[SPAM] Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-15 Thread David Roberson
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sun, 14 Apr 2013 18:37:33 -0400 (EDT):

>I have always been suspicious of why a photon of light interacts with only one 
electron when the wavelength of the light is many times larger than the atom 
that contains that electron in orbit.  Why is there little response from the 
nearby atoms that have resonances at the same frequency?

>>The difference in angular momentum for an electron for allowed transitions is
always h_bar, and a photon only has 1 h_bar to give, so only 1 electron can
absorb it.
(I'm just dying for someone to contradict me here! :)<<
Robin, don't die on us.  We need your inputs.
Does this logic apply to the case where a photon of light causes an electron to 
jump several energy levels?  I know that an electron that occupies an orbital 
at several levels above ground state can return to either of the available 
levels so the reverse should be possible.  In this case, there should be 
sufficient momentum to cause several lower level electrons to jump by the input 
of one photon.  How is the energy allocated when this occurs?

>One might be able to raise an argument concerning reciprocal behavior to 
explain why only one atom responds to the incoming photon.  In this case, only 
single photon is released by the change in orbital of a single electron.  Why 
the enormous size question arises is beyond my understanding.

>>I don't see the size as a problem, do you?
A large wave packet that is 500 nanometers or so in size would strike an area 
that is many times larger than a single atom.  It is difficult to understand 
how the energy which is spread out so greatly can be concentrated into 
essentially a single point. 



Robin van Spaandonk

The behavior between photons and electrons appears much like an entangled pair. 
 That is about the only way that I can imagine that a photon that is far larger 
in size could only influence a single electron. 


Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-15 Thread mixent
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sun, 14 Apr 2013 18:37:33 -0400 (EDT):
>I have always been suspicious of why a photon of light interacts with only one 
>electron when the wavelength of the light is many times larger than the atom 
>that contains that electron in orbit.  Why is there little response from the 
>nearby atoms that have resonances at the same frequency?

The difference in angular momentum for an electron for allowed transitions is
always h_bar, and a photon only has 1 h_bar to give, so only 1 electron can
absorb it.
(I'm just dying for someone to contradict me here! :)

>One might be able to raise an argument concerning reciprocal behavior to 
>explain why only one atom responds to the incoming photon.  In this case, only 
>a single photon is released by the change in orbital of a single electron.  
>Why the enormous size question arises is beyond my understanding.

I don't see the size as a problem, do you?

>A low frequency waveform such at the ones we are discussing can be polarized 
>in any dimension right angled to the forward travel path and is not typically 
>helical when man made. You can generally find a null direction to either the 
>electric field or magnetic field of the traveling wave.

The antennae that we make are typically either vertical or horizontal, and as
such generate either vertically or horizontally polarized waves.
You can view a polarized wave as a slinky that has been squashed flat.
IOW the axis of the coils of the helix is perpendicular to the direction of
travel, whereas for a circularly polarized beam, it lies along the direction of
travel. (Slinky not squashed.)

(Once again, I would love to be shown to be wrong here. I would learn something
new. :)


Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-14 Thread David Roberson
That is a big particle.  Perhaps we should keep in mind that the particles that 
find their way through slit experiments are not like billiard balls, but behave 
more like a wave packet.  I still am wondering how to interpret the behavior of 
such a packet once it hits the "screen" following the slits.  Does it spread 
out its effective impact region in proportion to the wavelength?  In other 
terms, can it be detected over an area that is similar in size to a short 
antenna at that frequency?  If this is the case, then its smaller brothers 
should behave in like manner.

I have always been suspicious of why a photon of light interacts with only one 
electron when the wavelength of the light is many times larger than the atom 
that contains that electron in orbit.  Why is there little response from the 
nearby atoms that have resonances at the same frequency?

One might be able to raise an argument concerning reciprocal behavior to 
explain why only one atom responds to the incoming photon.  In this case, only 
a single photon is released by the change in orbital of a single electron.  Why 
the enormous size question arises is beyond my understanding.

