Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone

2012-02-18 Thread David Choy


Didn't realise i would cause so much of a stir. 

I am of course a mac person, i have been on and off this list for the last  

In the past wamug users have appreciated purchasing smartphones from mac savvy 
users - just insurance that it will work with a mac and if it doesn't there is 
someone to call.  I remember supporting quite a few palm users through this 
list. Perhaps it is more of an issue because now google is an enemy/compettitor 
for apple? I listed an android phone here without complaints a year ago. 

Anyway if the general opinion is that wamug people are now against these kinds 
of posts i will refrain in future. 
A shame for the open minded, as Rod says we don't all think iphone is the only 
option and this is a cheap way to try.

Kind regards

Dave choy 

On 18/02/2012, at 15:09, wrote:

> Send mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: e-mail photo. (cm)
>   2. Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone (cm)
>   3. Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone
>  (
>   4. Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone (cm)
>   5. Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone (cm)
>   6. Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone (Ronda Brown)
>   7. Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone (Daniel Kerr)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 14:35:03 +0800
> From: cm 
> Subject: Re: e-mail photo.
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi Tony,
> To get an ID photo in your emails you need to attach a photo to your personal 
> card in Address Book. To do that proceed as follows:
> 1) If it's not already there, add a card to Address Book with your name and 
> email address.
> 2) From the system menu for Address Book, select Card > Make This My Card
> 3) Now to add a photo to the card click the Edit button at the bottom of your 
> personal address card.
> 4) Double click the square where the photo will appear and use the chooser 
> that pops up to select your preferred portrait shot.
> 5) Click Done at the bottom of your address card.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 18/02/2012, at 14:19 , Tony Francis wrote:
>> Good afternoon everyone
>> Just recently a question was asked, in regards to adding a personal Photo to 
>> the e-mail, as per Ronda's  photo.
>> I went looking for archives but alas no good. I have tried to work it out 
>> myself but haven't been too successful . How do I attach my photo to my 
>> e-mails please.
>> Thanking you
>> Kindest regards
>> Tony
>> Tony Francis
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> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 14:37:08 +0800
> From: cm 
> Subject: Re: For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone
> To:
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi David,
> This is not really an appropriate post for a Mac User Group.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 18/02/2012, at 13:03 , Dr. David Choy wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> I have a Google Nexus S for sale. Excellent condition, used for about 1 
>> month.
>> Unlocked GSM and 3G phone (900/2100 networks - so Vodafone, 3 and Optus 
>> best, will work with the 2100 Telstra network, not next G)
>> Upgradeable to latest Ice cream Sandwich(4.0) version of android
>> Comes with all boxes, case, screen protector(applied) and charger

For Sale: Samsung Nexus S Android Smartphone

2012-02-17 Thread Dr. David Choy
Hi everyone

I have a Google Nexus S for sale. Excellent condition, used for about 1 month.

Unlocked GSM and 3G phone (900/2100 networks - so Vodafone, 3 and Optus best, 
will work with the 2100 Telstra network, not next G)

Upgradeable to latest Ice cream Sandwich(4.0) version of android

Comes with all boxes, case, screen protector(applied) and charger

More details here:

Sell for $250
Prefer WA buyer - can drop off in metro area on weekend

If interested please email me


David Choy
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Re: Tool to measure data use on home network to individual connections

2010-12-23 Thread David Choy

HI Tim

I tried looking for this too for a client of mine. You're right, it's
hard to find anything that really will test how much data they are
using. In my search I didn't find anything really useful to monitor

 One other alternative would be to buy a prepaid wireless modem (eg
Vivid wireless, or any of the major telcos have one these days) and
they can all use this second network and you can see if it's the kids
that are responsible.
 Or you can do what your neighbour did and get them all wireless sticks.

I disagree with Kyle on gaming not chewing up data. It really depends
on the game, I was heavy into first-person shooters for a few months
and found that my data usage went up at least 5gb, and dropped back
once I stopped. With a few kids all doing the same thing I can imagine
it would chew through your data allowance, and remember all the online
games also need whopping big updates fairly regularly, otherwise they
won't let you join online with other players.

I also doubt it would be just two hours use, I would bet it would be a
heck of alot more on the weekends.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Tim Law  wrote:
> Thanks Kyle,
> I appreciate your thoughts.
> The difficulty is that none of us understand where the data is going. I
> agree YouTube clips are potential culprits as they seem to watch the replays
> of other players Starcraft games and they last half an hour or so each. But
> without evidence of how much data one of these sessions consumes, none of us
> can quantify the data used, and the user cannot understand how it could
> possibly have been them. So it's hard to hold them to account.
> My neighbours philosophy worked. He saw his kids more, then they got paid
> jobs and they are much more discerning with their data use, nicer people and
> less addicted to screens.
> Thanks again for your thoughts about the technical solution, or lack of. It
> mirrors my own searching and IMHO this is a gap in app design that would
> fill a need in family networking environments.
> A few months ago I upgraded from 12gb plan to 25Gb. I'm not going to the
> next level without as you say, a cash contribution.
> Ta
> Tim
> On 23/12/2010, at 2:55 PM, Kyle Kreusch wrote:
> Hi, Tim
>> I have 5 Mac devices, two PC laptops and occasionally an Xbox, that are
>> connected via ethernet or wifi to my home network and to the internet
>> through Bigpond Cable.
>> I am trying to determine where the main data munchers are, or as least to
>> confirm my suspicions that it is the PC laptops with attached 17 and 21yo
>> sons playing Starcraft etc. !!
> I'll be completely honest with you I don't think it's gaining that's causing
> the problems as in the grand scheme of things gaming does not use that much
> data.
> My Experience, when I tested my brother on his Sony PlayStation 3 he was
> using anywhere between 90 to 150 MB her two-hour gaming and eventually I
> found out that the usage hole was YouTube.
> Some things that can cause unexpected chunks of usage data are, automatic
> software updates (Windows, Mac) I don't normally recommend turning these off
> as most users forget to update their computers and I recommend you update
> and patch your computer immediately especially in the case of Windows (I
> believe security patches come out on the first week of every month).
> So we have software updates from computers, gaming consoles. Streaming video
> from all the major Australian TV networks and other sources like
> As I mentioned earlier YouTube (You watch three videos and on average you
> have already downloaded 150 to 200 MB that's not even taking account of
> higher quality videos that YouTube now have available so those 10 minute
> clips can eat into your data very quickly specially if they close the window
> and come back and watch the same video again later)
> Then you have the other suspects P2P and BitTorrent
>> I've not been able to find any software that is effective at monitoring
>> data traffic to individual machines. WebSpy SOHO looks like it might do the
>> job, but is still in development and doesn't work on OSX properly yet.
> As I looked into this several years ago on Whirlpool and other places. most
> software packages were ineffective. Most people that are doing this on their
> home networks are using a Linux Box that they have built themselves as most
> of the software can only detect data that is going through that
> machine. The Linux Box would go between their modem/router and ethernet
> switch OR wireless access point.
>> I would have thought routers would have logged this data, and an app could
>> be made to compile this, but apparently it's not that simple.
> I can tell you I don't think there's any consumer modem/router or switches
> that can do this. I believe in a high-end network they would do something
> similar as mentioned above it would either be a dedicated serve

Re: iPad/1Pod USB Connections

2010-12-20 Thread David Choy

You'll be ok - theres no difference except that apple removed some anchoring 
hooks that were on your older cable (note the little buttons to release the 
hooks on the end of the cable). They decided the extra anchoring was 


On 20/12/2010, at 17:00, Diana & Graham Stevens  wrote:

> Hello everyone
> Another Senior moment. I have muddled up the leads from my iPad and my old 
> Classic iPod. They look exactly the same except that on one the white plastic 
> portion is 10 mm deep and on the other 16 mm.
> Does anyone know which is which? Will it matter if I plug in the wrong one?
> Best wishes from Diana
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Re: iPhone backup the dark side - contacts.

2010-12-19 Thread David Choy


If she synced her phone with itunes prior to the sim card failure and
assuming she put her contacts onto the iphone originally (rather than
just leaving them on the sim), then yes.

She could always check this in itunes prior to handing over the phone

If she says "yes" to restoring the new phone when first plugged into
itunes then she should have everything restored from the last backup


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Brian Risbey  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> a friend has a sick iPhone4 which is to be replaced by Apple her SIM card is 
> failing to be recognised, she works with a PC,
> my/ her question is:
> will her contacts be part of her backup and then reinstated on her 
> replacement iPhone4 via iTunes?
> Thank you for your help,
> Brian
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Re: For Sale: Samsung Galaxy S 16GB

2010-12-19 Thread David Choy

LOL yeah but it's so strange isn't it? There was a time when google
and Apple were best mates against microsoft. Now with microsoft
flailing around, it's sad to see them fight :-(


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:50 PM, cm  wrote:
> It's not even remotely Mac. Anti-Mac would be more accurate. :-)
> C
> On 2010-12-19, at 20:30, David Choy wrote:
>> I know it's not strictly mac but it works well with my macbook and mac mini  
>> ;-)
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For Sale: Samsung Galaxy S 16GB

2010-12-19 Thread David Choy

Hi everyone,

I know it's not strictly mac but it works well with my macbook and mac mini  ;-)

I have a Samsung Galaxy S for sale. It's 4 months old, unlocked
(originally Singtel branded), with all boxes, original manuals and
accessories. Originally bought for review, I now have 4 smartphones in
the house for 2 people so need to get rid of some!

It has been recently upgraded to Android 2.2 froyo and is in perfect condition.

I prefer to sell to someone local (Perth WA) as I don't want to have
to use a courier to ship it interstate (due to Aus post new laws,
lithium ion batteries can't be shipped)

Asking price $500 - RRP is at least $735 eg here:

Would make a great christmas present, can drop off after hours perth
metro area or local metro pickup.

