RE: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-04 Thread Jeff Fink

That means you are suppose to bless those muslims who hate you. 


Before, during, and after 9-11 America had troops in Kosovo protecting
Muslims from Serbian attack.  My son was one of those troops.


RE: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-04 Thread Remi Cornwall
Just taking a shot of their front page today:

This is the Objectivists (extreme rightwing) rag mag.

The Black reporter kicks in the Black guys they don't like

The Jewish reporter kick in the Jewish guys they don't like

You see it's alright then. 

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Fink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 November 2008 11:30
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

That means you are suppose to bless those muslims who hate you. 


Before, during, and after 9-11 America had troops in Kosovo protecting
Muslims from Serbian attack.  My son was one of those troops.


Re: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-04 Thread Harry Veeder

Pope urged to admit common ground 

By Robert Pigott 
Religious Affairs Correspondent 

When 138 senior Muslim scholars and clergy tried to establish the 
common ground between Islam and Christianity last year, they said the 
very peace of the world hung on the outcome. 

On Tuesday, a high-ranking delegation is beginning a rare visit to 
Rome in an effort to persuade the Pope to endorse what they say are 
the shared origins and values of the world's two biggest religions. 

Their letter, A Common Word, cited passages from the Koran which the 
scholars said showed that Christianity and Islam worship the same God, 
and require their respective followers to show each other particular 

RE: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-04 Thread Remi Cornwall
The whole cynicism of the right, the talk about Barney Franks, Senator Chris
Dodds, Clinton, the Communities Reinvestment Act, even far back as Kennedy
and FDR is just a smoke screen...

The idea that it is false love and just cynical left-wingers buying votes is

When you have a country taken by force by one race of people, who then
systematically ethnically cleanse it of its original inhabitants, ship in a
whole group of people to use like cattle, when they find that the original
inhabitants died out from the strains of disease they brought to this new
'discovered' land, systematically segregate and disadvantage those who are
not its race and then have the gall to say that these people are lazy and a
burden when the system just isn't inclusive or nurturing of their talents,
it is a small measure when some wealth gets redistributed to let them have a
piece of the pie and own their own properties.

The collapse seems to have been deliberately engineered by the people (the
speculators, those in the market) who didn't want it to work, didn't want a
more fair society and wanted to keep the old order. They are doing well from
all the welfare we the tax payer now pay them.

Deep down it is driven by the old Anglo Saxon desire for dominion but the
world is a different place, the 'wogs' have knowledge now, China, India,
Brazil the power of the Muslim nations. The European dominion is but a blip
in recent history and you find the world is going back to equilibrium. All
races are equal, all have something to offer.

Putting in a man from the ethnic minorities sends out a powerful message
from the US: please forgive us before we all go mad.
-Original Message-
From: Remi Cornwall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 November 2008 11:43
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

Just taking a shot of their front page today:

This is the Objectivists (extreme rightwing) rag mag.

The Black reporter kicks in the Black guys they don't like

The Jewish reporter kick in the Jewish guys they don't like

You see it's alright then. 

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Fink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 November 2008 11:30
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

That means you are suppose to bless those muslims who hate you. 


Before, during, and after 9-11 America had troops in Kosovo protecting
Muslims from Serbian attack.  My son was one of those troops.


Re: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread OrionWorks
From: Jeff Fink

 If good Muslims kill all non-muslims why have
 Jews been living in their cities for over a

 Because most Muslims are not living their religion
 by the book!  Only what we refer to as the
 extremists behave that way.  Most Muslims show much
 more kindness than that.


This recent comment is so incredibly revealing, and yet I fear so much
of it has been utterly lost, thrown to the floor as discarded waste in
lieu of recent passionate arguments.

I suspect many atheists live for the day when they see this argument
articulated, as it confirms one of their most cherished beliefs, one
that seems to confirm a suspicion that the continued propagation of
religion itself is one of the major causes of so much suffering in our

Well, I must admit they DO seem to have a point, those dang atheists!
I have even found at times that I wished I was an atheist. But alas, I
guess such a noble destiny is not in the cards for me.

And what's the point that has been discarded, thrown to the floor like
scraps of rotting meat and gristle?

Which Muslims are we talking about? ...the Muslims living by the
book or the ones -not- living by the book? While we're at it, which
Christians are we talking about as well? ...the Christians living
by the book or the ones -not- living by the book? or Jews, or Jews
for Jesus, or Lutherans, Catholics, Confucians, ... even atheists.