A low frequency waveform such at the ones we are discussing can be polarized in 
any dimension right angled to the forward travel path and is not typically 
helical when man made.   You can generally find a null direction to either the 
electric field or magnetic field of the traveling wave.


-Original Message-
From: mixent 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sun, Apr 14, 2013 5:50 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sun, 14 Apr 2013 01:39:29 -0400 (EDT):
>OK Robin,
>The frequency of a 1 kilometer wavelength radiated signal would be as follows: 
(f = c / wavelength).  or in this case f = 300 million meters per second / 1000 
meters or 300 kilohertz.  This is a legitimate frequency that can be radiated 
with the proper antenna.   So how big is the particle equivalent for this 
wavelength?  It appears that the concept of particles at this frequency is non 
sense.  A packet of waves that is contained within several wavelengths make 
more sense.

The radius of the "particle" is the wavelength / 2 Pi, i.e. 159 m. What I think
you really have is a helical wave with a radius of 159 m.

>-Original Message-
>From: mixent 
>To: vortex-l 
>Sent: Sat, Apr 13, 2013 11:38 pm
>Subject: Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon
>In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sat, 13 Apr 2013 22:43:11 -0400 (EDT):
>Calculate the frequency.
>>A short exploration of the wave-particle behavior of photons was undertaken 
>questions have come up that I would like answered.
>>As we are all aware, an electromagnetic wave can be quite large in size.  
>there is no lower limit to the frequency of such a wave, it is easy to 
>one that is greater than a kilometer between maximum electric or magnetic 
>A packet of waves that constitute a photon at a low frequency would likely 
>consist of many peaks.
>>There is reason to assume that a low frequency photon would behave the same 
>as its brother light photons and generate interference patterns when the size 
>the experimental slits are in proportion to its wavelength.   So, if the slits 
>are several kilometers apart, how large would the equivalent photon particle 
>The obvious answer is that it would be in the same size range as the 

>of the packet.  If this is true, then one might question the entire concept of 
>photon as being any form of particle.  After all, aren't most particles 
>virtually point sources as compared to normal dimensions?
>>What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?  
>one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it be 
>detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected over a 
>large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has anyone given 
>this concept much thought?
>>There are several other questions that can be entertained, but these should 
>bring on some interesting discussions.   Please add your insight to this issue.
>Robin van Spaandonk

Robin van Spaandonk



Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-14 Thread mixent
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sun, 14 Apr 2013 01:39:29 -0400 (EDT):
>OK Robin,
>The frequency of a 1 kilometer wavelength radiated signal would be as follows: 
>(f = c / wavelength).  or in this case f = 300 million meters per second / 
>1000 meters or 300 kilohertz.  This is a legitimate frequency that can be 
>radiated with the proper antenna.   So how big is the particle equivalent for 
>this wavelength?  It appears that the concept of particles at this frequency 
>is non sense.  A packet of waves that is contained within several wavelengths 
>make much more sense.

The radius of the "particle" is the wavelength / 2 Pi, i.e. 159 m. What I think
you really have is a helical wave with a radius of 159 m.

>-Original Message-
>From: mixent 
>To: vortex-l 
>Sent: Sat, Apr 13, 2013 11:38 pm
>Subject: Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon
>In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sat, 13 Apr 2013 22:43:11 -0400 (EDT):
>Calculate the frequency.
>>A short exploration of the wave-particle behavior of photons was undertaken 
>questions have come up that I would like answered.
>>As we are all aware, an electromagnetic wave can be quite large in size.  
>there is no lower limit to the frequency of such a wave, it is easy to 
>one that is greater than a kilometer between maximum electric or magnetic 
>A packet of waves that constitute a photon at a low frequency would likely 
>consist of many peaks.
>>There is reason to assume that a low frequency photon would behave the same 
>as its brother light photons and generate interference patterns when the size 
>the experimental slits are in proportion to its wavelength.   So, if the slits 
>are several kilometers apart, how large would the equivalent photon particle 
>The obvious answer is that it would be in the same size range as the 
>of the packet.  If this is true, then one might question the entire concept of 
>photon as being any form of particle.  After all, aren't most particles 
>virtually point sources as compared to normal dimensions?
>>What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?  
>one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it be 
>detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected over a 
>large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has anyone given 
>this concept much thought?
>>There are several other questions that can be entertained, but these should 
>bring on some interesting discussions.   Please add your insight to this issue.
>Robin van Spaandonk

