns for very
low energies, and the graphs increase as you go from right to left.  But
the ones for 58Ni and 60Ni have a sharp drop at around 10,000 neV -- is
this due to the neutron optical potential?

58Ni (68 percent) and 60Ni (26.2 percent) are the most abundant isotopes.
 The remaining 5.8 percent will be the others, all with relatively high
cross sections. But what this seems to mean is that in order to have
neutron-generated power and avoid seeing thermalized neutrons that would be
picked up by a detector, you need next to no neutrons below the neutron
optical potentials for 58Ni and 60Ni or you need a change to occur in the
optical potential.  Assuming the latter does not happen, there appears to
be an energy threshold below which you will see neutrons in a detector
-- 335 neV in the case of 58Ni.  That seems to eliminate a
convenient asymptotic trend to arbitrarily high cross sections that would
be capable of making every neutron that is generated disappear before it
leaves the system.

Without a decent simulation or some number crunching, it is hard to know
exactly how the numbers would turn out for different starting energies.
 But needless to say there's a prima facie case against slow neutrons.

If you want to defend W-L, which is impossible, start by trying to imagine
 how “ultra low momentum” differs from “ultra cold”

No desire on my part to defend W-L, in particular, although I don't have
the scorn for them that some do.  It's a luxury of my having no training in
physics to not have the gag reflex that many more knowledgeable people do
when they hear about W-L.  I took physics 101 in college and did fine, but
not physics 201, so most of this stuff is new to me.

Can you elaborate on what you have in mind in contrasting ultra low
momentum with ultra cold?

and then ask yourself how
 the authors and supporters of such a brain-dead theory can continue to
 overlook the 800 pound gorilla in the closet?

The plausibility of neutron-based explanations aside, I think there are
many 800 pound gorillas.  I'm distressed that my nano-Polywell reactor will
probably have to deal with the usual branching ratio gorilla and with a
prompt gamma to soft x-ray/extreme ultra violet conversion gorilla.  I
guess it partly comes down to which fantastic set of modifications to
physics that one is willing to defend.


Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-12 Thread pagnucco
Your question of whether Rossi or W-L are correct (if either is) made me
want to check whether a cascade of neutron captures suggested by W-L were
consistent with Rossi's reports.

Using the data from the wiki-page on masses and half-lives for Ni-isotopes
-- it appears that the sequence of neutron captures are all exothermic -
  | (8.2 Mev)
  | (10.5 Mev)
  | (7.0 Mev)
61Ni   (energy released)
  | (9.8 Mev)
  | (6.1 Mev)
  | (8.9 Mev)
  | (5.3 Mev)
65Ni -- 65Cu (stable)
  | (8.1 Mev)
66Ni -- 66Cu -- 66Zn (stable)

(The ~780 Kev cost of electron capture is subracted from energy figures.)
From 58Ni through 64Ni, half-lives are very long.
After 66Ni, half-lives become too short to provide much transmutation ash.

If we start with off-the-shelf Ni (normal isotopic mix), it looks like
very little Cu63 would result, but there could be significant amounts of
65Cu and some 66Zn.  The distribution of 58Ni-64Ni should show enhanced
concentrations of the heavier Ni-isotopes.

Rossi claims he use Ni enriched in 62Ni and 64Ni in the e-cat.  Unless
they have significantly larger cross-sections to capture low energy
neutrons, the enrichment would probably not help if W-L neutrons are

(The Lattice Energy website on Nickel-Seed LENR Networks that may have a
more complete analysis than mine.)

Rossi claims the e-cat LENR results from Ni-proton capture.

-- Lou Pagnucco

Dave Roberson wrote:

