Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-12 Thread Guenter Wildgruber
I am quite neutral on that.
Wheter it is Gerischer or Brian Josephson, or even Laughlin, whom I admire.

Their opinion does not matter substantially.
Those are fringe-opinions, which do not influence mainstream science a lot.
They eventually are heard by people like You and me, but that's it.

The 'mainstream' consists of people  with access to the money in the 
science-community, via politicians with open ears, promoting 'progress', or 
what they understand by that, with synergy-effects to the carreers/money-pots 
of both .
By that, the system stabilizes itself. 
To break that alliance of self-interest and ignorance is bordering the 

Now the freaky amateures step in: (Rossi, DGTG, etc.)
What chance do they have?

This says the pessimist in me.



 Von: Jed Rothwell
Gesendet: 22:01 Dienstag, 11.September 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a 

Guenter Wildgruber wrote:
This is a completely different institute, and one probaly has to know the 
intricacies of the Max-Planck organization.

The same or different, you would think that the Director's opinions might have 
weight when it comes to accepting or rejecting a important claim. Cold fusion 
is not the sort of thing you should try once and the put aside. In view of the 
fact that hundreds of other labs successfully replicated, it is incumbent upon 
any scientific organization to look carefully, and not to jump to conclusions.


I am not comparing them. I am pointing out that German's leading electrochemist 
endorsed cold fusion.

Foreigners naturally do not understand the fine-print of such a delicate 
I can understand that.

Altogether too delicate. Subject to fainting spells, no doubt. They can't bring 
themselves to take a second look at the most important breakthrough in the 
history of technology. Poor dears!

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-11 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote:

Yes you did say. You said that hot fusion researchers are trying to
 'suppress' it and indeed hot fusion research is operating with extremely
 big money.

As noted that was Abd, not me. However, it is true that the plasma fusion
scientists played a leading role in suppressing cold fusion. I suppose they
did this mainly to protect their budget. There is no doubt they played a
leading role. They did it quite publicly, in the mass media. They are proud
of what they did.

I suppose plasma fusion funding is big money. It is far bigger than most
academic funding. But I take the expression big money to mean businesses,
Wall Street, the DoD or political parties. Academic funding is microscopic
in comparison.

The opposition to cold fusion is caused by academic politics, in two ways:

1. Scientists tend to be conservative and unwilling to believe new
information. Most of them know nothing about cold fusion but they are
certain it must be wrong.

2. Academic funding may be small, but it is how these people make their
living. If cold fusion is funded many academic researchers in other areas
related to energy will lose their livelihoods. So they will fight it tooth
and nail. I suppose I would too, if I were in their place.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-11 Thread James Bowery
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 Yes you did say. You said that hot fusion researchers are trying to
 'suppress' it and indeed hot fusion research is operating with extremely
 big money.

 I suppose plasma fusion funding is big money. It is far bigger than most
 academic funding. But I take the expression big money to mean businesses,
 Wall Street, the DoD or political parties. Academic funding is microscopic
 in comparison.

This is a perfect case-in-point for the situation described in Institutional
Incompetence, Conspiracy Theories and Pol

Part of the problem is that almost all institutional incompetence derives
from faulty incentive structures, so it is easy to impute to the critic the
claim that such incompetence is not incompetence at all but, rather, is
self-interest. The critic is hard-pressed to deny this (except insofar as
such self-interest is unenlightened hence incompetent in that meta-sense)
and is thence imputed to theorize a conspiracy of self-interested
individuals as the basis for the maintenance of the institutionalized
incompetence. Again, the critic may not have put forth nor even have
thought of such a theory but he is hard-pressed to disprove that a
conspiracy -- in some sense -- is at work so he cannot very well
vigorously deny such a theory. This vulnerability of the critic is then
viciously attacked. This all goes on within a subtext of the conversation
so it is a rare critic that recognizes how the burden of proof has been
shifted from the institutionally incompetent needing to prove that the
critic has theorized a conspiracy (which, of course, would require
defining conspiracy) to the critic needing to prove that such a
conspiracy (the definition of which is, after all, in the mind of the
institutionally incompetent) is clearly out of the question despite the
vagueness of the term multiplied by the lack of information with which to
support or deny even a clear definition.

