On Oct 27, 2009, at 3:19 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

What they demonstrate, IMHO, is that the SPAWAR pits occur:

1/ when the deposit is dendritic, not when it is spongy, and

Which, in view of large etching effects from minor scratching, places into serious question any results in the presences of dendritic growth adjacent to the CR39.

2/ when the CR-39 chip is in direct contact with the cathode wire, not
when a 6 micron mylar is interposed

Both the large and small SPAWAR pits (possibly due to alphas and protons) *do* (in other SPAWAR experiments) occur when 6 micron mylar is present, just not in the same quantities or proportions, and obviously not using the same protocol.

Result 2/ does NOT prove conclusively IMHO that any alpha particles
produced are less energetic than the ~1MeV needed to go through 6µm of
mylar as they suggest,

Their conclusion is: "Our results do not provide a positive identification of the origin of SPAWAR pits. However, they do show that chemical origin is a distinct possibility and therefore that nuclear origin is not a certainty. The accelerated etching rate observed for CR-39 that has soaked in TGP electrolyte for several weeks proves that there is a chemical interaction. The observation that SPAWAR pits are visible before etching shows that they are unlike the tracks made by ionizing particles. The observation that SPAWAR pits are stopped by a 6 micron Mylar film is consistent with a chemical origin but only proves that they cannot be due to nuclear particles which would penetrate such a barrier (e.g. alpha particles of energy >1 MeV). The rest of our observations, such as the invariance of the result when the electrolyte is changed from heavy water to light water, are less conclusive but are still consistent with chemical origin of SPAWAR pits." "It has been suggested that SPAWAR pits are a mixture of chemical and nuclear pits. This is a difficult hypothesis to evaluate. Frankly, the idea of trying to identify pits which "look nuclear" is not very appealing from an objectivity standpoint."

This conclusion is clearly valid for the *Earthtech experiment*, and possibly for the Galileo protocol, but obviously not valid for the range of all such experiments, since there is a wide range of results depending on conditions. It would have of course been better if the conclusions were more highly qualified, especially in view of later results, but it doesn't take a lot of interpretation to understand them.

What the Earthech results do show beyond any reasonable doubt is is the Galileo protocol is highly flawed and the results are far from convincing. They also show it is nonsensical to expose the CR-39 to the electrolyte, because the results are then not reliable.

As I'm sure you know, determination of the nature of particles from CR-39 tracks is a difficult, and one that can depend on computer simulations of track shapes over different etching periods. It depends on a reliable etching rate, and knowing etching rates as a function of temperature.

another possibility that occurs to me is that
the material in direct contact with the cathode wire matters, i.e.
that CR-39 induces a nuclear effect and mylar doesn't. Has this
possibility been considered?


Could be examined by placing a 6 mil mylar cover over the mylar chip for a control. It would indeed be strange if a difference were found, because they are both composed of only H, C, and O. Mylar is PET (C10H8O4). See


for chemical structure of CR-39. The primary effect would be one due to density I would think, and thus possibly related to neutron moderation or thermalization, knock on proton creation, carbon reactions, etc.

2009/10/27 Michel Jullian <michelj...@gmail.com>

I don't know if he has read them but I pointed Abd to the Earthtech
results too, very early on. Not because they disprove the nuclear
origin of the SPAWAR pits, which they don't

I don't think anyone said the Earthtech results disprove the nuclear origin of the SPAWAR pits. This is a strawman argument.

What they did prove is that placing CR39 in the electrolyte dramatically changes the etching rate, and thus presumably the track making characteristics, with depth, and the effect by depth varies with time of exposure. They also demonstrated chemically produced tracks.

Here are some prior comments that relate to some of the above discussion:

On Jun 18, 2009, at 6:00 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

It may be possible to gain some discriminatory information of particle type by depositing very thin layers of materials on a CR-39 detector, and then removing them prior to NaOH etching. This would tell something about the ballistic collision cross section of the particles with the thin layer chosen, and, if recoil interaction with the layer is occurring, should provide many more elliptical tracks than without the thin layer.

Thin but covering layers of vacuum deposited metals might work, as they can readily be removed by acid bath. To protect from an electrolyte, it might be necessary to coat some surfaces with thin protective coatings which can be removed by appropriate choice of solvent that does not also affect CR-39. It may be possible to use such a protective coating material, even in lieu of a vacuum deposited metal, as a supporting matrix for some kinds of materials, like barium, boron, or possibly materials that can be neutron activated and then removed for separate long term counting by other means.

