[wanita-muslimah] 90616 Memanfaatkan masjid kembali

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik Rasyid M Tauhid-al-Amien

Memanfaatkan masjid kembali

Bismi l-lahi r-rahmani r-rahim.

Masjid seharusnyalah menjadi basis penguatan dan pembinaan ummat, menuju 
bentuk ummat yang berperadaban tinggi. Masjid merupakan tempat 
berkumpulnya ummat, yang berasal dari berbagai daerah, yang mungkin satu 
dengan yang lain berasal dari masyarakat yang berbeda kelompok sosial, 
politik, ekonominya, ataupun lainnya lagi. Di awal-awal pembangunan 
masjid, mereka yang datang bermula memanfaatkan masjid sebagai tempat 
ibadah, namun nyatanya di tempat ini interaksi dapat cukup tinggi 
sehingga masjid kembali terasa bukan hanya sebagai tempat ibadah, tetapi 
menampakkan fungsi lainnya lagi; ini sejalan dengan awal-awal masjid 
didirikan di zaman Rasulullah SAW maupun kurun-kurun sesudahnya.

Dalam bentuk sederhana dalam shalat masyarakat dicontohkan ke kenyataam 
bahwa imam harus diturut, dipatuhi, namun jika salah harus 
diluruskan.Bukan sebarang orang dapat menjadi imam, ada kriteria yang 
perlu dipenuhi. Namun jika yang ideal tak ada, yang kurang ideal pun 
dapat dimanfaatkan, sebagai langkah menyatukan gerakan.

Rasulullah mulai membina masyarakat dengan menunjukkan tingginya 
peradaban Islam dari masjid, menghasilkan masyarakat yang berbudi luhur, 
berakhlaq mulia, bersikap adil, terbuka, demokratis, yang semuanya itu 
didasarkan pada upaya menegakkan ketaqwaan masing-masing diri dengan 
penguatan imannya, dalam bentuk dasar kepatuhan kepada Allah SWT, 
kepatuhan kepada yang dicontohkan oleh RasulNya Muhammad SAW.

Adanya kajian-kajian di masjid akan menggugah orang untuk lebih banyak 
belajar, ilmu agama maupun ilmu keduniaan, sampai-sampai belajar bela 
diri pun dilakukan di masjid. Yang pandai didorong untuk menularkan 
ilmunya dengan “iming-iming” pahala yang berlipat ganda, yang kurang 
berilmu didorong untuk belajar dengan menggambarkan bahwa orang yang 
berilmu lebih diangkat derajatnya oleh Allah.


(Qur’an Surah al-Mujadalah [58] ayat 11)

Dari pemahaman ilmu ini pulalah, maka penguasaan teknologi sistem 
informasi akan memberi peluang pemanfaatan jaringan internet sebagai 
sarana dakwah juga. Di sinilah perlunya lebih lanjut kerjasama agar apa 
yang ada di benak para ahli agama itu dapat tersebarkan lebih jauh dan 
cepat, yang perlu didukung oleh para ahli IT (information technology) 
dengan perangkat komputer maupun jaringan internet yang ada. Lebih rinci 
lagi teknologi ini dapat menyediakan bahan kajian untuk berbagai macam 
kelompok, semisal kelompok umur, kelompok minat, kelompok profesi, 
maupun lainnya untuk dapat menerapkan bahwa dalam berdakwah perlu 
ber-hikmah dalam pemelihan materi kajian, dari segi keragamannya maupun 

(Qur’an Surah an-Nahl [16] ayat 125)

Sayangnya fungsi masjid seperti itu kini banyak yang ditinggalkan karena 
pemahaman yang keliru, dengan terlalu membatasinya, yang kemudian 
memunculkan keengganan ke masjid karena di masjid yang dirasakannya 
bukan ketenangan batin lagi…

Semoga kita dengan memanfaatkan potensi kita masing-masing nantiny dapat 
menjadi pemakmur masjid kembali.

Wa l-Lahu a'lamu bi sh-shawwab

SAW. = shalla 'l-Lahu 'alaihi wa sallam (Semoga shalawat Allah dan 
salamNya terlimpahkan pada Rasulullah Muhammad).

SWT. = subhanahu wa ta-'ala (Yang Maha Suci lagi Maha Tinggi kedudukanNya).

*** Kutipan ayat-ayat diperoleh dari penelusuran menggunakan software 
sederhana (2,5 Mb): "Indeks Terjemah Qur'an".

Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Semoga sedikit uraian di atas bermanfaat.

Sebarkanlah pelita hikmah ini dengan forward langsung ataupun dengan 
mengajak bergabung di URL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pelita-hikmah.