So, the institution of Critics are crazy people. successfully defends all
institutional incompetence.

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-11 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

 Von: Jed Rothwell
Gesendet: 16:12 Dienstag, 11.September 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a 

Jouni Valkonen wrote:

Yes you did say. You said that hot fusion researchers are trying to 'suppress' 
it and indeed hot fusion research is operating with extremely big money.
As noted that was Abd, not me. However, it is true that the plasma fusion 
scientists played a leading role in suppressing cold fusion. I suppose they did 
this mainly to protect their budget. 

There is no doubt they played a leading role. 

 not over here (Germany).  As far as i know, the MPP, which is the biggest 
 May-Planck-Institute, tried to replicate F/P and failed. so the issue was 

They did it quite publicly, in the mass media. They are proud of what they did.

 Not really over here. This was a standard scientific issue of failure of 
Maybe erroneous and for the wrong reasons, as it now seems to be the case.

I suppose plasma fusion funding is big money. It is far bigger than most 
academic funding. 

It is big money, yes, but is PURE government money.
Per 2010 16 Billion Euro, with 6.6 european money.
But I take the expression big money to mean businesses, Wall Street, the DoD 
or political parties. Academic funding is microscopic in comparison.

The opposition to cold fusion is caused by academic politics, in two ways:

1. Scientists tend to be conservative and unwilling to believe new information. 
Most of them know nothing about cold fusion but they are certain it must be 

 this is Kuhnian Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
nothin new here.
2. Academic funding may be small, 
 it is not.

but it is how these people make their living. If cold fusion is funded many 
academic researchers in other areas related to energy will lose their 


So they will fight it tooth and nail. I suppose I would too, if I were in their 

 No, they do'nt.   It is sufficient to ignore the issue.

The fusion guys have a lot of problems with their own design, and them to even  
CONSIDER cold fusion as a relevant contender,  is outside of any reasonable 

So to even consider a Rossi as a significant contender wrt funding-money, 
is so far out, that one safely can consider this irrelevant.

To my experience, the direction of funding and its possible redirection to 
competing fields is an EXTREMELY slow process, and can be measured in decades, 
not years.


- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-11 Thread Jed Rothwell
Guenter Wildgruber wrote:

  not over here (Germany).  As far as i know, the MPP, which is the
 biggest May-Planck-Institute, tried to replicate F/P and failed. so the
 issue was settled.

I do not know about this test, but it would be ridiculous to reject cold
fusion based on one test in 1989, especially after 100 other labs
replicated successfully. In any case, in 1990 the Director of the Max
Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry wrote that he was certain the
effect is real. See:

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-11 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

 Von: Jed Rothwell
Gesendet: 20:23 Dienstag, 11.September 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a 

Guenter Wildgruber wrote:
 not over here (Germany).  As far as i know, the MPP, which is the biggest 
 May-Planck-Institute, tried to replicate F/P and failed. so the issue was 

I do not know about this test, but it would be ridiculous to reject cold fusion 
based on one test in 1989, especially after 100 other labs replicated 
successfully. In any case, in 1990 the Director of the Max Planck Institute for 
Physical Chemistry wrote that he was certain the effect is real. See: 

- Jed

This is a completely different institute, and one probaly has to know the 
intricacies of the Max-Planck organization.
Max-planck Directors are basically completely independent feudal lords, and the 
institute is resumed, when the 'master' retires.
at least this was the idea when the Max Planck Institutes  were termed 'Kaiser 
Wilhelm Gesellschaft'.

Never mind.

The IPP  is different, in that it is so large that the old concept does not 
apply anymore. It -the old concept- applies to budgets of several millions, and 
not hundreds of millions.
The IPP is the biggest of all Max-Planck institutes, and therefore has 10 
Directors., which form a collective, and is alien to the original -as said- 
feudal conception of a scientific lordship.

