Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Rod Lavington
On 6/4/02 1:41 PM, "John Currie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Panorama has a basic fee of $ US 250 plus add on costs depending on size
> of the data base in terms of the number of forms (reports) and procedures
> (macros). For the case under discussion, at the outside another $US 50.
> For this you can make an unlimited number of copies with the freedom to
> change the images and the captions or any other data at any time
> John

Keep plugging that Panorama John, keep plugging ;-)



Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread John Currie
Onno wrote

>>The best part is the licencing of a CD to distribute - *not*.
>AFAIK Filemaker standalone executables made with the developers tools
>don't need to be licenced.

Panorama has a basic fee of $ US 250 plus add on costs depending on size
of the data base in terms of the number of forms (reports) and procedures
(macros). For the case under discussion, at the outside another $US 50.
For this you can make an unlimited number of copies with the freedom to
change the images and the captions or any other data at any time


Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Shay Telfer

Then again, distributing CDs is such a "dark ages" model :-) It's
easy to slap a database up on a web server, then it's always up to

Yes, however most people's bandwidth is still in the "dark ages"

Have fun,
=== Shay Telfer 
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Sponsor WA's Solar Car
Opinions for hire [POQ] Sungroper

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Shay Telfer

> Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to

multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so.
FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.

The best part is the licencing of a CD to distribute - *not*.

AFAIK Filemaker standalone executables made with the developers tools 
don't need to be licenced.

As to licensing the content of the database, surely the information's 
just as copyable as when it's viewed on a web page?

Have fun,

=== Shay Telfer 
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Sponsor WA's Solar Car
Opinions for hire [POQ] Sungroper

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Andrew Nielsen

At 14:49 +0800 04/04/2002, Dr Jim Cummins wrote:

Ultimately when corrected we want to make these available for all to
study, probably via a CD that the students can purchase rather than
via the WWW (too easy to steal!).

Mmm, bet they'd _never_ figure out how to copy a CD! :-) Whereas on 
the web, you can restrict access to paying customers if you want, or 
display only low-res images initially and charge for high-res ones. 
And provide incentives for them to keep using your site, such as 
continual improvements/upgrades/addition of content, rather than 
having to produce and mail out CDs and have people complain that the 
CD doesn't run on their particular model of computer, or whatever.


Andrew Nielsen 
Starfish Technologies Pty Ltd 
ACN 076 426 714 / ABN 49 426 849 601 Tel: 0500 555 677
Consultants in Unix, Mac OS, Windows & networking technologies

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread Onno Benschop
On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 12:20, Shay Telfer wrote:
> >PHP/MySQL are great programs and you can't beat the initial purchase price,
> >but it should be noted that these programs are only cheep if your time is
> >worth very little. (Or I you are already a highly experienced PHP/MySQL
> >Programmer). For the average Joe, who doesn't have a lot of experience or
> >time it may be a bit too complex.
> Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to 
> multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so. 
> FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.

The best part is the licencing of a CD to distribute - *not*.

()/)/)() ..ASCII for Onno.. 
|>>? ..EBCDIC for Onno.. 
--- -. -. --- ..Morse for Onno.. 

ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219  - 

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread John Currie
>At 12:20 +0800 05/04/2002, Shay Telfer wrote:
>>Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to
>>multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so.
>>FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.
>Then again, distributing CDs is such a "dark ages" model :-) It's
>easy to slap a database up on a web server, then it's always up to

I think Jim Cummins is looking for a more static catalogue of anatomical
Something which students could look at without having to get on the Web

I have, of course, offered him a Panorama solution.tailored exactly to his
requirements, inexpensive, and faster.

However if you want to see Panorama used for images on the web
check out

try the links Demo and Customer databases at the bottom of the page


Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread Phillip Arena
Yeah Jim, I agree. I've used both Filemaker Pro and iView for such 
cataloguing, the latter does a nice easy job with my countless images 
and Filemaker has great flexibility.


At 08:01 +0800 05/04/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

iView MediaPro is one of the better solutions out there.

I concur. I've used it for more than a year to manage my own photo 


Andrew Nielsen 
Starfish Technologies Pty Ltd 
ACN 076 426 714 / ABN 49 426 849 601 Tel: 0500 555 677
Consultants in Unix, Mac OS, Windows & networking technologies

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Phillip C. Arena PhD
08 93458 4481
PO Box 150
Burswood WA 6150

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread Andrew Nielsen

At 12:20 +0800 05/04/2002, Shay Telfer wrote:

Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to
multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so.
FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.

Then again, distributing CDs is such a "dark ages" model :-) It's 
easy to slap a database up on a web server, then it's always up to 


Andrew Nielsen 
Starfish Technologies Pty Ltd 
ACN 076 426 714 / ABN 49 426 849 601 Tel: 0500 555 677
Consultants in Unix, Mac OS, Windows & networking technologies

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread Shay Telfer

PHP/MySQL are great programs and you can't beat the initial purchase price,
but it should be noted that these programs are only cheep if your time is
worth very little. (Or I you are already a highly experienced PHP/MySQL
Programmer). For the average Joe, who doesn't have a lot of experience or
time it may be a bit too complex.

Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to 
multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so. 
FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.

Have fun,
=== Shay Telfer 
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
Opinions for hire [POQ]

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread Matthew Healey
On 5/4/02 7:34 AM, "Onno Benschop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have developed database/web applications in CDML/FileMaker, ASP/Access
> and PHP/MySQL and have found that the last solution is cheapest to
> setup, maintain and has the most flexibility.
> Please note that these statements are opinions based on experience, you
> may well find people who offer a differing opinion.

PHP/MySQL are great programs and you can't beat the initial purchase price,
but it should be noted that these programs are only cheep if your time is
worth very little. (Or I you are already a highly experienced PHP/MySQL
Programmer). For the average Joe, who doesn't have a lot of experience or
time it may be a bit too complex.


Matthew Healey


Matthew Healey
Information Systems
Western Orthopaedic Clinic

Phone: +61 (08) 9489 8700
Fax: +61 (08) 9381 8300

Suite 213
25 McCourt Street
Subiaco 6006
Western Australia

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread Andrew Nielsen

At 08:01 +0800 05/04/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

iView MediaPro is one of the better solutions out there.

I concur. I've used it for more than a year to manage my own photo collection.

Andrew Nielsen 
Starfish Technologies Pty Ltd 
ACN 076 426 714 / ABN 49 426 849 601 Tel: 0500 555 677
Consultants in Unix, Mac OS, Windows & networking technologies

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-05 Thread hinchlif

On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 02:59 PM, Daniel wrote:

> Dependant on how you want to catalogue them, if you weren't needing
> thumbnails or pictures, then you could also look at DiskTracker. It
> is an excellent catalogue tool, which is shareware. I use it to keep
> track of all the CD's with updates and backups on them, which is
> excellent for searching, as well as for browsing.

iView MediaPro is one of the better solutions out there. Not only does 
it provide thumbnails as well as full size views of your files, it 
provides fast automatic indexing and searching of the contents of any 
folder or volume you tell it about.

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer Services FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Western Australia Phone (618) 9332 6482 Fax (618) 9332 0913

Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-04 Thread Onno Benschop
On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 14:49, Dr Jim Cummins wrote:
> Here in Murdoch we are getting students to label high-quality colour 
> images of museum specimens as an exercise in learning Anatomy. 
> Ultimately when corrected we want to make these available for all to 
> study, probably via a CD that the students can purchase rather than 
> via the WWW (too easy to steal!).

No, this is not correct. If you were right, then the banks would have
never gone online (albeit slowly :-) - the key is access.

As a developer for Murdoch I have written (and am in the process of
finalising another) applications that use MAIS to authenticate.

Contact me direct if you would like to discuss this.

The issue is how to catalogue them 
> and have a searchable data base. My immediate response was FileMaker 
> Pro (we have FMP 4.0) , but I wonder if anyone has a better solution?

FileMaker is a database that you can create results with in a quick
fashion. Making the data available on the web is possible, simple even,
but I have found in the past that you run into its limitations rather

I have developed database/web applications in CDML/FileMaker, ASP/Access
and PHP/MySQL and have found that the last solution is cheapest to
setup, maintain and has the most flexibility.

Please note that these statements are opinions based on experience, you
may well find people who offer a differing opinion.

()/)/)() ..ASCII for Onno.. 
|>>? ..EBCDIC for Onno.. 
--- -. -. --- ..Morse for Onno.. 

ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219  - 

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-04 Thread Daniel

The issue is how to catalogue them
and have a searchable data base. My immediate response was FileMaker
Pro (we have FMP 4.0) , but I wonder if anyone has a better solution?

Dependant on how you want to catalogue them, if you weren't needing 
thumbnails or pictures, then you could also look at DiskTracker. It 
is an excellent catalogue tool, which is shareware. I use it to keep 
track of all the CD's with updates and backups on them, which is 
excellent for searching, as well as for browsing.

For more information have a look at:-

Maybe not exactly what you're after,..but worth a look!

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Cataloguing issues

2002-04-04 Thread Dr Jim Cummins
Here in Murdoch we are getting students to label high-quality colour 
images of museum specimens as an exercise in learning Anatomy. 
Ultimately when corrected we want to make these available for all to 
study, probably via a CD that the students can purchase rather than 
via the WWW (too easy to steal!). The issue is how to catalogue them 
and have a searchable data base. My immediate response was FileMaker 
Pro (we have FMP 4.0) , but I wonder if anyone has a better solution?

Dr J.M. Cummins
Anatomy, Div. Vet. & Biomedical Sciences,
Murdoch University
GPO Box S1400, Perth
Western Australia 6849
Tel. +61-8-9360 2668 Fax +61-8-9310 4144 Mob 0402 810 988
"Colourless green dreams sleep furiously". Noam Chomsy