Pictures here:

Please email me off list if interested



Dave Choy

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Re: Aeron chair

2003-11-02 Thread David Choy

Herman Miller Chairs are stocked by:

Contract Office Interiors
274 Newcastle Street
Northbridge WA 6003
Tel 9228 4799
Fax 9328 4221

 I've been lusting after one of these chairs ever since sitting on one  
in Myer Melbourne. You do know they start at AUD$800 and go all the way  
up to $1,600 for the deluxe model, right?

They also have a new chair called the MIRRA chair:

Another chair to consider is the LEAP chair, which won an International  
Design Award a few years ago. SOme people complain that the Aeron  
chair's lumbar support is a little harsh. Take a look:

stocked by(alas, no dealers in WA):
Steelcase Australia Pty. Ltd.
640 Bourke Street
Suite 4 Level 2
Melbourne   VIC 3000
Phone: 03 96701555
Fax: 03 96701558

As you can see, I'm all prepared for when I win lotto 8-)


On 02/11/2003, at 5:02 AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Subject: Chairs...

Anyone know who stocks the Herman Miller "Aeron" chairs here in Perth
(if available.)

I'm seriously considering a REAL chair for my new studio (where I
plan to spend even longer than I do in the current one!)

Cheers, Antony.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well  
tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant  
of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity  
before it is entitled to the appellation." George Washington

ATTN: those with printer problems in panther

2003-10-31 Thread David Choy
I recall some people on this list were having problems printing in 
panther/printing to windows printers on a network from a mac. I have 
found the following that may help:

courtesy of MacSlash:
Panther Upgrade Breaks Printing
posted by Cannonball on Thursday October 30, @03:28PM
from the fixing-broken-things dept.

NumberSeven writes "So after a week of trouble-free Panther use, I 
tried to print to a Windows printer. No dice. After removing and 
re-installing the printer using the Printer Setup Utility to no avail, 
I discovered at the Apple support forums that there is a fixfrom the 
fine folks at All OS X. The Upgrade install of Panther doesn't invoke 
an AppleScript that sets up the "lp" and "postfix" users. When the user 
repairs permissions after the upgrade, the missing users damage the 
printing system, resulting in a complete inability to print. The All OS 
X fix is an installer package that contains the relevant AppleScript 
from the Panther CDs and runs it. It wiped out my printer list, but it 
took me about 2 minutes to rebuild it, and then printing worked 

The fix it describes is here: 

Panther Printing Fix  Posted October 28, 2003

Users who have done an upgrade install of Panther, Mac OS X 10.3, can 
run into printing problems if they run Disk Utility's 'Repair 
Permissions' function. We've put together a package which repairs the 
print system.

The Panther upgrade install appears to forget to create a couple of new 
Panther users. In particular the 'lp' and 'postfix' users are not 
created. When permissions are repaired via Disk utility the missing 
users cause damage to the print system.

The attached package does not install any files. It runs an Apple 
provided script in order to create the needed users. Once the new users 
are created it deletes any existing printer queues. Next it restarts 
the print server, cupsd, and lastly it tries to remake the print queues 
for any attached and powered USB printers. The net result is that is 
will undo the damage done by repair permissions and you should be able 
to print again.

The download is a zip file. Simply open the zip file and it will create 
an installer package. Run the installer package to repair the print 

If this helps anybody, I'd be happy to get an email!


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Interesting tip - opening Microsoft Word documents in Textedit!

2003-10-28 Thread David Choy
DId anyone else notice this feature? You can now open Word documents in 
Textedit(panther version) (for those that don't know, this is the free 
text reader that comes with Mac OS X)

Amazing! Though I haven't fully tested it out yet with complex 
formatted docs(eg tables) it works for text and retains formatting.


"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a 
life. " - Arthur Ashe

Panther compatibility inc Microsoft Mouse Keyboard, Palm

2003-10-28 Thread David Choy
Well, I took the plunge last night and all is well so far (fingers  
crossed!) For other upgrader's peace of mind, the following may be of  

1) If you use a palm, do NOT do a clean install. Upgrade over panther.  
THe palm desktop installer 4.1 or even 4.0 does NOT install under  
panther. There are workarounds (eg placing the files manually in the  
right folders) but this will be a pain. If Palm Desktop 4.1 is  
installed prior to panther, then you upgrade, I find it works just  

2) Older Microsoft keyboard or mouse drivers don't play nice with  
Panther, but the latest ones do. Get them here:

I use both a MicroShaft Office Keyboard and a Microshaft Intellimouse  
optical with no problems (panther even recognises the extra buttons for  
use with expose!)

I am amazed how useful expose is and how I've survived without it for  
so long!


On 28/10/2003, at 5:03 AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Hi all,

Just a quick question, has anyone installed the
Microsoft Mouse Drivers (I use Intellipoint) on
Panther? I am not game to install them on my work
computer without checking fist, I haven't used
OS10since its very first release and I remember all
kinds of nightmare compatibility problems. While I am
happy so far the drivers state for Mac OS10.1-10.2 and
I just don't want to risk it without knowing its fine
beforehand. Mainly because I don't have the CDs yet,
our IT company installed it for us because we ordered
it but they had run out of copies so we wont get our
actual CDs for a couple of days and I don't want to
risk a reformat yet.

Kind regards,

Microsoft® message" Try Windows Media Player 9 today - It's more fun  
when we own your music and tell you what we want you to do with it

Re: Dock problem

2003-10-26 Thread David Choy
I came across this one with a friend a while back. drove me absolutely 
nuts. While this may not be the cause, I suggest you check >system 
preferences>deskop  and turn off "change picture every xxx" ie. Just 
select one picture to remain as your desktop. Then restart.

What I found was that if you set desktop pictures to change, but the 
folder which you asked it to change pictures from was empty/only and 
other folders in it, it went spac, resulting in multiple unexpected 
quits of the dock and eventually the dock just disappears. So if you 
make sure the folder has only pictures in it it should also be ok, 
though I recommend just setting it to one picture to check first.

Check it out. After I did the above, problem disappeared completely!

Hope this helps. If you are still having problems/don't understand what 
I just described, email me back!


On Sunday, October 26, 2003, at 05:03 AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 14:16:33 +0800
Subject: Problem with the Dock
From: Adam Lippiatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all

The last couple of days the dock has started to play up.  It will 

disappear and then reappear (like it is quitting and starting itself up
again).  After it has done this quite a few times, it will disappear 
and no=

come back.

I don=B9t have auto show/hide on.

I just upgraded to Panther and it is still happening. I searched the
archives and saw another reference to a similar problem.  It suggested
removing the file:

from the preference list.  I tried this but the problem persists.

There appears to be another dock preference:

in the preferences folder.

I just noticed, when I undertook a search, that there is now a file 


that has been modified today.  I suppose this is because the dock is
crashing :)

Thanks in advance for any help.


Adam Lippiatt

"if in doubt, cut it out" - Old surgeon's adage

Re: internet bluetooth to handheld

2003-10-26 Thread David Choy


it's possible, but messy. you will need to jump through quite a few 
hoops to jig it up. I hope you're running OS X. Panther will make it 

Anyway, here is what I have found that may help: one of the tips is 
talking about PC -mac bluetooth internet sharing but it can also be 
applied to palms/mobiles. The other hint is also relevant. They are 
both from - an extremely informative website for this 
kind of stuff.

tip 1: A better way to connect Macs to a PC's shared Bluetooth Fri, Oct 
24 '03 at 10:56AM

I saw this hint you have about sharing a PC's Internet with a Mac over 
Bluetooth. That's great, but it involves too much configuration and a 
terminal window login every time. Here's an alternative that "just 
works," mainly for owners of Symbian based phones.
The PC Suite software supplied with those phones has a server that 
hosts such connections over Bluetooth (and also IR and cables) for the 
phones, but it also works with other devices, like Palms and Macs. To 
make it work, do the following:

On the PC:
Right click on the mRouter tray icon and make sure Bluetooth serial 
ports are enabled.

On the Mac:
Make a new Bluetooth serial port, called something like 
Bluetooth-mRouter. Pair it with the Bluetooth Serial Port service on 
your host PC. Then set it to Outgoing and RS232 mode. Then load up the 
Network prefs panel, and configure the new port. Make sure it's using 
PPP. Under PPP options, you can safely deselect "Disconnect if idle." 
Under Modem, select Null Modem 115200 and deselect "Wait for dial tone."

Now use the Internet Connect menu, select the port you just made, and 
then select Connect. Hey presto, Internet sharing over Bluetooth. The 
only limit seems to be that although mRouter can handle up to 
46bps, the Mac Null Modem driver is capped at 115200, so if anyone 
wants to make a better Null Modem driver, please respond.

Finally, non-Symbian phone owners can download the PC Suite freely from 
Nokia or SonyEricsson, too. Install them and then remove everything 
except for the mRouter executable from their startup menu, and they're 
good to go.

Tip 2 is looong but describes what you want to do exactly. I would 
recommend saving a copy of this email 'cos you're gonna need to use 
terminal commands. Good luck!

Share an internet connection with a Bluetooth device Sun, Nov  3 '02 at 
09:22AM from: kf6gpe

While Bluetooth is well supported in Mac OS X and many handheld 
computing devices, it's not immediately obvious how you can configure 
Mac OS X to provide Internet Sharing to Bluetooth-enabled handheld 

This work builds on this hint , which enables internet sharing at 
startup.  Now we'll show how to configure a Mac OS X 10.2 system to act 
as a Bluetooth Internet access point for Palm Powered handhelds (and, 
presumably, other devices) that can use the Bluetooth Serial Profile to 
establish a PPP connection.

[Editor's note: This is a somewhat long and involved hint, and I have 
not tested it (as I don't have any Bluetooth devices).  If you try it, 
please post a comment with your experiences and any corrections to what 
are probably my editing errors!]

