GASP! Dvorak praises OS X

2005-07-27 Thread Doug Wilson
I can't believe it. An article where John C. Dvorak says that OS X is better
than Windows and that Vista won't change a thing. I'm shocked and amazed.,1895,1840479,00.asp

Re: Yahoo buys free

2005-07-26 Thread Doug Wilson

On 7/25/05 3:00 PM, "Rod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the competition with Dashboard has just hotted up :-)
> Seeya
> Rod!

I love it, Now I can run it on the PC free. :)

Re: Applestore Joondalup kudos

2005-06-26 Thread Doug Wilson
> Just a kudos post - to the Joondalup Apple Store for whacking a new hard
> drive in my powerbook with a < seven hour turnaround and smiles on their
> faces, and to Daniel (Macwizardry) for pointing me there.
> Keep your backups current, chaps...
> Lara

Best bunch of guys in the local area to deal with when looking for new
equipment or repair work. If Joondalup is too far then the guys at Team
Digital also know what they're doing.

Re: World of War Craft

2005-06-14 Thread Doug Wilson
> Hello.
> I agree, four or six hours a night (Early mornings).
> Play at your social peril.
> Regards from Alan.

I gave my other half the 10 free days pass so she could be playing at the
same time. We've been spending about 6 to 8 hours a day in the computer room
playing. I haven't played anything this addictive since the original

Re: Worrying too

2005-06-13 Thread Doug Wilson
> (I just bought World of Warcraft for when I've finished
> exams and looking forward to playing it).
> Ruben A. Franke

Can't help with the G5 problems as I'm still on a 2x1.25GHz G4 but did want
to say that you're very wise to wait on installing WoW until after exams.
I'm hooked on it like no other game since the original Marathon. Any other
WAMUG members playing?

Re: He was dressed in all black.

2005-06-07 Thread Doug Wilson
> The Star Wars analogies will be everywhere tomorrow, but it is so very very
> true.

I just know I'm going to have nightmares of Intel chips chasing me across
Apple motherboards.

Re: what shall we make of this then?

2005-06-07 Thread Doug Wilson
> The biggest thing that makes me skeptical is that they're rumoured to be
> talking to /Intel/. Now, if they were taking to AMD I'd be much more
> inclined to believe this - the Opteron is hot stuff.

Same here. I just dropped an Athlon 64 3000+ into my PC because it's 64-bit
and some of the programs I currently run there will benefit greatly. Intel
doesn't even have a consumer level 64-bit chip shipping as far as I'm aware.

Re: Graphics/video workstation.

2005-05-30 Thread Doug Wilson
> As Rob Davies' earlier post mentions the video/film/postproduction side of
> the creative industry in particular is significantly weighted towards the
> Mac.  Apple's Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Logic, Shake,
> Motion etc at the high end, and iMovie, iDVD, Garageband, iPhoto at the low
> end are a formidable force in the industry that is acknowledged by most
> commentators to be unmatched on the PC platform.  Just see how much of a
> Mac-town Hollywood is.

Just catching up on my email from the last few days.

The above is truer than many people not doing video work realize. One of the
projects I do for others involves those "screen saver' video montages that
you see when you go into an office. The ones that display a bunch of their
former projects or clients. I find that The integration between iPhoto,
iTunes, and iMovie works so well that I rarely have to break out the pro
apps for simple projects.

The great thing is that if I do need to get out the pro stuff the
integration between Final Cut, Soundtrack Pro, Motion, and DVD Studio Pro
means that my life is just as easy.

I've got a fairly powerful PC sitting on my desk as well and I find myself
using it for one app or another (usually to convert projects to PC specific
formats) but none of the apps are integrated enough to allow me to easily
work on a complete project on the PC.

If anything adding a PC to the workflow and keeping the Mac makes much more
sense than getting rid of a Mac and trying to switch everything to PC.

Re: quicktime not working on website

2005-05-25 Thread Doug Wilson
> no facility to download files
> i dont realy want to downgrade QT
> any thoughts?
> anyone else having this problem with other video sites that use java?
> website's fault?

I don't know about the Java problem with Quicktime 7. To download video
though you'll need to purchase a new Quicktime 7 Pro key. Previous keys
won't work.

Re: Tiger on wimpy mac

2005-05-15 Thread Doug Wilson
> What's the 'wimpiest' Mac that anyone has Tiger running on? (Out of
> interest).

500MHz G3 Dual USB iBook with 256 megs of RAM. Dashboard is a bit slow to
come up but everything else runs all right.

Re: Shut down problem

2005-05-13 Thread Doug Wilson
>> An old friend with an eMac (1ghz) installed Tiger last week and now
>> has problems shutting down -- he gets the black screen with
>> instructions to restart in a multitude of languages (a Kernel Panic
>> I think its called).  He has removed Norton's and run Disk Utilities
>> -- Repair Permissions all to no avail.
>> Any suggestions on what to do next will be appreciated please.
>> Adrian
> Don't shut the machine down.
> Have fun,
> Shay

As weird as it sounds this is my solution on my 2x1.25GHz G4. I get a hang
when shutting down from the GUI. To actually shut down I have to run and
halt and then a shutdown from the command line. Instead of going through
that every time I'm just leaving my machine on.

Re: Streaming Video recording of tonight's meeting

2005-05-04 Thread Doug Wilson
> Last time I checked, we usually call it hail, or hail stones.
> In any event, I'm Matthew, not Daniel.
> :-)
> - Matt

Woops. Sorry about the mixup about who's who. It may well be hail in the
picture, have to check the developers notes.

Hail and freezing rain are quite different. Hail comes down in solid form.
Freezing Rain is actually liquid up until it hits the ground where it turns
instantly to ice. Nasty stuff to drive in.

Re: Streaming Video recording of tonight's meeting

2005-05-04 Thread Doug Wilson
> You'll find the streaming video recordings of part 1 of the WAMUG meeting
> tonight should appear here later this evening (Tuesday) once the Curtin
> iLectures system has finished processing it:
> No doubt Matt will put a link to it on the WAMUG website.  :-)

This has been most wonderful. Since something (usually work) always seems to
come up at the last minute to keep me from coming it's nice to be able to
see the meeting at least. You may well gain another financial member thanks
to this.

Daniel, the Weather Widget icon state you identified as Asteroids was
freezing Rain. Considering the weather conditions though it wouldn't
surprise me if freezing rain was something that had never actually occurred
in Perth.

Re: Updated iMacs

2005-05-04 Thread Doug Wilson
> -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
> Archives - 
> Guidelines - 
> Unsubscribe - 
> WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Updated eMacs as well.

Re: Hard Drive/Server names

2005-04-03 Thread Doug Wilson
The Good Guys

2x1.25 GHz G4
Name: MinasTirith
Hard Drives: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin

800MHz G4
Name: Rivendell
Hard Drive: Arwen

800MHz iBook
Name: Gandalf
Hard Drive: Shadowfax

500MHz iBook
Name: BagEnd
Hard Drive: Bilbo

The Bad Guys

2.4GHz CeleronD PC
Name: Sauron
Hard Drives: The Black Gate, BigBoy, Vastness

Pentium II 266
Name: mordor
Hard Drive: /dev/harddisk1

The Other Stuff

Airport Snow
Name: Weathertop

Anyone sense a theme?

