Re: How to appear in the blogoshere?

2005-02-14 Thread Jed Rothwell

thomas malloy wrote:
Jed posted;
About getting into the blogisphere.
I gave your URL to Hugh Hewitt, who has a national radio talk show. Hugh
blogs on his website

While you may think
that the blogisphere is right wing, according to Hugh, there are a lot of
leftwing blogs too.
I wouldn't know if it is primarily left or right. I have not explored it.
I gather there are millions of blogs so I suppose it would be impossible
to categorize them. Anyway, left or right is fine with me, as long as it
brings in serious readers and spreads the word.
- Jed

Re: How to appear in the blogoshere?

2005-02-13 Thread thomas malloy
 Jed posted;
About getting into the blogisphere.
I gave your URL to Hugh Hewitt, who has a national radio talk show. 
Hugh blogs on his website . He is also the author of 
Blog. I've only read a few pages because Hugh was in town over the 
weekend. He talks about how the blogisphere has kept several news 
stories in the media long enough for something to be done about them. 
The latest scalp on Hugh's belt is that of Eastland Jordan, former 
president of CNN, who resigned Friday. Hugh picked up the story from 
the blogisphere and started talking about it on his program about a 
week ago, he also mentioned it in a televised interview. Jordan had 
slimed the American military as having targeted journalists for 
extermination. which infuriated Hugh. Having your own nationally 
syndicated radio program, and a best selling book are handy for 
getting on the media.

I'm hoping that Hugh addresses the subject of getting traffic to your 
blog, I'll keep you posted.

While you may think that the blogisphere is right wing, according to 
Hugh, there are a lot of leftwing blogs too. It would seem to me that 
radionuclide remediation would be a hot button issue for those folks. 
I would think that you or Leaking Pen would be good people to contact 

BTW, I'm . I'm also going to be publishing 
science related articles in the Minnesota Sentinel, . 
I wrote an article on how the government has spent $150 billion 
attempting to produce a Sun in a can, and attempted to strangle LENR 
in it's cradle. I sent it to Ed for review, I'll post the link when 
it is published.

Re: How to appear in the blogoshere?

2005-02-10 Thread Steven Krivit
You have my sympathies Jed.
Although I charge for my CF book, I, like you, didn't write it to make 
money. Getting out the word of my book, and the subject, is a tough sell 
right now and I think it's all about what you said, these people will not 
risk their reputations to endorse cold fusion -- or even talk about it.

My strategy has been to spend massive amounts of time contacting any and 
every person I know or learn of that shows some sign of interest and bend 
their ear a bit. I think you'll agree, this subject should be paramount in 
scientific and respectable circles. At this point in time, it seems like 
the strong interest is still clearly in the fringe.

Regardless, I do what I can, figuring that every little bit will help and 
that the results will show up some day. The other part of my strategy has 
been to avoid preaching to the deaf, as well as the converted.


Re: How to appear in the blogoshere?

2005-02-10 Thread leaking pen
Anyway, I set out to learn about these blog things . . . and I was not
impressed. Most of them seem poorly written and unorganized. Most
appear to be right wing political diatribes, or self-centered gabbing
about nothing in particular, or recursive comments about the
blogosphere itself.

congrats.  this here is a nail, and thats a rather large hammer in
your hand, and you connected the two quite well.

the majority of the blogosphere  (puke) is just that.  there are
some sites dedicated to new that are or were pretty big.  i used to be
on agonist a bunch before they changed things around
(, no www. ).  and i used to post a bunch of fringe
science stuff, but, since we had a few real scientists, that got
ignored.  my suggestion, if you see that youve been linked by a blog,
go there, sign up, add a link on your website back to that blog, and
talk with people on the commenting systems.  that will draw people. 
that, and you can make your own blog.  recent things that have come
up, news items you got from vortex, ect, with your own thoughts and
comments, and a space for people to comment.  theres lots of canned
blogging programs.  find a blog you like the looks of, and search the
faq, youll usually find some info on how they put their blog together.

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 14:04:53 -0800, Steven Krivit
 You have my sympathies Jed.
 Although I charge for my CF book, I, like you, didn't write it to make
 money. Getting out the word of my book, and the subject, is a tough sell
 right now and I think it's all about what you said, these people will not
 risk their reputations to endorse cold fusion -- or even talk about it.
 My strategy has been to spend massive amounts of time contacting any and
 every person I know or learn of that shows some sign of interest and bend
 their ear a bit. I think you'll agree, this subject should be paramount in
 scientific and respectable circles. At this point in time, it seems like
 the strong interest is still clearly in the fringe.
 Regardless, I do what I can, figuring that every little bit will help and
 that the results will show up some day. The other part of my strategy has
 been to avoid preaching to the deaf, as well as the converted.

Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to
make it possible for you to continue to write  Voltaire