It always seems to come down to: My book is better than YOUR book,
fill in your favorite title and prose. In every single case that I've
witnessed, it's individual PEOPLE, their personal interpretations -of
the book- making the decisions concerning what is ultimate truth
that have caused so much pain and suffering in this world. Don't blame
g*d. While we're at it, don't blame thy enemy's g*d either. Barking up
the wrong trees of knowledge. Try looking a little closer to Home for

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread Mike Carrell
One can quote religious texts for any agenda. There are passagees in the New 
Testament attributed to Jesus which are divisive as well. The question is 
who wrote them, and why? With militant Islam, you see it filtered through a 
honor-based desert culture. The largest Islamic culture is in Indonesia, 
which is not militant. All organized religions have bloody histories. Yet 
the Golden Rule is found everywhere, in all cultures.

Mike Carrell

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

You are perhaps mixing the Old Testament with the New.

The Old Testament is primarily about the history of the Jewish people, and
it is quite bloody and brutal.  The New Testament is about the life and
teachings of Jesus Christ, and His teachings supersede the laws of the Old

I suspect that nobody is looking anything up.  So, here are a few quotes 

make it easy: (New King James version)

Jesus:  You have heard it said, You shall love your neighbor and hate 
enemy. But, I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, 

good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and
persecute you, that you may be sons of your father in heaven... Matthew 

Jesus:  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all 
soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment, 
the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as your self.  On 

two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

These commands are not easy to do.  Down thru the ages there have been
people falsely calling themselves Christians who have never gotten 

near these commandments, and they have given Christianity a bad name among
many.  But I can assure you that a radically saved born again Christian is 
really great person to have for a neighbor unless you fear being killed 


You may wonder how good of a Christian I am?  Well, I am not as good as I
need to be, but I am trying.

Bible prophesy, which has a habit of coming true, indicates that at the 

of the age there will be a one world religion that will punish Christian
believers, who refuse to deny Jesus, with execution by beheading.
Read: Revelation 20: 4

I ask, Is there any major religion on the fast track to world domination
that hates the concept of Jesus as God, and that punishes infidels with
beheading?  It would seem to benefit most of us to postpone the arrival 

that religious system as long as possible.


-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

The same argument applies to Christains with respect
to certain passages in their bible.


- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008 10:20 pm
Subject: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

If good Muslims kill all non-muslims why have
Jews been living in their cities for over a millennium?

Because most Muslims are not living their religion by the book!
Only what
we refer to as the extremists behave that way.  Most Muslims show
much more
kindness than that.


-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

If good Muslims kill all non-muslims why have
Jews been living in their cities for over a millennium?


- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008 9:33 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

 Good Christians, living their faith by the book, love their
 enemies.  Good
 Muslims, living their faith by the book, kill their enemies which
 includeall non Muslims.  Don't take my word for it.  Look it up.

 The people on this list are technically brilliant, but in some other
 important areas, the ignorance is astounding.


This Email has been scanned for all viruses by Medford Leas I.T. 

Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread OrionWorks
Jeff Fink Said:


 You may wonder how good of a Christian I am?  Well,
 I am not as good as I need to be, but I am trying.

I often wonder how good a human being I am to myself and to others as
well. I know I could use improvement, and I am trying.

 Bible prophesy, which has a habit of coming true, indicates
 that at the end of the age there will be a one world religion
 that will punish Christian believers, who refuse to deny Jesus,
 with execution by beheading. Read: Revelation 20: 4

 I ask, Is there any major religion on the fast track to
 world domination that hates the concept of Jesus as God, and
 that punishes infidels with beheading?  It would seem to
 benefit most of us to postpone the arrival of that religious
 system as long as possible.


Collectively speaking when too many people at any period of history
tend to take the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, or any religious book
literally we will indeed experience the end of the world. If such a
horrible prophesy were to manifest I suspect it wouldn't be because
g*d finally came back and kicked everybody's ass out of the pool for
peeing in it. The prophesy would come about because everyone will be
shooting at their neighbors across geopolitical and religious
boundaries, all in the name of their g*d, the one and only true g*d.

At times like this I sometimes wish I could be an atheist. But alas, I
don't suspect a godless world would be any more of a solution to the
world's woes. From what I can tell stupidity, ignorance, hatred, and
bigotry know no geopolitical and/or philosophical boundaries. If there
were no religion in the world I suspect all the idiots, bigots, and
the ignorant would find some other all-mighty philosophy to hang their
hang-ups on.

I continue to hope that the Golden Rule for which Mike Carrell
refreshingly brought back to our attention will eventually prevail. It
is one of the most universally prevalent and respected laws known on
our planet.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread Remi Cornwall
Oh I see is that's what their up to now...

Oh they're going to say Obama is the anti-Christ. I remember this with Bill
Clinton and Gorbachev and anyone smart enough to stand up to them.

I've heard all kinds of bullshit, that the Annunarki are due in 2012 (some
planet they live on is meant to come back to the solar system), that the
London 2012 Olympic symbol secretly says Zion and that's why they were so
loathed to change it - the power of that lobby.