Desktop pics of most of the machines can be seen at

Re: apple motion trial

2005-04-01 Thread Doug Wilson
> for those interested,
> Applel is allowing a 30 day motion trial

As most internet accounts here have some kind of quota limitation I'm going
to take a moment and remind people to check the system requirements before
grabbing this. The video card requirements are quite high and unless your
graphics card is on the approved list the software WILL NOT run. There is a
compatibility checker on the page. If you're at all worried about whether
the software will run then it's a good idea to use the checker.

Re: Mac Mini Server

2005-02-10 Thread Doug Wilson
> If you're bored and have more money than sense:

While it's an interesting project from a hardware standpoint (especially the
drive connector interfaces) I'm gonna have to agree and say the guy's got
more money than brains.

Re: Minor Gripe - the flipside

2005-02-03 Thread Doug Wilson
> I totally agree Rod. The service I have had from the Joondalup Store
> and the Mt Hawthorn store will take me back again and again. I would
> only go to Nedlands if the other two stores closed.
> Mac

Apple can open as many retail stores here as they want. I'll keep going to
AppleCentre Joondalup. Mike and Loreli and the others make it a joy to go
there. Even when I've got problems with a machine and have to get it worked
on I don't really mind because it's a chance to see a group of people that I
really enjoy spending time with. Sure, I may go into other Mac shops (even
Apple stores once they finally arrive) but I psend my money at Joondalup.

Re: Transfer OSX to New Hard Drive

2004-11-16 Thread Doug Wilson
> The copies SuperDuper makes can actually boot, whereas none of the
> copies I've ever made with CCC have ever booted.
> Have fun,
> Shay

Interesting. I've been using CCC since 10.1 with no problems. I've done
about two dozen system migrations using it and have never had a boot failure
after using CCC to transfer a system. I'll have to try out SuperDuper and
see if it's got any advantages for me.

Re: Audion now FREEEE

2004-11-16 Thread Doug Wilson
> Panic has "retired" its Audion MP3 application in style, releasing it
> free to the Mac community and posting a fascinating story by Cabel
> Sasser of its history in the Mac market:
>   The good news is that, instead of pulling Audion from the market
> entirely, we've decided to make Audion 100% free of charge -- it can
> still be downloaded freely, should continue to work for the foreseeable
> future, and can be registered freely with a provided serial number.

Does it work with the Shared music function in iTunes? I've got all my music
on my main machine and share it to all the other machines in the house using
iTunes. Unless Audion can access the shared music over the LAN it's not a
lot of use to me. If it is compatible I'd love to use it because the skins
are wonderful.

Re: Transfer OSX to New Hard Drive

2004-11-16 Thread Doug Wilson
> Try SuperDuper from Shirt Pocket Software
> Does a better job than Carbon Copy Cloner in my opinion.
> Have fun,
> Shay

A better job in what way?

Re: Audio cassette recording to Powerbook?

2004-11-03 Thread Doug Wilson
> WireTap will only record sounds the computer is playing, presumably
> that is audible from the speakers, to an aiff file (whatever that is).
> It presumably converts digital sound from one form to another.

I was going to disagree with you about Wiretap only recording sound the
computer is playing until I realized it's Wiretap Pro that I've been testing
and that's why I can record microphone stuff with my copy of Wiretap.

So for those wanting the ability it is coming if Wiretap Pro gets past the
testing phase.

New Graphics Card?

2004-10-18 Thread Doug Wilson
I've got a 2x1.25GHZ MDD G4 with an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro. Problem is I want
to run Motion on it. Can anyone suggest a place in WA to order or buy a
Motion compatible video card? Retailers, please email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with prices. Thanks.

Re: stomping CD's

2004-09-27 Thread Doug Wilson
> howdy
> I was wondering what folks use to create CD labels, in terms of
> software and hardware, as I have seen a number of pc items on the
> shelves but are unfamilar with whats locally available for our Macs.
> chow

I've found Discus to be wonderful for not only CD and DVD labels but also
for the case inserts as well. The templates are excellent and the printing
layout presets cover just about every brand of labels made. It includes a
huge amount of artwork and if you don't like what's included in the package
you can always import your own. Last I checked there was a free demo

Re: Gateway's New "iMac G5 Killer"

2004-09-24 Thread Doug Wilson
> Check out Gateway's new "iMac G5 Killer" here:
> A word of warning ... only to be viewed on an empty stomach!! ;-)

That is the most hideous looking computer I've ever had the displeasure of
viewing. It's like they took the iMac and ran it through an ugly machine.

Re: Using Mac to transfer analogue video to DVD - what do I need?

2004-08-17 Thread Doug Wilson
> Hi All!
> One quick tip - for those who are thinking of backing up their old VHS movies
> (the ones you know will never make it to DVD), be careful of the macrovision
> lock on some videos.  My Canon MiniDV camera comes up with a macrovision
> copryright violation on some movies when I try to copy them to DVD.
> Its a shame, as there is no hope for some old movies ie the original Star Wars
> where Han Solo shoots first! (Hi Doug!).
> Seeya
> Rod!

LOL, I think perhaps I've ranted a bit too much about this eh? For those
really interested in the original Star Wars on DVD it's coming soon. For
those that still want to see Han shoot first there's a very good DVD copy
available on eBay that comes from Japan. Frankly if George won't give me the
original like I want it I will go elsewhere to buy it.

Now to make this on topic. I have converted a lot of VHS to DVD with the aid
of my 2x1.25GHz. Yes, Macrovision can be a problem but there are programs
that can strip it from the digital stream. The Macworld article is quite a
good place to get started.

Re: Tiger specs

2004-06-30 Thread Doug Wilson
> Just wondering what people thought of Tiger (10.4).  The Newton list is
> excited about the new levels iSync goes to.  The update to iChat is pretty
> cool, but I'd like to see how well it works on everyday Macs and broadband
> connections.

Since I've yet to lay out the money for an iSight and Apple refuses to
support USB based Video Cameras in the program I'm not really all that
excited about this one. If Apple supported Yahoo IM and MSN in iChat I might
use it but for now Fire does a fine job.
> The new codec for Quicktime could be interesting (H.264/AVC).  It is the
> same codec used for 3G phones, which *may* mean new uses for Quicktime
> server.  It would be great if you could stream video to bluetooth phones,
> like if you entered a hotel foyer, switched on bluetooth and then watched an
> introduction for the hotel.

Excited about this if for no other reason than it looks amazing. I've been
getting into DVD production as part of a couple of ad/promo campaigns I work
on and the new codec will be nice. Since it's system wide the folks at
Ambrosia Software (whom I do a lot of testing for) will be able to integrate
it right into Snapz Pro X.