Jika Anda punya ataupun ingin kajian masalah tertentu untuk pegangan 
hidup silakan hubungi saya.


dr. H.R.M. Tauhid-al-Amien, MSc., DipHPEd., AIF.

e-mail: tau...@telkom.net

Jalan Kendangsari Lebar 48 Surabaya INDONESIA 60292

Telp. (031)-841-7486, 081-652-7486


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RE: [wanita-muslimah] Hilangnya 100 JUTA Jiwa Perempuan

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik Lestyaningsih, Tri Budi (Ning)

Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi rooji'uun.

Sungguh menyedihkan bila berita di bawah ini memang benar. Kalau kita
lihat, ini mirip2 dengan sebelum Islam datang, di mana para perempuan
dihargai lebih rendah dari lelaki, bahkan tidak ada harganya sama
sekali. Sampai-sampai, mereka malu memiliki anak perempuan, dan
membunuhnya sedini mungkin - saking malunya. Umar Bin Khotob pun
termasuk yang pernah membunuh anak perempuannya, sebelum beliau RA masuk

Kalau saya summarykan, penyebab kematian2 yang luar biasa itu adalah :
- HIV/AIDS di Affrika 
- Kekurangan access kepada kesehatan menyebabkan kematian karena
penyakit (eg : Malaria)
- Bunuh diri masalah dowry ini, apa di india begitu ya.. Jadi perempuan
yang bayar mahar? Ini lebih menyedihkan lagi, karena ternyata pendidikan
tidak memperbaiki kondisinya. Malah getting worse.

Di masa yang lalu, turunnya Islam melalui Rasulullah SAW akhirnya
menyelamatkan bangsa arab dari keterpurukan moral yang dalam tersebut.
Wanita dicintai dan diangkat martabatnya dan dimuliakan. Kapankah hal
yang sama akan terjadi di masyarakat yang diceriterakan di bawah ?
Wallahua'lam bishowab.


-Original Message-
From: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:wanita-musli...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Dwi Soegardi
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 9:39 PM
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com; keluarga-sejaht...@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Hilangnya 100 JUTA Jiwa Perempuan

Ya, 100 juta. 100.000.000 perempuan hilang!
Populasi perempuan berkurang!
Bukan hilang, tetapi mati akibat kekerasan, diskriminasi dan diabaikan.
Di tempat-tempat seperti India, Cina dan Afrika sub-Sahara, nyawa
perempuan dihargai kurang dari nyawa laki-laki.


How did 100,000,000 women disappear?

TheStar.com - Insight - How did 100,000,000 women disappear?

Two researchers crunching population statistics have confirmed an
unsettling reality. Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray noticed the ratio of
women to men in developing regions and in some cultures is suspiciously
below the norm June 06, 2009 Nicole Baute Staff reporter

In India, China and sub-Saharan Africa, millions upon millions of women
are missing. They are not lost, but dead: victims of violence,
discrimination and neglect.

A University of British Columbia economist is amongst those trying to
find them - not the women themselves, who are long gone, but their
numbers and ages, which paint a sad and startling picture of gender
discrimination in the developing world.

The term "missing women" was coined in 1990, when Indian economist
Amartya Sen calculated a shocking figure. In parts of Asia and Africa,
he wrote in The New York Review of Books, 100 million women who should
be alive are not, because of unequal access to medical care, food and
social services. These are excess deaths: women "missing" above and
beyond natural mortality rates, compared to their male counterparts.

Women who are dead because their lives were undervalued.

Around the world boys outnumber girls at birth, but in countries where
women and men receive equal care, women have proved hardier and more
resistant to disease, and thus live longer. In most of Asia and North
Africa, however, Sen found that women die with startlingly higher

His research began a flutter of activity in academic circles and by
2005, the United Nations produced a much higher estimate for how many
women could be "missing": 200 million.

>From her office at the University of British Columbia, economics
professor Siwan Anderson has been crunching numbers to try and
understand why so many women are dying. "If you're interested in gender
discrimination, it's really one of the starkest measures of
discrimination, because it's women who should be alive, but aren't,"
she says.

The 40-year-old researcher recently co-authored a paper with New York
University's Debraj Ray, focusing on figures from China, India and
sub-Saharan Africa for the year 2000. What they discovered flew in the
face of existing literature and commonly held beliefs about the missing
women phenomenon.

"Previously, people had thought that they (the missing women) were all
at the very early stages of life, prenatal or just after, so before four
years old," Anderson says. "But what we found is that the majority are
actually later." Female infanticide has been endemic in India and China
for some time, which she says led researchers to assume that it was the
source of all the missing women. But the truth is much more complicated.

Once she and Ray broke down the numbers by age group, they found that
the majority of excess female deaths came later in life: 66 per cent in
India, 55 per cent in China and 83 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa.

One of their colleagues in the economics department at the University of
British Columbia says this finding is striking, and points the way for
future research and advocacy.

"Why would there be excess m

[wanita-muslimah] Bermakna

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik Iman K.

