Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-04 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Fri, 03 Dec 2004 10:57:47 -0900:
BTW, I see the referenced medical web site uses KeV.  The prefix k
(small k) is the standard prefix for kilo-, even though M is the standard
prefix for mega-.

Necessary, because lower case m is the prefix for milli.


Robin van Spaandonk

All SPAM goes in the trash unread.

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-04 Thread Horace Heffner
At 3:20 PM 12/5/4, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Fri, 03 Dec 2004 10:57:47 -0900:
BTW, I see the referenced medical web site uses KeV.  The prefix k
(small k) is the standard prefix for kilo-, even though M is the standard
prefix for mega-.

Necessary, because lower case m is the prefix for milli.

Only absolutely necessary to get single character prefixes.  They could
have used M for kilo- and MM for mega- or some other multi-character
arrangements like those used in the petrolium industry.  It was the
objective of the standardization to get rid of just those kinds of things,
so yes, it was necessary.

After M the abbreviations are all capitalized for the positive exponents,
whether the negative exponent abbreviatons match on first letter or not.
For example, 10^18 is exa- or prefix E, yet 10^-18 is atto or prefix
a.  Similarly true for peta- and femto-, tera- and pico-, and giga- and
nano-.  All the negative exponent prefixes have small letters.


Horace Heffner  

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-03 Thread Jones Beene
Horace Heffner writes

 I have done plenty of tritium counting using liquid
scintillation counting.
 I think it is more difficult to count water borne tritium
by other means.
 Scintillation couters can reliably and automatically
discriminate between
 tritium and say carbon 14.  There is almost no penetrating
power for 20 keV
 beta particles, so counting 201 Tl without interference
from tritium is

Despite your expertise, your conclusion is debatable,
depending on the sophistication of the detector... and
perhaps depending on an operator with less extenisive
background   ;-)  . See below.

 BTW, my handbook shows 201 Tl decaying by electron capture
(1.36 MeV) with
 Hg and K shell x-rays of 135.28 keV and 167.40 keV.  This
stuff should
 stand out like the sun on a clear day.

Let me direct your attention to Thallium online

You will see that over 95% of the gammas in this situation
would have a mean energy between 68-80 KeV but are coming
from the transitory mercury isotope as the Tl life is so
short. After an extended run, and with such a small amount
used, and with a starting half-life of only 70+ hours, there
is almost no Tl left to measure at the end of the run.

As you say, the end point for tritium betas is around 20 KeV
and nearly all would be absorbed in the water. The Radiation
Yield (Y) from bremsstrahlung can be calculated using the


Where Z is the atomic #; T is the Kinetic E. of the beta in
MeV. for an average energy of 6keV you get:

Y=(6x10^-4(4*.006)/(1+6x10^-4(4*.006))  =1.44x10^-5

Which is the fraction of the 6 keV converted to photons as
the Beta particle slows down.

...or, the standard approximation is  ZE/3000 where E is the
maximum beta
energy i.e. 0.0186 MeV. From Evan's The Atomic Nucleus ...
This gives (for Be)  4 x 0.0186/3000 or 2.5 E-5, roughly
twice the value above. Anyway if lots of tritium was being
produced, a fair amount of the bremsstrahlung gamma photons
of about 3-6 keV would be seen.

This should be easily discriminated from the Tl emission,
but not necessarily so - depending on the detector used and
how the results were interpreted. That is why I asked the


Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-03 Thread Horace Heffner
At 9:16 AM 12/3/4, Jones Beene wrote:
Let me direct your attention to Thallium online

You will see that over 95% of the gammas in this situation
would have a mean energy between 68-80 KeV but are coming
from the transitory mercury isotope as the Tl life is so
short. After an extended run, and with such a small amount
used, and with a starting half-life of only 70+ hours, there
is almost no Tl left to measure at the end of the run.

