Re: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
 From: Jones Beene
 Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:35:07 AM
   From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
   Look at the layered materials on this page:
 One might also suspect that this particular lab would have access to
 isotopes, like Ni-62

June 23rd, 2013 at 12:06 PM

Frank Acland:
The contribution of Prof. Sergio Focardi has been mainly in the safety issues: 
without hios help in this matter I couldn’t make my work; beside this, he 
teached to me much of the Physics I needed to know and also made all the 
preliminary measurements that we made on the reactors in 2007, 2008 2009, 2010. 
Thousands of measurements, before daring to make the first presentation in 
January 2011.

In the Brasimone nuclear facility ( in the Italian Appennines, between Bologna 
and Florence) we made tests to measure the radiations outside the reactor at 
full power, in destructive tests. He mastered the situation as only he was able 
to do. By the way, in the same Brasimone center he had made an important 
experiment regarding the search of gravitons.
Warm Regards,

[Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Alan Fletcher

Andrea Rossi
June 22nd, 2013 at 2:46 AM

We all have lost one of the greatest scientists in the field of the LENR.
For me he has been a tremendous ally, he helped our work enormously and the 
safety certifications that we are obtaining are the friut of his consulting 
during the last 7 years. For me he has been also a teacher for Physics and 
Mathematics, anytime I needed his help in these matters to better understand 
the theory behind the effect of the E-Cat.
He has always worked with us with total, absolute and disinterested attitude, 
thinking only the the interest of the Science behind the LENR.
All the newspapers of the scientific world will say what he has been in the 
Scientific and University world and his enormous legacy: he has been Professor 
of Physics, Mathematic, he has been the Dean of the Scientific Faculties of the 
Alma Mater University of Bologna and the founder of the Cesena branch of the 
University of Bologna. His pubilcations in the fields of Mathematics and 
Physics are monumental.
Now, after a long period of illness, that obviously all his friends have taken 
secret to respect his privacy, he ceased to suffer and starts a new duty for 
God under anothe form of life. I am sure he will continue to look after my work 
from where he is now.
See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will never forget our work 
together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear facility.
Yours Andrea Rossi

RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Alan Fletcher

See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will never forget our
work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear facility.

This is a provocative comment. “That day” must have been a memorable
breakthrough discovery for them, since it is mentioned so prominently-
almost as a eulogy. Does anyone know the backstory of “that day in

One wonders if something happened then which sheds any light on the HotCat
operation, in particular. Brasimone, as best I can tell, is a facility for
the study of a liquid cooled fission reactor LFR. It is not clear how that
could possibly relate to the ECat, or perhaps specifically to the HotCat.
Maybe they were simply “borrowing” the facility for testing purposes.

Anyone following Rossi’s story from the beginning may be justified in
thinking that there was a major breakthrough in the past year. I wonder if
this relates to a breakthrough or not.


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RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Jones Beene

AR: “See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will
never forget our work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear

This is a provocative comment. “That day” must have been a
memorable breakthrough discovery for them, since it is mentioned so
prominently- almost as a eulogy. Does anyone know the backstory of “that day
in Brasimone”?

One wonders if something happened then which sheds any light
on the HotCat operation, in particular. Brasimone, as best I can tell, is a
facility for the study of a liquid fueled fission reactor (LFR). It is not
clear how that could possibly relate to the ECat, or perhaps specifically to
the HotCat. Maybe they were simply “borrowing” the support facilities for
testing purposes.

Anyone following Rossi’s story from the beginning may be
justified in thinking that there was a major breakthrough in the past year.
I wonder if this bit of eulogy relates to the HotCat breakthrough or not.

FWIW – there is one detail worth mentioning about Brasimone … wrt a possible
HotCat cross-connection … but it is a stretch…

If you go to this page and see the diffusion bonding laboratory and other
support facilities

To my way of thinking this Lab fits in with one troubling detail in the
progression from ECat - HotCat … and that is the sealed steel tube
surrounded by SiC tubes – which is where all the action is happening - in
the advanced design. 

But basically it all goes back to there being no obvious precedent for
moving from a typical conflat reactor, with hydrogen feed, to a sealed tube
within a SiC tube, in which a hydride provides all the hydrogen that can be
used. That seems to something that would never happen except by accident.

