Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-30 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 29, 2011, at 8:48 PM, Dr Josef Karthauser wrote:

On 29 Nov 2011, at 22:49, Horace Heffner wrote:

In 2007 I converted Jemimenko's theory into a full isomorphism  
between the laws of electromagnetism and the laws of  
gravimagnetism. Creating this isomorphism involves the use of the  
imaginary number i in gravimagnetic terms, and thus the potential  
addition of 3 dimensions to any theory of everything.  For a quick  
synopsis see:

Hey Horace,

What role does the 'i' play in the geometry, or is this an entirely  
algebraic approach?


It is a practical approach.  It makes many things work  
automatically.  This was explained in detail on pages 7 and 8 of:

Jefimenko developed a causal theory of gravity, based on retardation,  
but he had to manually determine the sign in each formula.  This was  
due to he fact he made epsilon and mu negative in his gravitomagnetic  
theory.  This he deemed necessary in order for the force directions  
to come out right in the Coulomb force analog equations, i.e. it  
denotes an attracting force for like charges, as opposed to the  
Coulomb force which is attracting for unlike charges.  This required  
him to either place a special sign in various equations, or to  
reverse the order of cross products, as in the Poynting vector  
equation, S = (1/mu_g) K x g. Note that he reversed the K and g,  
analogs to E and B in electromagnetic theory. This has the effect of  
applying a negative sign to the formula. The use of the factor i in  
gravimagnetic terms eliminates the manual sign placing and permits a  
full isomorphism between the two sets of laws, an isomorphism the  
existence of which has been commonly sensed by physicists for over a  
century, but not to my knowledge ever fully developed or specified.   
The similarity of the two sets of laws is self evident, but there are  
differences with respect to signs and constants.  I took a very  
simple step, but one which has far reaching implications which are  

The link between QM and quantum gravity I see as primarily in the  
fact that h_g = -h, a relationship I derived in 2007 using the  
isomorphism on pages 14 and 15 of:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-30 Thread Horace Heffner
I wrote: The use of the factor i in gravimagnetic terms eliminates  
the manual sign placing and permits a full isomorphism between the  
two sets of laws, an isomorphism the existence of which has been  
commonly sensed by physicists for over a century, but not to my  
knowledge ever fully developed or specified.

That should say: The use of the factor i in gravimagnetic terms  
eliminates the manual sign placing and permits a full isomorphism  
between the two sets of laws, an isomorphism the existence of which  
has been commonly sensed by physicists for over a century, but not to  
my knowledge NEVER fully developed or specified.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Gee wiz!

I sed something sort of like this about three to six months ago in the
Vort Collective. However, I'm sure what I said was stated much more

I recall conjecturing that the aggregate mass existence of all those
fleeting virtual particles could possibly in themselves contribute to
the over-all dark matter gravity equation. I did NOT however elaborate
on the di-pole, positive/negative aspect. (Not my area of expertise!
;-) ) I only conjectured that perhaps a LOT of unexplained mass
might exist in the midst of all that naught quantum fluctuating going
on behind our back.

I wonder if I can find that old post of mine...

Can I pick up my Nobel Prize now?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 29, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:

I had always wondered about this:

Four reasons why the quantum vacuum may explain dark matter
November 28, 2011 by Lisa Zyga
( -- Earlier this year, PhysOrg reported on a new idea
that suggested that gravitational charges in the quantum vacuum could
provide an alternative to dark matter. The idea rests on the
hypothesis that particles and antiparticles have gravitational charges
of opposite sign. As a consequence, virtual particle-antiparticle
pairs in the quantum vacuum form gravitational dipoles (having both a
positive and negative gravitational charge) that can interact with
baryonic matter to produce phenomena usually attributed to dark
matter. Although CERN physicist Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic, who
proposed the idea, mathematically demonstrated that these
gravitational dipoles could explain the observed rotational curves of
galaxies without dark matter in his initial study, he noted that much
more work needed to be done.


Hajdukovic wrote in his paper:  It is difficult to believe that  
quantum vacuum does not interact gravitationally with the baryonic  
matter immersed in it. In spite of it, the quantum vacuum is ignored  
in astrophysics and cosmology; not because we are not aware of its  
importance but because no one has any idea what the gravitational  
properties of the quantum vacuum are.  In absence of any knowledge,
as a starting point, we have conjectured that particles and  
antiparticles have the gravitational charge of opposite sign.

What hubris. He is apparently unfamiliar with Jefimenko. The  
gravitational properties of the vacuum are described by the values  
epsilon_g = 1/(4 Pi G), and mu_g = 4 Pi G/(C_g)^2, where c_g is the  
speed of gravity waves, and epsilon_g and mu_g correspond to their  
electromagnetic analogs.

In 2007 I converted Jemimenko's theory into a full isomorphism  
between the laws of electromagnetism and the laws of gravimagnetism.  
Creating this isomorphism involves the use of the imaginary number i  
in gravimagnetic terms, and thus the potential addition of 3  
dimensions to any theory of everything.  For a quick synopsis see:

especially Table 2 and related discussion. The gravitational  
properties of the vacuum are defined.

