Security Update 2005 - 003

2005-03-22 Thread J Philippe Chaperon
Dear WAMUG'ers,

Security Update 2005-003 in now available fromSoftware Update for those who
have not updated as yet.

Regarding John C's comments on Provue, although I have not used this
database - in fact I do not have much use personally for a database, I can
vouch for the veracity of this application's ease of use and legendary
rapidity. I was privileged to see John's massive database in action, and
boy! was it fast and fairly easy to understand.

It is somewhat sad that small enterprises who produce excellent applications
are often judged on their size, and not on their product's versatility and
efficiency. One has only to look at the constant battle between the massive
Goliath (read M$) and the many other smaller competitors, many of which have
either gone down or bought up by the giant.

John, you have done everything you could to show us the beauty of Provue's
product. Do not blame yourself.


Philippe C


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from
mediocreminds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not
thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and
courageously uses his intelligence." - Albert Einstein

(1879-1955, German-born American Physicist)

Re: Good digital camera review site

2005-03-22 Thread Robert Howells

On 22/03/2005, at 7:07 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 22/03/2005, at 3:38 PM, Rod wrote:

Hi All!

Stumbled across this site while reading the latest goss on

A good gallery of what each camera does can be found here:

Has some really good samples, and shows off the best of each camera, 
plus a review.  I'm figuring the site is an overseas site, so some of 
the model numbers may be different and the prices will be different.  
Check out your local camera reseller, such as Digilife, Camera House 
or whoever else you buy from for prices!

AND as an alternative and additional  you may like to check out 
this site :-


Sorry :  Forgot   I also had this link. Plenty of choice here



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Re: Good digital camera review site

2005-03-22 Thread Robert Howells

On 22/03/2005, at 3:38 PM, Rod wrote:

Hi All!

Stumbled across this site while reading the latest goss on

A good gallery of what each camera does can be found here:

Has some really good samples, and shows off the best of each camera, 
plus a review.  I'm figuring the site is an overseas site, so some of 
the model numbers may be different and the prices will be different.  
Check out your local camera reseller, such as Digilife, Camera House 
or whoever else you buy from for prices!

AND as an alternative and additional  you may like to check out 
this site :-




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IBook squeal

2005-03-22 Thread tom samson
I tried using BTV Pro and had to force quit and now anytime I go near 
the right speaker i get an horendous squeal. I have ditched the 
preferences of BTV Pro and then the program then all the preferences 
run Techtool Pro, then Permissions and I think the next move is 
reinstall the system 10.3.8 itself.

Any ideas before that last step

Good digital camera review site

2005-03-22 Thread Rod

Hi All!

Stumbled across this site while reading the latest goss on

A good gallery of what each camera does can be found here:

Has some really good samples, and shows off the best of each camera, 
plus a review.  I'm figuring the site is an overseas site, so some of 
the model numbers may be different and the prices will be different.  
Check out your local camera reseller, such as Digilife, Camera House or 
whoever else you buy from for prices!



Re: Database on OS X

2005-03-22 Thread Diana & Graham Stevens

John Currie wrote:

My one great regret as a member of WAMUG is that I have not 
persuaded a single member to give Panorama a go.

Maybe not you directly but Philippe Chaperon posted a review and 
mentioned you last week. This prompted me to download the fully 
functional test drive of Panorama last Friday. It is advertised as 
only limited in size of database not time or functionality.

I am working through the tutorials, so far it is fantastic. If it 
allows me to transform data, in the way I now do in FoxPro running 
under Classic, I shall be very happy to pay up!

There was a place for a comment in the application, I explained what 
I wanted to do and received a reply the next day saying it should be 
fine and advising me to join the email discussion group.

I would also be happy to pay my subscription to WAMUG this year but 
my email to the new treasurer sent a week ago, asking where I should 
post the cheque, remains unanswered.


Re: Recent archives

2005-03-22 Thread Robert Howells

On 22/03/2005, at 1:55 PM, Mike & Carol Fuller wrote:

I've just had to re-subscribe to WAMUG (for some reason I was 
'unsubscribed') after an absence of WAMUG email over 9 days.

I would like to catch up with the missed items but I'm not sure where 
the current stuff is archived. The web address given shows items as 
recent as August 2003 :-(

I'd be grateful for any assistance.


Mike Fuller

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Re: Database on OS X

2005-03-22 Thread wyvern

My one great regret  as a member of WAMUG is that I have not persuaded 
a single member to give Panorama a  go.

I assure you that is my fault not Panorama's.

Pt John.  you persuaded me way back in the old classic days and 
I still have it and still use it to this day on X. The same version 
that run on 6 then 7 then 8 through 9 is still going strong. So yeah 
folks listen to John Panorama runs rings around FMP for ease of use 
and speed and you know the one thing it has that i miss when i 
have to use FMP... it can search on 'not equal to' and before 
anyone tells me FMP can find omitted that is not the same thing .

Cheers John


Like Apple and Microsoft it is a David and Goliath situation 
unfortunately in this case Apple is the Goliath .
PROVUE  is along with Microsoft  the only surviving software company 
from the inception of Macintosh .