And they have it all in this lab, all the details including ceramic tubes
used for molten liquid and sputtering and diffusion bonding. Was the HotCat
kind of an accident?

OK – No doubt that this many not sound like much of a rationale for a real
scientific breakthrough … unless you have done this kind of experiment, but
the jump to a sealed tube, diffusion bonded - with no possibility of
refilling it – and then place within ceramic enclosures - is so surprising
at a fundamental level - that you have to ask yourself this: is it the
result of some kind of unplanned or serendipitous happenstance?

Could the Brasimone diffusion bonding lab be the place where an inadvertent
discovery happened, leading to the HotCat configuration as it is now been
demonstrated ?

Well, admittedly, this is a stretch of the imagination, but possibly worth a
mention (by default if nothing else) - because almost no other scenario fits
into the developmental history very well.

Not to mention… the smile of the Cheshire cat, out there in cyberspace…


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Re: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Oh dear. Sorry to hear about this, but it is no surprise. He has been sick
for a long time.

I am glad he lived long enough to see the Hot Cat and the recent tests. I
wish Martin had.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Daniel Rocha
So, it was not complete BS that Rossi made the 1st test in public so early
so that Focardi could see it working.

2013/6/22 Jed Rothwell

 Oh dear. Sorry to hear about this, but it is no surprise. He has been sick
 for a long time.

 I am glad he lived long enough to see the Hot Cat and the recent tests. I
 wish Martin had.

 - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Hi Jones,
That is the one thing that struck me when I read Rossi’s ‘eulogy’…
More clues…

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

-Original Message-
From: Alan Fletcher

See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will never forget our
work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear facility.

This is a provocative comment. “That day” must have been a memorable
breakthrough discovery for them, since it is mentioned so prominently-
almost as a eulogy. Does anyone know the backstory of “that day in

One wonders if something happened then which sheds any light on the HotCat
operation, in particular. Brasimone, as best I can tell, is a facility for
the study of a liquid cooled fission reactor LFR. It is not clear how that
could possibly relate to the ECat, or perhaps specifically to the HotCat.
Maybe they were simply “borrowing” the facility for testing purposes.

Anyone following Rossi’s story from the beginning may be justified in
thinking that there was a major breakthrough in the past year. I wonder if
this relates to a breakthrough or not.


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Re: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote:

So, it was not complete BS that Rossi made the 1st test in public so early
 so that Focardi could see it working.

Not even slightly BS. Several people told me Focardi has been very ill for
many years.

Why do people make so many accusations of BS and lying with regard to
Rossi? Yes, he is secretive, and yes he exaggerates, but only about a
narrow range of subjects, mainly his business. His business is his business
and not yours. There is no reason to think he would lie about Focardi's
health. I find it offensive that anyone would think he might. Rossi is a
nice person. A sweety pie, as I have often said.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
I think this lab is also a possibility…


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

AR: “See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will
never forget our work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear

This is a provocative comment. “That day” must have been a
memorable breakthrough discovery for them, since it is mentioned so
prominently- almost as a eulogy. Does anyone know the backstory of “that day
in Brasimone”?

One wonders if something happened then which sheds any light
on the HotCat operation, in particular. Brasimone, as best I can tell, is a
facility for the study of a liquid fueled fission reactor (LFR). It is not
clear how that could possibly relate to the ECat, or perhaps specifically to
the HotCat. Maybe they were simply “borrowing” the support facilities for
testing purposes.

Anyone following Rossi’s story from the beginning may be
justified in thinking that there was a major breakthrough in the past year.
I wonder if this bit of eulogy relates to the HotCat breakthrough or not.

FWIW – there is one detail worth mentioning about Brasimone … wrt a possible
HotCat cross-connection … but it is a stretch…

If you go to this page and see the diffusion bonding laboratory and other
support facilities

To my way of thinking this Lab fits in with one troubling detail in the
progression from ECat - HotCat … and that is the sealed steel tube
surrounded by SiC tubes – which is where all the action is happening - in
the advanced design. 

