Your question of whether Rossi or W-L are correct (if either is) made me
want to check whether a cascade of neutron captures suggested by W-L were
consistent with Rossi's reports.

Using the data from the wiki-page on masses and half-lives for Ni-isotopes
-- it appears that the sequence of neutron captures are all exothermic -
  | (8.2 Mev)
  | (10.5 Mev)
  | (7.0 Mev)
61Ni               (energy released)
  | (9.8 Mev)
  | (6.1 Mev)
  | (8.9 Mev)
  | (5.3 Mev)
65Ni ---------- 65Cu (stable)
  | (8.1 Mev)
66Ni ---------- 66Cu ------ 66Zn (stable)

(The ~780 Kev cost of electron capture is subracted from energy figures.)
>From 58Ni through 64Ni, half-lives are very long.
After 66Ni, half-lives become too short to provide much transmutation "ash".

If we start with off-the-shelf Ni (normal isotopic mix), it looks like
very little Cu63 would result, but there could be significant amounts of
65Cu and some 66Zn.  The distribution of 58Ni-64Ni should show enhanced
concentrations of the heavier Ni-isotopes.

Rossi claims he use Ni enriched in 62Ni and 64Ni in the e-cat.  Unless
they have significantly larger cross-sections to capture low energy
neutrons, the enrichment would probably not help if W-L neutrons are

(The Lattice Energy website on "Nickel-Seed LENR Networks" that may have a
more complete analysis than mine.)

Rossi claims the e-cat LENR results from Ni-proton capture.

-- Lou Pagnucco

Dave Roberson wrote:
> I have been reviewing a table of nuclides in an attempt to make sense of
> the process suggested by W&L proponents and those of Rossi.  In the W&L
> theory a neutron is formed by the combination of an electron and a proton
> with the .78 MeV of energy being supplied by their process.  This neutron
> then finds its way into a nucleus of nickel in this version of devices and
> energy is released.  The final result is the next heavier isotope of
> nickel plus a significant amount of energy.
> The Rossi process involves the insertion of a proton into the nucleus of
> the subject nickel atom forming a new copper atom along with release of
> energy.  Some of the copper isotopes formed by addition of a proton into
> their parent nickel isotopes decay by beta plus action into the next
> heavier nickel isotope along with a release of additional energy.
> The above two paragraphs offer an extremely brief description of the two
> theories.  They are not intended to get into details which can be located
> within many documents.
> My purpose for writing this document is to reveal an interesting
> observation that I have made concerning the two processes.  This may be
> well known to many of the people on the list, but it is new to me and I
> offer it as a refresher.
> If you take any stable isotope of an element, for example nickel 60 and
> either add a neutron as with the W&L process or overcome the Coulomb
> barrier by forcing a proton into the nucleus you find an interesting
> result.  In virtually every case only one of these processes leads to a
> stable isotope in a single reaction.  There are only a couple of
> exceptions to this observation and that appears to be when neither process
> results in a single step stable new atom.   Of course the newly created
> atoms will all eventually decay in steps until a stable result is
> obtained.
> I further notice that the end result of the two processes is the same
> nuclide.  An example is as follows: Start with Ni60 and add a proton to it
> by forcing the particle against the Coulomb barrier and you obtain Cu61.
> Some immediate energy is released by the new element and at a half life
> later a Beta Plus decay process occurs which releases more energy.  The
> Beta Plus decay leaves us with Ni61.  The energy release is composed of
> two parts as we progress from Ni60 to Ni61.
> Now, instead of adding a proton, let’s allow a neutron to encounter the
> Ni60 nucleus.  In this case a stable isotope of nickel Ni61 is directly
> formed and a significant amount of energy is released.
> I followed both of these processes through several different elements and
> can state that the same total energy is released regardless of the path
> taken when I start with an isotope of an element and end at the same final
> product.   I consider this an important and useful observation.
> A second issue I would like to discuss is also interesting and leads to
> some neat results.  The above rule that I found makes it impossible to
> have two stable isotopes of elements with the same number of nucleons that
> are one level apart.  An example of this rule would be that since He3 is
> stable, then H3 cannot be.   Or, since Ni61 is stable, then Cu61 is
> unstable.  This appears to apply throughout the entire list of elements
> and I would appreciate it for others to verify this conclusion.
> I have a couple of additional concepts that I plan to present at a later
> time, so for now review what I have observed and please make relevant
> comments.
> Dave

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