Re: Inkjet cheap ink

2010-03-07 Thread John Feltham
G'day john,

On 07/03/2010, at 7:06 PM, John Daniels wrote:

 Thanks for your input folks. it seems that it's 2 to 1 against refills so 
 far. Anyone else like to weigh in?

It's not so long ago that I weighed in with...


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Re: Keynote and Powerpoint

2010-02-23 Thread John Feltham

G'day Paul,

On 24/02/2010, at 9:34 AM, Paul Weaver wrote:

 A question.

 Can Keynote 09 files be read by Powerpoint and vice-versa?

No and yes.


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Off Topic ?

2010-02-21 Thread John Feltham

--  Bill Gates In Heaven

Bill Gates died and, much to everyone's surprise, went to Heaven.

When he got there, he had to wait in the reception area, which was  
about the size of Massachusetts. There were millions of people living  
in tents. Food and water were being distributed from the backs of  
trucks, while staffers with clipboards slowly worked their way through  
the crowd.

Bill lived in a tent for three weeks until, finally, a staffer in his  
late teens approached him. The young man was wearing a blue T-shirt  
with the words TEAM PETER emblazoned on it in large yellow letters.

Hello, said the staffer in a bored voice. My name is Gabriel and  
I'll be your induction coordinator.

Bill started to ask a question, but Gabriel interrupted him. No, I'm  
not the Archangel Gabriel. I'm a guy from Philadelphia named Gabriel  
who died in a car wreck at 17. Now give me your name, last name first,  
unless you were Chinese, in which case it's first name first.

Gates, Bill.

Gabriel started searching through the sheaf of papers on his  
clipboard, looking for Bill's Record of Earthly Works.

What's going on here? asked Bill. Why are all these people here?  
Where's St. Peter? Where are the pearly gates?

Gabriel ignored the questions until he located Bill's records. It  
says here that you were the president of a large software company. Is  
that right?


Well do the math! When this St. Peter business started, it was easy.  
Only a hundred or so people died every day, and Peter could handle it  
by himself.

But now there are over five billion people on earth. When God said to  
'go forth and multiply,' he didn't say 'like rabbits!' Ten thousand  
people die every hour, over a quarter-million a day. Do you think  
Peter can meet them all personally?

I guess not.

You guess right. So he had to franchise the operation. Now, Peter is  
the CEO of Team Peter Enterprises, Inc. Franchisees like me handle the  
actual inductions.

Gabriel looked though his paperwork some more and then continued.  
Your paperwork seems to be in order. And with a background like  
yours, you'll be getting a plum job assignment.

Job assignment?

Of course. Did you expect to spend eternity sitting on your bum and  
drinking ambrosia? Heaven is a big operation. You have to pull your  
weight around here!

Gabriel took out a triplicate form, had Bill sign at the bottom, and  
then tore out the middle copy and handed it to Bill. Take this down  
to induction center no. 23 and meet up with your occupational  
coordinator. His name is Abraham--and no, he's not that Abraham.

Bill walked to induction center no. 23 and met with Abraham after a  
mere six-hour wait.

Heaven is centuries behind in building its data-processing  
infrastructure,  explained Abraham. As you've seen, we're still  
doing everything on paper. It takes us a week just to process new  
entries. Your job will be to supervise Heaven's new data processing  

We're building the largest computing facility in creation. Half a  
million computers connected by a multisegment fiber-optic network, all  
running into a back-end server network with a thousand CPUs on a  
gigabit channel. Fault tolerant, distributed processing, the works.

Bill could barely contain his excitement. Wow! What a great job! This  
is really Heaven!

We're just finishing construction, and we'll be starting operations  
soon. Would you like to go see the center now?

You bet!

Abraham and Bill caught the shuttle bus and went to Heaven's new data  
processing center. It was a truly huge facility, a hundred times  
bigger than the Astrodome. Workers were crawling all over the place,  
getting the miles of fiber optic cables properly installed.

But the center was dominated by the computers. Half a million  
computers, arranged nearly row-by-row, half a million...  
Macintoshes. .. all running Apple software! Not a PC in sight! Not a  
single byte of Microsoft code!