Nyai Loro Kidul pun menarik kais kereta kudanya meniti jalan ke angkasa. Begitu 
pula pendekar dari dunia kramat itu,  melewati kobaran api yang dahsyat dengan 
menunggang kuda sembrani. Di sudut negeri yang lain,  Gatot Kaca dan Superman 
tertegun satu sama lain menatap ke unikan kostum terbang masing-masing.

Cerita demikian begitu akrab di telinga kita, kita bisa saja terbius atau 
ikut-ikutan menjadikan cerita seperti itu menjadi rujukan kita dalam 
berargumentasi ilmiah. Sebenarnya perlu ndak sih kita mengetahui cerita serupa 
itu? Apakah cerita seperti itu betul-betul ada atau hanya bohong belaka? Suatu 
hari kita harus mempertanyakan cerita serupa itu demi ketelitian kita dalam 
memilah baik dan buruknya pengaruh suatu cerita.

Konon ada tokoh nyata ( Vampir) tapi diperkenalkan sebagai tokoh tahayul 
(fiktif).  Sementara tokoh fiktif benaran  ( Rambo),  eh. malah di jadikan 
seolah-olah tokoh nyata. Tulisan ini tidak akan membahas ketokohan dan 
politisasi yang sedemikian rupa dan bukan pula bertujuan untuk menolak membaca 
novel dan komik :) 

Kritis dalam mempersoalkan cerita yang kita terima, bisa dimulai dari 
pengenalan kata. Pengenalan kata yang berhunungan dengan persoalan diatas 
didalam ilmu logika dikenal dengan istilah kata bermakna dan tak bermakna. 

Dalam pengertian kata yang lain dikenal ada istilah kata universal dan partial. 
Dan jika kita teliti, kita akan menemukan bahwa setiap kata universal selalu 
mempunyai dua macam pengertian, yaitu konotasi dan denotasi.

Konotasi menunjuk kepada sifat-sifat khusus dari kata yang dibicarakan, 
misalnya kata 'manusia'. Manusia adalah kata yang tidak diberikan kepada 
sembarang benda, tetapi khusus hanya kepada sesuatu yang mempunyai sifat-sifat 

Berdasarkan sifat-sifat khusus tersebut akhirnya kita bisa mengetahui bahwa 
yang namanya manusia itu adalah suatu makluk hidup yang mempunyai persamaan 
seperti hewan dalam banyak hal tetapi berbeda dalam beberapa hal, seperti 
kemampuannya untuk menerima pendidikan, bekerja dengan menggunakan teknologi 
atau alat, membuat sesuatu dengan menggunakan kemampuan akal dan sebagainya.

Sedangkan denotasi menunjuk kepada barang apa saja yang dicakup oleh kata 
tersebut. Misalnya kata 'manusia', maka dia akan mencakup Budi, Carlie, Deni, 
Desi, Etty, manusia berkulit kuning, manusia berkulit putih, manusia berkulit 
hitam dan sebagainya.

Suatu kata yang memiliki pengertian konotasi dan denotasi itulah yang disebut 
sebagai kata yang bermakna atau konotatif. Sedangkan kata yang hanya memiliki 
konotasi tetapi tidak memiliki denotasi (cakupan) disebut sebagai kata tak 

Dari keterangan diatas sekarang kita bisa menguji, apakah kata-kata seperti Mak 
Lampir, Nyai Loro Kidul, Kuda Sembrani, Gatot Kaca dan Superman sebagaimana 
yang kita sebutkan diawal tadi itu termasuk kedalam kelompok kata yang bermakna 
atau tak bermakna.

Kuda sembrani misalnya, kita mengenal nama itu dari cerita yang ditulis 
dibuku-buku komik dan dongeng, yakni seekor kuda yang memiliki sayap yang dapat 
terbang. Kita dapat menangkap pengertiannya, tapi sampai kapanpun kita tidak 
akan menemukan jenis kuda yang seperti itu didalam realita kehidupan. Karena ia 
tidak mempunyai realitas, maka dia tidak mempunyai denotasi. Dan setiap kata 
yang tidak mempunyai denotasi maka dia termasuk kedalam kata yang tak bermakna.

Contoh yang lain adalah Superman, sama dengan cerita kuda sembrani, cerita 
tentang Superman juga hanya bisa kita dapati dari komik dan film saja, yaitu 
sosok jagoan yang bisa terbang kesana kemari dan kalau lagi marah, dia bahkan 
bisa mengejar dan meremukkan jet supersonik dengan menggunakan sorot matanya 
saja. Kita dapat menangkap pengertian dari cerita itu, tapi sama halnya dengan 
kuda sembrani, sampai kapanpun kita juga tidak akan pernah menemui manusia 
seperti itu dalam realitas. Dan sekali lagi, karena ia tidak mempunyai 
realitas, maka dia tidak mempunyai denotasi. Dan setiap kata yang tidak 
mempunyai denotasi maka dia termasuk kedalam kata yang tak bermakna.

