Re: [vox-tech] using xmodmap to swap modifier key locations

2003-10-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
Pete alluded to, but did not describe, the "xev" utility.  Use it to figure
out *precisely* what X thinks the keys are.  Do this before applying
the new map (so, if you've already done so, you'll need to restart X).  
I doubt you need to do anything to your XF86Config file(s), necessarily,
you just need to find the keycodes, keysyms, etc. for your keyboard.

FYI, I use this trick in every linux environment I get my hands on, and
it's always worked as is.


On Wednesday 08 October 2003 11:05 pm, Henry House wrote:
> The manual page for xmodmap lists the following example (exact quote):
>   !
>   ! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L
>   !
>   remove Lock = Caps_Lock
>   remove Control = Control_L
>   keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
>   keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
>   add Lock = Caps_Lock
>   add Control = Control_L
> which is said to turn the left caps lock key into a control key and the
> left control key into a caps lock key. It does not work. On my system,
> running the above commands (saved to a file, then run using 'xmodmap
> ') turns the left control key into a shift key (!) and has no
> effect on the caps lock key. Neither xmodmap nor the x server print any
> errors or other messages. Does anyone have a suggestion? My XFree86 config
> file follows.
> Section "Module"
> #Load"dbe"# Double buffer extension
> #SubSection  "extmod"
> #  Option"omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension
> #EndSubSection
> Load"extmod"
> Load"type1"
> Load"freetype"
> EndSection
> Section "Files"
> RgbPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
> FontPath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
> FontPath  "tcp/wotan:7110"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier"Keyboard1"
> Driver"Keyboard"
> Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
> #Option "XkbRules""xfree86"
> #Option "XkbModel""pc101"
> #Option "XkbLayout"   "us"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier"Mouse1"
> Driver"mouse"
> Option"Protocol""PS/2"
> Option"Device"  "/dev/psaux"
> Option"Emulate3Buttons" "true"
> #Option   Emulate3Timeout 50
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
> Identifier  "My Monitor"
> HorizSync 50-75
> VertRefresh   50-100
> Option"DPMS"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
> Identifier"trident"
> VendorName"Unknown"
> BoardName "Unknown"
> Driver"trident"
> #VideoRam 65536
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
> Identifier  "Screen1"
> Device  "trident"
> Monitor "My Monitor"
> DefaultDepth 16
> SubSection "Display"
> Depth   16
> Modes   "1280x1024"
> EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Section "ServerLayout"
> Identifier  "Simple Layout"
> Screen"Screen1"
> InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
> InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
> EndSection
> #end

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] adobe acrobat

2003-08-21 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
You might be able to use pdf2ps (part of ghostscript) followed by
psresize (part of psutils).  All the tools in psutils are versatile,
but I usually have to experiment a bit to get what I want.


On Thursday 21 August 2003 01:06 pm, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> R. Douglas Barbieri wrote (on vox):
>  > I'd love to get rid of Windows entirely from my home, and will, the day
>  > Adobe Premiere finally works correctly under Linux/Wine.
> Actually, one of the few apps I still must use windows for is Adobe
> Acrobat.  Does anyone know if this works with Linux/Wine?
> My specific need is cropping an entire PDF (i.e. removing excess
> margins).  Does anyone know if there is a ghostscript (command line or
> app) to do this as an alternative to Acrobat?
> Jonathan
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Laptop Console Display Question

2003-07-24 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
Also try
which is a community devoted to running Linux on Dell laptops.
The archives and the FAQ are very useful.

On Thursday 24 July 2003 05:55 am, Rod Roark wrote:
> See
> Cheers,

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Measure network usage?

2003-06-28 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Saturday 28 June 2003 01:50 am, Samuel Merritt wrote:
> Shawn P. Neugebauer said:
> > I have a few Linux boxes that have uptimes of days to months.  I need
> > to try to estimate bandwidth usage for a long-ish period of time (e.g.,
> > days or weeks) in order to characterize how much bandwidth I use
> > (to decide on level-of-service issues for a new ISP---I have to move :(
> > ) .   Is there a way to tell the amount (in bytes) of traffic sent and
> > received by a running box?  Is there a simple *non-intrusive* tool that
> > might "add a little value" to whatever is built-in?  I'm aware of MRTG,
> > and Orca, but these are overkill for this type of problem.
> Take a look at the output of /sbin/ifconfig. It should have a line like
> RX bytes:2328595615 (2.1 GiB)  TX bytes:3104087047 (2.8 GiB)
> or so. Have a script dump the byte counts to a text file once an hour, and
> then you can do a little simple analysis with a hand-rolled tool.

That was the first place I checked, but 
I saw RX/TX packets and missed the byte count.  I just man'd ifconfig,
noticed it used /proc/net/dev, saw byte counts in *there* and started
wondering why they didn't show up with ifconfig...

Now, if I can extract some info from my router, I might have some idea how
much data exits and arrives at my network...

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Measure network usage?

2003-06-27 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
I have a few Linux boxes that have uptimes of days to months.  I need
to try to estimate bandwidth usage for a long-ish period of time (e.g.,
days or weeks) in order to characterize how much bandwidth I use
(to decide on level-of-service issues for a new ISP---I have to move :( ) .  
Is there a way to tell the amount (in bytes) of traffic sent and
received by a running box?  Is there a simple *non-intrusive* tool that might
"add a little value" to whatever is built-in?  I'm aware of MRTG, and Orca,
but these are overkill for this type of problem.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] How to Break and Join Threads in mutt

2003-06-21 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Friday 20 June 2003 10:50 pm, Mike Simons wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 10:31:10PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > many of use threaded mail readers, and starting a new thread by replying
> > to an existing thread really screws up our threading.
>   I agree it is annoying, there are also people who reply to a thread by
> starting a new mail (which will not have the correct references, often
> has a different subject, and has no relevant quotes).

I agree---both of these things are annoying.

I think the latter is acceptable if it is *infrequent*.  It may be that one
wants to reply to a message but one does not have access to one's normal
mail system (not everyone is running SquirrelMail on their own domain...)
but still wants urgently to make a point.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] gmake and nmake

2003-06-16 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Monday 16 June 2003 12:56 am, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Jay obvious figured it out, but for the archives:
> The GNU Make is often called `gmake`, even though the binary is called
> `make`.  I sometimes symlink `make` to `gmake` if I have multiple versions
> of make installed.
> I think Debian doesn't symlink `make` to `gmake`, but as I recall I think
> Redhat and Mandrake have the symlink by default.
> [snip]

Indeed, RH gives a symlink 'gmake' to the make binary.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Redhat 8.0 shutdown does not power off.

2003-06-06 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Thursday 05 June 2003 11:35 am, Jim Angstadt wrote:
> --- Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> After 16 lines of "...disabled for 5 minutes" I
> did a physical power off.
> Then booted clean to cli.  Did s-u-o 3 times with
> the same result each time:
>s-u-o, "power off", black screen, reboot.
> lsmod reports "Not tainted" following a clean
> reboot to the command line.
> To answer Shawn's question, this RH 8.0 is
> running the 2.4.18-14 kernel.

That's fairly out of date.  You might try, at Mike's direction, upgrading
to the latest, which is 2.4.20-18.7, just released a few days ago.
There have been several stock kernels released between yours
and this one; with some online research, you could look for your
problem.  There are many security and bug fixes, anyway.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Redhat 8.0 shutdown does not power off.

2003-06-06 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Thursday 05 June 2003 09:43 am, Mike Simons wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 09:14:13AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > i haven't been following this thread for a few days, but are we sure
> > it's not a hardware issue?
>   We know that he is still using a stock Redhat kernel, and changes
> Jim did were through modules in this kernel.
>   The shutdown scripts on his machine are locking up when it uses
> killall5 to send TERM to all processes.  What happens after the TERM
> is sent vary between hanging and rebooting...
>   He says the machine stable in other situations, just lately the
> shutdown system is acting weird.


In following this thread from a distance, I'm surprised, Mike, you didn't
have him disable NFS mounts/exports.  Might be good to do that, stay
out of X, and try several shutdowns.

