On 02/10/2011 08:28 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> <jwin...@cyllene.uwa.edu.au <mailto:jwin...@cyllene.uwa.edu.au>> wrote:
>     What you wrote is true when there is liquid water and steam
>     together in a container - the combination cannot be heated to a
>     temperature higher than 100 deg C without raising the pressure.
>      However once all the liquid has turned to gas there is no longer
>     any limit to what temperature it can be raised to until the
>     molecules dissociate into their component elements.
> What would keep the molecules in the kettle, assuming the top or spout
> is open? What would prevent the gas density from declining
> indefinitely until it is close to a vacuum?
> My understanding is that the temperature does not rise as long as the
> volume is free to expand.

Your understanding appears to be incomplete.

Ideal gases, and, to a good approximation, all real gases, obey the law:

PV = nRT

That means, for a given quantity of gas, the pressure on the gas, times
the volume it occupies, is equal to the number of moles of gas (the
quantity), times a constant 'R', times the absolute temperature (degress

A "mole" of gas is about 6.02 * 10^23 molecules.

If we have a ten gallon tank filled with air, with a small opening,
then, when the tank is at room temperature (300 degrees, roughly), we'll

  15 psi * 10 gallons = n0 * R * 300

where the number of *molecules* of gas in the tank is n0 * 6.02 *
10^23.  (I leave it to someone else to calculate what the numeric value
of "n0" is, and I don't know the value of the constant "R" when we're
using pounds per square inch and gallons, so I'll just continue to call
it 'R'.)

If I then heat the tank to 400 degrees, the air inside will also be
heated, by conduction from the walls of the tank.  The air will, of
course, expand, and we'll probably notice a whistling sound as air
rushes out of the tank through the small opening.

When it all comes to equilibrium there will be less gas in the tank -- a
smaller number of moles.  Since we've heated the gas to 4/3 the original
temperature, the volume will have expanded by 4/3, so a lot of the gas
will have escaped, and the number of moles which will still fit inside
the tank will be 3/4 what it was before.  So, for the gas which remains
inside the tank, we'll have

  15 psi * 10 gallons = (3/4)*n0 * R * 400

The temperature has increased by 4/3, the number of moles remaining in
the tank has dropped by a factor of 3/4, the pressure and volume are the
same as they were to start with, and the equation balances.

But you can't make it balance if you assume the temperature didn't
increase!  As the tank is heated, gas expands and escapes -- you can
hear it whistling out.  That means "n", the number of moles of gas
inside the tank, gets smaller.  Since the pressure and the volume inside
the tank haven't changed, in order for PV = nRT to continue to balance,
the temperature *must* have increased.

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