[wanita-muslimah] Reality Show Mencari Guru Ngaji

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik radityo djadjoeri
Sender: JUNI S.
Reality Show Mencari Guru Ngaji

Sedang dicari talent untuk acara reality show

Jika rekan-rekan punya tetangga, saudara, paman, bapak atau siapa saja   yang 
masuk dalam persyaratan dibawah ... 
Mohon berkenan kirim data-data ybs. kepada EMAIL Sdr. Juni Supriyanto di [EMAIL 
Data-data orang tersebut mencakup juga alamat lengkap dan juga tentunya
Nama anda serta no telp yg bisa dihubungi. Diusahakan ybs tidak tahu
menahu sedang diikutkan acara ini. Detail lebih lanjut silakan hubungi
Sdr. Juni S. di +6270668064
Adapun syaratnya adalah: 
1.  usia 48 - 55 thn 
2.  profesi = Guru Ngaji, pengurus Masjid, Marbot Masjid (dan atau
yang mengabdikan dirinya untuk Islam) 
3.  dikenal di lingkungannya (masyarakat sekitar mengenalnya atau
bahkan beliau identik dengan sesuatu... misalnya identik dengan masjid
'A' karena beliau yang mengurusi masjid tsb) 
4.  termasuk dalam golongan yang kurang beruntung (jika diukur dari
5.  reputasi yang baik (diri sendiri maupun keluarganya) 
6. lokasi dimana saja (di LUAR JAWA juga OK..) 

Ditunggu partisipasi anda secepatnya, Sdr. Juni S. akan menunggu 2
minggu terhitung sejak 13-Juli-05 ...
Informasi ini boleh diteruskan kepada rekan-rekan yang lain ...


Ungkapkan opini Anda di: http://mediacare.blogspot.com
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Milis Wanita Muslimah
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[wanita-muslimah] The bias of faith

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1

The bias of faith

Monday, the first day of school. Students from elementary school to
high school enter a new environment. They meet new teachers and make
new friends. They become acquainted with each other without prejudice;
devoid of bias or preconceptions.

Adults have something to relearn from the young.

Time slowly detaches us from our youthful innocence. Instead of wisdom
we adopt harmful predispositions. The very tenets of humanity that we
teach our children become, among adults, social partitions that split
a nation into exclusive biases of creed or wealth.

The mainstream monopolizes the entitlements of truth. A tyranny of the
majority, as nonconforming minorities become errant -- marginalized
simply due to a lack of numbers.

How many more times will our nation repeat its mistakes? Condemn
people on the basis of their beliefs.

In the 1970s and 1980s the nation hunted communists. In the 1990s the
"devils" were antinationalists. Now, in this new millennium it is
religious revisionists and heretics.

Reformasi has brought great changes in our political vista. Though it
seems to have done little in teaching us respect for the opinions and
beliefs of those who "dare" to veer from our own.

Travesties of justice continue to prevail on a mass basis. A man in
this country can be jailed for conducting prayers in his own language.
While the nation's highest clerical body can look the other way as a
mob attacks a group that has an alternative interpretation of a religion.

The recent attack on the Indonesian Ahmadiyah Congregation (JAI) by a
swarm of brutes calling themselves the Indonesian Muslim Solidarity is
a despicable act of bigotry. The attackers are an embarrassment to
civil decency and tarnish the very religion they claim to defend.

Their behavior was more ungodly than any charge against the JAI
members they were attacking. These people are the kind who give Islam
a bad name. They create erroneous misperceptions that spur a "Western"
simplification on Islam and terrorism.

Thankfully, no life was lost in Friday's attack at the JAI compound in
Parung, West Java.

Ahmadiyah is an extremely marginal denomination of Islam, whose
followers believe Ghulam Ahmad Khan, and not Muhammad, was God's final

The validity of their faith is not for us to question -- just as it is
the right of Christians to place conviction in the Holy Trinity, for
Hindus to worship multiple deities or Buddhists to believe in the
tenets of Sidharta.

True Muslims will always remember their own scripture: "to you your
religion, and to me mine".

Respect for other's opinions, faiths and creeds is a bedrock for this
nation that keeps it great. Despite our differing ethnicities,
religions and races, Indonesians have always set aside their
contradictions and turned their homeland's diversity into a strength.

We do not believe that the events in Parung were reflective of the
behavior of the majority of Muslims and Indonesians. It was an act of
recklessness, spurred by political motives to undermine potential
threats to the established power of the pacesetters of organized
religion -- people who look for God high up, not in the human heart.

Respect for freedom of faith is not simply the independence to
practice what one accepts as divine. It is in effect the nucleus of a
democracy: Personal liberty to determine one's highest conviction --
an act that precedes freedom of expression or voting.

Our faith shapes our social values. How can we ever be free to truly
express ourselves in public or through the vote when our faith -- a
primary determinant of our political persuasion -- is restrained?

Religion is supposed to liberate; it is not mind control.

One should beware of false prophets, but their deceit will never be
exposed if they are not allowed the chance to speak. Physical attacks
only sanctify a religion that may have only been an excursion into
radicalism to begin with.

While our new democratic system helps provide political accountability
and install good governance in the country, the very survival of the
nation depends on the ability to harmoniously maintain the patchwork
that is Indonesia.

That is the best way to serve the nation and God. "True servants of
God are those who walk on earth in humility, and when the ignorant
address them they reply: Peace". 

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
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[wanita-muslimah] Reminder - Tata Tertib Kampanye/Topik Politik di Mi...

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik wanita-muslimah

We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.

Tata Tertib Kampanye/Topik Politik di Milis 

Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2005 
Time: All Day


(berkaitan dengan topik politik)

A-4. Topik utama yang dibicarakan di mailing list adalah segala
aspek yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan kaum perempuan pada
umumnya dan muslimah pada khususnya seperti fiqh perempuan,
pergerakan perempuan, kesehatan reproduksi, isu gender,
kebijaksanaan pemerintah dalam hukum, peraturan ataupun
perundang-undangan yang menyangkut masalah perempuan serta
hal-hal lainnya yang  berhubungan dengan perempuan.

B-7. Mengenai topik selain yang ditetapkan pada bagian A-4 di
atas dibagi menjadi dua yaitu:
a. Topik yang ditoleransi meliputi topik-topik yang berkaitan
dengan praktek ibadah seperti Sholat, puasa, haji, zakat,
qurban, dll.

b. Topik yang dilarang, meliputi:
- Topik mengenai politik, organisasi politik ataupun tokoh
politik tertentu, kecuali apabila menyangkut masalah kebijakan
yang berhubungan ataupun mempunyai implikasi terhadap topik
utama milis.

B-8. Pelanggaran terhadap pasal B-7b di atas dikenai sanksi
berupa perubahan seting pengiriman e-mail menjadi bermoderasi,
jadi semua posting dari yang bersangkutan harus melalui
persetujuan moderator. 


Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
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[wanita-muslimah] Nour Miyati Transferred to Nahda Charity Home

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Ambon

Wednesday, 20, July, 2005 (13, Jumada al-Thani, 1426)

  Nour Miyati Transferred to Nahda Charity Home
  Maha Akeel, Arab News 

  JEDDAH, 20 July 2005 - After spending two days in jail last 
week, Nour Miyati was transferred to a charity organization. Efforts at 
releasing her into her embassy's custody are still ongoing.

  Miyati is the Indonesian maid who accused her sponsor and his 
wife of torturing her and tying her up in a bathroom for a month until she 
developed gangrene and had to have some of her fingers and toes amputated. She 
was still at a hospital in Riyadh receiving treatment when she was arrested on 
Monday last week.

  An investigative report said Miyati changed her previous 
statements about being tortured and was charged for making false allegations 
against her sponsor.

  The Indonesian Embassy was surprised by the arrest because 
they were not informed beforehand. Labor attache M. Sukiarto tried to get her 
released from jail under the custody of the embassy but the police refused. He 
has sent a diplomatic note to the Foreign Affairs Office asking why she was 
arrested and to have her released in the embassy's custody but has not received 
a response yet.

  Meanwhile, Riyadh Governor Prince Salman heard of Miyati's 
arrest and ordered her transfer to the Nahda Women's Charity Society two days 
after her arrest. The Indonesian Embassy and the lawyer it hired for her, 
Nasser Al-Dandani, were not informed of the transfer by the police until 
yesterday and assumed she was in jail.

  They were not able to visit her in jail or inquire about her 
because of the long bureaucratic procedure. First they had to apply and get 
permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which could have taken at 
least two weeks, and they wanted her out as soon as possible. They were worried 
about her condition especially that with some of her fingers and toes amputated 
Miyati had trouble walking and feeding herself; while she was in the hospital 
she was assigned a helper to assist her.

