Re: Apps on the iPad.

2011-11-24 Thread Ronda Brown
Hi Roger,

You are not the first person who uses a different iTunes ID to your MobileMe / 
iCloud ID to get caught by iTunes App Store.

When you set up a New iPhone / iPad, it automatically signs you into the App 
Store with whatever ID you set the iPhone / iPad up with.
So when you purchase Apps on the iPhone / iPad , they are on a different 
account than your computer and therefore you receive the not authorized 

This was why I asked you to  Check that the Settings on your iPad App Store 
(Settings  Store - Apple ID:   in iTunes is identical.
Changing your iPad settings to match your iTunes App Store Account ID would 
correct the problem.

Good to hear it is sorted for you now.


On 24/11/2011, at 12:47 PM, Roger Kortas wrote:

 Hi Ronda
 Just had time to look at what had happen and it seems that whenI updated the 
 iPad2  it linked into iCloud it used my address! I don't remember 
 putting that in their.  So as usual you are right :)
 Many thanks for taking time to help everyone.
 On 24/11/2011, at 10:33 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
 Hi Ken, you’re welcome,
 Good to hear the problem is sorted. 
 As to “Why it happened”? I’m not sure, but I suspect as I mentioned below in 
 reply to Roger perhaps you disconnected the iPad before it had finished 
 syncing and rebooting after installing iOS5 or updates since. Or it could 
 have been a permission problem or ID.
 The /Users/Shared/SC Info” is related to iTunes as you are now aware of 
 ;-). Specifically it contains an invisible file, SC Info.sidb, the iTunes 
 database of decryption keys. If you open the Macintosh HD  Users  Shared 
 folder in Finder, you won't see SC Info folder because the Invisible file 
 system attribute for that folder has been enabled in order to hide it. 
 If you like using Terminal try:
 ls -al /Users/Shared/SC\ Info/
 Where you'll see the file. 
 If I execute the same ls command this is what I see:
 ronni$ ls -al /Users/Shared/SC\ Info/
 total 408
 drwxrwxrwx@  4 ronni  wheel 136 11 May  2011 .
 drwxrwxrwt  19 root   wheel 646 14 Oct 14:58 ..
 -rw-rw-rw-@  1 ronni  wheel4492 16 Nov 11:32 SC Info.sidb
 -rw-rw-rw-@  1 ronni  wheel  200356  9 May  2011 SC Info.sidd
 Now, I don’t  profess to understand UNIX … and I only understand half of 
 what I read ;-)
 The data from the ls command provides details about the ownership, 
 permissions, size, etc of that folder (line ending in .), its enclosing 
 folder (line ending in .. — the Shared folder), and the file(s) contained 
 in the SC Info folder (line ending in SC Info.sidb”  “SC Info.sidd).
 The two files SC Info.sidb”   SC Info.sidd relate to iTunes purchases, 
 and the computer/user's authorisation to play same.
 None of the Apple Developer documents address the specific purpose of the 
 SC Info.sidb. In investigating this file, and comparing it with the same 
 file on some other Macs, it was found that this file's size is non-zero if 
 one has purchased content from iTMS and a little more digging led to the 
 understanding that this contains descriptor keys, perhaps related to 
 authorizing  ( a Mac to play purchased 
 The data in the first four columns is explained in Figure 2 of 
 Troubleshooting permissions issues in Mac OS X”, (just in case link doesn’t 
 work)   though one 
 also needs to read the earlier part of that document to understand what 
 columns 1, 3, and 4 are about.
 The rest of the columns are explained in the section entitled The Long 
 Format of man (UNIX manual) page for the ls (list directory contents) 
 command. (Just in case the Link does not work)
 17 MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt
 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
 OS X 10.7.2 Lion
 Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
 On 23/11/2011, at 8:48 PM, Ken Woods wrote:
 Thanks Ronnie, your solution as outlined below seems to fixed the issue.
 Well Done!
 As a matter of interest, any idea of the cause - just in case there is a
 learning curve here?
 Many thanks for your knowledge and expertise once again.
 On 23/11/11 3:29 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
 Hi Roger,
 I¹ve never experienced this problem and I purchase Apps on my iPad and
 also in iTunes.
 When I connect my iPad to my computer, iTunes Opens and backups iPad then
 syncs automatically  I see message  ³Transferring Purchases from Ronda
 Brown¹s iPad Š waiting for items to copy².
 When you did the update to iOS5 did you do a backup BEFORE installing the
 Update and after installation finished, wait until it does a Sync? You
 have to let it complete a sync after installing the  iOS Update.
 You are definitely sure you have the same ID setup on your iPad and in
 iTunes to make purchasesŠ same 