In developing this procedure, I used the following hardware:
Power Macintosh G4 running Mac OS X 10.2

Macintosh OS X compatible Bluetooth adapter

Palm Powered handheld (Clie NR 70V/U)

Palm compatible Bluetooth card (Sony PEGA-MSB1)

You will need administrator privileges on your Mac OS X computer. You 
should be moderately comfortable using Terminal and your favorite text 
editor (such as vi ,pico , or emacs to edit and change system files. 
You will also need an IP address for your Palm Powered handheld. 
Typically, you can allocate one from either the 10.0.1 or the 192.168.1 
subnets. Be sure that the IP address you select is not taken by another 
host on your local area network.

I've tested these instructions on a Power Macintosh G4 desktop with a 
dedicated ethernet connection and a Macintosh PowerBook G4 with an 
Airport connection. In both configurations the system operated as 

Theory of Operation

Mac OS X provides Internet Routing functionality that lets Mac OS X 
route network packets between any two interfaces, such as the Ethernet 
and an Airport card. Fortunately, Mac OS X also includes pppd, a PPP 
server that can provide an Internet connection over a serial link.

Bluetooth, on the other hand, defines a series of connection types 
called profiles . One profile, the Serial Device Profile, is a mode 
that emulates a serial cable between two Bluetooth-enabled devices.

By using Mac OS X's Internet Routing with a PPP server over Bluetooth, 
a Mac OS X host can share its Internet connection with a 
Bluetooth-enabled device. The trick is to configure Mac OS X to use PPP 
over Bluetooth to listen for an incoming connection from the Bluetooth 
enabled device, and then use Bluetooth on the device to connect to the 
PPP server running on the M

Microsoft Word X and a4

2003-10-16 Thread David Choy
I remember alot of people were having issues with MS Word and a4 
margins getting clipped. I found this at and gave it a 
try and I have been margin problem free since. If you are having 
problems with clipped margins, give the hint a try as below.

(ps. not for the faint hearted - you must use the Terminal program 
which can be found in  >Applications > Utilities)

Wed, Sep 17 '03 at 09:55AM
from: mkennard20

A lot of my clients found printing in Word v.X cuts off their documents 
at the bottom of the page, while OS 9 had no cut off problems. Looks 
like Apple sets the bottom margin to be 1.45cm for the "Any Printer" 
setting, which bypasses anything set by applications like Word.

To fix this, you need to use your favourite text editor to modify the 
system file /System -> Library -> Frameworks -> 
ApplicationServices.framework -> Versions -> A -> Frameworks -> 
PrintCore.framework -> Versions -> A -> Resources -> PaperInfo.xml.

Open Terminal

cd /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/

cd Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
Type sudo cp PaperInfo.xml PaperInfo.xml_backup , then enter your 

Type sudo pico PaperInfo.xml .
Hit Control-W to search, and enter A4 as the search string, then hit 
Press the down arrow until you see this line, which is the setting for 
the bottom margin:


Change 7.83 to 8.06 .
Hit Control-O to save, and hit return to accept the filename and save.
Type Control-X to exit.
Type exit to close the Terminal.
Now let's see if it works...
Open any application you can print from.
Select Page Setup from the File Menu.
Click on the pop-up menu Settings and select Summary.
You should see the bottom margin is the same all round 

Avantgo is back for OS X and USB Palms

2003-10-16 Thread David Choy

Hi everybody,

Just thought you guys might be interested to know someone *finally* has 
Avantgo working for USB palm devices under mac osx. You need to 
download an app  and follow instructions here :

All I can say is FINALLY! Though I believe not everyone can get this 

Geez, you'd think Avantgo (owned by CA associates now or something) 
would get off their LAZY ASSES and make a proper conduit by now. It's 
only been, what, 2 years??


Re: Samsung ANycam driver

2003-10-13 Thread David Choy

Hey Tom,

YOu will need to purchase some drivers for it to work under os X. Once 
you have those, you can even get iChat going with it using iChatUSBcam. 
The drivers aren't that expensive($30), but I haven't seen anything 
freeware that will do the trick.
Oh, you also forgot to tell us what model the anycam is, so I am 
assuming it is the MPC-C10 or C-30. If it's the M10 you're out of luck.

compatibility Link: 
Download link (trial) : 

Good luck.


On Monday, October 13, 2003, at 05:03 AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 13:22:54 +0800
From: tom samson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have just acquired a Samsung Anycam but i am having trouble with
operating it in OSX2.8
any ideas
tom samson

"Where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am 
right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?"- Jane Austen

re: printing windows in os x

2003-10-04 Thread David Choy


I'm not sure whether you are asking to print what is visible in a  
window on the screen or whether you want to print the contents of a  
window, ie the list of contents of a folder, so I'll describe both

(a)To print the visible contents of a window:
1.hold down  + Shift + 4
2.Your cursor will change to a crosshair. Position the cursor over the  
window you want to print and press the spacebar.
3. The crosshair will now change to a camera and highlight the  
currently active window. Click the mouse button to take a picture of  
the window.
4. A .pdf file will appear on your desktop. You can open this in  
Preview and print as desired.

(b) Alternatively, if you want to print out the contents of a window,  
you need to take the following steps:

1. open print center (in your utilities folder)
2. Select the folder you want to print the contents of in the finder.  
drag this folder on top of the print center icon in the dock

3. let go!
4. This should switch you into  print center and a print dialog will  
pop up. Select the appropriate printer, settings and press print. Voila!

I hope these instructions are understandable. If you get stuck, you can  
email me or look at an alternate explanation: is an excellent website that will often have the  
answers to questions such as yours. Take a look for yourself!


ps. Is there something going on with the wamug server? i have sent this  
email 3 times and got rejected for having attachments, even though  
there aren't any!!! what gives???


"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of  
someone else." - Judy Garland

"Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat." -Socrates

Re: PC unable to present full mac office powerpoint!?

2003-10-04 Thread David Choy


You might want to check that you saved the powerpoint presentation as a 
package, otherwise the sounds etc would not automatically be included 
in the file and this would explain why your bro can't get all the 
sounds to play. From the powerpoint help file: (in the Help menu in 

If you plan to share the presentation with others, you may want to save 
it as a PowerPoint Package. When you save a Package, PowerPoint 
automatically gathers all of the linked files (images, sounds, movies, 
and so on) that your presentation uses into one folder. This makes your 
presentation portable — easy to copy, store on compact disc, send, and 

The instructions on how to save as a package were also in the help file:

Save a presentation as a PowerPoint Package, including all linked files
1. Open the presentation you want to save as a PowerPoint Package.
2. On the File menu, click Save As.
3. On the Format pop-up menu, click PowerPoint Package.
4. In the Save As box, type a name for the new folder you want to store 
the presentation and linked files in.

5. Click Save.
•  To save the Package in a different location, use the column browser 
to locate the folder you want.
   If the column browser is hidden, click the arrow show column browser 
next to the Where pop-up menu.

   To save the Package folder in a new folder, click New Folder.
•  If you want to save to a network server, but you don’t see it listed 
in the column browser, you may need to connect to it.

Hope this helps. Alternatively, you may also need to check your sounds 
are not mac sounds(ie. .snd files/ system 7 sound format) etc but from 
the sounds of it this is not the problem.


On Saturday, Oct 4, 2003, at 05:03 Australia/Perth, WAMUG Mailing List 

Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2003 11:26:51 +0800
Subject: PC unable to present full mac office powerpoint!?
From: warren  iannello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi anyone and everyone!I just recently sent my brother a powerpoint 
package that I created in mac office and he is unable to present fully 

sounds via there allocated buttons..he says that he is lacking the midi
files after I have emailed the doc.(which he is able to open ).What 

this mean?...( get rid of his crappy pc?etc.)seriously though any
suggestions? I would be extremely grateful !Thanks .What a great 
resource we

have as mac users here .Thanks everyone!Ciao!Warren

"Where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am 
right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?"- Jane Austen

Re: Heartbeat etc

2003-09-28 Thread David Choy

Hi Malcolm,

Take a look at THere's heaps of info on heartbeat  
problems and telstra cable. You may need a firmware upgrade for your  
LinkSys router.


On Sunday, Sep 28, 2003, at 05:03 Australia/Perth, WAMUG Mailing List  

Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 10:35:17 +0800
From: Malcolm McCallum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is there a Doctor in the House?
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone. I have a G3 running under Mac OS X (10.2.8)-- and get onto
the internet with a cable modem (Nortel Networks) and distribute it
through a Linksys Etherfast cable /DSL Router mod no BEFSR41.  This
works fine as long as you keep using. :-) but if you go away and come
back 4 hours later you are no longer on the Net. The 'Cure' is to pull
power plugs and 'Reset' the the cable modem and with luck you are now
back on line.

I think this is something to do with the Heart beat and not being a
Cardiologist :-( I do not know the treatment. Is there a Dr in the

"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of  
someone else." - Judy Garland

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year  
of conversation."		- Plato

Re: iPod to Pc

2003-09-25 Thread David Choy

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't have it both ways. you can't 
mount a mac formatted ipod into a Pc and have the hard disk mount and 
if you format it for PC then you won't be able to use it on your mac 
(there is no utility to go backwards). The only way I can think of is 
to use a utility like macopener2000 to mount it. take a look:

sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If it makes you feel any better its 
even worse if you had a Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen (that uses 
proprietary software to mount the HD)


On Thursday, Sep 25, 2003, at 05:03 Australia/Perth, WAMUG Mailing List 

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 01:53:17 +0800
Subject: Re: iPod to PC
From: Ryan Jay Schotte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 2003-09-24 21:05, "Dark Servant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know how I can transfer files from my iPod to a PC?
I only recently tried to do it thinking that it wouldn't be too much
trouble.  I remember that they made the iPods so they could be used on
Mac and PC.  I thought that meant they would be cross platform but it
seems even a simple thing like HD formatting gets in the way.  I'm
really surprised that code for reading Mac formatted drives has not
been programmed into the Windows OS yet.

Any light anyone?