  Sukiarto, Al-Dandani and other members from the embassy were 
finally able to visit her at the Nahda Society. "Her morale was not good. She 
was afraid and did not know why she was taken to jail or why she was at the 
Nahda Society," said Sukiarto to Arab News. "We tried to comfort her but the 
poor woman was scared. She is still supposed to be held and we are trying to 
have her released to the embassy's custody on bail, perhaps today, especially 
that she is not considered a prisoner and her condition does not allow her to 
be without medical attention," he said.

  Miyati continues to suffer pain and difficulty hearing from 
her left ear and seeing with her left eye sustained from the punches and 
injuries caused by the alleged beating from her sponsors.

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Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] Draft Iraqi charter backs Islamic law

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Ambon
   Draft Iraqi charter backs Islamic law  
  By Edward Wong The New York Times

  WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2005

  BAGHDAD A working draft of a chapter of the new Iraq constitution has 
language that gives a strong role to Islamic law and could be used to curb 
women's rights, particularly in personal matters like divorce and family 

  The document's writers are also debating whether to drop a measure 
enshrined in the interim constitution, co-written last year by the Americans, 
that requires at least a quarter of the Parliament to be made up of women. 

  That clause helped establish the current Parliament as among the most 
progressive in the region, at least in regard to the proportion of female 

  If it holds, the shift away from the more secular and equitable language 
of the interim constitution would represent a victory for Shiite clerics and 
religious politicians, who now wield enormous power and had chafed at the 
influence exercised by the Americans over that earlier document. 

  The Americans had insisted that Islam be designated as just "a source" of 
legislation, for example. Several writers of the new constitution say they 
intend to, at the very least, designate Islam as "a main source" of 

  One clause in the chapter draft obtained by The New York Times on Tuesday 
says that the government guarantees equal rights for women, as long as those 
rights do not "violate Shariah," or Koranic law. 

  The Americans and secular Iraqis had kept religious language like that 
from ever appearing in the interim constitution. 

  The chapter draft of the new constitution has been circulating discreetly 
in recent days and is already igniting outrage among women's groups, who held a 
protest on Tuesday morning in downtown Baghdad, at the very square where a 
statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled down by American soldiers and Iraqis in 
April 2004. 

  About 200 women and men showed up in the fiery heat to hand out fliers 
and wave white banners in a throng of traffic. "We want to be equal to 
everybody; we want human rights for everybody," read one slogan. 

  The demonstration came hours before two Sunni Arabs involved in writing 
the constitution were assassinated, further throwing the drafting process into 

  "We want a guarantee of women's rights in the new constitution," Hannah 
Edwar, an organizer of the protest, said. 

  "We're going to meet with the constitutional committee and make our 
thoughts known." 

  American and Iraqi officials say that several drafts of chapters of the 
constitution are floating around Baghdad, and that no language has been 
finalized yet. 

  Changes could be still be made before Aug. 15, the deadline for the 
National Assembly to approve a draft. 

  Furthermore, protests by women and more secular blocs on the 
constitutional committee, such as the Kurds, could force the religious Shiites 
to tone the language. 

  "Some of the points regarding women's rights in this chapter are still to 
be reviewed," Miriam Arayess, a devout Shiite member of the drafting committee, 
said when presented with the leaked draft of the constitution's second chapter, 
which is entitled "Rights, Duties, Liberties - Public and Private." 

  Arayess said she believed the draft was the most recent working version, 
and that it has fairly generous provisions for equal rights. She is one of 
about 10 women on the 71-member drafting committee. 

  The chapter has 27 articles, most of which have relatively liberal 
language aimed at ensuring various civil rights. The first article says that 
"all Iraqis are equal before the law" and that "equal opportunities are 
guaranteed for all citizens according to the law." The final article forbids 
censorship of the press. 

  References to Shariah occur a couple of times. One clause says that 
Iraqis will enjoy all rights stated in "international treaties and conventions 
as long as they do not contradict Islam." 

  Such language is accepted by many Iraqis, including moderate ones, who 
say that Islam is a vital foundation for the country. But women's groups are 
incensed over article 14, which says that "personal status law is to be 
organized by the law according to the religion and sect of the citizen." 

  That means in matters such as marriage, divorce and family inheritance, 
people will be governed by the religious codes of their individual religions. 
Shiite families will follow Shiite interpretations of Shariah, for example, 
while Sunnis will follow Sunni interpretations. 

  This article would repeal a relatively liberal personal status law 
enacted in 1959, after the British-backed monarchy was overthrown by secular 
military officers. That law remained in effect through the decades of Saddam 
Hussein's rule. The law used Shariah to adjudicate personal and family matters, 
but did it

[wanita-muslimah] Miss Universe Dilarang ke Indonesia

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Ambon
Rabu, 20 Juli 2005,

Miss Universe Dilarang ke Indonesia

Kena Travel Ban, Diganti Miss Puerto Rico
JAKARTA - Miss Universe 2005, Natalie Glebova, batal datang ke Indonesia. 
Gadis cantik berusia 23 tahun itu terhadang adanya travel ban. Negeri 
asalnya, Kanada, memang memberlakukan aturan yang melarang warganya 
bepergian ke Indonesia dengan alasan keamanan.

Padahal, pekan depan, gadis kelahiran Rusia itu sudah punya jadwal padat di 
Indonesia. Yayasan Puteri Indonesia (YPI) selaku pengundang akan mengajaknya 
keliling berbagai kota, plus ikut memeriahkan final Pemilihan Putri 
Indonesia 2005 pada 29 Juli.

Namun, bukan berarti tidak ada bintang kecantikan yang datang. Sebagai 
gantinya, Miss Universe Organization akan mengirimkan runner-up pertama asal 
Puerto Rico, Cynthia Olavarria. Hal itu diungkapkan Mega Angkasa, humas YPI, 
kepada koran ini tadi malam.

Sebetulnya, saat tahu Natalie Glebova tidak bisa datang, pihak YPI tidak 
tinggal diam. Mereka langsung mengirimkan surat dari Kementerian Luar Negeri 
Indonesia dan juga Kapolri. Isinya pernyataan jaminan keamanan terhadap 
gadis yang pindah ke Kanada di usia 12 tahun itu.

"Tapi usaha itu tak berbuah. Miss Universe Organization tetap tidak bisa 
mengirimkan Glebova ke sini. Dan, seperti yang sudah ditentukan, jika Miss 
Universe tidak bisa bertugas, runner-up pertama yang harus menggantikannya," 
jelas Mega.

Olavarria sendiri merupakan salah satu unggulan utama di kontes yang digelar 
di Bangkok, Mei lalu itu. Dia lebih diunggulkan daripada Glebova, dan 
negaranya dikenal sebagai salah satu pemenang terbanyak kontes Miss 

Meski ganti orang, jadwal tidak akan berubah. Olavarria dijadwalkan tiba di 
tanah air pada 27 Juli nanti dan kembali pada 5 Agustus. Selama di 
Indonesia, Olavarria akan menjalankan seluruh kegiatan yang sudah 
diagendakan untuk Glebova. Termasuk memberi ucapan selamat kepada Putri 
Indonesia 2005 nanti.

"Kita sudah punya jadwal padat untuk Glebova. Dia akan kami ajak keliling ke 
berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Tapi, karena batal, ya agenda itu diberikan 
untuk Olavarria," imbuh Mega.

Hari Ini Mulai Karantina

Sementara itu, siapa Putri Indonesia 2005 pengganti Artika Sari Devi bakal 
segera diketahui. Hari ini 38 gadis yang mewakili seluruh provinsi di 
Indonesia mulai menjalani karantina. Sampai 28 Juli mereka akan ditempatkan 
di Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jakarta. "Mulai Senin lalu, para finalis sudah 
pada datang. Hari ini (kemarin, Red) seharusnya semua sudah kumpul, karena 
Rabu besok (hari ini, Red) sudah karantina," terang Mega.

Acara puncak digelar pada 29 Juli di Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC). Artika 
Sari Devi akan memberikan mahkotanya kepada sang pengganti. "Olavarria juga 
akan tampil di panggung untuk memberikan ucapan selamat kepada pemenang," 
tutur pria berkacamata ini.

Dari 38 finalis, ternyata ada satu yang berjilbab. Seperti finalis tahun 
lalu yang juga memakai jilbab, finalis ini juga wakil Aceh. "Namanya Devi, 
mahasiswi kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Dia kelahiran Lhokseumawe. 
Data lengkapnya besok saja (hari ini, Red) saat konferensi pers ya," lanjut 

Pemenang tahun ini bakal punya banyak kesempatan mengikuti perhelatan di 
tingkat internasional. Putri Indonesia 2005 akan berangkat ke ajang Miss 
ASEAN dan Miss Universe tahun depan. Sementara Putri Pariwisata akan dikirim 
ke ajang yang tidak kalah gengsi, Miss Tourism World pada 26 Februari di 
Zimbabwe, Afrika. "Kita tidak ingin pemilihan berhenti di tingkat nasional. 
Karena itu, kami terus mengirim wakil ke ajang dunia," pungkas Mega. (ayi) 

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
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[wanita-muslimah] Redefine Terrorism; Change the Target

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Redefine Terrorism; Change the Target
Roger Harrison, Arab News

Why is it such a hard truth to accept that only fifty or so died in
the bomb blasts in London? "Only," because out of the three million or
so commuters (i.e. one whole once yearly Haj) who travel into London
every working day, "only" 17 millionths were killed.

