[Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Jones Beene
- Original Message - 
From: Esa Ruoho

they can't say why  its  overunity - who would believe them? 
that's why they went public and are picking out a row of 
skeptical scientists to prove once and for all if its overunity 
or not.

Forget all that. Can you answer the single critical issue of 
self-power (or lack thereof) ?

If a self-powered unit exists now - where is it? - regardless of 
any explanations/ skepticism - a self-powered unit is all the 
evidence which in needed by anyone, skeptic or not.

Why not just call the BBC in to film it running under self-power, 
while those supposedly skeptical scientists are debating the 
underlying modality, which is probably related to ZPE/Casimir in 
some fashion? Is that too much to ask from a company which is 
seemingly struggling and dying for public recognition - and paying 
dearly for much of it instead of putting those resources into 
development ?

Let me say at the outset - that magnetic overunity [or magnets 
with coils, pendulums, or some combination of mechanical recycling 
of torque with a magnetic boost] will probably be demonstrated by 
someone next year - 2007 ! as there are many groups who are on the 
verge now. MPI would be expected to have something next year 
and/or Sprain in Atlanta, and five or six lesser and "fringier" 
efforts which include Perendev, Minato, Torbay and Steorn etc. I 
would put Steorn firmly at the tail end of this list, due solely 
to the way they have handled the announcement - but a single 
self-running demo will immediately change that. Not that it 
matters. Proof - not PR - is all that matters. Self-running = 

If Steorn were not so PR-oriented - and highly desirous of every 
kind-word of public recognition - why else did they announce this 
in such an expensive way, characteristic of a PR blitz (or the 
"Czech Dream") ? shouldn't a company which apparently has not paid 
their corporate licensing fees have saved the 100,000 pounds for 
the expensive advertising and just called up Oxford/Cambridge for 
a private showing? It just does not make sense - the way they have 
handled it, unless they have been hired to do it as a stunt of 
some kind. Maybe Branson or some other drama-queen is hiding in 
there somewhere.

Apparently (or if) it is not a self-runner, then that narrows the 
issue considerably, as **measurement error** is very common in 
this type of device. Almost anyone here, especially the 
"consultants" - if that was said in a derogatory fashion - could 
have explained this issue of likely measurement-error to Steorn - 
and in great detail. That is, had Steorn not "come out of 
nowhere" --- which is yet another problem for their credulity. 
There is a community of creative but careful scientific people 
involved heavily in this field, and no one at Steorn was not part 
of it - prior to recently.

And look at the wasted time. Steorn has wasted infinitely more 
precious time with mundane PR details, endless press questioning 
and facility tours, etc then a single BBC filming would have 
accomplished on day-one  ---IF---  Steorn has a device which will 
self-run. If not - the most of us will agree that it is likely 
measurement error.

Skeptics who want to go on record with the "told you so" thing 
should be focusing solely on that issue: is it self-running or 
not. If it is not, then Steorn has a monstrous problem on their 
hands and will probably look like fools in the end.

Plus - did not someone at Steorn actually claim that they had a 
device self-running for an extended period, but that they could 
not show it for some strange reason --- like it had been 
disassembled to make an even better model !

Ha! Sounds very much like the English crank scientist who claimed 
to have invented an anti-gravity device but he cold not show it to 
the skeptics because his wife had inadvertently turned it on - and 
it blasted through the roof of his home and escaped into space ! 
He could show the hole, however.

Suspension of disbelief has its limits.


(not a Steorn skeptic yet -- just stating the obvious 
inconsistencies with their story, and the sad way in which they 
have handled what could be a monumental discovery, if it could be 

Let me repeat - This is NOT the way science - even fringe-science 
is handled, and that is why all the suspicion is warranted - even 
though Steorn does not yet have the "tin cup" stretched out -- as 
the less-sophisticated scammers like to do early-on.

[Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Jones Beene
- Original Message - 
From: "Terry Blanton"

Recently we were able to run an Ecosmart (neat story there) 
generator to power a load at a net COP of about 3.2 including 
the inefficiency ('bout 50%) of the PEM gen (thanks Jones!)

OK for the record, TB is being sarcastic - yes, that generator may 
have turned out to be only 50% efficient at very low speed, but is 
still has very high efficiency potential - at anything above a 
snail's pace - not my fault!

Terry asked me to recommend a high efficiency generator, and I 
sent him the idea and info on rewinding the Ecosmart, which he 
did. As have others - it is an excellent low cost generator for 
home windmills etc.

This motor is made by Fisher & Paykel in OZ but available here for 
a fair price. At even 1000 RPM they have told me the generator 
should be 95% eff.  - but hey - Terry wanted to run it a less than 
100 RPM ! and without gearing it up !

Bad Idea. Many motors have very high drop-offs in eff. when run 
out of spec and - worst of all - it would have been relatively 
easy to gear this thing up with two bicycle sprocket-pairs and 
chains - if it had been done from the git-go - which they never 
did. Pity because this generator coulda/shoulda been enough to 
allow self-power --- if--- that is, Sprain truly does have that 
much COP margin to play with (despite Terry's formidable skills, I 
am not convinced of that large margin from what I've seen on the 
site he has referenced).

But then again, nobody slows/tells everything...


[Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread Jones Beene
- Original Message - 
From: "Stephen A. Lawrence"

I've recused myself from all technical debates on the reality or 
possibility of OU magnetic motors until I come up with a good 
answer to the following question:

When an electron is accelerated in a nonuniform magnetic field 
due to the electron's own (permanent) magnetic dipole, where 
does the energy come from?

Depends on how many layers deep to you need to go, Neo. This can 
be one deep rabbit-hole, especially when you forget your meds...

On one lower level there is the well-known prhenomenon of magentic 
precession of domains in a permanent magnet (PM), no?

Precession involves angular momentum, no?

Angular momentum can be transfered, no?

If a PM is capable, at the domain level, of transfering some of 
its precessional angular momentum away from its aligned and 
synchronous domains-  then that would necessarily be a 
conservative situation... and the magnet would/should become 
demagnetized... unless ??

