Re: [vox-tech] Test/Upgrade

2019-01-10 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

> Do you really think lugod's new mail server should be some weird 
> conglomoration of upstream source,
> and out of tree patches?
> That's batshit insane in my book.

Fortunately, I nowhere suggested that.  Not intending to complain, and I
gladly acknoledge that we have the best of intentions in this
conversation and both have a sincere desire to help LUGOD, but this is
the second time consecutively that I've pointed out that Boggis's ideas
in his EximConfig tarball can and should be implemented with packaged
software only and standard sysadmin work on conffiles, etc., for
purposes of integration.

> More details below.

Apologies, good sir, but it's late, I've had a very long day and am
tired, and therefore will merely attempt in all benevolence to cut to te

Boggis's tarball (and I'll speak from memory, here, so pardon a small
amount of vagueness) is targeted primarily at Debian sysadmins and
provides directions for which Debian binary packages to installto
construct a highly effective MTA + antispam system built around the
exim4-daemon-heavy package, the sa-exim package originally written by
Marc Merlin, the spamassassin package, one or two packages related to
SPF, and optional binary-packaged components that can be included to
carry out greylisting, teergrubing (keeping records in MySQL), and
probably a couple of other optional angles I'm not quite recalling.  It
also provides a set of Exim4 conffile snippets that unpack directly into
the /etc/exim4 tree and integrate into the Debian-style many-fragments
configuration structure that Debian package devs seem to like so much
(viz.  /etc/apache2/* and all its pieces), where the intent is to ensure
smooth future upgrades of the distro packages (in this case,
exim4-daemon-heavy and sa-exim) without anything breaking, segregating
out local configuration as separate from what is replaced during
upgrade.  Likewise provided as working examples are controls exposed 
for tweaking all of this.  (See tarball contents.)

Part of what is distinctively good about the architecture Boggis
describes with the cited packages as an example is that it does most of
the heavy antispam lifting using MTA rulesets, a working Exim4 set of
which are provided.  This is critical to limiting RAM and CPU splurging,
because MTA rules are typically implemented using C code (hence small
and fast), so there's a huge amount of benefit in rejecting 95+% of
arriving spam using MTA rules before handing off the SMTP bitstream to a
ponderous, slow Perl daemon (spamd) to measure the spamicity of the
remaining 5%.  Boggis provides some truly clever MTA rules such as te
'callout' ones that test whether the delivering remote MTA is operating
in an RFC-compliant manner _prior_ to accepting the mail with 250

The role of sa-exim is also key in Boggis's example, in that Marc
Merlin's code enables (likewise) a consultation by the MTA to spamd to 
measure spamicity prior to the MTA deciding whether to say 250 Accept or
550 Die spammer die or 450 Please stick around while I greylist you.
Among several advantages is that this decision-making _during_ the
ongoing SMTP conversation prevents any possibility of creating
backscatter spam.

Now, the working files drop straight into Debian's _exim4_ setup,
whereas many sysadmins would prefer to use Postfix, or Courier-MTA, or
(God help you) qmail.  Fine.  This doesn't permit the drop-in
functionality the way you can just unpack the stuff Boggis intends for
the /etc/exim4 tree and have it Just Work{tm} effortlessly, _but_ all of
Boggis's excellent ideas are right there to study and implement as you
desire in whatever packaged MTA the sysadmin prefers.

More can be easily learned by having a look at Boggis's documentation
and his tarball.   (I will mention once again that the tarball is _not_
a tarball of software, but rather of MTA rules and conffile snippets,
etc.)  Or, of course, if readers already think they have the whole thing
covered and have nothing to learn from Boggis and Merlin's work, they
can bag it and do something else.

OK, then?

I'm sorry, and intend no offence, but I'm going to assume (so I can
hurry up and get to sleep) that the above covers what needs to be said,
ergo I'm not going to read the rest of your post at this time.  If
there's something significant you think I really ought to read, I would
welcome your telling me so.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Test/Upgrade

2019-01-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Timothy D Thatcher (

> What happened was that I discovered earlier today that ClamAV had
> apparently been misbehaving and had tanked mail/listserv service
> entirely, and for a few days, it turned out. I also actually ran an
> apt update/upgrade and rebooted the server myself several hours ago,
> and indeed it brought the mail server roaring back to life... which is
> probably why you've been seeing all those messages suddenly, as it
> tries to process through the backlog. Sorry about the blast of
> mailer-daemon notices.
 How/where are you receiving them?
> I'm still getting chunks of mail blasting in, myself, both daemon
> notices and junk. I installed clamAV (and spamassassin, too) a while
> ago when I was trying to clean up the mail server a bit.

I question would the utility and effectiveness of _ClamAV_ in the
use-case of the LUGOD MLM/MTA server.  I think that's solving the wrong
problem.  (I realise that you almost certainly inherited the problem.)
In the context of a LUG's officers, malware mail isn't a problem because
of the malware.  It's just funny-looking spam.  The problem really is
the spam.  So, use good antispam.  Which brings me to:

Architecting effective antispam for a modern mail server is an art form,
alas.  You can very easily set up an MTA on essentially any Linux
distro, but it'll default to basically no spam-rejection at all, and
improving on that gets punted to the local administrator.  Which sucks.

IMO, in architecting from scratch an effective spam defence, and finding
the right balance of false negatives vs. false positives, I've found
J.P. Boggis's 'EximConfig' tarball and accompanying documentation a good
starting place.  Unavoidably, it has started to suffer from lack of
maintenance, e.g., the software recommended for SPF checking is no
longer packaged, so one must do more work than when it was last revised 
around 2011.

I recommend studying Boggis's tarball & docs irrespective of whether one
uses the exact platform he targeted (Exim4 MTA on Debian), because his
ideas can be adapted.

For the separate problem of 'existing production SMTP host has a
terrible spam problem', that's a harder nut to crack without migrating
to a better-architected replacement, and you have my sympathies.

> We have a pretty severe incoming spam problem, and particularly the
> way much of it is getting processed/procmailed out to me and other
> officers using gmail and similar services has actually been kind of a
> serious problem--and one that is going to need revisiting eventually.

Here, you're talking about /etc/aliases-based redirection, right?  In
other words, root@, sys@, typescript@, @devnull@, if@, demo@, pr@, and
webmaster@ ?  If so -- frankly -- here in 209, y'all need to give those up.

You've noticed, obviously, part of the reason:  Those aliases get
clobbered as collateral damage in the spam war, and have been
increasingly for about a decade and a half.  The temptation is to think
that you can keep making those feasible if only you make the MTA's
spam-rejection really, really exceptional, except that it'll never be
quite good enough.  The more spam you forward via aliases (either
/etc/alias entries or ~/.forward files), the more the receiving MTA
perceives your relaying host as a spamhaus, and punishes it, especially
receiving domians like that do dynamic scoring of spamicity.

The other reason:  Those aliases inherently fall afould of anti-forgery
techniques (SPF, DMARC), and so, depending on the mail's sender domain,
are at grave risk of getting either rejected upon redelivery or
spamboxed.  This cannot realistically be fixed.  My current view is 
that /etc/alias or ~/.forward redirection is now suitable and reliable
only for intradomain purposes.

The other type of redirection (other than the /etc/alias and ~/.forward
one) is of course mailing list managers (MLMs) like Mailman and Sympa. 
These have the advantages that (1) they rewrite the SMTP envelope, hence
can be made to comply with anti-forgery techniques, and (2) they have
exactly the substantial built-in intelligent handling and filtering that
is missing from the other redirection types.   Someone might eventually
suggest converting root@, sys@, typescript@, etc. each to its own
Mailman mailing list.  Don't.  The manual administration and hassle
required will drive you batty.

> I'm up for suggestions on the next move.

1.  Cease using /etc/alias entries for cross-domain redirection.
(Yes, this is a painful step and an end to a cherished LUGOD tradition.)
Instead, list on the office-holders'
current direct, real, e-mail addresses.

2.  Next SMTP host rebuild, spend about a week working on a modern
antispam architecture for it, possibly with reference to Boggis's work.
Expect it to take real sysadmin work, not just package installation.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

[vox-tech] (forw) Re: Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-03 Thread Rick Moen
Seems to have been intended to be posted, rather than sent just to me in
private mail.

- Forwarded message from Bob Scofield  -

Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2018 09:23:47 -0700
From: Bob Scofield 
To: Rick Moen 
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

Since Rick expresses skepticism for antivirus companies in this post,
I'll use this one to report on my latest discovery.

The problem with my computer started after I updated to the latest
version of ESET antivirus for Linux.  The only thing I had not done
to get my re-install finished was to re-install ESET.  So this
morning I did.  And after the install the problem reappeared.
Cinnamon and Thunderbird would crash.  Firefox was completely
unusable.  So I uninstalled ESET and now everything is back to


On 06/02/2018 11:48 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Timothy D Thatcher (
>> Hah, I'm glad it was nothing as nefarious as some weird malware or
>> rootkit, or as irritating/potentially expensive as an actual hardware
>> failure. Great work, and thanks, Rick.
> One more comment (and yes, as can be seen on
> and
>, this _is_
> something of a hobbyhorse of mine):
> _Rootkits_ are by definition NOT attack tools.  Period.
> Yes, the contrary is widely believed, and I know exactly which
> commercial interest promotes that and many similar misunderstandings:
> It's the security / antimalware industry, which has absolutely no
> interest in a well-informed computer user community who understand
> security threats.  They want a spooked community willing to outsource
> and open wallets.
> This essay ended up being long, and isn't yet in proper presentation
> format, but I think bountifully illustrates my point about that industry:
> Back to rootkits:  A rootkit is a set of replacements for regular
> administrative monitoring tools (ps, netstat, top, ls, etc.) that have
> been gimmicked to ignore the files and processes of an intruder.
> The intruder enters a system and escalates to root authority via
> OTHER MEANS ENTIRELY, and only then, armed with stolen root authority,
> replaces normal system tools with rootkit replacements in order to hide
> himself/herself.
> Quoting (myself) from
> [omitting here a very long alphabetical list of 'ringers'; things often
> claimed in error to be 'viruses' that simply aren't]
> Every one of those is some sort of _post-attack_ tool; all are
> erroneously claimed on sundry anti-virus companies' sites (and
> consequently in various news articles) to be "Linux viruses". Some
> are actually "rootkits", which are kits of software to hide the
> intruder's presence from the system's owner and install "backdoor"
> re-entry mechanisms, after the intruder's broken in through other
> means entirely.  Some are "worms"/"trojans" of the sort that get
> launched locally on the invaded system, by the intruder, to probe it
> and remote systems for further vulnerabilities. Some are outright
> attack tools of the "DDoS" (distributed denial of service) variety,
> which overwhelm a remote target with garbage network traffic from all
> directions, to render it temporarily non-functional or incommunicado.
> The news reporters and anti-virus companies in question should be
> ashamed of themselves: None of the above, in itself, can break into any
> remote Linux system. All must be imported manually (or equivalently by
> script) and installed by an intruder who has cracked your system by
> other means.
> That incompetent reporting sometimes has extremely damaging
> consequences: In 2002, British authorities arrested
> (
> the alleged author of the T0rn rootkit, based on their mistaken notion
> that it's a "Linux virus". (My efforts to get the Reuters / NY Times
> story corrected were ignored, except by cited anti-virus consultant
> Graham Cluley, who told me he'd been misquoted.)
> I should mention in passing that feeble albeit genuine malware like the
> RST and OSF ELF-infectors are often downloaded and manually installed,
> MEANS ENTIRELY, often as part of their "rootkits". Some of these help
> keep alive UDP-based backdoors to preserve their ongoing access. The
> point, again, is that 

Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Timothy D Thatcher (

> Hah, I'm glad it was nothing as nefarious as some weird malware or
> rootkit, or as irritating/potentially expensive as an actual hardware
> failure. Great work, and thanks, Rick.

One more comment (and yes, as can be seen on and, this _is_
something of a hobbyhorse of mine):

_Rootkits_ are by definition NOT attack tools.  Period.

Yes, the contrary is widely believed, and I know exactly which
commercial interest promotes that and many similar misunderstandings:
It's the security / antimalware industry, which has absolutely no
interest in a well-informed computer user community who understand
security threats.  They want a spooked community willing to outsource 
and open wallets.

This essay ended up being long, and isn't yet in proper presentation
format, but I think bountifully illustrates my point about that industry:

Back to rootkits:  A rootkit is a set of replacements for regular
administrative monitoring tools (ps, netstat, top, ls, etc.) that have
been gimmicked to ignore the files and processes of an intruder.
The intruder enters a system and escalates to root authority via
OTHER MEANS ENTIRELY, and only then, armed with stolen root authority, 
replaces normal system tools with rootkit replacements in order to hide

Quoting (myself) from

   [omitting here a very long alphabetical list of 'ringers'; things often
   claimed in error to be 'viruses' that simply aren't]

   Every one of those is some sort of _post-attack_ tool; all are
   erroneously claimed on sundry anti-virus companies' sites (and
   consequently in various news articles) to be "Linux viruses". Some
   are actually "rootkits", which are kits of software to hide the
   intruder's presence from the system's owner and install "backdoor"
   re-entry mechanisms, after the intruder's broken in through other
   means entirely.  Some are "worms"/"trojans" of the sort that get
   launched locally on the invaded system, by the intruder, to probe it
   and remote systems for further vulnerabilities. Some are outright
   attack tools of the "DDoS" (distributed denial of service) variety,
   which overwhelm a remote target with garbage network traffic from all
   directions, to render it temporarily non-functional or incommunicado.

   The news reporters and anti-virus companies in question should be
   ashamed of themselves: None of the above, in itself, can break into any
   remote Linux system. All must be imported manually (or equivalently by
   script) and installed by an intruder who has cracked your system by
   other means.

   That incompetent reporting sometimes has extremely damaging
   consequences: In 2002, British authorities arrested
   the alleged author of the T0rn rootkit, based on their mistaken notion
   that it's a "Linux virus". (My efforts to get the Reuters / NY Times
   story corrected were ignored, except by cited anti-virus consultant
   Graham Cluley, who told me he'd been misquoted.)

   I should mention in passing that feeble albeit genuine malware like the
   RST and OSF ELF-infectors are often downloaded and manually installed,
   MEANS ENTIRELY, often as part of their "rootkits". Some of these help
   keep alive UDP-based backdoors to preserve their ongoing access. The
   point, again, is that they're an _after-effect_ of break-in, not a
   method of attack in themselves. It's like a burglar disabling your
   back-porch door lock from inside your kitchen; it's damage, but not the
   guy's means of entry.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bob Scofield (

> I've got an infected Linux desktop and I don't have the technical
> expertise to fix it.

So, I just wanted to explore the notion of 'infected' in general, 
concerning Linux computers.  (In no way is this intended as a criticism
of Bob.)

It is frequently the case that users say their computers are infected /
have malware when all they really know is that something bad is
happening on their systems that ought not to happen -- something like a
Web browser process immediately terminating upon startup.  It's a small
leap of logic, but certainly an understandable one.

In my first, long post, trying to help advise Bob, I drew a key
distinction between system-level problems and user-level ones, e.g.,
suggesting Bob see if additional user 'test' encountered the same
symptom he did under his regular user.  Each user has an individual set
of configuration files in his/her homedir that, if they get messed up
by... anything (user mishap, 'malware' processes the system gets tricked
into running with regular user authority, damage caused by bugs in
installed user software run with regular user authority, etc.)..., the
user's software experience can get sabotaged _without_ there having been
any damage to the system as a whole.

And the reason that's a really key difference is that you as a
non-privileged user deliberately are not wielding the ability to mess
up, edit, add to, delete from, etc., files in any of the many trees
that are _system_ trees.  Which also means that even the most devilishly
nasty malware imaginable, if you happened to run it as 'you' (run it
with your user authority), can do only the damage that you, yourself,
could have done.  That is why, in a real sense, _provided_ you are not
finding dumb ways to run Linux malware with elevated privilege, and
provided it isn't left running for a long time to chip away at your
system and find unfixed local security problems to 'escalate privilege'
with, such Linux malware is precisely as big a danger to your system as
you are, and as big a danger to your personal files as you are.  

(The corrolary to this is that the biggest danger by far to any Linux
server is a sysadmin wielding root authority, something even scarier
than a programmer clutching a screwdriver.  ;->  )

And I actually need to 'fess up to a bit of tunnel vision I suffered in
making the above-described distinction between system-level problems and
user-level ones:  I almost totally forgot -- but sort of added near the
end -- that something like a critical RAM shortage in effect manifests 
as _both_ a system-level and user-level problem.  But often I forget 
that new Linux 'desktop' users are seldom taught that just about the
first things you need to do is:

o  Check memory using 'free' or similar.
o  Check disk space using 'df' or similar.
o  Check process list (using 'ps' or similar) looking for funny business.