What really excites me in the video arena is the new Core Graphics and Core
Video engines. I'll have to upgrade my Graphics Card to take advantage of
some of it but for real time effects it's amazing. I love the fact that the
engines hand the processing off to the GPU so that the CPU doesn't get
bogged down. I currently work with one developer already using a very
similar idea to make real time video processing while capturing much more
efficient than previous versions of their product so I already know how well
this can work. It might also finally make Snapz Movie Studio a viable idea
with the built in effects that can be applied in real time. Makes
rerendering a movie to show off something specific very easy to do.
> The new Automator looks cool.  It seems like a great big Applescript with a
> fancy interface :-)  As for Dashboard, well, the creators of Konfabulator
> and Watson have a lot to talk about ;-)  (For a laugh, check out
>  )  The forums at Konfabulator are running
> hot!

Love the look of Automator. I have projects where the workflow is very very
similar to what the guy on stage demonstrated and I can see this saving me
quite a bit of time. I loved the Konfabulator main site today. Arlo has a
bit of reason to be pissed though. This is the second time Apple had screwed
him over.
> It will be interesting to see what the changes are 'under the hood' and see
> the OS in action.  I guess sometime next year we will find out!
> Seeya
> Rod!

The new spotlight feature has me really excited. I love the search
capabilities. As someone who has 625 gigs of hard disk storage in the house
spread over half a dozen computers I'll find the ability to find any file
almost instantly a real help.

I'm cookoo for Cocoa Apps!

Re: Largest Powerbook HD?

2004-06-30 Thread Doug Wilson
> The largest capacity 2.5" drive at the moment is the Hitachi 80 gig drive,
> which is available in 4200rpm and 5400rpm versions. Retail pricing for the
> 5400rpm version is around the $430 mark, last time I checked.
> Just think, a couple of years ago a 20 gig laptop drive was pretty big.  In
> another couple of years we'll all have 200 gig storage space in our
> PowerBooks...  /dreamland
> Regards,
> Phil

The only problem with this is that Office will take up 100 gigs.

Re: Community Seminars

2004-06-18 Thread Doug Wilson
> I'm thinking of hosting 10 half hour seminars about aspects of computing
> in the library of the rural community where I'm staying. If there was a
> single topic that you'd like your parents to know about, with relation
> to computing, what would it be?

The title would be either "You don't have to be afraid of it." or "You too.
Can troubleshoot."

Re: Apple Care - How long is it offered?

2004-06-16 Thread Doug Wilson
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how many years applecare is offered for renewal after
> initial purchase?
> Smiles
> Aurora

Last I knew it was until the original 1 year warranty expired. In the US you
used to be able to get the machine examined by an Apple Authorized Tech for
a further six months and if they gave it a clean bill of health you could
still but AppleCare. I don't know if this was official Apple policy but
every Mac shop I went into in my home town did it. Of course they charged
you for the examination.

New G5's!

2004-06-09 Thread Doug Wilson
Up to 2x2.5 GHz with liquid cooling.

A Social reason Macs have fewer viruses?

2004-06-05 Thread Doug Wilson
Found the following article interesting and funny. Thought I'd share.

Re: WWDC Keynote Live?

2004-06-01 Thread Doug Wilson
> Hmm... That's interesting. Apple announced a change of policy (at
> least with regards to purchases from UWA's Winthrop Australia) that's
> coming in after June 28th, namely that
> * 3 year warranty for staff ,students and private purchases would no
> longer be available (UWA departments and affiliates still get it)
> * UWA Alumni will no longer be eligible for educational pricing
> Curiouser and curiouser.

Heard about this last week on Whirlpool (

I was rather surprised by the change. No doubt some pinhead manager pointing
out that this would save a few bucks.

OT: Turnkey online store solutions

2004-05-28 Thread Doug Wilson
I normally wouldn't do this but since time is tight and there's a lot of
people that work in IT on this list I'm going to.

I'm looking for an online store solution. Something that I can simply plug
in pictures and descriptions of products and get it online very quickly. I'd
like the ability to customize the layouts a bit in regards to colour and
graphics. SSL capability will be important in the future but for now the
sales method will be direct deposit. Anyone know of anything like this?

Please respond to me in private since this is OT. Thanks in advance.

Re: Further attempts at virus spreading!

2004-05-24 Thread Doug Wilson
> Im with westnet and pay $20 per year for virus scanning.
> I think you might be too.
> Cheers
> Paul

Possible, I don't actually handle the account myself.

Re: Further attempts at virus spreading!

2004-05-23 Thread Doug Wilson
> Heh Brad ,  They seem to be saying it is time you changed your ISP.
> I don't have any trouble over this way.
> Cheers
> Bob

Westnet offer a service for $10 a year that kills most spam but their
anti-virus service is free and excellent. Their ADSL prices are quite good
as well.

Re: the debate goes on!

2004-04-05 Thread Doug Wilson
> Hi guys,
> Thanks for all the great response to my question about Broadband.  it
> seems to be a 'neck-n-neck" race between IINET and WestNet.  I may go
> with IINET because it is cheaper and seems to be the same as WestNet
> in most other respects.
> Thanks again,
> Cal

IiNet only seems cheaper. The prices listed on their web pages are all
contingent on choosing their iiPhone product for phone calls. Without that
it's another $10 a month for all of their plans. Once that's considered then
the prices are identical for almost all plans. The only exception being the
Premium 1.5Mb/256 30GB/30GB plan where Westnet beats iiNet by $10.

IiNet's actual prices can be found on the Broadband Choice website at

Westnet's Broadband Choice page is at:
 just in case you want to
compare the two for yourself.

There's one more gotcha with iiNet that's catching some of the heavier
downloaders out that you should know about. Once you exceed your quota limit
in either peak or off-peak then your connection is shaped in both periods.
With Westnet it's only shaped for the period that you've exceeded the
transfer limit. If you're not a heavy downloader then this probably won't
matter. If you are then this is an important distinction.

Re: CCC / Moving OS X Between Machines

2004-02-24 Thread Doug Wilson
> I guess its fairly safe to assume you CAN'T really move an OS X
> install between machines with different hardware.
> What I really wanted to do was set up an OS X install (custom
> applications, setting, services) and move it to a new machine (with
> different hardware specs) which I haven't taken possession of just
> yet.
> Cheers, Antony.

I don't think your assumption is correct. I've used Carbon Copy Cloner to
move an OS X install from an iBook to a Quicksilver tower. The transfer went
fine and the tower is running great. I've also used CCC to back up a flat
screen iMac to an external hard drive and then booted a Mirror Dive Door
2x1.25 GHz machine with the iMac system on the external hard drive.

Re: Bigpond broadband

2003-12-08 Thread Doug Wilson
> Read about the new pricing plans for Bigpond broadband
> .
> Bob

Still a rip off compared to almost all other WA ISP's.

Re: Old iMac

2003-11-18 Thread Doug Wilson
> Hi All,
> Still after an original iMac USB keyboard and puck mouse or something
> equivalent.  Just picked up an old 266 lime and can't use it til I find
> something!  If you happen to have any of these you'd like to get rid of at a
> reasonable price please let me know.
> Cheers!
> Erik 
>    IncrediMail -
> Email has finally evolved - Click Here

How in the world did an Incredimail message slip through to the list?
Regarding their tagline, email should stay just as it was.

Re: Problem

2003-11-08 Thread Doug Wilson
> And yes Rod is right,..if you're going to have to replace that part it's
> sometimes better off to get a "newer" machine for not much more.
> Kind Regards
> Daniel Kerr

I'll third this. Often for only $100 more than the repair part you can get a
newer, faster, and sometimes warrantied machine to replace the one that
you'd be buying the part for. Crazy but true.