Unless something (some quantum force or effect) akin to the 
Casimir force was capable of applying an effectvie pressure, at 
the domain level, so that the angular momentum of the PM - which 
had been lessened by a small amount in the transfer of energy [to 
either a valence electron or another unrelated domain] was 
immediately recouped (or "regauged" as Bearden likes to 

Can we stop at the level of the Casimir force?


...ain't Vortex great? ... fast-and-loose answers for every deep 

Kinda like Wonderland, no? ...that marvellous place "like a dream 
come true" and with the occasional pop-literary "Down the 
Rabbit-Hole," cross-referencing.

... as when Morpheus says to Neo "I imagine that right now you're 
feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling down the rabbit hole" ... " 
take the red pill and I will show you how deep the rabbit-hole 

[VO]:Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote..

On one lower level there is the well-known prhenomenon of magentic 
precession of domains in a permanent magnet (PM), no?

Precession involves angular momentum, no?

Angular momentum can be transfered, no?

If a PM is capable, at the domain level, of transfering some of 
its precessional angular momentum away from its aligned and 
synchronous domains-  then that would necessarily be a 
conservative situation... and the magnet would/should become 
demagnetized... unless ??

Unless something (some quantum force or effect) akin to the 
Casimir force was capable of applying an effectvie pressure, at 
the domain level, so that the angular momentum of the PM - which 
had been lessened by a small amount in the transfer of energy [to 
either a valence electron or another unrelated domain] was 
immediately recouped (or "regauged" as Bearden likes to 

Howdy Jones,

Been thinking about how to fit a section of 4 inch clear PVC pipe into the test 
rig we are designing . The pipe will "encase" the eyewall type vortex .. approx 
3 ft in vertical length. In this section we plan to flange in various pipe 
segments for experiments.
One will be a section of magnets. The idea is to use neodym  1/2'"dia x 1/4 " 
and  imbed them flush with the inside dia of the pipe. Then came and idea to 
fix the magnets into the pipe in an upward spiral that matches the normal 
vortex upward spiral . Also add some removable s shaped"clips" inside the pipe 
would enchance the vortex possibly. The question arose about adding a section 
of pipe for a ultrasonic "horn " segment .. above or below the magnet section.. 
We decided since the pipe segments are modular, they can be installed either 
way to determine results. Had another e-mail suggesting we design a segment 
with copper rings and add a " tesla coil"  setup firing circuit into the water 
vortex... sounds kinda wild but we will add it if anyone has any experience in 
electro- water setups of this type.
Weare also studying how to install a UV lamp inside the pipe to interact with 
the vortex.

Als planning to arrange the 4 inch vertical pipe so an external pipe shroud can 
be installed and sealed with another liquid. This experiment could be used to 
determine if there is a temperature differential result from the formation of 
the vortex in the inner pipe filled with water.. 

Fun stuff..

Blank Bkgrd.gif
Description: GIF image

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Paul
--- Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message - 
> From: Esa Ruoho
> > they can't say why  its  overunity - who would
> believe them? 
> > that's why they went public and are picking out a
> row of 
> > skeptical scientists to prove once and for all if
> its overunity 
> > or not.
> Forget all that. Can you answer the single critical
> issue of 
> self-power (or lack thereof) ?
> If a self-powered unit exists now - where is it? -
> regardless of 
> any explanations/ skepticism - a self-powered unit
> is all the 
> evidence which in needed by anyone, skeptic or not.
> Why not just call the BBC in to film it running
> under self-power, 
> while those supposedly skeptical scientists are
> debating the 
> underlying modality, which is probably related to
> ZPE/Casimir in 
> some fashion? Is that too much to ask from a company
> which is 
> seemingly struggling and dying for public
> recognition - and paying 
> dearly for much of it instead of putting those
> resources into 
> development ?
> Let me say at the outset - that magnetic overunity
> [or magnets 
> with coils, pendulums, or some combination of
> mechanical recycling 
> of torque with a magnetic boost] will probably be
> demonstrated by 
> someone next year - 2007 ! as there are many groups
> who are on the 
> verge now. MPI would be expected to have something
> next year 
> and/or Sprain in Atlanta, and five or six lesser and
> "fringier" 
> efforts which include Perendev, Minato, Torbay and
> Steorn etc. I 
> would put Steorn firmly at the tail end of this
> list, due solely 
> to the way they have handled the announcement - but
> a single 
> self-running demo will immediately change that. Not
> that it 
> matters. Proof - not PR - is all that matters.
> Self-running = 
> Proof.
> If Steorn were not so PR-oriented - and highly
> desirous of every 
> kind-word of public recognition - why else did they
> announce this 
> in such an expensive way, characteristic of a PR
> blitz (or the 
> "Czech Dream") ? shouldn't a company which
> apparently has not paid 
> their corporate licensing fees have saved the
> 100,000 pounds for 
> the expensive advertising and just called up
> Oxford/Cambridge for 
> a private showing? It just does not make sense - the
> way they have 
> handled it, unless they have been hired to do it as
> a stunt of 
> some kind. Maybe Branson or some other drama-queen
> is hiding in 
> there somewhere.
> Apparently (or if) it is not a self-runner, then
> that narrows the 
> issue considerably, as **measurement error** is very
> common in 
> this type of device. Almost anyone here, especially
> the 
> "consultants" - if that was said in a derogatory
> fashion - could 
> have explained this issue of likely
> measurement-error to Steorn - 
> and in great detail. That is, had Steorn not "come
> out of 
> nowhere" --- which is yet another problem for their
> credulity. 
> There is a community of creative but careful
> scientific people 
> involved heavily in this field, and no one at Steorn
> was not part 
> of it - prior to recently.
> And look at the wasted time. Steorn has wasted
> infinitely more 
> precious time with mundane PR details, endless press
> questioning 
> and facility tours, etc then a single BBC filming
> would have 
> accomplished on day-one  ---IF---  Steorn has a
> device which will 
> self-run. If not - the most of us will agree that it
> is likely 
> measurement error.
> Skeptics who want to go on record with the "told you
> so" thing 
> should be focusing solely on that issue: is it
> self-running or 
> not. If it is not, then Steorn has a monstrous
> problem on their 
> hands and will probably look like fools in the end.
> Plus - did not someone at Steorn actually claim that
> they had a 
> device self-running for an extended period, but that
> they could 
> not show it for some strange reason --- like it had
> been 
> disassembled to make an even better model !
> Ha! Sounds very much like the English crank
> scientist who claimed 
> to have invented an anti-gravity device but he cold
> not show it to 
> the skeptics because his wife had inadvertently
> turned it on - and 
> it blasted through the roof of his home and escaped
> into space ! 
> He could show the hole, however.
> Suspension of disbelief has its limits.
> Jones
> (not a Steorn skeptic yet -- just stating the
> obvious 
> inconsistencies with their story, and the sad way in
> which they 
> have handled what could be a monumental discovery,
> if it could be 
> believed)
> Let me repeat - This is NOT the way science - even
> fringe-science 
> is handled, and that is why all the suspicion is
> warranted - even 
> though Steorn does not yet have the "tin cup"
> stretched out -- as 
> the less-sophisticated scammers like to do early-on.

