Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray

"The new one-hour documentary, Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: The Last Heart Attack
focuses on the latest heart disease prevention science.

It debuts Sunday, Aug. 21 at 8:00p.m. ET and PT,
and replays on Saturday, Aug. 28 at 8:00p.m. ET and PT on CNN/U.S."

Bill Clinton discusses preventing heart disease and strokes with vegan
diet (no animal product foods at all, only organic, fairly unprocessed
plant-based foods)...

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
Prof. Sergio Focardi on FaceBook

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
ah, a kindred soul!  eloquent, profound, gentle, halarious, keen, subtle...

I accept all of your spontaneous power.
I let you all the way in,
For communication, cooperation, collaboration, communion, union,
Asking for help
To grow and serve timelessly limitlessly
As uniquely all of single creative fractal hyperinfinity

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 7:18 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> From Rich:
>> when someone appears within awareness who needs bread,
>> then responses flow giving bread, not stone -- however, the
>> form of the bread varies greatly, just as the form of the need
>> varies greatly -- what flows from me to others is at worse
>> harmless in outcome, or at best, liberating... if there seem
>> to be mistakes, then the responses always convey
>> spontaneous compassionate blessing -- living within
>> trackless,"tract" less openness is wonder full...
>> Google "nonduality"...
> Ah! A good old fashion soliloquy of transcendent proportions! I like it!
> NonDuality is indeed an interesting perception. Let me share with you a
> philosophical rant of my own!
> FWIW, you and I may differ on certain perceptions, such as in regards to the
> predicted outcome of the on-going Rossi saga. In the end, however, it seems
> to me that it all comes down to a simple manifestation of different
> perspectives.
> It's easy for all of us to lose sight of the fact that as we go about the
> business of manifesting our differing opinions, all of these differing
> perspectives must nevertheless be observed from somewhere. Trying to grasp
> where that "somewhere" resides has kept many a philosopher employed
> throughout the ages.
> Some sense... some try to describe a Transcendent State of Existence, an
> Awareness which resides outside of the frame of reference perceived of as
> our immediate surroundings. Thus the concept of duality is born.
> I think what is often lost in such interpretations is the fact that this
> Transcendent State of Existence has no definition of boundaries. There is no
> need for them. The constant enthrallment of "Maya" – the setting up of
> boundaries, the generation of differing opinions, is experienced as an
> endless form of rambunctious creativity, all for the amusement of that
> Transcendent State of Awareness, where "we" come from. That Unbounded State
> of Awareness enjoys the thrill of playing around with differing points of
> view. In the end, however, all of these differing viewpoints head back home.
> Eventually "we" gather around the dinner table to swap stories, to compare
> notes... and perhaps to experience a good belly laugh or two at our own
> folly. Actually, "we" never left the dinner table. It only seems that way.
> Swami Johnson will now put his turban away for the evening.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Rich:


> when someone appears within awareness who needs bread, 

> then responses flow giving bread, not stone -- however, the

> form of the bread varies greatly, just as the form of the need

> varies greatly -- what flows from me to others is at worse

> harmless in outcome, or at best, liberating... if there seem 

> to be mistakes, then the responses always convey

> spontaneous compassionate blessing -- living within

> trackless,"tract" less openness is wonder full...

> Google "nonduality"...


Ah! A good old fashion soliloquy of transcendent proportions! I like it!


NonDuality is indeed an interesting perception. Let me share with you a
philosophical rant of my own!


FWIW, you and I may differ on certain perceptions, such as in regards to the
predicted outcome of the on-going Rossi saga. In the end, however, it seems
to me that it all comes down to a simple manifestation of different


It's easy for all of us to lose sight of the fact that as we go about the
business of manifesting our differing opinions, all of these differing
perspectives must nevertheless be observed from somewhere. Trying to grasp
where that "somewhere" resides has kept many a philosopher employed
throughout the ages.


Some sense... some try to describe a Transcendent State of Existence, an
Awareness which resides outside of the frame of reference perceived of as
our immediate surroundings. Thus the concept of duality is born.


I think what is often lost in such interpretations is the fact that this
Transcendent State of Existence has no definition of boundaries. There is no
need for them. The constant enthrallment of "Maya" - the setting up of
boundaries, the generation of differing opinions, is experienced as an
endless form of rambunctious creativity, all for the amusement of that
Transcendent State of Awareness, where "we" come from. That Unbounded State
of Awareness enjoys the thrill of playing around with differing points of
view. In the end, however, all of these differing viewpoints head back home.
Eventually "we" gather around the dinner table to swap stories, to compare
notes... and perhaps to experience a good belly laugh or two at our own
folly. Actually, "we" never left the dinner table. It only seems that way.


Swami Johnson will now put his turban away for the evening.



Steven Vincent Johnson


Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
when someone appears within awareness who needs bread, then responses
flow giving bread, not stone -- however, the form of the bread varies
greatly, just as the form of the need varies greatly -- what flows
from me to others is at worse harmless in outcome, or at best,
liberating... if there seem to be mistakes, then the responses always
convey spontaneous compassionate blessing -- living within
trackless,"tract" less openness is wonder full...
Google "nonduality"...

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
Yes, this describes Rich very well during his 69 years of life -- here
is his most recent epistle attempting to lure others into unusual
scientific researches:

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> This predisposition of many mainstream critics of out-of-the-box thinkers as
> abnormal and aberrant is deeply rooted in human nature as an evolutionary
> adaptation fostered by natural selection to enhance the survival of the
> race.

10 m broken rock hill with black glazes, W of Rancho Alegre Road, S of
Coyote Trail, W of Hwy 14, S of Santa Fe, New Mexico, tour of 50
photos 1 MB size each via DropBox: Rich Murray 2011.07.28 2011.08.03
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
[ at end of each long page, click on Older Posts ]
[ you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser ]

[ Note: this long post serves to provide detailed evidence for shared
discussions about the effects on ground rocks of very hot, high
pressure gas jets from multiple clusters of air bursts of already
highly fragmented debris in solar orbit from an initially large mostly
ice comet. ]...[much more ]...

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
eee, maybe Rich is a "which"  doctor...

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Enzo
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
> At 09:15 AM 8/5/2011, Enzo wrote:

>> 1) Rossi-Focardi had given a private demonstration of their reactor to
>> the University of Bologna (the so called 18-hour test) which later
>> signed a contract to study the reactor.
> You have connected two events as if one caused the other. In fact, the
> University of Bolgna has declared, as I recall, that there is no such
> contract. A contract may have been offered, possibly, but it's really
> contingent, if the rumors are correct, on delivery of the 1 MW reactor, or
> else there isn't any money. Rossi's stated that he spent his last money on
> the UB agreement. No proof.

No proof?? Are you sure? Come on... how can someone assert such a
false statement as a contract with a university when that can easily
be denied...
For the announcement of the University of Bologna take a look here:

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 09:15 AM 8/5/2011, Enzo wrote:
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> By the way, the 18-hour test, on its own, certainly seems convincing, but
> the problem is that we can't trust it.

It's seems to me that most of the people talking about Rossi-Focardi
would like to have a proof given personally to them to believe

Well, that's certainly not me. I'm looking at the evidence available 
and commenting on how it occurs to me. Take it or leave it. Or are 
you looking for some "proof given personally" to you?

In my opinion there are only two facts which we can judge:

1) Rossi-Focardi had given a private demonstration of their reactor to
the University of Bologna (the so called 18-hour test) which later
signed a contract to study the reactor.

You have connected two events as if one caused the other. In fact, 
the University of Bolgna has declared, as I recall, that there is no 
such contract. A contract may have been offered, possibly, but it's 
really contingent, if the rumors are correct, on delivery of the 1 MW 
reactor, or else there isn't any money. Rossi's stated that he spent 
his last money on the UB agreement. No proof.

2) The same happened with the university of Uppsala, but for what we
know at the moment they have not signed a similar agreement.