Also, I'm not sure if he's ever mentioned which stock kernel he's using, but
whatever it is, I think there's a new one (latest is 2.4.20-18.7).  He should
probably be running that.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] definition of a virtual machine

2003-03-31 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Monday 31 March 2003 05:16 pm, Rod Roark wrote:
> On Monday 31 March 2003 04:59 pm, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > ...  the intended
> > audience are readers of the linux gamers' howto who want to know what
> > things like vmware are.  not people taking a course on java.   :)
> OK how about this.  I remember a placard with this on it,
> sitting on a demo S/370 mainframe when IBM first introduced
> "virtual memory" (we now just call it "swap space"):
>   If it's there and you can see it, it's real.
>   If it's there and you can't see it, it's invisible.
>   If it's not there and you can see it, it's virtual.
>   If it's not there and you can't see it, it's gone.
> :-)
> For what it's worth I think of a virtual machine as one
> that's emulated in software.

Rod - this is awesome!  Thanks for a laugh.  I might now be able to
explain virtual memory to a few family members...

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] NFS and user IDs

2003-03-02 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Sunday 02 March 2003 09:20 am, Rod Roark wrote:
> Anyone know if there's a way to map user IDs (other than
> root) across NFS?
> I.e., user "rod" on the client machine has ID 1000, but on
> the NFS server is 500, and I'd like general access to my
> home directory from the client.

The simplest solution is to use the same UID when you configure
the 2nd machine.  For a small network, it is generally not hard to change
the UID's to match--but you need to find a few odds-and-ends
(e.g., /var/spool/mail).  There was a recent thread on vox-tech about 
the dual problem of changing username.  It's an easy mistake, on a small
network, to end up with machines having different UID's--it's not
something one usually thinks about on a small network.

The more general solution is to run NIS.  Then you don't have
a UID hard-coded on a machine, you get it from the NIS server.
It's not hard to get NIS running for a small network, but there's
a little bit of a learning curve.  You would still need to "retro-fit"
your filesystems to get all the UID's to match-up.

The question you are asking is if the NFS server will re-map UID's
for you.  The answer is "maybe."  It does not do general re-mapping
of the sort you are asking about (e.g., using rules like "if a request
comes from UID X treat this as UID Y"--at least, I don't think so).  
However, you *might* be able to make use of the ability of the NFS 
server to re-map the anonymous uid.  *maybe*  I think that's opening 
a big can of worms--for security, maintenance, etc.

I suggest doing the small amount of work to get the UID's to match up.


> TIA,
> -- Rod
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Can a username be changed?

2003-02-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:44 pm, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > Is there a way to change a user's login name under Unix?
> such a question... ;)
> > Is it safe enough to simply rename their home directory and
> > edit their entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow?
> Safe enough, because security is managed by UID through those files, but
> maybe not quite complete enough.
> I would also make sure to rename their mail spool file, and do a
> find /etc -type f | xargs grep oldusername
> to find places like the sudo configuration files that might reference
> their usernames.  Other applications like "mysql" or "samba" might also
> maintain parallel configurations for that username.

aah, yes, excellent suggestions.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Can a username be changed?

2003-02-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:29 pm, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Is there a way to change a user's login name under Unix?
> Is it safe enough to simply rename their home directory and
> edit their entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow?
> Or am I dealing with dangerous powers, and would be safe enough
> creating a brand new user and deleting the old one?

this should not be a big deal.  the numerical user id is what's important.
if the UID doesn't change you won't have a problem.  use vipw to
change username in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.  that alone would
make the change--try it then ls the user's directory and you'll see the new
username show up.  the home directory need only change as a matter
of convenience and consistency (i.e., users may expect their home
directory to be /home/username).  if the username is hard-coded in
some configuration file someplace, you'll have to change it, too, of course,
but this is unlikely.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tinydns behind NAT firewall?

2003-02-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Sunday 09 February 2003 11:37 am, Samuel Merritt wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 11:24:51AM -0800, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> > Well, I'm finally getting around to setting up my own DNS server/cache,
> > and I've run into a problem.
> >
> > Is it generally possible to run tinydns behind a (dedicated) NAT firewall
> > (a netgear RP114)?  The problem is that the name server wants to run
> > on an interface having the published name server IP address, but, of
> > course, it's behind a firewall masquerading as that IP address (thus,
> > the firewall is doing translation, so DNS queries could never make it to
> > the right interface).
> Any decent NAT box will have a way to forward packets to internal
> machines. You should be able to set up a rule that packets destined for
> the NAT box's external interface, port 53, type UDP, get forwarded to
> the DNS server.

Yes, it does have such forwarding capabilities, and I use them in a variety
of ways.  The problem here isn't the forwarding--that's easy and works
great--the problem is the forwarded packets get sent to the
internal machine using the *internal* IP address--and tinydns wants to
run on an interface having the *external* IP address (IP aliasing is not
the answer here, at least not by itself).

If this is at all possible, it has to involve some type of non-standard
tinydns configuration, at least, and I'm hopeful that on the many 
tinydns users on the list will have a clue... :)


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] tinydns behind NAT firewall?

2003-02-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
Well, I'm finally getting around to setting up my own DNS server/cache,
and I've run into a problem.

Is it generally possible to run tinydns behind a (dedicated) NAT firewall
(a netgear RP114)?  The problem is that the name server wants to run
on an interface having the published name server IP address, but, of
course, it's behind a firewall masquerading as that IP address (thus,
the firewall is doing translation, so DNS queries could never make it to
the right interface).

I've been digging through google searches, without finding anything obvious,
so I thought I would ask out loud here before I dig deep.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] simple web-based file management/sharing system?

2003-01-31 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
At last, I have a good question for vox-tech!

I've been asked to put together a simple web-based file management/
sharing system.  The system would be used by a small group to share
PDF, PS and other types of files.  We'd like any (validated) participating
user to be able to add content (upload a file) along with perhaps some
comments or other simple information (a single comment field would
probably suffice).  It's probably a good idea to allow only the uploader or
editor to delete entries.  One extra level of complexity would be helpful
for increasing the utility of this thing:  the ability to create new
"folders" for organizing the information.  The platform is linux (redhat).

I realize that a motivated individual could do this quite nicely with
apache, mysql, and, say, php, however, I'd like to avoid the database,
and, frankly, I don't want to spend very much time on this.  Also, a few
minutes with google and freshmeat convinced me there are 1000 existing
solutions--I'm hoping this email will solicite some good leads.

So, any ideas?  Opinions?  Experience with something like this?  A simple
php-based or perl-based (or something else?) solution would be nice.  A
straightforward groupware-type web application would be useful too, but they
tend to include lots of stuff that's not needed (and won't be needed) here.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] My Thought: Building a Server

2003-01-30 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Thursday 30 January 2003 09:30 pm, Richard Crawford wrote:
> My wife and I have been planning on getting a server of our own for quite
> awhile now.  And while browsing through Fry's recently, I stumbled across
> a book on building your own PC.
> [snip]
> that I've carefully researched to make sure they're all willing to play
> with each other and with Linux is probably going to be more stable than
> anything I buy from Dell or Gateway or Wal-Mart.

One comment on this:  I've bought many machines from Dell, destined to
run linux, and each time I've been able to get sufficient information *before*
the order to know with high confidence linux would support all parts (or,
I knew what the current problems were).  Not sure if such information is
available with a Wal-Mart purchase.  Nor is this an endorsement for Dell.

My general impression of your plan is that you'd probably learn a bit more
about the hardware than you know now, and learning is always good, but is the
cost of the time spent doing so worth it to you?  Only you can know.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: vox-tech digest, Vol 1 #577 - 11 msgs

2003-01-21 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Tuesday 21 January 2003 09:22 pm, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> begin Robin Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > I came back from the Installfest very happy to finally have X running
> > > > (thanks, Mike!) but now have no internet connection.  I'm sure it's
> > > > something stupid, but I can't figure out what.
> > > >
> > > > My setup: I'm on a fixed IP address, using a DSL line.  I have two
> > > > ethernet cards.
> > > >
> > > > What I've checked so far: I'm pretty sure I'm plugged into the
> > > > correct ethernet card.  I know the DSL box works, because I can use
> > > > my housemate's computer to get to the net.  The ethernet cable should
> > > > be fine because it was working at the Installfest.  There's nothing
> > > > amiss that I can see in either dmesg or /var/log/syslog.  netstat -rn
> > > > gives me the correct IP address but Gateway is listed simply as
> > > >  However, that strikes me more as symptom than cause.  What
> > > > other probes can I use to figure out what's gone wrong?
> > >
> > > hi robin,
> > >
> > > try:
> > >
> > >ping
> that's the IP address for
> it appears that you don't have DNS for some reason...

to clarify, you need to get the IP address for a nameserver or two into
/etc/resolv.conf -- if your ethernet configuration was/is hard-coded you
can do this by directly modify the file; if you/someone used a fancy gui
tool to configure the interface you'll need to use that tool.  the required
contents of the file are simple, e.g., 
first line: "search"
second line: "nameserver"
modified to reflect the specifics of your provider, of course.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] beowulf cluster

2003-01-10 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Friday 10 January 2003 03:41 pm, Bill Broadley wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 02:48:38PM -0800, Ryan Detert wrote:
> > I am looking for a good howto or a really clear book on setting up a
> > beowulf cluster. I have 3 computers and I am wondering first off if it
> > would be easier to use NFS or having each node have a completely
> > functional OS.
> Hrm, thats a pretty large subject, what exactly are your goals?  Resume
> fodder?  A particular application?  Parallelizing a particular code?