That is so ingrained in old-school Unix teaching that sometimes it's
difficult to remember that newcomers may not think to do that, and 
almost certainly aren't familiar with the tools.  Which is a pity.

...and, please note, Bob's problem immediately became obvious when he 
checked the third of those three basics.

Rod's point that it _could_ have been a hardware problem was also an
excellent one, but IMO one wants to look for the low-hanging fruit,

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Timothy D Thatcher (

> Hah, I'm glad it was nothing as nefarious as some weird malware or
> rootkit, or as irritating/potentially expensive as an actual hardware
> failure. Great work, and thanks, Rick.

Just one more thing about that:

  Moen's Third Law of Security

  "Malware is _not_ a security problem; malware is a secondary _after-effect_
  of a security problem."

  People who focus on particular exploits against particular
  vulnerabilities (or worse, software packages like "anti-virus software"
  that do so) have already lost the security battle, because they aren't
  focusing on what's important -- which is correcting their own strategic
  errors that make those recurring vulnerabilities possible (and
  inevitable).  Marcus Ranum described what is important perfectly, in his
  essay "What Sun Tsu Would Say"

  o  Run software that does not suck.
  o  Absolutely minimize Internet-facing services.

  If you have to keep chasing after holes in the same hopelessly bad
  software (PHP, WordPress, AWstats, wu-ftpd, lpd, etc.) — or, worse,
  paper over that underlying cause with anti-malware software — then
  you're addressing the _wrong problem_.

  The computer-security advice Ranum attributes to Sun Tzu bears repeating,

  If you are fighting a losing battle, it is likely one of three things:
  a) You are continuing a trend in a losing war -- and therefore should
 not be surprised.
  b) You have chosen to fight the wrong battle.
  c) You are stupid.

(I'll hasten to say that I'm not calling anyone stupid.  Ranum, a major
security expert from the BSD community, putting words in Sun Tzu's
mouth, is saying that certain people _might_ be stupid.  Personally, I'd
only go so far as to say 'misguided'.  ;->  )

The examples cited of wu-ftp, lpd, and AWstats now seem obscure, but
please do remember that I created the page a long time ago.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bob Scofield (

> I've got it fixed.  But first thanks to Brian, Tim, Rod, and Rick.

Congratulations, Bob!  Good work.

When you're feeling in a mood to geek out and get to know some
old-school Unix command-line tools, here are some related to memory and


'top' is a bit more instantly likeable than the others, because it
defaults to auto-refreshing its display of resources used by individual
processes every second (which is usualy handy), _and_ it has a couple of
operating modes.

In the default mode, it displays processes in order of CPU usage, with
the biggest CPU-grunt hogging processes on top.  But then, if you press
'M' (capital m), then the tool flips to its alternate mode, showing
processes in order of _RAM_ usage, biggest RAM-hogs first.  This is where
things start, unfortunately, to get complex and eye-crossing, because
the sort key used is '%MEM".  But there are several other columns with
other details of memory usage, which I'll not detail here.  Suffice to 
say each can be significant, depending.

(Irony alert:  For a command-line tool, 'top' is a bit
resource-intensive all but itself.  On more than one occasion, a Unix
server, slow and somewhat unresponsive because of running low on RAM, 
has been driven into falling over because 2 or 3 sysadmins ssh'd in and
simultaneously ran 'top'.  ;->  )

  free -m

The 'free' command is a system-wide report (not a process-level report)
on the current state of memory usage.  The 'm' switch I added means 
'...and please report values in units of megabytes, for
human-friendliness'.  There are a bunch of details in free's output
about usage of both physical RAM and virtual RAM, which you just have to
learn how to correctly interpret -- not difficult, but you'll end up
looking at the man page.

  ps auxw

The 'ps' command reports process status (thus the abbreviation), and
I've added parameters, detailing which would add too much gory detail, 
that have the effect of making ps report all currently running processes
without restriction.  The resulting output is guaranted to be verbose in
both width and length, so one usually ends up piping it to 'less' or to
a filter to extract only what you want to know about.

As with 'top', the ps command defaults to showing many columns about
processes, and there are actually more that can be dredged out with
other formatting directives (to ps) if necessary.  If it seems excessive
and overwhelming at first, be advised that's an entirely normal

Leaving RAM aside for a moment, it's also important to be able to check
on disk usage.  The 'df' command is vital for a view of disk usage at
the level of entire filesystems (partitions).  'df -h' will show you
human-friendly (what the 'h' is for) output numbers.

Equally important is 'du', which once you master its options is
incredibly handy to show disk usage of subdirectories or other sets of

Last in that department, let me offer the following handy Perl script
that you can write to your system (using root authority) as
/usr/local/bin/largest20 .  Don't forget to also make it executable by
doing (as the root user) 'chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/largest20'.)


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# You can alternatively just do:  
# find . -xdev -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 ls -l | sort -rn -k +5 | head -20
# Sometimes also handy:  du -cks * | sort -rn
use File::Find;

@ARGV = $ENV{ PWD } unless @ARGV;
find ( sub { $size{ $File::Find::name } = -s if -f; }, @ARGV );
@sorted = sort { $size{ $b } <=> $size{ $a } } keys %size;
splice @sorted, 20 if @sorted > 20;
printf "%10d %s\n", $size{$_}, $_ for @sorted


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Rod Roark (

> Sounds more like a hardware problem. Open it up and vacuum out the
> dust, especially from the CPU fan. Then run a memory test (probably
> available at the boot screen).

Definitely could be.

One way to test this hypothesis is by booting and using a desktop system
from a live-CD (by which I include live systems on USB flash drives, etc.) 
Linux distro, as has been suggested separately.  If the problem
reproduces using that entirely separate bootable system, that strongly
points towards a hardware problem.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux Computer Infected

2018-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bob Scofield (

> I've got an infected Linux desktop and I don't have the technical
> expertise to fix it.

FYI, nothing you said in either of your posts would suggest malware.
(Also, IMO:

Your system has a Linux Mint installation with the Cinnamon
(variant-GNOME3) Desktop Environment.  

Suggestion #1 (move .mozilla out of the way):

> When I clicked on the link to the story or video or whatever it is,
> Firefox crashed.  It crashed permanently.  If I try to start
> Firefox all I get is the "Mozilla Crash Report."  I've removed
> Firefox 3 times.  I've purged Firefox twice.  I've reinstalled and
> the problem persists.

Am betting this is related to your per-user configuration files for
Firefox.  Try this (it's reversible):

1.  Make sure Firefox is _truly_ not running.  To do this, first, open a 
terminal console.  (I'm very much not a GNOME person, so you
find and do that based on your local knowledge.)  In the following, the
'$' stands for a non-root user's shell prompt.  '#', used in a later bit
of this message stands for the root user's shell prompt.  Therefore, the
suggestion is that you type the commands quoted below, but not the
prompt characters.  (This is a display convention you will encounter
widely in discussion of Unix system operations.)  Now:

  $ ps auxw | grep firefox

If an instance of Firefox is running, you need to kill the process.

  $ killall firefox
  $ killall -9 firefox

(or whatever the process's name is)



  $ cd
  $ mv .mozilla .mozilla-save
  $ exit

3.  Try starting Firefox again.  Don't get alarmed that your bookmarks,
etc., aren't there.  The information for them is safely ensconced in the 
.mozilla-save directory.  

4.  Report back to the mailing list.  Does Firefox still go kablooey,
even with a fresh-generated .mozilla tree that resulted when you
restarted Firefox in step #3?  Let us know.

5.  After shutting down Firefox, put your .mozilla directory back:

  $ cd
  $ rm -rf .mozilla
  $ mv .mozilla-save .mozilla
  $ exit

You are back.

Suggestion #2 (add user 'test'):

See if a second user set up for test purposes encounters the same
problem or not.  If yes, then you have a system-wide problem.  If no,
then you have a problem isolated to your personal login's configuration
files.  Make sense?

Open a terminal console, and:

  $ sudo su -
  # adduser test
  # passwd test
  # exit

You have just created additional local login user 'test' and assigned
that new user a login password.   The 'passwd' command will, FYI, have
prompted you to type in that password twice, to ensure that you haven't
fumblefingered it.

Now, do whatever it is you do to shut down the Cinnamon DE, logout, and
return to the Linux Mint grapical login thingie.  This time, instead of
logging in as your regular user, login as 'test'.  _If_, as I suspect, 
you have no system-wide problem but rather a problem isolated to your
personal login's configuration files, then you in the guise of the
'test' user will now enjoy a pristine Cinnamon DE environment with 
no weird 'crashes', etc., etc.

One last thing:  I mean no personal criticism here whatosever, but 
I'm going to make a guess based on long decades working with Linux
newcomers that if I asked you to check and make sure your system isn't
running short on RAM because some process or processes is/are grabbing 
it, you would say 'How?'  Right?  

Your symptoms might easily be caused by runaway RAM consumption by
something.  There are ways to track that down using old-school Unix
command-line tools like 'free', 'ps', and 'top', but how to interpret
their information requires learning.  Additionally, intelligently
interpreting that information would require learning what the various
running processes are and what they're doing.  Any GNOME variant has
a great many running processes, IMO, making that part of the task more
difficult than it would be with more-lightweight environments.

But anyway, try the 'test' user, and report back whether the problem 
replicates with that user or not.  I'm going to bet 'no'.  Based on your
answer, this mailing list's denizens will be in a better position to
give you meaningful and useful, i.e., targeted, suggestions.

(I didn't cover how to remove user 'test', but it's also not
difficult. But frankly I'd advise keeping that login around.)

> In the meantime I tried to read the story with Chromium.  Chromium
> now constantly crashes.  It will not stay up for more than about 30
> seconds.

Could be that something's hogging RAM.

> What's more, Cinnamon (I'm using Linux Mint) is now crashing every
> once and awhile and I've never seen Cinnamon crash before.

Could be that something's hogging RAM.

(If the best solution is for someone to drive over and debug this for
you, coolness, but unfortunately I personally am way too far away, down
at the south end of San Mateo County.)

Re: [vox-tech] My wife's website

2018-01-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard S. Crawford (

> I found the offending code, buried deep in the actual database. The code
> has been eliminated, and all passwords have been changed.
> Whack-a-mole.


Now, the harder question beckons:  How did it get there?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] My wife's website

2018-01-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

> I outsource to, just pay the $15 a year to use a custom
> domain. I figure if the main vendor behind the software can't keep it
> patched and safe, no one can.

Quoting from Marcus Ranum's[1] 'The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security', :

  #3) Penetrate and Patch

   There's an old saying, "You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's
   ear." It's pretty much true, unless you wind up using so much silk to
   patch the sow's ear that eventually the sow's ear is completely replaced
   with silk. Unfortunately, when buggy software is fixed it is almost
   always fixed through the addition of new code, rather than the removal
   of old bits of sow's ear.

   "Penetrate and Patch" is a dumb idea best expressed in the BASIC
   programming language:

   40 GOTO 10
   70 GOTO 10  

   In other words, you attack your firewall/software/website/whatever from
   the outside, identify a flaw in it, fix the flaw, and then go back to
   looking. One of my programmer buddies refers to this process as "turd
   polishing" because, as he says, it doesn't make your code any less
   smelly in the long run but management might enjoy its improved, shiny,
   appearance in the short term. In other words, the problem with
   "Penetrate and Patch" is not that it makes your
   code/implementation/system better by design, rather it merely makes it
   toughened by trial and error. Richard Feynman's "Personal Observations
   on the Reliability of the Space Shuttle" used to be required reading for
   the software engineers that I hired. It contains some profound thoughts
   on expectation of reliability and how it is achieved in complex systems.
   In a nutshell its meaning to programmers is: "Unless your system was
   supposed to be hackable then it shouldn't be hackable."

   "Penetrate and Patch" crops up all over the place, and is the primary
   dumb idea behind the current fad (which has been going on for about 10
   years) of vulnerability disclosure and patch updates. The premise of the
   "vulnerability researchers" is that they are helping the community by
   finding holes in software and getting them fixed before the hackers find
   them and exploit them. The premise of the vendors is that they are doing
   the right thing by pushing out patches to fix the bugs before the
   hackers and worm-writers can act upon them. Both parties, in this
   scenario, are being dumb because if the vendors were writing code that
   had been designed to be secure and reliable then vulnerability discovery
   would be a tedious and unrewarding game, indeed!

Your WordPress has never been _safe_, merely because it got patched.  
And patched.  And patched.  And patched.  As Ranum points out, if the
past security work had been sufficient, it wouldn't have been necessary
to subsequently keep fixing the same code modules' security breakdowns
in the same places over and over -- the sure mark of fundamentally bad
code that never gets actually fixed.

IMO, the only appropriate remedy for fundamentally bad code (like
public-facing PHP itself, not to mention WordPress) is to cease
using it.

A few years ago, after repeated PHP security problems, I banished all
public-facing PHP from my site by converting all pages
that relied on it to any of several means of serving static HTML,
instead.  This turned out to be a good thing from several perspectives,
including the discovery that several site features never needed to be
assembled dynamically by a PHP interpreter at page load time in the
first place, but were implemented that way solely because of coder
(including my own) laziness.

> The other route to go, is to switch to a static site generator
> Many of which are blog oriented.


I certainly include myself in the 'coder laziness' category, e.g., my
personal FAQ pages had been designed by yr. humble servant as a series
of PHP include directives (for the header, footer, table of contents,
etc.) for no better reason than that being easier than thinking.  Five
minutes' pondering yielded the obvious alternative of building the pages
using GNU make.

Other pages such as BALE ( turned out to be
easily generated using PHP interpreter /usr/bin/php5 locally in periodic
cron jobs to generate static HTML pages, i.e., they never needed to be
dynamic, just periodically generated.

So, with a modest bit of rethinking and revisiting implementation
approaches, I got better security, better performance, better
reliability.  Pretty good deal.

[1] Noted BSD security 

Re: [vox-tech] My wife's website

2018-01-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard S. Crawford (

> That's what I was afraid of. Unfortunately I can't find the malware itself.

And I'll bet your wife doesn't have the ability to do a clean restore
from backup, does she?  That would be among the very first things to
fix, IMO.

Personally, I find public-facing PHP and developed apps requiring it
generally to be security-problematic and best avoided.  But people do
seem to love their WordPress anyway, which is why an entire hosting
market niche has evolved around outsourcing WordPress security headaches
to commercial outfits that charge a premium for compensating for the
basic error or electing WordPress (WPengine, Bluehost, Dreamhost,
Siteground, Cyon, Flywheel, Kinsta, Pantheon,, LiquidWeb,
Mshini, SoHosted,, Interserver, Pagely, GreenGeeks, Raidboxes,
Savvii, RoseHosting, et alii).  

Problem:  The software is ridiculously overbaroque, making debugging
difficult, and is an ongoing security nightmare.  Solution:  Expect
customers to spend hundreds of dollars a year extra on specialised
security-mitigation services.  It's a natural!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Need Partitioning Advice

2017-10-06 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bob Scofield (

> How important is it to have a separate partition for /tmp?  I've
> got 2G on the desktop I'm using right now.  The partition for / is
> 15G.  I vaguely recall a discussion here years ago and people
> saying that /tmp is on a separate partition to prevent / from being
> crowded.  

Eh, 'crowded' as in hitting 100% capacity?  There is some small logic to

But you haven't considered a vital distinction.  SSD or hard disk?  Some
new laptops have one, some the other.  The wear characteristics of SSD
have improved greatly since early days, but in general you still want to
do what you can to avoid excess wear.  A /tmp filesystem is by nature
pretty write-intensive.

One can make an argument that a host with only SSD storage should have
no swap filesystem.  Then, if it runs out of free RAQ, the kernel OOM
(out of memory) process killer will just terminate things as necessary,
rather than swapping them out.

> Does it make sense to have a 2G /tmp? 

Consider:  If you're considering a laptop with a 2TB hard drive, why
_not_ have a 2GZB /tmp filesystem?

SSDs are really a radically different (and almost entirely better)
proposition, and ideally you should consider carefully how to proceed
with them.  See for example  .

On a system with a single hard drive, I pay close attention to
filesystem _ordering_ to minimise average seek distance, which means
grouping the most-accessed filesystems on either side of the swap
filesystem, and the less-accessed filesystems further out from the
middle.  If the system has mulitple hard drives (that aren't in a RAID
set), then additional optimisations are possible.  And some attention to
filesystem mount options is useful for several reasons.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Floppy drive with Linux Mint LMDE 2 MATE

2017-08-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

> Ironically, floppies made longer ago seem to last longer.
> Floppies (mostly 3.5") seem to have been made more cheaply / lest robust.

Part of it is:  Greater data density was achieved through use of finer
magnetic particles.  Those inherently are more likely to demagnetise
neighbouring particles over time, the price of higher density.  E.g.,
you will probably find that your 720 kB 3.5" floppies, if you have any,
have lasted better than the 1.44 MB ones.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] any OTR preferences?