The demonstration referred to here must be the Kullander and Essen 
demo, which wasn't officially connected with the UU.

In fact, an agreement to investigate, particularly if accompanied by 
funding, as asserted about the unconfirmed UB contract, means almost 
nothing. It absolutely is not a validation.

The rest is totally pointless to discuss. The public tests are
useless, for whatever rossi would show in a public test, people would
find  flaws in it saying that it doesn't constitute a proof.

Nope. Rossi could easily have arranged -- indeed, merely allowed -- 
conclusive demonstrations. He set up something very different.

Rossi has choose not to follow the scientific path of publishing
results and wait peer reviews. This is perfectly legitimate and I can
even think good reasons in doing this beside his justifications about
patents and trade secrets.

Sure. He has no obligation to do any demos at all. I've been saying 
this for months. But he did do demos and so we have examined them, 
and some very surprising facts and implications have surfaced.

For example, did you realize that a boiler with constant water 
inflow, exceeding the rate of vaporization, would overflow, and if 
the overflow is through an opening over which is blowing all 
generated steam, that about 5% vaporization could be enough to 
generate steam that is 95% wet?

It's an atomizer, the way it's designed. No boiler would be designed 
that way, deliberately, if the goal is to deliver reasonably dry steam.

Lots of people have been familiar with steam quality issues, and they 
missed this, because they never even imagined that someone would 
design a system to be extremely efficient at making very wet steam, 
so they thought that the steam quality objection was silly, since 5% 
wetness couldn't possibly affect the results so much!

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Axil Axil

This predisposition of many mainstream critics of out-of-the-box thinkers as
abnormal and aberrant is deeply rooted in human nature as an evolutionary
adaptation fostered by natural selection to enhance the survival of the

The human race in the only organism that uses the acquisition and
application of knowledge about the environment, in which they live to adapt
to that environment and/or change it to enhance their prospects for

These critics of aberrant thinking feel a deep subconscious threat rooted in
this thinking to both their personal survival and the continuation of
humanity as a species.

Most people will follow the example and lead of authority figures to
determine truth and validity.  This starts at an early age when children
draw example from their parents to acquire knowledge and the appropriateness
of behavior. This “normal” behavior to mimic authority figures extends
throughout the schooling of the child where the child looks toward their
teachers and mentors for queues in the acquisition of knowledge and the
suitability and correctness of behavior.

After school, the queues of culture come from their supervisors, mentors and
peers. The subconscious urge to conform is deeply rooted in the essence of
our humanity and is always accompanied by the need to avoid bullying, or
deflect criticism from peers, and disapproval as a social sigma though it
can also reflect suppression of personality. Conformity is especially strong
in the young and is often associated with adolescence and the youth culture,
but strongly affects humans of all ages.

The recent analysis of the human genome indicates that mankind experienced
an evolutionary choke point where the number of humans fell to a mere few

I thing at this crucial time in the history of man, this hallmark trait of
human nature was deeply ingrained in us some 70,000 years ago in the
formulating crucible of modern humanity, when the harsh and forbidding South
African desert environment for human survival was most cruel.

There, small bands of hunter gatherer bushmen endured and adapted to the
extreme conditions by teaching their children all the hard earned survival
lessens the elders gained over their short lifetimes.

These ways and means of the desert were the only things that kept the
nomadic troop alive. The children that did not learn these survival
techniques from their elders did not live to pass on this precious life
sustaining knowledge. Only the most precocious, attentive, and conformant
young students learned their lessons of the desert well enough to pass on
their genes in the ever present natural selection extreme weeding out

These very few and highly selected individuals became the seeds from which
contemporary humanity has sprung.

However, there is always a genetic mutation process that flows from the
impact of the environment on the genome that introduces individuals into
society that literally do not see the world as most others.

As it so happens in the normal course of events there comes into our
existence intelligent individuals in the extreme that from the earliest age
try to adapt to the formulated mechanisms of culture but most often fail to

These individuals suffer from perceptual problems that cause them to see the
world differently from the mainstream of humanity. These perceptual and
behavioral afflictions force unusual coping mechanisms to develop in
them.  These
coping strategies are the place where most out-of-the-box thinking comes

These learning disabled do poorly in school when young and suffer from visual,
auditory, and physical disability, dyslexia, autism, behavior compulsions,
and attention disorders.

As their personalities form, their behavior is most often described as
eccentric or kooky by the mainstream.

But their unusual perception of the world and behavior in it every so often
make unbelievable and momentous breakthroughs in science, technology, art,
and engineering possible that are way beyond the abilities of “normal”

These people oftentimes provide the accent of man with a quantum leap in
perception, beauty and understanding that ordinary people cannot.

Some examples that illustrate this caliber of man is listed as follows:

Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Alva Edison

Albert Einstein

Henry Ford

Dr Temple Grandin

Stephen Hawking

Isaac Newton

Leonardo Da Vinci


Nikola Tesla

Ludwig Von Beethoven


Tomas Jefferson


Louis Pasteur

As more is becoming known about Rossi; the way he sees the world; the way he
interacts with others; the more his mainstream critics holds his unusual and
eccentric nature against him.   He is an out-of-the-box thinker; obsessive
in behavior; steadfast in his opinions and beliefs with a great distain for
the path most traveled and conformance to d

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

> No boiler would be tested with absolute maximum possible flow rate, raising
> the temperature only five degrees, with the measurement being taken inside
> the boiler, instead of external to it.

That is incorrect. I have seen people do boiler tests with small Delta T
temperatures. Maybe not 5°C, but small.

>  I think a difference of 10°C to 15°C would be better.
> Actually, a difference of about 60 degrees would have been even better.

With an ordinary boiler no one ever uses such a high temperature difference.
You can't. Boilers for potable hot water don't go above 45°C, as I mentioned
yesterday. That is not safe.

A 60°C would mean the high temperature is around 80°C. A large flow water at
that temperature would be dangerous to work with. As I reported, this can
cause serious injury in 2 to 7 seconds.

Also as I mentioned, temperatures above ~35°C tend to degrade the accuracy
of the calorimetry.

I don't know if these people know what a "valve" is.

They used a tap, which is a valve.

> What happened there is entirely unclear. The 130 kW calculated power showed
> up at the beginning.

Okay, so what is unclear about that? It showed up for 20 minutes and then
they reduced power. I would have reduced power too.

> Now, what I'd have expected would be that the reactor might have been
> started up as it was, and while there was the relatively high heat, coolant
> flow . . .

What you "would have expected" is not a particularly useful guide to a
mysterious reaction of this nature. The heat is manifestly steady and
predictable -- the numbers show that -- but the mechanism is unknown, so I
do not see how you can have expectations.

The thermometers were not placed in the Rossi boiler itself. They were
>> placed just outside it, which is where they are placed in a regular boiler
>> test, in the boiler rooms I have seen.
> You are depending on Rossi's descriptions of the internals.

No I am depending on what I see in the photos, and what people who looked
inside the reactor told me, for crying out loud. If the inlet thermocouple
was "inside the reactor" it would not show tap water temperature.

> I don't know if you've realized it, but Rossi has no obligation to disclose
> those internals, and nobody has verified any of them.

Yes, they have. By taking the thing apart and looking inside. It is not
complicated inside.

> There was practically no power input to the E-cat during the 18-hour test
> (after startup). There was, as described, no way to control the cooling
> water. So how was control established?

I don't follow. You don't control the cooling water. You leave the flow rate
unchanged in a test of this nature. The reaction was stable after the heat

> At these temperature differences and flow rates there is no way heat might
>> have wicked directly to the temperature sensors.
> Famous last words. "no way." You are thinking of the cartridge heater. What
> about the band heater?

It is far from the thermocouples.

> Okay, what *stable* temperature was observed?

A 5°C Delta T, according to everyone who was there. If you don't believe
them, then you wouldn't believe time-sequenced data either.

