[Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-09 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
I put some water in a teakettle.

I put it on the stove.

I turn on the burner, on high.

After a while the water in the kettle boils.

The steam from the boiling water entirely fills the kettle, pushing out
*all* the air.

The steam is rushing out the little hole (making an awful whistling
noise), *and* the kettle itself is *entirely* filled with steam.

The pressure in the kettle is at 1 atmosphere, give or take a few millibars.

It's all at 100C, give or take a degree  except for the bottom
surface of the kettle, which is quite a bit hotter where it contacts the

I leave it on the stove and go take a nap, ignoring the whistling noise.

After a while, all the water boils to steam.

The kettle is still filled with water vapor, of course!  But now there's
no liquid water left.

The stove is still on high, and after a while the bottom of the kettle
starts to glow a cheery red.

The kettle is still filled with water vapor -- "dry steam" -- and the
pressure inside is still 1 atmosphere, give or take a few millibars.

What temperature do you suppose the steam inside the kettle is at?

Could this be -- gasp! -- an example of superheated steam at 1 atmosphere??

Darn right.

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

> The kettle is still filled with water vapor -- "dry steam" -- and the
> pressure inside is still 1 atmosphere, give or take a few millibars.

> What temperature do you suppose the steam inside the kettle is at?

> Could this be -- gasp! -- an example of superheated steam at 1 atmosphere??
> Darn right.

Nope. It is 100 deg C. This is well established. The only way you can raise
the temperature is to pressurize it. It does not matter what the temperature
of kettle surface is.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-09 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/09/2011 09:43 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence mailto:sa...@pobox.com>> wrote:

(I'm going to put back a few lines you snipped, just for context & clarity:)
> After a while, all the water boils to steam.
> The kettle is still filled with water vapor, of course! But now there's
> no liquid water left.
> The stove is still on high, and after a while the bottom of the kettle
> starts to glow a cheery red.
> The kettle is still filled with water vapor -- "dry steam" -- and the
> pressure inside is still 1 atmosphere, give or take a few millibars.
> What temperature do you suppose the steam inside the kettle is at?
> Could this be -- gasp! -- an example of superheated steam at 1
> atmosphere??
> Darn right.

[Jed replied:]
> Nope. It is 100 deg C. This is well established. The only way you can
> raise the temperature is to pressurize it. It does not matter what the
> temperature of kettle surface is.

Jed, it's a container, with all the walls at several hundred degrees C
or higher; the bottom's in contact with the burner and is probably at
about 1000 C.

There is nothing inside the container except gas:  Gaseous water.

Yet you are claiming the gas inside the container can't be hotter than
100 C!

That's magic -- it violates the laws of thermodynamics bigtime.

How can water vapor be so magical?  No other gas behaves that way -- no
other material behaves that way!

RE: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-09 Thread Mark Iverson
Although this discussion thread is really a moot point after it was pointed out 
that there are 5
PLCs which are controlling the power to the resistive heaters, there's one 
thing I'd like to point
Stephen said:
"Jed, it's a container, with all the walls at several hundred degrees C or 
  the bottom is in contact with the burner and is probably at about 1000 C."

You're assuming that the 'burner' is on full... what if I were to turn the 
burner to 'simmer'!
Then the 'excess' heat would only be slightly higher than what it would take to 
boil the water...
The reactor is very likely engineered so only a small portion of the Ni powder 
is exposed to
whatever conditions are needed to sustain a modest reaction... so using the 
teakettle/burner jargon,
the reactor's 'burner' is on simmer.


Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-09 Thread Charles Hope
pV = nRT. If the temperature increases, there must be a corresponding increase 
in the pressure or the volume (or both). In this tea kettle case, the volume of 
the steam increases right out the top of the kettle. But the temperature can 
increase above 100. 

Sent from my iPhone. 

On Feb 9, 2011, at 21:43, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:
> The kettle is still filled with water vapor -- "dry steam" -- and the
> pressure inside is still 1 atmosphere, give or take a few millibars.
> What temperature do you suppose the steam inside the kettle is at?
> Could this be -- gasp! -- an example of superheated steam at 1 atmosphere??
> Darn right.
> Nope. It is 100 deg C. This is well established. The only way you can raise 
> the temperature is to pressurize it. It does not matter what the temperature 
> of kettle surface is.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

> Jed, it's a container, with all the walls at several hundred degrees C or
> higher; the bottom's in contact with the burner and is probably at about
> 1000 C.
> There is nothing inside the container except gas:  Gaseous water.
> Yet you are claiming the gas inside the container can't be hotter than 100
> C!