I have something to add.  I have no idea if Steorn is
legit, but personally I have seen far too many claims.
We all know what has happened. Such a group

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Rhong Dhong
Here's what I've been able to glean from their site.

It is self-powered. There is no input.

They won't do demos because, they say, they'll be 
put down as conmen unless a jury of reputable
scientists confirms the OU.

They'll announce their first products the day the jury
announces its verdict.

They have said they continue to file applications for
patents on different implementations of the basic

The basic configuration is simple.

My guess is that if somebody versed in the art were to
have even a cursory look at the device, he could go
home and build his own. That's just a guess, but it
would explain their reluctance to demo it. To put it
another way, whatever good their demo did for them
would be outweighed by everybody and his brother
copying the device and beating them to the market.

They're not struggling or dying for public
recognition. The CEO says they used the economist ad
and the early interviews to get scientists to take up
their challenge. Now that that has been accomplished,
they don't need publicity.

>From what I can see, they are doing nothing to seek
publicity; there is almost zero media mention of them
these days.

They claim to have a 550bhp motor, and have tested the
effect for three years. A measurement error seems very

The CEO says no device has stopped running unless a
mechanical part wore out or they shut it down.

They are fully funded and do not need investors to
bring the device(s) to market. The CEO has said they
will not accept investment money.

Steorn have not 'come out of nowhere', at least in the
sense of being a bona fide company, with a track
record of accomplishment.
That goes, too, for the CEO, who has been an engineer
since 1989. They have about 20 full-time employees and
several consultants. Their engineers all have
university degress, some of them advanced degrees

An independent observer has visited their offices,
which she describes as extensive and well-guarded,
seen documentation on a couple of the jurors, and
confirmed that they are reputable scientists.

She has seen a video of the CEO of a European
manufacturing partner of Steorn's as he assembled a
test device and started it running. He said, in the
video, that he left it running over a weekend and when
he returned it was still running.

She looked him up on the internet, and found a picture
of him on his company's website. It was the same man
she saw in the video.

You say:
[**magnetic overunity [or magnets with coils,
pendulums, or some combination of mechanical recycling
of torque with a magnetic boost] will probably be
demonstrated by someone next year - 2007 ! as there
are many groups who are on the verge now. MPI would be
expected to have something next year and/or Sprain in

You think MPI is 'on the verge', but they've been 'on
the verge' for years, and have continually asked for
more money, and have demonstrated nothing.

Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but
promises to do so soon.

I don't see how you can speak respectfully of those
outfits while deprecating Steorn's claims. You
complain that Steorn has demonstrated nothing, but
neither has MPI or Sprain. It's almost as if you
require 10 times the proof from Steorn that you do
from anyone else.

You also say:
[**Steorn does not yet have the "tin cup" stretched
out -- as the less-sophisticated scammers like to do

It sounds like you are flat-out calling them scammers.

Jones Beene wrote:
> - Original Message - From: Esa Ruoho
>> they can't say why  its  overunity - who would
believe them? that's 
>> why they went public and are picking out a row of
skeptical scientists 
>> to prove once and for all if its overunity or not.
> Forget all that. Can you answer the single critical
issue of self-power 
> (or lack thereof) ?
> If a self-powered unit exists now - where is it? -
regardless of any 
> explanations/ skepticism - a self-powered unit is
all the evidence which 
> in needed by anyone, skeptic or not.
> Why not just call the BBC in to film it running
under self-power, while 
> those supposedly skeptical scientists are debating
the underlying 
> modality, which is probably related to ZPE/Casimir
in some fashion? Is 
> that too much to ask from a company which is
seemingly struggling and 
> dying for public recognition - and paying dearly for
much of it instead 
> of putting those resources into development ?
> Let me say at the outset - that magnetic overunity
[or magnets with 
> coils, pendulums, or some combination of mechanical
recycling of torque 
> with a magnetic boost] will probably be demonstrated
by someone next 
> year - 2007 ! as there are many groups who are on
the verge now. MPI 
> would be expected to have something next year and/or
Sprain in Atlanta, 
> and five or six lesser and "fringier" efforts which
include Perendev, 
> Minato, Torbay and Steorn etc. I would put Steorn
firmly at the tail end 
> of this list, due solely to the way 

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Terry Blanton

On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but
promises to do so soon.

I have personally measured his original device to have a COP of 2.4.
A revised configuration, which I am not yet at liberty to discuss, has
demonstrated a greater COP.