Re: Microsoft updates???

2003-09-21 Thread Doug Wilson
on 21/9/03 14:26, Bart Raffaele at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all i count 56 Worm virus with exe attachments good old nortons
> pick up and deleted them. But what a pain :-(!! have to talk to
> bigpond about this one.
> has anyone else besides Kevin and Peter been getting this crap.

I've gotten 320 them in the last 24 hours. I've got a rule set up to delete
all messages with .exe attachments. I can only hope this one deletes itself
after a couple days and this crap stops.

Re: PowerBook Pricing

2003-09-16 Thread Doug Wilson
on 16/9/03 18:11, Daniel Kerr at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ***Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse***
> $119 each

Ouch. Considering I can get the M$ Bluetooth set for around $180 this is
just a bit much.

Re: Photo in Header

2003-09-08 Thread Doug Wilson
on 8/9/03 16:27, Matthew Healey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mail looks to see who the sender was, and then looks up the Address
> Book to see if that person in there. If it is, then it displays the
> photo of that person, or downloads it from .mac
> It is completely and entirely a function of Mail and Mac OS X and has
> nothing to do with the actual email.

Although all this may be neat to the end user I dislike it simply on the
level that there's interaction between my machine and .mac which I didn't
initiate and have no control over. It's this kind of interactions with
scripting thrown in that causes all kinds of security holes under Windows
and I do NOT want to see this develop into the same kind of thing on OS X.

Re: Thanks Mike at AppleCentre Joondalup for the G5

2003-09-04 Thread Doug Wilson
on 3/9/03 14:06, Daniel Kerr at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks to Mike for letting us borrow his PowerMac G5 for last night's WAMUG
> demo!
> Much appreciated!
> Kind Regards
> Daniel Kerr

Cool. I needed to go see him to get the S-Video/Composite dongle for iBooks
and I was going to put it off until next week. Now I have a reason to go get
it tomorrow.

Re: Online Banking

2003-08-25 Thread Doug Wilson
on 25/8/03 23:15, Doug Wilson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The most common problem affects business users of the site. Business users
> have the ability under the Pay Anyone feature to set repeating payments.
> Under Safari that feature doesn't work. Personal account holders using the
> Pay Anyone feature don't have any problems since the Personal Accounts Pay
> Anyone section doesn't allow for repeating payments.
> This is different to the Other Accounts feature which is incompatible with
> all Mac browsers to this point.

I know it's bad form to reply to myself but need to clarify that I was
talking about Westpac. I'm can't be sure if the problems with BankWest are
the same as the Westpac problems since I'm not a BankWest customer.

Re: Online Banking

2003-08-25 Thread Doug Wilson
on 25/8/03 20:40, David de la Hunty at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Tried Savari . 1.0 (85) tonight with Bankwest online banking & no probs.
> David

The most common problem affects business users of the site. Business users
have the ability under the Pay Anyone feature to set repeating payments.
Under Safari that feature doesn't work. Personal account holders using the
Pay Anyone feature don't have any problems since the Personal Accounts Pay
Anyone section doesn't allow for repeating payments.

This is different to the Other Accounts feature which is incompatible with
all Mac browsers to this point.

Re: iiNet buying WestNet?

2003-08-14 Thread Doug Wilson
on 14/8/03 0:17, Matthew Healey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ah good. It would be interesting to find out how this rumor started...
>  Could iiNet be trying to boost their stock via
> mis-information?
> - Matt

That'd sure explain the climb it did last week. I doubt it's true though.
According to Chris at Westnet the rumour has been around for about four
years and gets brought up occasionally.

Re: iiNet buying WestNet?

2003-08-14 Thread Doug Wilson
on 13/8/03 23:20, Severin Crisp at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I heartily endorse Neil's comments.  Westnet bought Albany Internet
> Services who were my former very good ISP.  I have had nothing but
> high quality service from Westnet, regular dial-in at 49333bps,
> sessions many hours long with no kick-off and, above all, prompt and
> effective service when problems arose as they did in the initial
> changeover period.
> It would be a shame indeed if Westnet were to be gobbled up by iinet.
> Severin Crisp

As already responded to someone else privately, it's a completely false
rumour according to both Chris Thomas and Paul Osborne from Westnet.

Apple coming to David Jones

2003-08-01 Thread Doug Wilson
An interesting development in the Apple Retail market.

Re: Lap top Insurance

2002-06-19 Thread Doug Wilson
on 18/6/02 18:52, Murdoch Allen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sorry but I wouldnt use RAC in a pink fit even if they were the last
> insurance company on earth

They don't cover laptops anyway. I know. I've got home insurance through
them with a home business rider and the laptops are not covered.
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned ...
couldn't concentrate.

Re: IiNet's new Bliink contract

2002-06-19 Thread Doug Wilson
on 19/6/02 20:59, James Anderson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> is this a modem set up thing which may be altered with software (not
> that one would ever do that) or is it a thing at iinet's end?
> what is the significance of this for such things as sharing (legal)
> mp3s, ftp server etc?

The restriction on ports is enforced at the iiNet boarders. It's not
something you can override in the modem. FTP isn't blocked because iiNet
have diagnostic software that runs on the FTP port.
Just because it's toxic doesn't mean it's not tasty.

Re: broadband/Macs

2002-06-19 Thread Doug Wilson
on 19/6/02 11:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> But iinet techies are doing this, telling people of lack of Mac
> compatability, I got told this yesterday. Techi said they had one person
> on a Mac, but it wasn't working well. So, good to hear that it isn't a
> problem.

The iiNet techs generally don't have a clue. There are a few of them that
know Mac's but most of the ones that don't believe linux is the savoir of
the world are hooked on Windows. The D-Link DSL 300 which they supply has an
authentication client built in. All that's required is to set the Mac up to
use the DSL 300 as a router and for the Mac to grab a DHCP address from the
modem. It's very easy to set up and works fine.
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned ...
couldn't concentrate.

Re: Broadband

2002-06-18 Thread Doug Wilson
on 18/6/02 15:19, Phillip McGree at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nup, they're wrong I have a regular client who is on iiNet ADSL with a
> beige G3.
> However, before you sign up with iiNet, check out the ADSL choices for Perth
> at:
> There's a deal with EON that's 512/128 with 7 gig a month for $99. Primus is
> a better deal than either iiNet or Telstra as well.
> Rgds,
> Phil

With the newly revised plans I doubt anything will be better then the iiNet
plans for a normal home user that can figure out how to que their downloads.
All downloads between midnight and 7am are free. They do not count toward
your 3 gig limit. I see nothing better anywhere right now.

As for the topic of the post iiNet are lying to you. The included D-Link DSL
300 has a built in authentication program. You don't even need to run an
authentication client on the computer it's hooked up to.
The more you complain the longer God lets you live.

