Oh I see is that's what their up to now...

Oh they're going to say Obama is the anti-Christ. I remember this with Bill
Clinton and Gorbachev and anyone smart enough to stand up to them.

I've heard all kinds of bullshit, that the Annunarki are due in 2012 (some
planet they live on is meant to come back to the solar system), that the
London 2012 Olympic symbol secretly says "Zion" and that's why they were so
loathed to change it - the power of that lobby.

Ignorance and bigotry is a really powerful force. We must quell the urge to
crush bugs and regard outsiders as suspicious. Superstition and this basic
reflex seem to be some deed evolutionary mechanism and when you see it for
what it is... well nothing to fear but the fear itself.

-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 November 2008 22:46
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

Jeff Fink Said:


> You may wonder how good of a Christian I am?  Well,
> I am not as good as I need to be, but I am trying.

I often wonder how good a human being I am to myself and to others as
well. I know I could use improvement, and I am trying.

> Bible prophesy, which has a habit of coming true, indicates
> that at the end of the age there will be a one world religion
> that will punish Christian believers, who refuse to deny Jesus,
> with execution by beheading. Read: Revelation 20: 4
> I ask, "Is there any major religion on the fast track to
> world domination that hates the concept of Jesus as God, and
> that punishes infidels with beheading?"  It would seem to
> benefit most of us to postpone the arrival of that religious
> system as long as possible.
> Jeff

Collectively speaking when too many people at any period of history
tend to take the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, or any religious "book"
literally we will indeed experience the end of the world. If such a
horrible "prophesy" were to manifest I suspect it wouldn't be because
g*d finally came back and kicked everybody's ass out of the pool for
peeing in it. The "prophesy" would come about because everyone will be
shooting at their neighbors across geopolitical and religious
boundaries, all in the name of their g*d, the one and only true g*d.

At times like this I sometimes wish I could be an atheist. But alas, I
don't suspect a "godless" world would be any more of a solution to the
world's woes. From what I can tell stupidity, ignorance, hatred, and
bigotry know no geopolitical and/or philosophical boundaries. If there
were no religion in the world I suspect all the idiots, bigots, and
the ignorant would find some other all-mighty philosophy to hang their
hang-ups on.

I continue to hope that the Golden Rule for which Mike Carrell
refreshingly brought back to our attention will eventually prevail. It
is one of the most universally prevalent and respected laws known on
our planet.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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