But basically it all goes back to there being no obvious precedent for
moving from a typical conflat reactor, with hydrogen feed, to a sealed tube
within a SiC tube, in which a hydride provides all the hydrogen that can be
used. That seems to something that would never happen except by accident.

And they have it all in this lab, all the details including ceramic tubes
used for molten liquid and sputtering and diffusion bonding. Was the HotCat
kind of an accident?

OK – No doubt that this many not sound like much of a rationale for a real
scientific breakthrough … unless you have done this kind of experiment, but
the jump to a sealed tube, diffusion bonded - with no possibility of
refilling it – and then place within ceramic enclosures - is so surprising
at a fundamental level - that you have to ask yourself this: is it the
result of some kind of unplanned or serendipitous happenstance?

Could the Brasimone diffusion bonding lab be the place where an inadvertent
discovery happened, leading to the HotCat configuration as it is now been
demonstrated ?

Well, admittedly, this is a stretch of the imagination, but possibly worth a
mention (by default if nothing else) - because almost no other scenario fits
into the developmental history very well.

Not to mention… the smile of the Cheshire cat, out there in cyberspace…


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RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
How bout this ref:

G. Benamati, E. Serra., C.H. Wu, Hydrogen and deuterium transport and
inventory parameters through W and W-alloys for fusion reactors
applications, in press on Journal of Nuclear Materials

Hasn’t tungsten been discussed as a potential host or catalyst for LENR?
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

AR: “See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will
never forget our work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear

This is a provocative comment. “That day” must have been a
memorable breakthrough discovery for them, since it is mentioned so
prominently- almost as a eulogy. Does anyone know the backstory of “that day
in Brasimone”?

One wonders if something happened then which sheds any light
on the HotCat operation, in particular. Brasimone, as best I can tell, is a
facility for the study of a liquid fueled fission reactor (LFR). It is not
clear how that could possibly relate to the ECat, or perhaps specifically to
the HotCat. Maybe they were simply “borrowing” the support facilities for
testing purposes.

Anyone following Rossi’s story from the beginning may be
justified in thinking that there was a major breakthrough in the past year.
I wonder if this bit of eulogy relates to the HotCat breakthrough or not.

FWIW – there is one detail worth mentioning about Brasimone … wrt a possible
HotCat cross-connection … but it is a stretch…

If you go to this page and see the diffusion bonding laboratory and other
support facilities

To my way of thinking this Lab fits in with one troubling detail in the
progression from ECat - HotCat … and that is the sealed steel tube
surrounded by SiC tubes – which is where all the action is happening - in
the advanced design. 

But basically it all goes back to there being no obvious precedent for
moving from a typical conflat reactor, with hydrogen feed, to a sealed tube
within a SiC tube, in which a hydride provides all the hydrogen that can be
used. That seems to something that would never happen except by accident.

And they have it all in this lab, all the details including ceramic tubes
used for molten liquid and sputtering and diffusion bonding. Was the HotCat
kind of an accident?

OK – No doubt that this many not sound like much of a rationale for a real
scientific breakthrough … unless you have done this kind of experiment, but
the jump to a sealed tube, diffusion bonded - with no possibility of
refilling it – and then place within ceramic enclosures - is so surprising
at a fundamental level - that you have to ask yourself this: is it the
result of some kind of unplanned or serendipitous happenstance?

Could the Brasimone diffusion bonding lab be the place where an inadvertent
discovery happened, leading to the HotCat configuration as it is now been
demonstrated ?

Well, admittedly, this is a stretch of the imagination, but possibly worth a
mention (by default if nothing else) - because almost no other scenario fits
into the developmental history very well.

Not to mention… the smile of the Cheshire cat, out there in cyberspace…


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RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Look at the layered materials on this page:


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:08 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

I think this lab is also a possibility…


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RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread Jones Beene

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

Look at the layered materials on this page:


One might also suspect that this particular lab would have access to
isotopes, like Ni-62
attachment: winmail.dat

RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

2013-06-22 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
They probably could get whatever isotopes they wanted… at the request of a
senior physicist.

I think we need to rename this thread…
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Focardi has died

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

Look at the layered materials on this page:


One might also suspect that this particular lab would have access to
isotopes, like Ni-62
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