Re: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-14 Thread LORENHEYER
Here is my official well-learned opinion about the means or mode of 
Technology that we (modern-day mankind) are using to interpret or decipher the 
world around us, and especially when it comes to pictures or images  so-called 
videos It's really only insufficient, inadequate, confusing, invalid, 
convoluted, misleading,  even offensive, enraging, foul, vile, demeaning, 
disgusting, despicable, etc. etc.   
   Now, all you 
have to do to get the general idea of what impact a video can have of 
someone, and, not to (precisely) change the subject, but... The recent video 
made of the stoned-age people that became enraged when they see or hear of 
themselves in the act of their animal-like behavior. Maybe it's just 
coincidental that the stoned-age people simply enjoy throwing stones, 
people, and/or naturally tend to destroy any  everything produced by the 
modern world.  
It's really just an 
issue of a somewhat earlier version of mankind, which hasn't yet crossed-over 
from the primative tendencies or behavior associated with there-of, to the 
more evolved Modern Humans which we obviously are. From my viewpoint, these 
stoned-age people are the real infidels because they are obviously deathly 
afraid of technology and/or a future that doesn't involve them bending down 
all day kissing the ground (good by),,, which of course, is where they all, 
more or less, *know* they're going to end up. 

  Now, all of us 
more evolved modern civilized humans *know* deep down that When  If it comes 
down to it that it's US or Them (the animals),,, and so, of course, there 
isn't any real choice At some point, if They succeed in their on-going 
effort to ses the total compete demise of US, then we'll need asap to we pull 
ourselves back or out completely, or as much as possible, and totally 
obliterate their world. 

  Then, and only then, will THEY *know,* 
(w/o question) once and for all, that our God is all truly powerfull and all 
knowing, and/or has no equal. THEIR so-called religion, prophets, and/or god 
will then be All Ah or All Uh, Up In The Air.  

 In a message dated 9/6/12 6:17:27 PM EST, writes:

 However, I have to offer this vid:
 and one of not so good quality:
 and, while I really want to believe, . . .
 Maybe Loren Heyer will comment? 

Re: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Lorenheyer:


   Then, and only then, will THEY *know,*
 (w/o question) once and for all, that our God is all truly powerfull and all
 knowing, and/or has no equal. THEIR so-called religion, prophets, and/or god
 will then be All Ah or All Uh, Up In The Air.

IMO, discussions pertaining to prove which god is the only one and
true god are doomed. Under the circumstances it is better to be an
atheist.Perhaps that's what many stalwart fundamentalists end up doing
in a future life - as a practical way of balancing their books. ;-)

Strange as it might sound for me to say this but I would recommend we
tone down further discussion pertaining to the recent unfortunate
You-Tube infidel matter. We are witnessing ancient Tribal Law
clashing with the more modern laws of Civilization. There is bound to
be some conflict. The transition is painful for everyone, on both
sides of the fence. We do not need to fan the flames anymore than they
already have been fanned.

It is not wise to blithly hand over to a bunch of hot-heads additional
excuses than the ones they have already managed to manufacture out of
seeds of ignorance as recently depicted on You Tube.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-09 Thread hellokevin

--- On Fri, 9/7/12, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

I'm puzzled by the fact that many Aliens are strikingly humanoid in 
appearance - possessing two legs, arms, eyes, a nose and mouth, placed in 
pretty much the same locations as we possess. I don't think such a structural 
layout is a coincidence.  
Neither do I.  But Occham's Razor suggests a far simpler explanation than 
aliens crossing thousands of light years to come to this obscure planet and use 
humans in genetic experiments or whatever the latest fad explanation is.  The 
simplest explanation is that most flying saucer landings are secret projects 
and when the guys inside see a possibility that there are going to be folks 
from the general public nearby, they simply don an alien head costume.  This 
also accounts for their heads being bigger in proportion to their bodies.  

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez:


[Regarding the latest UFO jellyfish images.]




 However, I have to offer this vid:



Striking images of ISS. I didn't realize one could get such clear images
from something as simple as a 5 inch refracting telescope. That's


 and one of not so good quality:


 and, while I really want to believe, . . .


 Maybe Loren Heyer will comment?



Quoting from the first You Tube link:


In short: Get a telescope that costs more than 50 dollars.




