Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria

2013-09-01 Thread Alain Sepeda


not so laughable.

it is clear that all what is said out of syrian problem, is validated by
others sources.

Egypt troubles is a battle between qatari and saudi.
Iran is developing bomb to avoid being exterminated by saudi (Israel is not
a real target, just something for the population). Anyone interesting the
the geopolitical of the zone, in Afghanistan history, in Al qaeda history
knows that.

the fact that saudi are funding and leading the Syrian rebellion is known
since the beginning. The local rebels don't love them, but they need the
funding. question is if saudi is sending foreign units (Al Qaeda), and it
seems true.

Russian opposition is because unlike US, russian know well the muslim world
subtleties. they have problem in Chechenia with saudi funded units, and
Putin is not like Hollande of the kind to submit to that terror.

the genocide in process against non sunni minorities, is new claim, but is
expected today or later. I even expect genocide against moderates Suni,
local rebels, later like it happen with the night of the long knifes.

the fact that France is dependent on Qatari funding, but also that Saudi
fight Qatari investment in muslim suburbs is known here.

From my network I know that all the muslim world is under pressure by saudi
who flood them with money and salafi preachers. Syria, Iran, Qatar,
Hezbollah and in a way Muslim Brotherhood, lead the opposition to Saudi.
Israel is playing a preposterous game, like when it was supporting Hamas to
weaken Fatah, or when it bombed Lebanon and gunned Egyptian forces.
 All is very complicated and the analysis grid that US population (french
and UK too) uses is preposterous. From france and from people aware of
muslim world geostrategy Israel behavior look absurd like LSD

the most funny is if you talk to educated liberal in muslim world, they
explain you the positive role of Iran in fighting against fundamentalism in
their own country... crazy for me, but i trust my network. Saudi on the
opposite are accused of trying to get control of religious authorities to
develop extremist vision...

From france I feel that US have a long history to support theocratic
governments, and fight secular regime (France did the opposite, no
better)...Maybe is it exaggerated.

Anyway whatever happen, I don't see how this will not finish in a genocide
and in reduction of freedom in all the muslim world, including France

I just hope that LENR will ruin the Saudi, so they stop flooding extremist
with petro-dollars. It will be too late for Syria.

Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria

2013-09-01 Thread pagnucco
From (one of the last real journalists) Glenn Greenwald today -

Obama, Congress and Syria

The president is celebrated for seeking a vote on his latest war even as
his aides make clear it has no binding effect

An especially noteworthy extract -
  Secretary of State John Kerry, this morning on CNN, said this when
  asked  whether the Congressional vote would be binding: [Obama] has
  the right to do this no matter what Congress does.


 Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

 - Reply message -
 From: Alain Sepeda
 To: Vortex List
 Subject: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria
 Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 7:03 PM
 Another vision focussed on Saudi role in that, and alredy happening
 genocide against non