2016-12-06 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

> Ha, looking at your link and found:
> Because the download integrity for all of these packages is abysmal 

Yes, I was intending to point out that bit to you in particular, but
couldn't find it on the November 16th blog post -- but I see it's on the
April 2nd original blog post of which the November one is a refresh.

I notice the refresh article is using keytool instead of sha256sum to
verify the Signal app key's fingerprint, FWIW, not that that does
anything for the basic, larger problem.

> Would be nice to have copperhead OS, then something automated like:
> * launch container/sandbox without rw to /system
> * use google play to download APKs and verify signatures.
> * save downloaded APK to /tmp
> * shutdown container
> * have copperhead install and verify the APKs (after checking they won't
> overwrite copperhead APKs)
> That way no google play services, and no way for google to change any 
> copperhead
> files.

Yes, concur.  For _me_, I don't compelling need for anything from Google
Play, but I realise I'm a mutant.

> For most installing signal via:
> Download the apk.
> Unzip the apk with unzip org.thoughtcrime.securesms.apk
> Verify that the signing key is the official key with keytool -printcert -file
> You should see a line with SHA256:
> 29:F3:4E:5F:27:F2:11:B4:24:BC:5B:F9:D6:71:62:C0
> EA:FB:A2:DA:35:AF:35:C1:64:16:FC:44:62:76:BA:26
> Make sure that fingerprint matches (the space was added for formatting).
> Verify that the contents of that APK are properly signed by that cert with:
> jarsigner -verify org.thoughtcrime.securesms.apk. You should see jar verified
> printed out.
> Is *WAY* too complicated.

As they point out, this results from the Signal people and the F-Droid
people fighting over acceptance criteria.  You'll note that the author
says in the notes 'Wow, the Signal vs F-Droid issue is a stupid hot
mess. Can't we all just get along and share the software? Don't make me
sing the RMS song, people... I'll do it...'  ;->

Still 'n' all, yeah, Copperhead OS and drills like the one on the Tor
blog post(s) are as good as we have, at the moment.  What boggled me 
was what a near-total showstopper the baseband CPU/firmware problem
continues to be.  The article's April iteration
goes through some elaborate steps to deal with this and related
problems.  (At present, they recommend decoupling the phone or tablet
from baseband problems by using a separate MiFi device.)

Personally, the only Android-type device I have is a Nook Tablet running
Cyangenmod, which at least sidesteps the baseband problem.  Copperhead
OS would have been much better but, as the Tor blog notes, so far,
Copperhead doesn't support any wifi-only devices, only certain

I have my doubts about progress.  The OEMs still are failing to support
meaningful service lives for their hardware, and everyone's trying to 
use tricks to control customers.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] any OTR preferences?

2016-12-05 Thread Rick Moen
Hey, Bill (Broadley), I wonder if you've seen this useful page from the
Tor folks about doing the best one can with Android security:

Cheers,"It's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking
Rick Moen  than think your way into a new way of acting." Jerry Sternin 
McQ! (4x80)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Change to vox-tech list moderation

2016-06-26 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

> My problem was that the subject lines were all the same: a generic
> message telling me something got auto-discarded.

Just to be clear, I wasn't referring to the '(n) messages were
discarded' advisories.

In the model where non-subscriber postings get held and expire out, the
listadmin gets a daily summary of main headers of all held messages,
which is _usually_ enough information to spot quickly any held non-spam.
What I was saying is that, in the event of uncertainty about that
judgement, if you _also_ receive an immediate notice on each message
being held, then even if a non-spam expired out of the queue before you
could approve it, you as listadmin can retrieve the full message from
the immediate-notice advisory message and re-send it manually.

I find this a workable routine, especially with a 3-day hold duration.
Obviously, Views Differ{tm}.  ;->

IMO, if the spam is too onerous even with intelligent management of the
Mailman queues, then it means you aren't doing good enough
spam-rejection inside the receiving MTA, and should concentrate on
improving _that_.  

Linux MTAs have totally inadquate default antispam defences on (to my
knowledge) all Linux distributions.  I would guess this has been one of
the biggest motivators driving the ongoing flight away from people
operating their own MTAs and onto outsourced webmail (e.g., GMail,
Fastmail, and competitors).  Being stubborn, I went the other way:  'Ah, 
needs better early-SMTP antispam', and tightened things up.

Again, absolutely not being critical of other people finding different
solutions.  Being caught in the middle of the spam war is a difficult
situation, and mailing list managers, being SMTP forwarders, are
inherently caught in the crossfire more than other systems are.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Change to vox-tech list moderation

2016-06-26 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

> Well, this wasn't clearing of Mailman's queue, but of my inbox.
> (Technically, a mailbox that slurps up all of the mailman administrative
> noise, via a good ol' procmail filter)

I do sympathise.

Personally, I've gotten really quick at quick-scanning and deleting
(usually) the Mailman held-message notices a couple of times a day that
accumulate in mbox ~/inboxes/lists .  A few seconds and I'm done -- even
though I listadmin a whole bunch of Mailman lists for a half-dozen-ish

But I wasn't being critical, just pointing out something sometimes

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Change to vox-tech list moderation

2016-06-25 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

> I did not bother having posts held ("HOLD" option, vs "DISCARD"), since it
> was a very rare occurrence.  These days, since the mailing list volume is
> extremely low (but the spammers still try sending messages to the list
> address), almost ALL discarded messages are junk, and it's kind of mind
> numbing and tedious (and a waste of my time) to have to go through them,
> _just in case_ someone posted from a bad address.

A different approach is to let the held spam expire out.  On General
Options, item 'Discard held messages older than this number of days. Use
0 for no automatic discarding' has a Mailman-default value of 0, i.e.,
hold forever -- which I consider crazy.  Typically, I set that to '3' so
I'm likely to catch held non-spam even over a three-day holiday weekend.

As I also get notices of individual held spams ('Should the list
moderators get immediate notice of new requests, as well as daily
notices about collected ones?' on General Options set to 'yes' instead
of 'no'), even _if_ I accidentally let a non-spam expire out of queue
and realise that on (say) day 4, I still have the full message text and
can bounce it to the list then.

I mention all of the above because I keep finding Mailman admins doing
'mind numbing and tedious' manual clearing of queues, unaware that
automatic expiry would do this work for them without any of that hassle.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Risks of upgrading past CentOS 6 supported PHP 5.4?

2016-06-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Dr. Larry Ozeran (

> Thanks Rick.
> This is why I have such great respect for the members of this list.
> You have such valuable experiences that you are willing to share. I
> regret that I have had the experience of server issues occurring at
> bad times (right after talking about our product at a trade event),
> but thus far none have been PHP or MySQL related, so I very much
> appreciate the insights of others.

Looking over my notes about tightening PHP security (direct link, I see something I might
consider writing more about  (in that piece):  I talk about several
prototype files Debian provided for /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ,


The thing is, the distribution-provided  /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini 
file stated in header comment lines... well, let me just quote it:

; About this file ;
; PHP comes packaged with two INI files. One that is recommended to be used
; in production environments and one that is recommended to be used in
; development environments.

; php.ini-production contains settings which hold security, performance and
; best practices at its core. But please be aware, these settings may break
; compatibility with older or less security conscience applications. We
; recommending using the production ini in production and testing environments.

; php.ini-development is very similar to its production variant, except it's
; much more verbose when it comes to errors. We recommending using the
; development version only in development environments as errors shown to
; application users can inadvertently leak otherwise secure information.

So, thing is, I could swear that the _default_ php.ini Debian installed
to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini was the _development_ variant -- because
when I got around to looking through it and locking it down, I was a bit
shocked at the high default security exposure.  It was exactly as I was
working through that file, commenting out dangerous and unneeded
optional interpreter features, that I wrote my modest hardening guide
(more as notes for my own benefit than with any intent to publish).

That experience was one of my first signs that something was not right
with PHP and its security posture.  It might be my imagination, but 
I think part of what's happening is that only lip service is normally
given to enabling only the language functionality actually necessary; 
that many developers of PHP developed applications blithely expect 
deploying sites to have the kitchen-sink set of language functions
available and their code mysteriously fails if you don't.  So, deploying
sites are passively led into bad habits and bad defaults.

And, for example, picture a world where the developers gravitate towards
php.ini-development and sysadmins towards php.ini-production.  What's
going to happen as a natural tendency?  You know developers; they'll
happily use the features in front of them, which then will ratchet up
the need for those in deployment.  Not good.  It's a bad sign when the
development default environment includes bad security and the attitude
is 'be unsafe only while developing code and we'll fix it all up later'.

A brief clarification:  The incursion that happened just as I got on an
ocean cruise this past February happened _despite_ all the security
tightening, on account of yet another grave flaw in the core mod_php
code.  (I cannot tell you which flaw because I elected to just disable
the thing rather than work further on it.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Risks of upgrading past CentOS 6 supported PHP 5.4?

2016-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Dr. Larry Ozeran (

> Rick, thanks again for your insights.

You are most welcome.
> You are, of course, correct that we would not redesign our software
> without a significant and deep assessment of benefits and costs
> (money, time, resources, etc.). Most of the PHP, MySQL, and related
> code has been developed in house. I probably coded 10-15% myself.
> The intent of my comment was simply to indicate that we do not
> blindly accept that there is no better option than what we are
> doing. If there are strong arguments to support considering making a
> switch, I would not exclude that possibility without reviewing the
> pros and cons simply because we have a large legacy investment. I
> consider your response (below) to fall into the 'cons' (to
> switching) category and will definitely compare your PHP security
> recommendations against what we currently are and are not doing.

I am very glad to be of help -- and certainly was trying to be at pains
to avoid advising anyone to merely redesign, especially without
knowledge of the particulars.

My own disaffection with PHP was markedly increased when I boarded a
cruise ship with my wife from San Francisco to Sydney, and right on the
day of my departure my logcheck reports started indicating a serious 
attempt to break security on my server via (what turned out to be)
mod_php -- exactly at a time when I had just boarded an ocean vessel
with only satellite Internet at very high prices.

Somehow with a painfully thin straw of ssh bandwidth and only one hour
of high-latency, low-reliability Internet access each evening, I was
able to kludge together a lockout of the kiddies within a couple of
days and before they were able to compile an exploit kit.  When I
reached Sydney, one of the first things I did from my hotel room was rip
out the last bits of public-facing PHP exposure so I'd never have to
worry about that again.

My _own_ view is that PHP is entirely too much like the scenario 
Marcus Ranum described in his rather caustic 'What Sun Tsu Would Say'
essay, i.e., as Ranum phrases it, 'If patching hasn't been working, why
are we still doing it?'  I stopped needing to apply the PHP patch du
jour by no longer exposing it to public networks.

But whatever works for you is of course great.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Risks of upgrading past CentOS 6 supported PHP 5.4?

2016-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Dr. Larry Ozeran (

> Since we are serving data that can change every few minutes, we
> can't move to static pages. Since we are providing that data to
> users from multiple originating sources, we pretty much have to be
> internet-facing. We have put security procedures in place, but I
> know that security is more an ongoing process than an endpoint and
> there is always more that will need to be done. If there is a better
> way to meet the needs of users other than MySQL+PHP, I am always
> open to new ideas.

Meaning no criticism, I notice in looking upthread
( that 
you mention only that your use-case involves PHP-served pages, but not
what drives that particular choice of software.

Sometimes, a local site uses PHP because it runs developed software
resting on the PHP interpreter, e.g. Wordpress, MediaWiki, etc.  
Other times, that choice resulted from 'Data for each page must be
pulled on a per-visit basis from MySQL, therefore some HTTP-invoked
process must do a SQL query and assemble page contents and we happened
to use PHP to do that because our Web guy knew how to do that.'  And
I'm sure there are other scenarios -- but dynamic is not synomyous with
PHP in any event.

Irrespective of how you arrived at that choice, obviously you would not
lightly decide to rearchitect.

A number of guides to tigthening PHP security to reduce risk exist and
may be useful.  My own modest effort, last updated when PHP5 was new, is
here:  'PHP Security' on .

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Risks of upgrading past CentOS 6 supported PHP 5.4?

2016-06-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

> >Does anyone know any downsides to using the webtatic PHP packages on
> >CentOS 6?
> I've seen many machines with ugly configurations related to cpanel,
> custom php installs (sometimes more than one), and fragile very hard
> to reproduce apache configurations.
> Although I guess I shouldn't complain, they get hacked and I get consulting.

(Sadly, this won't answer Dr. Ozeran's question, either:)

I've lately come to the conclusion, from many years as a Linux server
admin, that PHP is tolerable on a Unix machine _provided_ it isn't ever
exposed to public networks, because the ongoing security nightmare is
otherwise not justifiable.  I mean, yes if management is paying you to
do it and the money's good, but if you're the boss, say 'Hell no.'

So, e.g., every Web page on my server that used to be
dymanically assembled by the PHP interpreter at Apache page-load time
are (more recently) instead built on-disk in advance using automake or a
cron script.  Fortunately, none of those pages needed to _actually_ be
dynamic; it was just coder laziness that chose that implementation. 

For example, the coder who helped me convert BALE
( from its original mid-1990s static HTML
incarnation to PHP + MySQL set it up so every page load assembles the
page anew, from several PHP fragments plus the results of a MySQL query
(furnishing the events rows).  When I realised the underlying reality of
this being static data changing only once on the 1st of each month, I
converted it into a static HTML page generated by a cron job in
/etc/cron.monthly/ , and then Apache serves up just that static file.

Whole huge categories of security threat have completely away for good,
when I ditched runtime PHP.

If I had any Web applications that actually relied on the PHP
interpreter at load time, I'd try really hard to ditch them.  It really
is IMO that bad.

And I say that because, so to speak, Ranum is my guru:

That having been said:  Dr. Ozeran, I know of nothing against the
Webtatic repo's PHP packages.  It seems like a competent external repo
for CentOS/RHEL, though I have no relevant experience.  Hope that helps!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] perl rename

2015-09-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Mark's tech help (

> I'm a tad baffled by the usage of perl here.  Some part of a learning 
> exercise for perl, or could one not just come up with a line of bash 
> commands.. a combination of mv and sed with a pipe &/or redirect?

I think this is yet another case, among countless others, where the very
first response to querent needed to be some gentle form of 'What problem
are you actually trying to solve?'


$ man 1 mmv


   mmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns

   mmv [-m|x|r|c|o|a|l|s] [-h] [-d|p] [-g|t] [-v|n] [--] [from to]

   Mmv moves (or copies, appends, or links, as specified) each source file
   matching a from pattern to the target name specified by the to pattern.
   This  multiple  action is performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected
   deletion of files due to collisions of target names with existing file-
   names  or with other target names.  Furthermore, before doing anything,
   mmv attempts to detect any errors that would result from the entire set
   of actions specified and gives the user the choice of either proceeding
   by avoiding the offending parts or aborting.  mmv  does  support large
   files  (LFS)  but  it does *NOT* support sparse files (i.e. it explodes

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] perl rename

2015-09-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Mark's tech help (

> Reason: I'm running my usual, minimalist distro! (Busybox does too
> many things on this.)  You..  you lucky, decked-out full-installation
> people, you!  But really, mmv looks great-- will have to install it.
> Thanks for the tip.

Yr. welcome.

mmv is one of numerous ways of filling the functionality-hole that
newcomers to Unix from MS-DOS inevitably found perplexing (back in the
day).  The difference lies in the way arguments get processed.  Unix
shells expand globs before passing the arguments off to the called
executables.  The MS-DOS COMMAND.COM shell did not.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-22 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Harke (

 Thanks for all the suggestions. I wasn't able to get the import
 function in thunderbird to work. What I finally did is: open
 thunderbird and create the folders (empty, of course) Then I exited
 thunderbird and, one folder at a time, I deleted the folder
 (directory) and then re-created it using a python program that
 converted a maildir to mbox. Next time I opened thunderbird my emails
 were there.

Glad that worked.  You'll note that my bottom line was, in fact:

   My own inclination would be to attack the problem directly and 
   convert the Maildir tree to mbox using a utility for that purpose.

So, yeah.  ;-

When you placed your script-constructed mbox files in Thunderbird's mail
directory tree and restarted Thunderbird, it noticed them and
automatically created binary index files for them, which you'll now find
in those same directories.  

And that is actually the very approach I did for a long time, just by
experimenting pretty much the way you did.  I heard about the
Import/Export extension thing only later, and gather that it merely
makes the process you used a bit more GUIfied and user-friendly.

Thunderbird's pretty nice -- and extensible.  Nowhere near as fast and
bulletproof as mutt, but that's a high goal to match.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-14 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Susan Baur (

 Hi Richard,
 Did you see this stackoverflow article?