Apple advertises to the masses

2002-06-11 Thread Doug Wilson

Quite a fun little section of the site.
I PROCESS, therefore I AM

Re: Horrible SPAM-Please help

2002-06-11 Thread Doug Wilson
on 11/6/02 11:52, tmharding at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm being spammed out of my brain and my ISP is offering
> limited help as a number of this crap is being specifically
> addressed to me.
> I already use the filters in Outlook and forward all spam to my
> ISP faithfully but I want to block/reject/delete it before it gets to my
> mailbox.
> Can anyone please provide any help or suggestions. Changing
> my email address wouldn't count as a suggestion :P
> Cheers
> T

One of the methods I use for dealing with spam is to use an email address I
never check when signing up for things online. I've got an iiNet subdomain
and when I sign up for something I give out a unique address of
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. All email sent to that address would
normally go through to the main account. If I start getting spam at that
address I can then set up a block on that specific address at the ISP and
any spam sent to me at that address never gets to me. This requires both a
subdomain and knowledge of how to set up the block list for your account but
it's worked well for me for almost a year now. I've registered my own full
domain recently and will be taking a similar approach once I get the DSL
with Static IP and OSX Server up and running.
The universe is a figment of its own imagination.

Re: CD Archive - June Edition

2002-06-10 Thread Doug Wilson
on 10/6/02 10:09, Larry Pohl at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> BTW (the 10.1.5 update is not the CD for a reason. I would actually
>> recommend people DO NOT install 10.1.5)
>> Regards
>> Matthew Healey
> I guess the obvious question must be asked. Why not ?
> Larry

And I'll third this question. Why not? It's running great on all the
machines in my house. That includes a Quicksilver 733, an iBook 500, and a
flatscreen iMac. What's wrong with 10.1.5?
"Man is a dog's idea of what God should be." --Holbrook Jackson

Re: 10.1.5 is out!

2002-06-05 Thread Doug Wilson
No problems so far here. I've put it on my Quicksilver, the wife's iBook and
the housemates Flatscreen iMac and in all cases it went without a hitch.
It's improved multitasking on all machines. I know because I'm always
running rc5 in the terminal on them and all are more responsive even doing
that after the update. Apps launch faster on the Quicksilver and screen
redraws are improved a bit. Still anxiously awaiting Quartz Extreme but this
was a nice little update.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Help with MacOS X Server?

2002-05-21 Thread Doug Wilson
Is there anyone out there who would be willing to help me get a Mac OS X
Server set up? I'm completely confused and looking for someone that can come
to my place and help me set it up.
Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

Re: New iBooks Announced

2002-05-21 Thread Doug Wilson
on 21/5/02 9:48 AM, Brett Carboni at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I take it the new iBooks won't be able to run quartz extreme? (BTW, can the
> current iMacs, or is this a feature for 'power' users who have G4's with
> slots etc? Might be necessary as the differences between high and low end
> look blurred nowadays).
> Brett Carboni
> Tsunami

Actually the new iBooks should able to run Quartz Extreme just fine. The
Apple page says "32 megs vram for best performance" it doesn't say that
cards with less memory won't take advantage of Quartz Extreme.
The universe is a figment of its own imagination.

Imac to ATX power supply conversion

2002-05-19 Thread Doug Wilson
I need a rough idea of how many people out there in WAMUG land would be
interested in a converter to run their iMac's off a standard ATX power
supply. This would be very useful for turning the iMac into a rack mount
server or transplanting it into another case. Is there any interest at all
in this?
The views expressed here do not necessarily constitute a unanimous vote by
all parts of the mind which created those views.

Re: USB Modem & Mac OS X

2002-05-11 Thread Doug Wilson
on 11/5/02 5:51 PM, Brian Poleykett at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> To keep informed those of you that are interested in connecting a Mac OS X
> machine to iiNet's ADSL service via a USB ADSL modem... Forget it. My
> experiment so far...

Interesting. Westnet is listing MacOS compatibility for their D-Link USB DSL
200 modem. As far as I know D-Link provides even less Mac support than
Alcatel do I'm almost sure they mean OS9. Fortunately I've got three PC's to
choose from to act as a Router/Server/Firewall.
Prozac-Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Re: Quartz Extreme

2002-05-08 Thread Doug Wilson
on 8/5/02 11:53 PM, Matthew Healey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I have found a photo from WWDC which pretty much explains why Apple is
> so pumped about Quartz.
> In this photo, there is a window playing a movie. Probably a DVD.
> The floating objects are standard OpenGL teapot models. Used basically for
> testing.
> They have a silver texture.
> So you have objects in one application reflecting the image of a DVD being
> played back in another.
> THAT is pretty freakin' incredible.

Incredible is an understatement. Anyone who's worked in Bryce animations
with reflective objects knows how long it can take to render even small
movies. The fact that this is happening in real time is nothing short of
Blessed are the Geeks, for they shall internet the earth

Re: G4 Titanium PowerBooks

2002-05-03 Thread Doug Wilson
on 3/5/02 2:13 PM, Andrew Nielsen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If you're going to fork out the big $$$ for a TiBook, fork out some
> extra for a 3 year AppleCare extended warranty as well.
> Or spend less and buy an iBook :-)
> -- 
> Andrew Nielsen 

We forked out the extra for the AppleCare on the iBook we just got as well.
I've never bought it for a desktop machine and probably never will but
something that gets carried around all day back and forth to school is
Boldly Going Nowhere

Re: norton Utes

2002-04-06 Thread Doug Wilson
on 6/4/02 9:21 AM, Rod Lavington at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Can anyone tell me if its safe to use Norton Utilities Ver 6.0 on 7200 with
>> System 8.6?
>> Bill
> I didn't think it was ever safe  :-)
> Seeya
> Rod
> (who is patiently waiting for more DiskWarriors to arrive in stock!)

Why do people keep bashing Norton Utilities? Yes there were problems with
the switch to HFS+ but those issues are long past. As a last resort a couple
weeks ago I grabbed the latest beta Symantic was offering to fix a disk that
I really wouldn't have minded losing. Disk Fist Aid had failed and
Diskwarrior kept bombing out on me. Disk Doctor fixed the problem. I'm not
saying the program is perfect and I've had situations where Diskwarrior
fixed a problem that Nortons couldn't. I've also had problems where DFA has
fixed problems that both Nortons and Diskwarrior failed on. I really don't
get the dislike for Nortons.
ERROR: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.

What brand is the DVD-Rom in the G4 Towers?

2002-03-31 Thread Doug Wilson
I'm interested in putting together a DVD-ROM setup for my G4 tower and want
to know which one Apple uses so I can be sure of it working with the Apple
DVD Player.
I once worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just couldn't hack it, so
they gave me the ax.

Re: Where are they stored?

2002-03-27 Thread Doug Wilson
on 27/3/02 3:49 PM, Stefan Gosatti at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> User/username/Library/Mail
> Copy the Mail folder to the new machine, placing it in the same location on
> the new machine.
> Yes, you can copy the entire contents of your user directory with the use of
> software like Carbon Copy Cloner 1.1, available from versiontracker. In
> fact, you can clone your entire operating system to another drive and it
> will run exactly as per your original.

Been attempting to do that. 8.5 gigs over USB is not a quick thing. If CCC
worked over Ethernet I'd be happy.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Where are they stored?