It wasn't clear to me whether the fuzzy images were videos of stationary
objects or whether the objects were in near orbit around our planet. I
suspect knowing just that little bit of info alone would probably tell us
the high likelihood of whether these particular ufos were local or


... your tax dollars at work! ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread LORENHEYER
If I've learned one thing over the years from all my observations of 
looking up in the sky with the unaided eye, not to mention what I am 
absolutely convinced and/or confident are authentic first-hand eyewitness 
encounters that depict actual landed craft that leave tell-tale signs, 
effects, and/or physical evidence behind, plus the occupants or crew that have 
described as small humanoid (highly evolved and/or developed in my opinion) 
beings w/ small thin bodies (in diver type suits) w/ enlarged heads w/ 
large obsidian or almond shaped eyes (something obvious related to tremendous 
light gathering abilities, in my opinion) and barely discernable nose, ears, 
mouth,  Not to mention w/o a doubt, no genitalia, organs, blood, flesh, 
nerves natural senses (have you lost yours yet?... well, you won't need to, 
because it's all not only archaic and completely unnecessary  outdone, but 
obsolete), etc, etc..   
 Now, while I am well aware of many but 
certainly not all of the various incidents over the years of sightings  
of us well-grounded in-the-flesh naturally limited and/or biologically 
dependent restricted humans with them, I also realize that every copycat 
 hoax will naturally follow, and/or a more reasonable practical down to 
earth (un) scientific explanation. (Money or Job Security typically forces 
most of us to say or do anything... it''s completely understandable because 
it is the current means by which enables us to prosper  progress and/or 
govern ourselves.   
 Now, one thing I'll say with 100 % certainty is 
that while this whole complete other issue has been thoroughly absolutely 
completely diluted, one clear *FACT* remains, and that is that what we (human 
beings) tend only to believe in, in regard to a more enduring place in 
heaven in some afterlife, with God or the Lord, or Supreme Being, or 
whathaveyou,,, the *Reality* of the situation or nature of the beast  will 
demand that 
as we evolve  grow over 10's of thousands  millions of years, develope 
vastly improved ways of obtaining efficiency in energy production  materials 
w/ second to none properties, along with the one  only process that will 
enable this civilization to travel the stars w/o trouble or fail.  

   Unfortunately, over 
the course of such a vast amount of time (and space) needed to develope this 
whole complete other mode of technological being, and the enormity or 
immensity or capacity and/or level of sophistication that information is 
processed  about the world we live in, our current human mode of existence will 
since have become so outdated that yuo certainly wouldn't even hope to 
recognize it Out with the Old... In with the New.   

Our earthly individual 
human identities that we now live experience differently will very slowly come 
to pass, because, bio-reproduction and/or the natural environment will at 
some point in the future be competely abandoned or outdone. IOW's, immortality 
and/or a one being based ability will be developed/created in the 
Laboratory, whereas the world outside will then be the world within.

 Now, no doubt while it's a long story, 
that has already comepletely played out out there in countless other star 
systems over the billions of years, it's important to keep in mind that we 
humankind possess the cognitive ability to comprehend this other world which 
generally know little to nothing about.  

So anyway, right now up in the Space above us is a highly coordinated 
attuned effort the likes of which would not only would but is completely 
ourkind down here on good old earth, BUT, it should be at least comforting, 
if not rewarding, and/or even beyond exciting to *Know* that a whole 
complete *other* immaculate exquisite mode of existence/being has been 
accomplished In The Absolute, Among The Stars, In Space, w/o trouble or 
fail, and very possibly Forever There After Anything else, would be 
uncivilized... not worth a hill of beings, or how'bout,  the paper it's printed 

Just having a little fun, before I perish from the earth OR if you wish, 

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
A nice wax Terry,


I'm puzzled by the fact that many Aliens are strikingly humanoid in
appearance - possessing two legs, arms, eyes, a nose and mouth, placed in
pretty much the same locations as we possess. I don't think such a
structural layout is a coincidence. My personal speculation is that we may
be genetically related to many so-called ETs. How we might be related is, of
course, the 64 dollar question. Many of these humanoids, in my view, look
like future versions of humans, give or take a million years or so. This
suggests to me the possibility that time-travel, along with millions of
probable/parallel realities may be part of the entire paradigm.


I also personally think a likely advancement we get to look forward to is to
eventually develop a hive mind. Individual bodies, like you and me will
become more specialized in order to perform unique tasks for the well-being
of the collective. Contrary to what many fear might happen, I suspect we
will continue to maintain our individuality while simultaneously
maintaining an intimate connection with the collective. IOW, we will
eventually learn to play the piano with both hands.