Despite the URL and title, the question posed (and I'll get to the two
answers in a moment) involve figuring out how to get mails down from a
local IMAP server (something like Dovecot).  The local IMAPd is said to
have _its_ message store in Maildir.

Answer #1 was:  Use a local mail reader to bulk-pull all mail from
the local IMAPd and save the mail from the local mail reader, e.g., to
mbox format.  Then use that mbox with Thunderbird.  (The helper was a
bit vague about how to do the latter part.)

Or, helper #1 adds, move the entire Maildir tree to the machine where
Thunderbird will be running, install Dovecot as a local IMAPd on said
machine with the Maildir tree as _its_ message store, and configure
Thunderbird to take its mail from the local IMAPd.

Answer 1a was a bit baroque, but suited the situation where the user had
a local IMAPd.  But Richard doesn't have one of those.

Answer 1b is even a bit more baroque, but in present context not only
assumes Richard has a local IMAPd but also will want to keep using one.

Answer #2 was:  Install the Import Export Tool extension for Thunderbird
(that I've mentioned before).  Rename all individual mails in the
Maildir trees to have .eml filename extensions (using utility mmv) and
then use the Import Export Tool extension's feature to 'Import all EML
files from a directory'.   This would work, if Richard has the mmv

I admire answer #2; it's ingenious.  Lots of ways to solve the problem,
and this one exhibited lateral thinking.  My own inclination would be to 
attack the problem directly and convert the Maildir tree to mbox using a
utiltiy for that purpose.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-14 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Harke (

 The kmail versions are 4.14.2 on my old machine and 4.14.1 on my new
 macine.  I'm not entirely sure of what format mail files they use but
 I looked at a few of the files and those appeared to contain a single
 email message each. So I guess that is maildir format.

If those individual files are inside a triplet of sibling subdirectories
'cur', 'new', and 'tmp', then that is indeed Maildir.

There are many utilities that will convert Maildir to Thunderbird's
exact variant of mbox (one called 'mboxrd', technically).  One from
Python's 'mailbox' library is covered here:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Harke (

 Rod's link included the suggestion to make the conversion on the old
 machine which I'm going to try as kmail is still working there.

It's good that KMail is still working there, but you will need to
consider what you're going to _do_ with KMail and its message store

The page Rod cited (a good page that, FYI, gives a lot of the same
advice I've given you, including the recommendation of using
Thunderbird's Import/Export Tools extension, and addresses quite a lot
of other situations, besides) is necessarily a bit vague about KMail --
because different versions of KMail have, as I said, used diverse
message store file formats.  (The page says Kmail uses a compatible
version of the mboxrd flavour of mbox, which is true, but it also has
used other data store formats over time.) The version you were using
might have used mbox file format, which would have been convenient, but
also might have used something else.  Irrespective of the file format,
KMail can doubtless _export_ to mbox format, which would also be useful.

You'd have gotten a more exact answer sooner if you'd revealed what file
format your version of KMail used -- or at least the version number of
KMail.  You've not provided either.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Rod Roark (

 I liked the efficiency and small footprint of Claws, but keep coming
 back to Thunderbird (Icedove in Debian) as having the features I need to
 work with my clients and the least amount of bugs that get in my way.

I made Thunderbird (Icedove) work well in a corporate (MS-Exchange!)
environment recently.  Slow compared to mutt, but nonetheless a winner
IMO.  (I used DavMail as a gateway.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Harke (

 I did install Thunderbird (icedove) but I'm stuck ay impoting my
 existing emails. I created a folder to match one from kmailm planning
 to import one folder at a time.

I believe you mistyped 'Ah, thank you for calling attention to my
omitting any coherent details of what format my old email is currently
in.  It's trapped inside whatever datastore KMail [you supply version]

(Hint, hint.)

One issue is that KMail used a number of storage formats over time,
sometimes offering a couple as options.  Here is an article that
describes a user of KMail 2.x (from KDE 4.7.2) getting out of KMail to
Thunderbird with his mail intact:

(Author 'George' doesn't like the default mbox format used by
Thunderbird, so configures Thunderbird to use Maildir instead.)

One obvious workaround irrespective of KMail's storage format -- usable
_if_ KMail is working well enough to sync to remote mail servers --
would be to sync KMail's local folders to a remote IMAP server, and then 
IMAP-sync that same mail downwards (the other direction) into

For extra credit and vastly greater speed, do this via an IMAP daemon 
(such as Dovecot) and MTA (such as Exim/Postfix) that you run locally on
you Linux host.  But that might be more setup than you care to take on.

Tip:  On general grounds, you'll want this extension for Thunderbird:
It makes bulk-importing of mbox-formatted mail files more human-friendly
than without the extension.  The extension does not, however, natively
understand any other file formats (e.g., Maildir).

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Email

2015-07-11 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Harke (

 Does any one do email anymore (as opposed to webmail) ?

 I have used kmail for years but now it is badly broken.

I'm guessing you have a preferance for very featureful graphical mail
clients (MUAs = Mail User Agents).  Here is a page cataloging all known
MUAs for Linux, grouped by category (graphical vs. console, open source
vs. proprietary).  I last updated it two years ago, so of course it
doubtless is no longer 100% complete and correct.

The most useful thing about it, for you, would be the
pointer-highlighted entries indicating which are the most-popular
programs.  I recommend sticking to the first section:  'graphical, open

'MUAs' on

Have a look at Claws Mail as your first candidate.  Sylpheed and
Thunderbird also have many fans.

Your problem report of 'can't seem to make a folder to import my old
email' is what an old boss of mine used to call 'almost useful', i.e.,
it's completely useless as stated for anyone wanting to help you,
because it utterly fails to give any idea of what format your 'old email' 
is currently in.  You might, for example, mean that your mail is
trapped in KDE4's 'Akonadi' storage service as invoked by KMail.  But
you didn't clarify that point (yet).

 Should I try evolution

{shudder}  Of course, as Mr. Lincoln said, it's the sort of thing that
will be enjoyed by those who enjoy that sort of thing.  ;-

(I have a prejudice against huge, slow, overly complex software, but you
may not feel the same way.  Evolution is sort of a poster child for the
qualities I personally do not like in software.  So is KMail.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Hosting a email server at home but port 25 is blocked, what do I do?

2015-06-30 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting James Nessen (

 I would go the VPS route.  Super easy to do and most offerings today
 will fit within your budget.  I have used both DigitalOcean and Linode
 (currently with Linode).  The cheapest VPS on DigitalOcean is 5.00 per
 month and gives you 512mb of ram (which isn't much), and the cheapest
 plan on Linode is 10.00 for 1GB of ram.

Have you checked ?  I haven't looked lately, but it
used to be very price-competitive.  Small VPS outfit in Silicon Valley,
caters specifically to technical people who are not going to need

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-03-22 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

 Here ya go!

First of all, really good job!  It's legible, clear, and nothing stands
out immediately as 'should be fixed.'  Looks like an exemplary
professional job.  I'm used to seeing ones that make my eyeballs ache
and the ghost of Jon Postel weep.  ;-

Unpacking my 'If one is being picky' criteria, hmmm  Three things

o  Already mentioned the RFC2182 section 5 suggestion of min. 3 nameservers.

 604800  ; Expire

o  RFC1912 suggests an Expire value between 1209600 (14 days) and 2419200
(28 days).  Unless you have an unusual reason to make cached zones
expire in only 7 days, you might want to at least double zone life.

(I tend to be old-school and express all time values in seconds, too,
but an argument can be made that using zonefile macros for minutes,
hours, days, weeks improves legibility.  I'd be a hypocrite if I dinged
anyone for eschewing that syntactic-sugar improvement, because I haven't
started using it, either.  ;-  )

o  No glue records in the parent .COM zone for the two authoritative
nameservers, with the result that both are 'stealth nameservers'.
The consequence of having stealth nameservers is that the situation can
be confusing and can cause delays or other hard to diagnose

Basically, there should be NS lines with corresponding A records
_within_ the nameserver records of the .COM domain (called 'glue
records') for and

This isn't LUGOD's fault. d/b/a Domaindiscover has its glue
records slightly fux0red.  (I remember this.  They've been doing this
for a long time.  I used to have my domains registered there, and liked
them, but never used their nameserers.)

Here are .com's own nameservers:

$ dig -t ns com. +short

Let's ask the first of them about

$ dig -t ns
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 34213
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 172800  IN  NS 172800  IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A

So, you see, the parent .com zone completely lacks NS and matching A
records for  ns2 is likewise, so I'll not waste
space showing that.

If you want, you can fix this problem by changing your auth nameserver
references in both your domain registrar record and inline in your own
zonefile, to use and instead of and  

 Anyone want to help us with this? :)

Someone(s) with ongoing LUGOD involvement would be best.  Please talk to
me offlist if you can't find same.

Anyway, truly excellent zonefile.  The only half-serious issue is the
one your registrar imposed on you, and that's doing very well.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-03-22 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 If you're seeing this on the list then I think it's fixed.

To make sure I'm clear:  I'm volunteering to look through the entire
zonefile and make polite suggestions (no obligation) as to anything
LUGOD might choose to improve.

I've done a lot of DNS profesionally for a long time, FWIW.

Cheers, I'm ashamed at how often I use a thesaurus.  I mean 
Rick Moen   Embarrassed!  Wait--humiliated.  Repentant.  Chagrined!  
Sh*t! @cinemasins
McQ! (4x80)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-03-21 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

 Brian came over, I did the song  dance to gain access to the
 account at domaindiscover aka, and we fiddled with things.
 How's it looking now?

Would you consider posting the new zonefile so it can be seen in its
entirety?  Understandably, the authoritative nameservers don't permit
random members of the public to pull those down.

$ dig -t axfr @NS1.TIERRA.NET
; Transfer failed.
$ dig -t axfr @NS2.TIERRA.NET
; Transfer failed.

One fine point:  RFC 2182's recommendation is minimum three, maximum
seven authoritative nameservers.  Two is disrecommended as too thin.

The choice of two only might be dictated by your chosen hosting
provider, which doesn't make this error any smarter, but does make it
more difficult to overcome.  (Shortchanging redundancy is sadly common
among ISPs.)

Personally, I use mutual nameservice with other technical people -- and
I do follow my own advice, too:

$ whois | grep '^Name Server: ' | wc -l

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-03-17 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Nick Schmalenberger (

 Yeah, but honestly why is it a problem anyway? Sure it allows
 creating DNS loops and other weird stuff, but it can also be
 useful (like a lot of things that can make loops).

Be sure to use numerous long chains of symlinks in your filesystems, too,
and report back in a few years.  Hey, what harm can a bunch of indirect
reference do?  ;-

Cheers, Atque memento, nulli adsunt Romanorum 
Rick Moen   qui locutionem tuam corrigant. 
McQ! (4x80) 
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Systemd thoughts?

2015-02-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Nick Schmalenberger (

 Wow man, nice job hijacking a thread to spout close minded
 insults about an upcoming talk that is explicitly meant to show
 why its not as bad as people say it is.

Yes, Mark, that was a little uncool.  Entirely new threads are best
_not_ started as replies to existing ones.  It's better for a new thread
to be, y'know, new.

Eschewing the systemd init[1] on distros where it's become default is 
a very minor technical problem that is pretty easily solved.  E.g., I 
apt-get upgraded a test system to Debian 8.0 Jessie (current Testing 
branch, soon to be Stable), and was able to revert the silent changover
to systemd, and prevent its future return, like this:

# apt-get install sysvinit-core sysvinit sysvinit-utils
# apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove systemd
# echo -e 'Package: systemd\nPin: origin \nPin-Priority: -1'   

I'm actually looking forward to testing OpenRC[2] on this test system, a
well-made event-driven init utterly without the scope-creep drawbacks
that created notorious flamewars several years ago, and that some LUGs
are only belatedly noticing.

Other distros such as Fedora and OpenSUSE that no longer provide any
other properly packaged inits will be a problem, but there are plenty of
alternative distro choices.

 Personally, I'm really looking forward to hearing this talk and I
 don't usually make it to LUGOD more than once a year.

I respect Alison Chaiken immensely, and was of course pleased to invite
her to give this talk at SVLUG, and would not have dreamed of speaking
up to challenge any part of it, given that I was the meeting host.
Listen carefully for the numerous highly doubtful points, like the bit
where she does a comparison based on number of lines of code of a binary.

[1] It should not be forgotten that systemd is much more than just an
init, providing a large suite covering many functions.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-02-23 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian E. Lavender (

 Hey, so word is that some can't send email to the lugod lists because the
 mailserver the MX record is a CNAME rather than an A record?

That is known to be a common problem.  I hear there are a number of
MTAs that refuse to deliver to RFC-noncompliant sites.

People relatively new to maintaining DNS zonefiles tend to drastically
overuse CNAMEs, I notice.  My own recommendation is to _never_ use a
CNAME for any use-case in which an A record will do the job -- because an
'A' record will never get you into trouble in exactly the situations
where a CNAME can (MX and NS records), and because overuse of CNAMEs
tends over time to create a tangle of indirect reference.  That tangle
can then lead to further problems, like removing an 'A' record but
forgetting to hunt down and repoint the CNAMEs resolving to it.

There is exactly one use-case that actually requires a CNAME:  pointer
to an 'A' record in a different DNS zone.  I personally use them for
that function _only_, and nowhere else.

Some readers may be thinking 'But the advantage of my CNAMEs is that I
only need to update an IP in one place.  Using A records instead, I'll
have to update the same IP in lots of places.'  Correct -- but smart
people use sed (or equivalent).  Which means it's the same action to
update an IP in hundreds of lines as on one line.

Avoiding CNAMEs where such are not necessary also eliminates multiple
DNS lookups.  In that sense, unnecessary CNAMEs are like unnecesary

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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Cannot install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7

2013-11-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Thomas Johnston (

 I primarily use Linux for my personal endeavors; however, there
 situations/applications for my work where I am forced to use Windows. And
 although I could run Windows in a virtual environment, I don't know how
 well that would work when I need to remote desktop into my office computer.

(optional front-ends include the 'Remmina' GNOME/gtk+/xfce4 thing)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] recommended partition scheme for a dual boot windows 7/ubuntu machine?

2013-11-04 Thread Rick Moen
Note:  I will not be addressing the specific use case the original
poster had in mind of a dual-boot workstation -- and instead detail
a Linux server scheme.  Personally, I think virtual machine solutions
(VirtualBox, VMWare) are almost always far better than dual booting, and
I would urge considering those.

Partition strategy in general is a repeatedly re-argued discussion on
vox-tech.  The deceased equine was last flogged June 2009, methinks.

People merely looking to justify the simplest possible partition layout 
should carefully avoid reading further.  ;-  

Quoting Rod Roark (

 I try to avoid creating a partition without a good reason.  

Some good reasons (that of course are context-dependent):
(Karsten updated and generally dusted the page since the 2009 iteration
of this discussion.)

I would add (for the specific context of my current server host):  

o  Grouping of filesystems to minimise average HD seek distance 
   (a concern that happily vanishes completely if you switch to SSD, 
   as I will be doing soon)
o  The use of custom fileystem types and mounting options to achieve
   particular per-filesystem administration and performance goals.

In the server /etc/fstab file below, '/boot' is of course vestigial:  I
wouldn't include it in a current build.  Current host has three physical
hard drives:  boot drive sda and mirror pair sdb/sdc ('md' RAID1 set).

# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procnosuid,noexec,nodev  0   0
none/syssysfs   nosuid,noexec,nodev  0   0
tmpfs   /runtmpfs   defaults 0   0
devtmpfs/devdevtmpfs mode=0755,nosuid0   0
none/dev/ptsdevpts  mode=6220   0
none/dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0   0
/dev/sda7   /   ext3defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   1
/dev/sda1   /boot   ext2defaults0   2
/dev/md3/home   ext3nefaults0   2
/dev/sda8   /recovery   ext3noauto  0   2
/dev/sda9   /usrext2nodev,ro0   2
/dev/md4/usr/local  ext3defaults0   2
/dev/sda6   /varext2noatime,nodev,nosuid 0   2
/dev/md1/var/libext3nodev   0   2
/dev/md2/var/spool  ext3defaults0   2
/dev/md0/var/wwwext3nodev,nosuid0   2
/dev/sda5   noneswapsw pri=20   0
/dev/sdb8   noneswapsw pri=10   0
/dev/sdc8   noneswapsw pri=10   0

(Note absence of UUID noise.)

Note groupings to minimise disk seeking, which is by far the slowest 
operation a hard disk does.  Such grouping, to the extent successful,
should also reduce wear and extend drive life (less thrashing).

sda ordering:
sda1  /boot
sda5  swap
sda6  /var
sad7  /
sda8  /recovery
sda9  /usr

sdb/sdc mirror pair ordering:
md0   /var/www
md1   /var/lib
md2   /var/spool
sdb8/sdc8 swap
md3   /home
md4   /usr/local

For each spindle, I've grouped text to the swap partition the subtrees 
that take the biggest beating (most frequent disk access) on a server 

/usr is kept normally read-only as a measure to partially protect it
against the system's biggest enemy:  the sysadmin, and his clumsy
thumbs, especially before morning coffee.  There's an apt hook to
remount the fileystem temporarily rw for package operations and then
remount it ro afterwards.  This is also a small last defence against
the dumber types of trojans.