Windows compatibility has varied over the course of the last few major
changes to the iPod. It now seems to be automatic, but in the previous
design (the one with actual buttons) it didn't seem to be so, and 
required the iPod to be reformatted. (Maybe they all ship as FAT disks 

Some suggestions based on what I've seen of Windows and iPods...

If Windows doesn't see it as a drive once plugged in, then make sure 
have installed the iPod Windows Software from Apple and use the iPod 

(or something like that) to enable Disk Mode. If that fails, then try
installing MusicMatch, and using that to enable Disk Mode.

I've seen it work on Windows XP recently, but I suspect it will be much
nicer once iTunes gets ported over to the dark side...


"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." Malcolm X

"To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person." - 
Bruce Lee

Re: Dell's aussie website and Mac OS9

2003-09-15 Thread David Choy
I didn't supply a url originally because I am not running os 9 and my  
machine doesn't run it so I couldn't confirm the exact page on my  
machine. Also the links don't seem to work pasted - the website goes  
"we are experiencing some technical problem (sic)".

heres a sample which I *think* should recreate the same error:

this redirects to this page once you click on it on an acceptable OS X  
browser (but this deosn't happen in OS 9)


as I said originally, the home page works, but once you go to configure  
an order, things go pear shaped under os9 and the page just loads blank.



On Monday, Sep 15, 2003, at 12:04 Australia/Perth, Bob Howells wrote:

The URL would help

Access the entance ok OS9.1 Explorer5.1 flash7

On 15/9/03 11:48 AM, "David Choy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone had problems with Dell's aussie website? I am having major
problems getting to the "configure" page for any product. A friend of
mine is getting a second computer for home(her pesky kids insist they
want a crappy PC and they want a cheapass computer for $1K) and trying
to order via her iBook 800mhz running OS 9.2.2 and internet explorer
5.1. Once you click "configure" on any computer, eg dell dimension
2400, a blank page shows and nothing loads.

I've got it to work under Mozilla 1.4 for OS X (everything else,
including safari and IE for OS X runs into weird errors where you  

select any of the options), but so far no luck under os 9.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


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Napoleon Bonaparte : "The best way to keep one's word is not to give  

Dell's aussie website and Mac OS9

2003-09-15 Thread David Choy

Has anyone had problems with Dell's aussie website? I am having major 
problems getting to the "configure" page for any product. A friend of 
mine is getting a second computer for home(her pesky kids insist they 
want a crappy PC and they want a cheapass computer for $1K) and trying 
to order via her iBook 800mhz running OS 9.2.2 and internet explorer 
5.1. Once you click "configure" on any computer, eg dell dimension 
2400, a blank page shows and nothing loads.

I've got it to work under Mozilla 1.4 for OS X (everything else, 
including safari and IE for OS X runs into weird errors where you can't 
select any of the options), but so far no luck under os 9.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


Re: Mindstor/Clie sold

2003-08-30 Thread David Choy
Thanks to all who replied: The Mindstor photo HD and the Sony Clie are 
now sold.


Dave Choy

"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a 
life. " - Arthur Ashe


2003-08-27 Thread David Choy

Hi Everyone,

After buying my new Pbook, I have to sell some of my other toys 8-). I  
have a MindStor digital camera HD and a Sony Clie N760c for sale.  
Details as follows:

(1) Mindstor photo wallet:

This is a standalone Hard disk product similar to Archo's jukebox. It  
has firewire and USB and 10GB capacity. Basically, it's great for  
digital camera people - Fill your memory card for your digicam, plug it  
into the mindstor and your photos are backed up to its hard disk. You  
can then wipe your photos from the memory card and take more - a great  
way to save on buying multiple memory cards. The HD is 10GB in capacity  
- enough for around 10,000 photos at 3 megapixels. It mounts to your  
desktop either via USB or firewire, no drivers required for OS 9 or OS  
X. You can also use it as a portable hard drive for your normal files.  
It will accept any memory card that has a PC card adaptor available -  
ie Compact flash, MMC, SD, Memory stick, XD, Smartmedia, etc.

• Firewire and USB interface - firewire and USB cable supplied
• PC card slot accepts all PC card adaptors for memory cards - comes  
with CompactFlash adaptor
• Rechargeable battery pack - it is self powered. User replaceable  
• Backlit LCD display - tells you what photos are stored, wipe photos  
by card etc

• Weighs less than 12 ounces
• Includes shock-proof neoprene case (retail $39.95) with pockets for  
storing extra PC cards etc
• Universal 110-240 volt power supply - no converters needed when using  
• 7 months old (bought at start of the year for a trip around europe) -  
barely used sinced then!
STILL retails for $799 at palaeographics  

I will sell for ***$450 including delivery within the metropolitan  
area of perth after hours

want to see more pictures? go to 

(2) Sony Clie N760C Palm OS 4.1 pda
This is a colour sony palm pda complete with accessories.
• 8mb onboard ram
• MP3 player function off memory stick
• Full suite of palm standard programs plus sony's programs - mp3  
player, photo slideshow program, movie player
• Works in mac OS X without purchasing any additional software -  
standard palm desktop syncs with it

• Included accessories:
 Additional 64mb memory stick
Metal hard case
Lanyard (for the geeky ones to hang around their neck japanese style)
Targus full size keyboard - RRP $150AUD. Plugs in to base, fold up to  
palm size! for more info, go to

Screen protector

Reduced for quick sale : $300
See more info on the web about this PDA:  


David Choy
UWA final year student


"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of  
someone else." - Judy Garland 

Re: aiptek cams

2003-08-25 Thread David Choy
Yep, it works. you might even be able to get it to work with iChat. You 
will need to download a driver off 
versiontracker( called macam (freeware).


On Monday, Aug 25, 2003, at 05:01 Australia/Perth, WAMUG Mailing List 

From: frogontheroad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Aug 24, 2003  11:51:48 Australia/Perth

Has anyone out there connected one of those little aiptek palm cams to 
a mac through USB. I picked one up for a few dollars and want to see 
if it can connect to my iBook

tom samson

"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a 
life. " - Arthur Ashe

Powerbook G4 superdrive upgrade safe?

2003-08-14 Thread David Choy

Hi everyone,

some of you guys might have seen reports on the net that the superdrive 
on 12" powerbooks and some 15" powerbooks can be upgraded so that it 
can burn DVD -R at 2x (vs. 1x currently) , burn cds at 16x (vs 8x 
currently) and burns DVD-RW. Apparently, the drives ARE capable of 
doing this natively (matshita sells them with this capability), but 
apple has disabled some of the functionality. Here is a link to pages 
which describe the firmware upgrade:


Anyway, I was wondering whether anyone who looks at this list works at 
Apple or whether anyone can email Garner Arnett about this. I'd love to 
apply this update (1x dvd burns is sl---o-w--!!) but (1) I am 
concerned that this may reduce the life of my superdrive , perhaps due 
to heat or (2) apple will release an official upgrade.

Any feedback most appreciated.


david choy

Re: OS X and floppies

2003-07-31 Thread David Choy

Hi Lloyd,

when you say your floppies don't work, were they 880K floppies or 1.4mb 
floppies(the latter have a"HD" printed in one corner). 880K floppies 
aren't supported in OS X.

Alternatively, could it be the drive itself? perhaps a firmware update?

Give me more details and I will try to help. I personally have a cheap 
USB floppy drive and i don't have problems with 1.4mb Mac disks with no 
problem. Also check that the disks aren't file protected - OSX needs to 
put ds_store files on them.

You are correct w/respect to fileid.dat etc - however you need them on 
the mac side. However, deleting them will just mean they get replaced 
next time you put them in your mac.

they don't affect how the disks work in PCs.


On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 07:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 16
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 12:49:21 +0800
From: Lloyd White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Floppies plus more

Hi folks,

Is there an issue with OSX and floppies? I used to be able to use 
with my iMac through my SuperDisk. But since changing to OSX most 
will not mount or a message comes up saying the floppy contains 
nothing that

the system can recognise.

The same floppies work well on my old PowerBook using OS 8.6

Do I need to initialise even new floppies?

When these floppies do open they contain three files, FILEID.DAT,

Are these normally hidden and if so how can I either hide them or get 
rid of
them. I want them to open on other people's PCs and am using PC 



Re: iDVD alternatives

2003-07-28 Thread David Choy

Hi Angus,

Actually, the latest version of iDVD does work in non-superdrive 
equipped macs:

There are HEAPS of programs available to rip DVD material.
Here are a few:

word of warning: all the programs take several hours (possibly even a 
day) to rip the footage.


On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 02:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 19
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 10:50:51 +0800
From: Angus Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDVD

Hi Rod

Thanks for a quick reply.

So I wasn't incorrect in deleting it since I don't have a superdrive 

Do you know if I would be able to play it on the laptop and pick it
up/record it onto my DV camera and then play it back through iMovie?

Is there not legal software for extracting DVD clips?

Many thanks



Re: AppleCentres in WA

2003-07-25 Thread David Choy

Whoa! Look like I stirred up a little hornet's nest! 8-)

Anyway, I thought I'd like to elaborate on what I have said so far.
(1) I am in full agreement with Shay - the part I was bitching about 
(S-video to composite adaptor) is NOT an old, obsolete part, but 
something that is still necessary for some machines, such as the Pbook 
g4. Additionally, I never said that I expected a box full of adaptors - 
only that it is clear that some AppleCentres are capable of having a 
plentiful supply of this relatively important accessory (considering 
there are projectors out there with only component out, not S-video). I 
only expect that SOMEBODY in WA would have at least ONE in stock. Not 
having a single Apple place in WA having ones such item readily 
available. As an example, I can ring even the DARWIN store or the SA 
store and get this item - so i don't think it's unreasonable to have 
one of these in stock in WA within reasonable distance from the CBD.