Terry Blanton, BEE, PE

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Rhong Dhong

--- Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but
> > promises to do so soon.
> I have personally measured his original device to
> have a COP of 2.4.
> A revised configuration, which I am not yet at
> liberty to discuss, has
> demonstrated a greater COP.
> Terry Blanton, BEE, PE
That's good to hear. Any idea when there will be a
public demonstration? It looks like Steorn will be
several months before they are ready to launch their
device / products; if the Sprain motor can get to the
public ahead of them, the investment money should be


Cheap talk?
Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Esa Ruoho

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUqQKnSlPss  - Steorn original intro..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDV9Al0e_T0 Steorn Power on Fox News
Interview 3min35sec

have fun m8s

On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but
> > promises to do so soon.
> I have personally measured his original device to
> have a COP of 2.4.
> A revised configuration, which I am not yet at
> liberty to discuss, has
> demonstrated a greater COP.
> Terry Blanton, BEE, PE
That's good to hear. Any idea when there will be a
public demonstration? It looks like Steorn will be
several months before they are ready to launch their
device / products; if the Sprain motor can get to the
public ahead of them, the investment money should be

Cheap talk?
Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.



Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Esa Ruoho

apologies, later found quite a few more. i think this is all.

== Steorn ==
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUqQKnSlPss  Steorn develops free energy
technology?] 5minutes3seconds
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDV9Al0e_T0 Steorn Power on Fox News
Interview] 3min35sec
Steorn will launch a revolutionary free, clean, energy technology. Fox News
interview, August 28, 2006. see www.steornpower.com for more up2date news
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNDIWY19gqA Steorn: Sky News: Race On To
Prove Free Energy
Irish engineers say they have built a device that creates free and clean
energy. Until now most scientists have dismissed their claims, saying that
they break the most basic laws of physics. So the inventors have come up
with a unique challenge.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDA0oyAtNBA Steorn: Sean MacCarthy with
This is a longer interview video of the first SkyNews clip.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFYRuYn__Ro AP: Steorn: Engineers Claim
Machine Makes Free Energy]
An Irish company is raising eyebrows with its claim that it has developed a
machine that can create free and totally clean energy. (Sept. 12)

On 11/24/06, Esa Ruoho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUqQKnSlPss  - Steorn original intro..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDV9Al0e_T0 Steorn Power on Fox News
Interview 3min35sec

have fun m8s

On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Terry Blanton < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but
> > > promises to do so soon.
> >
> > I have personally measured his original device to
> > have a COP of 2.4.
> > A revised configuration, which I am not yet at
> > liberty to discuss, has
> > demonstrated a greater COP.
> >
> > Terry Blanton, BEE, PE
> >
> >
> That's good to hear. Any idea when there will be a
> public demonstration? It looks like Steorn will be
> several months before they are ready to launch their
> device / products; if the Sprain motor can get to the
> public ahead of them, the investment money should be
> considerable.

> Cheap talk?
> Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.
> http://voice.yahoo.com





Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Terry Blanton

On 11/24/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's good to hear. Any idea when there will be a
public demonstration?

Well, there's already been several.  Here's one vid that is still on the web:


And, his test data is on this site:


Those more competent than I have confirmed his measurements.  Recently
we were able to run an Ecosmart (neat story there) generator to power
a load at a net COP of about 3.2 including the inefficiency ('bout
50%) of the PEM gen (thanks Jones!)  But, this was with a modified
version of the motor compared to the data on the sites above.

A much larger version is under construction.  Oddly, the manufacturer
of the custom magnet said shipment is delayed due to "inavailability
of materials".  Otherwise it was due next month.  A representative
from M Int'l. has been dispatched to Magnequench to see what the story
is there.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-24 Thread Terry Blanton

On 11/24/06, Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK for the record, TB is being sarcastic - yes, that generator may
have turned out to be only 50% efficient at very low speed, but is
still has very high efficiency potential - at anything above a
snail's pace - not my fault!

Not scarcism, please!

No, you misunderstand, true appreciation since we had found nothing
which was comparable.  (The humor is in the name "Ecosmart".)


Terry asked me to recommend a high efficiency generator, and I
sent him the idea and info on rewinding the Ecosmart, which he
did. As have others - it is an excellent low cost generator for
home windmills etc.

This motor is made by Fisher & Paykel in OZ but available here for
a fair price. At even 1000 RPM they have told me the generator
should be 95% eff.  - but hey - Terry wanted to run it a less than
100 RPM ! and without gearing it up !

Ackshully, NZ; but, that could be OZ, too.

It is directly driven at 90 RPM; and, I truly believe that it is the
best that we could have achieved without a custom built gen.

Bad Idea. Many motors have very high drop-offs in eff. when run
out of spec and - worst of all - it would have been relatively
easy to gear this thing up with two bicycle sprocket-pairs and
chains - if it had been done from the git-go - which they never
did. Pity because this generator coulda/shoulda been enough to
allow self-power --- if--- that is, Sprain truly does have that
much COP margin to play with (despite Terry's formidable skills, I
am not convinced of that large margin from what I've seen on the
site he has referenced).

Be patient, Jones.  My only challenge at this point is the inductance
of the 45# custom built EM.  But with only 84 mH inductance and 12 ohm
resistance, the rise time is only twice the earlier EM, 7 ms.

But then again, nobody slows/tells everything...

Sign the NDA and you will know all.  But, it might conflict with your
earlier committments.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-26 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Rhong Dhong wrote:

Here's what I've been able to glean from their site.

It is self-powered. There is no input.

No it's not.

It has a COP>100% which means it produces more power than it consumes, 
but to have a meaningful COP it _MUST_ consume power!  Without input 

Second, they have some obscure comments to the effect that the devices 
can't be cascaded.  That also suggests very strongly that there's power 
going in, and power going out (and sounds very fishy IMHO).

Finally, the description makes it reasonably clear that it's a 
magnet-based torque amplifier of some sort.  (Can't cite a page on that; 
sorry, I don't recall where I saw the actual description.)

They won't do demos because, they say, they'll be 
put down as conmen unless a jury of reputable

scientists confirms the OU.

OU is _NOT_ an issue IF the machine is self-powered!!  If you've got 
output and _no_ input, then it's OU by construction.

But again, their machine is not self-powered.

They'll announce their first products the day the jury
announces its verdict.

They have said they continue to file applications for
patents on different implementations of the basic

If they had a working model which had no input power, they could patent 
the whole thing.