As an attack in military terms, where it appears that the casualty
rate was 100 percent among the aggressors, it was a disaster.

As a disrupting tactic it affected the capital badly for a few days,
but the city soon returned to close on 100 percent full operation.

So why then all the media brouhaha over London?

Why no 24-hour wall-to-wall coverage of 48 - mainly civilians - at a
recruiting center two days later in Baghdad? Why only relatively
modest mention of 27 people killed - 18 of them children in Iraq just
six days after London's attack? Where was the synchronized gnashing of
teeth when anything up to 50 children targeted and blown to red mist
in the 100 so killed Baghdad by Iraqi insurgents nine days later?

Was it because the attacks were on innocent people going about their
business in capital city and innocent of involvement in anything as
nasty as a war? You could say that about Baghdad after all.

Perhaps it was more because it was an attack on a symbol; not as in
the case of the US the physical symbol of the Twin Towers, but a more
subtle and even more powerful one: The normality and "rightness" of a
way of life - as perceived by the West, the British and the citizens
of London.

What, for instance, could be more normal for a Londoner than
straphanging in a crowded underground train on the way to work? A day
later, few dared.

Let us take one step back; how did this "normality" come about? It is
the distillation over centuries of the culture of a country that has
woven a complex tapestry of assumptions into a society.

Before we are even conscious of ourselves as individuals, we have been
profoundly influenced by our unconscious relationship to other
individuals who have complicated histories. We are also members of a
society that has both more complicated and longer history.

At any time you care to think of, we are members of a society that has
reached its current state of development through the lives of
generations of human beings who came before us. These predecessors
wove the tapestry, fiber by fiber, as we do and it is uniquely "our"
tapestry and the right one where reasonable people carry on in largely
predictable ways, because these are the only one most of us know.
These social mores are supported by religions and politics and
institutionalized into officially sanctioned "rightness." Any damage
to it causes outcry and deep indignation.

In the UK for example, the law assumes the existence of "the
reasonable man" to measure actions by. Shops assume that customers are
not going to steal; schools assume pupils are not going to burst into
anarchic behavior at any moment; the government assumes that
revolution by the populace is not just around the corner. All this is
the non-physical symbol of a way of life; in other words a living,
breathing and largely un-self-aware idea of what is "right."

The liberty we enjoy in this context is very vulnerable to attack.

Acts of terror are the techniques that other - sometimes equally
powerful ideas - use to challenge these assumptions. The ideas and
assumptions that sustain our sense of "right" have grown over
generations and have been tested and taken on the shape of the culture
that produced them. When they are challenged and attacked, we get
angry and shout, stamp our "media" feet and want to have something done.

However, we assume killing in Iraq now to be the new normality; people
blow up civilians on their way to work; target children clamoring for
sweets round a US HumV and blast civilian Iraqis looking for work as

That's not "normal" for us; it is normal for "them," so why the need
for any public fuss?

How did this new "normality" come about? Not from the slow organic
growth of ideas, assumptions and social codes over generations; no
society would have lasted for generations under the conditions that
now obtain in Iraq. No slow molding of culture there in the way
comfortable shoes flex to fit a changing foot.

Could it then be the import - some say imposition or even invasion -
of an alien way of doing things under the banners "liberation and
freedom?" In short, the imposition of an idea maintained by force?

Indeed, perhaps the two forces at work in Iraq - insurgent and Western
- are both doing the same thing. Attempting to change ideas and the
fabric of social order.

Perhaps the same was being attempted through the London blasts and
explains the huge reaction. In both cases, the assumptions and ideas
that sustain a culture and the assumptions of normality that result
from it were under attack.


[wanita-muslimah] Do'a of the Day (12 Jumadil tsaniyah 1426 H)

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik He-Man
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Bismillah irRahman irRaheem

In Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Allahu Akbaru , Allahumma ahillahu , 'alainaa  bil'amri
wal iimaani was salaamati wal islaami wat taufiiqi limaa
tuhibbu wa tardhaa , rabbunaa wa rabbukal laahu

Allah Maha Besar , ya Allah jinakkanlah ia atas kami
dengan keamanan dan keimanan , keselamatan dan
keislaman , dan taufiq ke arah yang Engkau sukai dan
ridhai , Tuhan kami dan tuhanmu adalah Allah (HR Ad Damiri)

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[wanita-muslimah] Kuwaiti women face big challenges after securing suffrage right

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Kuwaiti women face big challenges after securing suffrage right 
By Ali Taqi, Gulf News Report 
Kuwait City: Kuwaiti women are set to face more challenges when they
vote in the 2007 elections, said a top Kuwaiti campaigner for women's
political rights. 
"Kuwaiti women will exercise their right to vote according to their
own choice and male influence will play very little role in this
process. They will judge a candidate by his or her character,
charisma, honesty, record and transparency," said Dr Rola Dashti, in
an exclusive interview with Gulf News.

Dashti said the women will not be influenced by male family members,
and Islamists will not benefit from their vote.
"Although a handful of so-called conservative women backed the
Islamists in opposing rights for women, a silent majority among the
conservative circle is with the liberals and we heard their voices and
had their support throughout our struggle," she said.

Dashti, a leading activist for gender equality in Kuwait, won women's
suffrage right in Parliament on May 16 this year. 

Days later, two women were appointed to the municipal council and
afterwards, Masoumah al Mubarak became the first female minister in

She is critical of the Islamists campaigning for women's awareness:
"Kuwaiti woman doesn't have short memory and she knows who they are
and what they have done in the past regarding the issue of rights for

"Extremists have never accepted women's rights and opposed the bill of
rights, but now they are campaigning to attract female voters. This is
hypocrisy at its peak and Kuwaiti women recognise this hypocrisy," she

Dashti said that Kuwaiti women face big challenges after getting
political rights — now they have to prove their effectiveness and
capability in strengthening democracy, freedom and make the
decision-making process more transparent.

— The writer is a journalist based in Kuwait

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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New divorce rule gives UAE women big boost
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New divorce rule gives UAE women big boost 
By Daniel Bardsley, Staff Reporter 
Dubai: Rules giving women the right to end their marriage could be
introduced in many Gulf states following their introduction in the
UAE, specialists said. 
UAE national academics have described the decision by the UAE to allow
wives to divorce their husbands after petitioning the Sharia Court as
a landmark for women's rights in the Arab world.

"I would be happy if the new divorce rules were followed by other
changes to the law relating to women's rights." 
Endocrinologist Dr Fatma Al Marashi 
Founder of the National Diabetes Control Committee
Until the UAE's decision, Tunisia and Egypt were the only other states
in the Middle East and North Africa with similar rules. 
The right known as Khulo' is enshrined in a draft Personal Status Law,
approved by the Cabinet on Monday.

The law enables women to end unhappy marriages more easily after
paying a compensation or the dowry to the husbands.

The draft law contains 363 articles and is divided into five chapters
on marriage, legal competence, guardianship, will, inheritance and

Sociologist Dr Rima Al Sabban, who specialises in women's issues,
described the new piece of legislation as "revolutionary".

"This puts the UAE as number three in the Arab world at taking such a
decision in support of women's rights.

"It's something very, very important. Even though this right is given
by Islam to all women, it's not practised.

"It gives women in the UAE a big boost and gives hope that eventually
these changes will take place everywhere in the Arab world," she said.

"A woman gains her freedom, but she loses financially ... However, it
gives a chance for women to leave a life they don't want instead of
being kept prisoner." 
Dr Ebtisam Al Kitbi
Assistant professor of political science at UAE University in Al Ain
Al Sabban said the news would encourage other Gulf states to enact
similar legislation and help women's groups to press for change in
those countries. 
"If three Arab countries take this action, it's time for all Arab
countries to do so because these are rights given by Islam and there
is no excuse not to implement them," she added.

Dr Fatma Al Sayegh, professor of UAE and Gulf history at the UAE
University in Al Ain, took the same view. "This is an improvement to
local law and we hope that other countries will follow suit," she said.

Endocrinologist Dr Fatma Al Marashi, founder of the National Diabetes
Control Committee, said she would be happy if the new divorce rules
were followed by other changes to the law relating to women's rights.

There is a downside to a woman securing a divorce from her husband,
according to Dr Ebtisam Al Kitbi, assistant professor of political
science at UAE University in Al Ain.