(2) I am also disappointed that the staff at particular stores (I won't 
name names, but i think it's obvious which stores may not have 
expertise on these things, even though it's not a mac specific item per 
se) (a) didn't know what the heck it was or what it did, (b) were 
unable to point me in the direction of someone who had such an item. It 
seems it is a trend these days to kick out older, experienced staff for 
newer, clueles staff who have no idea about macs or the items they are 
selling. this has happened several times to a few apple stores in this 
state and some members of this list have been the victims. Such stores 
should not be moaning about poor sales etc - surely it shouldn't 
surprise such employers that poor knowledge of sales staff is going to 
lead to poorer sales/ better sales to the more commonly available pcs?

(3) With reference to Barry's rather frenetic email: I will give you a 
call as you would prefer me to. I don't know whether your post really 
helped with people's impression of the Cannington store. there is very 
little advertising for the store (nothing regular that i have seen 
anyway) and it isn't that easy to find. I resever the rest for my 
personal call to you.

sorry had to put my 2 cents worth in here but when you are driving 
past this
location with the other lunatic drivers on the road that apple sign on 
wall does not really stand out and yes I know you are there as I 
your opening day even though everyone was to busy to help me when I 
to ask a few questions as staff where still unpacking and setting 
things up
had a good look around and yes you are closer than other mac shops for 
of the river but Rod at digilife in MtHawthorn has always looked after 
and because of that he has a loyal customer in me and that is who and 

I recommend people to.

(4) I am very sorry to hear that Rod isn't in the business any more. He 
(and Daniel)are one of the few staff that really care about customers 
and about really impressing people about the Apple advantage. I 
honestly hope that there will be more new blood like him that get into 
the business (harder and harder to come by these days!)

(5) While I have been bagging the crap out of local stores, i thought 
I'd better point out that not all things are bad - I have always been 
impressed with the way Applecentre joondalup has dealt with customers 
and they still have one of the best collections of games and bits and 
pieces around. even if you don't live out that way, I have often 
dirceted people to go there just because I can't trust any other apple 
place with their business. (and no, I don't work there nor have I ever 
worked there). I will refrain from placing negative experiences here 
but needless to say I can't put anyone else in this category at this 

(6) I agree with the other david on his point(as below). At this point 
I'd like to mention that I am not only a long tie Apple Customer (for 
the last 16 years), I am also an ex-salesperson of an AppleCentre in 
this state for a number of years and have also been a patron and local 
assistant in Adelaide and Victoria. it's a really sad day when i can 
say our smaller cousin in SA has better service and support with their 
2 stores (when I was there in 1996) than the majority of the apple 
places in WA.

Hear hear. Business has a lot to do with goodwill.

The top posting illustrates clearly the inherent weakness of giving
Applecentre franchises to those of the dark side: they get neglected.
Also apart from the completely appropriate business lesson, Shay,
perhaps you could educate the above individual in the mystical art of
the Full Stop... perhaps his clientele may be more impressed!


feel free to email me if you would like to further labour these points.


dave Choy

Re: S-Video to composite adaptor

2003-07-23 Thread David Choy
Good luck shay - I tried a few weeks ago - rang around all the 
Applecentres - no one had stock, and to boot Next Byte quoted me $40. I 
ended up going to JayCar electronics ( in Northbridge 
and picked up one for $12.95.

Seriously, the stores here are very poor - I am sick to death of 
supporting the local stores(which I have been doing for the last 5 
years since I arrived in WA) when they can't stock simple items such as 
this. The week prior to requiring such an adaptor, I was in melbourne, 
where I spotted a whole BOX full of these things(of at least 40) going 
for $25 at MyMac in mebourne city. The fact that I can't find a single 
one readily available from the usual suspects (and that includes the 
sponsors of WAMUG - added that just for you Matt Healey ;-)) show how 
poor WA has been in this respect.

If Apple is to open any store for themselves, they should start with WA.

Dave Choy

On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 06:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 01:58:24 +0800
From: Shay Telfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S-Video to composite adapter


I've managed to misplace my S-Video to composite adapter, which is
really annoying. Does anyone know a source of them locally? Ideally
an Apple one (they look cooler :)

If you don't know what one looks like there's a picture here...

Have fun,
=== Shay Telfer 

Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Join Team Sungroper, race 

Opinions for hire [POQ] 2003 World Solar Challenge

Re: ICQ sending files

2003-07-14 Thread David Choy
I assume you have tried the obvious, such as opening up system 
preferences> sharing> firewall> click "new" and select ICQ from the 
pulldown list and click oK (this is assuming you have OS X). This also 
assumes the firewall is on. My firewall is off and I can share both ICQ 
and MSN Messenger files fine.

This also assumes you aren't on broadband behind a router.( Since the 
router can also block ICQ, hence router specific workarounds might be 

It is really hard to help you if you don't put down any details of 
your setup. the minimum required in this case is:

Your computer
Your OS (9 or 10?)
Your connection type (Broadband - cable or adsl/dial up)
Your ISP ( I have assumed dodo, which, by the way, have really dodgy 

What you have tried to date
What version of ICQ you are using
If you are using broadband or sharing your connection, whether you are 
using a hardware router/airport.

I hope the above solution was of help, but unfortunately no one is 
going to be able to help you unless you fill in the blanks


On Sunday, July 13, 2003, at 07:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 18:09:16 +0800
From: Dark Servant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ICQ sending files

No I haven't. It's very hard because I'm not sure about how I can go
about fixing this problem. I'm seem to have a nack for posting
questions that remain unanswered and unsolved. I might have a go at
playing around with things after backing up onto my iPod but I doubt I
will get anywhere. If I figure out how to solve it I will post what I
did onto the list for anyone else with this problem.

Ruben A. Franke

Re: Multimedia in Acrobat

2002-09-15 Thread David Choy

Wouldn't it be easier just to convert the powerpoint presentation into a
quicktime movie (a built in ability of powerpoint for mac OS X)? It's cross
platform and since you say it does not need any input from the user, this
sounds like the best way. Acrobat is really just a digital "paper
replacement" (that's why companies like micro$haft are no longer making
paper manuals and instead tell people to read the .pdf). Oh, and the other
bonus is you don't have to plonk lost of cash out for Director.

There is also a free powerpoint reader that one could put on the cd so
people without powerpoint could still see the presentation.

There are other alternatives, but see how this one goes first I guess would
be the best


> On Sunday, Sep 15, 2002, at 18:51 Australia/Perth, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> Message: 4 Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 04:20:32 - From: "Colin Gordon"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Multimedia in Acrobat
> HI, A client of mine requires a CD rom presentation and has produced his own
> effort in Powerpoint but likes the idea of the cross platform compatibility
> of Acrobat So he wants me to reproduce the presentation in Acrobat. Its
> basically a slide show with a diffusion of one slide into the next with
> music (avi's) timed to start and finish as the slides change. It runs
> without input by the user. My question is; does Acrobat have the ability to
> produce a presentation like this which runs on its own from the CD. I guess
> Macromedia Director would be the ultimate application for this job, but its
> over the top expensive and too big a learning curve. Are there any Acrobat
> experts out there who can shed any light on this?
> Colin

Re: Wacom prices

2002-08-18 Thread David Choy
I'm assuming you're after RRPs since you don't specify second hand. This
one is easy - prices are available online:

Any of the Apple stores should be able to help you out here - they all get
them from the same supplier. There really isn't anything to get cheated on
either, if that's what you're worried about. I have searched countless PC
stores and the prices are all the same give or take 5 bucks (oh and lots of
the PC places do dodgy things, like at a 5% credit card surcharge - beware)

Since the intuos 2 came out fairly recently, expect to have it within 2-3

Intuos 2 6x8 tablets are $682 inc GST.

Hope this was helpful...


Ps. Have been trying inkwell on 10.2 via my Graphire tablet Very nice!
does make some mistakes however and it is marred by the fact I'm too used to
Palm's graffiti 8-)

On 19/8/02 1:51 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 02:34:22 +0800
> From: Phillip Arena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Wacom Intuos Price
> Hi all, Does anyone know of a reasonable place to purchase a Wacom
> Intuos Tablet/Pen etc.and a price please? (let's say a 6x8).
> Thanks
> Phil
> -- 
> We have only ONE Earth

Re: multifunction printer

2002-08-18 Thread David Choy
I know people who *love* the Brother MFP 9160. Mac OS X compatible even 
(printing) apparently. Worth a look


On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 03:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 16:14:14 +0800
From: Michael Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is there a reliable multifunction printer for the Mac?

I have a G3 PowerBook (OS 9.1 and 640 meg ram). I've had no end of 

getting my HP G85 printer/fax/scanner/copier to work reliably, and the
software update released in January 2002 which HP "strongly 
encouraged" Mac
users to download and install was an absolute disaster (unless black & 
printing speeds of 15 minutes per page can be counted as acceptable.) 
anyone recommend a reliable multifunction printer/fax/copier/scanner 
for the
Mac? Alternatively, has anyone been able to get a HP G85 to work 

near as well as the ads say that it will?


Michael Hawkins.

Re: 10.2 via applestore

2002-08-08 Thread David Choy
Or get 10.2 from the other Applestores & resellers that didn't make
Matthew's list for that matter

WA Solutions 
14/383 Scarborough Beach Road
tel: 08 9201 0121 fax: 08 9201 0190

AppleCentre Nedlands
104 Stirling Highway
tel: 08 9389 0400 fax: 08 9389 6144

614 Hay Street 
tel: 08 9387 5088 fax: 08 9387 5722


On 8/8/02 5:56 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 09:09:59 +0800
> From: Matthew Healey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: 10.2 via AppleStore
> Hi all,
> I have just confirmed with Apple that if you order 10.2 from the AppleStore
> web site (or phone number), you will not get your copy until about a week
> later.
> I would suggest that if you absolutely can't wait to get 10.2, go you your
> nearest AppleCentre on the Saturday.
> AppleCentre Joondalup - 9301 5333
> AppleCentre Mt Hawthorne - 9444 9988
> Desktop Applications - 9322 6789
> Regards
> Matthew Healey
> -- 

Re: internet provider

2002-08-04 Thread David Choy
You might want to try eLink(which recently amalgamated with, and and optelglobal). They have generally
firendly staff, though I must admit they don't really know macs that well
although they try to be helpful. They claim to have good access in the more
distant places including mandurah. They have compettitive plans, most of
which are unlimited. Have a look for yourself at:


On 3/8/02 7:32 AM, wrote:

> __
> Message: 9
> Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2002 09:51:41 +0800
> From: Don Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Internet provider
> I have a similar problem and have been looking for a low(er) cost
> alternative to Telstra for over a year now without success. Someone who
> will host my domain name, with only a couple of email addresses and minimal
> free web space, however I would prefer an unlimited online package. Every
> company I have spoken is offering expensive packages that are structured for
> much bigger companies than mine, and therefore priced accordingly. My other
> 'complication' is that, living the other side of Mandurah, I don't have
> access to as many ISP's as those 'lucky' people living in Perth. Has anyone
> got any suggestions?
> Don
> -- 

Fastest MP3 ripper for the mac?