Speculating on intelligent/alien hive mind activity is, of course, a
favorite science fiction topic. Writers like Arthur C. Clark, David Brin,
Joe Haldeman, and Orson Scott Card to name a few have all written
fascinating speculative fiction on what it would be like to contact hive
minded creatures. Star Trek's, Borg, is just a nasty permutation based on
something we aren't yet comfortable with, and therefore fear. IOW, we fear
the nature of the hive mind as being something akin to blundering into our
grandparent's bedroom one day and accidently seeing grandma naked... or
perhaps everyone naked for that matter! I suspect a more likely scenario
would be that making contact with hive minded ET intelligences will end up
mostly as a benign experience - at least from our personal individuated
POVs. I suspect our own Hive Mind is still pretty much in an unconscious
state. That's a more charitable way of saying it's still quite dim-witted.
It might take us another 10 - 50 thousand years before our collective
thoughts finally manage to get upgraded to ET standards. Until then, I
suspect most hive intelligences out in the wilds of the cosmos would
prefer to keep the dim-witted juveniles safely secured in the game preserve
where they can be better monitored - aka CE3/4K. Of course, we may disobey
the hive's suggestions and attempt to break out of our little crib before
we have been potty trained. What then? Are we too old to get spanked?


* * * * *


BTW, here's a revised reprint of a fictional character of mine, Vince
Dingalint, and his unique perspective on the Infamous Roswell story. Some
Vorts may still remember Vince and his unfortunate predicament - which is
similar to the fate of Billy Pilgrim. The following link is another test of
me revising the look and feel of my still-under-construction web site.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Oops! I found a big grammatical error in the second paragraph of Dingalint's
Roswell story. It's been fixed.


I'm decompressing from a long work-vacation down in Chicago attending the
World Science Fiction convention. I still feel very scattered.



Steven Vincent Johnson


From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 7:47 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope


A nice wax Terry,


I'm puzzled by the fact that many Aliens are strikingly humanoid in
appearance - possessing two legs, arms, eyes, a nose and mouth, placed in
pretty much the same locations as we possess. I don't think such a
structural layout is a coincidence. My personal speculation is that we may
be genetically related to many so-called ETs. How we might be related is, of
course, the 64 dollar question. Many of these humanoids, in my view, look
like future versions of humans, give or take a million years or so. This
suggests to me the possibility that time-travel, along with millions of
probable/parallel realities may be part of the entire paradigm.


I also personally think a likely advancement we get to look forward to is to
eventually develop a hive mind. Individual bodies, like you and me will
become more specialized in order to perform unique tasks for the well-being
of the collective. Contrary to what many fear might happen, I suspect we
will continue to maintain our individuality while simultaneously
maintaining an intimate connection with the collective. IOW, we will
eventually learn to play the piano with both hands.


Speculating on intelligent/alien hive mind activity is, of course, a
favorite science fiction topic. Writers like Arthur C. Clark, David Brin,
Joe Haldeman, and Orson Scott Card to name a few have all written
fascinating speculative fiction on what it would be like to contact hive
minded creatures. Star Trek's, Borg, is just a nasty permutation based on
something we aren't yet comfortable with, and therefore fear. IOW, we fear
the nature of the hive mind as being something akin to blundering into our
grandparent's bedroom one day and accidently seeing grandma naked... or
perhaps everyone naked for that matter! I suspect a more likely scenario
would be that making contact with hive minded ET intelligences will end up
mostly as a benign experience - at least from our personal individuated
POVs. I suspect our own Hive Mind is still pretty much in an unconscious
state. That's a more charitable way of saying it's still quite dim-witted.
It might take us another 10 - 50 thousand years before our collective
thoughts finally manage to get upgraded to ET standards. Until then, I
suspect most hive intelligences out in the wilds of the cosmos would
prefer to keep the dim-witted juveniles safely secured in the game preserve
where they can be better monitored - aka CE3/4K. Of course, we may disobey
the hive's suggestions and attempt to break out of our little crib before
we have been potty trained. What then? Are we too old to get spanked?


* * * * *


BTW, here's a revised reprint of a fictional character of mine, Vince
Dingalint, and his unique perspective on the Infamous Roswell story. Some
Vorts may still remember Vince and his unfortunate predicament - which is
similar to the fate of Billy Pilgrim. The following link is another test of
me revising the look and feel of my still-under-construction web site.



Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Just got this from the Yahoo DNNY UFO group:

Terry,  what do you think?

Looks like space jellyfish to me. ...all out of focus, of course. Fertile
ground for the imagination. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-06 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 4:42 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 Terry,  what do you think?

putting on MUFON Invertigator hat (it still fits!)

Well, they are quite fibrous, eh?  I do so love the jellyfish ufo images:

But, when the narrator spoke of deep space images, I have to recall
the days when *I* was a amateur astronomer and how disappointed I was
with my 8 reflector telescope images.  Our moon was cool.  And I
could just make out Jupiter's moons.

However, I have to offer this vid:

and one of not so good quality:

and, while I really want to believe, . . .

Maybe Loren Heyer will comment?