Catatan : 
Tidak setiap kata yang tidak bisa diobservasi secara indrawi adalah sama dengan 
 kata yang tak bermakna. Kata seperti : Malaikat, Iblis, Surga, Neraka dan 
semacamnya adalah kata yang dapat dimengerti dan ada dalam realitas


Iman K.

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[wanita-muslimah] Dubai Iranians protest at Ahmadinejad's 'rigged' win

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Regional News
Dubai Iranians protest at Ahmadinejad's 'rigged' win
Published Date: June 16, 2009 

DUBAI: Iranians from one of the Islamic republic's largest expat communities 
flouted a ban to protest outside their country's consulate in Dubai on Monday 
against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed election victory. More than 
two hundred men and women gathered outside the mission some 200 kilometres (120 
miles) across the Gulf from Iran, chanting slogans calling Ahmadinejad a 
"dictator" and accusing Tehran of rigging Friday's election. "Where is my 
vote?" they shouted in unison as many of them told AFP that they had cast their 
ballots in favour of runner-up Mir Hossein Mousavi. "I don't feel that there 
was any respect for my vote... (the election was) absolutely rigged," said Ali, 
32, who works as an architect in Dubai.

Ahmadinejad is a stupid... uneducated dictator," he charged. The Iranian 
mission says there are around 400,000 Iranians in the United Arab Emirates-the 
second largest congregation of expatriate Iranians outside north America. 
Official UAE data put the figure at 110,000. Like many other protesters, Ali 
withheld his family name and also covered his face with mask as a cameraman 
stood on the consulate's roof shooting footage of the demonstration.

Nassim, 31, also an architect, wore stylish sunglasses which she said were 
enough to cover her face, in order not to get in trouble when she goes back to 
Iran. "We want to tell the world that we are not stupid. Please don't think we 
are similar to our government," said Nassim, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and 
letting her hair flow freely. She said she had voted for Mousavi because he 
"doesn't want to fight with other countries.

Why do we need this nuclear power? We want better relations with the world," 
she added of Iran's controversial nuclear programme which the West and Israel 
suspect is aimed at developing atomic weapons. Tehran insists that its nuclear 
ambitions are purely peaceful. Although Monday's demonstration in Dubai was not 
authorised in a country that does not permit public demonstrations, anti-riot 
police allowed the protesters to stand for more than two hours outside the 
consulate. Some demonstrators said they hoped to get permission to come again 
and stage another protest. - AFP 

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[wanita-muslimah] Nine foreign hostages killed in Yemen

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

:  Tuesday, June 16, 2009 


Nine foreign hostages killed in Yemen

SAN'A, Yemen (AP) - Nine missing foreigners in Yemen have been murdered, said a 
Yemeni official Monday, apparently executed by their kidnappers in the 
impoverished nation in the Arabian peninsula where al-Qaida has a strong 

The nine foreigners, including seven German nationals, a Briton and a South 
Korean, disappeared last week while on a picnic in the restive northern Saada 
region of Yemen. 

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized 
to speak to the press, announced the discovery of the remaining six bodies 
Monday after three others had been found mutilated earlier in the day. 

Yemen, the poorest nation in the Middle East, is home to restive tribes, a 
Shiite rebellion, as well as a branch of al-Qaida which operates in its remote 
regions and has often targeted foreigners as well as the U.S. embassy. 

Shepherds roaming the area found the remains of three of the women in the 
mountainous northern Saada province near the town of el-Nashour, known as a 
hideout for al-Qaida militants, the official said. 

In Berlin, the Foreign Ministry said it could not confirm the reports that the 
Germans had been killed. A spokesman, speaking on customary condition of 
anonymity, said that a ministry crisis team and the German embassy in San'a 
were working together to try and get more details. 

Yemeni authorities said the group included a German doctor, his wife and their 
three children, as well as a Briton and his South Korean wife and two other 
German nationals. They were all working in a hospital in Saada, the state news 
agency said. 

South Korea's Foreign Ministry identified their national by her family name, 
Eom, and said she is a 34-year-old aid worker in Yemen. Chantel Mortimer, the 
press officer at the British Embassy, expressed concern and said that the 
embassy is seeking information about the rest of the hostages including the 
British one. 

""We are very concerned that bodies were found. We are seeking further 
details,"" she said. 

The killing of hostages is not common in Yemen, where tribesmen often kidnap 
foreigners to press the government on a range of demands, including a ransom, 
but usually release them unharmed. Kidnapping involving al-Qaida, however, have 
been lethal for the hostages in the past. 

A tribal leader in the area, who also spoke on condition of anonymity for the 
same reason as the security official, blamed al-Qaida for the Friday abduction 
and the killing. 