Perpetual motion machines are patentable in the United States if you 
have a working model, but not otherwise.  But, they don't have a working 
model (in that sense) -- it requires external power to operate.  So, 
they can't patent the closed-loop version.

The basic configuration is simple.

My guess is that if somebody versed in the art were to
have even a cursory look at the device, he could go
home and build his own. That's just a guess, but it
would explain their reluctance to demo it. To put it
another way, whatever good their demo did for them
would be outweighed by everybody and his brother
copying the device and beating them to the market.

They're not struggling or dying for public
recognition. The CEO says they used the economist ad
and the early interviews to get scientists to take up
their challenge. Now that that has been accomplished,
they don't need publicity.

From what I can see, they are doing nothing to seek

publicity; there is almost zero media mention of them
these days.

They claim to have a 550bhp motor, and have tested the
effect for three years. A measurement error seems very

This makes no sense, really.  If they had something that really poured 
out far more power than it consumed, how much "testing" would they need 
to do to verify that it worked?

Certainly if they had closed the loop they'd be _done_ with the 
"testing" phase, because that's a 100% go/no-go test: if you can pass 
that test, you're done, you've broken the First Law.

Instead, they're looking for expert testimony that it works, which 
suggests (to me) the goal is to suck in more investment dollars.

The CEO says no device has stopped running unless a
mechanical part wore out or they shut it down.

They are fully funded and do not need investors to
bring the device(s) to market. The CEO has said they
will not accept investment money.

Steorn have not 'come out of nowhere', at least in the
sense of being a bona fide company, with a track
record of accomplishment.

In completely unrelated areas, I think?

That goes, too, for the CEO, who has been an engineer
since 1989. They have about 20 full-time employees and
several consultants. Their engineers all have
university degress, some of them advanced degrees

An independent observer has visited their offices,
which she describes as extensive and well-guarded,
seen documentation on a couple of the jurors, and
confirmed that they are reputable scientists.

And completely unnecessary, if they actually had a working model that 
did something useful.

How many scientists does it take to determine that something's producing 
power without consuming any?   None, really -- all it takes is a 
building inspector to make sure all the power lines into the building 
have been properly severed.

She has seen a video of the CEO of a European
manufacturing partner of Steorn's as he assembled a
test device and started it running. He said, in the
video, that he left it running over a weekend and when
he returned it was still running.

She looked him up on the internet, and found a picture
of him on his company's website. It was the same man
she saw in the video.

You say:
[**magnetic overunity [or magnets with coils,
pendulums, or some combination of mechanical recycling
of torque with a magnetic boost] will probably be
demonstrated by someone next year - 2007 ! as there
are many groups who are on the verge now. MPI would be
expected to have something next year and/or Sprain in

You think MPI is 'on the verge', but they've been 'on
the verge' for years, and have continually asked for
more money, and have demonstrated nothing.

Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Rhong Dhong
Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> Rhong Dhong wrote:
>> Here's what I've been able to glean from their
>> It is self-powered. There is no input.
> No it's not.

Right. The ceo has said he does not know the source of
the energy.

It isn't anything obvious, so maybe it is something
like Frank Grimer's gamma atmosphere. Whatever it is,
it just goes on and on and on, even to powering a
550bhp motor.

> This makes no sense, really.  If they had something
that really
> out far more power than it consumed, how much
"testing" would
they need 
> to do to verify that it worked?

The testing was done early on to eliminate the
possibility of a measurement error. As I understand
it, the testing since then has been to make it more


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Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Standing Bear
On Sunday 26 November 2006 23:13, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> Rhong Dhong wrote:
> > Here's what I've been able to glean from their site.
> >
> > It is self-powered. There is no input.
> No it's not.
> It has a COP>100% which means it produces more power than it consumes,
> but to have a meaningful COP it _MUST_ consume power!  Without input
> COP=infinity.
> Second, they have some obscure comments to the effect that the devices
> can't be cascaded.  That also suggests very strongly that there's power
> going in, and power going out (and sounds very fishy IMHO).
> Finally, the description makes it reasonably clear that it's a
> magnet-based torque amplifier of some sort.  (Can't cite a page on that;
> sorry, I don't recall where I saw the actual description.)
> > They won't do demos because, they say, they'll be
> > put down as conmen unless a jury of reputable
> > scientists confirms the OU.
> OU is _NOT_ an issue IF the machine is self-powered!!  If you've got
> output and _no_ input, then it's OU by construction.
> But again, their machine is not self-powered.
> > They'll announce their first products the day the jury
> > announces its verdict.
> >
> > They have said they continue to file applications for
> > patents on different implementations of the basic
> > configuration.
> If they had a working model which had no input power, they could patent
> the whole thing.
> Perpetual motion machines are patentable in the United States if you
> have a working model, but not otherwise.  But, they don't have a working
> model (in that sense) -- it requires external power to operate.  So,
> they can't patent the closed-loop version.

Some would be willing to bet that the country that had the excellent judgement
to grant Wal-Mart a patent on a lazy susan in the face of probable testimony 
from MBA types that had to have soaked their faces in wet cement and allowed
setting to take place  in order to keep straight faces before testifying that
there was 'only anecdotal evidence of possible prior art', would be capable of
granting any IP creation request to anyone with a sufficient amount of money
and a 'friendly' examiner.

Yet  serious scientists going forward with:  cold fusion devices;   black 
light rockets;  or photonic thrusters that actually have a chance of lifting
themselves and their power units.will get a cold shoulder.  If we as a 
nation succeed in stopping progress here, that does not mean that the 
whole world will go along.  There is a focus fusion device out there that
is going to see a test in South America soon.  See it at:   


They recently succeeded in raising the temperature of their electrostatic
confinement D-Bo fusion device to nearly 3 billion degrees K.  They are
now building a larger proof of concept reactor.  This, if successful would
be a nuclear fusion generator most everybody would love except:   a terrorist 
(no radioactive substances to steal or use);  an oil company (oil now only
useful as lubricants or in plastics in near future...no more gravytrain);  a 
middle eastern country (no more money from an accident of geography 
to finance destructive wars and ostentatious lifestyles).  Deuterium-Boron
fusion requires a very high temperature, but there are no reaction products
that can be used to hurt anybody in any significant way.  The difficulty is 
attaining the reaction temperature and feeding the reaction, and this 
appears to possibly be reachable.  These folks envision a reactor the 
size of a two car garage being able to produce many megawatts of power.
If true, we could go back to what we were in the late 1800's when very many
small towns had their own power plants and gas generators.

