Re: the Roger Penrose talk

2007-08-08 Thread N Macintyre
This exchange is a Turing Test, correct?  :-)

**back to lurk mode**

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Re: WAMUG Mailing List Archives

2007-06-28 Thread N Macintyre

Howdy from a lurker,

Great interface - particularly I like the date/thread toggle - - very clear.

A suggestion - only as an interested observer, since I don't
participate but simply read the list in arrears as a kind of

   Activate the RSS feed; this would allow lurkers like me to
dispense with the list digest/archive shuffle - where I only go to a
thread or message if the subject is of interest.  The RSS is normally
a summary of the message and would also be an alert that the message
has been uploaded to the archive.  This is terrific for us info-hungry

Otherwise, could the listmaster add the archive link to the "digest" feed?

Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:16:15 -0700, Glenn Nicholas wrote


The threaded interface is great. But the search doesn't seem to work.
For example, there was a recent entry on Carbon Cops. Search can't
find it - lots of other stuff with Carbon in it (e.g. Carbon Copy),
but not the recent Carbon Cops thread. I tried a few other searches
where I knew what I was looking for, and it didn't return what I

The June 2007 entries don't appear to have been included yet.
Otherwise, I found the search to work just fine.

Nan M

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Re: ubuntu

2007-06-03 Thread N Macintyre

Beginning ubuntu is for most mac users now a matter of working out
which source is the right one for the live cd (which runs without
installation and lets the user get a feel for the os before they make
a decision to install on the hdd).  The live cd has the partitioning
tools included in the installation process and is very useful if you
want to dual boot with OS X, and the latest version (7.04 "feisty")
has them graphically presented to help those with command-line phobia.
The whole process is very straightforward for most installs.

Unfortunately, the managing committee at ubuntu has dropped official
support for power pc architecture as at feisty (which explains why
there are very few ppc feisties on mirror servers).
So the participation of ppc users will be where documentation and
support will either live or die.  "Old world" macs can manage older
versions, but need community support even more than ppc ones.
This is the most active support forum for macs/ppcs that I know of.

All that is just to back up my advice that you most definitely don't
rely on a single book or online guide for installation - - they are
mostly all out of date by the time you open them, even for intel
And for mac beginner users, make sure you download a live cd image
from the  ports site if you are going to begin with feisty.

The official documentation is as good as any guide I've seen, and the
ubuntu desktop environment is too easy to use even without a guide.

Welcome, human.

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Fwd: website won't load

2007-05-10 Thread N Macintyre

-- Forwarded message --
From: N Macintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 11, 2007 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: website won't load

There's a reported bad Flash function for OS X and Firefox (Safari
working ok, Firefox and Camino not) on the Firefox forums, where
updating a user's Flash version is a fix.

On 5/11/07, Jude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Hi, its working just fine on iinet for me, so nothing to do with
>>iinet, I'm wondering if its something on your mac blocking the
>>playback (flashplayer?). cheers, Susan.<<

I don't think so - it seems equally slow on the laptop, the G4 and
the Mac pro. I'll try in Safari and see what happens.

Actually, thats got it - it loads fine on Safari. Maybe a version
issue with firefox?

Thanks for the help, everyone.

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video capture card emac

2007-04-03 Thread N Macintyre

Howdy list,

Running os x 10.3.9 on eMac 1.25GB g4 768mb ram.

I want to display the output of  a satellite decoder on the Mac,
either direct from the decoder's  video analog output (yellow rca
plug) or via the  output from a converter that currently feeds xga
output to a different monitor.
There is also a scart connector out from the decoder.  I have no idea
whether that would be part of a video capture solution. Correction is
always welcome.
And, of course, there is an RF out from the decoder, which I could
always feed through a VCR tuner - but that outputs component video,
hence takes me back to taking the output directly from the satellite
The eMac has USB2.2 and 1394a ports.

Cost is the driving motiviation; I don't wish to spend on a whole new
decoding/reception bundle - just  wish to use the Mac as a tv monitor
if it's possible.   Audio is already handled separately by a
stand-alone amp.

Any pointers to a solutions source, or a direct solution suggestion
would be very much appreciated.

thanks in advance for any help,

N Mac

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Re: .chm files

2007-03-28 Thread N Macintyre


Hi muggers

I have been passed some files that have a .chm extension and I cant
seem to open it with anything in 10.4.8. The files were from a windows
computer with a number of pdf's so I thought Adobe reader would open
them. No such luck.

I did a google and found that .chm are a 'compiled HTML help file' so
Im assuming a web browser would open it? Both Firefox and Safari didnt
work using 'open file'.