"A woman gains her freedom, but she loses financially she has to leave
behind all her rights related to financial matters.

"However, it gives a chance for women to leave a life they don't want
instead of being kept prisoner."

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
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[wanita-muslimah] Radicalisation of British Muslims

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Radicalisation of British Muslims 
By Abdullah Al Madani, Special to Gulf News 
To some observers, it was not surprising to know that the London
bombers were Britons of Pakistani descent. 

Days before the disclosure of their names, the most common theory in
relation to the criminal event had been that the bombers must be
British Muslims of South Asian origin. This was largely based on
making a link between several clues.

First, British Prime Minister Tony Blair was quoted in the House of
Commons as saying that extremist Muslims were behind the bombings. 

Second, former commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Lord Stevens,
predicted that the bombers were "almost certainly" British-born radicals. 

Third, Pakistani authorities said on July 8 they had re-questioned a
British citizen of Pakistani ancestry, who had been arrested for a
while for possessing maps of London's transport network. 

And fourth, Polish police announced on July 10 that they were
seriously investigating the possible involvement of a British national
of Pakistani descent living in Poland.

Additionally, there was the story of Saajid Badat, a British-born
Muslim of Pakistani descent, who admitted to plotting to blow up an
aircraft bound for the United States in 2003. 

With the dramatic police raids on July 12 on houses in West Yorkshire,
the theory gained more ground.

British Muslims of South Asian origin are now under unprecedented
pressures for the first time since the establishment of the community
in the 19th century. 

Forming nearly 60 per cent of Britain's two million Muslims or 4 per
cent of the population, they do not have any history of violence or
involvement in terrorism. 

This, despite the early problems they faced in assimilating and the
many campaigns launched against them by racist groups.

However, signs of change came in the 1990s with the increased
involvement of the community's young men with mosques, Islamic centres
or organisations run by extremist clerics from the Middle East. 

Deprived of freedom of action in their own countries, figures such as
the Egyptian Abu Hamza Al Masri, Palestinian Abu Qatadah, Syrian Omar
Bakri and many others found a convenient haven in Britain. 

They carefully exploited the tolerance of the British and the
country's liberal system to preach orthodox Islam and promote the most
radical ideas.


Their first target were British Asian Muslims, who do not know Arabic
to learn about Islam directly. 

This played into the hands of these clerics, who incited young British
Muslims against Christianity and the West, encouraged them to glorify
violence and death and used them as tools to promote a political
agenda espousing Al Qaida's line.

One of the factors that helped them succeed, apart from London's soft
policy, was the marginalisation of British Asian Muslims caused by
poverty, unemployment, social ostracism and the consequent depression. 

This, in addition to torn feelings between two cultures and identities
and the impact of the Islamisation process and jihad movements in
South Asia, drove many of the alienated Muslim youth to join
extremist, Islamist groups.

To realise what these fanatic clerics have actually planted in the
hearts and minds of young British Muslims, here are some quotes from
their speeches on different occasions:

"You don't have to travel thousands of miles to become a martyr. You
can be a martyr right on your own doorstep." 

"The real weapons of mass destruction are the desire for martyrdom.
Half a million martyrs is enough for Muslims to control the whole of
the earth forever." Abu Hamza Al Masri

"People like to call it suicide bombing. We call it self-sacrifice.
You must fight for the way of Allah, that is to kill first and be
killed." "I want to see the black flag of Islam flying over 10 Downing

"We will transform the West into a region under Islamic rule by means
of invasion from without. If an Islamic state arises and invades the
West, we will be its soldiers from within." Omar Bakri

It was such violent and hate-filled rhetoric that created young men
willing to kill without mercy and several extremist leaders within the
South Asian Muslim community in Britain. 

Examples of such leaders includes Anjum Choudhry, who was once quoted
as saying: "One day the black flag of Islam will be flying over
Buckingham Palace".

Among other equally ugly results was a tendency among some British
Asian Muslims to make their primary loyalty to the Islamic ummah
rather than Britain. 

This was evident in a survey conducted by the Asian radio station
Sunrise among 500 Muslims in Greater London. While 98 per cent of them
said that they would not fight for Britain, 48 per cent said they
would fight for Bin Laden and Islam.

Also noticed was an emerging tendency among young men to refer to
themselves as "a Muslim living in Britain" rather than "a British
Muslim" something that means i

[wanita-muslimah] DR Usman Chaniago MSC (Santai Dulu Ahh)

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Darwin Bahar
Untuk menurunkan ketegangan sejenak, sebaiknya kita baca ini:
Usman Chaniago, supir camat di Payakumbuh, minta berhenti karena akan 
merantau ke Jakarta untuk mengadu nasib.
Mula-mula dia bekerja sebagai tukang kantau di Tanah Abang, setelah 
dapat mengumpulkan sedikit modal dimulai pula menggelar dagangannya di 
pinggir jalan di Tanah Abang.
Nasib rupanya memihak kepadanya, beberapa tahun kemudian dia berhasil 
memiliki kios kain di dalam pasar. Dia pun berkeluarga dan memiliki 2 anak.
Tahun ini dia membangun rumah di Depok, di lingkungan perumahan dosen UI.
Karena tetangganya semua akademisi, macam-macam gelarnya, ada Prof., ada 
Phd. dll. Usman merasa malu kalau papan namanya tidak tercantum gelar 
seperti tetangganya.
Dibuatlah Papan naman dari perak, dipesan dari Koto gadang, dengan nama 
DR.Usman Chaniago MSc.
Ketika ayahnya datang berkunjung, sambil bangga dia bertanya di mana 
anaknya kuliah, sebab setahu dia, Usman hanya berdagang.
Dengan malu-malu Usman menerangkan gelarnya di papan nama:
Disiko Rumahnyo Usman Chaniago Mantan Supir Camat.
Wassalam, Darwin
(Dikopi dari sebuah milis orang Minang)

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Pendapat pribadi soal korupsi, madani dan politik

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik a ayeye
Fundamentalisme hanya menjurus kepada kehancuran dan tidak bisa menawarkan 

Paling dapat rasa kepuasaan pas di saat membunuh diri dan yang lain sebagai 
refleksi dari emosi primordial (meminjam ekspresi Mbak Mia :-). Setelah itu 
sudah terlambat. Rugi besar karena tetap tidak akan pernah berhasil untuk 
menghancurkan semuanya. Apalagi kalau hanya diperalat oleh orang lain, wah 
ruginya minta ampun.

Kemarin saya sempat melihat sebuah dokumentasi tentang seorang Rabbi ekstrimis 
(orang Israel) yang menginginkan kematian Ariel Sharon, sampai ia berkata tidak 
peduli lagi jika dirinya mati sendiri. Kacian kan…

Soal memberdayakan pribadi kita semua, saya setuju sekali dengan itu, Mbak Mia. 
Terus terang saya merasa kurang gurih kalau terus-menerus berdiskusi di bawah 
simbolik blok “Timur” dan blok “Barat”, sekali-2 sich oke saja selama kita 
mengunakan untuk mempermudah diskusi, tetapi kalau sudah jadi berpikir dalam 
skema itu yach payah dech :-)

Untuk menyebut salah satu aspek lain, saya percaya bahwa manusia membutuhkan 
juga rekreasi, termasuk rekreasi bersama, misalnya dalam bentuk olah raga, 
musik, dansa, tertawa-2, dst. Hilang kemana itu? Setidaknya di banyak tempat. 
Kadang-2 ketika saya diundang ke sebuah pesta perkawinan, saya suka pikir 
apakah salah alamat, karena suasana kaya seremoni orang meninggal. Perasaan 
terlalu formal, kaku dan diam. Where is the fun? Oh yang penting pak gubenur 
datang juga atau semua baju yang dipakai bermerk, termasuk asesoris.

Atau dalam berbagai diskusi soal agama, kadang-2 kurang menyenangkan, menurut 
saya sich. Yang dibahas cuma soal peraturan dan pelarangan sampai ke detail. 
Nggak ada jiwa yang ramah dan ceriah. Perasaan yang berdominasi adalah bosan, 
takut, benci dan rasa kasihan diri, selain jenuh. Paling rasa semangat 
difokuskan kepada “menjadi taat”. Inspirasi spiritual menjadi keadaan yang 
tidak tercapai dan selalu akan menjadi suatu misteri asing.