Fwd: Re: Printing from iPad 1

2011-11-24 Thread Merv Bond
Hi Ronni and List Folk
Ronni, to do a test run on my iPad 2 I visited the first site that you 
listed: How to Enable Airprint for Windows and Use any Printer and 
downloaded and installed an application called 'AirActivator'
I printed a Pages document - fine.
Inserted a photograph in the Pages document and printed - fine.
Tried to print a photograph not in a document - timed out.

I next visited the teckrepublic site mentioned below.
Same experience except that with the photo I got an error message 
Document type not supported. It was a jpg and the downloaded 
application 'PrintCentralPro' listed jpgs as acceptable.

Has anyone had experience with either of these applications, or an 
alternative, and successfully printed photos?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Printing from iPad 1
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 08:40:53 +0800
From: Merv Bond
To: WAMUG Mailing List

Thanks Ronni
I will check out both sites. As mentioned in my email I am yet to find
out her operating system.
Also found this site which holds some promise:

All the best.

On Sun20Nov2011 Sun20Nov7:44 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

 On 20/11/2011, at 7:07 AM, Merv Bond wrote:

 An elderly relative has an iPad 1 and wants to print directly from it to
 a printer. An added complication is that her laptop runs on Windows.  I
 looked at Printopia 2 but it appears to be designed to work with Mac
 computers only. Is anyone aware of software, or a wirelss printer, that
 would allow her to print directly from her iPad? She could not tell me
 her operating system but I will find out at my next visit.

 Hi Merv,

 You don’t give us information on what iOS your relative has on the iPad (iOS4 
 or iOS5) and if using a HP Printer or what Printer.
 You could check these two links below:

 How to Enable Airprint for Windows and Use any Printer:

 How to Enable AirPrint for Windows with HP wireless Printers:

 AirPrint Service on Windows 7/Vista/XP (32-bit/64-bit)


 17 MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt
 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

 OS X 10.7.2 Lion
 Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

The whole psychology of modern disquiet is linked with the sudden
confrontation with space-time. (Teilhard de Chardin, 'The Phenomenon of
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Fascinating Lion resource

2011-11-24 Thread Peter Hinchliffe
I have just come across (and purchased) a very interesting new book about Mac 
OS X 1.0.7 (Lion). It's called Mac Kung Fu, by Keir Thomas. When you buy the 
eBook version you also get the PDF thrown in. It's also available as a physical 
book. Mac Kung Fu contains over 300 tips, tricks, hints and hacks for Lion, 
such as Protect USB Memory Sticks with a Password, Be a Mission Control 
Power User and Turn Launchpad into a Personalised App Launcher 

You can see more details at

Peter HinchliffeApwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482Mob 0403 046 948

Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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Fwd: Reverting to SL

2011-11-24 Thread Ronda Brown
Hello WAMUGers,

I’ve forwarded email to the list as the gentleman is not a member of WAMUG. Mr 
Varley has asked me to post it for him.

I take no responsibility if you try this and it doesn’t work for you, as I have 
not tested his procedure.
I have had email contact with Mr Varley asking him if he has tested this and 
has he had any problems.
/Extract from my email to Mr. Varley:

I can ‘perhaps’ see how this ‘could' work, if you did a Erase and Clean 
Install of Lion … not transferring from your backup using Migration Assistant / 
Setup Assistant… but boy would all the fiddling around… be worth it ??

A lot of people like myself have numerous email Accounts and over 60-80 or more 
Mailboxes and Subfolders inside Mailboxes.
How many do you have and did all messages placed back in Inbox, Drafts, Sent, 
and all the Mailboxes that are already in your Snow Leopard Mail accept the new 
messages from the “Imported Mailboxes”?

Are you sure this importing of all the Mailboxes worked?

You have not experienced any problems?”

