Re: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era...

2010-10-27 Thread FZNIDARSIC
The video is pretty good considering that it was done with no  money and no 
help. It is
a fine job I believe.  Lane is a quick study and I  am learning more.  In 
the end it does not matter because
cold fusion has died with the cancellation of the ACS meeting.
Why sweat the details, no one is watching any more.
Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era...

2010-10-28 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:59 AM 10/28/2010, wrote:
The video is pretty good considering that it was done with no money 
and no help. It is
a fine job I believe.  Lane is a quick study and I am learning 
more.  In the end it does not matter because

cold fusion has died with the cancellation of the ACS meeting.

Why sweat the details, no one is watching any more.

Has the ACS cancelled a meeting? Is this a confusion over the APS 
cancelling the publication of the volume of papers from the APS 
session on cold fusion etc.?

As I see the field of cold fusion, it's almost over, all but the 
shouting. The skeptical position is dead, as far as publication in 
journals is concerned, but positive publication continues at a pace 
that is roughly four times that of the nadir in 2004-2005.

I'm sure there will be some last-ditch efforts to head this off. But 
realize that the best skeptical position published recently has been 
that of Kirk Shanahan, as a letter commenting on the Marwan/Krivit 
review published last year in Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 
The editors allowed the scientists whose work had been reviewed by 
Marwan and Krivit to respond, and they tore Shanahan's flimsy 
arguments to shreds. And then Shanahan is complaining that the 
editors would not allow him a second response.

And why should they? They printed the first response, my guess, 
because it was the best they got.

Over the last five years, there have been 17 positive reviews of cold 
fusion, printed under peer review, in mainstream peer-reviewed 
journals or other publications as listed by Dieter Britz, excluding 
one journal with a series of reviews that is dedicated to "neglected science."

There have been no negative reviews in that period.

When does it become obvious that something shifted, somewhere around 2004-2005?

Cold fusion has not died, and it will not die because skeptics manage 
to win some battle here and there. They can, by this time, only 
succeed in environments where they can operate behind the scenes. 
They may be able to negatively impact funding for some time. They may 
be able to successfully oppose the publication of a collection of 
papers in the field, as probably happened with the APS volume. But 
that's of little importance. They are trying to stick their fingers 
in holes in the dike, when, in fact, the damn thing is collapsing. 

Re: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era...

2010-10-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson


> The video is pretty good considering that it was done
> with no money and no help. It is a fine job I believe.
> Lane is a quick study and I am learning more.  In the
> end it does not matter because cold fusion has died
> with the cancellation of the ACS meeting.
> Why sweat the details, no one is watching any more.

Lane does seem to be a quick study. His satirical sense of humor can
be entertaining. The videos are educational. At least, I learned a few
things I didn't know before, particularly in regards to the Podkletnov

With that said I don't understand your attitude - what strikes me as
apparent apathy in not wanting to put much effort into correcting (or
at least letting your audience know) the fact that you know there
exist a few errors in the You Tube videos. It's not that big of a
deal. Nor would it be that difficult to "fix". The "fix" also doesn't
have to involve Lane. For example at your website list all the You
Tube links in the correct order that the videos should be watched in.
Then, next to any specific link where "errors" have been detected, you
can then add a brief personal Errata statement, a personal comment or

Don't you think it's important to let your viewers, your audience,
know that you are aware of the fact that a few minor discrepancies
and/or contradictions might exist. Keep in mind that many of your
viewers are technically competent viewers. They expect to view
technically accurate information. By placing a brief errata out at
your web site you at last let everyone know, your viewers know that
you are aware of these errors, but that despite these errors you
believe the information as revealed, and when taken in its entirety,
is still valid.

If you say nothing, how do you expect your viewers to assess the
quality of these You Tub videos, especially when you apparently don't
seem to care what they are viewing.

Said differently, you are passively handing "power" over to someone
else who now has the "power" to change public opinion in regards to
your standing - particularly whether your theory should be worthy of
being seriously considered. Not a wise decision, IMHO.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era...

2010-10-28 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Something became clear to me out of the NanoSpire discussion on the CMNS list.

Never lead with theory. Not if the intention is to change general 
consensus on something. By starting with an opposition to consensus, 
one alienates the majority, right off the bat, prejudices them 
against accepting experimental results.

Experimental resuts can have many different explanations. If one has 
some striking experimental results, instead of interpreting them with 
some world-shaking theory, report them as puzzling. Identify with the 
skeptics! Express skepticism!