2002-03-27 Thread Doug Wilson
I need to know exactly where saved email from the Mail program in OSX is
stored. Can I just copy the entire contents of a user directory from one
machine to another and have everything work? I'm not talking about the whole
drive. Just the folders and items in the user directory.
Don't be sexist - broads hate that.

Re: ISPs and ADSL

2002-03-27 Thread Doug Wilson
on 27/3/02 11:04 AM, Keith Palmer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Talk to Robin Belford.
> He has ADSL (in Busselton) being connected with Telstra on Tuesday.
> You'll also find this much cheaper than iiNet. They'll also give you a
> modem that incorporates a 4 port ethernet hub.

Download Limit 3GB
Preselected $94.95
Other Phone Company $111.45
Speed 512/128
Cost per meg after limit $0.139
Setup fees for 12 month contract: 1 port modem $259, 4 port modem $391.00

Download Limit 3GB
Monthly fee $79.95 
Speed 512k/128k
Cost per meg after limit 15c per MB
Setup fees for 12 month contract: 1 port modem $259

How exactly is Telstra a better deal?

IiNet also have active Mac support. With Telstra it often took me about 15
minutes on the phone (after the half hour or more on hold waiting for them
to answer my call) to track down someone who could help me sith Mac specific
problems. I only called twice before I got fed up and started emailing
OzCableGuy for support.

If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple
of car payments.

Re: 10GB iPod

2002-03-21 Thread Doug Wilson
on 21/3/02 12:51 PM, Brett Carboni at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> But what good is the iPod without some way to input data, especially since
> it would have to compete with various devices with handwriting recognition
> (even if they're not as good as the Newton :-)
> I'd settle for *one* Gb of data if I had an input method as good as what I
> have now.
> Brett Carboni
> Tsunami

I've only used the demo iPod at AppleCentre Joondalup but I think the input
would have to be similar to the way you pick songs. Scroll wheel left or
right, hit buttons up or down. Not a great interface but not bad once all
the data is in there. I can't see a contact manager as part of iTunes but
perhaps they can get it to sync with the build in Mac contact manager.
Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

Re: Bluetooth - Airport compatibility

2002-03-21 Thread Doug Wilson
on 21/3/02 10:56 AM, Martin Hill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 10:43 AM +0800 21/3/02, Shay Telfer wrote:
>> Also they've got BlueTooth USB adapters, which seems to indicate that
>> Apple are testing the BlueTooth waters (aside from the fact that it
>> interferes with 802.11 Doh! So I doubt they'll be building it in
>> until the 802.11 standard progresses to the next level or somesuch)
> Actually, the recently released Bluetooth Platform Solution from
> Motorola provides v1.1 Bluetooth with certified interoperability and
> 802.11 (Airport) co-existence functions. As such, it looks like this
> is what Apple has been waiting for. Motorola's Bluetooth chip also
> only costs US$5.90 in quantities of a million, so it's hit a good
> price point as well.
> -Mart

Looks like this could be perfect for a small home wireless network. Anyone
know if it's interoperable with an Airport network? In other words can I run
both in the same house? I'm slowly switching to wireless here at home and
have an iMac that can't do Airport and PowerBook that BlueTooth would be
much cheaper for. The plan would be to run both off my G4 tower and route
the wireless connections from the laptops through it and onto the
firewall/router. I know this'll work with Airport based on some very helpful
answers from Rod (I'll bee needed the screenshots from your setup soon) and
am hoping I can do the same thing with BlueTooth.

I'm not as think as you drunk I am. I'm soberly perfect. 

Re: Escape Velocity Nova is out!

2002-03-20 Thread Doug Wilson
on 20/3/02 9:58 AM, Shay Telfer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> EV Nova is the third game in the Escape Velocity series, and is by far the
>> most ambitious installment to date. With a completely redesigned gaming
>> engine, EV Nova thrusts you into a sprawling universe dominated by a myriad
>> of warring factions, each sharing a common bond, but so philosophically
>> different as to make conflict inevitable.
>> Get it at
> Has anyone inside PARNET or WAIX put a copy up? It's 109Mb or so.
> Have fun,
> Shay

75 megs in .sit format, I set it to download and went to bed. Had it when I
got up in the morning. I'm sure one of the iiNet file guys would put it up
if you emailed them and asked nicely.
If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple
of car payments.

Escape Velocity Nova is out!

2002-03-19 Thread Doug Wilson
EV Nova is the third game in the Escape Velocity series, and is by far the
most ambitious installment to date. With a completely redesigned gaming
engine, EV Nova thrusts you into a sprawling universe dominated by a myriad
of warring factions, each sharing a common bond, but so philosophically
different as to make conflict inevitable.

Get it at
I'm not as think as you drunk I am. I'm soberly perfect. 

Retailer Praise for AppleCentre Joondalup

2002-03-12 Thread Doug Wilson
I bought a 733MHz Quicksilver from AppleCentre Joondalup about a month ago.
The machine worked great for the first few weeks but about a week and a half
ago it died. The machine wouldn't power up at all. All the fans would run
but the power light would go out and there was no startup bong. Since I had
sold my Beige G3 that the Quicksilver had replaced and hadn't had a chance
to get around to getting an external hard drive I was stuck. All my current
work data (a few days worth) was stuck in the dead machine. I had a
Powerbook that I could work from but no way to get the data from the
Quicksilver drive into the Powerbook. The Powerbook has about 400 megs free
on a 2 gig hard drive and the amount of data I needed to access for work was
almost three gigs. Nick at AppleCentre Joondalup suggested we take the work
drive out and put it in an external Firewire/USB case. Not only would they
do this for me but they were going to let me borrow the Firewire/USB case
(which was brand new) for nothing. I came home the next day with all of my
data in the external case and got back to work. Although I was asked to look
after the external case carefully to avoid scratching it (it was brand new)
I was never asked for a deposit or rental fee on the case. Because of this I
was able to continue work on a project for one of my clients in the
construction industry. I got a call from that client today letting me know
that they had won the 9.8 million dollar job on the East coast and they
wanted to thank me for working under tight deadlines and producing such a
professional document for them. If it weren't for the customer service of
the guys at AppleCentre Joondalup I couldn't have continued work on the
project and the client probably wouldn't have won the contract. I wanted to
publicly thank AppleCentre Joondalup for their excellent customer service
and going above and beyond the call of duty.

I've now got my Quicksilver back and it's running great after a motherboard
and processor replacement. I'm also the owner of a new external Firewire/USB
case with a new 40 gig hard drive in it for backing up my work daily. Thanks
guys. I appreciate it.
Doug Wilson
DJ Grafix & Design
3 Macaulay Ave.
Duncraig 6023
ABN 91 392 108 553
Phone 08 9243-5550
Mobile 0403 900 689

Re: Installing OSX

2002-02-28 Thread Doug Wilson
on 28/2/02 7:21 PM, Tom Samson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have just upgraded my HD to 40gig and partitioned the first one (3 gig) at
> the front but when I try to install OSX.1 on to 9.1.2 my machine cannot
> 'see' the HD . All I have are un highlighted partitions. I have erased
> reinstalled thrown Diskwarrior, Techtool and Norton at it all is great. All
> connections are off -it is a very clean machine but OSX will not load.
> Anyone any further ideas
> Tom samson

Which machine are you trying to install OSX on?
A fool and his money are soon partying.