/End of Extract from my email to Mr Varley:

Mr Varley responded with these comments:
Hi Ronni,
I have to admit that I hadn't been a heavy user of Apple Mail. I have only been 
a Mac user since 2009. I have a PC for work and all my work mail is on it. For 
personal mail, I use Gmail and Hotmail via the Web.
However, I did have 3 old email accounts that I had imported into Apple Mail 
under Snow Leopard for historical archiving purposes. I don't really use Apple 
Mail on a day to day basis.
I have a Macbook 13 (2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM) purchased in March 2009. I had been 
running Snow Leopard on it since the beginning until about 4 weeks ago, when I 
upgraded to Lion. I had all the problems that others have described with Lion, 
so I decided to downgrade.
I had not created any time machine backups, etc. I copied all of my 
content/apps to an external drive (including bookmarks and the entire Library  
Mail folder structure. I then reformated my drive and reinstalled Snow Leopard 
from the original Snow Leopard installation DVD. I had to do a lot of system 
updates after that to catch up on 2+ years of updates. I copied my content 
back from the external drive onto the Macbook.
I was able to get everything set up as it was before, but couldn't import the 
mail files.
I stumbled across the procedure I described by trial and error, but as far as I 
can tell it worked. I only had 3 mailboxes with about 500 messages in each that 
I imported, but all the messages are there and they all open and display the 
content correctly. For the amount of mailboxes I had, it did not take very much 
time. For your situation, I can see that it would be very time consuming. As I 
said, I use Apple Mail mostly as an archive of dormant accounts, not day to day 
usage, but it appears that by following this procedure you can get your mail 
objects into Snow Leopard Mail and perform all actions from the Mail client.
My suggestion would be to experiment with it on a couple of mailboxes and see 
if it works for you.
Doug Varley.

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Douglas Varley
 Subject: Re: Reverting to SL
 Date: 24 November 2011 10:35:07 AM AWST
 Hi Ronni,
 I found your posting on the Web about not being able to import Lion Mail into 
 Snow Leopard Mail.
 Here is what I did:
 - In Mail, click Mailbox  New Mailbox.
 - in the New Mailbox dialog box, select On My Mac as the location and give 
 it any MailboxName you want. Click OK.
 - Now in Finder, open Library  Mail  Mailboxes  MailboxName.mbox. In the 
 MailboxName.mbox folder (where MailboxName is whatever name you gave the 
 mailbox), all you'll see is an info.plist file. Add a folder called 
 - Go to the location where you've backed up all of your email from Lion and 
 drill down to the Messages folder where you have all your .emlx files. Copy 
 all of these .emlx files and paste them into the new Messages folder you've 
 created (i.e., at the Library  Mail  Mailboxes  MailboxName.mbox  
 Messages location).
 - Go back to Mail. If you open the new MailboxName folder under ON MY 
 MAC, you'll see that it is still empty. Snow Leopard Mail can't read the 
 .emlx files from Lion Mail. But we're not done yet. There are some more steps.
 - On the Mail File menu, click Import Mailboxes.
 - Select Apple Mail and click Continue.
 - Browse to Library  Mail  Mailboxes, select MailboxName.mbox, click 
 Choose, and then click Done.
 - Snow Leopard Mail will now import Lion Mail. It creates an Import folder 
 in Mail under ON MY MAC. Expand the Import folder and you'll see a a folder 
 with the MailboxName you selected. When you open this you'll see all of 
 your mail items that came from Lion Mail.
 - You can repeat the above for each mailbox you want to import.
 Best regards.

17 MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 

Videobox and Lion

2011-11-24 Thread John Thompson
Hi List,
Another one of my little gripes.  I would like to say the problem lies 
in Lion but after some tests, decided maybe not.

My problem.  I follow two or three sites of a particular interest to me 
(nothing untoward) which have daily Flash or Utube video clips attached.  For 
over a year now, I have been downloading and saving any clips of interest using 
Videobox quite successfully, apart from the occasional hiccup which is normal 
with my computing.  For the last week or so however, the video capture on only 
one of the sites has failed to work with Lion on my Macintosh HD.  I have Snow 
Leopard on one external drive and a clone of Lion on another.  Videobox works 
fine when booting from either of these two external drives but not from the 
internal drive.  I have gone through the usual permission repair, Safari and 
Videobox updates and anything else I could think of.  There is obviously some 
small hidden file in my Macintosh HD that is blocking this particular site.

Any ideas?

John Thompson
WAMUG #861

Mac Mini
2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Mac OS X 10.7.2

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Re: Videobox and Lion

2011-11-24 Thread Ronda Brown
Hi John,

Do you have any plugins or extras installed on Internal Lion that aren’t 
installed on the external version of Lion?
Do you have LittleSnitch installed on the Internal Lion?