I hear lots and lots of talk about building beowulf clusters, but I don't
hear much talk about applications.  Is there existing software that
will distribute problems across such such clusters *automatically*?  
I'm thinking about high-level software, e.g., Matlab, or octave, or even
a more special-purpose application.  Or is the power of these clusters
only harnessed when I write near-custom, MPI-based code that
specifically parallelizes *my* problem?  I recognize the difficulty in
auto-magically parallelizing, but what *good* is such a cluster if I
have to write custom code all the time?

I've got 3 computers, too, Ryan, and I've always wondered what I
could do to combine them into a more useful whole, especially for
Matlab-like processing.


> I'd check out:
> I'd also recommend joining the beowulf mailing list (same site).
> I happen to be teaching a Beowulf Design and Parallel Programming
> course for the second time at the moment.
> In general, in the loosest terms a beowulf is basically a collection
> of commodity hardware (i.e. pc's or similar), running an open OS, and
> running some software layer for communication (I.e. MPI).  So if you
> have 3 linux boxes just install MPICH:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Segmentation Fault with RPM --rebuilddb

2003-01-03 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
lots of good tidbits and info there.

On Friday 03 January 2003 09:35 pm, Charles Polisher wrote:
> Also see:
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Segmentation Fault with RPM --rebuilddb

2003-01-03 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
I don't believe you've said what version of RedHat you're running.
Also, specifically, what version of rpm are you running?
"rpm -q rpm" would suffice.

Assuming it's RedHat 7.x, see:
for clues and information.  You should do a few other searches
in bugzilla.  The gist of these bug reports is:  upgrade to rpm 4.1
and try that, re-install if you used ximian or redcarpet or some
other "unsupported" thing, or file bug report---looks like the
guy that's supporting rpm is pretty quick to respond and willing
to look individually at your database.


On Friday 03 January 2003 04:16 pm, Richard Crawford wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 11:34, ME wrote:
> > Since it is immediate, and we see no other items in the trace, I would
> > expect it is not a path issue with symlinks. It is sounding more and more
> > like a file problem. Like there is an attempt to open a file (earlier)
> > that is assumed to allready be open (no checking) and now, as we are
> > getting to writing to the file descriptor, it is suddenly found to not be
> > valid, or ? I guess it could be cause by a filesystem problem at the
> > point on disk where one of the files it uses is stored (seems unlikely)
> That would be odd...  I have seen no other indications of any problems.
> > The suggestion made by Charles Polisher is a good one, and puts you on
> > what I would expect to be a good track. Try to find files used by this
> > process of "rpm --rebuilddb" and move them (backup) to a different
> > location. Then re-run the program to see if it segfaults.
> I removed all of the /var/lib/rpm/__db* files, and moved all of the
> files under /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb.* directories to a backup directory.
> Still got a segmentation fault.  I also tried moving all files in
> /var/lib/rpm to a backup directory, and got all sorts of interesting
> errors... before realizing that was the wrong thing to do and I replaced
> the files. ;-)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] KDE? Or something more insidious....?

2002-12-08 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
On Sunday 08 December 2002 02:09 pm, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
[df output snipped]
> Here is the output of "free".  Honestly, I don't know what I should be
> looking for (I know, that's a lot of points off my geek score), but 3036
> under the "free" column looks kinda low to me.
>   total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
> Mem:255104 252068   3036  4536   9532
> -/+ buffers/cache: 242000  13104
> Swap:   530104 442604  87500

The 3036 isn't necessarily bad, but you're also used up 80% of your
swap space!

> ...and finally, the first few lines produced by "top".  If I'm reading
> this right, gconfd-2 is eating up a lot of processor cycles, even though
> I'm using KDE and not GNOME.  But that's only if I'm reading it right.
> 10377 rscrawfo  15   0  473M  81M16 D 0.9 32.5   1:30 gconfd-2

%CPU is 0.9, %MEM is 32.5.  gconfd-2 has eaten a lot of memory.
Also, the "D" indicates the process is in an uninterruptible sleep--if it's
still that way, the process is stuck.

The slowness you are experiencing is probably due to swapping.
(Are you hearing lots of disk activity when you try to do anything?)

gconfd is a gnome registry-like utility.  So, the question is, why is it
eatting up so much memory, what's it doing, and why does it keep doing
it through repeated logouts, logins, etc.?

I see at least one bug report in the gnome bugzilla regarding a bad
memory leak in gconfd--but it fills /var/log/messages with lots of stuff.
Is there any corroborating evidence in /var/log/messages, or
/var/log/XFree86.0.log? Are you up-to-date with patches from RedHat?  
That would be step one.  Have you installed a non-RedHat gnome?  
If so, you'll want to get it up-to-date.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] buying a laptop

2002-11-27 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
I can add a few comments.

On Wednesday 27 November 2002 04:22 pm, Gabriel Rosa wrote:
> Either way, Dell laptops seems to work pretty nicely for dual boot
> (although I personally dislike them because they weight a ton and feel like
> cheap plastic).

The Dell Inspiron laptops handle linux well.  Not sure about the very
latest hardware (Dell changes it all the time), but through several 
generations and several friends, sound, HD's, modems, screens, etc. 
have been supported out-of-the-box.  There's an excellent user-supported
with lots of good info:

I agree with Gabriel, somewhat, on robustness.  I've not handled my
machine roughly (e.g., I carry it around in a padded case, I do not move
it around that much--few times a week perhaps, etc.), but I have
friends who are not as careful and they've had problems with screen,
fan, HD, and other things.  The Dell machines are not the quietest in
the world--lots of interesting, low-level clicks and buzzing and such.

However, if you want desktop-quality performance in a laptop, the
Inspirons are great.  I think the feature/pound ratio is quite high.
If you are more interested in minimizing pounds while keeping some
minimum performance, you might investigate another line.

I also agree that you might want to "do it yourself" when it comes to
configuring your dual-boot machine.  Dell gives very detailed information
about the configuration of your machine when you put together your
order, so you have all the info you need to do a little research to make
sure the level of support in the Linux community is to your satisfaction.
I've been doing this with Dell machines for years, and have not been
burned yet.  The importance of the familiarity you gain with your
platform can not be underestimated.

That said, I also appreciate that time is money. :)


> On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 04:14:12PM -0800, Andrew Stein wrote:
> > any place that sells linux/windows dual boot high end
> > laptops?
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] (no subject)

2002-11-27 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
I have no first hand experience, but a former colleague used RTLinux
and standard PC parallel/serial port interfaces to control some external
communication systems during development and, later, for test.
Depending on how many channels you need and the signal BW's,
a similar approach might work for you.

Linux is ideally suited for what you need, and I refused to believe
there wouldn't be lots of stuff for it.  So, a quick google produced
the following.

National Instruments has LabVIEW, one of the standards for data
acquisition, and they support linux with SW and HW.  This is going
to be very high quality stuff, but not cheap:

The following sites look good:

Good luck.


On Monday 25 November 2002 11:25 am, Dick Ely via JPS wrote:
> Is anyone using Linux for lab data acquisition.
> I would like to instrument a stationary car engine for tests. No video or
> high speed stuff.
> Does some Data acquisition packages work better that others under Linux
> Is anyone willing to hold Linux workshops for intermediate Linux users who
> would like to learn more.   I can provide the place, but not the talent.
> Thanks   Dick Ely
> Dick Ely   //   Davis Electric Service Company//Davis  Hydro
> Office & Voicemail: 530 753-0562  Fax 530 753-4707  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Surface Mail: 27264 Meadowbrook Dr., Davis CA 95616
> ADM Work: 916 363-8383 x247 (Thurs., Fri. 9-5)
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Sound Problem

2002-11-13 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer
Rod touched on what is likely the root cause of the problem:  the artsd
sound server.  I don't know what KDE was thinking.  Well, I know they
were trying to "standardize" and "centralize" but the problem is nothing
"standard" works well with artsd.