Re: Interesting G4 Hack

2002-02-19 Thread Doug Wilson
on 19/2/02 1:55 PM, Rod Lavington at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All!
> For those who always wanted to have a second CD drive in their
> pre-Quicksilver G4, here is a neat hack to do it!
> And I really stress that I am in no way responsible for anyone that
> is silly enough to rip apart their G4 and attempt this hack (if it goes
> horribly wrong!).
> Seeya
> Rod!

Interesting thing to note is that this hack is MUCH easier in a QuickSilver
G4. I haven't voided my warranty by attempting it but if I can't find a
decent price on an external firewire case (about $100AU) then I may consider
Boldly Going Nowhere

Re: CORRECTION Subscriptions

2002-02-12 Thread Doug Wilson
on 12/2/02 10:38 PM, John Currie at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> FRIDAY 22 of February .

In what barrel?
Department of Redundancy Department.

Computers for sale

2002-02-07 Thread Doug Wilson
Beige G3 Desktop
400MHz XLR8 ZIF upgrade card
160 megs ram
20 gig internal IDE hard drive
4 gig internal SCSI hard drive
Internal Zip 100
Internal Floppy
USB PCI card
RealTek 10/100 Ethernet PCI card
Apple Keyboard and USB dual button/scrollwheel mouse
Currently running OS 9.2.2
Comes with all original disks
Includes 17" Apple Colorsync Monitor
Doug Wilson
Phone 08 9243-5550

Re: Airport Questions - complicated setup

2002-02-07 Thread Doug Wilson
on 7/2/02 2:30 PM, Shay Telfer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Assuming the QuickSilver is running OS 9:

Running OSX almost all the time. Reeboot into 9 only to play a couple games.

> If it's running OS X it shouldn't be a problem at all, other than
> some Unix routing jiggery-pokery :)

So I can call you for figuring out the routing tables? ;)

> You shouldn't need to buy a base station (although they do have the
> advantage that they rarely crash :)

Knowledge Base Article 58597 seems to disagree about using software for
bridging. I guess I was hoping it had been superseded. I've had exactly one
crash with the Quicksilver since I bought it and that was because of a badly
written screen saver. Even then I telnetted into it from another box and
killed the offending item and everything was running great again.
Do paediatricians play miniature golf on Wednesdays?

Airport Questions - complicated setup

2002-02-07 Thread Doug Wilson
I've searched through the Apple Knowledge Database looking for answers to
this but the information given is cryptic at best.

Current setup - Five Macs (one airport capable Quicksilver) and one PC all
accessing the internet through a single Pentium 200MHz machine running
Smoothwall Linux.

Changes I want to make - have my WallStreet II and soon to be purchased
iBook use Airport for a wireless connection to the local network and be able
to access the internet through the Linux box. I know I'll have to get a
different kind of card for the WallStreet II and I'll look into finding the
right kind of card at the time I actually need it.

The questions - I don't want to use the Airport base station for the
internet connection. I want all connections to the internet to go through
the Linux box for security reasons.
Do I even need the base station since all I want to do is routing for the
wireless connection? The Knowledge Base seems to imply that simple routing
through a software access point (the Quicksilver with an airport card) is
not supported.
If that's true then is it possible to just hang the Airport Base Station off
the Quicksilver and have it do routing for the other wireless machines?
"Man is a dog's idea of what God should be." --Holbrook Jackson

Re: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Doug Wilson
on 6/2/02 3:26 PM, Darren Kam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It's all good, but I do find it difficult to conform to:
>> 4. You put your response *below* the quoted part.
> I often don't do this because I assume that people are already following the
> thread, and just want to see my response at a quick glance. Right or wrong,
> it's just personal preference.

I wish people would read the RCF. It's more than just a personal preference.
It's the way things are supposed to be done.
RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines

Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.

What are they worth?

2002-02-02 Thread Doug Wilson
Beige G3 in a Desktop case with 4 gig internal SCSI hard drive, SCSI Zip
100, Apple 24x CD-ROM and 256 megs of RAM. It's also got a 400MHz ZIF
upgrade chip in it as well as a 2 port USB card and a Rage 128 Graphics

Rev.D iMac with 12 gig internal hard drive and 192 megs of ram.
The views expressed here do not necessarily constitute a unanimous vote by
all parts of the mind which created those views.

Re: E-mail responses

2002-02-01 Thread Doug Wilson
on 1/2/02 2:49 PM, Troy Mahony at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Would you have not read the message first and then replied to the e-mail as
> I have just done??? For the record I like my blink at the top of my reply.
> Mahons
> SnohaM = Mahons Backwards!
> on 1/2/02 2:25 PM, Onno Benschop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> At 12:19 1/02/02 +0800, Adrian Colley wrote:
>>> I know this is a simple question but I am yet to find the answer. How does
>>> one make replies to e-mails go at the top of messages rather than the
>>> bottom?
>>> Every time I reply I get my cursor blinking at the bottom of the message.
>> That is where you are *supposed* to have it blink. Commenting on something
>> that you haven't read yet doesn't make sense. At this point I should note
>> that a group of users will be about to actually tell me that many email
>> packages don't do this - those people I refer to:

OK, now try to follow the flow of conversation with my reply at the bottom.
Now image a message thread with a dozen different replies and you're just
starting to read it. Think you could follow it? Probably but now nearly as
easily as if it's formatted from top to bottom. RFC's exist for a reason and
should be followed. I'm resending this to the list instead of just Troy to
demonstrate a point. Messages where people reply at the top when others
reply at the bottom quickly become disorganized and confusing.

I'm not as think as you drunk I am. I'm soberly perfect. 

Adding a DVD player to Quicksilver?

2002-02-01 Thread Doug Wilson
Is this possible? I'd be willing to take out my CDRW and put it in an
external firewire case. Which models does Apple use?
The views expressed here do not necessarily constitute a unanimous vote by
all parts of the mind which created those views.

New Powermacs are out

2002-01-28 Thread Doug Wilson
Only semi exciting. Apple has finally reached the 1GHz mark. GeForce4 on the
two high end models. Same motherboards. My 733 I bought last week wasn't
slaughtered by this update so I'm still happy :).
Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side & a dark side,
and it holds the universe together. 

Re: RealTek Chipset NICs

2002-01-23 Thread Doug Wilson
on 23/1/02 11:59 PM, Antony N. Lord at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> An interesting thread ran a short while ago on the UCC list (UWA's
> Computer Club) detailing how many people found the RealTek based NICs
> to be flakey and certainly not recommended for game play / "mission
> critical" systems (at least on PC based systems.)
> I do note that Apple System Profiler gathers no substantial info
> about them but I have yet to see one give me grief and they certainly
> seem to be working at 100 base (so says my switch.)
> Let me know before I spend money on putting RelTek cards in several
> 10base Macs...
> Cheers, Antony.

I've got one in my beige G3. It's been there about 3 months now without a
problem. No slowdows related to gaming and no system stability problems from
the card or the drivers under OSX or OS9.
A fool and his money are soon partying.