OK, I see you were referring to the Hg gammas at 80 keV.  Yes, these too
have a good penetraing power and are readily discriminated from tritium
betas. They too can be counted by ordinary geiger counters. Also, a 70 hour
half-life is plenty good for a tracer for water drops.  A test of whether a
cell is vulnerable to water drop entrainment shouldn't take more than an

BTW, I see the referenced medical web site uses KeV.  The prefix k
(small k) is the standard prefix for kilo-, even though M is the standard
prefix for mega-.

...Anyway if lots of tritium was being
produced, a fair amount of the bremsstrahlung gamma photons
of about 3-6 keV would be seen.

These gamms have almost no pentrating power in water.  This is why organic
solvents are used for liquid scintillation counting.  The water is kept to
a few percent in the counting vials.

This should be easily discriminated from the Tl emission,
but not necessarily so - depending on the detector used and
how the results were interpreted. That is why I asked the

I think it would be nearly impossible to confuse tritium with either 201Tl
or 201Hg.  You don't even need a multi channel analyser.

I think the important thing here is not to lose sight of the fact that
Cirillo's and various other boil-off enthalpy data may be suspect due to
the problem which P.J van Noorden so kindly pointed out.  This is an
important fact to consider when designing future boil-off experiments.


Horace Heffner  

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-03 Thread P.J van Noorden
Hello Horace
The condenser was made out of glass and had a length of 1.5 meter and was
positioned vertically. It was cooled by water which flowed around the glass
Best Regards

- Original Message -
From: Horace Heffner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

 At 12:06 PM 12/2/4, Jones Beene wrote:
 Horace, you seem to be saying that the condenser was
 air-cooled instead of water-cooled. Of course this would
 introduce major errors, and it still doesn't address  the
 issue of tritium.

 Actually, there is no mention of a condenser in the Cirillio paper. The
 standard method of doing boiloff calorimetry is to measure the weight of
 water boiled off (that disappears) and then multply by the energy required
 to boil that water (which explicitly *is* the method used by Cirillo.)  It
 appears the plastic cylinder with pyrex lid located above the cell does
 condensing.  There is apparently no intent to use the condensation heat
 (i.e. mass flow calorimetry on the secondary coil) as a secondary
 calorimetric means.  Cirillo's method is definitely susceptable to
 entrained water droplets.

 I would assume P.J van Noorden (he can clue us in) used an ordinary
 laboratory condenser.  Such condensers are typically made of glass and
 in either straight through mode or reflux mode.  In straight through mode
 the steam comes in through one (elevated) end and water comes out the
 other.  In reflux mode the condenser is usually vertical and steam is
 admitted  in at the bottom and water comes out the bottom into an attached
 flask.  Unless you are trying to do dual calorimetry, it doesn't matter
 the condenser is cooled, by gas, by water, or by ice.  The heat measurment
 is via the mass of water lost in the reactor.

 Boiloff calorimeters are typically calibrated using boil-off runs using
 calibration resistors for heat and cool-off runs to determine the
 calorimeter constant for ambient losses.  P.J van Noorden certianly makes
 it clear that such calibration runs may be invalid becuase ultrasound or
 other turbulence creates entraind droplets, and tthe calibration resistor
 will not cause droplet entrainment like a source of ultrasound does.  One
 solution to this problem is to include an ultrasound device in at least
 clibration run to test whatever water drop barrier is used.  It would not
 be possible to calibrate the drop formation rate itself, so some kind of
 drop barrier would have to be utilized.

 These principles have ramifications *way* beyond the Cirillo paper.  They
 are fundamental to all boiloff calorimetry.

 Only if it had been water cooled could all the heat be
 accounted for, and that is why I assumed it was water cooled
 and that the thallium was turning up in the second circuit.
  This is a very important comment.  It means that boiloff
 calorimetry can be very suspect without proper controls.
 Yes, proper controls like a second circuit with dual

 You need to account for more than just the enthalpy of condensation.