Yemen is the Arab world's poorest nation - and one of its most unstable - 
making it fertile territory for al-Qaida to set up camp. The country is also in 
a strategic location, next door to some of the world's most important oil 
producing nations. It also lies just across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, an 
even more tumultuous nation where the U.S. has said militants from the terror 
network have been increasing their activity. 

Al-Qaida militants, including fighters returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, 
have established sanctuaries among a number of Yemeni tribes, particularly ones 
in three provinces bordering Saudi Arabia. 

In January, militants announced the creation of al-Qaida in the Arabian 
Peninsula, a merger between the terror network's Yemeni and Saudi branches, led 
by Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, a Yemeni who was once a close aide to Osama 
bin Laden. Over the past year, al-Qaida has been blamed for a string of 
attacks, including an armed assault in September on the U.S. Embassy in San'a, 
as well as two suicide bombings targeting South Korean visitors in March. 

Earlier, the Yemeni government had accused a Shiite rebel group in Saada, led 
by Abdel Malak al-Hawthi, but the group issued a statement saying it has not 
been involved in any abductions of foreigners

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[wanita-muslimah] The Thinker: Indonesian Radicals Love to Hate Obama

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

June 15, 2009 
Muh Taufiqurrohman 

The Thinker: Indonesian Radicals Love to Hate Obama

Leaders from Muslim countries largely responded positively to US President 
Barack Obama's recent outreach speech in Cairo. 

In Indonesia, Muhammadiyah's Din Samsudin praised Obama for his speech. 

Of the opposite opinion were a number of Indonesian radical groups: the Islamic 
Defenders Front (FPI), the Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI), Indonesian 
Hizbut Tahrir (HTI), Jemaah Islamiyah, Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid and Jamaah 
As-Shunnah. They regarded the speech with prejudice and distrust. 

FPI members like Habib Muhammad Mahdi Al Habsyi, head of the group's Surabaya 
branch, felt the speech was nothing but empty talk. These members said that 
American leaders had a history of speaking sweetly to Muslims while acting 
harshly against them. 

Members of the MMI, including Irfan S. Awwas, suggested that Indonesian Muslims 
be critical of Obama's speech. They see Obama's promises to increase 
scholarships and to provide funding for economic and technological development 
in Muslim countries as an attempt to lure Muslims to support America in 
fighting their Muslim brothers, namely the Taliban and Al Qaeda. They also view 
Obama as nothing more than a representative of greedy American businesspeople, 
not the American people. 

Interestingly, for HTI members, Obama's speech simply reinforced their belief 
that Obama is opposed to Islam. They now clearly see Obama as more dangerous 
than George W. Bush for his encouragement of Muslims around the world to 
"isolate" extremists. Furthermore, they consider Obama's ideas about the 
world's need for peace and security hypocritical, saying he is continuing to 
order the massacre of innocent women and children in Afghanistan and on the 
Pakistani border through US airstrikes. 

The allied members of Jemaah Islamiyah, Jemaah Asharut Tauhid and Jamaah 
As-Shunnah similarly saw Obama's speech as confirming their ideas of who the US 
president really is - another American infidel. In his speech, Obama spoke 
about the need for the establishment of Palestine as an independent state, 
which seems in accord with Muslim desires. However, in another part of the 
speech, he affirmed the truth of the Holocaust and his sympathy for Jews. This 
strengthened their belief that Obama is a friend of the Jews and therefore an 
enemy of the Muslims. 

Furthermore, these members see Obama's advocacy of democracy as evil. To them, 
Obama's encouragement for the implementation of democracy is no different from 
propagating an evil American religion in the Muslim world. 

They also think that by encouraging gender equality in his speech, Obama was 
encouraging Muslims to deny Koranic teachings that men are to be the leaders of 
women. They thus consider Obama's speech as so much American blasphemy. 

Obama did mention that he had ordered the closure of Guantanamo prison by early 
next year, but unfortunately this means little to these radicals, who point out 
that the United States continues to encourage American troops to kill Muslim 
fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

These negative responses are not purely a reaction to the text of Obama's 
speech, but reveal more fundamental beliefs. First of all, these radicals have 
great distrust of any non-Islamic political leader. If they cannot trust Muslim 
Indonesian leaders, they certainly do not believe in Obama, an American and a 
Christian. If they see President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as an infidel, they 
view Obama as the infidel of all infidels. 

They also fear that the speech will induce Indonesian Muslims to hold a 
positive perception of America. This would potentially eliminate the common 
enemy that radicals have been selling to Indonesian Muslims. 

Finally, the radicals fear that Obama's ideas of tolerance may weaken their 
recruitment projects. They fear mainstream Muslims will find truth in Obama's 
words that violence caused by extremism is not Islamic. It is a valid fear, as 
even some radicals have begun to entertain such thoughts. 