 Following my previous post

 Published August 31, 2013

 I was talking with my son today via Google + (our conversation was
 certainly recorded and analyzed) about events in the Middle East. From
 Japan, he shows a fairly objective analysis of this particular
 concern.According to him, everything is played in Riyadh, the stronghold
 of the Wahhabi Salafi supporters. Saudi Arabia, the most obscurantist and
 reactionary country imaginable on this planet, Iran and the mullahs are
 amateurs in this field, pulling the strings of the puppets in his service
 in the Middle East since the Al Qaeda loyalists unleashed like packs of
 rabid dogs to fight roumi wherever it is located and the Shiite equally
 despised the cross or Zionist. Concentrate hatred spread everywhere,
 including in the suburbs of major cities in Western Europe, the
 petrodollars help. What happened in Egypt is indicative of what will most
 likely happen in Syria if the Americans, aided by the French far for a
 good cause, engage in surgical strikes against the interests of the regime
 in Damascus, multicultural, Interfaith and tolerant despite what the
 Western media intoxicated by the White House. Indeed, the mad god
 Salafists, funded by Saudi Arabia, have killed many roumis, mostly Copts
 and small Christian communities of Armenian origin and also attacked the
 Shiites, the sworn enemies of Wahhabis. The heart of the Syrian civil war
 fomented by Saudi Arabia is a project pipeline to bring gas from Qatar to
 the Mediterranean and Western Europe via Jordan. Qatar supported the
 Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, choirboys compared Salafists, Qatar was
 ousted from the Egyptian scene, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the
 Egyptian army, supported by Riyadh, massacred many for otherwise
 permanently deter at least temporarily to act for substantial financial
 support from Riyadh, which was done after the fatal shooting of Cairo, 9
 billion, a drop of oil in Saudi Arabia. Now it is calm in Egypt, but the
 Syrian Assad, Alawite-Shiite friends Mullahs in Tehran are in a critical
 situation since the dead gassed the perpetrators remain unknown. In the
 context I just described very schematically one wonders if the use of
 Sarin is not a Salafi provocation, Chechen and other terrorists funded by
 Riyadh working in Syria, killing deliberately for their successful
 completion of strategic plans of Saudi Arabia, with the support of the USA
 now confessed. Saudi Arabia, the country that has the most executions in
 the world in relation to the population of thirty million people, where
 women have no civil rights and are not allowed to drive a motor vehicle,
 this country collapsing under the dollars, using slaves from the
 Philippines to perform the menial tasks of daily life, wants to impose its
 will in the region. And Holland, on behalf of the French who elected
 President intends to support their policy. But Iran does not hear it that
 way. Why Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons, just to calm Riyadh, its
 king and princes of junk (not that much, they are drowning in dollars) and
 its relentless political and religious police cut the hand of first thief
 came and headed to light saber any gay or stone an adulterous
 woman. Holland should enjoy after the wedding for all ... In short,
 Holland wrong target and Russia and Iran have understood. The opening of
 an international conflict in Syria would be an opportunity for Iran to do
 battle once and for all with this medieval regime troublemaker East Timor
 to Morocco and soon in English suburbs, French, Belgian or
 German. Perhaps this is also the reason for the commitment of Holland to
 Obama sides at all costs to preserve the apparent calm of the French
 suburbs indoctrinated by Salafists remotely by Riyadh ...

 2013/8/31 a.ashfield

 I’m very pessimistic that the general
 population will hear
 the real story until years after any attack. 

Re: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria

2013-08-31 Thread Alain Sepeda
I have a very uncertain position on that affair, as no outcome seems good
in what is happening... My best hope is Syria becoming a group of
independent states where each minority cansurvive, even it it mean etnic
cleansing like in yougoslavia...

I expect any winner to genocide the opponents. so best is no winner, or two
another solution is  a rational foreign country taking control of the
country, and evoiding genocide (à la Tito)... Not US as we know the result.
maybe Iran, which is the most rational in the zone (don't laugh, I have
data from my network... they are politically more rational and measured
than many around... better than israel, saudi, US, EU... of course they
have position of privacy that I don't support, but they have a brain,
unlike the others cited who have electors)...
anyway I expect no good outcome, because of foreign interference, and I
expect  a genocide like in Indonesia in the 60s, or like in rwanda (pre and
post kagame), with a million dead.

back to that claim.

First the claim the Syrian rebels bombed their own population is absurd
since the attach was very deadly, and because local rebels would have cared
about making symbolic loses to trigger international reaction, not that
horror (the horror is validated by NGO, chemical is validated by symptioms,
only kind of chemical and origin is doubtful).

 The claim that foreigners, funded by big cash, and fanatic enough, may
have bombed foreign population to trigger foreign action is possible...
During WW2 we have seen a big democracy (I let you guess) bomb civilians to
force the local germans authorities to surrenders, claiming it was
targeting th port, while it was clearly targeting the population (data from
mum). so  no need to look very far.

in that claim, which is unverified, there is an interesting point : that
they used their own gas ammos, from Saudi source.
If the gas used is not the one Assad owns, then we may detect that
(improbable, but possible) hypothesis. I just imagine that Saudi rebels if
doing so, would have stollen Assad stock, or used identical chemicals...

anyway Assad responsability seems probable.
He probably did so, according to retracted (hum!) French sources because
CIA/saudi trained units came in the south suburb of damas and were
seriously endanger the regime.

I don't like assad, but im sure that all Shia, christian, druze, will be
genocided if the Suni rebels, especially the saudi funded units...
Afghanistan V3.0

look for the position of Nassim Nicholas Taleb who is from that region.
maybe he have better information than me.

I imagine that he just want that syria state disappear and be replaced by a
Swiss like federation, including lebanon.

2013/8/31 John Berry

 Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria
 11 min. video

 Respected 20 year Middle Eastern reporter and Associated
 Press, BBC and NPR correspondent Dale Gavrak was told by
 Syrian rebels that they were responsible for last week's
 chemical weapons incident in Ghouta.