Robin van Spaandonk


RE: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-14 Thread Jones Beene

From: David Roberson 


I have been attempting to understand if or why there is a difference in the
behavior of high frequency photons as compared to those that we can easily
measure. '


There is, but it is not easy to follow. It involves going from inverse 4th
to 5th powers. Here is a long version of Planck's derivation, since the
other link I had is dead. In short, we are comparing photon power (spectral
radiance) to temperature (or wavelength)




Planck's law describes radiation emitted by a blackbody and can be written
as an inverse 5th Law. Wien's power law also implies that emissive power is
proportional to temperature to the 5th power. But Stefan-Boltzmann says
emissive power is proportional to temperature to the 4th power. How can all
of these be true?


The usual explanation given is that Stefan-Boltzmann applies to the total
emissive power (the integration of the emissive power density, or the area
under the curve) while Wien's power law applies to the peak. When we look at
these laws in action for stars of different surface temperature, there is a
strong narrowing of the spectrum with increasing temperatures such that the
peak is spiked and the distribution is compressed. Wien explains the shift
of the peak to shorter wavelengths, while the Stefan-Boltzmann explains the
abrupt growth in the height of the curve, but eventually the two become


IOW - going from a 4th to a 5th power may not be accounted for in terms of
expectation. One way to verbalize this is in trying to explain the oddities
of GRBs, where radiation seems to be more powerful than it should be
(penetration depth) it can be said that these rays act as if they are
exponentially greater in power. And there is some truth to that.







Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread David Roberson

What if you decided to chase after one of the gamma rays?  If you constructed a 
spaceship that traveled at just below the speed of light relative to the source 
of the ray, it would be effectively Doppler shifted indefinitely.  What would 
you measure at that point?  I would suspect like you that the shifted ray would 
behave exactly as a low frequency signal that is locally generated within your 
ship.  It would be interesting to see the diffraction patterns and other 
interference patterns under these conditions.

I find it interesting to consider the consequences of the spacing of slits for 
a two slit experiment in such an environment.  The slits are along a line that 
is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the ray.  I recall that there is 
not supposed to be any translation to dimensions at right angles to the 
relative forward motion.  If this is true, there may be experimental problems 
arising as a result of slit spacing.  In the original reference frame there 
would be a nice interference pattern with the light and dark bars.  There would 
not be a significant pattern detected on the relatively high velocity ship 
since the spacing between slits would be much less than a wavelength of the 
transformed gammas.

For a real life test, gammas would not be a good choice as a source since it 
would be nearly impossible to build a two slit experiment of the needed size.  
Instead, lets use light emitted by an atom in the thought experiment.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sun, Apr 14, 2013 1:25 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

I wrote:

to an observer much smaller and more quickly moving than the gamma ray photon, 
the gamma photon will behave in the manner of the radio wave photon in our 
frame of reference.

By "more quickly moving," I'm thinking not of velocity, but of time slices -- 
the small little thing gets a lot more done in a given period of time than the 
gamma photon.



Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread David Roberson
I have been attempting to understand if or why there is a difference in the 
behavior of high frequency photons as compared to those that we can easily 
measure.  One problem that crops up frequently is that the energy of these 
waveforms travels outwards at the speed of light relative to us the observer.  
We are limited to being able to detect the time changing fields with 
instruments at a location removed from the source to determine the frequency of 
the signal.  According to special relativity, we are unable to catch up with a 
moving wave and freeze it in position to actually measure the distance between 
field peaks.  No matter how fast we move, the wave will always escape from us 
at the speed of light.  This is true even if we are traveling in a direction 
that is backwards relative to the forward directed wave front.