 I have been reviewing a table of nuclides in an attempt to make sense of
 the process suggested by WL proponents and those of Rossi.  In the WL
 theory a neutron is formed by the combination of an electron and a proton
 with the .78 MeV of energy being supplied by their process.  This neutron
 then finds its way into a nucleus of nickel in this version of devices and
 energy is released.  The final result is the next heavier isotope of
 nickel plus a significant amount of energy.
 The Rossi process involves the insertion of a proton into the nucleus of
 the subject nickel atom forming a new copper atom along with release of
 energy.  Some of the copper isotopes formed by addition of a proton into
 their parent nickel isotopes decay by beta plus action into the next
 heavier nickel isotope along with a release of additional energy.
 The above two paragraphs offer an extremely brief description of the two
 theories.  They are not intended to get into details which can be located
 within many documents.
 My purpose for writing this document is to reveal an interesting
 observation that I have made concerning the two processes.  This may be
 well known to many of the people on the list, but it is new to me and I
 offer it as a refresher.
 If you take any stable isotope of an element, for example nickel 60 and
 either add a neutron as with the WL process or overcome the Coulomb
 barrier by forcing a proton into the nucleus you find an interesting
 result.  In virtually every case only one of these processes leads to a
 stable isotope in a single reaction.  There are only a couple of
 exceptions to this observation and that appears to be when neither process
 results in a single step stable new atom.   Of course the newly created
 atoms will all eventually decay in steps until a stable result is
 I further notice that the end result of the two processes is the same
 nuclide.  An example is as follows: Start with Ni60 and add a proton to it
 by forcing the particle against the Coulomb barrier and you obtain Cu61.
 Some immediate energy is released by the new element and at a half life
 later a Beta Plus decay process occurs which releases more energy.  The
 Beta Plus decay leaves us with Ni61.  The energy release is composed of
 two parts as we progress from Ni60 to Ni61.
 Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the
 Ni60 nucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly
 formed and a significant amount of energy is released.
 I followed both of these processes through several different elements and
 can state that the same total energy is released regardless of the path
 taken when I start with an isotope of an element and end at the same final
 product.   I consider this an important and useful observation.
 A second issue I would like to discuss is also interesting and leads to
 some neat results.  The above rule that I found makes it impossible to
 have two stable isotopes of elements with the same number of nucleons that
 are one level apart.  An example of this rule would be that since He3 is
 stable, then H3 cannot be.   Or, since Ni61 is stable, then Cu61 is
 unstable.  This appears to apply throughout the entire list of elements
 and I would appreciate it for others to verify this conclusion.
 I have a couple of additional concepts that I plan to present at a later
 time, so for now review what I have observed and please make relevant

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-12 Thread Alain Sepeda
I won't be surprised if he use raw nickel, and pretend it enriched just as
he say COP is limited to 6, that gamma heat the lead...
to fool the pursuers...

by the way the idea that only the beginning and end of the reaction account
for energy release is normal.
We just have to remind about the neutrino kinetic energy, but it is small
(linked to conservation of momentum, and thus initial and final momentum of
other particles, that we should notice if huge).

one hypothesis about normal isotopic ratio in transmuted copper, is that
the result is the same as nature, because the process is the same...
Larsen talk about R and S nucleosynthetis process, not so different from WL
(or similar neutron or hydrino absorption)

another hypothesis is manipulation or mistake. With Rossi this is not to

about guessing the theory, the results of Iwamura give strong data.
in fact not the results (which just show nucleon+nucleus reaction), but the
initial condition which are very controlled and simpler compared to SPAWAR,
FP, Celani, Piantelli...

Some should analyse if they match ES crack theory, WL surface theory,
Brillouin bulk Q-wave theory, Takahashi bulk TSC theory, Kim zubarev theory.

if we can divide by 2 the number of theories it should be good.
This experiment was very controlled, so it should eliminate some hypothesis.


 Your question of whether Rossi or W-L are correct (if either is) made me
 want to check whether a cascade of neutron captures suggested by W-L were
 consistent with Rossi's reports.

 Using the data from the wiki-page on masses and half-lives for Ni-isotopes
 -- it appears that the sequence of neutron captures are all exothermic -
  | (8.2 Mev)
  | (10.5 Mev)
  | (7.0 Mev)
 61Ni   (energy released)
  | (9.8 Mev)
  | (6.1 Mev)
  | (8.9 Mev)
  | (5.3 Mev)
 65Ni -- 65Cu (stable)
  | (8.1 Mev)
 66Ni -- 66Cu -- 66Zn (stable)

 (The ~780 Kev cost of electron capture is subracted from energy figures.)
 From 58Ni through 64Ni, half-lives are very long.
 After 66Ni, half-lives become too short to provide much transmutation

 If we start with off-the-shelf Ni (normal isotopic mix), it looks like
 very little Cu63 would result, but there could be significant amounts of
 65Cu and some 66Zn.  The distribution of 58Ni-64Ni should show enhanced
 concentrations of the heavier Ni-isotopes.

 Rossi claims he use Ni enriched in 62Ni and 64Ni in the e-cat.  Unless
 they have significantly larger cross-sections to capture low energy
 neutrons, the enrichment would probably not help if W-L neutrons are

 (The Lattice Energy website on Nickel-Seed LENR Networks that may have a
 more complete analysis than mine.)