If it gets any hotter, the vapor expands and more of it leaves the
container. Water vapor at 1 atm cannot be hotter than 100 deg C. The inside
of the pot is much hotter of course, since there is heat radiating from the
bottom. I meant that if you isolate the steam and take its temperature, it
will be 100 deg C. It is, of course, impossible to do that inside the kettle
itself. You can only measure some average temperature of the metal and
vapor. You have to spray some water in, have it exit the by a hose, and
measure the temperature some distance from the hot metal. The kettle
temperature might be 500 deg C, but the steam will never be more than 100
deg C, unless you confine it and raise the pressure.

> That's magic -- it violates the laws of thermodynamics bigtime.
> How can water vapor be so magical?  No other gas behaves that way -- no
> other material behaves that way!

All gas behaves that way. There is no violation of thermodynamics, because
the vapor occupies more and more space, until eventually it is close to a
vacuum inside the kettle. Confine it so that it cannot occupy more space and
then the temperature rises. Reduce the pressure around the water to
the vacuum of interplanetary space and the liquid boils at any temperature.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-10 Thread jwinter

Hi Jed,

What you wrote is true when there is liquid water and steam together in 
a container - the combination cannot be heated to a temperature higher 
than 100 deg C without raising the pressure.  However once all the 
liquid has turned to gas there is no longer any limit to what 
temperature it can be raised to until the molecules dissociate into 
their component elements.

This is analogous to the case of ice and water together in a container.  
You cannot raise the temperature of the water above 0 deg C until all 
the ice has melted.  Once the ice is melted, then the temperature of the 
water can easily be raised - until it boils for instance.

The reason for both of these is the same - the latent heat of the phase 
change.  In the first case it is the latent heat of vaporization, and in 
the second it is the latent heat of fusion.  While there is a mixture of 
water in two different phases, then all the energy is absorbed by the 
water changing phase until it is complete, after that the energy added 
goes directly into temperature rise instead of driving the phase 
change.  Much the same thing happens as you extract energy to lower the 

On 2/10/2011 10:43 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Nope. It is 100 deg C. This is well established. The only way you can 
raise the temperature is to pressurize it. It does not matter what the 
temperature of kettle surface is.

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-10 Thread Jed Rothwell

> What you wrote is true when there is liquid water and steam together in a
> container - the combination cannot be heated to a temperature higher than
> 100 deg C without raising the pressure.  However once all the liquid has
> turned to gas there is no longer any limit to what temperature it can be
> raised to until the molecules dissociate into their component elements.

What would keep the molecules in the kettle, assuming the top or spout is
open? What would prevent the gas density from declining indefinitely until
it is close to a vacuum?

My understanding is that the temperature does not rise as long as the volume
is free to expand.

In any case, with the real world case of the Rossi device or an actual
kettle, you can make the metal as hot as you like, but as long as you keep
pumping water in, unconfined steam coming out will be 100 deg C. It may not
remove all of the heat, in which case the Rossi device (or kettle) will get
hotter and hotter, losing heat by other paths. There is no feeback from the
Rossi gadget to the cooling water flow, and no change in the flow rate.
There is some other feedback to the electric heater control. I do not know
how that works.

Anyway, this explains why the steam temperature does not change, even though
the Rossi device internal temperature is fluctuating, as you see in one of
the graphs. People here have assumed that the cooling water has to be
removing all of the heat, keeping everything in balance. There is no
indication it is in balance. The unchanging steam temperature does not
indicate that the machine is magically supplying just enough heat to keep
the steam just above 100 deg C.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-10 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/10/2011 08:28 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> mailto:jwin...@cyllene.uwa.edu.au>> wrote:
> What you wrote is true when there is liquid water and steam
> together in a container - the combination cannot be heated to a
> temperature higher than 100 deg C without raising the pressure.
>  However once all the liquid has turned to gas there is no longer
> any limit to what temperature it can be raised to until the
> molecules dissociate into their component elements.
> What would keep the molecules in the kettle, assuming the top or spout
> is open? What would prevent the gas density from declining
> indefinitely until it is close to a vacuum?
> My understanding is that the temperature does not rise as long as the
> volume is free to expand.