I think there are essentially two choices, without doing lots and lots of
work:  run the sound server and accept that RealPlayer won't work,
or do not run the sound server and use RealPlayer but accept that
some of the KDE stuff may not work well.  There's an option in the control
panel to specify whether artsd runs at startup.  I do not use it, and
I can use sound in apps just fine, although I'm certainly not taking care
of all the mixing features and what not of artsd.

I don't think RealPlayer screwed up the sound in your system.  You
probably tried to use RealPlayer, the sound server doesn't cooperate
well, it crashes (but only after occupying lots of CPU time), and that
leaves sound support for other applications iffy.

The artswrapper that is referred to is designed to run as a wrapper
for another application, e.g., invoked using "artswrapper realplayer"
(note: this is not the precise syntax).  It doesn't do anything by

Make sure realplayer is not being started automatically at login.

Does anyone know what the situation is in, say, KDE 3.1?

Good luck.


If you google for artsd user guide you'll find some FAQ info that
discusses much of this.
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 11:35 am, Rod Roark wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> You might try going into the KDE Control Center, select
> Sound and Sound Server, and turning off the sound server.
> Or if it's off, turn it on.  Frankly the artsd server is
> kind of a mystery to me, very poorly documented.
> It could also be that some lock file in /tmp was left when
> Konqueror crashed, so deleting stuff there might fix it.
> -- Rod
> On Wednesday 13 November 2002 10:58 am, Robert G. Scofield wrote:
> > I just installed RealPlayer8 and it's screwed up the sound in my system.
> > The one thing I can still do is play the CD player okay and listen to
> > music. However, there is now now sound when I start or leave KDE.  Also
> > RealPlayer did not do it's startup sound.  I have deleted RealPlayer. 
> > This problem happened after a crash using Kongueror when I was trying to
> > listen to a radio station.  I also get some static now when logging onto
> > Linux, and clicking on icons in KDE.  I get these two error messages:
> >
> > "Sound server warning message:
> > Can't set real-time scheduling priority.
> > You need to run artswrapper as root or
> > setuid root. This means that you will
> > likely not be able to produce acceptable
> > sound (i.e. without clicks and breaks)."
> >
> >
> > "Sound server informational message:
> > sound server suspended"
> >
> > When I log on as root and type "artswrapper" I get this message:
> >
> > ">> running as realtime process now (priority 50)
> > /tmp/mcop-bob is not owned by user"
> >
> > If I type "artswrapper" when I am not root I get this message:
> >
> > "Error while initializing the sound driver:
> > device /dev/dsp can't be opened (Resource temporarily unavailable)"
> >
> > Any ideas as to fix this?
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> > Bob
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] What's in RedHat 8.0

2002-10-01 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 06:28 pm, Bill Broadley wrote:
> I just installed redhat-8.0 on a couple machines, most notable
> a rather cranky Dell Inspiron 8000.

it's good to know someone else on the list has one of these.
not infrequently, i've wrestled with linux/redhat on my I8K.

> Under redhat-7.X wireless was painful, APM didn't work, 3d didn't work,
> printing sucked (to an HP deskjet 990), I don't think sound worked.

Hmmm...having been through the wireless thing several times
recently, I think the pain depends on the version.  RH7.3 in particular
is, I think, better than the others--not too hard, but far from
"plug-and-play."  Also, sound should have worked out of the box, no problem.
3D also should have worked in RH7.3, but it causes a hang if you resume
from a suspend; I usually have it disabled. :(

> * 2d required some tweaking of the config file

really?  it's worked out-of-the-box with 7.X as long as I can remember.

> * 3d "just worked"...

have you tried to suspend?  and resume?

wow, the "just worked" list is cool.  and this is only a X.0 release, so
minor things will get fixed (like the need to tweak to get 2D going).

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] wireless lan?

2002-07-17 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Wednesday 17 July 2002 10:26 pm, ME wrote:
> Check into the latest pcmcia-cs tree
> Check into Wireless tools:

Just to clarify, these tools are standard in RedHat.  For example, in 
RedHat 7.3, the packages kernel-pcmcia-cs-3.1.27-18 and
wireless-tools-23-2 are installed.

In fact, things were so well configured that I went to a nearby
AirPort-equipped coffee shop, plugged my Orinico card in my 
Inspiron, and I was live on the net before I had even decided
how to start poking around to get it working.  Wow.

That's the end-user side of things; I can't say much about base
stations.  Only thing that comes to mind is I think I remember reading 
about a Linux tool for AirPort configuration...  Oh, and I remember
a tutorial, somewhere on the O'Reilly site, that talked about how to
build a Wireless router using a WiFi card in a PC.  Always struck
me as a cool little project.  Yes, here are some links:
The latter is "Recipe for a Linux 802.11b Home Network."

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] TeX question: writing a robust fraction macro

2002-07-12 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer


A few generic things to start
* suggest using a unique-ish name
* looks like you assumed the arguments would be single characters,
  e.g., 1/2, 3/4, etc.  might want to make it more generic by wrapping
  the arguments, when used, with braces
* what you propose is more commonly referred to as a slanted fraction

I think you're making two assumptions:
1) Usage:  fractions should be written in numeral form (rather than
  spelled out)
2) Typographic:  when the surrounding text is italicized, the fraction
  should be, too

Regarding 1, it depends on the usage guide under which one is
operating.  For example, the IEEE Computer Society has fairly
specific information regarding the use of in-line fractions, preferring
built-up fractions of the form 1/2 (using a forward slash).  Other
usage guides suggest spelling our fractions in prose, e.g. one-half,
fifteen-sixteenths, etc.  So, I suggest understanding what your
domain accepts and/or requires.

Regarding 2, I believe the correct term for what you are trying
to produce is a "vulgar fraction," that is, a fraction that appears
almost as a single character in the applicable font.  Even if
I'm wrong on this, you've enter the realm of subtle typographic
issues by trying to "improve" latex.  Here's the obvious
example:  latex doesn't change the typeface of inline math when
the surrounding text is emphasized.  Accordingly, I suggest
you dig up some typography info on the web or in a book
and try to identify the "proper" form of this style of fraction
for the usage you have.  A few things come to mind:  proper
angle of the "slash"; proper form of the "slash"; vertical and
horizontal placement of the numeral above and below; and,
of course, whether such a "symbol" should or should not
be italicized amid surrounding emphasis.

My current opinion (having blown a bit of time putting together
this note) is to leave well enough alone.  In other words, don't
worry about the italic issue--even latex doesn't bother with that
(see Test 7).  Furthermore, I bet most of the time you should just 
spell such fractions out.  But, if you really want or need a slanted 
fraction, I think the myslantfrac macro below looks just fine.

Good luck.



Test 1: \myfrac{12}{34} more stuff \\
Test 2: \myfracb{12}{34} more stuff \\
{\em Test 3: \myfrac{12}{34} more stuff} \\
{\em Test 3b: \myfracb{12}{34} more stuff} \\
Test 4: \myslantfrac{12}{34} more stuff \\
{\em Test 5: \myslantfrac{12}{34} more stuff} \\
Test 6: $12/34$. \\
{\em Test 7: $12/34$ 12/34 more stuff} \\
{\em Test 8: $aa/bc$ more stuff} \\
Test 9: $aa/bc$ more stuff \\

On Friday 12 July 2002 04:35 pm, Henry House wrote:
> I'm trying to write a robust macro for literary-style fractions, in which
> the numerator is superscript and the denominator is subscript around a
> slanted line, not a strait line as in $\frac{1}{2}$. I came with:
>   \def\frac#1#2{
>   $^#1\!\!/\!\!_#2$
>   }
> which is fine except that the fraction is always set in roman even in an
> italic block. I tried again:
>   \def\frac#1#2{
>   \raisebox{0.3ex}{\footnotesize{#1}}%
>   $\!/\!\!%
>   \raisebox{-0.3ex}{\footnotesize{#2}}
>   }
> except that there is now too much space between the denominator and the
> line when set in roman and too little in italic.
> I would appreciate any ideas on how to improve this.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] ODE solvers in C

2002-07-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

Do you really need the solver code in C?  Or do you just need access
to solver code from C?  If the latter, then you could just link with
Fortran ODE solver code.  In fact, a good library will probably include
instructions on how to link Fortran code w/C code.  I've done this in
the past; you should be able to find some info on the net.