2002-07-26 Thread David Choy
Since we're on the topic of Mp3s, I was wondering what people have found to
be the fastest mp3 ripper on the mac (preferably OS X app)? By accounts I
have seen on the web, iTunes is certainly not it. I have a friend who
recently switched to the mac who is whinging that his PC was faster at
ripping mp3s.

Thanks for any help!


Re: MP3 music servers

2002-07-25 Thread David Choy
No one has mentioned Neo, a kazaa "client". It is a Mac OS X only app but it
allows you to search kazaa user files. It is not a perfect client, however;
it actually scans the kazaa ports for online servers. Apparently this can
(in some places) be constituted as a "port scan" attack, which may be
considered very bad by your ISP. However, if you don't want to do this, the
kindly souls that make the program have a starter kit where they have
already done this so you can search from a predetermined list of servers.
Naturally this will miss out any new servers though. Nevertheless, I have
found this a pretty good program for most stuff.

Kazaa is one of the more popular music sharing systems on PCs, even though
they do dodgy things to your pc (transmit viruses, sell your computer time
to companies etc). Fortunately I think the nasty stuff doesn't work on the

You will need both the neo app and the starter kit, available at these
Neo app : 

Neo starter kit:

You will need to follow the instructions included with the starter kit *to
the letter*

Hope this helps!


On 25/7/02 10:22 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 13
> Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 11:21:22 +0800
> From: Greg Hosking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: MP3 music servers
> Hi All, where do folks go for "music sharing" now that Audio Galaxy seems to
> have suffered the same fate as Napster?
> Greg
> _

Re: Laserjet 2100 to tiBook

2002-06-29 Thread David Choy
I know this certainly isn't the cheapest option, but that printer can be
fitted with a JetDirect ethernet interface (10BaseT). I have the 2100TN and
this works fine. This is probably the most hassle-free way to get it going!

The model no. is as follows:
J3110A HP JetDirect 600N EIO print server Ethernet(10BaseT)
You can order it direct from HP - 03 9272 2895

Hope this helps


On 27/6/02 10:48 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 13
> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 18:23:41 +0800
> Subject: Printing to LaserJet 2100 from TiBook
> A client has a new TiBook running MacOS X 10.1.5. He wants to print to a
> variety of printers, all of them serial (he is a medico who roves
> between 4 or five different offices through the week). He has bought a
> Keyspan USB-to-serial device in the hope of being able to get all this
> stuff to work, but he's having no joy at all.
> I have just come home from his main office where he has a HP LaserJet
> 2100. He has downloaded and installed all the necessary latest MacOS X
> software for the Keyspan device and the printer (and I've reinstalled it
> again) but we simply cannot get the computer to recognise that there is
> a printer attached.
> Has anyone on the list had any success with a similar setup?
> Message to Apple: this sort of stuff is sending people to the Dark Side.
> This client was muttering that if he hadn't had so much invested in
> Apple technology over the years he would have switched to Wintel years
> ago. To quote him: "(Windows) might be primitive but at least it works".
> Not what I want to hear from a long-time Mac user.

FOR SALE : Postscript Laser printer -ethernet included

2002-06-28 Thread David Choy

Lexmark Optra R+ laser printer
1200 DPI, resolution enhancement technology
Postscript Level 2
2 paper bins
Ethernet port, serial and parallel interfaces
Good condition - only done just over a month's duty cycle worth of printing!
*Mac OS X, OS 9 and Windoze 98, XP drivers available**

Asking price $490 or nearest reasonable offer (as a guide, the closest
Postscript capable network ready printer with solid OS X drivers is probably
the HP 1200N @ $1200)

Selling as now surplus to requirements (and I want an iPod!)

If interested, email me or please ring 9389 9765 (Speak to Dave or Ashish).
I can also forward a pdf of the specs of the printer.


Dave Choy
Nedlands, WA

Re: iinet Broadband

2002-06-18 Thread David Choy
The problem with iinet and why some of their techs say their ADSL won't work
is simply because their staff are incompetant at supporting mac on
ADSL/don't want to bother supporting them. I rang them regarding setting up
ADSL (my ADSL only came with Windoze instructions) and they said "sorry,
can't help you. Macintosh isn't supported for ADSL". I did end up getting it
working; their tech support was just non existent( it was hard enough even
getting them to verify the settings I needed!)

However, since they *currently* use static Ips and not PPPoE, setting up
actually was very painless once you worked out what goes where!


PS. Iinet just released some brand spanking new ADSL plans that have some
nice touches (apparently unlimited download between 12am-7am!). They are
actually shaping up to be some of the best deals in Australia.


Re: ever present dialog box

2002-06-16 Thread David Choy
Have you looked in your "startup items" folder in your system folder? Sounds
like you(or someone else) accidentally put a system extension in the startup
items folder. If this is the case, your mac will try to launch it at
startup, which it can't do.


On 17/6/02 12:03 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 03:29:25 -
> From: "moorend2001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ever present dialog box
> Hi can anyone help me permanently get rid off and maybe even
> understand the following "dialog box":
> "System Extension
> This file adds funtionality to your computer.
> To add this file's functionality to your computer, place the file in the
> extensions folder the restart the computer." With only an [OK] option.
> This appears each time I go to the desktop/finder and I can't get past it
> unless I click OK.
> I have looked for the file HD>systems>extensions>systems extensions
> and can only find a systems extensions (disabled) folder with nothing in
> it. There is no systems extension folder .
> I even looked under extensions manager and there is no systems extension
> folder. 
> Should I have one?
> Why would I have a disabled systems extension folder, if there is nothing
> in it (disabled)?
> Can anyone let me know what significance if any the alert has and how to
> turn the thing off? I have a PowerPC 7220/200 on OS 8.6
> Thanks
> Matt Falvey

Re: Spreadsheet for PalmV

2002-06-16 Thread David Choy
The only palm spreadsheet app that's any good for a mac user is documents to
go. Unfortunately, it doesn't run natively in OSX. However, another palm-mac
newsgroup suggests it is possible to run Documents to go using the older
version of palm desktop (2.6.3) in the classic environment while running
oSX. IF you want further details, email me.

Apparently they hope to release the os x version in the american fall 2002.
Link for documents to go:


On 14/6/02 10:51 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 20:13:37 +0800
> From: Terence C McManus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Spreadsheet for PalmV
> Can anyone help?
> I would like to get a spreadsheet for my Palm Vx (version 4) that will
> HotSync with an Excel spreadsheet on my iMAC - G4/700 with OS 10.1.4.
> The info from the internet suggest that both TinySheet and Quicksheet
> are not compatible with OS 10. Does anyone have any suggestions??
> Terry McManus

Re: Cross platform voice chat

2002-05-30 Thread David Choy
Is this what you are after?

Haxial NetPhone 

Cross platform and does voice calls but I think only one-to-one.

Hope this helps,


On 29/5/02 2:24 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 17:02:12 +0800
> From: Shay Telfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Voice chat app?
> Hi...
> There was a cross-platform app to do voice chat released recently
> (within the last month, I think), but I can't for the life of me
> remember what it was called. Anyone able to jog my memory?
> It wasn't an AOL chat client or iSpQVideoChat.
> Thanks,
> Shay
> -- 
> === Shay Telfer 
> Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
> Opinions for hire [POQ]


2002-05-30 Thread David Choy
Cut and pasted from the "Macfixit" mailing list:

NOTE: In at least some email clients (such as Entourage v. X), clicking
some of the URLs above will not work. This is due to a bug, apparently
in OS X, that incorrectly converts the # symbol when going from an email
program to a browser. You can still get the URLs to work by copying the
text and pasting it into your browser's Address box.

Hope this helps.


On 30/5/02 11:00 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 12
> Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 09:28:34 +0800
> From: Tom Samson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Links
> Can anyone out there tell me why links made in emails, when read through
> Entourage cannot be accessed . All I seem to get are error notices. Cannot
> be accessed. This is almost standard
> Tom Samson

Re: ADSL requirements

2002-05-26 Thread David Choy
While not exactly ADSL, we run a 7500(running OS 9) on a cable modem using
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in Melbourne. It works, but naturally a g3 would be heaps 
The problem is largely with slow screen redraws and pages take longer to
load than the PIII 450mhz we also have attached. However, still *much*
better than a dial-up 56k modem!


On 25/5/02 9:22 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 11:49:48 +0800
> From: Bob Howells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ADSL requirements.
> Hi All.
> Hardware and System Requirements for ADSL ! ???
> As you will all know, the Microsoft Tech Technicians are always quoting
> a higher hardware/system for Mac than is really necessary.
> The Banks are classics. They say minimum hardware G3 or 300 Processor.
> Telstra was similar.
> But this 7300/200 ( 96Mb virtual Ram )of mine works fine, although
> perhaps a little slower than one would wish at times.
> Is there anybody using ADSL on a Mac less than a G3 please,
> and what sort of performance do you get ?
> Telstra suggests minimum G3, preferably G4. !
> Bob

Re: OS X scanners

2002-05-13 Thread David Choy
If you're in the market for scanners for OS X, I'd look at the Agfa e25
scanners. Still some of these suckers floating around perth (I've been told
the supplier had about 20 at last count), and I can personally guarantee
they work with Mac OS X - I got one for a friend who REFUSES to use OS 9 and
it works like a dream. Other scanners (eg epson) may work with a piece of
software called Vuescan which you need to pay an additional fee for(although
apparently there are some canon drivers that can be hacked so that the epson
scanners will work. If you don't mind 600 x 1200 dpi, the Agfa is an
excellent buy at RRP$129 (discontinued product price). Drivers available off
the page for free.