 Scroll down for actions.

 Article below is what the video was based on.

 EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels
 Behind Chemical Attack

 Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince
 Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an
 al-Qaida linked rebel group.

 By Dale Gavlak and Yahya Ababneh

 This article is a collaboration between Dale Gavlak reporting
 for Mint Press News and Yahya Ababneh.
 Ghouta, Syria — As the machinery for a U.S.-led military
 intervention in Syria gathers pace following last week’s
 chemical weapons attack, the U.S. and its allies may be
  targeting the wrong culprit.

 Interviews with people in Damascus and Ghouta, a suburb
  of the Syrian capital, where the humanitarian agency
 Doctors Without Borders said at least 355 people had died
 last week from what it believed to be a neurotoxic agent,
 appear to indicate as much.

 The U.S., Britain, and France as well as the Arab League
  have accused the regime of Syrian President
 Bashar al-Assad for carrying out the chemical weapons
 attack, which mainly targeted civilians. U.S. warships are
 stationed in the Mediterranean Sea to launch military strikes
 against Syria in punishment for carrying out a massive
 chemical weapons attack. The U.S. and others are not
 interested in examining any contrary evidence, with
 U.S Secretary of State John Kerry saying Monday that
  Assad’s guilt was “a judgment … already clear to the world.”

 However, from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta
 residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture
 emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical
 weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin
 Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas

 “My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the
 weapons were that he had been asked to 

Re: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria

2013-08-31 Thread a.ashfield
I'm very pessimistic that the general population will hear the real 
story until years after any attack.This is the second report about 
groups other than the Syrian government using the poison gas and they 
all seem as unlikely as the official story that Assad did it.In many 
ways the official story is the least likely as Assad is rational as well 
as unpleasant, so why would he invite America to bomb him when he was 
already winning?

I can't see that America bombing Syria will do any good what-so-ever.All 
it will do is kill a number of Syrians who were not responsible for the 
gas attack, destroy some buildings and infrastructure, and by evening up 
the two sides prolong the war.Does the US really want al Qaeda to win?

Appalling as all wars are, particularly civil wars fought over religious 
divides, American involvement would simply make it worse.

Re: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria

2013-08-31 Thread John Berry
The Germans wouldn't send a bunch or murders to Poland to attack Germany
But then again they did

And even though it was obvious to anyone sensible and unbiased, world war
II still happened.

And even though everyone who had 2 brain cells to rub together knew that
the coalition of the willing were just willing to start a war of aggression
with Iraq for ulterior motives, and that the WMD's were not real.

And then the DOJ has requested that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald
Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz be granted
immunity in a case that is alleging that they violated international law
with the Iraq War..

Which basically means they are guilty, but should not be held responsible
for their actions according to the DOJ.

Because setting up fake reasons to start wars is really no biggy.

This is something which should have massive accountability, instead there
is almost none.


On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 2:42 AM, a.ashfield wrote:

  I’m very pessimistic that the general population will hear the real
 story until years after any attack.  This is the second report about
 groups other than the Syrian government using the poison gas and they all
 seem as unlikely as the official story that Assad did it.  In many ways
 the official story is the least likely as Assad is rational as well as
 unpleasant, so why would he invite America to bomb him when he was already

 ** **

 I can’t see that America bombing Syria will do any good what-so-ever.   All
 it will do is kill a number of Syrians who were not responsible for the gas
 attack, destroy some buildings and infrastructure, and by evening up the
 two sides prolong the war.  Does the US really want al Qaeda to win?

 ** **

 Appalling as all wars are, particularly civil wars fought over religious
 divides,  American involvement would simply make it worse.

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-11 Thread Terry Blanton
Add an egg and an olive and you truly have the breakfast of champions!

Terry, *

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Jones wrote:

 The bottom line is that a hydraulic hybrid (as Terry has noticed) offers a
 50 percent increase in fuel economy and a 30 percent decrease in emissions,
 yet still leaves us wondering why the technology is less popular than
 bacon-flavored vodka.

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Ron Wormus
These guys have had a lot of press in the northern CO area. The CEO used to run a local robot 
company that he sold.


--On Monday, August 10, 2009 2:39 PM -0700 Jones Beene 

Forget getting Zapped by EEStor, etc. This one is more shocking in a number of 
ways –

yes - it is a hybrid BUT it does NOT use advanced batteries. Instead it uses 
hydraulics for
energy storage. And it is a double hybrid since the small diesel is to be 
fueled by biodiesel.
Carbon neutral.