  A radioactive tracer would be good in labs equipped to
 handle them.
 Not unless the possibility of tritium can be eliminated,

 I have done plenty of tritium counting using liquid scintillation
 I think it is more difficult to count water borne tritium by other means.
 Scintillation couters can reliably and automatically discriminate between
 tritium and say carbon 14.  There is almost no penetrating power for 20
 beta particles, so counting 201 Tl without interference from tritium is

 Technetium counting and even imaging is readily done using 180 degrees
 opposed scintillation couters to track positron annihilation photon pairs.
 I had this procedure done to image my heart.  I was signifcantly
 radioactive for a day.  It was a bit scary to turn on my geiger counter
 hear it go wild near me.

 unless your tracer has a far more energetic signature than
 tritium. Thallium is just too close IMHO.
 After all, your are doing cold fusion. Cold fusion often
 produces tritium. Isn't the cross-connection obvious? BTW
 even though tritium normally has a significant spread of
 energy, can we be sure that tritium produced via CF is not
 closer to being mono-energetic?

 What do you mean significant spread?  The peak is fairly confined.

 BTW, my handbook shows 201 Tl decaying by electron capture (1.36 MeV) with
 Hg and K shell x-rays of 135.28 keV and 167.40 keV.  This stuff should
 stand out like the sun on a clear day.

 At 4:14 PM 12/2/4, P.J van Noorden wrote:
 We used 201 Thallium in our nuclear medicine department
 to study the perfusion of the heart.The energy emission of radioactive
 thallium is about 80 eV.
 Now we have a technetium based radiopharmacon which gives a better image
 quality.( 140eV)

 I don't see how 80 keV enters into the picture.


 Horace Heffner

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-03 Thread Jones Beene

 ...Anyway if lots of tritium was being
 produced, a fair amount of the bremsstrahlung gamma
 of about 3-6 keV would be seen.

 These gamms have almost no pentrating power in water.
This is why organic
 solvents are used for liquid scintillation counting.  The
water is kept to
 a few percent in the counting vials.

First, I understand the point about boil-off calorimetry,
but this is hardly news. People have been issuing similar
warnings for some time.

However, once again I think you may be missing the obvious.
IF (big if) tritium were being produced, then you would not
necessarily be comparing Tl 80 keV gammas against almost
undetectable tritium gammas.  This is because some of the
tritium begins to outgas immediately and then can shed 20
keV radiation directly into the monitor, whereas all of the
Tl (which is still immobilized in the water) would have its
gamma output attenuated.

So you see, to really get down to brass tacks one needs to
know how these reading were taken and what the raw data
showed, or else assume (as I will now do) that the
experimenter knew that tritium could possibly be present
and took all the necessary precautions to eliminate any
possibility of a tritium signal.

I see from the post just now from Peter that his condenser
was water cooled, but I must assume that the Tl did not
cross the pyrex glass boundary or else he would have
mentioned it specifically.


Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-03 Thread Horace Heffner
At 12:31 PM 12/3/4, Jones Beene wrote:

I see from the post just now from Peter that his condenser
was water cooled, but I must assume that the Tl did not
cross the pyrex glass boundary or else he would have
mentioned it specifically.

The was no mention of the Tl showng up in the cooling water, ie. secondary
coil.  I have assumed the Tl showed up in the distillate, since any other
possibility  seems to me to be unlikely in the extreme.


Horace Heffner  

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread Jones Beene
- Original Message - 
From: P.J van Noorden

 It was very interesting to see that during evaporation a
significant amount
 (25%) of the radioactive Thallium could be found in the
second vessel,
 where you only would expect destillated water. So I
suspect that during
 violent boiling of the electrolyte a significant amount of
small dropplets
 liquid water ( with radioactive Tl ) was transported
through the condensor
 into the second vessel. This could lead to a significant
overestimation of
 the produced heat by about 25 %

Well, first a caveat -  it should be mentioned for the
benefit of any younger readers contemplating CF experiments,
that it takes a knowledgeable researcher to experiment with
thallium (a.k.a. rat poison), which some chemists believe to
be among the most toxic in the periodic table... and that is
the less-radioactive variety. Thallium does occurs in the
environment naturally in trace amounts; and is responsible
for many more deaths than is commonly known because the
human body absorbs thallium very effectively, especially
through the skin, lungs and the digestive tract. Just
touching it can be dangerous.

 but as to the unusual transport mechanism (if it did
indeed cross a metal boundary) this anomaly seems to be
similar to what has been witnessed over the years with
Bismuth, which is a similar heavy metal in many ways and
which was the subject of messages last month (below)... it
would be enlightening to understand the dynamics of this
transport mechanism, and whether or not it is somehow
related to  gravity, but there appears to be little reliable
information available.