> Where is the data? We have no plot of temperature.

You don't need one. The temperature was stable for 18-hours. Granted it
would be nice to see one, but it is not necessary, any more than it is for a
conventional boiler tests. There were no significant fluctuations so a plot
is not necessary.

> We have no record of all the measurements, i.e., many temperature
> measurements.

They said they kept an eye on it and it did not change much. That is how an
inspector does a boiler test. That is an old fashioned way of doing an
experiment, but it is perfectly valid. It this had been a glow discharge
experiment that would be ridiculous.

We have an estimate of stable temperature from someone who was not there all
> the time.

All of the time they were there, the temperature was stable. I gather they
used a video camera to monitor the data when they were not there.

> What we have is a sketcy report, obviously of interest. But Levi has not
> published the data, nor any formal report, and it seems he has no intention
> of doing so. Yet you want to rely on this report?

I "rely" on this report plus a bunch of other reports, plus eye-witness
accounts by Celani and other people I trust, plus many other studies of the
Ni-H system. Overall I would say the evidence is extremely strong. It is
better than the evidence for many weaker cold fusion claims that were
measured with better instruments but at lower s/n ratios. I would prefer to
have more data and better reports, as I have said many times.

> That's right. Which is why, for any scientific conclusions, we require
> independent confirmation.

Levi, Celani and E&K are independent of Rossi. This is pretty good
verification, if not replication.

> I rather doubt that Levi is a fra

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

I see Mr. Rothwell has found his own unique way of assessing your
assessments of his alleged faults.

According to Wikipedia:

...the Yiddish term "mensch" means "a person of integrity and honor".
Actually, your response is somewhat cryptic and open to
interpretation. Correct me if I error here, but I take it you perceive
yourself as a person who possesses integrity and honor. You also seem
to be saying that you don't "try" so much to catalyze others, but
instead attempt to catalyze them directly.

It's been my experience that few wish to be "directly" catalyzed by
others, not without first clearly inviting for such "direction". It
doesn't matter what multiple-level one wishes to play such games on
either - be it on the physical, astral, mid-causal, or in the middle
of Aunt Martha's strawberry patch. The point being, did Mr. Rothwell
invite you to directly "catalyze" him? If not, it was very
presumptuous of you. All that such hard-earned direct mensch-ness is
likely to accomplish is to be relegated to the auto-delete file.

In which case the only "mutual service" going on here is the continued
"servicing" one's own personal paradigms.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 07:51 AM 8/5/2011, Terry Blanton wrote:
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 01:48 AM 8/4/2011, Rich Murray wrote:
>> Thanks, Abd, for being so forthright
> My sense is that most cold fusion researchers have become quite skeptical
> about Rossi.

You have surveyed them?  Could you list those who have had an about
face.  "Most" encompasses a rather large number of individuals.

No. I have access to the private CMNS list, but I have not done a 
poll. And definitely I'm not going to name names.

What I wrote was "my sense."

Further, "skeptical" means that they recognize that the Rossi claims 
are quite a bit weaker than first impressions indicated. Many have 
reported becoming far less sure about this. Some have become openly 
skeptical, to the point of asserting some level of fraud.

Notice, please: "fraud" does not mean that there is no effect. That's 
a non sequitur. However, once fraud is on the table, there is no 
recovery except with *independent* confirmation. 

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:32 PM 8/4/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

No boiler is designed to create very wet steam 
as a possibility. Now, the 18-hour test doesn't 
involve steam. That was the point. But no 
boiler will be tested with water at a liter per second!

That is incorrect. A large boiler will be tested at 1 L per second or more.

Jed, your comprehension of what is being written 
is failing. Yes, there was an error there, in how 
I expressed this. No boiler would be tested with 
absolute maximum possible flow rate, raising the 
temperature only five degrees, with the 
measurement being taken inside the boiler, instead of external to it.

 Rossi's upcoming 1 MW test will have to employ even higher flow rates.

The issue isn't the flow rate, per se, it is the 
flow rate for a "boiler" with only 20 kW of power, perhaps.

 This rate was perhaps a little high for a 16 
kW reactor, because it meant the temperature difference was only ~5°C.

Bingo. "A little high." It had been suggested 
that they raise the flow rate, but, instead of 
raising it just enough, and not a whole lot more, 
they raised it by a factor of 250X.

You want increased flow rate, we give you 
increased flow rate! Are you clowns ever going to be satisfied?

 I think a difference of 10°C to 15°C would be better.

Actually, a difference of about 60 degrees would 
have been even better. I don't know if these people know what a "valve" is.

 However, 1 L/s turned out to be a wise choice. 
Levi reported in NyTeknik that power rose to 
~130 kW for a while, with the outlet 
temperature reaching 40°C. At a lower flow rate 
this might have caused a serious accident.

What happened there is entirely unclear. The 130 
kW calculated power showed up at the beginning. 
Now, what I'd have expected would be that the 
reactor might have been started up as it was, and 
while there was the relatively high heat, coolant 
flow would not have been reduced. But when it 
stabilized, cooolant flow would have been reduced 
to produce a more robust temperature rise.

And I doubt that a boiler would be tested with 
the thermometer place in the boiler itself, 
unless the design had been proven to produce 
even temperatures within the boiler.

The thermometers were not placed in the Rossi 
boiler itself. They were placed just outside it, 
which is where they are placed in a regular 
boiler test, in the boiler rooms I have seen.

You are depending on Rossi's descriptions of the 
internals. I don't know if you've realized it, 
but Rossi has no obligation to disclose those 
internals, and nobody has verified any of them. 
We must assume that the thermometer is inside. 
The thermometer appears to be in the chimney, at 
the bottom, so we could just as easily say that 
it's in the cooling chamber. Further, remember 
the band heater? That heats the cooling chamber. 
Is the thermomenter in contact with the outside, 
the surface against which the band heater is placed?

There was practically no power input to the E-cat 
during the 18-hour test (after startup). There 
was, as described, no way to control the cooling 
water. So how was control established?

 They usually use bimetallic dial thermometers. 
At these temperature differences and flow rates 
there is no way heat might have wicked directly to the temperature sensors.

Famous last words. "no way." You are thinking of 
the cartridge heater. What about the band heater? 
Have you ever wondered what the function of the 
band heater is? It heats the outside of the E-cat.

Boiler test engineers are working with 
long-proven designs that have known operating characteristics.

That has no bearing on calorimetry.

It sure does. There are many things that can go 
wrong with calorimetry, you know that.

When the same stable temperatures and flow rates 
are observed with a mysterious black box, you 
can be certain that box is producing heat at the 
same rate as a conventional boiler. The laws of physics are uniform.

Okay, what *stable* temperature was observed? 
Where is the data? We have no plot of 
temperature. We have no record of all the 
measurements, i.e., many temperature 
measurements. We have an estimate of stable 
temperature from someone who was not there all the time.

What we have is a sketcy report, obviously of 
interest. But Levi has not published the data, 
nor any formal report, and it seems he has no 
intention of doing so. Yet you want to rely on this report?

Isn't it interesting that the only test that had 
a possibility of actually showing significant 
heat not only shows much more heat than the open 
demonstrations purport to show, but also involves nobody but involved persons.

Steam systems typically recycle the water, it's 
recirculated, and there is no input water . . .

All industrial boilers produce hot water or 
process steam which is consumed by the 
industrial process. There would be no point to 
circulating the steam as such. Perhaps if it 
were used for sp

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

Imagining that testing an experimental device with unknown operating
> characteristics can be handled with a boiler form is what's preposterous.

The operating characteristics are not unknown. They are readily apparent.
Anyone can the thing produces heat at a stable rate. Levi et al. can see
that is what it is doing, so they know they can summarize the entire run
with one temperature difference, except for the heat excursion. We can
ignore that and still get a reasonable approximation of performance. Anyway
that would only add to the total energy.