Despite these negative responses, as long as Obama keeps saying the right 
things and living up to his promises, his words and actions will speak louder 
than any radical voice in Indonesia. 

Muh Taufiqurrohman holds a master's degree in international relations from 
Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR)

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[wanita-muslimah] SBY Orders Full Audit of Military

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

June 15, 2009 
April Aswadi

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, right, meeting with armed forces (TNI) 
chief Gen. Djoko Santoso, left, and Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono, second 
left, at the State Palace in Jakarta on Monday. (Photo: Yudhi Sukma Wijaya, JG)

SBY Orders Full Audit of Military

Under pressure from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to halt a wave of 
crashes involving military aircraft in the past two months, the Defense 
Ministry has been ordered to conduct an audit of alleged budget shortfalls and 
a technical inspection of the Armed Forces. 

The shoddy safety record has become a national embarrassment, with defense 
officials saying the budget allocated is sufficient funds to maintain military 

The latest incident occurred on Friday when an Air Force Puma helicopter 
crashed during a maintenance flight in Bogor, killing four soldiers and 
injuring three others. The crash was the fourth such incident involving 
military aircraft in the past two months.

Yudhoyono's audit and inspection directive was announced after Defense Minister 
Juwono Sudarsono and Armed Forces (TNI) Chief Gen. Djoko Santoso met with the 
president on Monday.

"We want to achieve zero tolerance for air accidents and we will sign an audit 
team agreement soon to evaluate the budgets of the ministry, Armed Forces 
headquarters and each branch of the Armed Forces," Juwono told reporters after 
the meeting.

Meanwhile, the head of the House of Representatives' defense commission, Yusron 
Ihza Mahendra, said on Monday that the government should be held accountable 
for the chain of deadly mishaps. "The repeated accidents are very strange. 
Someone from the government must be held responsible," Yusron said.

He stopped short of calling for the resignations or firings of top officials, 
saying such moves were "completely under the government's prerogative."

The root of the problem, he said, is a lack of funds for the maintenance, 
procurement and modernization of weapons and equipment.
The top-level team is to assemble experts who will inspect and evaluate all 
technical and management procedures crucial to the maintenance of the country's 
main weapons systems, as well as assess budgetary priorities.

"The audit team will start working today and will finish by the end of July," 
Juwono said on Monday.

In reference to Friday's deadly crash, Djoko said that the TNI would 
investigate the incident.

He said the TNI had also been ordered by the president to investigate the spate 
of accidents and to evaluate the military's aircraft maintenance and operations 
capabilities. The promised review and evaluation is to focus on maintenance 
regulations and procedures, the training of air crews, existing leadership and 

Djoko said the recent accidents were not related to insufficient funds, 
insisting that military aircraft were well maintained and had an adequate 
operational budget.

Juwono disagreed, repeating earlier assertions that the budget was insufficient 
to guarantee quality maintenance, with the shortfall amounting to as much as 50 
percent of the TNI's needs.

He cited the Hercules military planes currently in service, which required Rp 
1.2 trillion ($118 million) per year to maintain but had a budget allocation of 
just Rp 500 billion.

"Only some of the aircraft can be supported by such an insufficient maintenance 
budget," Juwono said.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Congress scraps feudal titles

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Congress scraps feudal titles 
Saroj Nagi, Hindustan Times
New Delhi, June 16, 2009
First Published: 01:19 IST(16/6/2009)
Last Updated: 01:20 IST(16/6/2009)

'Raja' Virbhadra Singh, 'Begum' Noor Bano, 'Rajkumari' Ratna Singh and many 
more of their kind will not find a place in any Congress document or record.

More than six decades after Independence and over three decades after the 
government abolished privy purses and privileges, the Congress has decided to 
turn royalty into aam aadmi.

"The party has decided to strike off all feudal titles (against the name of 
Congressmen and women) from its records at all levels," party leader Janardhan 
Dwivedi said. 

He, however, admitted it was an "indirect suggestion" made to the leaders not 
to use such prefixes and suffixes, such as Rajkumar, Nizam, Nawab, 

Sadr-e-riyasaat or Mahant.

Dwivedi refused to speculate or give figures on how many leaders and workers 
would be affected by the party's advice. 

But instructions have reportedly been sent to all party units down the line not 
to include such references in documents. 

Several Congress leaders are often referred to by their titles, especially by 
their followers.

They include, among others, Lok Sabha MPs "Maharani'' Preneet Kaur (from 
Patiala royal family) and Chandresh Kumari (from Rajasthan's Jodhpur and 
Himachal's Kangra-Lambagraon), "Maharaj'' Jyotiraditya Scindia (Gwalior family) 
and Jitendra Singh (Alwar) "Raja'' Sanjay Singh (Amethi) and "Kanwar'' R.P.N. 
Singh (Padrauna). Then there are Rajya Sabha MPs like Karan Singh of J&K and 
Congress leaders like Digvijay Singh (from Raghogarh). 

