> Hi All!
> One quick tip - for those who are thinking of backing up their old VHS movies
> (the ones you know will never make it to DVD), be careful of the macrovision
> lock on some videos.  My Canon MiniDV camera comes up with a macrovision
> copryright violation on some movies when I try to copy them to DVD.
> Its a shame, as there is no hope for some old movies ie the original Star Wars
> where Han Solo shoots first! (Hi Doug!).
> Seeya
> Rod!

LOL, I think perhaps I've ranted a bit too much about this eh? For those
really interested in the original Star Wars on DVD it's coming soon. For
those that still want to see Han shoot first there's a very good DVD copy
available on eBay that comes from Japan. Frankly if George won't give me the
original like I want it I will go elsewhere to buy it.

Now to make this on topic. I have converted a lot of VHS to DVD with the aid
of my 2x1.25GHz. Yes, Macrovision can be a problem but there are programs
that can strip it from the digital stream. The Macworld article is quite a
good place to get started.