Similar remarks apply to the nodev,nosuid flags.  If a subtree should
never have SUID files or device files, then making them not valid there
is A Good Thing.

Having /var (other than /var/spool and /var/lib) ext2 rather than ext3,
and with the noatime mount option, makes its write performance a
significantly better.  (relatime is often good, especially on SSDs,
depending as usual on context.)

Many 2013 improvements are not present in the above, e.g., tmpfs, and 
the layout resulted from an emergency rushed rebuild in 2008 following 
destruction of my old server in a lightning storm.  There's probably
a small list of other enhancements that would be made in a modern build,
and SSDs make many past tweaks obsolete.  And ext4 / btrfs weren't on
the table back then.

The new hardware will be 100% SSD-based and thus different and simpler.
(No more concern about seek distances.)  I'll proably lean conservative
and go ext4 -- except for /var, which will probably still be ext2 with
noatime, as that's difficult to beat for performance and cuts SSD wear.
Probably no swap at all.

Things I need to look into:

o  Any complications with making sure an all-RAID1 disk array's

Re: [vox-tech] Possible rootkit

2013-09-23 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Peter Salzman (

 Nice catch, Rod!
 Boy, though... what an unfortunately named process!

Because no rootkit would ever try to hide itself, right?  ;-

{sigh}  So much misinformation.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Possible rootkit

2013-09-23 Thread Rick Moen
Just seeing what insights might be gleaned from this.

Quoting Richard Harke (

 I may have screwed up. I opened a GIF that I received in an email using

This implies that you were doing so as your regular userID, not as root
or any other privileged user.

 The image didn't have a close button so I used ps -A to find the task.
 I didn't find any called ImageMagick but there was one named
 display.im6 and when I killed it, the icon on the task bar went away.

So, first thing to consider is:  'What is ImageMagick?' says:

  ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or
  convert bitmap images.

The key word to notice there is 'suite'.  It's not a single program
called 'ImageMagick' (or anything else).  It is a collection of
utilities (and, as it turns out, a programming interface for other
frontends to transparently use those utilties and their related libs).

As mentioned on, ones of
ImageMagick's approximately dozen command-line tools is one called
'display'.  That appears to be what you observed in your ps output.

 But I also found a task called rtkit-daemon which I killed.

As you'll have seen from the discussion thread, this process is benign
-- to the extent that any of the bloated, horrific, and constrantly
changing betaware emerging from the people is benign.
;-  It's the Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon, a D-Bus system
service that changes the scheduling policy of user processes/threads
upon request, permitting the user to impose real-time scheduling on
normal user processes.

We could have a whole separate discussion about whether friends let
friends us system software (including GNOME3, D-Bus,
Polkit, etc.).  However, for whatever reason, your system does include
such (ugh) system components.  On the one hand, it's commendable of you
to experiment and find out what processes you actually want to run
through the straightforward and logical expedient of killing them and
seeing if anything you care about breaks.  On the other hand, in my
experience, the noble goal of knowing what processes you run and running
only the processes you want to run becomes so extremely difficult with
the most-complex Desktop Environments (such as GNOME3) that the effort
will soon become impractical (unless you switch to simpler DE software
or to no DE and using just an old-school window manager).

 But now I also find a whole new directory named /run which seems to 
 have a lot of executables in it.

  /run is a new cross-distribution location for the storage of transient
  state files -- that is, files containing run-time information that may
  or may not need to be written early in the boot process and which does
  not require preserving across reboots.

  /run is a tmpfs.

  /run replaces several existing locations described in the Filesystem
  Hierarchy Standard:

  /var/run - /run
  /var/lock - /run/lock
  /dev/shm - /run/shm [currently only Debian plans to do this]
  /tmp - /run/tmp [optional; currently only Debian plans to offer this]
  /run also replaces some other locations that have been used for
  transient files:

  /lib/init/rw - /run
  /dev/.* - /run/*
  /dev/shm/* - /run/*
  writable files under /etc - /run/*

 In any case I assume everything in /run is trojaned.

Nope.  Actually, if you look at /run, you'll notice that it's a
root-owned hierarchy.  So, if we take as given your assumption that the
gif that you handed to the ImageMagick 'display' utility was a
devilishly clever misshaped file crafted to convince /usr/bin/display to
do evil things, how would that hypnotised utility escalate privilege to
root authority in order to make modifications in /run?

 I am open for advice.

Best advice I can think of:  Your concern and interest in knowing what's
a legitimate system process is commendable.  Rather than being
embarrassed over the false alarm, consider building on the experience to
deepen your knowledge of your system, which is in the final analysis the
only effective way to distinguish legitimate from illegitimate system

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-17 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

What you said.

 * Authoritative only servers don't cache

Well, yeah, authoritative-ONLY servers would have no use for caching by
definition, as they aren't accepting data from elsewhere.

DNSSEC is definitely quite worthwhile.  I just am mostly wary of people
treating it as if it were magic crypto sauce and the solution to
Internet site authentication and key managment -- when attention to a
few fundamentals elsewhere gets you a lot further.

 * DNS based Amplification attacks are a major issue these days

A lot of this results directly from the widespread reliance on open
recursive servers.  So, Don't Do That, Then -- thus my polite
disagreement with Tony on that key point.

The more I've pondered this problem space, the more attractive 'split
split' DNS (where authoritative and recursive service are completely
decoupled) seems.
If nothing else, having a highly protected recursive-only server that's
as local as possible is a really good idea.  I like having a
localhost-only recursive server, actually, e.g., on laptops -- the last
word in 'can't flood _this_ with spoofed responses'.

 SSH prevents this by using public keys to exchange 
 a secret key, which is used for that session.

However, the keypair (and passphrase) can be stolen on the usage end if
that host has been compromised, and this is how public-key SSH
credentials get stolen and abused all the time.  Example:

The firm where this happened, which I didn't care to identify at the
time, was VA Linux Systems, which was h4x0red by a kiddie in South Lake
Tahoe who'd compromised a university shared computer, used that host to
collect outgoing public-key SSH credentials a developer used to ssh into, escalated to root on that shared host and
installed trojaned /usr/bin/ssh there, then last collected the
public-key credentials of a VA Linux Systems IT Dept. employee (not me!)
who made the error of then sshing or scping inbound into corporate
servers from the shared Sourceforge host.

 * DNSSEC can protect against local ISP

Just to clarify:  If you use the 'forwarders' keyword in BIND9 to
offload traffic to the ISP recursive server, the DNSSEC
capabilities of your local nameserver are going to be undermined.  
Even BIND10 is not yet aimining to fully validate forwarding:  So, Tony, that's yet another
reason not to keep using your forwarding scheme.

 Additionally even if the government did do that, you could immediately 
 notice the change in signing key and if you knew me you could enquire 
 why such a change happened.

This is key point, and bringing the 'temper-evident' quality back into
HTTPS is one of my _other_ current measures, as see below:

 Similar applies to SSL certificates.  If you are worried about secure 
 communications with someone you can store their public key.  While a 
 government can publish a new public key, they can't magically produce 
 the missing private key.
 So even the NSA has to be careful, faking a public key on any kinda of 
 wide scale is lightly to draw significant attention.

Word.  And one step towards making SSL tamper-evident (on the Web) is to
change Web browsers' happy-go-lucky default of saying absolutely nothing
about changes in SSL certs or their CA attestations as long as they
continue to be attested by some CA or other that's in the browser's
keyring.  Those keyrings have proven to be a joke.  Even the Turkish
government has been able to use a captive CA to promulgate forgeries.

One tool for alerting browser users to cert or attestation changes is
Firefox extension CertWatch (Certificate Watch).  It's not very clever;
it just tells you when an SSL cert or its attestation has changed since
last encounter, leaving entirely up to you how to interpret that change
and what to do about it.  That is not a comprehensive solution, but I
find knowing about the fact of a change a great deal better than not

For my own self-signed Web site SSL cert, I carry around its hash value
in my PDA for comparison, same as with my SSH host and personal keys.

 Sadly certificate authorities are anything but trustworthy.  So I prefer 
 the ssh model.

There are some projects to build an alternative to the laughably broken
CA attestation scheme.

 * Pick good passwords, never use them for more than one site/service,
preferably generated by a machine.  I susggest an open source password
database like keepass (It works on windows, linux, android, and IOS).

I consider an online password safe program suboptimal because it is
exposed to attack and compromise if your machine is -- albeit it's
hugely better than no password safe at all.  My own chosen 

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Tony Cratz (

  This prevents hackers from injecting false information (aka DNS cache
  'poisoning'), in an attempt to re-direct people trying to access a real
  website to a fake, phishing or criminal site.
   I will attempt to answer you question by giving a very high
   level overview.
   I do ask others (Rick, Alex and any other person who knows DNS)
   to keep me correct if (when) I say something wrong, if if they
   feel I left something out which needs to be covered.

Thanks for your thoughtful run-through.  It makes me feel like a bad
penny breezing in and doing drive-by comments:  Apologies for not having
the time to write a more-careful and considered rejoinder.

   Paul Vixie (and others) decided we needed a better method
   and developed Bind which used the Domain Name System instead
   of bang-paths.

FWIW (and not any kind of criticism, just historical trivia), there was
an overlapping step where first ARPANET and then the InterNIC at SRI
International maintained a central HOSTS.TXT file (per RFC 953) that
could be fetched from a standard location via ftp.

   Of late, Ubuntu has gone one more step, they have set-up what is
   called a 'caching name server' when you use DHCP.

Have they?  Good.  OTOH, it's always been trivial to set up a local
nameserver for better performance, reliability, and security.  The term
'caching name server' is one I would avoid using in favour of clearer
alternatives that are more specific and meaningful.  (Again, I mean no
criticism of your fine explanation, but wish to bring additional clarity
to the subject.)

1.  _All_ DNS servers of various and sundry sorts do caching -- so
saying that a nameserver is a 'caching name server' really doesn't tell
you much.

2.  Far more meaningful is whether the nameserver does authoritative
service or not.  (By 'authoritative' service, I mean serves up
information of its own, as opposed to querying, caching, and providing
DNS data sourced from elsewhere.)

The other type of DNS service -- serving up and caching data queried
from elsewhere -- is somewhat loosely called recursive service.
Complicating the nomenclature somewhat is the fact that a DNS server's
query to another DNS server can either have the 'recursion desired' (RD)
bit or not.  The query thus characterised (RD bit set vs RD bit unset)
is called either a recursive query or an iterative query.  Those queries
are treated differently by the receiving nameserver.

Last, there is the issue of forwarding, to which you alluded.  A few DNS 
server packages (dproxy, Dnsmasq) have essentially no local
DNS-resolution intelligence of their own and are capable _only_ of
forwarding to a more-capable nameserver any queries local processes +
hosts submit to them.  (As you said, BIND9 can be configured to forward
elsewhere queries whose answers it doesn't have in cache.  It differs
from dproxy and Dnsmasq in having a considerable amount of local
DNS-resolving intelligence that can be used if you wish to do so.)

As these nuances are a bit complex and a bit counter-intuitive, I long
ago wrote a (metaphorical) 'networking fairy tale' about the mythical
Village of Lan to illustrate them:

Also, I have classified and summarised all DNS software for Linux
according to what sort of service it does:

   If you run your own name service (BIND-9), depending on how you
   set it up you can still use your ISP as a 'forwarder'. This
   means, instead of doing a recursive search up to the TLD and
   then down to the DNS server for the domain we just ask the ISP
   if they have the domain in their cache (and most of the major
   sites will be already in the cache). By using 'forwarders' you
   can save a lot of time by not having to do the full search.

I beg your indulgence for my polite difference of opinion.  (I have the
discussion often.)

As background:  Specifying forwarders tells BIND9 to not use its
independent ability to resolve DNS questions whose answers aren't
already in the local cache (aside for records for which it's
authoritative), but rather to offload all uncached queries to one or
more remote nameserver (with the RD bit set) and have those do the work.  
The belief that this 'saves a lot of time' rests on the undeniable fact
that ISP nameservers tend to run with a bountiful cache set.  

Thus, initially the ISP nameserver has an advantage on account of the
loaded cache.  However, over a quite short period of time, your local
cache fills quite beautifully with or without a forwarders line, so any
initial advantage evaporates almost entirely within minutes.

But then the longer-term consideration becomes of interest:  ISP
nameservers (even those of good and praiseworthy ISPs) are a very
serious security and performance / reliability weak spot.  The security
problem arises even from 

Re: [vox-tech] replace running kernel with new one

2013-09-14 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Tony Cratz (

   Before my friend Hugh Daniels passed away he mention there was a
   way to fork/exec/chain a new kernel to replace the current
   running kernel. Due to his passing, I never did learn how.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] replace running kernel with new one

2013-09-14 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Tony Cratz (

 At first glance this did not really help. But on one of the
 pages I found what I was looking for. Kexec is the command
 I wanted.

ksplice and kexec are both ways to replace one running kernel with
another running kernel without a full reboot and with continuous uptime.

ksplice is older and has now been emborged by Oracle, Inc. -- which,
come to think of it, may have inspired the development of kexec as an
alternative approach.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] apt-get -f install fails to work

2013-08-06 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Hai Yi (

 thanks but nope, tried those 3 commands - it didn't work.

I strongly recommend quoting the entire relevant portion of your
command sessions when seeking help like this, including the command
prompts and return text.  You can use /usr/bin/script to log the
session, if that helps.

Reason:  Otherwise, we are left guessing on many key details, including
even whether you are using root for privileged operations, or are
attempting to use only regular user authority.  Being able to see your
verbatim shell session can help avoid wasted time for both you and your
aspiring helpers.

Any time you find yourself being tempted to say only 'it didn't work'
when seeking technical help, odds are you really need to find a way to
be a lot more specific.  It's in your interest, seriously.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Secure Wiping hard drives

2012-05-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian Lavender (

 I would think that writing zeros to the disk would make the data
 unavailable in many cases and is relatively fast. IIRC, DBAN takes
 multiple passes with pseudorandom data. 

 What if the fact that a melted disk leaked information? 

Yeah, you go tell LLNL's Security Office that they don't know their
business.  Let us know how that works for you.

 Personally, I would go one step further and use a pseudo random feed
 from AES with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and perhaps throw some salt
 in the middle so that it isn't too predictable.

Really, because data are so much better hidden by overengineered
pseudorandom data than by, e.g., 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy' over and over.  Sure, that makes all kinds of sense.  In some

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Secure Wiping hard drives

2012-05-11 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Darth Borehd (

 We need a fast way to securely wipe hard drives.

_How_ secure?  LLNL actually melts the platters on hard drives retired
from their security-sensitive computing vaults.

Commercial operations generally consider DBAN good enough.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] grub 2

2011-10-21 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian Lavender (

 Any thoughts on grub 2?

lilo still works -- and elilo if you have EFI-based hardware.

 I see that Debian squeeze is using grub 2.

Default configurations were made to be fixed, nei?  ;-

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] grub 2

2011-10-21 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bob Scofield (

 What's the matter with GRUB 2?

More than a bit baroque and overengineered for my taste, when something
a lot simpler will do the job and (used correctly) be far more

I mean, good grief, they now have not just a conffile but an entire
hierarchy of /etc/grub.d/ conffile fragments, 'support for non-ASCII
characters, dynamic loading of modules, real memory management, and
more' (  Sorry, folks, I
just want to load a kernel image into memory, load an initrd, and mount
a root filesystem.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Is there better spam detection?

2011-10-19 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian Lavender (

 It seems taht spammers have gotten keen to the Bag O Words Bayes
 analysis and now pump out some unrelated paragraph before they put in
 their spam.

Nah, that's a really _old_ spammer trick.  That's why you should never
leave a Bayesian classifier set to autolearn, and instead should feed it
spam and ham mboxes _you_ build with contents it'll benefit from.

 Is someone working on a meaningful spam analysis detection that I can

In my experience, your best results are from a multifactor approach,
with as much as possible of the heavy lifting being applied by MTA
rulesets during the incoming SMTP session.  You might want to use or at
least study J.P. Boggis's prepackaged setup for Exim4:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Alternative to PHP Scripting

2011-07-12 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Gandalf Parker (

 But I am going to save it. If all a person knows is PHP I can see where it 
 might be the shortest route.

The PHP interpreter can also be used locally (e.g., via phpsh) without
involving a Web server at all.

(It was more than a little unclear whether the original poster lacked
command shell access.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CalDAV

2011-07-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Peter Salzman (


 Sigh.  It does look like a conquer the
 world type application though.  Very impressive, but you hit the nail
 squarely on the head with the above paragraph.