So what made the Congress decide to delete feudal titles from its records?

Dwivedi denied it is a sudden decision. "It has been in implementation for some 
time. It is indirectly a suggestion to leaders not to use it themselves.''  

While other parties with royalty may also come under pressure on this count, 
the decision may stir up a hornet's nest. "The 24 th Amendment and the 26 the 
Amendment, which abolished privy purses and privileges, did not abolish titles. 
These titles denote our heritage. How can our heritage be taken away?'' said 
Bhanu Pratap Singh, maharaja of Narsinghgarh (in MP) and ex-Union minister. 

Dismissing the Congress's move as a "gimmick,'' he said nearly 50 per cent of 
India's territory consists of former princely states. "Besides, how can we stop 
people referring to us by our titles?'' he asked

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Taliban attack musicians at Afghan wedding

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Latest Update: Tuesday16/6/2009June, 2009, 12:54 AM Doha Time

Taliban attack musicians at Afghan wedding

Taliban fighters beat musicians, shaved their heads and left them tied to trees 
overnight because they performed at an Afghan wedding, a village tribal chief 
said yesterday. 

The militants have returned to areas in the east and south of the country, 
where violence has sharply spiked in recent years. They attack government 
officials, Afghan police, foreign troops and schools that teach girls, another 
practice they forbid. "A party was going on when a group of Taliban grabbed 
five musicians and started beating them and smashing their musical 
instruments," said Rahmatullah Khan, a head of Merke Khel village in the east 
of the country.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Palestinian 'collaborator' gets 20-year prison term

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Palestinian 'collaborator' gets 20-year prison term
Publish Date: Tuesday,16 June, 2009, at 12:36 PM Doha Time

A Palestinian military court yesterday sentenced a 23-year-old woman to 20 
years in jail after finding her guilty of high treason for collaborating with 
Israel, judicial sources said. The sentence against Taghreed Abu Taybeh was 
delivered by a court in Jenin in the northern West Bank. The woman was arrested 
in May and accused of plotting to kill a group of militants from a Palestinian 
armed group by using a suitcase filled with explosives that was given to her by 
Israeli intelligence

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Govt orders operation against Baitullah Mehsud

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny


Govt orders operation against Baitullah Mehsud

* NWFP governor says 'decisive operation will root out terrorism from Pakistan' 
* Says Mehsud tribes turned a deaf ear to warnings 
* Says Baitullah behind attacks in Pakistan

By Zulfiqar Ghuman 

ISLAMABAD: As a military offensive rages on against the Taliban in Malakand and 
Swat, the government on Sunday ordered a "full-fledged" military operation 
against Tehreek-e-Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud and Mehsud tribes for 
harbouring terrorists, abetting terrorist activities and killing innocent 

"Law-enforcement agencies have been ordered to launch a comprehensive operation 
against Mehsud tribes and the TTP chief and his followers for their failure to 
fulfil their duties in accordance with the law of the land," said NFWP Governor 
Awais Ghani at a press conference at Frontier House, but did not provide a date 
for the launch of the operation. The Online news agency claimed the operation 
would follow the offensive in Malakand. 

He said "this would be an affective and decisive operation that would root out 
terrorism from Pakistan ". 

The military has already moved closer to Waziristan agencies with operations 
underway in adjoining districts. 

The governor said that TTP chief Meshud had been named in the assassination of 
Benazir Bhutto. "He (Baitullah) was also behind the October 18 attack on a PPP 
caravan in Karachi and several other attacks." 

The decision to launch the operation against Mehsud tribes had been made to 
"protect the lives and properties of the people of Pakistan from the barbaric 
terrorists of Mehsud tribes". 

"Mehsud tribes were told time and again that their activities are 
unacceptable," he said. 

Ghani said Mehsud tribes had not only failed to evict foreign terrorists from 
their areas, but had also continued operating training camps. 

"There are a large number of foreign terrorists in the areas. They are getting 
help from outside," he said in a reference to Afghanistan. 

He said that Mehsud tribes were bound by tradition and law not to shelter any 
terrorists or criminals, but "they acted otherwise ... forcing the government 
to take action".

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Armada Indonesia masih belum sembuh dari penyakitnya,  tahun lalu dibieritakan 
bahwa 40% dari kapal-kapal perang NKRI tidak layak untuk berlayar. Selain itu  
mungkin juga kekurangan tenaga bermutu dalam bidang pelayaran militer.

Untuk menjadi anggota angkatan laut dan udara harus mempunyai pendidikan bidang 
tertentu, berbeda dengan angkatan darat yang bisa hanya baris-baris putar kiri 
putar kanan dan bisa menembak. 