If this machine behaved like one of Mizuno's glow discharge reactors, with
power fluctuating from zero to high values from second to second, then one
observed number would be meaningless. You would have to have the computer
find an average value for excess power.

The fact that the eCat heat is stable can be established with perfect
confidence by watching the instruments. The temperatures do not fluctuate
much. The flow rate is stable. Input power is stable. That's proof that the
reaction is stable, and proof that you need only one set of numbers to
summarize the results.

The reason it is stable is a mystery, but it is irrelevant. For that matter
the cause of the heat is a mystery, also irrelevant. Calorimetry treats all
sources of heat as a black box. It makes no difference at all whether the
heat is from electricity, a chemical reaction, a nuclear reaction, or
something unknown to science. There is no way you can distinguish between
these sources of heat, except by measuring net energy over time.

> Yes, if all the procedures for taking the measurements have been designed
> by experts, and if fraud is not suspected, sure, it could be done.

These are experts, and there is no chance of fraud. Levi or any experienced
person would spot any method of fraud in a few seconds, as quickly as he
would spot a gross experimental error. The two are exactly the same: there
is no method of fraud that is not also a potential experimental error. The
only difference is intent. People committing fraud intend to set up the
experiment in a way that produces a misleading result. People making errors
do the same thing by accident. Any experimentalist has spent decades looking
for mistakes and will find deliberate fraud as easily as he finds mistakes.
There is no subtle or hidden method of committing fraud such such as simple

Alan Fletcher went to a lot of trouble listing many plausible methods of
committing fraud. Probably he listed nearly all plausible methods, and
several implausible ones. There was not one method on his list that I would
not have spotted instantly if I had an opportunity to poke around inside the
eCat. Levi did have that opportunity and I am sure he is better at
experiments than I am.

In the test that Krivit observed, in the segment shown on the video, fraud
is possible. It would be simple to commit fraud in what what shown in the
video. You could use a hidden battery or wire. Krivit did not use his own
instruments to confirm the readings, and he did not poke around inside the

Perhaps Krivit poked around earlier, but it was not shown in the video. When
I asked Rossi if I would be allowed to poke around, he said no. I would
never attend a test with that restriction for the obvious reason that you
cannot rule out fraud unless you are allowed to pick the thing up, weight
it, look for wires, look inside it, estimate the size of the enclosed cell,
and so on. Levi did all of that.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:57 PM 8/4/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I wrote:

Except that the data recorded in a boiler test is EXACTLY what you 
see here, for crying out loud!

To be more specific, I mean that they record only one value for 
temperature and one for the flow, even though these values probably 
fluctuated measurably over the course of the test.

The boiler test might call for the inspector to record temperature 
and flow every minute for 10 minutes. Or it might demand a graph of 
automatically recorded data, or a high/low value. It does not; it 
asks only for a single value for each parameter. This reduces 
accuracy somewhat.

This argument is preposterous. It's true, which makes it no less 
preposterous. A boiler is a very well-understood device, with 
centuries of experience behind it. There are no questions about the 
operation of a boiler; rather there are some parameters which have 
been found to be indicative of proper function, and possible 
problems, with the boiler. Long experience has shown that if there is 
a problem, these simple measurements will show it.

Imagining that testing an experimental device with unknown operating 
characteristics can be handled with a boiler form is what's preposterous.

Yes, if all the procedures for taking the measurements have been 
designed by experts, and if fraud is not suspected, sure, it could be done.

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Jed Rothwell

OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Well, Jed, maybe you're right at the cusp of a complete

If Mr.
Murray's propensity to exploit pop psychology persists I think it may
warrant a temporary time out from the Vort sand box.

The text is about me. It seems harmless. I auto-delete Murray's messages 
so they don't bother me.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
as mighty mensch, I don't try to catalyze,
I do catalyze...

these are tough big boys, highly competent at maintaining their own,
happy to play on multiple levels...

In mutual service,  Rich

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Rich:

The following is obviously abbreviated and probably taken out of context:

> ...rather than continue to blather forever about claims that go back 22 years,

Ah, I see the "blather" word is now being used to explain CF claims
for the past 22 years.

Look, Rich, expressing your skepticism towards a number of CF claims
is perfectly acceptable. We ALL have differing perspectives on these
matters. I've obviously expressed opinions that imply Rossi's somewhat
unpredictable wunder-cats are likely to an authentic phenomenon, but I
could be wrong. Hopefully, we'll all know a lot more before the end of
the year... but then perhaps not.

What is less acceptable, IMHO, is to publicly psycho-analyze the
perceptions of others in a manner that is not conducive of generating
a genuine feedback from the individual you have targeted. You use
interesting words, like "catalyze" that seemingly gives a more
statesmanlike impression of your intentions, of trying to assist
others to "see-the-light". But I think you might be failing to
consider the possibility that the light you wish others to be
"catalyzed" by may be nothing more than the light bulb burning within
the confines your own head.

State your case and leave it at that. Unless specifically invited to
so so, stop trying to state the cases of others - for their benefit.
They are perfectly capable of doing that for themselves.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Rich Murray
Ironic, yet natural, that what Abd is trying to catalyze Jed to
understand about Rossi, Rich is trying to catalyze Abd to understand
about all cold fusion claims to date -- rather than continue to
blather forever about claims that go back 22 years, let's consider
whether any evidence has been found in currently operating experiments
in 2011 for any anomalous excess heat, radiation, transmutations, or
isotopic shifts, especially well and specifically described
experiments that can be or even are being replicated by independent
groups -- so, what's up, Doc -- I truly am all ears...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, just yesterday...

Reviewing Ny Teknik Video: Did Rossi Play With Power Setting?
Steven B. Krivit | August 5, 2011 at 03:10 | Categories: Uncategorized
| URL:

In one of the last appendices (#35) to our recent Report #3 on Andrea
Rossi and his energy claim, we wrote about a videotaped demonstration
of Rossi's device by Mats Lewan of Swedish magazine Ny Teknik.

Lewan approaches the bucket and the hose.
No steam is visible or audible.
Two seconds later, it is.
Lewan goes back to the main room, and his camera shows Rossi with his
hand near the power controls.
The power was supposed to be constant during the test.

Comments welcome.

[ a compelling second by second dissection of deliberate duplicity... ]

In mutual service, Rich

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Just to clarify:

I said:

> ...If Mr. Murray's propensity to exploit pop psychology persists
> I think it may warrant a temporary time out from the Vort sand box.

What I meant to say is that if Mr. Murray's propensity to exploit pop
OTHERS persists I think it may warrant a reprimand, or a temporary
time out from the Vort sand box.

Shoot, I'm guilty of exploiting paup-siecology all the time. However,
I try to limit the damage to myself and myself alone. I'm sure I may
have bent the rules on occasion. Nobody's perfect.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
> Well, Jed, maybe you're right at the cusp of a complete
> switch of your gestalt of understandings re the Rossi
> phenomenon -- a little more likely when waking up in the
> morning, you notice your entire system of interpretations
> has irrevocably reversed, like a 3D shift in the way a
> wire cube seems to face -- can't be forced or rushed --
> just happens -- like remembering a name a few minutes
> after choosing to stop trying to recall it...


FIWI, when it comes to predicting the psychological machinations of
individuals it is best to use oneself as the guinea pig. (I have no
problem exploiting my own faults and quirky predilections when it
comes to psycho babble. I have given myself permission to exploit
myself.) OTOH, psychoanalyzing and exploiting others in public without
their expressed consent, making predictions pertaining to how others
are likely to behave, while simultaneously standing aloof, as if you
are above it all is bullshit psychology.

Mr. Beaty, IMHO, you might want to keep a watch on Mr. Murray. If Mr.
Murray's propensity to exploit pop psychology persists I think it may
warrant a temporary time out from the Vort sand box.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

> My sense is that most cold fusion researchers have become quite skeptical
> about Rossi.