Can someone please advise me on what program if any will open these files?

Thanks for any advice


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Chmox does it for me in 10.3.9.  Don't know about any binary edition
yet, but Source Forge and Google will be your guide.

N Mac

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Re: control-click on a word

2007-03-23 Thread N Macintyre

Tried a few of the dictionary extensions in Firefox  -  not rapt.
I prefer to have the dictionary search of my choice in the search bar
plugins - and that becomes a context menu item.
That gives me the Shorter Oxford, which trumps apple's unix one -  if
that's what it is, which I couldn't use anyway since I'm running

Firefox with NoScript and NukeThis enhanced makes the web bearable.

N Mac

ps ---I am still trying to get used to top-posting in mailing lists too ;-))
/old f*rt mode

On 3/23/07, wyvern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Brett,

there's a plug in for firefox to that does that... i have it but
cannot remember exactly which it is but it does exist


On 23/03/2007, at 10:55 PM, Brett Carboni wrote:

> On 23/03/2007, at 11:34 PM, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:
>> Red/orange type on a black background is my pet hate.
>> Merv
> Mine would be flashing text followed by flash animations that you
> can't turn off. (Unless you use Firefox which I would use but I
> can't live without Safari's control-click on a word and then select
> 'look up in dictionary' -that feature rocks!)
> Of course if we didn't have flashing text we might miss those 'you
> have won in the xxx lottery - click to claim prize' :-)
> Brett Carboni
> Tsunami
> "Click here to claim your sushi lottery prize"
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Re: illegible webpages

2007-03-23 Thread N Macintyre

On 3/23/07, Richard Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a gripe as much as a query!

Why do webmakers persist in using unsuitable fonts? See for example:-

Pastel shades or light grey on a slighter darker grey may look nice,
but they make it very difficult for seniors to read. Do other people
have the same problem?

It's the web, stupid :-))
I feel your pain though.

Go vent :-)

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Group archive offline?

2007-03-13 Thread N Macintyre


The latest url that I have for the Group's archive is

That site is not responding.
Is the site broken or have I missed a change of url?

thanks in advance for any info.

Nan M

Re:Safari Leak message query?

2007-01-12 Thread N Macintyre

On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 12:56:03 +0900, Philip Trouchet wrote:

"World Leaks The following world leaks were detected (the check is
done when all browser windows are closed)"

There's been a lot of seismic activity in the news of late, maybe
Steve the Prophet has given us mere mortals the ability to probe the
earth's crust already.  **grin**

Seriously, if you aren't debugging something yourself, then turn off
the option in the Safari "Debug" menu item.

Re:Daylight Savings -> Time Server method MAYBE?

2006-12-03 Thread N Macintyre

On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:08:28 +080 Martin Hill wrote:

Apple iCal implications:

If you have Apple's iCal, it looks like it handles it better initially in
that even if you change the time zone of your Mac to Osaka Japan GMT +9.0,
you have the option in iCal to display all of your current appointments in
the old GMT 8.0+ and the old appointments will move back to the correct

Running 10.3.9,  stand alone.

I chose to move to Seoul for the summer - - a bit nippy though - - and
I can report that with iCal support toggled on and with appointments
chosen to display in "Australia, Perth", the iCal Alarm Scheduler is
not included in this and runs its alarms on Seoul time.

I've now printed out all the summer calendar on month per view pages
for backup - and have toggled the iCal pref to Seoul time too.  I have
no desire to fuss with manually picking through the iCal changes and
hope that I am motivated enough to check each appointment as it arises
over the summer.

Time is relative - and in this case it's behaving like a grumpy old uncle ;-)

Thanks for the complete rundown Martin.

re: Audion 3 and streaming

2006-11-23 Thread N Macintyre

Hi Merv,

The ABC Classic FM mp3 stream has been "unavailable" now for more than
a few weeks.
So the reason you can't find a source file is because it no longer exists.

The 98kbps Real media streaming file - got from here -   should work in any
recording application that uses player plugins (for example,
iRecordMusic).  I find it to have good stereo separation and fine
stability over a 512/128 connection.

In general, if a broadcaster provides a playlist kind of streaming
file, they are trying to  make it easiest for people who like to use
straightforward UI (for example a media player) -  who are the
majority of listeners.  When a user wants to chain other uses,  such
as recording a stream, then the nature of playlists and streaming
files in general makes the task just a little more complex,
unfortunately.  And, of course, there is always the intentions of the
broadcaster wrt fair use of their broadcast to be respected.

hth,  Nancy M