Nick Reiter wrote:

 It [bismuth] also was or is one of
 the most promising stars in the odd half integer spin
 nucleon kinemassic gravity claims of Wallace,

RC Macaulay wrote:

 Once knew a man that spent his days during WW2 on
 the Manhattan project that remained puzzled by bismuth.
Such an
 oddity that he considered the element unexplainable.

(which may have been mentioned in the Rhodes book on the
Manhattan project), I remember hearing about some definite
peculiarities  concerning bismuth during the LMBR and MSR
(liquid metal and salt cooled reactors) days at Oak Ridge in
60s...  the problem was containment of the molten bismuth.
It seem that you can have a bismuth alloy or eutectic in a
circuit - completely encased in SS tubing... but
it will somehow seep through metal and appear in the
adjoining circuit -


Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread P.J van Noorden
We used 201 Thallium in our nuclear medicine department
to study the perfusion of the heart.The energy emission of radioactive
thallium is about 80 eV.
Now we have a technetium based radiopharmacon which gives a better image
quality.( 140eV)
The amounts of thallium we used was about a few nanograms. Therefore you can
inject it in a patient beacuse in this concentration it is not toxic.The
amount I used for this experiment is 1% of the amount we inject into a

- Original Message -
From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

 - Original Message -
 From: P.J van Noorden

  It was very interesting to see that during evaporation a
 significant amount
  (25%) of the radioactive Thallium could be found in the
 second vessel,
  where you only would expect destillated water. So I
 suspect that during
  violent boiling of the electrolyte a significant amount of
 small dropplets
  liquid water ( with radioactive Tl ) was transported
 through the condensor
  into the second vessel. This could lead to a significant
 overestimation of
  the produced heat by about 25 %

 Well, first a caveat -  it should be mentioned for the
 benefit of any younger readers contemplating CF experiments,
 that it takes a knowledgeable researcher to experiment with
 thallium (a.k.a. rat poison), which some chemists believe to
 be among the most toxic in the periodic table... and that is
 the less-radioactive variety. Thallium does occurs in the
 environment naturally in trace amounts; and is responsible
 for many more deaths than is commonly known because the
 human body absorbs thallium very effectively, especially
 through the skin, lungs and the digestive tract. Just
 touching it can be dangerous.

  but as to the unusual transport mechanism (if it did
 indeed cross a metal boundary) this anomaly seems to be
 similar to what has been witnessed over the years with
 Bismuth, which is a similar heavy metal in many ways and
 which was the subject of messages last month (below)... it
 would be enlightening to understand the dynamics of this
 transport mechanism, and whether or not it is somehow
 related to  gravity, but there appears to be little reliable
 information available.

 Nick Reiter wrote:

  It [bismuth] also was or is one of
  the most promising stars in the odd half integer spin
  nucleon kinemassic gravity claims of Wallace,

 RC Macaulay wrote:

  Once knew a man that spent his days during WW2 on
  the Manhattan project that remained puzzled by bismuth.
 Such an
  oddity that he considered the element unexplainable.