Kalau manusia tidak pernah menikmati rekreasi bagaimana mungkin bisa selalu 
bermurah hati  kepada yang lain dan tidak jadi frustasi? Biarbagaimanapun saya 
masih percaya bahwa manusia adalah makhluk sosial dan bukan mesin. No wonder 
sebagian nanti lari ke ektrimisme, yang lain lari ke vandalisme, narkoba, 
kriminalitas, dst. Terlepas dari kelas sosial mana. Kekerasan telah menjadi 
rekreasi untuk sebagian orang… untung bukan untuk saya :-)

Soal lingkungan nyata saya pikir ini jauh lebih penting daripada ngomong tinggi 
yang idealis tetapi tidak dipraktekan. Atau hanya berani ngomong di milis, 
tetapi pas di saat menghadapi suatu kasus real jadi diam. Mungkin dalam posisi 
seperti Mbak Mia ataupun saya itu lebih ringan dilakukan, karena saya 
menganggap kita berdua termasuk yang memiliki independensi dan bahkan otoritas 
untuk speak up atau membantu dengan tindakan konkrit dalam lingkungan nyata 
,misalnya lingkungan keluarga dan kantor. Tetapi saya ingat waktu saya masih 
menjadi dalam keadaan dependent, perasaan susah dan lama banget sampai menjadi 
mandiri, sehingga prosesnya lebih berjalan step by step, terutama terhadap 
orang yang lebih senior dalam lingkungan yang boleh dikatakan feodal. Namun 
semua itu mungkin juga, hanya tidak datang sebagai barang jadi dan gratis :-)



Untuk mengobati fundamentalism, bahkan conservatism - di alam maya
ini kita hanya bisa fokus pada diskusi liku-liku permasalahan
psikologis dan sosiologis. Dan kesepakatan-kesepakatan dari diskusi
ini kita 'tularkan' kepada yang lain melalui cara 'pay it forward'.
Pay it forward adalah semacam amar ma'ruf nahyi munkar pada level

Di level praksis kehidupan nyata, setiap kita berkiprah dalam urusan
masing-masing. Biasanya kita bergerak dalam suatu organisasi, paling
banter kantor dan keluarga. Lalu apa hubungannya antara alam maya
dan level praksis kita? Adalah semacam kesia-siaan atau buang-buang
waktu apabila kita menghabiskan waktu di alam maya ini, tanpa
memberinya kesempatan untuk membuat semacam perubahan di kehidupan
nyata, paling tidak di lingkungan keluarga dan temen-temen.

Saya percaya bahwa kehidupan sosial, dari berkeluarga sampai ke
bernegara - termasuk nanti negara global Republik Bumi - adalah
bertujuan untuk membuat lingkungan yang kondusif untuk pertumbuhan
setiap pribadi. Pribadi yang tumbuh. Sementara ini, kedengarannya
ideal sekali, tapi itulah arah kemana saya melihat. Dan saya nggak
tahu arah tujuan yang lain. Ini timbul dari keyakinan agamis saya
bahwa sorga ditujukan sebagai reward bagi pribadi yang selalu
tumbuh, dan neraka adalah ajang pelatihan-pelatihan.

So tujuan ultimate kita bukanlah 'kesejahteraan' ummat Islam, ummat
Kristen, kaum kapitalis, kaum proletar, demokrat, sekular, ateis,
kelompok kiri dan kanan, partai ini-itu, dan bukan Republik Global
Bumi. Tapi tujuan 'akhir' kita adalah menjadi pribadi-pribadi yang
tumbuh, di dalam kondisi apapun.

Saya terpaksa menjelaskan ini karena keadaannya saya 

[wanita-muslimah] IBRAHIM ISA-s = FOCUS ON ACEH +PEACE MAP+ , 19.07.05.doc

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik i.bramijn
19 JULY, 2005.
--- Aceh's new deal
--- Only democratic approaches can end regional conflicts 
--- TNI to Withdraw Troops Within Three Months

Aceh's new deal, Jakarta Post Editorial, 19 July 2005)
"There will be peace." A bold statement indeed from Minister of Justice and 
Human Rights Hamid Awaluddin at the conclusion of the Aceh peace negotiations 
in Helsinki.
Free Aceh Movement (GAM) spokesman Bakhtiar Abdullah also expressed a degree of 
confidence that the peace process would be successful. 
History will inevitably decide whether Hamid, Bakhtiar and other delegates in 
Helsinki will be remembered as heroic peacemakers or merely as pawns of "darker 
forces" in the perpetual politicking surrounding Aceh. 
This is not the first time peace seems at hand. In the past repeated promises 
were made and broken. Pledges were declared and forgotten and decades of 
goodwill ended in more suffering and loss. 
Just over 24 months ago, the government declared martial law in the province 
and began one of the biggest military offenses since the invasion of East Timor 
in 1976. Now under a new regime it is offering peace under a rather restricted 
political format. 
Unlike in previous negotiations, there was an air of urgency and necessity to 
the five rounds of talks, which began earlier in the year. The Dec. 26 tsunami, 
which killed about 130,000 people in Aceh, prompted negotiators to bend and 
compromise further than each side had ever been willing to do before. 
And so Sunday's announcement of a draft peace agreement set to be formally 
signed next month is very much a product of the fear of a second "tsunami" -- a 
wave of hunger, widespread poverty and impoverishment -- if aid and 
reconstruction is delayed by the continuing political conflict between GAM and 
Indonesian forces. 
One way or another, GAM's willingness to drop its demands for independence, and 
the perseverance of the government in continuing the talks has been crafted by 
the giant tsunami waves. 
Though the circumstances that prompted the agreement were tragic, the silver 
lining is that the accord is now on the verge of being signed. 
Details about the agreement remain scant and will not be made public until the 
formal signing next month. But the overall outline envisages amnesty for rebels 
forces, disarmament of rebels and the withdrawal of soldiers from the province. 
One of the most delicate issues during the negotiation that will continue to be 
a sensitive point of debate is the question of political participation and 
representation for GAM. 
The government initially rejected GAM's demands for a local political party. 
Fortunately with some diplomacy a compromise was reached. Just exactly what 
that compromise is has not been revealed because it is likely to be used as 
ammunition by the peace spoilers to undermine the settlement. 
Peace in Aceh should not be scuttled based on a law that erroneously 
perpetuates the domination of Jakarta-based parties. Such laws can be changed 
and should not stand in the way of a peace which has been wanting for decades. 
The first and last stretches of a journey are always the toughest. In the next 
month there will be enemies of the process, concerned with vested short-term 
political interests rather than the welfare of Acehnese or the peace of mind of 
They will not immediately make themselves apparent, unless public sentiment 
turns in their favor. These are people who will misuse nationalist dogma and 
clothe themselves in rhetoric, glories and the lies in our history books. 
It is these people that the Indonesian people, Acehnese and rebel forces should 
unite to fight. They are the real enemy, the foes of peace. 
Patience and forgiveness should also be readied in abundant supply for the 
coming year. A period of adjustment is always necessary in any new arrangement. 
There will no doubt be misunderstandings and disputes over the implementation 
of the peace agreement. We should not let the technicalities, however, 
jeopardize the bigger objective of peace. 

Only democratic approaches can end regional conflicts 
Aguswandi, London
Honest and open-minded talk about Aceh and West Papua is rare in Indonesia. Yet 
some Indonesians recently came together in London to have just such a 
conversation. Students from the Indonesian Student Association organized an 
event to discuss both conflicts. It was a kind of people-to-people discussion. 
The conclusion reached was that only democratic and peaceful approaches, not 
military ones, would find solutions.
An appropriate and apposite conclusion will always be found when discussions of 
conflicts reach beyond established and orthodox t

[wanita-muslimah] Fw: [mediacare] *Workshop: mengintegrasikan Perspektif Gender dalam RUU Perlindungan Saksi*

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Ambon
Dari tetangga:

- Original Message - 
From: Una Koalisi Perempuan 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:34 PM
Subject: [mediacare] *Workshop: mengintegrasikan Perspektif Gender dalam RUU 
Perlindungan Saksi*

Jakarta, 19 Juli 2005


No.  :  462/KNAKTP/RHM/RH/VII/05  

Lamp.  :  ---

Hal  :  Workshop: mengintegrasikan Perspektif Gender dalam RUU Perlindungan 


Kepada yang terhormat
Anggota Jaringan Kerja Prolegnas Pro Perempuan
Anggota Koalisi Perlindungan Saksi
Anggota Jaringan Kerja Penghapusan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan
Teman-teman dari Organisasi/Lembaga di Bidang Hak-hak Perempuan

Teman-teman dari Organisasi/Lembaga di Bidang Hak Asasi Manusia




Dengan hormat,


Adanya Undang-Undang Perlindungan Saksi adalah hal yang sangat penting. 
Realitasnya ketiadaan Undang-Undang ini telah menimbulkan dampak banyaknya 
Kasus-kasus Pelanggaran HAM tidak dapat diproses dan Korban tidak mendapatkan 
Keadilan. Ketiadaan Undang-Undang yang memberi perlindungan terhadap 
keselamatan Saksi menyebabkan Korban enggan dan takut bersaksi di Pengadilan 
sementara Pelaku bebas berkeliaran. Bahkan Korban khususnya perempuan dan anak 
rentan menjadi target kekerasan (upaya balas dendam) ketika menjadi Saksi dari 
Kasus Kekerasan yang mereka alami. Akibatnya seringkali Kasus Kekerasan 
terhadap Anak-anak tidak dapat diproses sampai tuntas 


Perempuan mengalami situasi yang khas dan spesifik dalam proses penanganan 
Kasus Pidana. Para Perempuan yang mengalami Kekerasan baik yang diposisikan 
sebagai Korban maupun yang diposisikan sebagai "Pelaku" (Perempuan yang pada 
awalnya merupakan Korban Kekerasan) mengalami situasi yang sulit: merasa malu, 
tertekan dan merasa berdosa, psikologis Korban atau "Pelaku" terganggu, 
ragu-ragu untuk untuk menyampaikan apa yang dialaminya, pesimis apakah orang 
lain percaya apa yang diceritakannya, tidak percaya diri, takut cemoohan orang, 
trauma karena harus mengulang hal-hal yang sama, takut membayangkan proses 
Peradilan, takut apakah Pengadilan melindunginya atau semakin menyulitkannya.