Videobox is working on the Internal Lion, other than for one website … what is 
different with this website?

It’s not a Lion problem, if Videobox is working on the external Lion 

Make sure you get the latest version - Videobox 3.7 (or use the Check for updates... 
menu in the application's menu) and the new version will uninstall the old 
Safari plugin/haxie and offer to install the new Safari extension.
The extension will only work with Safari.

If you want to send the link to the video we can have a look and see if we can 
see a problem.


17 MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

On 25/11/2011, at 11:09 AM, John Thompson wrote:

 Hi List,
   Another one of my little gripes.  I would like to say the problem lies 
 in Lion but after some tests, decided maybe not.
 My problem.  I follow two or three sites of a particular interest to me 
 (nothing untoward) which have daily Flash or Utube video clips attached.  For 
 over a year now, I have been downloading and saving any clips of interest 
 using Videobox quite successfully, apart from the occasional hiccup which is 
 normal with my computing.  For the last week or so however, the video capture 
 on only one of the sites has failed to work with Lion on my Macintosh HD.  I 
 have Snow Leopard on one external drive and a clone of Lion on another.  
 Videobox works fine when booting from either of these two external drives but 
 not from the internal drive.  I have gone through the usual permission 
 repair, Safari and Videobox updates and anything else I could think of.  
 There is obviously some small hidden file in my Macintosh HD that is blocking 
 this particular site.
 Any ideas?
 John Thompson
 WAMUG #861
 Mac Mini
 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
 Mac OS X 10.7.2

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U.S. Patent Office Honors Steve Jobs with iPhone-Shaped Exhibit

2011-11-24 Thread Ronda Brown
Hi WAMUGers,

Another well deserved honour to Steve Jobs.

U.S. Patent Office Honors Steve Jobs with iPhone-Shaped Exhibit:

The late Steve Jobs has been hailed as a brilliant businessman, marketer, and 
visionary. He was also an prolific inventor, if the number of patents bearing 
his name are any indication.

No less than 323 Apple patents list Jobs among the inventors responsible for 
them. Now the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is honoring the Apple 
founder with a dedicated exhibit.”


17 MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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Re: U.S. Patent Office Honors Steve Jobs with iPhone-Shaped Exhibit

2011-11-24 Thread cm
Yes. Truly well deserved.

Steve Jobs is also on the short list for Time Magazine's person of the year. 
The panel is of two minds because Jobs is no longer alive. The panelist most 
opposed to honouring Jobs is actor Jesse Eisenberg who played Mark Zuckerberg 
in the film The Social Network. There is a good deal of irony in this as Mark 
Zuckerberg beat out Steve Jobs for the title last year. :-)


On 25/11/2011, at 12:00 , Ronda Brown wrote:

 Hi WAMUGers,
 Another well deserved honour to Steve Jobs.
 U.S. Patent Office Honors Steve Jobs with iPhone-Shaped Exhibit:
 The late Steve Jobs has been hailed as a brilliant businessman, marketer, 
 and visionary. He was also an prolific inventor, if the number of patents 
 bearing his name are any indication.
 No less than 323 Apple patents list Jobs among the inventors responsible for 
 them. Now the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is honoring the Apple 
 founder with a dedicated exhibit.”
 17 MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt
 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
 OS X 10.7.2 Lion
 Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
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Car charger for MacBook

2011-11-24 Thread Mike Fuller
I will be travelling around Tasmania in a camper van this summer and need to 
charge my MacBook at the times I won't be in a caravan park.. Rather than a 
heavyish inverter I was wondering if a dedicated car charger would be OK - 
something like this:

Has anyone had experience with this or similar and could assure me, or not, as 
to its effectiveness and suitability.


Mike Fuller

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iCal entries keep disappearing

2011-11-24 Thread Steven Knowles
I'm about to ring iCal's neck.

I'm running iCal 5.0.1 on a MacBok Pro running 10.7.2, syncing via MobileMe 
with an iMac and iPhone. Entries entered in iCal, either on MacBook Pro or 
iMac, sometimes stay, sometimes disappear. Doesn't seem to be any pattern. Then 
sometimes they disappear then come back.

Should I be moving to iCloud? What are the cons? I haven't bothered because I 
have an iPhone 3G which apparently isn't iCloud compatible, so I don't want to 
move to iCloud only to find my iPhone no longer syncs with iCal.

Any tips to solve this painful missing iCal entry phenomenon?

Cheers, Steven
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