Even a broken clock's right twice a day.  ;-  (Seriously, I'd rather
have a good scheduling server than be right, though.)

 I looked into mod_caldav.  The documentation is spotty, but from what
 I can tell, it requires a patched Apache server?!?  

Dunno.  I'm willing to look into it.

 I started to look into the Ubuntu calendarserver package.

Please do let us know!  Thanks.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CalDAV

2011-07-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 You are aware of
 Other options on:

I'm curious:  How is that data generated and maintained?  And how is the
RSS+XML generated?  Is the code available?

I have my own calendar (BALE) back-ended by a custom MySQL
setup that has events, event templates, and groups tables.  
The data are served to the Web dynamically by a PHP snippet, though
that's a bit wasteful of machine resources and I've been seriously 
considering generating static HTML via cronjob, instead.

Only after that did people start saying 'Hey, can you also produce iCAL?
Can you also produce an RSS feed?'  Which would have been easier if it
had been part of the design spec.

I've hacked some Python that almost//sort-of produces correct iCAL
output, but it requires some more work.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CalDAV

2011-07-01 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Peter Salzman (

 Actually, this looks absolutely fantastic.  I can't figure out why
 it's not practically an industry standard.  The main design goal is
 interoperability with all calendaring clients, is BSD licensed, and it
 looks very polished.  Thanks for mentioning this.

Bedework is mentioned very briefly (but, sadly, not covered otherwise)
in this April 2008 rundown on Linux groupware:

That article is mostly about one of the alternative implementations,
SOGo aka ScalableOGo.

These pages look pretty useful:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CalDAV

2011-07-01 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Peter Salzman (

 I can't figure out why calDAV isn't more utilized.

I'll speculate:

1.  Rapid standards churn.  iCAL, xCal, iTIP, iMIP, vCalendar, vCard,
BEEP, CAP, WebDAV, CalDAV   Seems like CalDAV has become the
surviving commodity standard, but those of us who watched the standards
squabble over the yeard got a bit lost in all of the alphabet soup, and
one suspects that a common reaction was 'Wake me up when all of this
gets sorted out.'

2.  Lack of enthusiasm for Java.  Bedework, like UW Calendar before it,
seems like a huge amount of Java infrastructure (servlets, directory
services, a lot more) and a back-end database for a fairly basic set of
scheduling functions that might possibly be achievable without so
much... stuff.

Seems to be a common syndrome, e.g., Chandler Server (Cosmo).  And the
non-Java alternatives are pretty heavy engineering, too.  

My own page on scheduling, which of course is way out of date and needs
updating (see item #1, rapid standards churn):

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CalDAV

2011-07-01 Thread Rick Moen
I wrote:

 1.  Rapid standards churn.  iCAL, xCal, iTIP, iMIP, vCalendar, vCard,
 BEEP, CAP, WebDAV, CalDAV   Seems like CalDAV has become the
 surviving commodity standard, but those of us who watched the standards
 squabble over the yeard got a bit lost in all of the alphabet soup, and
 one suspects that a common reaction was 'Wake me up when all of this
 gets sorted out.'
 2.  Lack of enthusiasm for Java.  Bedework, like UW Calendar before it,
 seems like a huge amount of Java infrastructure (servlets, directory
 services, a lot more) and a back-end database for a fairly basic set of
 scheduling functions that might possibly be achievable without so
 much... stuff.
 Seems to be a common syndrome, e.g., Chandler Server (Cosmo).  And the
 non-Java alternatives are pretty heavy engineering, too.  

A bit further to that, speaking on a personal level:  I keep hoping to
find a moderately well debugged package, coded in C, or Python, or Perl, 
or Ruby, that I can just drop into my modest Apache2/Exim server without
having to rearchitect everything, that would allow me to publish
calendars and do free/busy event transactions that integrate with
existing SMTP.  I would expect to just enable WebDAV access support in
my Apache2 setup, drop in the calendar thing, and have it Just Work
without more fussing around.

And that's just not happening.  Everyone wants to make a groupware suite 
that does absolutely everything, wants to take over the world, and has
incredibly picky and incredibly extensive requirements.  I cannot just
drop Bedework, or Bongo Project, or Cosmo, or Dingo Calendar Server, or
ScalableOGo, or EGroupware into my old PIII server and have any of
those play well with my existing server configuration.  Almost all
insist on a specific back-end database, and many want LDAP-based
directory services.

_Maybe_ Apple Calendar and Contacts Server will do a simple drop-in.
Or Radicale.  Or SabreDAV.

I had hopes, some years ago, for Hula Project, which Novell killed off
in the process of trying to turn it over to a third-party developer
group.  As the project was dying, Bongo Project was created as a fork
from it.  Here we are in 2011, and it's still a beta, but one of the
cheering things about its Hula predecessor is that it did _not_ attempt
to take over the world.  Because they listened to Jamie Zawinski, who 
knows more than most people about how corporate overengineering can 
kill open source projects right in the design phase.  Here's Jamie
telling the story, and I do recommend spending the time reading it:

Anyway, _maybe_ Bongo Project is an answer.  Except, er... Mono?
Really?  Oh yeah, that's that Novell factor at work.  And there are only
unofficial packages for most distributions, because nobody outside 
Novell ever was enthusiastic for it.  E.g.:
And look at all that stuff.  Might as well be J2EE.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problems with missing 'missing' file

2011-06-23 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Shwaine (

 Assuming that the \r is actually carriage return (and not a literal string 
 consisting of backslash and the letter r) and that this was originally an 
 older Mac formated file, you probably don't want to remove \r.

I actually meant exactly what I typed, i.e., the backslash as an escape,
followed by a character 'r'.  That's the way you refer to an ASCII 13
carriage return control character in vim search strings.  Line feed
would be \n.  Attempt to insert an actual CR into a vim ex-mode search
string, and you won't get the result you had in mind.

Whether that's specifically what the original poster needed, dunno.  I
really don't remember _precisely_ what he said at this point, and don't
want to spend time looking it up.  I recall him saying that he had some
files with spurious embedded CRs and needed to remove him so related
software can build, hence wanted to use a canned utility for the
purpose.  My point was that, regardless of whether you think you want to
strip spurious CRs or spurious LFs or other such junk from a
modest-sized text file, ex-mode search  replace in vim is often the
most pragmatic method, because, even if you screw up the search, you can
trivially undo your change and try again differently.

 Older Mac files only have a carriage return to mark the end of line
 and do not have a line feed (\n, the end-of-line delimiter on
 Unix/Linux). So if you remove the carriage returns on an old Mac file,
 you end up with one very long line.

As I said upthread, and I said again above, the good thing about
attempting such a repair operation in vim is that, if you guess wrong
about what to do, or implement it badly, you can mumble 'Oops!', hit u
for undo, and you're right back and can get it right on Round Two.

 Better to check if there are line feeds

No, better to just try out what you think is needed, and if you fumbled
it, undo, try again two seconds later.  Faster, gets the problem out of
the way.  Not worth the time to even remember all the antediluvian crap
about 'Old Mac files terminate ASCII lines with CR only, other Unixes
terminates ASCII lines with LF, DOS/Windows terminates ASCII lines with
CR LF.'  I'd reclaim those neurons for something actually useful if I

The only slow bit is arguing with obsessives on mailing lists.  ;-

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problems with missing 'missing' file

2011-06-23 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Shwaine (

 And nothing about my reply contradicted this. In fact, my reply was just 
 clarifying that the old Mac file format is just carriage return (\r) and 
 not carriage return-line feed (\r\n) like the Windows format. This means 
 that the vim substitution command to correct the Mac file format is NOT 
 the same as the substitution command for correcting Windows file format.

Which entirely misses my point that I was giving a general approach to 
cleaning up all endline problems.

But, since you are making a point of saying so, actually your reply
_did_ contradict my suggesting \r (and by implication, \n or whatever
else is required) as a search string, erroneously claiming that one
should use a literal CR if seeking to find ASCII 13 characters -- which,
as I pointed out, is a blunder and doesn't work.

Anyway, this is a poor use of my time at least, and I hope yours, too.

 Frankly, I don't see what was so controversial as to warrant such a long 

I'll be delighted to dispose of further interruptions more briefly.

 What's so obsessive about giving people the correct information

Ironically, your suggestion of using a literal CR is greatly broken.
Check for yourself.

Meanwhile, sorry, have to do real work.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problems with missing 'missing' file

2011-06-23 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Shwaine (

 So wait, this whole argument is because I clarified that all the advice 
 given by you, and added upon by myself, rests on the assumption that the 
 OP meant a carriage return instead of literally a \r string?

No.  That is doubly mistaken, both in parsing what I originally said and 
parsing what I recently said.  You'll have to re-read upthread, though,
because in fact I was not and am not seeking an argument.

 This is why so few women are computer geeks. [...]

You know, as a feminist for about five decades and counting, I find your
groundless resort to crying 'personal attack' more than a bit
problematic on multiple grounds.  However, please see above about having
no interest in argument.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problems with missing 'missing' file

2011-06-22 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Eric Lin (

 On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 03:43:54PM -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
  I'm trying to compile a firmware flashing app (I have a MultiTech modem 
  with a motorboating problem, and the firmware upgrade is said to be the 
  answer) and keep running into the same error.  The app was developed for 
  OSX, but the notes say it will run on Linux.
  I have seen a suggestion that running dos2unix will deal with those 
  $'\r' lines, but dos2unix thinks it's a binary file.
 I downloaded the source for this app and ran dos2unix on all the files.
 Afterward, I had to modify a few of the source files' headers to get it
 to actually compile. Also, I have automake-1.11, but make wanted
 automake-1.10 and aclocal-1.10, so I just made symlinks in my ~/bin

You know, it's really worthwhile getting to know how to do
search/replace for such problems within vim.  For one thing, if you try
such a change and it doesn't seem to have worked correctly, you can just
do 'u' to undo, and try to refine your change.

In this case, something like 


is probably all you needed.  That's

:  enters ex-type command mode
%  sets scope to all lines
s  search  replace
/  delimiter ahead of spec to search for
\r spec to search for
/  delimiter behind spec to search for and ahead of replacement spec
/  delimiter behind replacement spec (i.e., replacement spec is null, here)
g  and make the change globally, not just once.

You can of course do the same operation in 'sed', but doing it inside
the vim buffer gives you that ever-handy quick reversion.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] hacked site

2011-06-21 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

 Related, for a laugh:

One of the classics, although most of us don't know the URL on sight the
way we do .  Still, for a lot of people, just
mentioning 'little Bobby Tables' will get fits of laughter.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] (no subject)

2011-06-14 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Dr. Denny Scronek (

 Flaky is you promise to show up ... repeatedly ... and you don't.
 That's flaky ... in any profession, when you're dating a lady, you
 name it. I stand by my words.

A fair reading of the wording of your prior post seemed to be that a
good algorithm for finding 'a non-flaky Linux person' would be to
request, on a Linux user group mailing list, one primarily serving a town
~50 miles away from you, that someone drive to your house and perform a
consulting job for a stranger who's not even willing to do so much as
read a logfile to help himself.  Thus, by (apparent) implication, Linux
users unwilling to do that are flaky.

It's possible you didn't mean that.  You do what you think is right,
anyway, if you happen to regret that perception.  

Meanwhile, no offence, but I'd rather spend my time attempting to help
people with more technical aspirations.  It's just a lot more rewarding,
in general.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] (no subject)

2011-06-14 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Dr. Denny Scronek (


Ah, you don't regret that perception, then (that you're impliedly
calling the lot of us flakes).  Too bad.

 Let's end this.

Easily done.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] I'm the guy with the infinite login problem

2011-06-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Dr. Denny Scronek (

 Can I ssh to it? Doesn't compute. Try again please.

To translate, Bill was asking if you're set up so he can remotely login
to the command line of your machine rather than needing to visit your
house physically just in order to help you solve your problem.

It would certainly be nice for you if someone's got the time and
opportunity to visit you physically to help you.  (I'm actually far too
distant, down close to Stanford University.)

Because that might not happen, and in order to assist while you weigh
options, here's something you can do that will gather potentially very
useful debugging information:

1.  Press Ctrl-Alt-F1 .  You should see a black-background text console
screen with a system login prompt.  Provide your username, then when
prompted, your password.  I expect you will successfully login, and will
then be at a standard Linux system (bash shell) command-line prompt.

  cd /var/log

The 'less' program is a page-at-a-time display program (the name being a
sort-of pun on the name of the 'more' program) that allows you to go
up and down through the contents of an ASCII plaintext or similar file,
including most logfiles.  In looking at, you will be seeing
logged messages created when the X server process (the display engine) 
and related process start up, e.g., when you attempt login.  The
messages are (sorry!) a bit verbose, chattily talking about various
aspects of the video-related hardware as it is probed and set to
operating modes.  What you are looking for is lines that indicate a
serious problem of some sort.  For example, you might see lines showing
a series of initialisation failures starting with inability to enable
video hardware acceleration, with the result that the AIGLX driver
module cannot be loaded, with the result that the X server process died.

One of the reasons to become familiar with the Linux command line is so
you can deal effectively with such situations.  For example, if you
think you spot something meaningful in /var/log/, you might
desire to copy it onto, say, a USB flash drive or onto a remote shell
account you have on a separate machine somewhere on the Internet.  So,
it would be handy to know how to manually mount a USB flash drive onto
/mnt (or wherever), and it would be handy to know how to 'scp' (secure
network copy) a file accross the Internet, e.g.:

   cd /var/log

Unless you happen to be familiar with how to do such things, it might be
more feasible to just jot down some notes on paper about what you find

While you are in /var/log/, it's a good idea to also look around to see
if there are any other logs whose entries at the time you attempt
graphical login might give clues.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Caught in an infinite login loop

2011-06-01 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bob Scofield (

 On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 06:07 -0700, Dr. Denny Scronek wrote:
  This is my second shot at this. Posting, that is. My laptop is caught
  in an infinite login loop ...won't except my password. Not a wrong
  password/CAPSLOCK problem that I can see. Any takers? Running xubuntu.
 If you Google this problem you will find about six different
 explanations for login loop.  Here is the solution that worked for me.
 1)  Do what Alex says and boot with a live CD.
 2)  Mount your xubuntu partition.
 3)  Go to /usr/share/X11/xorg.donf.d/ and create a file called
 In xorg.conf put the following:
 Section ServerFlags
 Option AIGLX off
 I'm probably the only person on this lists who has no idea what all of
 this means.  But it worked.
 If someone on this list wants to interpret what I've put here, I'd be
 interested in learning.

You don't actually need a rescue disk to do that repair, if you have
the basic ability to do bash shell operations.  (Of course, *buntu
people often don't.)

What you did was construct a configuration file for the graphics 
engine ('X11 server') that turns off Accelerated Indirect
openGraphicsLibrary eXtension (AIGLX), which, loosely speaking, is a set
of calls for fully hardware accelerated graphics rendering.  Whoever
suggested that remedy to you correctly speculated that your release of
Xubuntu's / AIGLX software doesn't properly support hardware
accelerated graphics on your video hardware.  Hence, whenever you try to
login, the AIGLX extensions choke and kill the X server, taking you back
to the login screen popped up by your X display manager, which is
probably the GDM one that XFCE4 likes to borrow from GNOME.

You probably could have determined that the step would be useful before
carrying it out by having a look at /var/log/ from the non-X11
bash command line.  That might seem impossible because, you might be
thinking, 'How can I do system operations when I cannot login and X11
isn't working?'  I'll get to that point, further down.  

By the way, /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ (slight typo corrected) is not
really the ideal place to make that fix.  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ 
is a set of configuration snippets internal to the engine that it
uses as hints for hardware detection.  Although your creating an
instance of xorg.conf there _works_ in the sense that it alters's 
hardware detection to prevent it from trying AIGLX, the problem is that 
that directory is / should be under the control of your package
management system, not under the control of you, the sysadmin.  A better
place to create that file is /etc/X11/ , where it is guaranteed not to
get overwritten by package updates.

Anyway, let's get back to the original dilemma you faced.  You couldn't
login, and therefore you needed a live CD to fix your system, right?
Actually, wrong.  You _could_ login, just not via the graphical login
screen (the login screen GDM puts up for you).  That's typically virtual
console #7, reached by doing Ctrl-Alt-F7.  Do Ctrl-Alt-F1 to visit
virtual console #1, which you'll notice is plain, non-X11 console.  
Visit each of Ctrl-Alt-F2, Ctrl-Alt-F3, etc., comparing them.  Visit
Ctrl-Alt-F7 again, to verify that you can get back to GDM.  

Go back to Ctrl-Alt-F1 (virtual console #1).  Notice the text-mode login
prompt.  You know what to do.