Perempuan Korban Kekerasan yang diposisikan sebagai Korban juga mengalami 
situasi yang sulit: tidak tahu harus melapor ke mana, takut atas intimidasi 
Pelaku, ingin menyelesaikan segera masalahnya dan tidak ingin mengingat lagi 
apa yang sudah dialaminya, merasa terguncang dan tertekan ketika mengetahui 
Terdakwa/Pelaku dibebaskan atau diberi Hukuman yang ringan, takut balas dendam 
dari Terdakwa/Terpidana jika mereka telah bebas dari Hukum.


Perempuan Korban Kekerasan yang ditempatkan sebagai "Pelaku" juga mengalami 
situasi yang sulit: menyalahkan diri sendiri dan merasa pantas mendapatkan 
hukuman, sangat percaya terhadap teman-temannya yang berada satu sel dengan 
dirinya mengenai proses Pemeriksaan Perkara di Pengadilan, tidak mengetahui 
Haknya untuk mendapat Bantuan Hukum cuma-cuma. 


Karena itu Jaringan Kerja Prolegnas Pro Perempuan dan Koalisi Perlindungan 
Saksi mengundang Ibu/Bapak/Saudara untuk menghadiri Workshop: mengintegrasikan 
Perspektif Gender dalam Rancang Undang-Undang Perlindungan Saksi, pada:


Hari, Tanggal: Senin, 25 Juli 2005

Waktu : 12.00 - 17.00 WIB

Tempat : Komnas Perempuan


Atas Kehadiran dan Bantuannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.



Hormat kami,



R. Husna Mulya
Divisi Reformasi Hukum dan Kebijakan

Untuk Informasi dapat menghubungi:

m  Candra 3903963   

m  Lina 081808326094, 92701331 

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Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Gawat Kristenisasi Incar Akhwat

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik He-Man

ya..ya..ya dalam hadis shahih pun diceritakan nabi meludahi kedua tangannya
dan mengusapkan ke wajahnya , juga dalam hadis shahih diceritakan nabi
mencelup lalat ke air lalu diminum.

Makanya saya bilang juga orang-orang harokah/fundies ini jauh lebih
berbahaya dan lebih jauh menyimpang daripada kelompok JIL.Setelah
kemarin Eramuslim bawa-bawa ayat palsu dan menuduh Al Qur'an mushaf
Ustmani tidak lengkap , sekarang mereka merendahkan nabi s.a.w lagi.
Jadi apa bedanya mereka ini dengan Jusfiq Hadjar.

Pokoknya shahih harus diterima , mengkritisi berarti kafir walaupun hadis
itu cenderung merendahkan nabinya sendiri.Seakan-akan aspek penerimaan
hadis cuma dari sanad saja.

J.P Coen dulu tidak mempan disantet , apa menurut anda J.P Coen ini jauh
lebih hebat dari nabi ummat islam.

- Original Message -
From: "Nabiel Almusawa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc: "Ferry Hadary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Gawat Kristenisasi Incar Akhwat

> Nabi SAW pun dlm hadits shahih pernah terkena sihir, apakah nabi SAW juga
> bodoh dan tipis imannya?
> - Original Message -
> From: "He-Man" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Cc: "Ferry Hadary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Nabiel Fuad Almusawa"
> Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 5:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Gawat Kristenisasi Incar Akhwat
> >
> > Orang bodoh pun bakal tau ini cuma cerita isapan jempol , kecuali buat
> > penggemar teori konspirasi.Mana pakai bumbu penyedap berupa cerita sihir
> > dan
> > jin lagi.Berarti orang harokah ini imannya tipis sekali sampai gampang
> > banget terpengaruh sihir, kalau orang ibadahnya bagus pertahananannya
> > bagus .Jadi cerita Sabili ini pada dasarnya cuma mendangkalkan aqidah
> > ummat
> > islam aja , orang harokah kan suka membanggakan ibadah mereka getol tapi

> > ternyata nggak ada apa-apanya dengan sihir.. .Ajaran orang harokah
> > makin lama makin menyimpang dari agama, kru Sabili ini kebanyakan nonton
> > hantu di TV makanya doyan ngehayal yang nggak-nggak.Suka ngata-ngatain
> > kelompok islam lain suka syirik lha mereka sendiri dengan cerita ini apa
> > nggak syirik yang luar biasa .Seperti biasa orang harokah selalu percaya
> > 100
> > % pada cerita Sabili ini , dan sudah dipastikan mereka saat ini sudah
> > menyekutukan Allah dengan Jin/Setan.
> >

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] Launching Buku Demokrasi Keintiman

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Dwi W. Soegardi
Undangan Bedah Buku "Demokrasi Keintiman"

Hari Jumat, 22 Juli 2005
Pukul 13.30-16.00 WIB
Di Gedung Media Centre Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 32-34 Jakarta Pusat Telp. 

- Pdt. Esther (sekjen Parwati) "Agama-agama dan Seksualitas Mainstream 
- Faqihuddin (Fahmina Institute): "Politik Identitas dan Poligami di Era 
- Syarifah (Kriminologi UI): "Kritik Feminis atas Institusi Heteroseksualitas 
(Compulsary Heterosexuality)"
- Nursyahbani Katjasungkana (Anggota DPR RI): "Upaya Mewujudkan Hak-hak Seksual 
Perempuan Sebagai ISu HAM di Tengah Arus Konservatisme: Tantangan Bagi Gerakan 
Perempuan di Indonesia Saat Ini"
Moderator: Ayu Utami (Penulis)

Penyelenggara: LBH Apik Jakarta, Asian KArtini Network, KPI bersama Penerbit 
Buku LKiS

Sekretariat ICRP (Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace)
Jl. Cempaka Putih Barat XXI No. 34 Jakarta Pusat 10520
Telp. 021-42802349 / 42802350
Faks. 021-4227243
"Beragama untuk Perdamaian"

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
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[wanita-muslimah] Mohon Bantuannya - Kuesioner program S-3 (Doktor)

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik iketutmurti
Mohon maaf apabila Anda pernah mendapatkan email ini sebelumnya. 

Nama saya I Ketut Murti, sedang mengambil program S-3 (PhD) bidang 
hukum dari Adelaide University, Australia. Studi saya ini sempat 
tertunda selama 2 tahun lebih, dan baru pada bulan Juni 2005 dapat 
saya lanjutkan kembali.

Saya sangat membutuhkan bantuan Anda untuk menjadi responden dari 
kuesioner yang sedang saya laksanakan.  

Kuesionner ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas 
penggunaan "terms and conditions" yang digunakan dalam belanja 

Sebagai ucapan terima kasih, ada sedikit hadiah yang akan diundi. 

Untuk lebih jelasnya, dan untuk mengisi kuesioner tersebut, mohon  
diklik link di bawah ini:


Kuesioner akan dapat Anda jawab langsung melalui website di atas.  
Terima kasih atas bantuan Anda untuk mengisi kuesioner tersebut.

Salam dari Adelaide,
I Ketut Murti
PhD Candidate
Law School
The University of Adelaide
North Terrace SA 5005
Ph. 61 8 82676693

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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Re: [wanita-muslimah] RE: hukuman pezina

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik He-Man

Lha anda kan yang bawa 'ayat' dan hadis itu jadi kewajiban anda
membawakannya disini.Sekali lagi saya tanya , ayat yang anda
sebut itu ada di surat apa ayat berapa, jawab yang tegas , karena
bila ayat itu tidak pernah ada dalam Al Qur'an anda melakukan hal
yang serius .Nggak perlu lah pakai jurus mbulet.Kalau anda ini benar
ada ayat itu di Al Qur'an kan nggak bakalan sulit menjawabnya , tapi
karena tidak ada , anda pakai jurus pendekar mabuk .