We do know that the Doppler effect will cause the frequency that we measure to 
vary with our relative motion compared to the source of the radiation.  And, 
since any time we measure the speed of light in our frame of reference it reads 
the same, the wavelength must be modified along with the apparent frequency.

It becomes tricky when the original source and us calculate different length 
measurements between field peaks depending upon our relative motion.  Perhaps 
the measurement concept is not valid.  Is it possible that we can not 
effectively freeze time and then move along the now static electric and 
magnetic field patterns to determine the distance between peaks?  Considering 
that we can not ever actually catch up with the expanding fields in any know 
manner, then this might be a limitation that is placed upon us by relativity.  
The best that we can do is to measure the time changing fields that are passing 
through our reference frame.   Then we can determine the frequency of the wave 
by our local clock and it is accurate as far as we can prove.

I can see that there are a lot of interesting implications that arise in the 
pursuit of these concepts.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sun, Apr 14, 2013 12:47 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 7:43 PM, David Roberson  wrote:

What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?  If 
one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it be 
detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected over a 
large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has anyone given 
this concept much thought?

I was thinking about this myself.  If you contrast a photon involved in the 
transmission of a radio wave with one that is in the gamma ray range, there is 
an obvious qualitative difference from our frame of reference.  The gamma 
photon is like a tiny bullet, and the radio wave photon is like a large, and 
enlarging, bubble.  Despite the clear qualitative difference, I am led to 
believe this difference is entirely relative to the physical and temporal 
dimensions of the frame of reference.  To an observer far larger and more slow 
moving than the radio wave photon, I suspect that photon will interact with its 
surroundings like the gamma ray photon does in our world, and to an observer 
much smaller and more quickly moving than the gamma ray photon, the gamma 
photon will behave in the manner of the radio wave photon in our frame of 

If we take away this kind of relativity of the temporal and physical frame of 
reference for photons, this would appear to imply a kind of absolute position 
in the midst of a spacetime otherwise characterized by special relativity.



Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread David Roberson
OK Robin,

The frequency of a 1 kilometer wavelength radiated signal would be as follows: 
(f = c / wavelength).  or in this case f = 300 million meters per second / 1000 
meters or 300 kilohertz.  This is a legitimate frequency that can be radiated 
with the proper antenna.   So how big is the particle equivalent for this 
wavelength?  It appears that the concept of particles at this frequency is non 
sense.  A packet of waves that is contained within several wavelengths make 
much more sense.


-Original Message-
From: mixent 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sat, Apr 13, 2013 11:38 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sat, 13 Apr 2013 22:43:11 -0400 (EDT):

Calculate the frequency.

>A short exploration of the wave-particle behavior of photons was undertaken 
questions have come up that I would like answered.
>As we are all aware, an electromagnetic wave can be quite large in size.  
there is no lower limit to the frequency of such a wave, it is easy to 
one that is greater than a kilometer between maximum electric or magnetic 
A packet of waves that constitute a photon at a low frequency would likely 
consist of many peaks.
>There is reason to assume that a low frequency photon would behave the same 
as its brother light photons and generate interference patterns when the size 
the experimental slits are in proportion to its wavelength.   So, if the slits 
are several kilometers apart, how large would the equivalent photon particle 
The obvious answer is that it would be in the same size range as the wavelength 
of the packet.  If this is true, then one might question the entire concept of 
photon as being any form of particle.  After all, aren't most particles 
virtually point sources as compared to normal dimensions?
>What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?  
one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it be 
detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected over a 
large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has anyone given 
this concept much thought?
>There are several other questions that can be entertained, but these should 
bring on some interesting discussions.   Please add your insight to this issue.