 Rossi claims the e-cat LENR results from Ni-proton capture.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 Dave Roberson wrote:
  I have been reviewing a table of nuclides in an attempt to make sense of
  the process suggested by WL proponents and those of Rossi.  In the WL
  theory a neutron is formed by the combination of an electron and a proton
  with the .78 MeV of energy being supplied by their process.  This neutron
  then finds its way into a nucleus of nickel in this version of devices
  energy is released.  The final result is the next heavier isotope of
  nickel plus a significant amount of energy.
  The Rossi process involves the insertion of a proton into the nucleus of
  the subject nickel atom forming a new copper atom along with release of
  energy.  Some of the copper isotopes formed by addition of a proton into
  their parent nickel isotopes decay by beta plus action into the next
  heavier nickel isotope along with a release of additional energy.
  The above two paragraphs offer an extremely brief description of the two
  theories.  They are not intended to get into details which can be located
  within many documents.
  My purpose for writing this document is to reveal an interesting
  observation that I have made concerning the two processes.  This may be
  well known to many of the people on the list, but it is new to me and I
  offer it as a refresher.
  If you take any stable isotope of an element, for example nickel 60 and
  either add a neutron as with the WL process or overcome the Coulomb
  barrier by forcing a proton into the nucleus you find an interesting
  result.  In virtually every case only one of these processes leads to a
  stable isotope in a single reaction.  There are only a couple of
  exceptions to this observation and that appears to be when neither
  results in a single step stable new atom.   Of course the newly created
  atoms will all eventually decay in steps until a stable result is
  I further notice that the end result of the two processes is the same
  nuclide.  An example is as follows: Start with Ni60 and add a proton to
  by forcing the particle against the Coulomb 

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-12 Thread Eric Walker
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 2:12 AM, Alain Sepeda alain.sep...@gmail.comwrote:

 one hypothesis about normal isotopic ratio in transmuted copper, is that
 the result is the same as nature, because the process is the same...
 Larsen talk about R and S nucleosynthetis process, not so different from
 WL (or similar neutron or hydrino absorption)

I think the rate of flux is an important variable.  With a high flux, the
isotope ratios that result after everything has settled will be different
than with those after an anemic flux.  It is possible that you would need a
similar flux to what occurs during r-process nucleosynthesis in supernovae
to get similar ratios.  Such a flux is generally very high.  But another
variable here is the speed of the neutrons.  I suppose those emanating from
a supernova will be traveling very fast, and if you had much slower ones,
the flux might not need to be high to get comparable ratios.

Ed Storms brings up an excellent point about neutron-based explanations.
 Here is my elaboration:  it is true that the neutron-capture cross section
goes way down when the neutrons are very slow.  But that's a relative
change of what is normally measured at higher energies, and even with a
hypothesized momentum near or at zero, the cross section will not be
infinite.  So there will be some elastic collisions with atoms in the
environment, and some of the neutrons can be expected to thermalize and
exit the system.  You would then expect to see a substantial number of
these be picked up in a detector, but this is not seen.


[Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread David Roberson

I have been reviewing a table of nuclides in an attempt to make sense of the 
process suggested by WL proponents and those of Rossi.  In the WL theory a 
neutron is formed by the combination of an electron and a proton with the .78 
MeV of energy being supplied by their process.  This neutron then finds its way 
into a nucleus of nickel in this version of devices and energy is released.  
The final result is the next heavier isotope of nickel plus a significant 
amount of energy.
The Rossi process involves the insertion of a proton into the nucleus of the 
subject nickel atom forming a new copper atom along with release of energy.  
Some of the copper isotopes formed by addition of a proton into their parent 
nickel isotopes decay by beta plus action into the next heavier nickel isotope 
along with a release of additional energy.
The above two paragraphs offer an extremely brief description of the two 
theories.  They are not intended to get into details which can be located 
within many documents.
My purpose for writing this document is to reveal an interesting observation 
that I have made concerning the two processes.  This may be well known to many 
of the people on the list, but it is new to me and I offer it as a refresher.
If you take any stable isotope of an element, for example nickel 60 and either 
add a neutron as with the WL process or overcome the Coulomb barrier by 
forcing a proton into the nucleus you find an interesting result.  In virtually 
every case only one of these processes leads to a stable isotope in a single 
reaction.  There are only a couple of exceptions to this observation and that 
appears to be when neither process results in a single step stable new atom.   
Of course the newly created atoms will all eventually decay in steps until a 
stable result is obtained.
I further notice that the end result of the two processes is the same nuclide.  
An example is as follows: Start with Ni60 and add a proton to it by forcing the 
particle against the Coulomb barrier and you obtain Cu61.  Some immediate 
energy is released by the new element and at a half life later a Beta Plus 
decay process occurs which releases more energy.  The Beta Plus decay leaves us 
with Ni61.  The energy release is composed of two parts as we progress from 
Ni60 to Ni61.
Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the Ni60 
nucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly formed and a 
significant amount of energy is released.
I followed both of these processes through several different elements and can 
state that the same total energy is released regardless of the path taken when 
I start with an isotope of an element and end at the same final product.   I 
consider this an important and useful observation.  
A second issue I would like to discuss is also interesting and leads to some 
neat results.  The above rule that I found makes it impossible to have two 
stable isotopes of elements with the same number of nucleons that are one level 
apart.  An example of this rule would be that since He3 is stable, then H3 
cannot be.   Or, since Ni61 is stable, then Cu61 is unstable.  This appears to 
apply throughout the entire list of elements and I would appreciate it for 
others to verify this conclusion.
I have a couple of additional concepts that I plan to present at a later time, 
so for now review what I have observed and please make relevant comments.