If you really really want C, I suggest digging through
(the NIST guide to available mathematical software).  Lots and lots and
lots of code.


On Tuesday 09 July 2002 06:28 pm, Matt Holland wrote:
> Anyone know of a good free library of ODE solvers in C?  I seem to be
> able to find plenty of stuff in Fortran, but not in C.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Question about listing loaded modules by process...

2002-06-13 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Thursday 13 June 2002 08:08 am, ME wrote:
> In cases where there is possibility of a root via a rootkit and an LKM

and LKM == Linux Kernel module?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] missing init; system unbootable

2002-06-07 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Friday 07 June 2002 01:38 am, you wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 12:36:47AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > word up, ryan.  how did you manage this one?:-)
> >
> > try looking at initrd.
> I looked, and it's where lilo says it should be.
> I'm thinking that the mount error is the real problem, anyonw know what it
> means?

lemme upgraded your kernel?

i did a quick web search.  here are a few ideas:
* are you sure you ran "lilo" to write-out any changes in /etc/lilo.conf?
  (i've forgotten this more than once, myself)
* it seems like something changed on your system.  can you give us
  a little more info on what preceded this event?
* i second peter's suggestion to look at initrd.  my guess is that you
  need to re-run mkinitrd, and you may need to force particular modules
  to load in a particular order.
* i'm guessing that you did *not* save your previous kernel configuration
  in /etc/lilo.conf  it is a really good idea to do something like this:
  (apologies if you already do, but it's good for other people to see it)




that way if 2.4.18 doesn't work, you've still got a choice and you can still

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tar question

2002-06-05 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

Well, here's the "answer" (Paul Eggert is the current maintainer of GNU tar).
Not sure why the man/info page doesn't talk about this (the documentation
doesn't even allude to such problems).


-  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: delete bugs?
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:25:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> From: "Shawn P. Neugebauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 12:21:51 -0700
> Is this known/unknown?

There are several bugs with delete.  Nobody has had time to fix them,
unfortunately.  I suggest that people not use delete unless they're
willing to spend some time debugging the code.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tar question

2002-06-04 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 04 June 2002 04:07 pm, you wrote:
> i'm shocked that the bug exists.  you'd think that someone, somewhere
> would've stumbled across this data corruption bug and reported it.

i've been looking at the source for a bit, and it's not trivial code (not
hard, but not trivial).  one observation i have is that there are only two
very simple regression checks for the delete option, yet there's an
entire source file (120 lines of C) devoted to it.  IOW, the regression
checks are on the sparse side.

> guess not too many people use the --delete option!   prolly because it's
> so unintuitive.  or maybe people just got tired of having their archives
> corrupted.   lol!  :-)

i think this is correct.  as i mentioned, this option did not exist on the
major unices.  it's unusual for a tar file to be any kind of "living" file.  
how often would you manipulate it file-by-file?  it's usually used to capture
state, move it or hold it, and possibly restore it. 

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tar question

2002-06-04 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 04 June 2002 02:23 pm, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 June 2002 12:54 pm, you wrote:
> [snip]
> > it _sucks royally_ that tar seems to destroy the archive when you delete
> > an unknown file:
> >
> >p@satan% file test.tar
> >test.tar: GNU tar archive
> >p@satan% tar f test.tar --delete "test/biteme"
> >tar: test/biteme: Not found in archive
> >tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
> >p@satan% file test.tar
> >test.tar: data
> it also deletes the archive if you don't list a file (or files).  yes, this
> is weird and were it not consistent i would call it a bug, but it's
> probably some kind of "feature."

well, this *is* a bug!  i noticed it when testing stuff to answer pete's
question, but ignored it.  then we pete mentioned it again, i started
poking around.  can't find any mention of it anywhere.  however, the
tar man/info page at says
  "if you list no member names, nothing will be deleted"
and this is clearly violated.  as pete noticed, it also destroys the
archive if a member name is not actually a member.

i reported this to for version 7.1 and got a
quick reply that "it works in 7.3."  however, i just tested it with 7.3
and it's broken there, too; i added a comment to this.

FYI, this is tar-1.13.19-4 on RH 7.1 and tar-1.13.25-4 on RH 7.3.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tar question

2002-06-04 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 04 June 2002 12:54 pm, you wrote:
> it _sucks royally_ that tar seems to destroy the archive when you delete
> an unknown file:
>p@satan% file test.tar
>test.tar: GNU tar archive
>p@satan% tar f test.tar --delete "test/biteme"
>tar: test/biteme: Not found in archive
>tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
>p@satan% file test.tar
>test.tar: data

it also deletes the archive if you don't list a file (or files).  yes, this
is weird and were it not consistent i would call it a bug, but it's
probably some kind of "feature."

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Which cipher to use?

2002-06-04 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Monday 03 June 2002 10:25 pm, you wrote:
> > > Why bother encrypting my swap? Losta passwords go in there in
> > > plaintext, easily recoverable with a boot disk.
> >
> > Hrm, I'd argue that this isn't true.  Many applications specifically pin
> > pages so they aren't swappable (I.e. ssh).  Not to mention a healthy
> > linux box shouldn't be swapping bins out to disk while they are being
> > actively used.  Have you ever found a password there?
> Yea, I grep'ed it for fragments of several passwords I use and found them.

I'm a little skeptical.  What size fragment?  Statistically, you may find
an arbitrary sequence if it's short enough.  Did you actually try this after
having booted with a boot disk?

Even assuming it is a potential problem, has anyone done some simple web
research?  This *cannot* be a new concern.  Before people start throwing
around possible solutions, fixes, patches, etc. it would be good to look
around for what is already known here, and it's certain to be quite a bit.

Here are a two interesting references I found in 30 seconds:

In short, I think one has to be severely paranoid to want to pay the
costs (performance, physical security, time, labor, risk of data 
loss--forgetting password--etc.) associated with this.  A cost/benefit
analysis is called for.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tar question

2002-06-04 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer


matt's syntax is correct; try the procedure from the beginning. you may have 
already inadvertently deleted the archive (try "tar tf test.tar" to find 
out). remember, whatever tar displays as the filename (e.g., using "tar tf") 
is what you must specify, and should probably get in the habit of surrounding 
it with double quotes.


On Tuesday 04 June 2002 12:07 pm, you wrote:
> hi matt, are you sure?
>p@satan% file test.tar
>test.tar: GNU tar archive
>p@satan% tar --delete --file test.tar  b
>tar: b: Not found in archive
>tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
>p@satan% file test.tar
>test.tar: data
> not only doesn't it remove b from my tar file, it seems to destroy the
> tar file!   ick!
> pete
> begin Matt Roper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I think what you need is tar --delete --file test.tar b
> >
> > (i.e. put the list of files to delete at the end of the command line)
> >
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 11:45:58AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > > how do you delete a file from an archive?  i did:
> > >
> > > mkdir test
> > > cd test
> > > echo "hello" > a
> > > echo "hello" > b
> > > cd ..
> > > tar cv test > test.tar
> > >
> > > then:
> > >
> > > tar --delete b --file test.tar
> > > tar --delete test/b --file test.tar
> > >
> > > both time i get
> > >
> > > tar: b: Not found in archive
> > >
> > >
> > > how do i delete a file from a tar archive?  without doing something
> > > dumb like untarring, deleting and retarring.
> > >
> > > pete
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tar question

2002-06-04 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 04 June 2002 11:56 am, you wrote:
> I think what you need is tar --delete --file test.tar b
> (i.e. put the list of files to delete at the end of the command line)

yes.  alternately,
  tar f test.tar --delete "b"

fyi: i often use "tar cvf tarfile.tar ./somedirectory" to create, verbosely,
a tar file containing all the stuff in somedirectory, rather than using
redirection to create the file.  add a "z" (i.e., cvfz) to compress it.

note:  "b" must *exactly* match the file you wish to remove.  this
can often cause problems and confusion.  for example, if i create
a tar file with:
  tar cvf tarfile.tar ./somedirectory
then if i want to remove the file somedirectory/b from the archive,
i must use: 
  tar f tarfile.tar --delete "./somedirectory/b"
in other words, whatever tar displays (e.g., "./b") is what you must

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] quick, stupid bash question

2002-05-29 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:11 am, you wrote:
> this redirects stderr to stdout and pipes the whole thing to grep:
>strace lsof 2>&1 | grep System
> how do i grep *just* stderr and not both stderr and stdout?

to summarize:
  strace lsof > /dev/null | grep System
works fine in my tests.  (Mike just showed this.)  doesn't seem
as complicated as Mike's general analysis first led me to believe
(as useful as the analysis is).