Robin van Spaandonk



Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

to an observer much smaller and more quickly moving than the gamma ray
> photon, the gamma photon will behave in the manner of the radio wave photon
> in our frame of reference.

By "more quickly moving," I'm thinking not of velocity, but of time slices
-- the small little thing gets a lot more done in a given period of time
than the gamma photon.


Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread Eric Walker
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 7:43 PM, David Roberson  wrote:

What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?
>  If one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it
> be detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected
> over a large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has
> anyone given this concept much thought?

I was thinking about this myself.  If you contrast a photon involved in the
transmission of a radio wave with one that is in the gamma ray range, there
is an obvious qualitative difference from our frame of reference.  The
gamma photon is like a tiny bullet, and the radio wave photon is like a
large, and enlarging, bubble.  Despite the clear qualitative difference, I
am led to believe this difference is entirely relative to the physical and
temporal dimensions of the frame of reference.  To an observer far larger
and more slow moving than the radio wave photon, I suspect that photon will
interact with its surroundings like the gamma ray photon does in our world,
and to an observer much smaller and more quickly moving than the gamma ray
photon, the gamma photon will behave in the manner of the radio wave photon
in our frame of reference.

If we take away this kind of relativity of the temporal and physical frame
of reference for photons, this would appear to imply a kind of absolute
position in the midst of a spacetime otherwise characterized by special


Re: [Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread mixent
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sat, 13 Apr 2013 22:43:11 -0400 (EDT):

Calculate the frequency.

>A short exploration of the wave-particle behavior of photons was undertaken 
>and questions have come up that I would like answered.
>As we are all aware, an electromagnetic wave can be quite large in size.  
>Since there is no lower limit to the frequency of such a wave, it is easy to 
>visualize one that is greater than a kilometer between maximum electric or 
>magnetic peaks.  A packet of waves that constitute a photon at a low frequency 
>would likely consist of many peaks.
>There is reason to assume that a low frequency photon would behave the same 
>way as its brother light photons and generate interference patterns when the 
>size of the experimental slits are in proportion to its wavelength.   So, if 
>the slits are several kilometers apart, how large would the equivalent photon 
>particle be?   The obvious answer is that it would be in the same size range 
>as the wavelength of the packet.  If this is true, then one might question the 
>entire concept of a photon as being any form of particle.  After all, aren't 
>most particles virtually point sources as compared to normal dimensions?
>What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?  
>If one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it be 
>detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected over a 
>large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has anyone given 
>this concept much thought?
>There are several other questions that can be entertained, but these should 
>bring on some interesting discussions.   Please add your insight to this issue.

Robin van Spaandonk


[Vo]:Particle size of photon

2013-04-13 Thread David Roberson
A short exploration of the wave-particle behavior of photons was undertaken and 
questions have come up that I would like answered.

As we are all aware, an electromagnetic wave can be quite large in size.  Since 
there is no lower limit to the frequency of such a wave, it is easy to 
visualize one that is greater than a kilometer between maximum electric or 
magnetic peaks.  A packet of waves that constitute a photon at a low frequency 
would likely consist of many peaks.

There is reason to assume that a low frequency photon would behave the same way 
as its brother light photons and generate interference patterns when the size 
of the experimental slits are in proportion to its wavelength.   So, if the 
slits are several kilometers apart, how large would the equivalent photon 
particle be?   The obvious answer is that it would be in the same size range as 
the wavelength of the packet.  If this is true, then one might question the 
entire concept of a photon as being any form of particle.  After all, aren't 
most particles virtually point sources as compared to normal dimensions?

What is the currently accepted size of a photon that behaves as a particle?  If 
one of these passes through our very large slit experiment how would it be 
detected at one location as with light photons?  Could it be detected over a 
large area of the impact region with say a dipole antenna?  Has anyone given 
this concept much thought?

There are several other questions that can be entertained, but these should 
bring on some interesting discussions.   Please add your insight to this issue.