Hey, it worked.  You're logged into your system and seeing a bash
command prompt, and all without X11!  You're boldly going where hardly
any *buntu user has gone before.  Do 'cd /var/log'.

Now, 'ls | more' that puppy.  There are various logfiles from different
subsystems.  Here are two bits of wisdom, useful in practically any *nix 
debugging scenario:

o  When in doubt, look for clues in the logfiles.
o  90% of *nix problems involve file/directory ownership  permissions.

This is part of the other 10%, but the first rule applies:  If you look
in /var/log/Xorg.log, you'll almost certainly see AIGLX choking at
startup time.  (The /var/log/Xorg.n.log variants are older snippets of
that same logfile that have been rotated out.)

OK, _without_ X11, how would you create /etc/X11/xorg.conf (or, if you
insist, /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf)?  That's where it's handy
to learn to use an ASCII editor progam, practically any ASCII editor
program, that is not dependent on X11.  We sysadmins learn to use vi for
that purpose, despite its learning curve, for the simple reason that
there's some implementation of vi on every *nix system without exception
and it works even over anything more high-bandwidth than a tin can and
strings, and it works even if the system in question is pretty severely
broken.  You might prefer 'ee', or 'nano', or 'joe', or something like
that -- but with the long-term drawback that they are not guaranteed
present on other people's arbitrary *nix systems.  

If you want to try vi, the 'vim' implementation is the one usually found

Re: [vox-tech] [fwd] YouTube downloading

2011-05-19 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

 Since this topic has come up, and Rick's is a very thorough post on the
 topic...  From CABAL mailing list, via SF-LUG mailing list.

Hi, Bill.  I am truly flattered.

Sometimes, I post something like that after hours of careful research 
and write-up, hear nothing but silence in response, and wonder if anyone
noticed, so it's really nice to get feedback.

FWIW, I wrote that in part in order to FAQ the subject on the Web,
which I've done as an addition to the Knowledgebase,

'YouTube Downloading' on

Thanks again.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Filename suffix dependent deletion problem with Samba

2011-03-20 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Peter Salzman (

 It appears that Samba refuses to delete files with certain types of
 extensions, but I can't find any mention of suffix-dependent
 permissions in Samba, so something else must be happening that *looks
 like* suffix dependent permissions.

Just an idea based on attempting to Web-search your problem:

Try (temporarily) setting 'log level = 10' in smb.conf and restart the
daemons.  Then, re-try the deletion operation.  Then, examine your
logfiles to see what clues emerge about the root cause.

I stress 'temporarily' because log level 10 chews up disk space at an
impressive clip.

(Disclaimer:  Haven't had occasion to admin Samba since 1999, so the above 
is all I'm likely to usefully offer.)

Rick MoenVila:  Why don't you go? Avon:  _You_ are expendable.  Vila:  And you're not?   Avon:  No, I am not.
McQ!  (4x80) I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.
 -- Blake's Seven
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Netflix

2011-03-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Jim Stockford (

 how do you know online petitions are not worth...? 
 if i were in charge of a company or department, i'd 
 make sure y group was attentive to incoming electronic 
 info. i'd at least try to ensure that the filters were 
 sufficiently granular and produced useful statistics. 
 it's a question: do you have info or are you jaded 
 or some such? 

I suspect he has info -- and that it's the same info anyone 
who's taken a serious look at the history of online petitions 
and e-mail political campaigns arrives at:

1.  The results are dead-easy to fake or alter -- notoriously
so, to the point where Congressional aides politely ignore all
supposed constituent letters arriving via e-mail (especially the
98%+ with oddly similar wording).

2.  Generally, the petitions are venting exercises among people
wanting a vendor to do something plainly not in the vendor's business
interest.  In this case, Netflix takes its marching orders from Our
Lords in Hollywood, who have decreed strong and updatable encryption 
for anything at HD resolution, to control what the sheeple are
permitted to.  Period.  If you get 100,000 people to say to Netflix
'Please provide your proprietary software for Linux x86 without
requiring our machines to be DRM-imprisoned', they will find the nicest
possible way to say no.  And all those people signing petitions will
have wasted their time and energy, having not paid attention to basics.

But I guess they'll have felt a sense of accomplishment at having gone 
begging to a vendor.  People apparently do.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Free cross platform database applications

2011-01-28 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Rod Roark (

 Looking for an easy-to-use open source database management tool, maybe
 sort of like MS Access.

'Databases, Casual' on is a place where I
aggregate blurbs I've encountered about possible options.  The usual
disclaimer applies:  I've not used them; I've only read about them.

Disclaimer #2:  It's been six years since I gave that page the
once-over, so there may _well_ be good options not mentioned.  At the
time I last revised the page, this seemed to be an application category
that on Linux/BSD was just beginning to flower.

You will notice separate entries in the knowledgebase index for
'Databases, SQL' and 'Databases, xBase'.  I divided out the original
'Databases' page into three parts, because it struck me that those types
served almost completely different audiences and needs.

Rick Moen Has Google looked at the appropriateness of indexing   #WikiLeaks?  The answer is yes, and we decided to 
McQ!  (4x80)  continue.  Because it's legal.   -- Eric Schmidt 
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS upgrade woes

2011-01-19 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Ken Bloom (

 A correct solution that covers all of the corner cases would be to
 replace the glob with
 find -path './.*' -maxdepth 1

Elegant.  I like this a lot.

Rick Moen  You can stop running that response to Virginia's 
r...@linuxmafia.comletter about Santa.  She's probably dead by now.
McQ!  (4x80)   -- FakeAPStylebook
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS upgrade woes

2011-01-18 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Chanoch (Ken) Bloom (

 He wants *only* the dotfiles (and none of the regular files) 
 That's why he changed it to the following, which requires there be a
 non-dot character after the dot
 tar zcfv dotfiles.tar .[!.]*

$ cd /tmp
$ touch
$ ls .[!.]*


(Yes, '.[!.]*' is nonethless a pretty good solution, among a myriad of
imperfect ones.)

Rick MoenSo, this SEO copywriter walks into a bar, grill,  pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, 
McQ!  (4x80) beer, wine, liquor.  -- Michael Karlsson  
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Which FTP server? Pureftp, Proftp or some other

2011-01-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Tony Cratz (

 I'm in a position again to set-up an FTP server. I'm looking for a
 good server which will support anonymous connections but limit what
 they can do. Both Pureftp and Proftp can solve this problem.
 I'm looking for arguments why I should choose one over the other or
 even a third option. In the past I used PureFTP. I have a friend who
 uses ProFTP. So I could go either way.

Consider vs-ftpd.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problem with Gigabyte 890FX, Phenom II, and Kubuntu

2010-12-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian Lavender (

 Check the system event logs in the motherboard bios. Sometimes listed
 under SEL. Otherwise, I would stress test the machine. I used to run ctcs
 to burn in systems for a cluster I worked on for LLNL. It does memory,
 io, and cpu stress tests.

No longer maintained.  See the successor fork:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problem with Gigabyte 890FX, Phenom II, and Kubuntu

2010-12-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Cam Ellison (

 This is my only machine, and it's a production machine, so I'm not sure 
 about taking it out of service to run ctcs2 (thanks Rick!).

You're very welcome.  I have notes here, which I recommend, because
Cerberus is rather peculiar software that takes a little getting used
to, and has some quirks.

'Burn-in' on

(We used to put all new or repaired machines at VA Linux Systems through
at least 48 hours of Cerberus / ctcs testing, to catch problems.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problem with Gigabyte 890FX, Phenom II, and Kubuntu

2010-12-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Cam Ellison (

 On another list that I frequent, the two responses thus far both 
 suggested replacing or swapping out the PS.  I have to admit the idea 
 has merit, though it's an Antec Signature 650, came new with the rest of 
 the system, and over $200 here including the taxes.  I'm a little leery 
 of ending up with a good, but effectively useless, PS.  Which leads to 
 another question: how do you test a PS?  Is it possible?

I'm sure it's possible (at least in theory), but I never have tried.
I've always just tried to keep around at least one of each major type
with a piece of masking tape on it labelled 'known good as of [date]', 
and swap those into systems where I suspect the PSU.

If the PSU is generally functional, then in my experience the usual
question is whether it is too weak for the current draw asked of it.
(In a perfect world, you would be able to believe manufacturer ratings,
but of course they lie and exaggerate, and also doubtless some PSUs
achieve their claimed ratings better loaded with some impedance types
than others.)

Antec PSUs are on the short list of ones I have faith in, generally.

I have a confession to make:  I really didn't pay much attention to this
thread until I saw Brian mention CTCS (Cerberus), with which I have a
great deal of experience.  I've just now re-read your original posting
to get the context for all this.

That having been done, I think the suggestion of a (say, overnight)
Cerberus run has a lot to recommend it.  Cerberus puts a system under
very, very serious load, which is the rationale for its use to
stress-test newly constructed systems on the VA Linux Systems production
line:  It exposes most hardware flaws through thrashing the hell out of 
pretty nearly every hardware subsystem in the host.

Your description (halted suddenly, no output, coldboot required) doesn't
sound a-priori like a RAM problem.  It's conceivable that it's a
software problem, but my instinct says hardware is more likely.  That
instinct says it's likely to be something with either the motherboard +
CPU or with the PSU.

One avenue towards diagnosis (generally speaking and probably _not_
useful for your situation; this is just for general knowledge of
troubleshooting) is to simplify the hardware situation temporarily for
diagnostic purposes, to attempt to isolate the problem.  That is, open
up your system and look at what's plugged into what.  Do you have
expansion cards that can be disconnected and the system is still able to
produce video?  Remove them.  A miniPCI-format wireless card?  Unplug
it.  Non-boot hard drives?  Unplug and detach them.  Optical drives?
Unplug and detach them.  Get as close as you can to just motherboard +
PSU and still have the system be functional enough to run and expose the
syndrome if it's still present.

That method is useful primarily for symptoms that express strongly and
constantly, like 'System doesn't even beep or produce video'.  In those
cases, you detach every non-essential subsystem and see if the remaining
hardware then beeps and does video.  If it does, then the root cause
lies in one of the subsystems you detached -or- in the 100%-wired-up 
system trying to draw too much current from a borderline PSU.  If if 
doesn't, then the problem may be in the system core (motherboard, PSU,

The latter case is of course tough to narrow down.  If you have multiple 
sticks of RAM, and the motherboard northbridge can function with fewer
than all of them, try with half the RAM, then with the other half,
seeing if bootup beep + video reappears and correlates with one bank of
RAM but not the other.

Getting back to steps more likely relevant to _your_ problem, the other
general class of diagnostic techniques involve swapping in known-good
components, and seeing if the problem suddenly vanishes with one such
swap-in.  The pain-in-the-ass requisite is, of course, having a bunch of
known-good parts sitting around for this purpose, which one only rarely
has.  Sorry, I don't know any easy way around that.

Rick Moen Told my friend she shouldn't smoke weed while she's   pregnant because her baby's never going to want to 
McQ!  (4x80)  come out.   -- Kelly Oxford
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Problem with Gigabyte 890FX, Phenom II, and Kubuntu

2010-12-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Cam Ellison (

 With regard to the rest of your email (snipped out), I'll try that if 
 nothing comes from CTCS.  Two halts five weeks apart doesn't give me 
 much to work with.

Yes.  One of the Bad Words that one doesn't really want to hear when
performing diagnosis of any kind, including on computer hardware, is

 I did try dmidecode on the PS, but drew a blank, perhaps not 
 surprisingly.  On the basis of your instincts, plus my own suspicions 
 and previous experience (now that I think about it), I'm beginning to 
 suspect the PSU.

Could be.  FWIW, this would be the very first time I'd heard of an Antec
PSU being the root cause of a system problem.  They're really good.
However, there's always a first time.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Vipre and ESET Antivirus

2010-12-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

 Tsk tsk, this is off-topic for a Linux group! ;)

You know, that's actually something I've until now understood to be
(idiosyncratically to LUGOD) not the case, because of the way the
mailing list was chartered.  (Please note, I'm not challenging what
you're saying, Bill.  I'm just saying I've previously heard

Specifically, the listinfo page says 'All Linux and computer related
technical questions and discussions go here', and the page title says
'vox-tech -- lugod's technical discussion forum'.  Over the years, it
has seemed as if 'computer related technical questions' had been
construed to encompass non-Linux OSes and applications as well, which is
why until today I'd not been surprised to see those discussions occur
frequently without objection.

Again, no problem whatsoever if you want to see concentration on Linux.
I'm just saying it looks like a small shift from prior policy, as I
understood it.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Which distro for file/print/web server

2010-11-11 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

 While technically true, often eSATA is combined with a multidisk chassis
 and has a lame/broken chip that multiplexes a single SATA connection to
 multiple drives.  Said lame/broken chip often hides the SMART data.

Yes, definitely don't buy those.

 I find is similarly frustrating when the RAID controller does the same
 thing.  It's really really annoying to have to pull a failed drive to
 get it's model and serial number so you can RMA it.

Well, sometimes there are compensating advantages to the RAID
controller, and ways to query the latter to determine the model and S/N
of the failed drive.  Not that I'd recommend one, but my old firm VA
Linux Systems sold a lot of Mylex RAID HBAs that met that description.

 The studies that I've seen show SMART is useless for predicting

That depends on what you mean by 'predicting failure'.  You can use the
SMART data to determine how many hours of online use the drive has had,
and replace it before it approaches MTBF.  You can also note the pattern
of accumulating errors and reallocations, a sharp rise in which
correlates well with some failure modes albeit not many others.  (The
Google paper notes this fact.)

Frankly, my main concern is many HD manufacturers' tendency to make
their drives lie when reporting such data.  I have my hunches about
which manufacturers and model lines are most guilty of this lying, but
can't prove it.

Alternatively, you can just RAID1 drive pairs, and deal with failures as
they arise without particular worry in advance.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Which distro for file/print/web server

2010-11-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 The big downside I realized today, you can't get any HD stats on an
 external USB drive(smartmontools). So I've got no health monitoring of
 the disk.

Thanks for posting.  Fascinating stuff.

I realise you won't want to re-do the design -- which sounds terrific
with that one proviso -- but I notice the Zotac box also has one eSATA
port.  It strikes me that that eSATA might be The Right Thing.

What I'm hoping to find, as an eventual replacement for my 2001-era
2U server, is a good nettop box with a pair of eSATA connectors.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Which distro for file/print/web server

2010-11-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 Good Call, I did look a little at finding a drive case that was both
 eSata and usb. The drive case was the cheapest part by far but esata/usb
 isn't so common. I'm not sure if the board in between would still be an
 issue. If I happen to come upon a good deal on such a case I might try
 it. Anyone have an external eSata they could try to get SMART data on?

All libata drivers support SMART -- which is what one would expect,
given that libata leverages the kernel's SCSI layers.
(The particular SATA interface, internal vs. eSATA, is not an issue.)

For SATA drivers that aren't part of Jeff Garzik's libata collection,
you would have to check the particulars of those drivers.  But I expect
most people would use libata drivers.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Which distro for file/print/web server

2010-11-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 Ha, turns out I did get a case with eSata, didn't realize it until I
 started shopping for another case and went That looks familiar...
 Just need to find a cable now to try it. I'll let you know how it goes.

I predict that you'll be happier with SATA than with USB for this
deployment.  USB entails an additional translation layer, which is
why you lose things like SMART datastreams, whereas eSATA simply
extends the native mass-storage bus.  Also, you should find that
external SATA is more reliable and has fewer sources of flakiness and
has fewer speed limitations in real-world situations.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] NAS/Printer Server/Web Server?

2010-06-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

[Interesting details about hardware options you're considering:]

 Note to self: For some reason I'd never really thought about the fact
 that you should put such a device on a UPS. In hindsight, this is
 probably what killed my previous NAS drive. 

Are you thinking it was a power surge / spike or low-voltage line
condition that fried the drive?

Out here on the Left Coast, serious line-power problems are pretty rare,
especially compared to what, say, LILCO customers have to put up with
in the NYC area.  But the matter is worth pondering.

I have for a couple of decades run full-service *ix servers at my
residences on (variously) T-1 and broadband, so I weigh some of the same
concerns you do.  In April 2009, the machine then running, a 1998-era VA Research model 500 2U server I literally
rescued from a dumpster one day around year 2000 while working at VA
Linux Systems, got fried during a late-spring lightning storm, and I
hastily replaced it with a slightly less ancient VA Linux model 2230.
That's the only time I've ever lost hardware from AC power fluctuations
(in the Bay Area, anyway).

Back in summer 2001, when California went through rolling blackouts, I
pondered getting a UPS but decided it would be solving the wrong
problem:  My suffering small amounts of downtime when PGE lost power
was OK as long as the machine came back up.  So, the missing ingredient
was reliable journaling filesystems, and I figured out how to migrate my
system from ext2 to XFS.  (See 'XFS Conversion' on .  To explain, ext3 was not then

Still, it's bothered me to have my hardware, particularly HDs, exposed
to PGE-caused damage _if_ that actually happens.  So, I went shopping
-- and _still_ found UPSes to be a solution to the wrong problem.
Instead, I bought an APC-branded power filtering / conditioning unit,
thereby addressing the power-quality issue without saddling me with a
failure-prone lead-acid battery.