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] quick, stupid bash question

2002-05-29 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 12:18 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 11:29:29AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > begin nbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > >  strace lsof 2>&1 1> /dev/null | grep
> >
> > ok, haven't tried this, but this looks to me like:
> >
> > put stderr into stdout
> > redirect stdout (and therefore stderr) into /dev/null
> > pipe stdout (which should be null) to grep.
>   The order of operation of file operators is right to left.
> [snip]

The order of redirects is left to right.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] quick, stupid bash question

2002-05-29 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:29 am, you wrote:
> begin nbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 11:11:19AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > > this redirects stderr to stdout and pipes the whole thing to grep:
> > >strace lsof 2>&1 | grep System
> > Try something like:
> >  strace lsof 2>&1 1> /dev/null | grep
> ok, haven't tried this, but this looks to me like:
> put stderr into stdout
> redirect stdout (and therefore stderr) into /dev/null
> pipe stdout (which should be null) to grep.
> yet it works.  where is my thinking going wrong?

here's my reading of the man page.  redirects are
processed L->R.  "2>&1" *duplicates* the stdout file
descriptor and sends stderr there.  then stdout 
(the original) is redirected to /dev/null.  so this is what 
you needed.  reversing the order sends stdout to 
/dev/null, *then* duplicates the stdout file descriptor
and sends stderr there, so it too ends up in /dev/null.
not what you wanted.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] any way to spy on a process's environment?

2002-05-25 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Saturday 25 May 2002 02:45 pm, you wrote:
> Does anyone know a way to peek at the environment of a processes, e.g., a
> daemon?

sure, "cat /proc/PID/environ" where PID is the process ID.

vox-tech mailing list

Convert Ext2 to Ext3 (was Re: [vox-tech] Partition resizing)

2002-05-17 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Friday 17 May 2002 08:36 am, you wrote:
> > second, for redhat 7.0/1, there's one more step required for the root
> > filesystem.  i had to use mkinitrd to create a boot image that preloaded
> > jbd and ext3 (in that order), and modify lilo accordingly, so that root
> > would mount as ext3.
> why do you need to do this on redhat?  is that because the kernel
> doesn't have ext3 support?

i think it's simply because ext3 support is compiled as a module.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Partition resizing

2002-05-17 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Thursday 16 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
> begin Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Thursday 16 May 2002 10:32 pm, Matt Roper wrote:
> > > You might also want to look at GNU Parted
> > > (  I've only used it once, but I
> > > was quite impressed by it.  It also supports lots of different
> > > filesystems, not just ext2/3 like resize2fs.
> >
> > While we're on the subject of partitions
> >
> > My new '/' partition was mistakenly created as ext2 instead of ext3,
> > what's the easiest way to convert it?
> it's no big deal at all.
> simply boot up with a rescue disk and type:
> tune2fs -j /dev/{h,s}drootpartition
> then change /etc/fdisk and your root filesystem is now journalized.

a few things.  nearly all of this is in the ext3 FAQ, e.g.

first, you don't *need* to boot with a rescue disk--when
you run tune2fs (as root, of course) on a mounted filesystem,
it creates a .journal file on the partition that's visible until you 
re-mount as ext3.  so, probably easier to create it on an
unmounted filesystem--which you don't have to do with a
rescue disk--because it's always invisible.

second, for redhat 7.0/1, there's one more step required for the root
filesystem.  i had to use mkinitrd to create a boot image that preloaded
jbd and ext3 (in that order), and modify lilo accordingly, so that root
would mount as ext3.  two ways to know if root is actually mounted
as ext3:  cat /proc/mounts, or look closely at the boot messages to
see specifically that root is using the journal (i missed this several
times).  anyone know if this problem does not exist if one creates
the journal on an unmounted root filesystem (e.g., by using a rescue

third, one does not need to check the filesystem so much using ext3.
tune2fs allows one to modify the check interval.  for example,
"tune2fs -i 30d -c 0 /dev/hdaX" changes the interval between checks
to 30 days, and ignores the mount-count.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] create news server

2002-05-07 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

when i was using leafnode, i was using calweb's nntp feed.
i too recommend it.  access was plenty fast enough and the
technical support was good.

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 08:11 am, you wrote:
> I have a $5 a month shell account with calweb. It
> includes access to the news server and one email
> address. It beats the price of other pay for news
> services.
> Marc
> --- "Shawn P. Neugebauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i've used the leafnode package (
> > it's simple and
> > designed for your situation (small # of users at the
> > bottom of the
> > news hierarchy--it gets news using the same
> > protocol, NNTP, as your
> > news reader).  there are other such simple news
> > servers.  the
> > key issue for you if you use this approach will be
> > getting access to a news
> > feed with the groups you want.  in the past, there
> > were pay services
> > for this; i'm not sure what the situation is like
> > now.
> >
> > shawn.
> >
> > On Tuesday 07 May 2002 06:36 am, you wrote:
> > > My small little local cable provider doesn't have
> >
> > a news server and I was
> >
> > > wondering how hard it would be to configure up a
> >
> > news server on my linux
> >
> > > box to follow the three or four news groups I'm
> >
> > interested in following.
> >
> > > Is this something I should even bother looking in
> >
> > to or is there an easier
> >
> > > way to do this?
> > >
> > > ___
> > > vox-tech mailing list
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > vox-tech mailing list
> >
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] create news server

2002-05-07 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

i've used the leafnode package (  it's simple and
designed for your situation (small # of users at the bottom of the
news hierarchy--it gets news using the same protocol, NNTP, as your
news reader).  there are other such simple news servers.  the
key issue for you if you use this approach will be getting access to a news
feed with the groups you want.  in the past, there were pay services
for this; i'm not sure what the situation is like now.


On Tuesday 07 May 2002 06:36 am, you wrote:
> My small little local cable provider doesn't have a news server and I was
> wondering how hard it would be to configure up a news server on my linux
> box to follow the three or four news groups I'm interested in following. 
> Is this something I should even bother looking in to or is there an easier
> way to do this?
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] another latex question -- unary vs binary minus sign

2002-05-02 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Thursday 02 May 2002 12:43 pm, you wrote:
> $\slashed p^{\dagger} = -\slashed p$
> is being printed as if the minus sign were a binary operator.  roughly
> (never mind the slash):

good question.  i have never quite figured out how to control binary/
unary operators.  in your example, i think it does matter what "\slashed"
is/does.  for example, $p = - \setminus p$ has the problem you
describe, and $p = -p$ does not (of course).

here's an idea that works in this example but i don't know if it's a
general solution:  $p = -{\setminus p}$.  this typesets the minus
sign as a unary negation operator.

i'd like to hear any other comments on typesetting binary vs. unary 
operators.  i seem to recall having similar problems (possible in
tables) and not ever really resolving them.  the bible "Math into LaTeX"
has very little on this, and i don't think there are any special AMS-
package commands for dealing with such issues (except for negative
space controls).

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] latex help

2002-05-01 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

replace "\noalign..." with:


where you adjust the values "45" and "30" so that the line starts
at the appropriate place on the left and right, respectively.  (if you
didn't know about this trick, these are called struts: rules with
0 width--they take up space and adjust spacing but don't print
anything).  as you probably know, you can get rid of the "*" if you want 
equation numbering, and you can tag equations you do not want
numbered by adding "\notag" to the end of the line (before "\\").
you might need to play with the vertical spacing here (e.g.,
get rid of the "5pt", insert a vertical strut on the rule line, etc.)
to achieve the look you're looking for.

FYI--you didn't define \fpar, but i don't think it matters.

i'm sure there's a more elegant way of getting want you want,
but this looks pretty good on my screen.