WA Solutions P/L
Apple reseller and Gold service provider
383 Scarborough Bch Rd, Osborne Park 6017
Ph 9201 0121

On 5/13/02 1:52 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 20
> Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 12:00:50 +0800
> From: Stefan Gosatti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Scanner for OS X?
> Hi There...
> I¹m in the market for a scanner and would like it to run native in OS X.
> Does such a beast exist yet? Can anyone recommend a brand/model? I have
> checked the archives on this matter to no avail. The question was asked
> back in October 2001 but I couldn¹t find a reply. Pricing was discussed
> recently but again I couldn¹t pick up a particular model that runs OS X
> native.
> BTW, the archives URL at
> the bottom of current messages, which directs you the the WAMUG archives
> site, appears to be broken.
> Stefan
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Indesign install problem: fix?

2002-05-12 Thread David Choy
Found this the other day re:Photoshop 7. You may want to try it if the
installer update for indesign(as on adobe's website) does not work as it may
work for indesign too.

Off the MacFIxit website:

A reader attempted to install Photoshop 7 on a single volume with OS X
installed but no OS 9 System Folder. He could not get it to work. It kept
getting stuck when trying to install a file called ARMLib, resulting in an
error message that said: "1008:9,-5000 Access Denied Error." He contacted
Adobe about this and they offered the following work-around, which "worked

1. Log in as root (Admin privileges are not sufficient).
2. Go to the OS X system folder, then open Library/Core Services and note
the two finders contained therein.
3. Make a new folder and call it anything that isn't already taken, such
as "Classic Finder Stuff."
4. Get Info on each of the two files in Library: Core Services that are
named "Finder. 
5. One of these is listed as a "Classic Application" and the other as
"Application." You want the one called "Classic Application."
6. Move that version of Finder into the folder you created earlier.
7. Log out as root and back in as yourself.
8. Install should work.
9. Test the app to make sure it installed correctly.
10. After installing, log back in as Root and put the Classic version of
Finder back into Library:Core Services.
11. Trash the folder you made.
12. Log back in as yourself.

Note: Most readers have had no problems installing Photoshop 7. However,
this solution may help if you are one of the few that do have problems.

WA Solutions P/L
Apple reseller and Gold service provider
383 Scarborough Bch Rd, Osborne Park 6017
Ph 9201 0121

> Message: 4
> Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 13:51:45 +0800
> From: Leon Shaffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: InDesign 2.0 Install Problem
> Just purchased InDesign 2.0. When I go to install the software it gets
> 1/4 of the way through the install then quits. I then get the
> following error message.
> " An error occurred that prevented the installation from completing"
> Running Mac OS 10.1.4
> G4 Tower 640 Meg Ram
> Have tried Adobe's solutions on their website with no joy.
> Has anyone in the group had any like issues?
> Regards
> Leon Shaffer

Re: Problem installing indesign 2.0 on OS X

2002-05-02 Thread David Choy
Have you installed the patch to the installer? I had exactly the same
problem, until I downloaded the installer patch available on Adobe's

You just need to download it and run it while your indesign installer cd is
in the drive 
Give it a try if you haven't already.


Dave Choy
WA Solutions 
Apple sales and service
383 Scarborough Beach Rd,
Osborne Park

On 2/5/02 4:24 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 17
> Date: 2 May 2002 06:26:05 -
> Subject: Installation Issues with indesign 2.0
> Hello All:
> I am having a weird experience with installing Indesign 2.0 for OSX and I
> am wondering if anyone has managed to accomplish this feat.
> First, I am running 10.1.4 on a G4 T-powerbook. I am logged in as
> administrator.
> Usually, when you install something, the installer prompts you to enter in
> your admin password before it launches into the install. This was the case
> in Adobe and other products.
> However with my copy of Indesign 2.0 (which is for OSX), it doesn't ask
> me this--instead it goes about the business of installing just as it would
> under OS9. Of course, during the install process I get an "access denied"
> error message, and when i click OK it tells me I don't have permissions to
> install this.
> I have been on the phone with Apple and Adobe this morning, and neither
> have a solution. We have tried the following work arounds (without
> success):
> 1. Log in a root user. Believe it or not, when I do this and attempt to
> install, the installer won't even run--claiming I need to be logged in as
> administrator to have the right permissions to install the program
> (!!??!!).
> 2. Create a new admin user, and try to install using their account. I had
> the same errors.
> 3. Custom install of product (as opposed to easy install). Resulted in
> same error.
> 4. Installing under OS9. Product installed, but then was unsuable due
> to "missing files" when attempting to use the application in OSX.
> 5. Restart the computer. Wish it to work. Log back in. Resulted in same
> error. (Not wishing hard enough?)
> So I call out for suggestions, workarounds, comments? Particularly form
> those who have this installed.
> Apple and Adobe asked me to contact them tomorrow and report any progress
> to them for their systems help.
> Thanks in advance
> Nathalie

Re: Mac to PC virus

2002-04-27 Thread David Choy
According to my understanding (everyone else correct me if I'm wrong) but,
the answer is yes, yes, and yes. If you sent her a file with a PC virus
attached, it can infect her computer. You may also not be aware of it, since
a PC virus won't affect you at all(unless you have virtual PC). You may not
pick it up if (1) your virus checker is out of date, or (2) it is not set to
check your email for viruses(in the case of email viruses). And yes, it is
possible to act as a "carrier" and transmit PC viruses, especially if you
are in the habit of forwarding mail.

Hope this helps,


On 27/4/02 9:49 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 07:45:10 +0800
> From: David Hudleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Mac to PC virus
> One of my clients, who uses a PC, says she received a "worm" virus from an
> Apple computer via email.
> She suspects it was from my computer.
> However a virus check of my computer did not reveal any virus. My computer
> is also functioning normally.
> Last time I sent an email to her was on April 16 and her computer
> malfunctioned on April 24 - eight days later - and required a new hard
> drive.
> Is it possible to transmit a virus from a Mac to a PC without picking up the
> virus on the Mac?
> And is it possible to have a PC virus on a Mac and not know it?
> regards
> David Hudleston

Re: Ideal video card for a 7600?

2002-04-21 Thread David Choy
There is one other solution that no one has suggested yet - the MPDD video
card. It is around $279 and can do monitors from 12"-21". 8mb video ram.
Check it out... Might do the trick:

Available locally. 



On 20/4/02 9:00 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:57:31 +0800
> Subject: Re: Ideal video card for a 7600?
> On 18/4/02 7:11 PM, "Keith Palmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There are not too many PCI video cards about these days - talk to Craig
>> at AppleCentre Osborne Park about a generic card he has or I'm sure the
>> guys at AppleCentre Joondalup would have something similar.
>> On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 06:19 PM, Brian Scott wrote:
>>> I have a PPC 7600/200 with OS 9.1 512Meg.
>>> I also have a very good NEC MultiSync monitor that I use with it
>>> and I have an AppleVision 1710 I would like to have as a 2nd monitor
>>> what would be a good video card to use for this and about how
>>> much would I expect pay for it?
>>> I'm not into 3D games so a 2D card would suffice.
>>> Thanks
>>> Brian
> H Not much of a choice these days. You can spend $495 and get a
> Radeon 7000 PCI card (total overkill in my opinion), or keep your eyes
> posted on ebay and the newsgroups. Maybe even look at some of the US Mac
> Stores on the web, like MacWarehouse  or
> MacresQ . They may have some old ixMicro cards for
> sale.
> We used to have a couple in the bargain tables at the Cannington
> AppleCentre.. Those were the days :-) Three ton of crap at the back of the
> store ;-)
> Seeya
> Rod!

Re: Digest Number 844

2002-04-16 Thread David Choy
Forget the $40 mouse! If you are after a *really* cheap mouse, come down 
to the Apple store in osborne park (behind WA Salvage, 2 doors from 
iKea) they have a $15 mouse - no frills, but all you need to try out 
some borrowed games! If they've run out, a quick order should see you 
with one within 24hrs. Works great!



PS. for $50 you get a logitech optical.. don't waste your time with 

On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 03:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:12:46 +0800
From: Erik Hecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Looking for cheap USB Mouse

Am looking for a CHEAP USB mouse. (one of the much hated "hockey pucks"
perhaps?) Please contact if you have one available.

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:50:54 +0800
From: Rob Findlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for cheap USB Mouse

Go down to Office Works & buy a Logitech for about $40. Even has Mac 

with it with is astonishing for something from Office Works!

Re: DiskOnKey

2002-02-19 Thread David Choy
> on 18/2/02 11:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On page 87 is a James Bond style gadget that looks like a Highlighter pen
>> but is actually a 128mb hard disk with its own USB connector. From $30.00 us
>> - as usual I WANT ONE!

Contrary to what Keith has said, I DO think these usb memory drives are
useful - while compactflash etc are cheaper, I think there is a considerable
difference in portability. With the disk on key, you can have it on your
keychain etc - with compactflash/smartmedia, you have to lug the reader +
usb cable + disks. And they aren't as expensive as you think.

To answer your question, yes they are available in Australia, but not that
brand yet. I got excited when they first came out and bought 2 of them. The
two main brands I have seen are:

1. Trek Thumbdrive - <>
2. Apacer HandyDrive - <>

I have had no problems with these drive at all (I have been using one for
about 2 months now) but I realise I don't really need two! If anyone is
interested, I'm selling my spare 8mb one for $60(RRP $94.95), complete with
all packaging materials etc. Please email me off list if interested.

