Re: [Vo]:What do the Eartchtech CR-39 results show?

2009-10-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 07:19 AM 10/27/2009, Michel Jullian wrote:

What they demonstrate, IMHO, is that the SPAWAR pits occur:

1/ when the deposit is dendritic, not when it is spongy, and

2/ when the CR-39 chip is in direct contact with the cathode wire, not
when a 6 micron mylar is interposed

Result 2/ does NOT prove conclusively IMHO that any alpha particles
produced are less energetic than the ~1MeV needed to go through 6µm of
mylar as they suggest, another possibility that occurs to me is that
the material in direct contact with the cathode wire matters, i.e.
that CR-39 induces a nuclear effect and mylar doesn't. Has this
possibility been considered?

While that seems possible, there is a simpler 
explanation of the Earthtech results. Perhaps 
because I overlooked these result in my reading, 
I think I may have noticed the page early on but 
didn't have enough background to understand the 
issues, but I did read that today, don't quite 
know why I missed Horace's mention of it before, 
but sometimes I don't have time to follow up on 
something and then it joins the rest of the 
mountain of stuff that I'd like to do but 
probably never will. Unless someone brings it up again.

Please, folks, if it seems like I should read 
something so that I stop sticking my foot so 
clearly into my mouth, let me know! If I've 
answered with an answer that shows I read it with 
some reasonable level of understanding, fine. 
However, it never hurts to have some redundant 
communication, I will never blame someone for 
patiently trying to get something through my 
thick skull. Even if they are wrong, in my opinion. A for effort!

Now, as to the simpler explanation. They did not 
follow the protocol exactly, or if they did, it's 
a different protocol, which is a bit irritating, 
for sure, if that's true. The Galileo project was 
semi-confidential, the protocol originally was 
not revealed openly, one had to sign a release in 
case the thing took out the family home or you 
ended up with hot NaOH in your face, a distinctly 
unpleasant possibility. No, I don't have a 
chem-shower, as they recommend, at home, but, 
strangely enough, there is one in the warehouse 
for my wife's business that I've taken over, it 
used to be a microbiology lab. But that's ten 
minutes drive from my home, and I'll be spending 
very little time over a hot stove etching chips, 
I believe, so I can take lesser measures.

For whatever reason, they didn't get the nuclear 
effect, at all. Instead, they got a strong 
chemical damage effect on the chips. The pits 
that they report as "SPAWAR pits" aren't. They 
are chemical damage plus background radiation -- these were 4-year-old chips.

I don't blame them. Early available SPAWAR 
results showed hamburger and rather breathlessly 
considered it radiation damage. Maybe it was, by 
the way, there are still some differences 
visible. Obviously, though, chemical damage must 
be considered, from their results. These may 
actually be nice control experiments, it would be 
great if the critical variable were identified.

Here is another clue: they reported no results 
with mylar covering the chips, SPAWAR reported 
reduced results. Reduced results is consistent 
with alpha radiation, no results is not -- unless 
the radiation is below a certain energy.

Note that most alpha radiation reaching the CR-39 
from the cathode will come in at high incidence. 
If it were lower incidence, it would have a 
longer path to the surface, and would be less 
likely to have sufficient energy left to be 
detected. That would not be true if the CR-39 is 
very close to the wire, but if that area is 
subject to the hamburger effect, an elliptical track won't be visible.

The real key is the radiation on the back, but, 
unfortunately, they were using a silver cathode, 
which apparently has the worst back-side results, 
perhaps even zero. Why, unknown. But for a gold 
electrode, SPAWAR reports copious back-side 
tracks, no hamburger, and only behind the gold 
electrode, less behind the platinum, and 
practically none behind the silver. Obviously not 
background radiation, hard to conceive of that 
selectivity being chemical damage. I'm also 
worried that they had damage to the cell, I don't 
like that at all, because it indicates 
interaction between the electrolyte and the cell 
material. Did they use the exact boxes specified 
by Galileo, or did they think that something else 
they had already purchased would be good enough. 
Even if it was acrylic, not all acrylic may be the same.

And why did they use half the amount of PdCl2 that the protocol specified? 

Re: [Vo]:What do the Eartchtech CR-39 results show?