Foreigners naturally do not understand the fine-print of such a delicate 
I can understand that.

Wikipedia does not tell the story.
The German wikipedia  neither, btw.

in German it reads like this:
Im Mai 2010 teilte die Europäische Kommission mit, dass laut einer aktuellen 
Kostenschätzung ihr Anteil an den 
Baukosten von ehemals geplanten 2,7 Milliarden Euro auf 7,3 Milliarden 
Euro steigen wird. Daraus errechnen sich Gesamtkosten in Höhe von 16 
Milliarden Euro.
Die EU deckelte daraufhin ihren Anteil bei 6,6 Milliarden Euro. Sie will die 
Kostensteigerungen durch Umschichtungen aus dem Agrar- und dem 
Forschungsetat decken.

You do not need to be a native german speaker to know from where the wind blows.
This is BIG money, and it is government money!


Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-11 Thread Jed Rothwell
Guenter Wildgruber wrote:

 This is a completely different institute, and one probaly has to know the
 intricacies of the Max-Planck organization.

The same or different, you would think that the Director's opinions might
have weight when it comes to accepting or rejecting a important claim. Cold
fusion is not the sort of thing you should try once and the put aside. In
view of the fact that hundreds of other labs successfully replicated, it is
incumbent upon any scientific organization to look carefully, and not to
jump to conclusions.


I am not comparing them. I am pointing out that German's leading
electrochemist endorsed cold fusion.

 Foreigners naturally do not understand the fine-print of such a delicate
 I can understand that.

Altogether too delicate. Subject to fainting spells, no doubt. They can't
bring themselves to take a second look at the most important breakthrough
in the history of technology. Poor dears!

- Jed

[Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 Besides that your idea about the funding cuts is silly conspiracy theory
 and if you are throwing such lazy arguments, it will not help the field.

It irks me when people write this! Why does this nonsense about a
conspiracy so often come up? Who said anything about a conspiracy?

A conspiracy is surreptitious and organized. The suppression of cold fusion
has been done openly. It is not organized as far as I can tell. If it is
they are not doing a very good job at organizing things.

Let us look at the specific instance we are discussing here: helium
correlation research by Melvin Miles. Miles was a Fellow of the Institute
at China Lake. A Fellow means someone who can study any subject he wants,
like a tenured professor. Despite this designation, when he applied for
additional funding to continue the research, they took away his telephone,
they took away his lab privileges, and they reassigned him to work a menial
job as a stockroom clerk. If that is not suppression, what would be?!?

There was nothing secret about it. The person who did this was the head of
the Chemistry Department, Robin A. Nissan. Nissan's memos ordering this
have been circulated, and Miles described the events in several
publications such as this one: (see p. 19)

Every cold fusion researcher I know has been subjected to opposition, and
sometimes extreme harassment.

Saying that cold fusion has not been suppressed is like saying that all
women in the 1950s enjoyed complete equal pay in the workplace and
never experienced sexist discrimination.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread James Bowery
Unfortunately, Jed, the accusers of conspiracy theorizing may have a
legal leg to stand on given this plain language instruction to the jurors
in California civil cases regarding

Such an agreement may be made orally or in writing *or implied by the
conduct of the parties*.

Of course, this has little or nothing to do with the connotation play being
made by the accusers -- which is that the person complaining about abuse is
positing that those acting so as to suppress cold fusion research were
meeting in secret to coordinate their actions with the knowledge that cold
fusion should rightfully have been funded.

Basically, I addressed this in Institutional Incompetence, Conspiracy
Theories and Pol

If I wanted to concoct a conspiracy theory, it would be that those
suppressing cold fusion research were Satanists who wanted to create
something like the Reign of Terror so they could have lots of human
sacrifices to their Satanic Majesty and saw a golden opportunity, in the
announcement of March 1989, to so-discredit established institutions that
the eventual backlash would be a genocidal rampage against the academic
authorities (hence my reference to Pol Pot).