 (which may have been mentioned in the Rhodes book on the
 Manhattan project), I remember hearing about some definite
 peculiarities  concerning bismuth during the LMBR and MSR
 (liquid metal and salt cooled reactors) days at Oak Ridge in
 60s...  the problem was containment of the molten bismuth.
 It seem that you can have a bismuth alloy or eutectic in a
 circuit - completely encased in SS tubing... but
 it will somehow seep through metal and appear in the
 adjoining circuit -


Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread Jones Beene
- Original Message - 
From: P.J van Noorden

 We used 201 Thallium in our nuclear medicine department
 to study the perfusion of the heart.The energy emission of
 thallium is about 80 eV
 The amounts of thallium we used was about a few nanograms.
Therefore you can
 inject it in a patient beacuse in this concentration it is
not toxic.The
 amount I used for this experiment is 1% of the amount we
inject into a

Hello Peter,

Since this tiny amount of thallium works out to only a few
one-hundredths of a nanogram, one must suspect that this
cannot be measured reliably (by mass) on any kind of a
precision scale, so one must further suspect that you
measured it by assuming that any radioactive emission was
due to the thallium...

...but, that raises another problem.

What if the species which you measured in the second
vessel, where you only would expect distillated water was
NOT the Thallium? That is, it was not the thallium which had
migrated through the walls of the condenser, but instead was
Tritium, which was the ash of the adjoining CF reaction?

Tritium of course, easily is transported through most
metals, such as your condenser. I can find no reference on
the web to thallium crossing a metal boundary. Also the 80
KeV is characteristic of tritium as well as thallium, but
tritium would have a broader spread (did you do spectrometry

Although it is somewhat of an affront to Occam, you could
conceivably have witnessed both radioactive remediation (of
the thallium) and at the same time the LENR cold-fusion (ala
Claytor) of the tritium-ash variety, in this cell. But since
the total radioactive reading on your meter of the combined
two sources added up to nearly what you were expecting from
just the thallium, you assumed the simplest underlying


Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread Jones Beene

Thank you for having carefully considered this.

 We analysed the reaction product with a multi channel
analyser and we where
 convinced that it was 201 Tl.

However...  in order that others can dispose of any
lingering questions, especially about the ability of
thallium to migrate across a heat exchanger, is any of your
data and/or instrumentation info (Beckman LS ? etc)  from
this experiment available online?


Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread Horace Heffner
At 6:51 AM 12/2/4, Jones Beene wrote:
- Original Message -
From: P.J van Noorden

 It was very interesting to see that during evaporation a
significant amount
 (25%) of the radioactive Thallium could be found in the
second vessel,
 where you only would expect destillated water. So I
suspect that during
 violent boiling of the electrolyte a significant amount of
small dropplets
 liquid water ( with radioactive Tl ) was transported
through the condensor
 but as to the unusual transport mechanism (if it did
indeed cross a metal boundary)

Jones, there is no metal boundary indicated.  The suggestion is that water
droplets (carrying thallium) were entrained with the steam by violent
boiling. When the steam was condensed in a condenser the water droplets,
like fog into dew, condensed out too.

This is a very important comment.  It means that boiloff calorimetry can be
very suspect without proper controls.  The water droplets constitute
missing water which was not boiled, i.e. vaporized.  If the heat of
vaporization is applied to the total water missing in the reactor vessel
(and/or condensed into the second vessel) then an over unity condition
might be indicated where none exists.

Proper controls might mean placing a tracer in the electrolyte and
condensing out the vapor, doing dual calorimetry, and including a barrier
to water droplets.

A radioactive tracer would be good in labs equipped to handle them.
Measuring the conductivity of the condensate, as compared to distilled
water, would be a minimum level of required check.  An accurate pH check
might be useful too.   Some kind of non-volatile tracer in the elecrolyte
should be looked for in the condensate.


Horace Heffner  

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread Horace Heffner
At 9:13 AM 12/2/4, Jones Beene wrote:

Thank you for having carefully considered this.

 We analysed the reaction product with a multi channel
analyser and we where
 convinced that it was 201 Tl.

However...  in order that others can dispose of any
lingering questions, especially about the ability of
thallium to migrate across a heat exchanger,

That should be through a condenser not across a heat exchanger.

is any of your
data and/or instrumentation info (Beckman LS ? etc)  from
this experiment available online?