Your understanding appears to be incomplete.

Ideal gases, and, to a good approximation, all real gases, obey the law:

PV = nRT

That means, for a given quantity of gas, the pressure on the gas, times
the volume it occupies, is equal to the number of moles of gas (the
quantity), times a constant 'R', times the absolute temperature (degress

A "mole" of gas is about 6.02 * 10^23 molecules.

If we have a ten gallon tank filled with air, with a small opening,
then, when the tank is at room temperature (300 degrees, roughly), we'll

  15 psi * 10 gallons = n0 * R * 300

where the number of *molecules* of gas in the tank is n0 * 6.02 *
10^23.  (I leave it to someone else to calculate what the numeric value
of "n0" is, and I don't know the value of the constant "R" when we're
using pounds per square inch and gallons, so I'll just continue to call
it 'R'.)

If I then heat the tank to 400 degrees, the air inside will also be
heated, by conduction from the walls of the tank.  The air will, of
course, expand, and we'll probably notice a whistling sound as air
rushes out of the tank through the small opening.

When it all comes to equilibrium there will be less gas in the tank -- a
smaller number of moles.  Since we've heated the gas to 4/3 the original
temperature, the volume will have expanded by 4/3, so a lot of the gas
will have escaped, and the number of moles which will still fit inside
the tank will be 3/4 what it was before.  So, for the gas which remains
inside the tank, we'll have

  15 psi * 10 gallons = (3/4)*n0 * R * 400

The temperature has increased by 4/3, the number of moles remaining in
the tank has dropped by a factor of 3/4, the pressure and volume are the
same as they were to start with, and the equation balances.

But you can't make it balance if you assume the temperature didn't
increase!  As the tank is heated, gas expands and escapes -- you can
hear it whistling out.  That means "n", the number of moles of gas
inside the tank, gets smaller.  Since the pressure and the volume inside
the tank haven't changed, in order for PV = nRT to continue to balance,
the temperature *must* have increased.

Re: [Vo]:Imagine a teakettle

2011-02-10 Thread jwinter

On 2/10/2011 9:28 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

mailto:jwin...@cyllene.uwa.edu.au>> wrote:

What you wrote is true when there is liquid water and steam
together in a container - the combination cannot be heated to a
temperature higher than 100 deg C without raising the pressure.
 However once all the liquid has turned to gas there is no longer
any limit to what temperature it can be raised to until the
molecules dissociate into their component elements.

What would keep the molecules in the kettle, assuming the top or spout 
is open?
Well the pressure of the atmosphere into which the gas is exiting will 
prevent the gas pressure from declining below one atmosphere - allowing 
the gas to attain any temperature you chose to heat it to and becoming 
less and less dense until it is indeed close to that of a vacuum.
What would prevent the gas density from declining indefinitely until 
it is close to a vacuum?
Here we are speaking of two different quantities that relate to a vacuum 
- pressure and density.  Hot air or helium in a balloon is much less 
*dense* than the atmosphere, but is never the less at the same 
*pressure* as the atmosphere.  Likewise one could imagine *very* hot air 
or steam being almost zero *density* (ie close to the density of a 
vacuum), but still at the same *pressure* as the atmosphere (ie much 
higher pressure than a vacuum).
My understanding is that the temperature does not rise as long as the 
volume is free to expand.
If you allow a gas to expand indefinitely into a vacuum pressure then 
you are right, it would cool down again until it condensed.  But this 
does require a mechanism to extract its energy as it expands - such as 
getting it to push on a piston and slowly moving the piston out.  If you 
simply let the gas leak through some sort of throttling valve (like a 
long thin kettle spout) into a low pressure or vacuum, then as I recall, 
it usually takes a step down in temperature, but once on the low 
pressure or vacuum side there is nothing to reduce its temperature 
further.  In fact if my rusty memory serves, some gases under some 
conditions can exit a throttling valve hotter (in terms of temperature - 
ie the individual molecules have more kinetic energy) than they were 
when on the compressed side - this being because the work done by the 
gas traveling through the expander ends up as frictional heat in the 
throttling material which gets hot and makes the gas hot also.  Sorry my 
thermodynamics knowledge is so poor - it always seemed a bit too 
steam-aged to fire my imagination and get me to learn it!