Standing Bear

The world needs and feeds on hope, not fear! 

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Rhong Dhong wrote:

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Rhong Dhong wrote:

Here's what I've been able to glean from their


It is self-powered. There is no input.

No it's not.

Right. The ceo has said he does not know the source of
the energy.

It isn't anything obvious, so maybe it is something
like Frank Grimer's gamma atmosphere. Whatever it is,
it just goes on and on and on, even to powering a
550bhp motor.

They said it was a "550 hp unit".  They didn't explain what that meant. 
 Presumably it means either 550 HP _in_ or 550 HP _out_.  It tells us 
nothing about the difference between power in and power out, however.

There seems to be far less information on their website than one might 
think at first glance.

This makes no sense, really.  If they had something

that really

out far more power than it consumed, how much

"testing" would
they need 

to do to verify that it worked?

The testing was done early on to eliminate the
possibility of a measurement error. As I understand
it, the testing since then has been to make it more

Nothing in, something out => efficiency = infinity.

Their jury of 12 scientists has not yet produced any public report, 
AFAIK, and they're supposed to be verifying that it works, not just 
tweaking it.  So I'm not so sure the "initial testing" phase is really over.

The whole thing seems to come down to this:  If there's more usable 
power coming out than going in, you _CAN_ close the loop.  (COP>1 does 
not imply the _usable_ power balance is positive, please note -- a heat 
pump typically has COP>1 and is anything but a perpetual motion machine.)

If you close the loop, then you have PPM#1 and you're done.

If you CANNOT close the loop, then you need to depend on expert 
witnesses and indirect data to show that you really have something.

They apparently cannot close the loop, so they must resort to expert 
testimony to convince people that they've really got something.

I am strongly reminded of the self-powered electric car which was 
ballyhooed around a while back -- whose was that, anyway?  It used 
lead-acid batteries to power it (oops, not quite self-powered!) and 
recharged them as it ran.  Couldn't close the loop; why not?  Because 
the power really did come from the batteries, which were being whipped 
to bits to produce more power than is usual for batteries of that type. 
 That's known to be possible, but not normally done; down side is that 
it supposedly ruins the batteries in relatively short order.

This is where the lengthy cycle of testing to be sure the machine is not 
consuming some piece of itself comes in.  If, to use the foregoing 
example, it uses lead-acid batteries, one needs to confirm that the 
machine isn't gradually chewing up the batteries while appearing to 
"recharge" them on the fly.

There isn't enough information on their website, that I could see, to 
tell if they have any little "gotchas" of that sort built into the 
device.  However, if it's really taking a jury of competent scientists a 
substantial amount of time to determine whether the thing actually 
works, it seems like a plausible guess that there might be some such 
issue involved.

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Rhong Dhong

"Stephen A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rhong Dhong wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> Rhong Dhong wrote:
>>> Here's what I've been able to glean from their
> site.
>>> It is self-powered. There is no input.
>> No it's not.
> Right. The ceo has said he does not know the source of
> the energy.
> It isn't anything obvious, so maybe it is something
> like Frank Grimer's gamma atmosphere. Whatever it is,
> it just goes on and on and on, even to powering a
> 550bhp motor.

   [** They said it was a "550 hp unit". They didn't explain what
that meant.
Presumably it means either 550 HP _in_ or 550 HP _out_.**]

It's clear from the context that it is 550bhp out. There is
nothing that they can detect going in. Presumably, the gamma
atmosphere or something else is being tapped, but they haven't
been able to figure out what it is.

The unit is self-sustaining. Nothing needs to be 'fed' to it
to keep it running. That sounds like a closed-loop to me, at
least as far as the user is concerned; I guess if you are sucking
up the gamma-atmosphere somebody might say it's really not a
closed loop. Who cares?

If the CEO is telling the truth, they have some kind of OU.

[**This is where the lengthy cycle of testing to be sure the
machine is not
consuming some piece of itself comes in. If, to use the
example, it uses lead-acid batteries, one needs to confirm
that the
machine isn't gradually chewing up the batteries while
appearing to
"recharge" them on the fly.**]

They tested it for six months to make sure there was no
measurement error, and have refined and tested it for 2.5 more
years. They are completely confident that it isn't chewing up
something in the environment. They are certain that they have OU.

The jury is to help convince the public that they have the OU,
not to convince them. It's a publicity gimmick.

This is all based on what the CEO has said, of course, but if he's
lying, he deserves an Oscar.

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Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Paul
--- "Stephen A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nothing in, something out => efficiency = infinity.

The concept of infinite efficiency is somewhat
interesting. Consider a black box that requires 100
watts input, and outputs 1 KW. When operating the
black box could theoretically do away with the 100 W
input by robbing 100 watts from its 1 KW output. So
now the black box requires no input, but outputs 900
watts. :-)


Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Terry Blanton

On 11/27/06, Rhong Dhong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It isn't anything obvious, so maybe it is something
like Frank Grimer's gamma atmosphere.

You can count on it.

Whatever it is,
it just goes on and on and on, even to powering a
550bhp motor.

This is larger than the alleged Perendev magmo.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Paul wrote:

--- "Stephen A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nothing in, something out => efficiency = infinity.

The concept of infinite efficiency is somewhat
interesting. Consider a black box that requires 100
watts input, and outputs 1 KW. When operating the
black box could theoretically do away with the 100 W
input by robbing 100 watts from its 1 KW output. So
now the black box requires no input, but outputs 900
watts. :-)

Absolutely -- and that's the point.  They say they've broken the first 
law but they're still fiddling around trying to convince a panel of 
experts that their device really is over unity.

If it's over unity, close the loop, and then there's no issue.