Also, having recently bought an external (USB/Firewire) 2 TB drive and
been astonished by the low cost, I'm considering buying a second one of
those (to make a RAID1 pair) and, say, a ShivaPlug to replace the model
2230:  That would cut the electricity hit to almost nothing -- and still 
let me use standard Debian on real mass storage.

Anyway, think twice before putting printers on your UPSes (if that's
part of what you're considering), as many printers draw gobs of power
when in service, and are not typically an essential service you need
running during power outages.  

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] NAS/Printer Server/Web Server?

2010-06-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 Anyone have any thoughts on connecting something like the following as
 an external usb 2 drive hardware RAID?

That's just two drives in one box.  (Personally, I rather like the idea
of each drive having its own USB/Firewire box w/PSU:  No SPoF.)  You
would need to furnish your own hardware RAID HBA.

I'm unclear on how you'd do hardware RAID serving to _USB_:  By
contrast, if you used the eSATA connectors (instead of USB), you could,
I guess, but I'm (speaking for myself) a little unenthusiastic about
SATA hardware RAID, generally.  Be careful what you pick; most
RAID-capable SATA HBAs are still fakeraid (manufacturer-specific
software RAID).

 I guess the other question, for a use case like this, infrequent copies
 of data for backup does it matter if it's software or hardware RAID?
 I kind of liked the idea of just popping in a drive and having build the
 RAID without me doing anything.

I don't think configuring md RAID1 for remirroring is exactly a big
deal, is it?  Actually, I'll be able to speak to that question soon,
because my server's recently failed one of its md RAID1 mirrored pair of
antique 18GB SCSI drives, and I'll need to replace it RSN.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] NAS/Printer Server/Web Server?

2010-06-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 I was going to go with RAID 1 using 2 TB drives. Got a line on 2TB
 externals with longer than 1 year warranties (since buying drives
 themselves comes with 3). At a cost difference of $150(Sheeva is about
 $100, the ReadyNAS is $250) I don't see myself saving much buying cases
 and drives.

As I just mentioned, my server's running a degraded RAID1 pair at the
moment (failed drive), which is why I picked up a 2 TB external
USB/Firewire thing as a bandaid.  (It makes ensuring that I've made
safety copies of key filesystems frequently really easy.)

The thing is a Hitachi HSD2000 'SimpleDrive'; $150, 1yr warranty.
I was/am really very short on time for screwing around with hardware, so
the first simple, realiable-tech solution I could find at Microcenter

(I'm not posting it to claim it's great or to recommend it, just to say
that it solved a problem of the moment.  The data-saving solution you 
actually do that works wins over the better solution that you never get

 That would also be 3 power plugs instead of one

Single points of failure are bad.  Power strips or PDUs with master
switches on them are cheap.  (FWIW, the Hitachi spins down and shuts off
if the attached host powers off.)

 What do you think about the RAID case for $50 I posted in the other part
 of the thread? Seems to be the same as buying 2 reliable single drive cases?

Nope.  SPoF.  And why are you calling that a 'RAID case'?  Looks like a
JBoD to me.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] NAS/Printer Server/Web Server?

2010-06-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Mandel (

 I don't really know either, the only time I've had to mess with RAID was
 on a clunky old workstation with 3 drives and a terrible RAID BIOS.

Doesn't seem a big deal.

In my case, I'll need to muck about with /sbin/fdisk for a bit, because 
the mirrored pair has five filesystems plus swap:

linuxmafia:/etc/bind# fdisk -l /dev/sdc

Disk /dev/sdc: 18.3 GB, 18351959040 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2231 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000c1659

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc1   12231179204765  Extended
/dev/sdc5   1 243 1951834+  fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdc6 244 425 1461883+  fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdc7 426 790 2931831   fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdc8 791 851  489951   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdc9 8521580 5855661   fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdc10   15812231 5229126   fd  Linux raid autodetect

I _could_ have made all of sdb and sdc be a single Linux raid
autodetect volume md0 and then fdisked that, but I didn't want to
mirror the swap space.

Given that setup decision, I'll need to power down, crack the case, yank
out and replace /dev/sdb with a fresh [sic] 18GB or so SCSI drive -- if
I still have any -- and make a partition table on it of the above specs.

Then, apparently I'll do:

raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/sdb5
raidhotadd /dev/md1 /dev/sdb6
raidhotadd /dev/md2 /dev/sdb7
mkswap /dev/sdb8
swapon -a
raidhotadd /dev/md3 /dev/sdb9
raidhotadd /dev/md5 /dev/sdb10

(Yeah, I know, 18GB SCSI drives in 2010 are a bit silly.  All I can say
is, time flies.  I should at least fish into the pile and see if I have
a pair of spare 73 GB ones -- though that will mean re-doing the
partition maps.)

 Single point of failure on the power supply doesn't worry me too much
 since I can live with downtime and it's seems to be a relatively
 ordinary part. 

No, you should worry.  Chief causes of HD catastrophic failure (other
than simple age and wear) are misbehaving PSUs and heat stress.

Putting both drives in a single external enclosure with a single PSU
means they can be both taken down at once by the same misbehaving power
supply or the same seized-up fan.  At that point, you have just
eradicated the entire point of having a RAID1 mirror pair.

 It will mean more work to configure since the NAS boxes seem to have
 print serve, file server, media serve all ready out of the box.

Yeah, well, for present purposes I'd rather run a Linux server using
simple, commodity, general-purpose components.  Works for Me.[tm]

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Looking for a Sunbird (Google Calendar) replacement

2010-05-11 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Scott Miller (
 Yeah looks like sunbird is not in development anymore. Their site says
 This is the last public Sunbird release by the Calendar Project.
 We recommend upgrading to Thunderbird 3 and Lightning 1.0 beta1.

I should note that Lightning basically _is_ Sunbird.

Sunbird was a bunch of XUL interpreted code for iCAL / CalDAV / DAViCal
functionality atop the Mozilla portable runtime.  Lightning is 
that same XUL code refactored to run on the Mozilla portable runtime
inside Thunderbird 3.0.x or SeaMonkey 2.0.

It might be possible to run it on Firefox's copy of the Mozilla portable
runtime, though that's not addressed in the Web site's docs.  Seems
likely that there's been enough rewriting to accomodate Thunderbird 3 as
host that that might be nontrivial.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Looking for a Sunbird (Google Calendar) replacement

2010-05-11 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Tony Cratz (

 While I understand that Lightning is really Sunbird it is
 not a standalone client. It requires having Thunderbird up
 and running.
 I really want a true standalone client which does not require
 any Internet connection, this is where Sunbird was a major
 win over Lightning.

Yes, I do understand your dilemma.

You could try seeing if you can hack the glue code so as to use just
what's needed from Thunderbird's own XUL / C++ / JavaScript / CSS to
support the Lightning XPI on top of Gecko (the Mozilla runtime).
However, I suspect that'd be way too much work, since Mozilla Foundation
(/Oracle Corp./whoever) appear to be targeting Outlook/Exchange schedule
event handling, and thus see scheduling as incidental to e-mail.

There was a time when I kept track of scheduling apps in Linux
development space (both client and server end), with a particular
interest in iCalendar support.  You can find that in my Web site's
knowledgebase in the obvious place (, I
think).  However, I kept seeing projects wander off into some painfully
overengineered groupweare direction, rather than doing a nice, clean,
simple implementation, and became a bit disheartened, so my page on the
subject is a little out of date.

There is also:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MTA

2010-04-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Chanoch (Ken) Bloom (

 The best thing to do is probably to install a lightweight non-daemon
 mailer like esmtp-run so that programs that need it can still have
 access to a sendmail command.

Note that esmtp is no longer being maintained, but may still be useful
nonetheless.  I maintain a list of similar software, here:

Rick Moen   Well, my terminal's locked up, and I ain't got any mail, And I can't recall the last time my program didn't fail;
McQ!  (4x80)I've got stacks in my structs, I've got arrays in my queues,
I've got the:  Segmentation violation -- Core dumped blues.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MTA

2010-04-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Chanoch (Ken) Bloom (
 On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 09:50:56AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
  Quoting Chanoch (Ken) Bloom (
   The best thing to do is probably to install a lightweight non-daemon
   mailer like esmtp-run so that programs that need it can still have
   access to a sendmail command.
  Note that esmtp is no longer being maintained, but may still be useful
  nonetheless.  I maintain a list of similar software, here:
 esmtp is the most capable in terms of outgoing encryption and
 authentication (It's been a while, so I don't exactly remember the
 details), so it's a good match for Google's SMTP servers which require

Those details are highlighted on my page.  ;-

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Exporting multiple sheets to CSV?

2010-01-27 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick (

 _Is_ there a way to dump every sheet in an ODS file into individual CSVs,
 without going doing a bunch of manual labor?  

Via macro.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Exporting multiple sheets to CSV?

2010-01-27 Thread Rick Moen
I wrote:

 Via macro.

By the way, the key to finding that was to change my search query from

   openoffice export multiple spreadsheets
   openoffice export multiple sheets that's the local jargon in OO.o Calc (sheets, not spreadsheets).
No luck whatsoever until I realised that.

Rick MoenThe suffix '-bate' means 'to lessen.'  Yeah, we were surprised, too.
  -- FakeAPStylebook
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] my site was hacked

2010-01-26 Thread Rick Moen
I inadvertantly sent this comment offlist, the first time.  My

Hai Yi ( wrote:

 Tony: I use dreamweaver to edit my files locally and use its 
 internal ftp to upload them.

So, are you sending your password unencrypted across the open Internet?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Netflix and Linux

2009-12-30 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Darth Borehd (

 I've been trying to get Netflix's Watch Instantly feature to work on
 Linux.  I've installed Moonlight, WINE, and User Agent Switcher for Firefox
 (to spoof their website into thinking I am running IE 7).  I tried going
 through Boxee too (total bust).  I'm out of ideas.  Anybody been able to
 crack this riddle?

You might be able to make it work using all-Win32 versions of everything 
under WINE or some other Win32 environment _under_ Linux.  This matter
came up recently on another mailing list, so I'll just quote from my

This appears to be Microsoft Corp's PlayReady DRM shipped with the
Silverlight software.  Checking around, I see that they deliberately
restrict which OSes the DRM OKs operation on.  For example, OS X
operation is OK'ed by the DRM software only on Intel-based Macs running
Silverlight 2.0.  I.e., even PowerPC Mac OS X users running Silverlight
1.0 are shut out.

Microsoft's been sucking up to Our Masters in Hollywood, and pushing the
ability of PlayReady DRM to control customers, for some time.  See, e.g.:


   Microsoft licenses PlayReady today for certain use cases, but they do
   not have a port for Linux which prevents Moonlight from using it. It is
   very unlikely that we will get PlayReady DRM on Linux.
 -- Miguel de Icaza

Our Masters in Hollywood don't mind providing PlayReady DRM on a
Linux-based embedded device that's sufficiently well handcuffed,
however, such as the Roku Netfix Player:

Note comment:

   Actually, I doubt the claim that Netflix chose Windows Media DRM
   because they bought a system from Microsoft; my guess is they chose it
   because it's the only system the content owners allow them to use. I 
   work for a company that runs on-demand movie services.  Everybody I've
   met on the retail side of this industry hates DRM and I'm sure Netflix   
   doesn't like inflicting it on their customers.  However, thus far,
   content owners, particularly larger ones, have been entirely unwilling
   to license their content to on-demand services that don't use DRM, and
   Windows Media is the only DRM implementation that is even slightly
   viable (yeah, it's broken, harmful technology.  You don't have to
   convince me.)  
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu not booting after Kernel update

2009-11-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Darth Borehd (

 Why LILO?  I can't think of a single thing LILO can do that Grub can not do

1.  Simplicity.
2.  Ability to boot any arbitrary filesystem without the need for the 
bootloader to understand filesystem semantics.[1]

[1] This isn't a problem with current common Linux filesystems, but
has been in the past, and in some cases such as ReiserFS has limited
GRUB to booting from some filesystems if mounted with the notail 
option.  Admittedly, GRUB also does support a block list reference
mode analogous to LILO's ability to find bootable objects by logical CHS
location, but this is poorly documented and probably poorly tested.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu not booting after Kernel update

2009-11-24 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Peter Jay Salzman (

 I think I understand what you're saying, but I believe the argument
 for simplicity is more compelling from the point of view of the person
 using the application, not the application itself.

Over a decade-plus of observing, 100% of those seemed to amount to 
I messed with my boot files or MBR, and then forgot to re-run sbin/lilo
to make sure I had a bootable config before rebooting.  Those holes in
people's feet did hurt, though, I'm sure, even if the bullets were fired

 Based on the amount of hair pulling, simplicity for me goes to Grub,
 easily.  I can't recall the last time I had to diagnose a Grub issue.

I don't either, because I make sure my system's bootable after any
fooling with the boot files and before rebooting.  However, other 
people seem to have problems, which are then made considerably more
difficult by GRUB's indisputably far greater complexity.  E.g., read
this thread, which I believe may still be unresolved:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Fwd: Very slow off net

2009-10-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

 I'd suggest adding caching in there somewhere, probably assumed.

I've yet to find a nameserver package of any sort, recursive,
authoritative, or even merely forwarding, that doesn't do caching.  

 Agreed.  Large ISPs (like pacbell) often have overloaded DNS, not to mention
 the DNS is often on the wrong end of a busy network.

That's only the beginning of their problems.  To the predominant
dog-slow performance would add pervasive cache poisoning, e.g., the
quality of being a security menace, as the next obvious problem to
mention.  But better to just skip them.

 I suggest unbound.

I like Unbound, despite its relative youth.  PowerDNS Recursor is also
good, and perhaps a bit better tested.  I would also consider MaraDNS.

I'm extremely happy with the authoritative-only server published for
quite a while by the same .nl TLD people who've more recently followed
up with Unbound, FWIW.

   It'll also improve performance over using OpenDNS, 
 Sort of.  For cache hits, yes.  For cache misses, not to much.

Obviously, I was talking about cache hits -- which predominate if you
run a recursive nameserver for a long while.

 Sure, so only your ISP instead of opendns and your ISP knowing everywhere you

The problem of your upstream link(s) being able to traffic analysis on
where your packets are sent to, and inspection in cases where you don't
bother to encrypt them, is a separate problem.  But you knew that.
Also, unlike OpenDNS, they have fiduciary obligations to you under
contract.  But you knew that, too.

Use OpenDNS, and a party who owes you no loyalty whatsoever has a
central record of all DNS queries your IP has attempted.

 NXDOMAIN does bug me, I believe that optional if you login/create an account.

That deliberate RFC violation _should_ bug you.  It's essentially saying
Nothing but the Web counts.  Correct DNS information for SMTP mail
doesn't matter, because it's not the Web.

I'm not clear on why a login would remove that misfeature.  They use the 
ads on their Site not found Web pages to generate the revenue stream
that underwrites the service.

 Oh, almost forgot.  I'd recommend unbound as a local caching recursive
 server.  It's DNSSEC and DLV aware

I'm no DJB fan, but I think he's right about the reasons why DNSSEC is
never going to be used on any significant enough scale to matter.  The DLV
lookaside kludge (that partially works around lack of a signed root
zone) to an overengineered and impractical based spec strikes me as just
another deck-chair on the sinking ship.

I don't know why I should trust DLV repositories (Trust Anchor
repositories), and the largest one that makes something like a
meaningful effort to validate that they belong to whom they claim to
(ISC's) had a whopping total of 25 DLV records in it a year ago, when I
last looked into this.  (SecSpidor collects DLVs, but doesn't validate

So, good luck making that stuff practical and useful.  Do send a
postcard.  ;-

Anyway, FWIW:
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Fwd: Very slow off net

2009-10-28 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Harke (

 That leaves the question: why access DNS at all for a application launch?

Again, what application, for example?  And by what means do you know
that that application is doing DNS lookups?  You say I've done some
tracing, but I don't know what you've done to associate DNS lookups
with particular non-network-oriented applicaitons.

Once you know what application binary you're talking about, you can run
it under strace to determine what system calls it's making.

By the way, IMO, you really should consider running and using a local
recursive DNS nameserver.  Doing so improve performance a great deal
over using your router on your home network, which almost certainly is
merely a forwarder.  It'll also improve performance over using OpenDNS, 
along with not giving the operators of that service detailed
information about your Internet activity, _and_ (unlike OpenDNS) it
would actually implement DNS technical standards correctly (i.e.,
correctly answering NXDOMAIN when that's the truth).

Possibly of related interest:
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