As Terry said, you have not conducted a public opinion poll so you have no
basis for having this sense. At ICCF-16 and later I spoke with several
people who attended the first demonstration, and who have been in contact
with Levi, Rossi and the others. They have no doubt the effect is real. They
have not expressed any reservations to me.

> A few are "supportive," but mostly this boils down to them thinking that
> Rossi's claim confirms their own understanding of Ni-H. Even they are
> realizing that Rossi has probably faked some demonstrations.

Who are these people -- "they" who who realize he "probably" faked some
demonstrations? Which ones? How did he "fake" them? That is an outrageous
accusation. There is not a shred of evidence to support it. I can think of
some ways in which some -- by no means all -- of the demonstrations might be
fakes, but I do not know any reason to think they actually have been.

You should think twice about making such inflammatory and baseless
accusations against Rossi, Forcardi, Levi and the others. There is no chance
Rossi is faking and these other people are unaware of it. Despite the
blather written here, any method of producing fake results would readily
apparent to Levi or any other experimentalist in five minutes. He has to be
cahoots with Rossi.

> By the way, the 18-hour test, on its own, certainly seems convincing, but
> the problem is that we can't trust it.

We can trust it as much as we can trust any other cold fusion experiment. Or
any boiler safety certificate. Cold fusion has been observed roughly 14,000
times. In nearly every case, the tests were private, observed by one person
or more often by no one -- only recorded by instruments. If you can only
trust tests done in the presence of independent observers, you will not
believe in cold fusion, or the Top Quark, or any of thousands of other
experimental results.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Enzo
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  
> By the way, the 18-hour test, on its own, certainly seems convincing, but
> the problem is that we can't trust it.

It's seems to me that most of the people talking about Rossi-Focardi
would like to have a proof given personally to them to believe
In my opinion there are only two facts which we can judge:

1) Rossi-Focardi had given a private demonstration of their reactor to
the University of Bologna (the so called 18-hour test) which later
signed a contract to study the reactor.
2) The same happened with the university of Uppsala, but for what we
know at the moment they have not signed a similar agreement.

The rest is totally pointless to discuss. The public tests are
useless, for whatever rossi would show in a public test, people would
find  flaws in it saying that it doesn't constitute a proof.
Rossi has choose not to follow the scientific path of publishing
results and wait peer reviews. This is perfectly legitimate and I can
even think good reasons in doing this beside his justifications about
patents and trade secrets.

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  
> At 01:48 AM 8/4/2011, Rich Murray wrote:
>> Thanks, Abd, for being so forthright
> My sense is that most cold fusion researchers have become quite skeptical
> about Rossi.

You have surveyed them?  Could you list those who have had an about
face.  "Most" encompasses a rather large number of individuals.


Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:48 AM 8/4/2011, Rich Murray wrote:

Thanks, Abd, for being so forthright

My sense is that most cold fusion researchers have become quite 
skeptical about Rossi. A few are "supportive," but mostly this boils 
down to them thinking that Rossi's claim confirms their own 
understanding of Ni-H. Even they are realizing that Rossi has 
probably faked some demonstrations.

By the way, the 18-hour test, on its own, certainly seems convincing, 
but the problem is that we can't trust it. Cold fusion researchers in 
general have been burned by years of rejection, so they are very 
reluctant to, themselves, reject. Rossi is a challenge to these, for, 
if they really look at the Rossi claims, they might gain more 
sympathy for the skeptics as to cold fusion. Skepticism was a 
rational response in 1989, and the politics of the situation 
effectively suppressed the wide dissemination of contrary evidence.

Pseudoskepticism is an entirely different phenomenon. It's not 
genuine skepticism, because genuine skepticism remembers to be 
skeptical of self.

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:48 AM 8/4/2011, Rich Murray wrote:

I'm paying very little attention to any of the cold
fusion stuff now, assessing that nothing yet is independently
reproducible to refute the null hypothesis of "no anomalies"...

There is a large body of data showing independent reproducibility for 
cold fusion phenomena. CF has been plagued by the erratic nature of 
the phenomenon, due to its apparent sensitivity to unadequately 
understood conditions. However, there is a single reproducible 
experiment, that's been done by many groups, and that actually covers 
many of the early "negative replications," which form a body of controls.

It's just that it doesn't match the usual -- and obviously defective 
-- concept of "reproducible" that's been held up.

This would be heat/helium. Basically, run a series of 
Pons-Fleischmann type cells, designed to make the collection of 
helium possible. Miles was the original researcher to do this, in 
depth. Measure the heat, and collect and measure helium. Use the 
state of the art, as to achieving the PF heat effect.

The null hypothesis is that heat and helium are not correlated.

This has been done by many groups, in fact. No heat, no helium. Heat, 
helium proportional to the heat within experimental error of 24 MeV. 
There is practically no contrary data.

Like a lot of experiments, it's not easy to perform, and there is no 
longer much need to perform it. It's been done enough, my sense, but 
there could be room to determine that ratio more exactly.

Not all LENR will produce helium, but PdD in a Pons-Fleischmann 
experiment apparently does, and the fuel, from the ratio found, is 
apparently deuterium, which is only a surprise because d-d fusion was 
so unexpected. In fact, the reaction is probably not d-d, though that 
possibility is not *entirely* ruled out, and, my sense is that nobody 
really knows. No theory is sufficiently well elaborated to claim the 
prize, not yet. That's really a job for the quantum physicists, 
though some additional skills or knowledge sets are probably needed.

But helium is being produced, regardless of theory. There is 
practically no radiation. There are quite low levels of other 
transmutations, and that, if you want to doubt it, isn't as well 
established, and data is all over the map. But the main reaction, as 
we can tell from the heat, produces helium. 

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Rich Murray
Well, Jed, maybe you're right at the cusp of a complete switch of your
gestalt of understandings re the Rossi phenomenon -- a little more
likely when waking up in the morning, you notice your entire system of
interpretations has irrevocably reversed, like a 3D shift in the way a
wire cube seems to face --
can't be forced or rushed -- just happens -- like remembering a name a
few minutes after choosing to stop trying to recall it...

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Jed Rothwell

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

No boiler is designed to create very wet steam as a possibility. Now, 
the 18-hour test doesn't involve steam. That was the point. But no 
boiler will be tested with water at a liter per second!

That is incorrect. A large boiler will be tested at 1 L per second or 
more. Rossi's upcoming 1 MW test will have to employ even higher flow 
rates. This rate was perhaps a little high for a 16 kW reactor, because 
it meant the temperature difference was only ~5°C. I think a difference 
of 10°C to 15°C would be better. However, 1 L/s turned out to be a wise 
choice. Levi reported in NyTeknik that power rose to ~130 kW for a 
while, with the outlet temperature reaching 40°C. At a lower flow rate 
this might have caused a serious accident.

And I doubt that a boiler would be tested with the thermometer place 
in the boiler itself, unless the design had been proven to produce 
even temperatures within the boiler.

The thermometers were not placed in the Rossi boiler itself. They were 
placed just outside it, which is where they are placed in a regular 
boiler test, in the boiler rooms I have seen. They usually use 
bimetallic dial thermometers. At these temperature differences and flow 
rates there is no way heat might have wicked directly to the temperature 

Boiler test engineers are working with long-proven designs that have 
known operating characteristics.

That has no bearing on calorimetry. When the same stable temperatures 
and flow rates are observed with a mysterious black box, you can be 
certain that box is producing heat at the same rate as a conventional 
boiler. The laws of physics are uniform.

Steam systems typically recycle the water, it's recirculated, and 
there is no input water . . .

All industrial boilers produce hot water or process steam which is 
consumed by the industrial process. There would be no point to 
circulating the steam as such. Perhaps if it were used for space heating 
you might do that. It may be condensed and reused, but that would be no 
different from using any other feedwater source. Except that it tends to 
be filthy, in my experience.