Re: Retailer Praise

2002-01-17 Thread Doug Wilson

The Darren I mentioned is actually Daniel. Got the name mixed up. Sorry
about that Daniel.

> on 17/1/02 5:07 PM, Reg Whitely at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> And don't forget Daniel...
> Reg
>> In a time where most
>> electronics retailers seem regard customers with suspicion and sometimes
>> outright contempt the guys at AppleCentre Joondalup just went above and
>> beyond the call of duty. Rod, Mike, Darren, thanks.

Department of Redundancy Department.

Retailer Praise

2002-01-17 Thread Doug Wilson
We've had so many bitch sessions about retailers on this list that I thought
a change might be nice. I spent a bit of time on the phone with AppleCentre
Joondalup yesterday morning looking for one of their employees that had
contacted me privately in response to my query here about a DP450 G4 machine
for sale. Unforunately Darren wasn't working but Mike told me that I could
get a 733MHz QuickSilver machine for just a bit more than what I was looking
to spend. I was shocked and stunned, as well as very happy at the price he
quoted me. I know that a new revision is coming very soon and that they need
to get rid of their stock on these machines but I still thought it was a
great deal. They took the time to fax the invoice to my employer (in about
10 minutes from the time I got off the phone with them) and everything was
set. All I had to do was go get the check from the accountant. The sale was
already made and a done deal. I Mike back to enquire about getting another
128 megs of RAM thrown in at the same price and was amazed that the answer
was "no problem" as long as my upcoming scanner purchase was made from them.
Chances are that not only will my next scanner come from them but so will
many of my other hardware and software purchases. In a time where most
electronics retailers seem regard customers with suspicion and sometimes
outright contempt the guys at AppleCentre Joondalup just went above and
beyond the call of duty. Rod, Mike, Darren, thanks.
Prozac-Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Re: OSX & Norton's

2002-01-17 Thread Doug Wilson
on 17/1/02 11:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> After a long discussion with Apple, the following was surmised: that
> Norton's and perhaps DiskWarrior don't recognise files begining with "."
> so they alter or delete them. The users file in OSX is one such file.
> Therefore running utilities under OS9 may cause a hazard to your OSX
> system. (Unless you have a partition I guess).
> Anyway, I am back to reformatting my hard drive and potentially losing the
> work I had on there. I offer this to all as a cautionary tale.
> Regards,
> Nathalie

More FUD about Nortons. The program will warn you about files starting with
a period since under OS versions before X those files were almost always
device drivers and naming your files with periods could potentially confuse
the computer. That's all Nortons will EVER do about files beginning with a
period though. It has no capability to alter them in and way and it will not
delete them. 
The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Thanks to all who replied re: DP 450 wanted

2002-01-16 Thread Doug Wilson
Thanks to the guys at AppleCentre Joondalup and my employer I have a nice
shiny new G4 733 QuickSilver in my possession. With 80 gigs of hard drive
space and half a gig of ram I should finally be able to get some work done
in OSX :).
Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

WTB: G4 450 or 500MHz Dual Processor machine

2002-01-15 Thread Doug Wilson
If anyone (especially one of the Authorized Apple Resellers) on the list has
one of these machines for sale I'd appreciate it if you could contact me off
DJ Grafix & Design
3 Macaulay Ave.
Duncraig 6023
ABN 91 392 108 553
Phone 08 9243-5550 <-- Please note new voice number

Re: File type

2002-01-15 Thread Doug Wilson
on 15/1/02 11:26 PM, Severin Crisp at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> What is a ".dmg" file?
> Severin Crisp

I believe it's short for Disk Image.
A fool and his money are soon partying.

Hack to enable extended desktop on the iBook?

2002-01-14 Thread Doug Wilson
Does anyone know if there is a hack available to allow for an extended
desktop instead of mirroring on the iBook?
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.

G4 model specific question

2002-01-14 Thread Doug Wilson
I'm looking to upgrade my current machine to a G4. I know I should wait
until Steve announces the new towers next month but since I probably
couldn't afford whatever he announces I'm looking into older models right
now. The ones I'm looking at are the "Mystic" dual processor G4's. What I
need to know is if the DVD-RAM drives produce DVD's that are readable in
regular DVD players?
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Re: What the...

2002-01-07 Thread Doug Wilson
on 9/10/01 4:14 AM, Darren Kam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> From my recollection of the keynote, Apple's top end new iMac comes
> in at US $1799.
> ... so how on earth does this correlate to Apple Australia's pricing
> on the same machine to be $4195?!
> Say the exchange rate is around US$1 for AUST$0.50
> $1799 * 2 = $3598, not $4195.
> Once again, Apple Australia tacks on it's ridiculous extra margin -
> can someone explain why we are paying an additional $600??

Apple Australia is going to lose me as a customer if they keep this up. I've
got family in the states and it's a lot easier to give them the money and
have em bring a machine with them as a "personal computer" and leave it here
when they go home. Works really well for laptops. Pay a bit for an adapter
for the power supply or order a proper Aussie one and you can save quite a
I PROCESS, therefore I AM

Re: Beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond.

2002-01-03 Thread Doug Wilson
> OK, so anyone want to speculate?

OSX for Intel

Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.

Re: Paging Doug Wilson and his copy of QXP 4.1....

2001-12-17 Thread Doug Wilson
on 17/12/01 2:42 PM, Glenn Brockman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi! I'm hoping someone will be able to put me in contact with Doug Wilson,
> who was offering a copy of QuarkXPress 4.1 for sale in this forum...
> I have been unable to email him at his given reply address
> Doug - if you're out there (and you still have that copy of Quark) could
> you please call me on (08) 9791 7522 or email me at
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Glenn Brockman

Glen, it's already been sold, thanks anyway.

Preliminary operational tests were inconclusive (the darn thing blew up).

Re: Micro$oft viruses

2001-12-14 Thread Doug Wilson
on 13/12/01 2:06 PM, Ray Forma at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The following extract from an article by Microsoft mentions Linux, which is a
> version of Unix, as having "security vulnerabilities". Does this mean that
> System X, which has at its core the BSD version of Unix, will become a target
> for viruses, ending the virtually virus-free Mac environment?
> Note: I don't regard Micro$oft software as part of the virus-free Mac
> environment.

Ray, that letter is from part of Micro$oft's FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and
Doubt) campaign against *nix in general. Don't attach any credibility to it.
Just because it's toxic doesn't mean it's not tasty.

Re: re pinging the internet

2001-11-23 Thread Doug Wilson
on 23/11/01 12:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a question? How do Macs ping the internet manually or other
> computers. We use apple talk where as PCs ping through DOS. Does
> anybody know?
> Allana

IPNetmonitor and AG Net Tools are the best network testing applications for
the Mac. In OSX there is a built in application called Network Utility which
does many of the same things as well as the command line terminal which has
all the built in command line tools.
Department of Redundancy Department.

Quark for sale

2001-11-22 Thread Doug Wilson
$1500. Full boxed copy of Quark Xpress 4.0.4 with 4.1 full update CD.
Includes all manuals and paperwork. Taking up valuable shelf space. Please
contact me with any questions at any of the methods below

Phone 08 9243-5556
Mobile 0403 900 689

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