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread Axil Axil
Do you think that a double proton reaction is possible as per Kim

I offer this possibility because Piantelli has seen protons at an energy of
6 MeV emanate from the nickel bars that he uses in his reactor when they
are placed in a cloud chamber after they are removed from  his reactor
immediately after use.

Cheers:  Axil

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:49 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 I have been reviewing a table of nuclides in an attempt to make sense of
 the process suggested by WL proponents and those of Rossi.  In the WL
 theory a neutron is formed by the combination of an electron and a proton
 with the .78 MeV of energy being supplied by their process.  This neutron
 then finds its way into a nucleus of nickel in this version of devices and
 energy is released.  The final result is the next heavier isotope of
 nickel plus a significant amount of energy.
 The Rossi process involves the insertion of a proton into the nucleus of
 the subject nickel atom forming a new copper atom along with release of
 energy.  Some of the copper isotopes formed by addition of a proton into
 their parent nickel isotopes decay by beta plus action into the next
 heavier nickel isotope along with a release of additional energy.
 The above two paragraphs offer an extremely brief description of the two
 theories.  They are not intended to get into details which can be located
 within many documents.
 My purpose for writing this document is to reveal an interesting
 observation that I have made concerning the two processes.  This may be
 well known to many of the people on the list, but it is new to me and I
 offer it as a refresher.
 If you take any stable isotope of an element, for example nickel 60 and
 either add a neutron as with the WL process or overcome the Coulomb
 barrier by forcing a proton into the nucleus you find an interesting result.
 In virtually every case only one of these processes leads to a stable
 isotope in a single reaction.  There are only a couple of exceptions to
 this observation and that appears to be when neither process results in a
 single step stable new atom.   Of course the newly created atoms will all
 eventually decay in steps until a stable result is obtained.
 I further notice that the end result of the two processes is the same
 nuclide.  An example is as follows: Start with Ni60 and add a proton to
 it by forcing the particle against the Coulomb barrier and you obtain Cu61.
 Some immediate energy is released by the new element and at a half life
 later a Beta Plus decay process occurs which releases more energy.  The
 Beta Plus decay leaves us with Ni61.  The energy release is composed of
 two parts as we progress from Ni60 to Ni61.
 Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the
 Ni60 nucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly
 formed and a significant amount of energy is released.
 I followed both of these processes through several different elements and
 can state that the same total energy is released regardless of the path
 taken when I start with an isotope of an element and end at the same final
 product.   I consider this an important and useful observation.
 A second issue I would like to discuss is also interesting and leads to
 some neat results.  The above rule that I found makes it impossible to
 have two stable isotopes of elements with the same number of nucleons that
 are one level apart.  An example of this rule would be that since He3 is
 stable, then H3 cannot be.   Or, since Ni61 is stable, then Cu61 is
 unstable.  This appears to apply throughout the entire list of elements
 and I would appreciate it for others to verify this conclusion.
 I have a couple of additional concepts that I plan to present at a later
 time, so for now review what I have observed and please make relevant

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread mixent
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Mon, 11 Jun 2012 14:49:06 -0400 (EDT):
Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the Ni60 
nucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly formed and 
a significant amount of energy is released.
I followed both of these processes through several different elements and can 
state that the same total energy is released regardless of the path taken when 
I start with an isotope of an element and end at the same final product.   I 
consider this an important and useful observation.  