2009-10-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Oct 27, 2009, at 3:19 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

What they demonstrate, IMHO, is that the SPAWAR pits occur:

1/ when the deposit is dendritic, not when it is spongy, and

Which, in view of large etching effects from minor scratching, places  
into serious question any results in the presences of dendritic  
growth adjacent to the CR39.

2/ when the CR-39 chip is in direct contact with the cathode wire, not
when a 6 micron mylar is interposed

Both the large and small SPAWAR pits (possibly due to alphas and  
protons) *do* (in other SPAWAR experiments) occur when 6 micron mylar  
is present, just not in the same quantities or proportions, and  
obviously not using the same protocol.

Result 2/ does NOT prove conclusively IMHO that any alpha particles
produced are less energetic than the ~1MeV needed to go through 6µm of
mylar as they suggest,

Their conclusion is: "Our results do not provide a positive  
identification of the origin of SPAWAR pits.  However, they do show  
that chemical origin is a distinct possibility and therefore that  
nuclear origin is not a certainty. The accelerated etching rate  
observed for CR-39 that has soaked in TGP electrolyte for several  
weeks proves that there is a chemical interaction.  The observation  
that SPAWAR pits are visible before etching shows that they are  
unlike the tracks made by ionizing particles.  The observation that  
SPAWAR pits are stopped by a 6 micron Mylar film is consistent with a  
chemical origin but only proves that they cannot be due to nuclear  
particles which would penetrate such a barrier (e.g. alpha particles  
of energy >1 MeV).  The rest of our observations, such as the  
invariance of the result when the electrolyte is changed from heavy  
water to light water, are less conclusive but are still consistent  
with chemical origin of SPAWAR pits."
"It has been suggested that SPAWAR pits are a mixture of chemical and  
nuclear pits.  This is a difficult hypothesis to evaluate.  Frankly,  
the idea of trying to identify pits which "look nuclear" is not very  
appealing from an objectivity standpoint."

This conclusion is clearly valid for the *Earthtech experiment*, and  
possibly for the Galileo protocol, but obviously not valid for the  
range of all such experiments, since there is a wide range of results  
depending on conditions.  It would have of course been better if the  
conclusions were more highly qualified, especially in view of later  
results, but it doesn't take a lot of interpretation to understand them.

What the Earthech results do show beyond any reasonable doubt is is  
the Galileo protocol is highly flawed and the results are far from  
convincing. They also show it is nonsensical to expose the CR-39 to  
the electrolyte, because the results are then not reliable.

As I'm sure you know, determination of the nature of particles from  
CR-39 tracks is a difficult, and one that can depend on computer  
simulations of track shapes over different etching periods. It  
depends on a reliable etching rate, and knowing etching rates as a  
function of temperature.

another possibility that occurs to me is that
the material in direct contact with the cathode wire matters, i.e.
that CR-39 induces a nuclear effect and mylar doesn't. Has this
possibility been considered?


Could be examined by placing a 6 mil mylar cover over the mylar chip  
for a control.  It would indeed be strange if a difference were  
found, because they are both composed of only H, C, and O.  Mylar is  
PET (C10H8O4). See

for chemical structure of CR-39.  The primary effect would be one due  
to density I would think, and thus possibly related to neutron  
moderation or thermalization, knock on proton creation, carbon  
reactions, etc.

2009/10/27 Michel Jullian 

I don't know if he has read them but I pointed Abd to the Earthtech
results too, very early on. Not because they disprove the nuclear
origin of the SPAWAR pits, which they don't


I don't think anyone said the Earthtech results disprove the nuclear  
origin of the SPAWAR pits.  This is a strawman argument.

What they did prove is that placing CR39 in the electrolyte  
dramatically changes the etching rate, and thus presumably the track  
making characteristics, with depth, and the effect by depth varies  
with time of exposure.  They also demonstrated chemically produced  

Here are some prior comments that relate to some of the above  

On Jun 18, 2009, at 6:00 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

It may be possible to gain some discriminatory information of  
particle type by depositing very thin layers of materials on a  
CR-39 detector, and then removing them prior to NaOH etching.
This would tell something about the ballistic collision cross  
section of the particles with the thin layer chosen, and, if recoil  
interaction with the layer is occurring, sho