On Wednesday 01 May 2002 10:40 pm, you wrote:
> hey there,
> i'm trying to achieve this effect in latex (i'm adding two equations
> together):
>   a  =  b + f
>   d  =  e + f
>  ---
>  a+d = b + e +f
> here's what i have:
> \begin{align*}
> \left( \vec{p} \times \vec{A} \right)_k =& p_i A_j - p_j A_i = -i\hbar
>   \fpar{A_j}{x_i} + A_j p_i - \left[ -i\hbar \fpar{A_i}{x_j} - A_i p_j
> \right]\\ \left( \vec{p} \times \vec{A} \right)_k =& A_i p_j - A_j p_i
> \\[5pt] %
> \noalign{\hrule}\\[-5pt]
> %
> \text{Sum} =& -i\hbar \left[ \fpar{}{x_i}A_j - \fpar{}{x_j}A_i \right]
> = -i\hbar \left[ \vec{\nabla}\times \vec{A} \right]_k
> \end{align*}
> it almost works.  here's what i'm getting:
>   a  =  b + f
>   d  =  e + f
>  a+d = b + e +f
> the hrule goes to the left margin.  i've tried playing around with
> parboxes to no avail.
> anyone know how to do this?
> pete
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] How to recompile kernel

2002-04-26 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Friday 26 April 2002 11:58 am, you wrote:
> I have Red Hat 7.2 on a server.  When I installed Red Hat I said no to the
> firewall option.  Now that the box is up and running I am trying to install
> ipchains.  However the kernel is not compiled for ipchains.  How do I
> recompile the kernel and add ipchains without reloading the box?

i doubt you need to recompile the kernel.  if you are using a
non-enterprise/server edition of RH, ipchains is compiled as a kernel
module.  i really can't remember the last time i needed to re-compile
a RH kernel to get a non-esoteric piece of functionality working.

three things come to mind:
1) read the ipchains HOWTO.
2) edit /etc/sysconfig/ipchains to your liking.  this will be time-consuming,
  so i suggest you look hard for sample firewall configurations to get you
3) "chkconfig --add ipchains" will add ipchains to the start-up sequence.
  w/o rebooting, you can use "service ipchains start" to start it, and it
  will take care of loading the kernel module and starting ipchains w/the
  rules you configured.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] breakinguplongwordsinlatex

2002-04-23 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 05:28 pm, you wrote:
> begin nbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 05:10:13PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > 
> > > \linebreak[0]: if it's convenient, please consider line breaking here.
> > > \linebreak[1]: please line break here.
> > > \linebreak[2]: line break here.
> > > \linebreak[3]: you better line break here or there's hell to pay
> > > \linebreak[4]: hello latex, this is god speaking. thou shalt line
> > > break.
> >
> > Hmm.. this doesn't do much for me.  I'm not in control of the data
> > being sent.  (In this case, if the people making the data would need
> > to go through the trouble of inserting a "\linebreak" command, they
> > may as well just stick a space in there instead, since it will Do The
> > Right Thing, anyway.  -  I'm thinking this is what I'm going to have to
> > have them do.)
> ok, i think i understand a bit more.   can you make a parbox of a
> certain width?   i think sticking everything in the parbox should give
> you the desired result.

(fyi--would have been helpful to know up front that you didn't want
to modify the data).

the parbox trick, which is usually so useful in controlling tables, does
not work here.  it does not force a word to break, rather, it causes
an overfull \hbox situation.  try it out.

the problem is one of making a "word" break, without hyphenating it!
i think this is quite a challenge for latex.  i don't think you'll find an
"easy" way to do this.  you might try one of the verbatim-type
environments, or a typewriter-type environment, i'm not sure.

you might consider doing a little pre-processing of the data.  it
wouldn't be hard to write a little script in perl/shell/etc. to insert
spaces or otherwise format the data in a particular column.  it
sounds like you have a lot of data and you don't want to bug
your end-user.  a little utility code would be useful.

BOOKS:  i would add this one (i've mentioned it previously):
_Math_Into_Latex_ by Gratzer.  I consider essential for anyone
doing mathematically-oriented documents with latex.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Not able to log into root.

2002-04-23 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

sounds good peter, but why would it change??  i'd be worried...

i tried a little experiment (don't try this at home boys and girls).  as a 
backup, i opened a root shell.  then, in another shell, i changed the
permissions on /bin/su to 755.  when i try to su to root, i just get
"incorrect password" (this is RH 7.x).  i tried several combinations of
permissions (4755, 6755, 755), owner, and group, and all either work or
return "incorrect password."  

so, changing the permissions may indeed correct the problem, but i'd
wonder how it got that way.  do you have any way to know that the
machine has not been rooted??


On Tuesday 23 April 2002 12:01 pm, you wrote:
> hi rusty,
> off the top of my head, i would say that your su needs to be setuid
> root and it's not.  you should have a permission of 4755 (rwsr-xr-x) on
> su.
> to verify this, i went to google groups:
> in "with all of the words" i typed:
>   su "cannot set groups"
> the first item reads:
>   su problem: su: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted
> i click on it, then click on complete thread.  here's the URL:
> it looks like all the responses to this question point to the permission
> problem.   :-)
> hth,
> pete
> begin Rusty Minden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I am not able too loginto root and when I try to su into root I get this
> > error below any ideas?
> >
> > rdm@cc668999-a:~> su
> > Password:
> > su: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted
> >
> > Rusty Minden
> > ___
> > vox-tech mailing list
> >
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] RH keeps crashing

2002-04-22 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Monday 22 April 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
> I'm also not at home with the box right now.  I'm trying to log in
> remotely, and unable to do so (though I was able to just an hour ago)...
> there is simply no response from my computer.

As has been discussed, it's good to clarify this.  Based on what you
say elsewhere, I think what you mean is that the graphical interface
is not responding to keyboard or mouse events. 

> I had some problems with Evolution last night, which I had traced to a
> problem with its mail folders.  I had tried killing Evolution and
> restarting it but that seemed to cause the system to crash.  I removed the
> Evolution RPM's and reinstalled them, and things seemed to go all right for
> a few hours, and then it crashed again.
> Perhaps "crash" is not the technical term.  The system simply froze
> up.  The screensaver was on in the second case, but immobile (those ants
> were stuck on that moebius strip forever, not moving).  I couldn't figure
> out what else to do either time, so I simply pressed the "reset" button on
> the computer.  The computer rebooted, of course, and prompted me to run
> fsck each time, which I did.

Again, by "froze up" you probably mean that the graphical interface was
unresponsive.  There are other things one needs to do to know for sure
that the kernel has crashed.  Often, X will crash, giving a user at the
console the impression that the machine has "crashed," when in fact
the kernel and most other things are still working fine--that's one of
the benefits of unix.  Secret keystroke:  ctrl-alt-backspace will attempt
to kill the X server.  Often, it will succeed, dumping you back at your
login prompt.  If it does not, it's good to attempt to ping the machine
from another place on the network (assuming you are networked).
If you can ping it, you can often use telnet/ssh to access the machine,
then kill X/restart the machine/stop offending process (netscape?) etc.
A last resort option, still much preferred to pressing the reset button,
is the magic sys request key (a separate topic--anyone?).

I'll emphasize that what others are saying about checking logs, using
dmesg, etc. is very important for understanding the cause.

Hope these few suggestions give you some options next time.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX, DVI, PDF, LaTeX, fonts - HELP!

2002-04-19 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Friday 19 April 2002 05:46 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 03:12:36PM -0700, nbs wrote:
> > I've just been informed that some documents that are being generated
> > by LaTeX aren't printing properly on some printers.
> >
> > I think it's less a problem with the printers (HP-850s) and probably
> > more a problem with Acrobat on the system (all of these are Windows
> > boxes, BTW) that the printer happens to be connected to.
> I have seen this. I suspect Acrobat too. All versions of Acrobat that I
> have seen fail to properly implement Type 3 bitmap fonts to Adobe's own
> spec. DVI files converted to Postscript or PDF use such bitmap fonts.

I don't think this is correct.  For example, I used the "times" package
(see my other reply) in a latex source file, generated a DVI file, then
used dvipdf to create a PDF.  Looking at the font information inside
Acrobat reader indicates that, indeed, Type 1 PS fonts are being used.
If math symbols are used, there will be a Type 3 font for that, but this
font too can be replaced by a PS font (see my other reply).

> > Is there some way of embedding the fonts into the PDF document so that
> > Acrobat will work correctly?  Or perhaps is Acrobat missing something
> > or misconfigured?
> See above. The fonts are there, but Acrobat cannot deal with them.