This is only true if you include the 0.782 MeV required to convert a Hydrogen
atom to a neutron (and is simply a restatement of the conservation of
mass-energy; hardly surprising). Otherwise you end up with a 0.782 MeV
discrepancy due to starting with H in one case and a neutron in the other case.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread David Roberson

I think that a double proton reaction is possible for a brief period of time 
until a beta plus decay occurs bringing stability.  The energy released can be 
easily determined by looking at the energy released when a neutron is added to 
H1.  This is a common energy level at 2.22402 MeV.  My hypothesis is that there 
would be a two part energy release.  The first would occur immediately after 
the protons joined and the second would be at the beta decay time.  A positron 
and neutrino would escape during the second release.  This concept is based 
upon the behavior of numerous different elements which hopefully continues in 
this unique condition.


-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 3:47 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

Do you think that a double proton reaction is possible as per Kim
I offer this possibility because Piantelli has seen protons at an energy of 6 
MeV emanate from the nickel bars that he uses in his reactor when they are 
placed in a cloud chamber after they are removed from  his reactor immediately 
after use.
Cheers:  Axil

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:49 PM, David Roberson wrote:

I have been reviewing a table of nuclides in an attempt to make sense of the 
process suggested by WL proponents and those of Rossi.  In the WL theory a 
neutron is formed by the combination of an electron and a proton with the .78 
MeV of energy being supplied by their process.  This neutron then finds its way 
into a nucleus of nickel in this version of devices and energy is released.  
The final result is the next heavier isotope of nickel plus a significant 
amount of energy.
The Rossi process involves the insertion of a proton into the nucleus of the 
subject nickel atom forming a new copper atom along with release of energy.  
Some of the copper isotopes formed by addition of a proton into their parent 
nickel isotopes decay by beta plus action into the next heavier nickel isotope 
along with a release of additional energy.
The above two paragraphs offer an extremely brief description of the two 
theories.  They are not intended to get into details which can be located 
within many documents.
My purpose for writing this document is to reveal an interesting observation 
that I have made concerning the two processes.  This may be well known to many 
of the people on the list, but it is new to me and I offer it as a refresher.
If you take any stable isotope of an element, for example nickel 60 and either 
add a neutron as with the WL process or overcome the Coulomb barrier by 
forcing a proton into the nucleus you find an interesting result.  In virtually 
every case only one of these processes leads to a stable isotope in a single 
reaction.  There are only a couple of exceptions to this observation and that 
appears to be when neither process results in a single step stable new atom.   
Of course the newly created atoms will all eventually decay in steps until a 
stable result is obtained.
I further notice that the end result of the two processes is the same nuclide.  
An example is as follows: Start with Ni60 and add a proton to it by forcing the 
particle against the Coulomb barrier and you obtain Cu61.  Some immediate 
energy is released by the new element and at a half life later a Beta Plus 
decay process occurs which releases more energy.  The Beta Plus decay leaves us 
with Ni61.  The energy release is composed of two parts as we progress from 
Ni60 to Ni61.
Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the Ni60 
nucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly formed and a 
significant amount of energy is released.
I followed both of these processes through several different elements and can 
state that the same total energy is released regardless of the path taken when 
I start with an isotope of an element and end at the same final product.   I 
consider this an important and useful observation.  
A second issue I would like to discuss is also interesting and leads to some 
neat results.  The above rule that I found makes it impossible to have two 
stable isotopes of elements with the same number of nucleons that are one level 
apart.  An example of this rule would be that since He3 is stable, then H3 
cannot be.   Or, since Ni61 is stable, then Cu61 is unstable.  This appears to 
apply throughout the entire list of elements and I would appreciate it for 
others to verify this conclusion.
I have a couple of additional concepts that I plan to present at a later time, 
so for now review what I have observed and please make relevant comments.

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread David Roberson

Yes, that is true.  I probably should have included that addition in my 
document to clarify the complete reaction.  I was starting with the individual 
proton and an electron plus the isotope.  The neutron is of course constructed 
by taking the proton and electron and adding that amount of energy.  This 
neutron construction energy must be removed from the final reaction in order to 
step back to the initial equal conditions.