If you are after a bigger one, you can drop in to an Apple store. I know
they sell them at WA Solutions on Scarborough Bch Rd Osborne park, and I am
pretty sure I saw one at the Apple store in Nedlands.



David Choy
Full time Med V student, Part time Mac nerd

> Issue 80 of design graphic magazine arrived this morning.
> Forget floppies, forget zip disks
> Has anybody seen them yet? is anybody stocking them?
> jo

Re: Palm pilots

2002-02-02 Thread David Choy
Yes, I use a Sony Clie (running Palm OS) on OS 9. Synching for me is
excellent - pretty fast. If you have a choice, I strongly recommend 16mb ram
- bear in mind your programs all have to run off memory. Any programs you
run off a memory card are actually copied into memory first, then run (ie
not directly) and only some programs even support being stored on the memory
card. I never thought I'd even use 8mb, but if you add avantgo(web clipping)
or any databases, 8mb is only just enough.

Take a look at the sony clie of you are after a colour palm. The PEG615C is
the only one sold here but comes standard with 16mb of ram (go to


David Choy

on 2/2/02 12:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Message: 8
> Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 21:38:26 +0800
> From: chesnutt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Palm Pilots
> Is anyone on the list using a Palm Pilot?
> If yes:
> 1) How well does synching (in OS 9.1) work over USB?
> 2) Is 8 mb of RAM sufficient, or is 16 really necessary?
> Thanks,
> Bill Chesnutt

Re: Digest Number 746

2002-01-19 Thread David Choy
Also check that you have the right cable - iMacs (all macs with microphone
ports for that matter) need special sound-in plugs - they ARE NOT the same
size as PC microphone/sound in plugs. You will need to get an appropriate
cable *or* adaptor to get it to work. Go to your local Applecentre to check
out what this plug should look like (ask to see a apple external microphone)

I got bitten by this one when I tried to plug a PC headset into my mac.

Otherwise if you are sure you have the right plug, kindly ignore my babble!



on 19/1/02 4:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Message: 11
> Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 08:18:20 +0800
> From: Tom Samson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: I don't understand
> 1. Can anyone tell me why myIE5 has decided it needs 130 megs of RAM ?I
> have 160 on board a 333 imac
> 2. Can anyone tell me of a good price for a 40+gig HD replacement for the
> above machine
> 3. I still can't get my imac to recognise sound coming in through the sound
> in port from a tape deck any ideas
> Tom samson

lacie vs retrospect

2002-01-10 Thread David Choy

Re: Retrospect: You will need to check the compatibility list for the LaCie
drive. There are a couple of different 24x mechanisms that LaCIe inserts
into their cases. I also have a LaCie 24x burner, and alas Retrospect is yet
to support this drive. Go check out the page below:

this has a list of currently supported drives



on 10/1/02 12:18 PM, david paul wrote:

> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 17:15:45 +0800
> From: david paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: lacie vs retrospect
> Hi
> I am struggling to get my new LaCie CD-RW U&I drive (24x10x40) to
> work with Retrospect express 4.3 (the most recent available). I have
> doe=wnloaded the latest driver update (2.4) which has at least
> allowed the drive to be recognised by Retrospect E.
> The back up session will commence and then the CD gets rejected
> almost immediately with the message -
> *Error 100 (device rejected command)*
> I have tried a couple of different brands of rewritable CDs and
> several different CDs from each brand so it does not seem to be a
> media issue.
> I am using this with my G3 firewire powerbook 400 (128meg of RAM)
> running Mac OS 9.1.
> I was wondering if anyone had come across this or has some thoughts
> for sorting it out?
> Thanks
> Dave
> Message: 14
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:24:32 +0800
> From: Neil Blake & Associates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: lacie vs retrospect
> David
> I too have had trouble getting Retrospect Express to work with my burner,
> despite having all the recent upgrades and trying different media. The only
> difference in my case is that my burner is a Que!Fire machine, which in
> every other respect is totally reliable. I've resorted to using Toast for
> incremental backups.
> I've tried contacting Dantz directly, but with no joy.
> I would also be grateful if anyone can shed any light on this.
> Cheers
> Neil

> ___

FW: Iomega CD Burner

2001-12-20 Thread David Choy

I hope you are picking them up for a bargain, because USB burners have come
down a heap in price. From what I've heard, they are okay, but don't expect
death-defying support from iomega... support from the latter is severely
lacking in Perth. For $399 you can pop down to your local Apple store and
pick up a new LaCie burner with an EIGHT speed mechanism and USB 2.0 built
in (ready(hopefully!) for the next range of macs). I have seen a couple of
the apple stores in WA with these on the shelf.

Another $170 will get you a 16 speed burner with USB AND firewire

Oh, and did I mention LaCie support is excellent?

Hope this helps!
Have a great christmas

Dave Choy

> On Tuesday, December 18, 2001, at 05:08 PM, Callum Prior wrote:
>> Just hoping for hearsay, opinion, and rumour on the iOMEGA Zip CD 650
>> (External USB), as I've got the opportunity to pick one up fairly
>> cheaply.
>> Running OS X / 9 on a G4 400 (PCI).

Re: Intellimouse

2001-11-09 Thread David Choy
I have an intellimouse attached to my mac using USB overdrive as well. Have
you actually programmed USB overdrive to allow you to use the buttons as
forward and back buttons in your browser? Unlike the Intellimouse software,
this needs to be done manually. In the USB overdrive control panel, you need
to set the fourth and fifth buttons to
1."Keystroke(pulldown menu)"
2. click the checkbox next to "command"
3. Click in the keystroke box and type "[" (for backward) or "]" (for
forward) respectively. Note that when you click in the keystroke box you
don't get a flashing cursor

This setup has worked like a dream on my iMac ever since I gave up on the
intellimouse drivers (due to freezes). Hope this helps!


David Choy

on 8/11/01 4:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Message: 12
> Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 07:51:03 +0800
> From: Susan Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: IntelliMouse anyone?
> On 7/11/01 7:07 PM, "Antony N. Lord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Any suggestions as to how I can get my IntelliMouse side buttons to back and
>>> forward web pages would be very much appreciated.
>> Get rid if the Intellimouse drivers / control panel etc.
>> Install "USB Overdrive" - look at for it.
>> It's a great bit of software for any USB input device.
>> Should solve all your problems.
> USB overdrive is fine except that I now can't use the side buttons at all.
> Still have the scrolling bit, and the two main buttons, but not the side
> ones.


Re: mini CD in slot load macs? correction

2001-11-07 Thread David Choy
You guys aren't quite correct. iMacs CAN have mini cds- just not discs of
non standard SHAPES. To determine exactly what can and cannot get in a slot
loading iMac refer to the following apple Knowledgebase article:


An excerpt from this article:

"Standard size and shape discs - The 77 mm and 120 mm round discs are the
only size and shape that work with slot loading or slotted tray CD-ROM and
DVD-ROM drives."

Hope this clears things up.


David Choy

on 5/11/01 4:17 PM,
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 12:50:02 +0800
> From: Greg Hosking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: mini CD in slot load macs?
> does anyone know if slot-loading macs will read mini-CDs (CD singles - 80mm
> disc)?
> tia
> Greg

> Message: 10
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:58:01 +0800
> From: Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: mini CD in slot load macs?
> Hi Greg
> This would be a very big no. I can tell you from experience, i.e the
> number of machines I have seen come to a service centre, that they
> get stuck, as the iMac won't feed them in.
> Sorry if it was important, and you wanted to read it!
> Kind Regards
> Daniel Kerr

Re: Digest Number 609

2001-09-22 Thread David Choy

> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 17:45:27 +0800
> From: Michael Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Converting analogue video to digital
> Last week I paid about $169.00 for a Belikan system that uses USB port, and
> comes with software too, so that I can plug my analogue video camera intomy
> PowerBook using the red, yellow and white min-rca jacks, and digitize the
> video.
> Can then edit using the software, and upload to webpage using itools site.

There are a number of options for converting analogue video to digital
video. This is just one of the options - a similar product is called
MyVideo, and it also retails at a similar price. Either of these products is
available at any Apple retailer. The problem with these boxes is that they
digitise video at a very low resolution - 320x240 to be exact, and as such
will not give you a full-size,full resolution picture as you would get if
you dubbed it to tape. Additionally you may find audio synching problems
(like a badly dubbed foriegn film!) and some stuttering in your digitised
footage, especially if you have other devices connected to your USB ports.
Oh, and they don't allow output back to tape - ie you can't watch your
footage on a tv unless you connect it up to your mac.

A better (but more expensive) alternative is called Director's Cut, which
allows you to connect your standard analog outputs (the red, yellow, and
white RCA jacks Michael mentioned) through FireWire. This means you can use
iMovie or any standard video editing app (eg Final Cut) to edit your movie,
with no loss of quality or synching. AND you can export back to tape -
record your movies on VHS/camera tape etc. Another similar product is called
HollywoodDV. Both of these are around $1099, so they aren't cheap, but if
you plan to do anything with your footage with at least reasonable quality,
this is the way to go, and still cheaper than a Digital8 camera. Available
from your main apple stores.
Further info:

Director's cut

Videobus II (belkin)


D. Choy

> Michael Hawkins.
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 16:20:17 +0800
>> From: Neil Blake & Associates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Converting analogue video to digital
>> G¹day WAMUGers
>> I was wondering if someone could give me some advice as to the best way to
>> convert my stock of analogue 8mm video to digital so I can edit it via
>> iMovie? I have a good Sony analogue 8mm camera and am reluctant to shell
>> out for a Digital8, so I¹d like to know if there is a cheaper cable and box
>> solution. I use a G3 iMac DV+ 450MHz machine.
>> TIA
>> Neil
>> Neil Blake & Associates
>> Environmental and Community Consultants
>> RMB 1050
>> South Coast Highway
>> Denmark
>> Western Australia 6333