Check it out at


keep them cool keep them charged keep them long time

2005-03-22 Thread Mark Secker
 keep them cool keep them charged keep them a long time something for 
iPod users

doing a bit of research for a question asked on another list I came 
across this page (and others) that listed information about Lithium 
Ion (Li-ion) battery life span

Most of us may be aware that Li-ion batteries have a limited life 
span and limited charge btu probably like me didn't know that this 
was temperature and storage volt dependant so by the looks of it if 
you endevor to keep your iPod at least 40% charges and kept below 25 
deg C then you could feasably get up to 10 years life out of the 
battery so long as you don't cycle it beyond it's maximum cycle life 
of around 300 charges.

so keep your iPod out of your pocket don't charge it in its neoprene 
or leather or fauxfur or what ever protector you have and keep it 
away from direct light/heat and use  that 10 or so minutes of 
checking e-mail as a chance to top up the iPods charge.

I've been told that there is no point buying spare iPod (or other 
Li-ion  like iBook/PowerBook) batteries because of the 3 to 4  year 
life  from date of manufacture (rather than from date of first 
useage). But it looks like if you charge one of these  to at least 
40%  charge then store it a around 0 deg C (one guesses in something 
like a sealed case like a micro Pelican case) they only loose around 
2 to 4 % per year meaning you could store them for 5 to 10 years and 
still have a quite reasonably functional battery for your, by then, 
antique iPod or PowerBook.

Mark Secker Computer Support Officer
ph#6488 1855 (ECEL) 
University of Western Australia - CRICOS Provider No. 00126G
"Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible."
- Miguel de Unamuno
"It takes an idiot to do cool things that's why it's cool"
- Haruhara Haruka (FLCL)

 (sometimes works)

Recent archives

2005-03-22 Thread Mike & Carol Fuller
I've just had to re-subscribe to WAMUG (for some reason I was 
'unsubscribed') after an absence of WAMUG email over 9 days.

I would like to catch up with the missed items but I'm not sure where 
the current stuff is archived. The web address given shows items as 
recent as August 2003 :-(

I'd be grateful for any assistance.


Mike Fuller

Re: Database on OS X

2005-03-22 Thread John Currie

Dear WAMUG'ers,

For those interested in databases for the Mac platform I suggest a quick
look at this interesting article:
 If the author's name was not given I would have sworn that it was written
by our very own John C!

For those on the list who don't know who Philippe is referring to, I 
am the John C "nutter" who happens to believe that  Panorama is a 
more versatile  data base than FMP  for many if not most purposes . 
If you need a multi user data base or one which can readily be 
searchable on the Web you may have to wait until June.  There are 
ways and means of doing both these things with  the current version 
however they have relied on third party  software which has been sold 
and allowed to wither on the vine.
Jim Rae  proprietor and  program writer has been  working on the OS X 
version of  Panorama which was launched last year. Concurrently  he 
has been working on the "enterprise" edition  which will build into 
Panorama multi user and  interactive web facilities.The beta version 
exists and is being tested by the gurus. Jim has promised its launch 
June or July this year.
Panorama being RAM based is blazingly fast. Unlike FMP and other disk 
writing data bases it  does not assemble its reports  by retrieving 
data from the disk  on the basis of indexed fields.
eg I have a data base of  some 40,000 records of  descriptions of 
photographs and other details  held at the Aviation Heritage Museum . 
I can search  and find all the records which begin with, end with, 
contain , equal  etc. etc.  in  50 fields
(none of which are burdened with indexes) in  a split second with 
scanned images if required.  How much space does this file occupy? 
5.3 mbs.
Having found the information I want I can display or print  it in pre 
designed forms (list  or card) or if I wanted a one off  presentation 
I could design and print a form on the fly  which may be discarded by 
not saving the data base when  I close.

The background to the Tidbits article is  a review of Panorama V 
which appears in the April ? issue of US MacWorld  The reviewer one 
William Porter  is apparently a  long time FMP developer who has a 
number of books on FMP to his credit.
This was not revealed by MacWorld  and has not unnaturally called 
into question the motives behind the faint praise and flawed review.
My one great regret  as a member of WAMUG is that I have not 
persuaded a single member to give Panorama a  go.

I assure you that is my fault not Panorama's.
Like Apple and Microsoft it is a David and Goliath situation 
unfortunately in this case Apple is the Goliath .
PROVUE  is along with Microsoft  the only surviving software company 
from the inception of Macintosh .

Check it out at


Re: Clicking Drive of Doom

2005-03-22 Thread Wez
That sounds like a head crash i'm afraid. Usually the final word in 
dead hard drives ;\ Had it happen three times to different external 
SCSI IBM drives before i decided to never touch IBM again.

I may be possible to hit the drive to get the heads mobile again 
though you are looking for a real professional to even think about 
that one. You will probably have to pay for data backup and some very 
high price (i had to just bin my drives when they crashed). Data 
recovery will probably have to remove the platters and use a deckstar 
controller to get the info off.

If it ever does work briefly start backing up onto anything cause the 
drive is still in  a very bad shape.


I've heard an old story of mac techies sitting down a Mac Classic 
with crashed heads on a swivel chair and spinning it very fast then 
stopping it abruptly to get the heads to move again. I think the 
comedy of that story was walking into a room with two techies learing 
over a mac classic on a swivel chair and spinning it like mad.. NOW 

re: a little satire for morning tea?

2005-03-22 Thread Nancy McIntyre

The name of the clip is "Whatever: Apple 1984 Parody".
Apologies if the links didn't get you there.

a little satire for morning tea?

2005-03-22 Thread Nancy McIntyre

High bitrate

Low bitrate