And especially notable, it excels in energy-recovery from braking - where even 
the Prius and
every other hybrid is weak- like 30% or so. This gets back almost triple that. 
Also the mileage
is double the Prius, and the carbon footprint is lower than any PHEV (without 
the shenanigans of
battery packs that require lots of carbon to recharge,  on average due to 
battery and line
losses). Shocking indeed - they don't call it 'lightning' for nutin' ;-)

Also, here is the aesthetic flash - its beauty, low drag, light weight and 
drivetrain logic
almost strike one down, so to speak, once you get over the novelty of the 
different approach they
are taking. How could Detroit have missed this? That was rhetorical. Detroit 
misses everything,
almost. But how could California have missed it? Forget the Tesla with its 
sticker shock - this
one has both beauty and brains without the big-bucks. … saving $30,000 on the 
lack of a battery
pack alone.

…  nearly 100 mpg is available without batteries - making one  wonder if all 
the emphasis by
DoE on battery hybrids is not totally misplaced.

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:39:36 -0700:
Forget getting Zapped by EEStor, etc. This one is more shocking in a number
of ways -

.  nearly 100 mpg is available without batteries - making one  wonder if all
the emphasis by DoE on battery hybrids is not totally misplaced.

While a 100 mpg is not to be sneezed at, don't forget that in some cases a PHEV
will not use any gas at all.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Terry Blanton
I have seen a few of these running around Atlanta, home of UPS:


On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Jones wrote:

 yes - it is a hybrid BUT it does NOT use advanced batteries.

RE: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

 While a 100 mpg is not to be sneezed at, don't forget that in some cases a
will not use any gas at all.

Well that is what I meant by shenanigans ... it is not credible to suggest
that the PHEV is a good alternative to biodiesel - when the dirty coal plant
that recharges the batteries is belching toxic pollutants out, megatons per
year with line losses and battery losses and core losses and transformer
losses and everything else... 

 and that small diesel, in contrast, is very efficient and carbon neutral
and far lower in pollutants. Never mind that solar or wind could in theory
supply that energy necessary for recharging the PHEV - you have to go with
the percentages, and it is not a pretty picture because of coal.

The small diesel, fueled with biodiesel, and running at constant speed with
an energy storage hybridized accumulator (batteries or hydraulics or
whatever) makes much more sense for transportation than anything else - at
least from where we stand in 2009 in terms of what is actually possible now.

Of course, we all want the breakthrough (LENR, ZPE magnetics, fractional
hydrogen) that ushers in a new paradigm, and which will probably utilize the
same hybridized energy accumulator of the Lightning - but that
breakthrough is not here yet.

The bottom line is that a hydraulic hybrid (as Terry has noticed) offers a
50 percent increase in fuel economy and a 30 percent decrease in emissions,
yet still leaves us wondering why the technology is less popular than
bacon-flavored vodka.


Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 10 Aug 2009 16:54:41 -0700:
-Original Message-

 While a 100 mpg is not to be sneezed at, don't forget that in some cases a
will not use any gas at all.

Well that is what I meant by shenanigans ... it is not credible to suggest
that the PHEV is a good alternative to biodiesel - when the dirty coal plant
that recharges the batteries is belching toxic pollutants out, megatons per
year with line losses and battery losses and core losses and transformer
losses and everything else... 

 and that small diesel, in contrast, is very efficient and carbon neutral
and far lower in pollutants. Never mind that solar or wind could in theory
supply that energy necessary for recharging the PHEV - you have to go with
the percentages, and it is not a pretty picture because of coal.

The small diesel, fueled with biodiesel, and running at constant speed with
an energy storage hybridized accumulator (batteries or hydraulics or
whatever) makes much more sense for transportation than anything else - at
least from where we stand in 2009 in terms of what is actually possible now.

...but if you are talking about what is available now, then you also need to
consider that biodiesel is not yet available in large quantities either.

I'm also a little leery of their claim to 85% energy reclamation during
regenerative braking. When a fluid is compressed, it gets hot, and unless the
stored energy is reused straight away (or almost), it cools off and loses that
energy to the environment. Although I suppose that in stop start driving, the
starting usually follows the stopping fairly closely.
I agree that this is an interesting concept, however I don't think it should be
adopted to the exclusion of everything else. I think all these new technologies
should be encouraged.

Robin van Spaandonk