COP>1, which is their explicit claim, doesn't necessarily imply 
over-unity, unfortunately, and almost surely implies they haven't closed 
the loop, as I've already said.

On the other hand, the fact that they apparently can't close the loop 
(at least, as I read their claims!) doesn't necessarily mean they 
haven't got an OU device.  Something which consumed 495 watts and 
produced 500 watts might be hard to close the loop on, but it would 
nonetheless be a spectacular breakthrough.

An example might be an electric motor which produced more mechanical 
energy than the electrical energy it consumed -- to close the loop you 
need to convert the mechanical energy back into electrical energy, which 
introduces losses which may eat up your OU.  The result would be 
something that was in reality an amazing breakthrough, but which still 
wouldn't convince Bob Parks.  (Does this describe the Sprain motor?  I 
haven't been following that one.)

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Rhong Dhong wrote:

"Stephen A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rhong Dhong wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> Rhong Dhong wrote:
>>> Here's what I've been able to glean from their
> site.
>>> It is self-powered. There is no input.
>> No it's not.
> Right. The ceo has said he does not know the source of
> the energy.
> It isn't anything obvious, so maybe it is something
> like Frank Grimer's gamma atmosphere. Whatever it is,
> it just goes on and on and on, even to powering a
> 550bhp motor.

   [** They said it was a "550 hp unit". They didn't explain what
that meant.
Presumably it means either 550 HP _in_ or 550 HP _out_.**]

It's clear from the context that it is 550bhp out. There is
nothing that they can detect going in.

They never actually said that, as far as I can see.  They waffle around 
it but never quite come out and say it.

If they said it, that would mean they had closed the loop.  But, as I 
said, they have not asserted that they have _no_ input -- merely that 
the input is not sufficient to explain the output.

They use a lot of very vague language, but try to find anyplace where 
they actually say there is _no_ energy input.  I sure couldn't find such 
a claim.  Here is what I found, on their "technology" page:

> [ ... ]
> Steorn's technology appears to violate the 'Principle of Conservation 
> of Energy'

> [ ... ]

1. The technology has a coefficient of performance greater than 100%.

2. The operation of the technology is not derived from the
   degradation  of its component parts.

3.  There is no identifiable source of the energy.

I would describe these statements as intentionally vague (what _IS_ the 
COP value, anyway? They don't say!).  However, in view of statement #1, 
it appears to me that "the energy" in #3 can _only_ mean they have not 
identified this value:

   (output - input)

It seems clear that it does not mean there is no input at all.  If there 
were no input, statement #1 would be silly: COP=infinity in that case, 
and nobody would describe it by saying "COP > 1".  Furthermore, their 
statement that it "_appears_" to violate COE would be equally absurd IF 
they had no energy input -- there wouldn't be any "appears" about it in 
that case.

But, they clearly _do_ have energy going in, and therefore they need to 
base any such claim on careful measurements to determine how much is 
coming out, versus how much is going in.

There are two key points here:

a) A heat pump has COP>1 but it has an identifiable source of the excess 
energy (the exhaust air gets cooler).

b) You can't close the loop on a heat pump because it doesn't violate 
either the first or second law.

Presumably, the gamma
atmosphere or something else is being tapped, but they haven't
been able to figure out what it is.

The unit is self-sustaining. Nothing needs to be 'fed' to it
to keep it running.

I could find no such statement on their website.  As far as I can tell 
they wave their hands a lot but nowhere do they claim to have closed the 

Anyway, enough.  I will grant you that their statements are vague enough 
that, if you want to, you can interpret them to mean they have no energy 
going in at all, but I remain unconvinced that that's what they mean.

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-27 Thread Terry Blanton

On 11/27/06, Stephen A. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

An example might be an electric motor which produced more mechanical
energy than the electrical energy it consumed -- to close the loop you
need to convert the mechanical energy back into electrical energy, which
introduces losses which may eat up your OU.  The result would be
something that was in reality an amazing breakthrough, but which still
wouldn't convince Bob Parks.  (Does this describe the Sprain motor?  I
haven't been following that one.)

Indeed it does.  The Sprain Magmo uses a spiral magnetic gradient to
produce torque.  An electromagnet is used to kick the rotor past the
sticky spot.  The energy consumed by the electromagnet is less than
the mechanical energy produced by the gradient.

The problem with self running has been the waveform of the energy
produced by the PM generator.  The voltage from the permanent mag gen
ramps from 13 V to 28 V.  20 V is required to fire the EM.  The min V
is produced after the firing (when the torque is at a minimum).  I
have tried trigger circuits which don't draw from the magmo torque
until the V exceeds 20 V; but, we have had no success since this
eliminates a large part of the energy produced.

The gradient of the field of the present configuration is 0.8 G per
degree.  We have a new magnet which will produce a gradient of 20 G
per degree.  We lack the enthusiasm to pursue a self-runner when you
know that the new mag will ship soon.

Now our limiting factor seems to be the inductance of the EM.  The new
EM weighs 45 lbs but only doubles the inductance.  We will not achieve
the theorized 4500 RPM; but, we will far exceed the current 90 RPM.  I
have no doubts this new mag will let us self-run.

Stay tuned.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-28 Thread Michel Jullian
> Indeed it does.

Hi Terry, for another opinion Stephen could have a look at the controversy you 
and I had about this some time ago, I had found what looked very much like a 
large error in input current measurement by analysing the Mosfet's voltage 
waveform and applying Ohm's low to it knowing it's ON resistance (search for 
Sprain in the list archive).