. . . beyond a small amount to replace losses, typically from venting 
as needed. My own boiler does not automatically feed water, you have 
to press a button, to restore level as indicated on a water level glass.

This must refer to a space heating application.

You would *never* want overflow, i.e, water flowing in faster than is 
being boiled, except transiently to restore the level.

This has no bearing on the 18-hour flowing water test. That was a test 
of a water heat. Of course the water overflows with a hot water heater. 
It is used up, in the bath, washing machine or whatever the water is 
used for.

Of course you can measure heat with calorimetry, but there are several 
problems with the 18-hour test.

No, there are not. It was the same as any boiler test, and there are no 
problems with such tests. The problems discussed here are imaginary. The 
only problem is that it was not reported in quite enough detail. I asked 
them again to tell me the make and model of the flowmeter. If they 
provide this information I will update the LENR-CANR news section with 
this information.

I will grant, it would have been better for them to record time 
sequenced data with a computer or in a lab notebook, but a single value 
is acceptable.

In the end, it depends on the credibility of Rossi, because unless 
Rossi can be trusted not to manipulate the appearances, there is no test.

Of course it depends on them. Any experiment does. And it could be 
completely fake. This was a simple test, but they could easily dummy up 
a sophisticated fake test, complete with data and photos. Anyone can 
produce an impressive set of graphs with totally fake calorimetric data 
from a nonexistent test. I have done that using the random number 
generator in a spreadsheet. (I did it to show a researcher what kind of 
graph I thought would be helpful in an upcoming study.)

Rossi has shown great skill at creating appearances.

On the contrary, Rossi would make the world's worst con-man. He has 
shown incredible skill at taking what should be self-evident, 
unquestionably believable test data and making it seem suspicious. It is 
as if he goes out of his way to make himself seem like an inept crook. I 
do not think he does this deliberately, as Abd and others have 
speculated. Note that this speculation contradicts the message I am 
responding to here. Which is it? Is Rossi good at making convincing 
data? Or is he trying to throw people off his trail by making the whole 
thing look fake? I say: neither. He just happens to be bad at doing 

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

> Except that the data recorded in a boiler test is EXACTLY what you see
> here, for crying out loud!

To be more specific, I mean that they record only one value for temperature
and one for the flow, even though these values probably fluctuated
measurably over the course of the test.

The boiler test might call for the inspector to record temperature and flow
every minute for 10 minutes. Or it might demand a graph of automatically
recorded data, or a high/low value. It does not; it asks only for a single
value for each parameter. This reduces accuracy somewhat.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:21 PM 8/3/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is a science forum, not a courtroom.


 Frankly, it is damned insulting to suggest that I would lie about 
these numbers, or that Lewan and are incapable of transcribing tape 
recorded conversations (what he did), copying numbers out of 
e-mail, or double-checking figures. If you don't want to believe 
Levi that's fine but don't blame us for reporting what he and the other said.

Jed, nobody said or suggested that you lied. I have never seen you 
lie, in the years we have corresponded and discussed issues. Nobody 
blamed you for reporting what you heard or read. 

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:24 PM 8/3/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <> wrote:

Boiler test reports are a set of variables found by long experience 
to indicate the operating health of a boiler. There is no way to 
compare this report with a boiler test.

Except that the data recorded in a boiler test is EXACTLY what you 
see here, for crying out loud!

Do you think heat from cold fusion works differently from the heat 
from a gas fired or electrical water heater? You can't measure it 
with calorimetry?

No boiler is designed to create very wet steam as a possibility. Now, 
the 18-hour test doesn't involve steam. That was the point. But no 
boiler will be tested with water at a liter per second! And I doubt 
that a boiler would be tested with the thermometer place in the 
boiler itself, unless the design had been proven to produce even 
temperatures within the boiler.

Boiler test engineers are working with long-proven designs that have 
known operating characteristics. Steam systems typically recycle the 
water, it's recirculated, and there is no input water, beyond a small 
amount to replace losses, typically from venting as needed. My own 
boiler does not automatically feed water, you have to press a button, 
to restore level as indicated on a water level glass.

You would *never* want overflow, i.e, water flowing in faster than is 
being boiled, except transiently to restore the level. My guess is 
that they don't do this automatically with my boiler because if 
somehow it stuck on, it could make a big problem! You have to hold 
the button down as the water feeds. It's set up to be fail-safe.

Of course you can measure heat with calorimetry, but there are 
several problems with the 18-hour test. In the end, it depends on the 
credibility of Rossi, because unless Rossi can be trusted not to 
manipulate the appearances, there is no test. Rossi has shown great 
skill at creating appearances. They called it "magic" in the RAI TV 
report. That was accurate.

Rossi has set up conditions whereby any definitive demo *must* 
exclude his ability to manipulate it. He could watch, remote from the 
device, to ensure that nobody opens the thing up. That's about it.

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:30 PM 8/3/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Let me summarize:

I will, too.

If your best argument

"Your" is unspecified. Whose best argument?

 against this data is the assertion that Lewan and I are incapable 
of transcribing numbers correctly,

That's certainly not my argument. Period.

 or that Levi and the others did not bother to check the published 
report in NyTekNik to be sure the numbers are right, you have lost this debate.

Please stop insulting me with this ridiculous assertion.

What assertion? You did not quote it. I think this must have been 
based on my noting the difference between the numbers. There is a 
discrepancy, which might have many different origins. That's all. 
This actually wasn't important, it was dicta, of minor interest only 
and certainly was not my "best argument."

Jed, it's like your defense of Rossi against charges *you implied* 
from Krivit showing the plumber's toolbox. Krivit made no claim that 
those tools were any kind of suspicious thing. Krivit's just a 
reporter, some of the time. Those photos were "of interest," not 
because they prove or demonstrate anything about the reality of the 
E-cat, except to show there is apparently a real plumber working for 
Rossi, which I find, indeed, interesting. Just irrelevant to judging 
the claims.

To me, it makes Rossi a *tiny bit* more credible! He's paying a 
plumber, I assume. Or maybe the guy is a volunteer. Frankly, I'm glad 
to see that Rossi has some help!

Jed, you are now taking every comment on the E-cat, it seems, and 
interpreting it as pro or con. And you are attacking everything you 
see as con. Here, you took a simple noting of a discrepancy as if it 
were a criticism, which it was not. It was just a fact.

You've become attached to an outcome here. That's what's visible. I 
highly recommend dropping it. There is a pie flying through the air, 
very likely to hit Rossi in the face. I suggest ducking. ASAP.

Stick with what you *know.* Rossi has set up a situation where many 
false appearances have been created. He's showing amazing skill at 
that. We can all be fooled for a time by such a person. I certainly 
was. I really thought this was likely genuine, at least in round 
outline (like you!). Yes, there were some obvious problems, but Rossi 
blah blah blah. Excuses blah blah blah. Justifications blah blah blah.

When I was cautioning the CMNS community in February or so, as I 
recall, it was only against a theoretical possibility, that Rossi 
would fail to deliver in October, which could easily happen even if 
his work has a solid basis. That was a foolish promise, it's obvious, 
but it was not necessary for CMNS researchers to stick their faces 
where the pie would hit them, too. All they needed was normal, 
rational, ordinary skepticism, to maintain scientific reserve. To 
behave like the real scientists that most of them are.

You know, if the general scientific community had stuck to that in 
1989 et seq, we might be far ahead. It was pseudoskepticism rampant 
that did so much damage. Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

It's looking to me like, in some cases at least, I'm going to be 
stuck with "I told you so." I hope I'm wrong. Seriously, because the 
world needs energy, it's important. But wishes and hopes are neither 
horses nor horse-power. 

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Rich,

> -- being sincerely wrong is a really profound learning process.

Indeed it is. I don't know if Rossi is sincerely wrong about his eCats
or not. I don't know if "believers" of Rossi's claims are also
sincerely wrong about their assessments of the claims either. But the
same thing can be levied against Rossi's critics.