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 Besides that your idea about the funding cuts is silly conspiracy theory
 and if you are throwing such lazy arguments, it will not help the field.

 It irks me when people write this! Why does this nonsense about a
 conspiracy so often come up? Who said anything about a conspiracy?

 A conspiracy is surreptitious and organized. The suppression of cold
 fusion has been done openly. It is not organized as far as I can tell. If
 it is they are not doing a very good job at organizing things.

 Let us look at the specific instance we are discussing here: helium
 correlation research by Melvin Miles. Miles was a Fellow of the Institute
 at China Lake. A Fellow means someone who can study any subject he wants,
 like a tenured professor. Despite this designation, when he applied for
 additional funding to continue the research, they took away his telephone,
 they took away his lab privileges, and they reassigned him to work a menial
 job as a stockroom clerk. If that is not suppression, what would be?!?

 There was nothing secret about it. The person who did this was the head of
 the Chemistry Department, Robin A. Nissan. Nissan's memos ordering this
 have been circulated, and Miles described the events in several
 publications such as this one: (see p. 19)

 Every cold fusion researcher I know has been subjected to opposition, and
 sometimes extreme harassment.

 Saying that cold fusion has not been suppressed is like saying that all
 women in the 1950s enjoyed complete equal pay in the workplace and
 never experienced sexist discrimination.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
James Bowery wrote:

Unfortunately, Jed, the accusers of conspiracy theorizing may have a
 legal leg to stand on given this plain language instruction to the
 jurors in California civil cases regarding 

Ha! Well, I do not care whether there is a conspiracy or not. I do not see
what difference it would make.

Several members of the secretive Jason committee are strongly opposed to
cold fusion. I have heard they often pull strings to prevent funding. I
guess that would constitute a conspiracy of sorts. Maybe they are
coordinating and conspiring. More likely they just happen to be members of
an elite, influential, conservative group of old farts who get together
periodically to give Uncle Sam bad advice. Several of them have it in for
cold fusion. So what? Lots of people have it in for cold fusion.

I think that I know why Jouni Valkonen accused me of being a conspiracy
theorist. He did that to make me look silly or gullible. People often
accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist because in the minds of most
people, a conspiracy theorist is a paranoid person who wears a tinfoil cap
and believes silly things.

They also accuse me of being a true believer, and they say that I believe
people are hiding the data. A few people have the odd notion that I
personally wrote hundreds of papers and uploaded them to the Internet. Here
is a typical recent exchange along these lines in a blog:

Skeptic: Most people don’t have the time to commit dozens if not hundreds
of hours reading the quote-unquote literature produced by everyone on the
web . . .

Me: These papers were published in the J. Electroanal. Chem., J. Fusion
Energy, Jap. J. of Applied Physics, and by institutions such as BARC, the
ENEA, the NSF, China Lake and EPRI. They were not published on the web,
although I later put some of them there.

Skeptic: . . . who claims some amazing truth that ‘they’ don’t want you to
know about. . . .

Me: I do not know who 'they' would be. EPRI, the NRL and China Lake have
no objection to your reading peer-reviewed research they paid for. They are
not hiding anything. Go to any university or national library and you will
find these papers.

Skeptic: . . . The smart money is on you turning out to be just another
crank/conspiracy theorist. . . .

Me: I do not embrace any conspiracy theories. You brought that up; not me.
I know more than a thousand cold fusion researchers. Every one of them is
from a mainstream organization. Not one of them is engaged in a conspiracy,
or believes that anyone is conspiring against them. Frankly, that notion is

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

 Miles was a Fellow of the Institute at China Lake. A Fellow means
 someone who can study any subject he wants, like a tenured professor.

Speaking of tenured professors, see:

Part of dialog:

Pig: What does tenured mean?

Mouse: It means his university has given him a teaching position for life,
so now he can do pretty much anything he wants.

Pig: Oh yeah? So what do you want to do, Professor Bob?

Professor Bob (holding up gasoline tank): Blow some $@#% up.

Sounds like a real professor to me!


- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez:


 I think that I know why Jouni Valkonen accused me of being a conspiracy
 theorist. He did that to make me look silly or gullible. People often accuse
 me of being a conspiracy theorist because in the minds of most people, a
 conspiracy theorist is a paranoid person who wears a tinfoil cap and
 believes silly things.

Well, I know I've never accused you of wearing a tinfoil cap. OTOH, a
pocket protector? Defintely.

I bet I believe in more silly things than you do.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Jed, many people and thousands of scientist have looked the data and they are 
concluded that scientific data is nowhere near sufficient. It is in best case 
speculative, suggestive and inconclusive.

There is no 'big money suppression'. That kind of idea is silly and 
non-informative and it is an argument that turns any reasonable people away 
from you. Perhaps not in here, but if you are saying that in any other 
respected forum, such as in wikipedia, you will get banned. 

It is true, that people often base their argumentation on assumptions and they 
often cannot separate facts form assumptions. It is difficult and arrogant 
people do often this kind of naïve categorisation, because they think that they 
know everything. And if someone presents ideas that are against their 
prejudices, then they are usually fiercely attacked by ad hominem arguments.

Actually you did this also. I did not say anything what I think about cold 
fusion. But yet, you immediately labelled me as a 'skeptic', although in 
reality I am a firm believer of cold fusion. It is sad that I need to use the 
word 'believe', because there are not sufficient and conclusive scientific 

It does not help that Miley and Celani does refuse to let other scientists to 
replicate their quantum reactor although they both claim extremely high 
reproducibility and power density. If Celani would made just a single 
demonstration set of his device that is broadcasted in youtube and is 
supervised by independent respected scientists (in plural), this would be 
enough to convince every person in the world.

There is no need for peer review process that is very easy to abuse, and the 
idea itself to publish validation results through peer review process is 
somewhat silly. Youtube is good enough medium, (yes, welcome to the digital 
age!). The only thing is that any magic tricks should be eliminated. And with 
Celani's and Miley's ultra high power densities, this is no problem to verify.

But both of them, who are self-claimed as scientists, explicitly reject any 
attempts to replicate their cell. This kind of attitude has nothing to do with 
science. Science is about openness and sharing information and ideas.


Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote:

Jed, many people and thousands of scientist have looked the data and they
 are concluded that scientific data is nowhere near sufficient.

Thousands of scientists download papers from my website every week. I hear
from them often. Not one of them has told me that.

There is no 'big money suppression'.

Did I say anything about big money? Do you think the head of the Chemistry
Dept. at China Lake works for big money? Does Pam Boss's supervisor or
Mizuno's Dept. head work for big money?

This is academic politics.

 That kind of idea is silly and non-informative and it is an argument that
 turns any reasonable people away from you.

Yeah, well, I did not say that, I never have said that, and you just put
those nonsense words into my mouth. So you are saying that people are
turning away from me because of what Jouni Valkonen imagines I said. I do
not see what I can to prevent your fantasies. How about: you should read
what I write, instead of making up my views as you go along.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jouni Valkonen
On Sep 11, 2012, at 4:56 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Jouni Valkonen wrote:
 There is no 'big money suppression'.
 Did I say anything about big money?

Yes you did say. You said that hot fusion researchers are trying to 'suppress' 
it and indeed hot fusion research is operating with extremely big money. It is 
often matter of millions of dollars for annual budget.

That is huge amount of money for academic research!

yet again you jumped on conclusions solely that was based on your prejudice 
about what I meant. 


Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion has been suppressed -- no evidence for a conspiracy

2012-09-10 Thread Jouni Valkonen
 There is no 'big money suppression'.

 Did I say anything about big money?

 Yes you did say.

Actually perhaps it was Abd who said: »But the physics community, dependent
upon large subsidies for hot fusion research, did not operate, here, by the
normal standards of science. They, instead, demanded that nature comply
with their expectations, that cold fusion researchers produce what many
observers have said could take a Manhattan-scale project. And, of course,
without the project results in hand, they would oppose any funding.»

sorry that I mixed you two.