I don't think it's so much a matter of *Acrobat* being able to deal with them,
it's probably a matter of the printer and the print driver dealing with them.
I have generated many PDF files over the years using latex and dvipdf,
and Acrobat handles them fine--I've been able to print them just fine (using
Acrobat) on lots of different platforms and to lots of different printers.

> Try:
>   * Using pfdlatex instead of latex to typeset the documents. The output
> will be in PDF format, so no DVI->PDF conversion will be necessary. If I
> am not mistaken, pdflatex always uses the Blue Sky type 1 versions of
> Computer Mondern rather than the bitmap originals. (It always does on my
> system.) One way to check this is by running pdf2ps on the pdflatex
> output and inspecting the postscript code in an editor. You will see the
> fonts impedded and may analyse them.

This is a good idea.  Acrobat can also be used to check the font information,
given the PDF file.  pdflatex is a front-end to pdftex, which is distinct from
dvipdf; dvipdf is just a front-end to dvips.

>   * Using pslatex instead of latex; output will be DVI but using the
> standard postscript fonts, which every PDF viewer and every printer
> driver support perfectly. The typographic quality will be degraded, so
> try the previous suggestion first.

I have to mention that only *PS* printers and associated drivers should be
expected to handle such output "perfectly."  Even then, there are problems
(e.g., MS-word-generated PS files often do not print on my Lexmark T612,
a very standard PS printer).  also, pslatex is a short script front-end to
latex. if the "times" package is being used, pslatex shouldn't make a
difference in the end problem.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX, DVI, PDF, LaTeX, fonts - HELP!

2002-04-19 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Friday 19 April 2002 04:18 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 03:34:27PM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> > If you're not doing anything to specifically control fonts, the default
> > is Computer Modern (the distinct look behind most TeX documents)
> > for the 3 font families of roman, san serif, and typewriter.  The CM
> > fonts are not PostScript fonts.
> >
> > I'm no expert, but the following simple fix will probably go a long way.
> > Insert \usepackage{times} in the preamble of your document.  It
> > will make Times, Helvetica, and Courier the roman, san serif, and
> > typewriter font family, respectively.  These are PostScript fonts and
> > the resulting output files should be much more compatible with PS
> > printers.
> Thanks.  Unfortunately, \usepackage{times} is already in there. <:^(

I'm surprised.  This has made the difference for me in the past.

> It could be that the font isn't installed on the server generating the PDF,
> and it's just sheer luck that some of the documents have been printed
> with the serif font.

A few things:
* If the generated PDF file is not using Times, it should be obvious looking
  at the PDF in Acrobat.  One can tell the difference between a doc w/CM
  fonts and a doc w/Times.  What does a visual inspection reveal?
* More useful, Acrobat will tell you precisely what fonts are used.  Go to
  File/Document Info/Fonts  Have your end-user try this on their machine.
* I don't see the HP-850S.  I see the HP DeskJet 850C, and this could be
  a problem since it's not PostScript.  What, exactly, is the printer that's
  having a problem?  The problem could be the result of driver issues
  (not that you could fix them, but at least you would have something
  to blame).
* In Acrobat on Windoze, there's a *very* useful option "print as image"
  that shows up in the print dialog box.  It can be a little slow but it will
  print anything that Acrobat can display.  Sadly, this option is missing in
  the Linux version.  Have your end-user try this.  Might save everyone
  a load of time.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX, DVI, PDF, LaTeX, fonts - HELP!

2002-04-19 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

If you're not doing anything to specifically control fonts, the default is
Computer Modern (the distinct look behind most TeX documents)
for the 3 font families of roman, san serif, and typewriter.  The CM fonts
are not PostScript fonts.

I'm no expert, but the following simple fix will probably go a long way.
Insert \usepackage{times} in the preamble of your document.  It
will make Times, Helvetica, and Courier the roman, san serif, and
typewriter font family, respectively.  These are PostScript fonts and
the resulting output files should be much more compatible with PS

As for math symbols, I'll quote from "Math Into LaTeX" (an excellent
resource for typesetting mathematical documents with LaTeX):
  "Looking at a mathematical article typeset with the Times text font,
   you may find that the Computer Modern math symbols look too thin."
In your case, you may also find that your end-user is not getting the
desired "look."  Insert \usepackage{mathtime} in the preamble,
and you will get the MathTime PS fonts for math symbols; these
are a better match for Times and possibly more compatible with
PS printers (I don't know).  The MathTime fonts are in the
teTeX TeX distribution commonly distributed with Linux systems.


On Friday 19 April 2002 03:12 pm, you wrote:
> I've just been informed that some documents that are being generated
> by LaTeX aren't printing properly on some printers.
> I think it's less a problem with the printers (HP-850s) and probably
> more a problem with Acrobat on the system (all of these are Windows boxes,
> BTW) that the printer happens to be connected to.
> On one box, printing to a laser printer, the document appears correctly.
> On the other box, printing to the HP-850, the fonts aren't right
> (sans-serif instead of serif).
> Is there some way of embedding the fonts into the PDF document so that
> Acrobat will work correctly?  Or perhaps is Acrobat missing something
> or misconfigured?
> I've tried sending "-dNOPLATFONTS" to my call to 'dvipdf', but the
> PDFs generated with and without that option were indentical in size.
> (Unfortunately, >I< don't have the problem, people on the other side
> of the country do, so this is mighty hard to test/debug. :^( )
> Thx!
> -bill!
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] modifying mouse selection behavior under X

2002-04-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 01:07 pm, you wrote:
> ...
> btw, what exactly is a KDE compose window?  is that like an xterm?  an
> html editor?

i was just referring to a kmail compose window.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] modifying mouse selection behavior under X

2002-04-09 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

generally, selection behavior is application-specific.  for example, given
"Z = 2.96688494e+05" in a Konsole, a double-click selects "2.96688494e";
in a KDE compose window, a double-click selects "2.96688494e+05".  
it's unlikely you would be able to significantly modify this behavior in your
applications-of-interest without substantial coding work.


On Tuesday 09 April 2002 12:28 pm, you wrote:
> is there a way to modify the selection behavior of the mouse under X?
> for instance, in this line:
> Z = 2.96688494e+05
> by double clicking, i can select "96688494e".  by triple clicking i get
> the entire line of the xterm.  it's more useful for me for the selection
> to be based on spaces rather than punctuation.
> is there a way to modify X's mouse behavior so that a double click will
> select the whole number  "2.96688494e+05"?
> also, IP numbers have the same problem:
> nameserver
> it would be nice to be able to select a whole IP number rather than just
> a quad (or a period depending on where you click).
> pete
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] random number in C

2002-04-02 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 02:47 pm, you wrote:
> ...
> so now i comment out the call to SeedRandomGenerator() and replace it by
>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>   ...
>   /* seed = SeedRandomGenerator(); */
>   seed = 3497451914;
>   ...

and you called srand(seed) after this, yes?  otherwise the default seed is 1,
and it will be 1 on each run.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] gimp/latex and fonts

2002-03-29 Thread Shawn P. Neugebauer

Here's some more information, but the problem remains open.

I think the fonts in /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bluesky/euler are
pretty close to what one would get with \mathcal, and these are .pfb
(this is according to "Math into latex" by Gratzer--an excellent book).
However, I think more work is needed to get them recognized by xfs.
The procedure described by Mark did not work for me (copying the
.pfb files into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 and restarting xfs).

I seem to recall that a better way to do it is to edit /etc/X11/fs/config:
add the .../euler directory to the list, and restart xfs.  However, this
does not work either, and I think the reason is that the "fonts.dir"
file in .../euler is not accurate and xfs does not pick up the new fonts.


On Friday 29 March 2002 09:19 am, you wrote:
> All of LaTeX's fonts are in /usr/share/texmf/fonts if it's installed in
> the standard path.  Hopefully the font you want is in Type1 format (.pfb
> or .pfa).  Look for it, and put it in X's font path, probably
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1.  Rehash the fontlist (I don't remember how
> -- just restart xfs at the worst case, I suppose).
> Isn't the font used in \mathcal similar to one of the fancy fonts
> (Corsica?) included with Gimp?
> -Mark
> On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > is there any way of getting access to latex fonts via gimp?
> >
> > specifically, i get a nice math font suitable for algebraic topology in
> > latex using \mathcal{}.
> >
> > i'd like to be able to use this font in the gimp.
> >
> >
> > anyone?
> >
> > pete
> > ___
> > vox-tech mailing list
> >
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