The thought of spending eternity using products he had spent his whole  
life working to destroy was too much for Bill.

What about PCs??? he exclaimed. What about Windows??? Excel???  

You're forgetting something, said Abraham.

What's that? asked Bill plaintively.

This is Heaven, explained Abraham. If you want to build a data  
processing center based on PCs running Windows, then you'll have to go  


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Re: Creating a Slideshow in iPhoto 8 OneStep DVD in iDVD 7

2010-02-21 Thread John Feltham

G'day Peta,

On 22/02/2010, at 10:16 AM, peta belczowski wrote:

 I have wished for a volunteer to gather up all of the information
 and place it into logical steps so even the basic beginner - and
 those who do know a lot - can just follow simple steps.

While not wishing to stop 'volunteers' from creating useful tutorials  
for MUG members - Like Ronni, they do a great job, I know, I'm one of  
them!  :-)

But please don't forget the vast array of tutorial videos produced by  
Apple themselves.

For example...




This last one will take you to the iMovie tutorial videos at...

You will find 20 tutorial videos that explain how to use iMovie,  
including how to 'publish' to YouTube!

These videos can be downloaded and kept on your machine for future use  
without having to download the again.

There are sets of videos for all of the Apple software.


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Introducing the Mac OS X Hints Superguide, Snow Leopard Edition | Mac OS X | Mac OS X Hints | Macworld

2010-02-12 Thread John Feltham

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Fwd: Microsoft announces Office for Mac 2011 | Software | Working Mac | Macworld

2010-02-12 Thread John Feltham


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Fwd: [qsitecommunity] ITSC Conference

2010-02-12 Thread John Feltham

Begin forward

Hi all

...just a correction to this email.  The conference is actually on the  
6-7th March.

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Fwd: [qsitecommunity] ITSC Conference

2010-02-12 Thread John Feltham

Begin forwarded message:

For those are attending the ITSC = Information Technology in School's  
Conference - an Apple run event on the Gold Coast this year March 5-6

It is a very hands on conference, using lots of Apple gear, run by  
teachers and based strongly on challenge based learning.

If you are doing good things in your classes please consider putting  
together a poster session to share what you are doing, a good  
opportunity in a non-threatening environment.

Please contact Annie Agnew (Leadership Programs Manager Education) if  
you are interested

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Re: Recording voiceover in iMovie 09 - external microphone

2010-02-12 Thread John Feltham

G'day Marlene,

On 12/02/2010, at 5:47 PM, Eugene wrote:

 I have had this problem with some mics. Here is possibly the reason:

I use a Griffin iMic see...

The one that I use is about 5 years old and looks slightly different  
to this one but it appears to be doing the same job.

I paid around A$60 here in Oz.


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Fwd: [NQMUG] Apple's Find Out How series

2010-02-10 Thread John Feltham


Apple has released some of its Find Out How series of videos as  
podcasts. Details can be found at the link.

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Re: Telstra

2010-02-09 Thread John Feltham

G'day Dick,

On 10/02/2010, at 9:57 AM, Richard Anderson wrote:

 Having spent hours talking to non-english speaking Telstra call
 centres, I'm stll no closer to having my phone fixed.

I am surprised that you got a real person, non-english speaking or  
other-wise, to actually answer your phone call.


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Re: Adobe CS4 Crashes on Launch

2010-02-06 Thread John Feltham

G'day folks,

On 06/02/2010, at 10:10 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

 OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S2167)

Have they tried a later OS X?


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Re: MacMail unwanted address

2010-02-04 Thread John Feltham

G'day Bill,

On 04/02/2010, at 3:50 PM, Bill Parker wrote:

 I have a daily need to email to a person who's address begins  
c...@.   As I type, I always get another second very sim.  
address (c...@.) of someone who I absolutely must not mistakenly  
send to.

I have combed my addresses for  the second address and all of its  
forms.   I have emptied trash, I have combed through IN boxes and  
cannot find any trace of the second CEO. 

Go to Window and select 'Previous Recipients - in the top right box  
type in CEO and wait a second.