The simplistic model of positrons having negative gravitational  
charge leaves some potential gaping holes with regards to symmetry in  
nature, relating to mirror matter in particular. See:

The main thing Hajdukovic misses with regards to the applicability of  
the MOND equation to galactic mechanics, is that black holes  
necessarily manufacture negative gravitational charge matter, spewing  
it into space at cosmic ray velocities, creating approximately  
spherical halos around galaxies.  In the process balck holes increase  
in mass correspondingly.  Space is filled with negative gravitational  
mass as well as invisible (mirror matter) positive gravitational  
mass. The  negative charge gravitational mass makes the universe  
expand.  This is not dipolar mass which provide vacuum properties,  
but rater fully separated gravitational charge mass produced from  
black holes.

For a description as to why the MOND theory (coincidentally and  
fundamentally erroneously) fits galactic rotational motion, see p. 24  
ff of:

That is my take on all this, anyway, a renegade view. A quantum view  
of gravity is necessarily at odds with GR and thus immediately  
rejected as wrong. There will not be any serious effort to consider  
that GR is wrong until it becomes obvious that gravity waves in the  
form predicted by GR do not exist. The alternative, the existence of  
gravitons and thus also graviphotons is far more exciting due to the  
stunning astronomical and practical applications (see  
CosmicSearch.pdf for some of those.)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

RE: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-29 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner 

NICE, Horace - thanks for explaining this once again in the context of an
incorrect view (Hajdukovic). I finally understand where you are coming from.
This is the best stuff to appear on Vortex in months and makes me glad I did
not sign off when the incessant rehash-of-the-rehash started.


Hajdukovic wrote in his paper:  It is difficult to believe that  
quantum vacuum does not interact gravitationally with the baryonic  
matter immersed in it. In spite of it, the quantum vacuum is ignored  
in astrophysics and cosmology; not because we are not aware of its  
importance but because no one has any idea what the gravitational  
properties of the quantum vacuum are.  In absence of any knowledge,
as a starting point, we have conjectured that particles and  
antiparticles have the gravitational charge of opposite sign.

What hubris. He is apparently unfamiliar with Jefimenko. The  
gravitational properties of the vacuum are described by the values  
epsilon_g = 1/(4 Pi G), and mu_g = 4 Pi G/(C_g)^2, where c_g is the  
speed of gravity waves, and epsilon_g and mu_g correspond to their  
electromagnetic analogs.

In 2007 I converted Jemimenko's theory into a full isomorphism  
between the laws of electromagnetism and the laws of gravimagnetism.  
Creating this isomorphism involves the use of the imaginary number i  
in gravimagnetic terms, and thus the potential addition of 3  
dimensions to any theory of everything.  For a quick synopsis see:

especially Table 2 and related discussion. The gravitational  
properties of the vacuum are defined.

The simplistic model of positrons having negative gravitational  
charge leaves some potential gaping holes with regards to symmetry in  
nature, relating to mirror matter in particular. See:

The main thing Hajdukovic misses with regards to the applicability of  
the MOND equation to galactic mechanics, is that black holes  
necessarily manufacture negative gravitational charge matter, spewing  
it into space at cosmic ray velocities, creating approximately  
spherical halos around galaxies.  In the process black holes increase  
in mass correspondingly.  Space is filled with negative gravitational  
mass as well as invisible (mirror matter) positive gravitational  
mass. The  negative charge gravitational mass makes the universe  
expand.  This is not dipolar mass which provide vacuum properties,  
but rater fully separated gravitational charge mass produced from  
black holes.

For a description as to why the MOND theory (coincidentally and  
fundamentally erroneously) fits galactic rotational motion, see p. 24  
ff of:

That is my take on all this, anyway, a renegade view. A quantum view  
of gravity is necessarily at odds with GR and thus immediately  
rejected as wrong. There will not be any serious effort to consider  
that GR is wrong until it becomes obvious that gravity waves in the  
form predicted by GR do not exist. The alternative, the existence of  
gravitons and thus also graviphotons is far more exciting due to the  
stunning astronomical and practical applications (see  
CosmicSearch.pdf for some of those.)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 29, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner

NICE, Horace - thanks for explaining this once again in the context  
of an
incorrect view (Hajdukovic). I finally understand where you are  
coming from.
This is the best stuff to appear on Vortex in months and makes me  
glad I did

not sign off when the incessant rehash-of-the-rehash started.


Thanks, Jones. I've missed your sometimes wildly speculative but  
always fascinating and informative essays on many subjects.

I'm hoping the Rossi circus will come to a definitive end soon, one  
way or another.  Maybe then the URL and citation free innumerate arm  
waving noise level will be reduced. I have thousands of unread vortex  
messages from the past year I did not have time to read. I've  
undoubtedly missed some wheat in discarding the chaff.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-29 Thread Dr Josef Karthauser
On 29 Nov 2011, at 22:49, Horace Heffner wrote:
 In 2007 I converted Jemimenko's theory into a full isomorphism between the 
 laws of electromagnetism and the laws of gravimagnetism. Creating this 
 isomorphism involves the use of the imaginary number i in gravimagnetic 
 terms, and thus the potential addition of 3 dimensions to any theory of 
 everything.  For a quick synopsis see:

Hey Horace,

What role does the 'i' play in the geometry, or is this an entirely algebraic 