Anda menuduh saya menghina Islam , menuduh pak Chodzim memakai cara
Goldziher dalam menafsirkan Al Qur'an .Anda sendiri apa kelakuannya disini,
bawa-bawa ayat palsu yang tidak pernah ada dalam Al Qur'an.Lalu bawa-bawa
hadis yang menuduh mushaf Ustmani tidak lengkap.Kelakuan anda inilah yang
lebih layak disebut pengikut Goldziher.Jadi tidak salah kan kalau saya
mengatakan anda lebih liberal dari JIL karena JIL saja tidak pernah
ngomong begitu.Nggak perlu main-main dengan teori nasikh mansukh ,
anak tsanawiyah aja sudah belajar , jadi nggak bakalan bisa dibohongin
sama orang taqlid membabi buta semacam anda.

Dan anda juga menolak penerapan hukum islam oleh negara dalam masalah
perkawinan dengan alasan pernikahan urusan agama bukan negara.Bukankah
ini adalah doktrin kaum sekuler yang menyatakan agama harus dipisahkan
dari negara , negara tidak berhak mencampuri urusan agama dan sebaliknya.

Jadi jelas kan anda ini bukan saja seorang pembohong besar , tapi juga
seorang liberal dan sekuler.

- Original Message -
From: "Dadang Fahmi (QA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 8:50 AM
Subject: RE: [wanita-muslimah] RE: hukuman pezina

> Coba rekan2 millist perhatikan postingan he-man wujud karakternya, dia
> JIL, sekularis dll pada saya, lucu deh. He-man saya sering menyampaikan
> anda janganlah penuh kebencian pada saat berdiskusi tidak akan mencerahkan
> apalagi penuh dengan caian, makian, tuduhan dll prilaku yang tidak islami,
> semoga He-man mendapat hidayah...amin
> Silahkan cari sendiri ayat dan hadits itu. Tulisan itu sudah cukup jelas
> bagi mereka yang beriman.
> Wassalam

Bantu korban bencana gempa dan tsunami di Aceh dan Sumatra Utara!
Rekening BCA Kantor Cabang Pembantu (KCP) Koperasi Sejati Mulia Pasar Minggu No 
Rek. 554 001 4207 an. Herni Sri Nurbayanti.
Harap konfirmasi sebelumnya ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] atau HP 0817 149 129.

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Melajang, komentar ?

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Sato Sakaki
Wah mbak Herni Nurbayanti kelihatannya berusaha bikin
jarak nich. Barangkali takut dikira satu blok aliansi
dengan Sato. Pujian itu pantas kok. Pujian dari
seorang sekularis bagi pandangan sekuler. Bukan pujian
yang ada maunye, ah sudzon hehehe ... kecuali kalau
memang berharap begitu. HAHAHAHA ..

--- herni sn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mas sato,
> Ada pujian yg sebenarnya utk meng- 
> encourage/mendorong, tapi ada pujian
> yg ada maunye, yee. Kalau ngobrolin seks, pasti dah
> 'uwak' satu ini ngasih komentar (abah dlm bahasa   
> padang apaan sih? Apa jangan2 mas sato
> ini orang batak ya?). Mungkin beliau meyangka saya
> satu 'aliran', padahal gak. Utk memperjelas lagi   
> perbedaan posisi saya sama uda sato,
> 'overdramatized' thd seks bisa diwujudkan dlm bentuk
> 'penabuan/penjelek2an' atau sebaliknya 'peng-agung-
> an' thd seks. Buat saya, dua2nya sama2 
> overdramatized yg keliwatan sehingga tidak
> memberikan informasi yg tepat mengenai seks sendiri.
> Dua2nya berujung kepada 'sikap jijik' thd seks,
> menganggap seks sbg sesuatu yg kotor dan
> kita merasa malu terhadapnya atau sebaliknya
> menganggap seks sbg sesuatu yg ruuaaar 
> biasa (atau biasa di luar?) dan otaknya full
> of seks. Padahal, seks bagian dari hidup. Nothing
> more, nothing less.
> Soal seks sbg nafsu, ya emang manusia punya
> nafsu-nafsu. Seks cuma menjadi bagian dari si nafsu
> yg kita miliki. Maksute, ya biasa2 aja gitu
> lho. Jangan 'malu2' atau sebaliknya 'malu2in' thd
> seks.
> Sama halnya dng posisi thd jilbab. Mas sato
> menganggap itu sbg bentuk pengekangan. Di sisi 
> lain, ada mereka yg menganggap jilbab sbg bentuk
> kesalehan, ketaqwaan dll. Dan jelas, saya sbg
> pribadi, tidak berada dalam 2 posisi itu. 
> Kenapa tidak pada ke-2 posisi itu, baik dlm soal
> seks dan jilbab? Itu kaitannya ma otonomi yg   
> kemarin disebut2. Kedua posisi itu, meski
> keliatan 'berseberangan' tapi sebenarnya sama2
> menempatkan perempuan sbg obyek pemikirannya.  
> Akhirnya, perempuan tidak diberi pilihan/otonomi.
> Kalaupun perempuan punya 'pilihan' saya pikir
> pilihannya dibuat secara tidak sadar, krn pilihan  
> itu pada dasarnya dibuat oleh dorongan2 di luar
> dirinya, yg dibilang mekanismenya mirip invisible
> hand. Dan kalaupun ada yg namanya 'pilihan'
> ujung2nya pasti soal surga-neraka (ala masing2
> 'kubu'). 'Surga' bagi kubu yg satu bisa dianggap
> 'neraka' bagi pihak di kubu lain. Makanya gak ada  
> ruang bagi perempuan utk menyuarakan
> pikirannya dia sendiri atau menentukan perilakunya
> sendiri. Setiap 'pilihan' yg dibuatnya selalu  
> didorong oleh si mekanisme invisible hand
> yg mengatur dan mengawasi pilihan2 itu. (mungkin
> daku kurang pandai dlm menjelaskannya, maap)
> Wassalam,
> -Original Message-
> From: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Sato Sakaki
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:23 PM
> To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Melajang,
> komentar ?
> Hehehe komentar Mbak Herni Nurbayanti yang jitu juga
> benar-benar menggelitik, karena itu tidak saya
> biarkan
> berlalu begitu saja. I like it. Bravo Herni! A Plus!
> Hehehehe
> --- herni sn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bahwa semua aspek hidup kita harap selalu didasari
> dng
> semangat spiritual yg menjadi nafasnya, saya setuju.
> Tapi bahwa perkawinan simply dilihat sbg sarana
> penyaluran biologis dan memperbanyak keturunan anak,
> maaf saya ndak setuju. Berarti perkawinan mengubah
> laki2 dan perempuan sbg pabrik membuat anak. Bulan
> madu merupakan PBA, Program Bikin Anak
> :-D. (Lebih repot bila ada 'demand' tertentu soal
> jenis kelamin si anak.
> Yg ada, penganten barunya belajar posisi2 tertentu  
> yg katanya topcer menghasilkan anak laki2 atau
> perempuan,
> hehehehe...) Padahal, kenapa tidak seks dinikmati as
> seks antara keduanya sbg proses intim and
> nothing more. Seks sbg rekreasi boleh juga dong? :-)
> Bahwa kita perlu punya perhatian mendalam thd
> generasi
> mendatang, saya setuju. Tapi bahwa kemudian hal itu
> dimengerti dan dibatasi hanya pada
> keturunan kita atau menjadikan 'memiliki keturunan'
> dari darah sendiri sbg suatu kewajiban, saya ndak
> setuju. 
> Kriteria 'beragama' pun harus diperjelas. Kalau
> 'beragama' secara 'menyeramkan' dan kemudian
> menjadikan 'agama' sbg dasar argumentasi/dalih
> pemikirannya itu, buat saya tidak bisa dibilang
> 'beragama' bisa jadi sebaliknya, 'tidak beragama'.
> Tapi bahwa suami-istri selayaknya  menyamakan
> 'persepsi' dlm memandang 'agama dan
> bagaimana beragama', saya setuju.
> Soal 'kepuasan seks', itu kan yg disebut2 sbg
> 'orgasme' ya? Dan ujung2nya disebut seks is the
> ultimate apalah. Maksute, seks= 1% enak,
> 99% enak sekali :-)). Mungkin kalau ditelusuri lebih
> dalam, banyak cara utk 'orgasme'. Sama halnya dng
> banyak jalan menuju roma (ini asbun).
> Mungkin selama ini kurang kreatif aja, sehingga

[wanita-muslimah] Fwd: Marilah Berzakat.... (program santunan kesehatan PortalInfaq)

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik Dion Cecep Supriadi

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Bantu korban bencana gempa dan tsunami di Aceh dan Sumatra Utara!
Rekening BCA Kantor Cabang Pembantu (KCP) Koperasi Sejati Mulia Pasar Minggu No 
Rek. 554 001 4207 an. Herni Sri Nurbayanti.
Harap konfirmasi sebelumnya ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] atau HP 0817 149 129.