-Original Message-
From: mixent
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 6:02 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Mon, 11 Jun 2012 14:49:06 -0400 (EDT):
Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the Ni60 
ucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly formed and a 
ignificant amount of energy is released.
I followed both of these processes through several different elements and can 
tate that the same total energy is released regardless of the path taken when I 
tart with an isotope of an element and end at the same final product.   I 
onsider this an important and useful observation.  
This is only true if you include the 0.782 MeV required to convert a Hydrogen
tom to a neutron (and is simply a restatement of the conservation of
ass-energy; hardly surprising). Otherwise you end up with a 0.782 MeV
iscrepancy due to starting with H in one case and a neutron in the other case.
Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread Jones Beene

From: David Roberson 


The above rule that I found makes it impossible to have two stable isotopes of 
elements with the same number of nucleons that are one level apart.  An example 
of this rule would be that since He3 is stable, then H3 cannot be


The possible exception is 40 nucleons. 


The “impossibility” depends on how precise you wording is. Is 10 billion years 
“stable”? If so, there is one exception. 


40Ar is 99+ of all argon. Argon is element 18. Element 19 is potassium. 40K is 
radioactive, but with an extremely long half-life, over one billion years, so 
there is still primordial potassium on earth, in the natural mineral, and there 
will be a diminishing amount for billions of years in the future. In fact, 
there should be some primordial potassium here when out sun expires. That is 
relatively stable.


So, to that extent 40K is both stable but radioactive. Of course, you can 
define “stable” to be “non-radioactive” but then you must take note that some 
grand unification theories (including the Sheldon Glashow original) predict 
that even the proton will decay eventually – making all mater radioactive in a 
long time enough time scale so that there are no stable and non-radioactive 
elements. Semantics is a bitch but 40 is magic.


Which is to say that 40 is a magic number for nucleons – so much so that 
calcium, element 20 also has a stable 40 nucleon isotope. Bottom line there are 
three adjoining elements in the periodic table which all have isotopes of 40 
a.m.u. and all retain at least an important percentage of that magic numbered 
isotope - from when our solar system formed 4-5 billion years ago.

Re: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition

2012-06-11 Thread David Roberson

I understand what you are saying about the 40 nucleon stability line and it 
follows my analysis as stated.  The Potassium isotope does decay into Ar40 or 
Ca40 with a half life of 1.248 Billion years.  Decay half life is relative and 
even though this represents a long period of time, it is still decaying as my 
hypothesis suggests.

If you take Potassium 39 and add a neutron to it as with a WL reaction you 
obtain Potassium 40.  This isotope then will decay into either Ar40 or Ca40 
according to the chart I have.  On the other hand, if I take Potassium 39 and 
add a proton and electron then I obtain Ca40 which is totally stable.

The 40 nucleon stability region comes close to violating the rule but does not 
quite make it.  Are you aware of any violations that meet the absolute 
criteria?  Any form of radioactivity would not qualify an element as totally 

I appreciate your finding this close call and there are others where the 
suspect isotope falls inside a parallel set of vertical lines of stability with 
proton addition.  Cl36 is located in a similar position and has a half life of 
300 k years.  


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 10:27 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]: Nuclear Stability and Proton or Neutron Addition


From: David Roberson 

The above rule that I found makes it impossible to have two stable isotopes of 
elements with the same number of nucleons that are one level apart.  An example 
of this rule would be that since He3 is stable, then H3 cannot be
The possible exception is 40 nucleons. 
The “impossibility” depends on how precise you wording is. Is 10 billion years 
“stable”? If so, there is one exception. 
40Ar is 99+ of all argon. Argon is element 18. Element 19 is potassium. 40K is 
radioactive, but with an extremely long half-life, over one billion years, so 
there is still primordial potassium on earth, in the natural mineral, and there 
will be a diminishing amount for billions of years in the future. In fact, 
there should be some primordial potassium here when out sun expires. That is 
relatively stable.
So, to that extent 40K is both stable but radioactive. Of course, you can 
define “stable” to be “non-radioactive” but then you must take note that some 
grand unification theories (including the Sheldon Glashow original) predict 
that even the proton will decay eventually – making all mater radioactive in a 
long time enough time scale so that there are no stable and non-radioactive 
elements. Semantics is a bitch but 40 is magic.
Which is to say that 40 is a magic number for nucleons – so much so that 
calcium, element 20 also has a stable 40 nucleon isotope. Bottom line there are 
three adjoining elements in the periodic table which all have isotopes of 40 
a.m.u. and all retain at least an important percentage of that magic numbered 
isotope - from when our solar system formed 4-5 billion years ago.