Ignorance and bigotry is a really powerful force. We must quell the urge to
crush bugs and regard outsiders as suspicious. Superstition and this basic
reflex seem to be some deed evolutionary mechanism and when you see it for
what it is... well nothing to fear but the fear itself.

-Original Message-
From: OrionWorks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 November 2008 22:46
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

Jeff Fink Said:


 You may wonder how good of a Christian I am?  Well,
 I am not as good as I need to be, but I am trying.

I often wonder how good a human being I am to myself and to others as
well. I know I could use improvement, and I am trying.

 Bible prophesy, which has a habit of coming true, indicates
 that at the end of the age there will be a one world religion
 that will punish Christian believers, who refuse to deny Jesus,
 with execution by beheading. Read: Revelation 20: 4

 I ask, Is there any major religion on the fast track to
 world domination that hates the concept of Jesus as God, and
 that punishes infidels with beheading?  It would seem to
 benefit most of us to postpone the arrival of that religious
 system as long as possible.


Collectively speaking when too many people at any period of history
tend to take the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, or any religious book
literally we will indeed experience the end of the world. If such a
horrible prophesy were to manifest I suspect it wouldn't be because
g*d finally came back and kicked everybody's ass out of the pool for
peeing in it. The prophesy would come about because everyone will be
shooting at their neighbors across geopolitical and religious
boundaries, all in the name of their g*d, the one and only true g*d.

At times like this I sometimes wish I could be an atheist. But alas, I
don't suspect a godless world would be any more of a solution to the
world's woes. From what I can tell stupidity, ignorance, hatred, and
bigotry know no geopolitical and/or philosophical boundaries. If there
were no religion in the world I suspect all the idiots, bigots, and
the ignorant would find some other all-mighty philosophy to hang their
hang-ups on.

I continue to hope that the Golden Rule for which Mike Carrell
refreshingly brought back to our attention will eventually prevail. It
is one of the most universally prevalent and respected laws known on
our planet.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread Jeff Fink

-Original Message-
From: Mike Carrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

With militant Islam, you see it filtered through a 
honor-based desert culture. The largest Islamic culture is in Indonesia, 
which is not militant. Mike Carrell

Indonesia is becoming a very dangerous place for Christians.  I have
missionary acquaintances who have done jail time there for talking about
Jesus.  I won't say if they are Americans or Indonesians since I don't want
to put any of them in further danger.


Re: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread Harry Veeder

- Original Message -
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008 4:36 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

 You are perhaps mixing the Old Testament with the New.
 The Old Testament is primarily about the history of the Jewish 
 people, and
 it is quite bloody and brutal.  The New Testament is about the life 
 andteachings of Jesus Christ, and His teachings supersede the laws 
 of the Old
 I suspect that nobody is looking anything up.  So, here are a few 
 quotes to
 make it easy: (New King James version)
 Jesus:  You have heard it said, You shall love your neighbor and 
 hate your
 enemy. But, I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse 
 you, do
 good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use 
 you and
 persecute you, that you may be sons of your father in heaven... 
 Matthew 5:43

That means you are suppose to bless those muslims who hate you. 


Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-03 Thread Mike Carrell

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 6:25 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan


Indonesia is becoming a very dangerous place for Christians.  I have
missionary acquaintances who have done jail time there for talking about
Jesus.  I won't say if they are Americans or Indonesians since I don't 

to put any of them in further danger.

OK, Jeff, but there was a time in Catholic-dominated Europe when it was 
dangerous to be a Jew. In the '30s anti-semitism was preached from pulpits 
in Poland and the Vatican said prayers for the perfidious Jews. It took 
decades before Pope John Paul offered formal aplology. Islam was once the 
resivoir of learning during the Dark Ages in Europe, as was Celtic Ireland. 
And it was a fleet of ships from China that ignited the Renaissance in 
Europe in 1434. History is much more complex that what is taught in schools.

Mike Carrell


This Email has been scanned for all viruses by Medford Leas I.T. 

Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

2008-11-02 Thread Harry Veeder
The same argument applies to Christains with respect
to certain passages in their bible.


- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008 10:20 pm
Subject: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

 If good Muslims kill all non-muslims why have
 Jews been living in their cities for over a millennium?
 Because most Muslims are not living their religion by the book!  
 Only what
 we refer to as the extremists behave that way.  Most Muslims show 
 much more
 kindness than that.
 -Original Message-
 From: Harry Veeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 9:47 PM
 Subject: Re: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan
 If good Muslims kill all non-muslims why have
 Jews been living in their cities for over a millennium?
 - Original Message -
 From: Jeff Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008 9:33 pm
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan
  Good Christians, living their faith by the book, love their 
  enemies.  Good
  Muslims, living their faith by the book, kill their enemies which 
  includeall non Muslims.  Don't take my word for it.  Look it up.
  The people on this list are technically brilliant, but in some other
  important areas, the ignorance is astounding.