Select the unwanted one and at bottom right select 'Remove from List'.

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inline: Picture 11.png


Off Topic.

2010-02-03 Thread John Feltham

G'day folks,

At the WAMUG meeting on Tuesday questions were asked about the weather  
in Townsville, where we live.

We flew out for Perth on the 23rd!

Begin forwarded message:

Hi John and Helma

Hope you both are having a nice break in Perth.  We are just  
recovering from the aftermath of Olga.  I can't remember when you were  
leaving Townsville, you may have just missed it.  As usual - 23rd Jan  
the town was flooded out.  No doubt they closed the gates because of  
the king tide so the water couldn't get away.  I have never seen it  
rain the way it did, bucketed down for 7  days non stop.  My back and  
front yards resembled a lake!!!  Now of course we are steaming out.   
Yesterday was so terribly hot and humid.  I went down to Ryan to pick  
Nathan and Jes up from school and was on the verge of a collapse   
Today is going to be another scorcher and I have to drive out at  
1.30pm.  I intend to leave the air conditioner on so that when I get  
home it won't be as bad as yesterday.

Brian from next door came over and mowed ALL my grass as it was  
getting out of control.  He is such a kind young man so today while  
out I will pick up a case of beer as a thank you.

Our place will be OK, we live on the side of a hill. So, now you  
know!  :-)


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Fwd: Parallels device problem?

2010-02-03 Thread John Feltham

G'day folks,

I passed one of the problems mentioned on this list yesterday, to a  
friend in Townsville. Here is a suggestion from him. I hope that it is  
of use.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Bill O'Donnell
Date: 4 February 2010 6:40:27 AM
To: John Feltham
Subject: Re: Parallels device problem?

Just had a look at the site - one thing I noticed in the PC specs is  
that it requires .NET to be installed - Perhaps that's the problem, as  
a standard install of XP, Vista does not install .NET. It is available  
for FREE download from Microsoft

PC Hardware recommendations

Operating system Windows XP (minimum SP3) or Windows VISTA 32-bit
Full install .NET 2.0
All .NET updates
Here is the link:

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2010-02-02 Thread John Feltham

G'day folks,

Many thanks for the hospitality extended to me this evening.

John Feltham
Townsville Mac Users Group - known as - NQMUG


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Continuous Ink Supply Systems (CISS)

2010-02-02 Thread John Feltham

G'day folks,

Google fixed up my memory! :-)

Here is the URL mentioned at the meeting.


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Re: iPhone

2008-07-01 Thread John Feltham

G'day Mike,

On 01/07/2008, at 1:35 PM, Mike Fuller wrote:

 That link is Forbidden to access.

You don't say why. So why?

On 01/07/2008, at 10:12 AM, John Feltham wrote:

Not everyone is happy...


If you don't hear the knock of opportunity - build a door.


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Re: iPhone

2008-07-01 Thread John Feltham

G'day Mike,

On 01/07/2008, at 11:50 PM, Mike Fuller wrote:

 John - this is what I get when I click on the link:


 You don't have permission to access / on this server.

 Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while
 trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

 So I can't really tell you why, just that it is.

Oh, sorry.

Try this one in Google

rogers +iphone

and go down to

Rogers Canada iPhone to Canada



If you don't hear the knock of opportunity - build a door.


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Re: iPhone

2008-06-30 Thread John Feltham

G'day foks,
On 30/06/2008, at 5:35 PM, Warren Jones wrote:

Some breaking news on Telstra and the iPhone...

via Gizmodo 

iPhone 3G will be available from Telstra on July 11 with a range of  
specially designed Next G™ iPhone 3G plans that meet the needs of any  
customer. The Next G iPhone 3G plans start at $30 per month with an  
upfront cost of $279 for the 8GB model and $399 for the 16GB model.  
Customers will receive the 8GB iPhone 3G model at no cost with the $80  
plan and either the 8GB or the 16GB model at no cost with plans  
starting at $100 per month. All plans include free Wi-Fi access at  
Telstra hotspots and require a 24-month contract.

Not everyone is happy...


If you don't hear the knock of opportunity - build a door.


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