"We have been unable to understand the heat we have measured as due 
to chemical reactions or artifact. An unknown nuclear reaction could 
possibly generate the energy, but the most likely candidate, given 
the elements in our cells, is deuterium-deuterium fusion, and the 
expected fusion products are missing. We have measured neutrons, but 
at a level well below what would be expected from the heat. We have 
identified helium as being produced, but the helium branch is rare 
and there is no expected gamma ray. Most cells are inactive, we only 
are seeing excess heat from one-tenth of the experiments we run. 
However, the heat that we see when a cell is active is significant. 
Our effort to identify the source of this apparent anomalous energy 
is continuing."

With an announcement like this, when the neutron measurements were 
impeached -- and they were certainly in error -- they would not have 
been in trouble, since they already would have established the 
neutrons as not significant as to the main effect.

Efforts to promote fringe physical theories, based simply on some 
alleged explanatory power, are probably doomed. Rather, anomalous 
experimental evidence, to even make the exploration of unusual 
theories seem worth the effort, must be established and replicated.

If one establishes oneself, first, as a proponent of a fringe theory, 
one sets up conditions to see the experimental evidence rejected on 
the grounds that the experimenter may been cherry-picking data, may 
be misinterpreting it, etc., etc.

That makes it tough for someone who does, indeed, come up with a 
theory first. One has the theory, one develops a test, runs the test, 
and finds the predictions of the theory to be correct. However, it is 
as if it would be better if one stumbled across the test results first!

A good scientist will strongly resist the theory, i.e., will take 
every precaution attempting to falsify it, not to build up evidence 
for it! If not carefully restrained, the effort to prove a theory can 
cause data selection that will then be the basis for rejection by skeptics.

Be one's own skeptic.

The NanoSpire people, if they are telling the truth, are in a very 
unfortunate situation, but, again, they should be able to recover. If 
they promote the fringe theories developed, even if those theories 
are correct, they will inhibit acceptance of their very striking and 
powerful evidence. People will be far more likely to think of fraud 
or massive delusion, than if they approached this skeptically, and 
just reported fact with a minimum of theoretical interpretation.

Indeed, if they mention theory, it would only be existing theory. "We 
have been unable to understand our results in the light of existing theory."

Critical, in the end, will be independent replication. To get that to 
happen, one must have credibility, unless someone happens to have the 
equipment lying about and just tries it on a lark

Re: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era In Physics Pt. 8 of ?

2010-10-26 Thread mixent
In reply to  OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson's message of Tue, 26 Oct 2010
20:53:52 -0500:

That's not all that's wrong. He equates energy and angular momentum. (Apples and
oranges). Furthermore it is not true that the mass of the electron remains the
same during the quantum transition, since it's velocity changes, and hence also
it's relativistic mass. (And I suspect that even it's rest mass changes with
it's distance from the proton).

>Despite my previous criticisms, I have been enjoying watching the you tube
>installments. I've enjoyed the narrator's humor as well.
>However, there is something that needs to be fixed regarding installment #8.
>"Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era In Physics Pt. 8
>of ?"
>Approximately 8 minutes into the lecture I believe the narrator gets protons
>and neutrons confused in regards to explaining their nature in the makeup of
>isotopes. He has essentially flipped their characteristics.
>Hopefully the video can be fixed.
>Steven Vincent Johnson

Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era In Physics Pt. 8 of ?

2010-10-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Robin:


> That's not all that's wrong. He equates energy and angular momentum.
> (Apples and oranges). Furthermore it is not true that the mass of the
> electron remains the same during the quantum transition, since it's
> velocity changes, and hence also it's relativistic mass. (And I suspect
> that even it's rest mass changes with it's distance from the proton).

I'm curious.

Does Randy Mills' CQM theory account for these issues as well? Does anyone

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Regarding: Anti-Gravity / Cold Fusion Explained In Detail: A New Era In Physics Pt. 8 of ?

2010-10-28 Thread mixent
In reply to  OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson's message of Wed, 27 Oct 2010
08:35:40 -0500:
>From Robin:
>> That's not all that's wrong. He equates energy and angular momentum.
>> (Apples and oranges). Furthermore it is not true that the mass of the
>> electron remains the same during the quantum transition, since it's
>> velocity changes, and hence also it's relativistic mass. (And I suspect
>> that even it's rest mass changes with it's distance from the proton).
>I'm curious.
>Does Randy Mills' CQM theory account for these issues as well? Does anyone

Not AFAIK. Though Mills has some weird things in his theory. Specifically the
notion that traveling at the speed of light shortens the circumference to the
radius (IIRC).

Robin van Spaandonk