Horace Heffner  

Re: comments on the Cirillo paper

2004-12-02 Thread Horace Heffner
At 12:06 PM 12/2/4, Jones Beene wrote:
Horace, you seem to be saying that the condenser was
air-cooled instead of water-cooled. Of course this would
introduce major errors, and it still doesn't address  the
issue of tritium.

Actually, there is no mention of a condenser in the Cirillio paper. The
standard method of doing boiloff calorimetry is to measure the weight of
water boiled off (that disappears) and then multply by the energy required
to boil that water (which explicitly *is* the method used by Cirillo.)  It
appears the plastic cylinder with pyrex lid located above the cell does the
condensing.  There is apparently no intent to use the condensation heat
(i.e. mass flow calorimetry on the secondary coil) as a secondary
calorimetric means.  Cirillo's method is definitely susceptable to
entrained water droplets.

I would assume P.J van Noorden (he can clue us in) used an ordinary
laboratory condenser.  Such condensers are typically made of glass and used
in either straight through mode or reflux mode.  In straight through mode
the steam comes in through one (elevated) end and water comes out the
other.  In reflux mode the condenser is usually vertical and steam is
admitted  in at the bottom and water comes out the bottom into an attached
flask.  Unless you are trying to do dual calorimetry, it doesn't matter how
the condenser is cooled, by gas, by water, or by ice.  The heat measurment
is via the mass of water lost in the reactor.

Boiloff calorimeters are typically calibrated using boil-off runs using
calibration resistors for heat and cool-off runs to determine the
calorimeter constant for ambient losses.  P.J van Noorden certianly makes
it clear that such calibration runs may be invalid becuase ultrasound or
other turbulence creates entraind droplets, and tthe calibration resistor
will not cause droplet entrainment like a source of ultrasound does.  One
solution to this problem is to include an ultrasound device in at least one
clibration run to test whatever water drop barrier is used.  It would not
be possible to calibrate the drop formation rate itself, so some kind of
drop barrier would have to be utilized.

These principles have ramifications *way* beyond the Cirillo paper.  They
are fundamental to all boiloff calorimetry.

Only if it had been water cooled could all the heat be
accounted for, and that is why I assumed it was water cooled
and that the thallium was turning up in the second circuit.

 This is a very important comment.  It means that boiloff
calorimetry can be very suspect without proper controls.

Yes, proper controls like a second circuit with dual

You need to account for more than just the enthalpy of condensation.

 A radioactive tracer would be good in labs equipped to
handle them.

Not unless the possibility of tritium can be eliminated,

I have done plenty of tritium counting using liquid scintillation counting.
I think it is more difficult to count water borne tritium by other means.
Scintillation couters can reliably and automatically discriminate between
tritium and say carbon 14.  There is almost no penetrating power for 20 keV
beta particles, so counting 201 Tl without interference from tritium is

Technetium counting and even imaging is readily done using 180 degrees
opposed scintillation couters to track positron annihilation photon pairs.
I had this procedure done to image my heart.  I was signifcantly
radioactive for a day.  It was a bit scary to turn on my geiger counter and
hear it go wild near me.

unless your tracer has a far more energetic signature than
tritium. Thallium is just too close IMHO.

After all, your are doing cold fusion. Cold fusion often
produces tritium. Isn't the cross-connection obvious? BTW
even though tritium normally has a significant spread of
energy, can we be sure that tritium produced via CF is not
closer to being mono-energetic?

What do you mean significant spread?  The peak is fairly confined.

BTW, my handbook shows 201 Tl decaying by electron capture (1.36 MeV) with
Hg and K shell x-rays of 135.28 keV and 167.40 keV.  This stuff should
stand out like the sun on a clear day.

At 4:14 PM 12/2/4, P.J van Noorden wrote:
We used 201 Thallium in our nuclear medicine department
to study the perfusion of the heart.The energy emission of radioactive
thallium is about 80 eV.
Now we have a technetium based radiopharmacon which gives a better image
quality.( 140eV)

I don't see how 80 keV enters into the picture.


Horace Heffner