- Original Message - 
From: "Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

> On 11/27/06, Stephen A. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> An example might be an electric motor which produced more mechanical
>> energy than the electrical energy it consumed -- to close the loop you
>> need to convert the mechanical energy back into electrical energy, which
>> introduces losses which may eat up your OU.  The result would be
>> something that was in reality an amazing breakthrough, but which still
>> wouldn't convince Bob Parks.  (Does this describe the Sprain motor?  I
>> haven't been following that one.)
> Indeed it does.  The Sprain Magmo uses a spiral magnetic gradient to
> produce torque.  An electromagnet is used to kick the rotor past the
> sticky spot.  The energy consumed by the electromagnet is less than
> the mechanical energy produced by the gradient.
> The problem with self running has been the waveform of the energy
> produced by the PM generator.  The voltage from the permanent mag gen
> ramps from 13 V to 28 V.  20 V is required to fire the EM.  The min V
> is produced after the firing (when the torque is at a minimum).  I
> have tried trigger circuits which don't draw from the magmo torque
> until the V exceeds 20 V; but, we have had no success since this
> eliminates a large part of the energy produced.
> The gradient of the field of the present configuration is 0.8 G per
> degree.  We have a new magnet which will produce a gradient of 20 G
> per degree.  We lack the enthusiasm to pursue a self-runner when you
> know that the new mag will ship soon.
> Now our limiting factor seems to be the inductance of the EM.  The new
> EM weighs 45 lbs but only doubles the inductance.  We will not achieve
> the theorized 4500 RPM; but, we will far exceed the current 90 RPM.  I
> have no doubts this new mag will let us self-run.
> Stay tuned.
> Terry

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-29 Thread Terry Blanton

On 11/28/06, Michel Jullian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Indeed it does.

Hi Terry, for another opinion Stephen could have a look at the controversy you 
and I had about this some time ago, I had found what looked very much like a 
large error in input current measurement by analysing the Mosfet's voltage 
waveform and applying Ohm's low to it knowing it's ON resistance (search for 
Sprain in the list archive).

Of course he may do so if he wishes; however, others have confirmed
the measurements since your conjecture.  In addition, the modification
to a four magnet rotor showed the anticipated effect on COP.  Face it
mon ami, a magnetic gradient can do real work.

Did you read the paper on spin consciousness that I posted on earlier?


Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Michel Jullian wrote:

Indeed it does.

Hi Terry, for another opinion Stephen could have a look at the
controversy you and I had about this some time ago, I had found what
looked very much like a large error in input current measurement by
analysing the Mosfet's voltage waveform and applying Ohm's low to it
knowing it's ON resistance (search for Sprain in the list archive).

I've recused myself from all technical debates on the reality or 
possibility of OU magnetic motors until I come up with a good answer to 
the following question:

   When an electron is accelerated in a nonuniform magnetic field due 
to the electron's own (permanent) magnetic dipole, where does the energy 
come from?

Once I've got an answer to that one I'll be a lot happier about barking 
at magmos again.  :-)  Been busy with other stuff for the past many 
moons and haven't pursued it, tho.

My comments on Steorn, you may have noticed, were all based on the 
company's externally visible behavior, not on the feasibility of their 

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Jones Beene wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Stephen A. Lawrence"

I've recused myself from all technical debates on the reality or 
possibility of OU magnetic motors until I come up with a good answer 
to the following question:

When an electron is accelerated in a nonuniform magnetic field due to 
the electron's own (permanent) magnetic dipole, where does the energy 
come from?

Depends on how many layers deep to you need to go, Neo. This can be one 
deep rabbit-hole, especially when you forget your meds...

I can recognize that this is a quote but I don't know the source, sad to 
say.  (It's not nearly old enough...)

On one lower level there is the well-known prhenomenon of magentic 
precession of domains in a permanent magnet (PM), no?

Precession involves angular momentum, no?

But this isn't an angular momentum issue, this is a kinetic energy issue.

For simple electric charges, charge densities, and currents, by 
inspection of Maxwell's equations, magnetic fields do no work, electric 
fields are conservative, and a magnet-based perpetual motion machine 
based on "simple" charge carriers is impossible.

But electrons aren't simple electric charges, and if the electron's 
dipole isn't exactly perpendicular to the B field it's in, and if the 
field is nonuniform, the electron will feel a (linear) force acting on 
it, either up or down the field gradient depending on its orientation 
relative to the field.  And as soon as it starts to move, it's gained 
kinetic energy.

The energy came from _somewhere_.  But where?  And can the source of the 
energy be described by a model which uses a (conservative) 
potential-based force field to describe the motion of the electron?

If the answer to that last question is "yes", then AFAICS magnetic 
perpetual motion is, again, impossible (unless there is yet some other 
strange and unknown way to squeeze energy out of a B field).  If the 
answer is "no" then the jury's out.

And I don't know the answer.

I asked one physicist about it and got a Zen-like answer which didn't 
tell me much of anything.

For what it's worth, the disconnect with classical theory is that you 
can't slow down the electron's spin.  In a classical current loop, if 
you do something that at first glance pulls energy out of noplace, close 
examination generally reveals that you actually stole energy from the 
loop.  But, as I said, with an electron's permanent B field, you can't 
do that.

Angular momentum can be transfered, no?

If a PM is capable, at the domain level, of transfering some of its 
precessional angular momentum away from its aligned and synchronous 
domains-  then that would necessarily be a conservative situation... and 
the magnet would/should become demagnetized... unless ??

Since this issue comes up with two electrons, each immersed in the 
other's field, and since an electron can't be demagnetized, I think the 
issue of "robbing the permanent magnet" to pay for the deficit is a red 

Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread Harry Veeder

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

> But electrons aren't simple electric charges, and if the electron's
> dipole isn't exactly perpendicular to the B field it's in, and if the
> field is nonuniform, the electron will feel a (linear) force acting on
> it, either up or down the field gradient depending on its orientation
> relative to the field.  And as soon as it starts to move, it's gained
> kinetic energy.
> The energy came from _somewhere_.  But where?

>From gravity?


Re: [Vo]: Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread Harry Veeder
Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

> But electrons aren't simple electric charges, and if the electron's
> dipole isn't exactly perpendicular to the B field it's in, and if the
> field is nonuniform, the electron will feel a (linear) force acting on
> it, either up or down the field gradient depending on its orientation
> relative to the field.  And as soon as it starts to move, it's gained
> kinetic energy.
> The energy came from _somewhere_.  But where?

>From the "flow" of time itself?

> And can the source of the
> energy be described by a model which uses a (conservative)
> potential-based force field to describe the motion of the electron?