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
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[wanita-muslimah] Pernikahan Nabi Adam --- Cinta II [3]

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik huttaqi
Cinta II [3]

Rosululloh bersabda,

"Hari Jum'at adalah hari untuk menjalin Shillaturrohmi dan pernikahan"


"Mengapa demikian ya Rosululloh"


"Karena dahulu para Nabi menikah pada hari Jum'at"


Pernikahan Nabi Adam

Abu Huroiroh meriwayatkan bahwa Alloh menempatkan Adam di surga pada hari 
Jum'at, begitu juga mengeluarkan Adam dari surga juga pada hari Jum'at. Pada 
hari Jum'at itu pula, do'a taubat Adam di kabulkan oleh Alloh.


Setelah penciptaan Adam,

Kemudian penciptaan lawan jenisnya,

Mulailah rasa cinta itu masuk ke dalam hati Adam,

Bagaimana tidak,

Yang dicintai Adam adalah makhluk paling indah yang ada waktu itu,

Alloh telah memakaikan tujuh puluh perhiasan surgawi padanya.


"Siapakah engkau ?", tanya Adam


"Aku diciptakan Alloh untukmu"


"Kalau begitu kemarilah !"


"Tidak, engkaulah yang  kesini"


Adam bangkit mendekatinya, 


Alloh berfirman,

"Hai Adam, bersabarlah! Ia belum halal sebelum engkau menikahinya"


Kemudian Alloh menitahkan segenap penghuni surga untuk menghias surga serta 
mempersiapkan aneka hidangan untuk memeriahkan acara pernikahan Adam dengan 
calon isterinya. 


Para malaikat langit berkumpul di bawah pohon Thuba,

Kemudian Alloh menikahkan mereka berdua.


"Segala puji hanya bagi-Ku.

Keagungan adalah pakaianKu.

Kebanggaan diri adalah selendangKu.

Keindahan adalah WajahKu.

Kelembutan adalah perhiasanKu.

Makhluk-makhluk adalah abdiKu.

Dan pernikahan adalah bagian dari rahasiaKu".


"Aku nikahkan Adam dan calon istrinya, 

Dan Kujadikan para malaikat dan para penghuni surga sebagai saksi"


Adam bertanya,

"Ya Tuhanku, apa mas kawin yang harus kuberikan kepadanya ?

Apakah Emas, perak atau intan kumala ?


"Bukan", jawab Robbul izzati


"Kalau begitu, apa?"


"Mas kawinmu adalah membaca sholawat sepuluh kali kepada RosulKu, 

Muhammad, penutup para Rosul dan penghulu sekalian Nabi".


Cinta Adam dan Cinta isterinya resmi sudah


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RE: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Fw: Mengapa Kita Perlu Meniru Barat? Hukum rajam & Fiqh

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik achmad.chodjim
Mbak Naila yang baik dan tidak mau muter-muter,

Jika kita menyadari bahwa dasar hukum agama Islam itu Alquran dan Assunah, maka 
tentunya Alquran harus kita tempatkan dalam urutan nomor wahid, dong. Bukankah 
ketika kita membaca Albaqarah:2 disebutkan bahwa "Kitab ini tiada keraguan di 
dalamnya sebagai petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa"? Jadi, bilamana 
Alquran tidak ditambahi dan dikurangi, maka isinya Alquran itu haqq dan tidak 
diperdebatkan kesahihannya!

Bila kita membaca QS 2:185, disebutkan bahwa Alquran itu merupakan petunjuk 
bagi manusia dan penjelasan tentang petunjuk itu, dan juga sebagai alfurqan 
(pembeda barang yang haq dengan yang palsu). Mengapa sampeyan ragu terhadap 
ayat Alquran?

Hukum rajam itu semula diberlakukan oleh kaum Yahudi. Dan, ketika hukum tentang 
rajam ini belum diturunkan dalam kitab Alquran, maka hukum rajam inilah yang 
diberlakukan Rasul. Sebagaimana kiblat, semula ya kiblatnya orang Yahudi 
(secara lahiriahnya begitu). Namun, pada tahun II H turunlah ayat yang 
memerintahkan umat Islam untuk berkiblat ke Ka'bah.

Ayat tentang penghukuman zina baru diturunkan pada tahun V/VI H yaitu pada QS 
24: 2-4. Jadi, hadis tentang perajaman itu tidak bisa dipahami berdasarkan 
isinya semata. Kita juga harus cek kebenaran waktu kejadiannya. Bila kita 
mendalami ilmu tafsir Alquran, akan diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan rajam itu 
sebelum ayat Alquran tentang hukuman bagi pezina diturunkan. Setelah turun ayat 
itu, hukum rajam tidak diberlakukan. 

Coba, Mbak Naila berpikiran jernih. Dikemanakan ayat QS 24:2-4 itu bila rajam 
masih diterapkan? Bukankah meninggalkan Alquran bagi muslim dan menggantikannya 
dengan Hadis itu sama dengan melanggar Allah?

Bukankah derajad Hadis untuk menghukumi sesuatu itu harus mutawatir? Dan, itu 
pun tidak mungkin bertentangan dengan Alquran. Dus, siapa yang menggunakan 
hati, ilmu dan iman? Yang menggunakan hati, ilmu, dan iman sejati itu ialah 
orang-orang yang menempatkan Alquran di atas Hadis --yang notabene 
diperselisihkan kekuatannya. Simaklah dengan jeli QS 2:2 dan 2:185. Masih 

Jadi, meski Hadis itu diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari cs, tapi dari sudut matan 
bertentangan dengan QS 24:2-4. Makanya hadis-hadis tentang rajam itu "dhaif" 
dari sudut matan!


-Original Message-
From: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Naila Syahida
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 9:32 PM
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Fw: Mengapa Kita Perlu Meniru Barat?
Hukum rajam & Fiqh

Hukum Rajam Tidak pernah dilakukan Rasul?

saya  agak jenuh membaca diskusi yg muter-muter, ditambah kata-kata yang
kurang pantas sesama muslim, namun saya ingin ikutan dong?

1) Hukum rajam itu haq, saya belum pernah membaca ada satu kitab pun yang
menolaknya, saya baca di CD maktabah al fiqh wa ushulihi (berisi lebih dari
902 jilid kitab fiqh & Ushul dari berbagai madzhab) aneh kalau ini dikatakan
tidak pernah dilakukan nabi. Banyak riwayat shahih , ada yg dari Ibnu Abbas,
Umar bin Khattab, Abdullah bin umar, abdullah bin abi aufa dll, dan ini
salah satu dari riwayat tersebut:
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a dan Zaid bin Khalid al-Juhani r.a
kedua-duanya berkata: Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki dari kabilah al-A'rab
datang kepada Rasulullah
s.a.w dan berkata: Wahai Rasulullah! Aku datang kepadamu supaya kamu
memutuskan hukuman  atasku berpandukan kitab Allah. Kemudian berkata pula
seorang yang lain (yang menjadi lawannya) dia itu lebih banyak ilmu darinya.
Baiklah, hukumlah antara kami berdasarkan Kitab Allah, wahai Rasulullah!
Sekarang izinkanlah aku untuk menjelaskannya kepadamu. Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda: Katakanlah. Dia pun bercerita: Sesungguhnya anakku telah menjadi
pelayan orang ini, Suatu hari anakku telah melakukan zina dengan isterinya.
Aku mendapat khabar bahwa anakku itu mesti dihukum rajam. Aku akan
menebusnya dengan seratus ekor kambing dan seorang hamba perempuan. Ketika
hal itu aku tanyakan kepada salah seorang yang alim, aku diberitahu bahwa
anakku itu hanya dikenakan hukuman sebanyak seratus kali pukulan dan
diasingkan selama setahun dan isteri orang inilah yang mesti dihukum rajam.
Mendengar penjelasan itu, Rasulullah s.a.w lalu bersabda: Demi Zat yang
jiwaku berada dalam kekuasaanNya, sesungguhnya aku akan memutuskan hukuman
ke atas kamu berpandukan kitab Allah. Seratus ekor kambing dan hamba
perempuan tadi harus dikembalikan dan anakmu mesti dihukum pukul sebanyak
seratus kali pukulan serta diasingkan selama setahun. Sekarang pergilah
kepada isteri orang ini, wahai Unais! Jika dia mengaku, maka jatuhkanlah
hukuman rajam ke atasnya. Maka Unais pun datang menemui wanita tersebut dan
ternyata dia mengakui atas perbuatannya itu. Maka sesuai dengan perintah
dari Rasulullah s.a.w maka wanita itupun dijatuhi hukuman rajam.

(Riwayat Bukhari, hadits no 2147, 2455, 2498, 2523, 6143, dst, Shahih Muslim
hadits no3210, Sunan At Tirmidzi  hadits no 1353, Sun