Just keep in mind that being sincerely right about one's personal
convictions is no different than later learning that one was sincerely
wrong. The key point being: "sincerely". I should know.

As previously stated, I've had to admit to myself that I really know
whose right and who is wrong. Admitting the fact that "I don't know"
strikes me as a far more sincere confession to make under current

Hopefully we will all learn valuable lessons -- in all due course.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Rich Murray
Thanks, Abd, for being so forthright with Jed about his inability to
integrate all the bad news about the Rossi debacle -- I'm interested
to see how the remaining publicly committed believers are attempting
to tough it out together, defiantly clinging to every tattered shred
of argument -- being sincerely wrong is a really profound learning
process -- I wonder if there is any evidence that the investors are
losing faith... I'm paying very little attention to any of the cold
fusion stuff now, assessing that nothing yet is independently
reproducible to refute the null hypothesis of "no anomalies"...

In mutual service, Rich

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Let me summarize:

If your best argument against this data is the assertion that Lewan and I
are incapable of transcribing numbers correctly, or that Levi and the others
did not bother to check the published report in NyTekNik to be sure the
numbers are right, you have lost this debate.

Please stop insulting me with this ridiculous assertion.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

Boiler test reports are a set of variables found by long experience to
> indicate the operating health of a boiler. There is no way to compare this
> report with a boiler test.

Except that the data recorded in a boiler test is EXACTLY what you see here,
for crying out loud!

Do you think heat from cold fusion works differently from the heat from a
gas fired or electrical water heater? You can't measure it with calorimetry?

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

> Oh please. Levi's by-line is in the NyTekNik article. Take it or leave it.
> Cut the legalese.

I mean to say it is not his by-line; it is by Lewan, but it is ridiculous to
doubt it. Levi would have objected if he had been misquoted.

This legalistic speculation that the data in NyTekNik or is
not what was reported by Levi et al. to us is outrageous. Of course it is
what they reported!

Make of these results what you will. Go ahead and invent absurd fairy tales
about how there might be 1000 times less heat than the laws of nature prove
it is. But please stop the nonsensical assertions that Lewan and I are
incapable of writing down numbers that people tell us!

This is a science forum, not a courtroom. Frankly, it is damned insulting to
suggest that I would lie about these numbers, or that Lewan and are
incapable of transcribing tape recorded conversations (what he did), copying
numbers out of e-mail, or double-checking figures. If you don't want to
believe Levi that's fine but don't blame us for reporting what he and the
other said.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:10 PM 8/3/2011, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

has a lot of entries. It might help to be more specific as to which
installment is most relevant to the point you are making. Is it the
18-hour demonstration?

In context, it would be. Much of that is 
interpretation, by an unknown interpreter 
(Rothwell?). I now notice that the information 
was provided by "a source close to the test" who 
gave the information to Jed Rothwell.

Here is the actual information, with 
interpretation stripped out. Precise information 
about some aspects is missing. If this test was 
intended to answer objections about the January 
14 test, it's very odd that far less data was 
made available than for the January test.

On February 10 and 11, 2011, Levi et al. (U. 
Bologna) performed another test of the Rossi device. These are approximations:

Duration of test: 18 hours
Flow rate: 3,000 L/h = ~833 ml/s.
Cooling water input temperature: 15°C
Cooling water output temperature: ~20°C
Input power from control electronics: variable, 
average 80 W, closer to 20 W for 6 hours

Conclusion (written by Jed?):
The temperature difference of 5°C * 833 ml = 
4,165 calories/second = 17,493 W. Observers 
estimated average power as 16 kW. A 5°C 
temperature difference can easily be measured with confidence.

The Nyteknik report has 1 liter/second.

There is no actual record of input power 
correlated with temperature. No record of 
temperature over time. No record of actual 
continuous flow. (It's been claimed that a water 
meter was used, that's a *very* high flow rate.) 
If this were designed as a more conclusive test, 
they badly screwed up by using such a high flow, 
producing only 5 C temperature rise. Sure 5 C can 
be measured with confidence, if the same 
thermometer is used, probably within about 0.2 degree.

But a temperature difference that small could be 
produced by thermometer placement. If that rise 
was produced with the high flow rate and only 20 
W of input power, this source of artifact seems 
unlikely to me. But maybe, depending on internal details that we don't know.

This is far from a conclusive demonstration, the 
largest problem being the paucity of information. 
We don't have enough information about the public 
demos or tests monitored by clearly independent 
observers (such as Kullander and Essen, Mats 
Lewan, and Steve Krivit), this one is worse.

My biggest problem with the 18-hour test is 
fitting the behavior together with the other 
demonstrations and what else we know about the claims.

The E-cat would be completely out of control. 
It's operating self-sustained, effectively, or 
very, very close to the edge. Consider the 130 KW 
excursion that was reported (in the Nyteknik 
report on this). This has to be above 
self-sustaining temperature, and the cooling is 
already absolutely the most they could manage. 
Why didn't this thing run away? Actually, it 
looks like it did. What stopped it?

The test depends entirely upon the reliability of 
those who ran it. What we'd expect from independent observers is *data*.

Boiler test reports are a set of variables found 
by long experience to indicate the operating 
health of a boiler. There is no way to compare 
this report with a boiler test. Looks to me, from 
data found elsewhere, this thing nearly exploded. 
In fact, the wonder is that it didn't.

If the data is real, not manipulated. Rossi's 
unreliability, excused as his "eccentricity," is devastating. 

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

> The data provided can be found here:
> Who wrote that? Whose testimony is it?

I wrote it! Who do you think? I talked to the people there and I wrote it.
If you don't like my version read Levi's:

> This data is similar to what you find on a boiler test form, filled in by
>> an inspector.
> The inspector signs the form and is legally responsible for having actually
> made the recorded measurements.

Oh please. Levi's by-line is in the NyTekNik article. Take it or leave it.
Cut the legalese.

> You are nuts, Jed. Sorry. You really are in denial about this, and I don't
> know why. Experts are commenting, and Kullander and Essen are quietly
> backing away.

They are not. Where did you hear that nonsense?

> In particular, it appears to me that the reactor is designed and operated
> very differently from a standard boiler. This, indeed, fooled many people.
> Normal boilers produce wet steam, all right, but down around 5% wet. So
> nobody expected that steam might be, say, 95% water by mass.

I am talking the 18-hour flowing water test. That's what it says in the
heading of this thread. Forget about steam.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:47 PM 8/3/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The data provided can be found here:

Who wrote that? Whose testimony is it?

This data is similar to what you find on a boiler test form, filled 
in by an inspector.

The inspector signs the form and is legally responsible for having 
actually made the recorded measurements.

 It is no less detailed than that. No sensible person would suggest 
that such tests are inadequate, or that there is some reason why 
they might be wrong. They are, of course, imprecise. As it says on 
the guides to these forms, the results are plus or minus 10%. If 
those tests did not work, in every major city dozens of boilers 
would explode every day. That does not happen.

The described test isn't the same as the tests that "work."

We have seen how the public demonstrations turned out to have hidden 
problems . . .

No, we have not. All of the "hidden problems" are figments of the 
overworked imaginations of people who have never done such tests, 
and who do not know what they are talking about.

You are nuts, Jed. Sorry. You really are in denial about this, and I 
don't know why. Experts are commenting, and Kullander and Essen are 
quietly backing away.

Any HVAC engineer will know that this test is valid, and that all of 
the objections to it raised here are nonsense.

Great. Get one to sign off on it, taking personal responsibility for 
error. However, the reactor isn't anything like what they have seen. 
In particular, it appears to me that the reactor is designed and 
operated very differently from a standard boiler. This, indeed, 
fooled many people. Normal boilers produce wet steam, all right, but 
down around 5% wet. So nobody expected that steam might be, say, 95% 
water by mass. That's because nobody would ever design a boiler where 
the water can spill out into the steam exhaust. Nobody would ever 
have a fixed inflow rate. No engineer has experience with that, 
because it would create a host of problems. No, level control is 
used. In the Rossi experiments, it could easily be managed, it seems 
to me, with gravity feed.