It may be feasible to make an integrating neutron counter by adhering a boron containing layer covered piece of CR-39 to the back of the CR-39 detector. This provides a layer of boron sandwiched between two pieces of CR-39. This then uses the main CR-39 detector as a moderator, the boron layer as an alpha generator, and the two surfaces adjacent to the boron layer for etching to look for alphas from the boron layer.

It may be of use to use BC-720 plastic from Bicron Inc. as a scintillation detector. It could be appended to the CR-39, or used instead of the CR-39, as a base for the cathode layer, especially using an initial silver layer, and simultaneously as part of the electrolysis cell wall, in order to readily position the photomultiplier tube near it.

There are of course endless combinations of means for discriminating particle types using these kinds of surface treatments and sandwiching techniques. Some of these approaches can be used with film detectors as well.

Something that may also be of utility is re-curing CR-39 prior to use, especially if it is old, and especially if tracks are uncovered upon successive etchings and there is concern they may be due to neutrons. Cosmic ray secondaries cause tracks originating within the CR-39. In any case it is desirable to have as clean as possible an etching, and to be able to make use of old CR-39. The following manufacturer's bulletin contains a cure cycle for CR-39.


http://corporateportal.ppg.com/NR/rdonlyres/ 3161A365-5C86-484F-97B6-74059920D2B6/0/CR39.pdf

It is also noteworthy that the electrolytic cell operating temperature, thermal gradients in the CR-39 during cell operation, and the duration of the run, can have an effect on the nature of the CR-39 tracks detected by etching. If the cell operates at temperatures sufficient to fully or partially cure tracks, then the size and length of tracks which are detected will be affected by highly localized temperature differences and duration of track existence. Locally hot zones, say near hot cathode wire surfaces, may actually reduce track diameters detected for particles in close vicinity, by curing them to some degree before etching. In a hot electrolyte, pe-existing tracks, say from cosmic rays, may be cured out of existence at the surface, but still exist at depth.

These CR-39 curing issues may or may not affect a given experiment, but certainly may be worthy of consideration when designing or evaluating experimental controls or models of track etching.

It is notable that CR-39 curing, which depends on temperature and duration, not only can affect track geometry according to the CR-39 history and experimental conditions, but also during the etching process itself. The curing process should be capable of annealing tracks altogether, or reducing their diameters or even etching rates. One manufacturer's recommended curing process ranges in temperature between 44 Deg. C to 90 Deg. C, and for a total duration of 19 hours (see http://tinyurl.com/yp6ld5). These process numbers are all right in the range of the approximately 70 deg. C etching temperature process used in the SPAWAR experiments. Precision temperature control and etching time control are thus critical to the etching process, and the effects of the CR-39 curing rate likely should be investigated and may be a parameter to be considered in any comprehensive model of track etching.

A sample problem, due to a short etching once well above 70 deg. C and then later less than 70 deg. C is that cosmic ray caused tracks might appear in the second etch that don't in the first etch. That is because the surface layer tracks can anneal out due to the high temperature.

The price of CR-39 is quite bothersome for amateurs like me though. It would be good to find a cheaper alternative! It could be that curing your own CR-39 would be of use, and that would provide some possibly very handy control of layer thickness. It would be pretty neat to be able to use ultra thin layers, possibly separated by discriminating materials, whether the layers are created by build- up and curing, or by stacking and pressing. It is also notable that thin metal coated plastics can be and are produced commercially in roll form in large quantities cheaply. The problem then is to find and prove out an alternative to CR-39. This kind of effort is unfortunately probably not economically justified, unless maybe it could result in improved dosimeters.

CR-39 is made by curing a monomer, i.e. forming cross-linked polymerization. Track formation is due to breaking of the polymer bonds by ionization. It is to me self evident the same thermal process of polymerization should restore those broken bonds, or at least restore some bonds to the point the etching process differs significantly. The degree of annealing effectiveness of the original curing protocol, or other protocols created specifically for "re-curing", require verification, if nothing else as part of experimental control.

Despite the somewhat speculative nature on the positive side, i.e. the notion of use of re-curing is effective as a means of annealing out tracks from older material, the strong potential that such annealing effects of re-curing exist seems to me sufficient to justify controlling and evaluating for such effects when making deductions regarding observed tracks.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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