Jed, we don't have the data on the 18-hour test to criticize it 
clearly. Sure, it looks good, but it raises a host of questions. Like 
what 130 kW would do to the reactor. None of that is conclusive, 
maybe, maybe, maybe. Aside from that, what's been appearing is enough 
to consider substantial the risk that Rossi has manipulated *any 
demonstration* by changing parameters and not disclosing that.

I wrote long ago that fraud can never be ruled out. Jed, you 
pooh-poohed this, claiming that the existing demonstrations were so 
conclusive that fraud could not be ruled out. Yet that 
"conclusiveness" vanished. Without any need for a fraud claim. 
However, there remains an appearance of some excess heat, for example 
in the Kullander and Essen test, where it is claimed that the 
temperature rose higher than the input power could manage. And, 
indeed, so it appears. That's an appearance of about 600 W of power.

Once we realize that Rossi could have rather easily created that 
appearance through manipulation, that manipulation was actually 
observed but not noticed at first, it's seen in the videos, all bets are off.

In spite of your well-advised caution about not going to the 
demonstrations without your own equipment, not going if you are not 
allowed to arrange a conclusive demonstration, you've still been snookered.

Along with a lot of other people. This thing was good! I do think 
Rossi did this deliberately. And I still can't tell if he's got 
*anything*. Probably something, at least some of the time. It's an 
old cold fusion story. Reliability is the biggest problem in cold fusion.

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

> Why are Rossi and Levi hiding the notebook-files?
> The make and model of the flowmeter. I asked them several times and they
> ignored me.

I thought that said "WHAT are Rossi and Levi hiding . . ." The answer is:
they are hiding the type of flowmeter.

As to WHY they are "hiding" it I am pretty sure that is the same reason most
professors "hide" stuff. Have you ever looked for something in a professor's
lab? You will find it under a pile of papers, books, sample materials, dirty
dishes and unfinished sandwiches. Professors will promise to send me a
paper, and then I remind them months later, and again months later, and it
drags on for years. They take on an assignment and they finish it 6 months
to never after the due date.

If I had known that professors tend to be this way when I was in college, I
might have felt differently about deadlines. Then again it might have taken
me 20 years to graduate on their timetables.

For the record, Edison was even messier than your average professor. Ed
Storms reports that when go-getter know-it-all directors come to National
Laboratories from private industry or corporate front offices, they look
around at the chaos and broken equipment and say: "This place is a pigsty! I
want this stuff cleaned up. Throw away that 20-year old equipment!" So they
clean up, and progress comes to a half for the next several years, since
researchers can no longer scrounge or salvage old parts for experiments.
There is a good reason why hands-on experimental researchers keep all that
junk around.

Also, something that apparently did not occur to Krivit is that when you are
assembling plumbing, you need plumbing tools. It makes no difference whether
the plumbing in for your kitchen sink, an eCat, a Tokamak reactor or the
Fukushima nuclear reactor. Plumbing is plumbing and it calls for pipe
wrenches. What else? Most of an experimental apparatus is made of ordinary

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Angela Kemmler  wrote:

> A source close to the test gave Jed Rothwell the following figures.
> How would you call that? Don’t be upset, but I would call that: „an
> unpublished report of data of an anonymous source on a private webpage“.
> Don’t you agree?

Call it anything you like. The data was reviewed by Rossi on his webpage and
it was also published in NyTeknik. It is obvious that Rossi, Levi and the
others have seen the NyTeknik article and also They would
have told Lewan and I if our accounts were incorrect.

They may be lying, but there is no chance that my numbers are not what they

> Why is it possible, that the (IMHO) most interesting test of the wondrous
> device remains undocumented? Why are Rossi and Levi hiding the
> notebook-files?

The make and model of the flowmeter. I asked them several times and they
ignored me.

There is probably other germane information in their notebooks. They are not
hiding it exactly; they are simply ignoring requests for information. Many
professors do that. Generally speaking, getting information out of academic
researchers is like pulling teeth.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Angela Kemmler
> >
> The data provided can be found here:
> This data is similar to what you find on a boiler test form, filled in by
> an
> inspector. 

Dear Jed! Following your link I read:

A source close to the test gave Jed Rothwell the following figures. 

How would you call that? Don’t be upset, but I would call that: „an unpublished 
report of data of an anonymous source on a private webpage“. Don’t you agree? 
Why is it possible, that the (IMHO) most interesting test of the wondrous 
device remains undocumented? Why are Rossi and Levi hiding the notebook-files? 
Would you buy a conventional boiler according to such a source? 


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Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
It does strike me as just a tad obsessive to meticulously focus on
Rossi's Chiwawa and Shetland Pony demonstrations, which were nothing
more than trade shows - and then treat them as if they were valid
scientific experiments. No wonder skeptics have found fault with them.

Certainly, we would all love to see more rigorous experimental tests
performed for which we in the Peanut Gallery would get our hands on.
Jed has sed this, and so has Abd. No one disputes this.

However, Rossi has a different perspective on the matter, and there
isn't much we can do about it except complain and/or find fault with
Rossi's occasional carnival-like behavior. Regarding on-going
criticism, I'm am sometimes left speculating that certain skeptics may
have deliberately chosen to retaliate by trying to goad Rossi into
revealing more of his eCat secrets - by implying this or that about
his work. Who knows.

I dunno. I still suspect there probably is something genuine going on
here. Maybe even enuf to commercialize. I'm just not convinced that
everything will be revealed to everyone's satisfaction when October
rolls by. On that point, I'm still willing to cut Rossi additional
slack if there is sufficient evidence to suggest the fact that he's on
to something. The fact that two universities seem to think there is
something to Rossi's claims gives me hope.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Jed Rothwell

OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

has a lot of entries. It might help to be more specific as to which
installment is most relevant to the point you are making. Is it the
18-hour demonstration?

Yup. Let me put a link to it:

(You may need to reload the page to see this on the menu.)

I keep thinking I am going to establish a Rossi-Defkalion page, but like 
everyone else, I am waiting for better data.

I am sure I have made it clear that I am not satisfied with the level of 
reporting from Levi, Rossi and the others. On the other hand, as I said, 
the brief report they made in NyTeknik and to me is roughly as detailed 
as boiler test form. The only thing missing is the type of flowmeter.

Note that a boiler test report includes a great deal of other 
information and other procedures, such as tests of the thermostats and 
starters. When I say these reports have only as much data as the 18-hour 
test, I mean the section devoted to calorimetry.

The information presented in a boiler test is not typically parsed out 
the way the 18-hour test is presented. It is the same information, but 
expressed in a different way, with different units (BTUs etc.) 
Essentially, what they do is compare the measured temperature values for 
a given flow rate against the manufacture's specifications, to confirm 
it is producing as much hot water or steam as expected. The basic method 
of measuring flow, inlet and outlet temperatures is the same.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jed:

>> What test? What exactly was done, what data was generated?
> The data provided can be found here:

Jed, I realize it is probably redundant of me to express the following
but could you point readers to the specific article(s) you believe
make your point.

Your news link:

has a lot of entries. It might help to be more specific as to which
installment is most relevant to the point you are making. Is it the
18-hour demonstration?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:18-hour test is no less detailed than a boiler test report

2011-08-03 Thread Daniel Rocha
Oh! So the 18 hour test did not involve phase change, no steam! This is
surely amusing since one can hardly falsify that so easily with people that
are used to the usual tiny LENR effects. HAHA!

This is certaily AMAZING! So, if this is a scam, well, it is a HUGE ONE.

Now, Rossi really did convince that he has something HUGE, for good or for
bad, and he will not be forgotten that easily!