Rukun serumpun itu tidak memainkan peranan menentukan, contohnya dalam kakak 
adik bertengkar untuk harta orang tua.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 11:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan 
Pesawat TNI

  ada joke lain:

  Ada rahasia mengapa TNI tidak pernah memberikan tembakan peringatan ke 
kapal-kapal Malaysia.
  Hal itu bukan karena menjaga hubungan baik dan rukun dengan saudara serumpun,
  tapi karena masalah teknis, yaitu: 
  takut niatnya membuat tembakan peringatan, tapi malah kena 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Lina Dahlan 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 6:21 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan 
Pesawat TNI

  Saya lagi mbayangin kalo Indo jadi perang sama Malay. Gak usah diapa-apain, 
diplototin aje deh, pesawat tempur Indo juga bakal jatuh sendiri...:-))

  Ssst ntar dimarahin JK neh.

  Mending dukung perang mulutnya Hotman Paris (Indo) and Sobri (Malay)aja deh.


  --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
  > Jawa Pos
  > [ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
  > Kalah sebelum Berperang 
  > PEMERINTAH RI saat ini dipusingkan dengan masalah Ambalat yang dapat 
mengganggu kedaulatan NKRI. Banyak lontaran dari masyarakat agar kita 
mempertahankan harga diri bangsa. Tujuannya, kita tidak diremehkan oleh bangsa 
lain. Kelompok itu menginginkan, kalau masalah tersebut tidak dapat 
diselesaikan dengan diplomasi, berperang adalah jalan terakhir untuk 
memperingatkan Malaysia.
  > Hanya, yang jadi pertanyaan, bagaimana itu bisa kita lakukan? Pesawat 
tempur kita sudah tua dan banyak yang jatuh. Berapa lagi korban yang akan jatuh 
jika perang dilakukan? Pada 2009 saja sudah lima pesawat TNI yang jatuh 
sendiri, padahal perang belum dimulai! Harapan saya, semoga tragedi jatuhnya 
pesawat TNI pada 12 Juni lalu menjadi kecelakaan terakhir dan perang pun tidak 
  > ALFIAN, mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Sains Universitas Wijaya Kusuma 
  > Jawa Pos
  > [ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
  > Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI 
  > Oleh: M. Sanusi 
  > Berselang empat hari dari jatuhnya helikopter Bolkow 105 di Cianjur, Jumat 
siang 12 Juni 2009 helikopter jenis Puma SA-330 milik TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) 
kembali jatuh dan menewaskan sedikitnya lima di antara tujuh orang 
penumpangnya. Peristiwa itu merupakan kecelakaan pesawat militer ketujuh dalam 
empat bulan terakhir, yang menewaskan 84 personel TNI dalam rentang Maret 
hingga Juni 2009. 
  > Menyikapi drama kecelakaan pesawat TNI tersebut, segudang pertanyaan dan 
setumpuk keprihatinan seketika memenuhi pikiran dan perasaan masyarakat 
Indonesia. Ada apa pesawat TNI? Siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap sekian 
peristiwa nahas itu?
  > Pertanyaan pertama mengacu kepada situasi buruk yang menimpa tiga matra 
angkatan, yaitu Angkatan Darat (AD) Angkatan Laut (AL), dan Angkatan Udara 
(AU), secara khusus dan TNI secara umum. Pertanyaan kedua mengacu kepada 
pemerintah dan lembaga yang selama ini diserahi tugas mengelola urusan 
pertahanan dan keamanan. Jika pertanyaan pertama terjawab, tidak bisa 
dihindarkan pertanyaan yang kedua juga bisa disingkap.
  > Peristiwa kecelakaan di landasan helikopter Markas Besar Komando Lanud 
Atang Sendjaja, Kabupaten Bogor, itu bisa jadi hanya fenomena gunung es dari 
kondisi sebenarnya yang terjadi di TNI. Jika benar, alangkah buruknya sistem 
pertahanan dan keamanan di Indonesia. Jangankan bisa membela negara Indonesia 
dari serangan luar, mengatasi serangan dari dalam berupa kerusakan dan 
kecelakaan saja sudah tidak sanggup. Untuk itulah, kita harus mencari penyebab 
paling signifikan dari serentetan persitiwa nahas yang terjadi tersebut.
  > Berbagai Persoalan 
  > Pertama, yang penting disorot adalah alokasi anggaran. Pemerintah melalui 
Departemen Pertahanan terbilang minim dalam masalah alokasi anggaran. Menurut 
Direktur Eksekutif Institute of Defense and Security Study sekaligus penulis 
buku Defending Indonesia Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, anggaran pertahanan 
Indonesia adalah yang terkecil di ASEAN. Anggaran pertahanan dalam Anggaran 
Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2009 hanya 0,6 persen dari produk domestik 
bruto (PDB) atau setara dengan USD 3,3 miliar. 
  > Fakta itu menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara berwil

[wanita-muslimah] A voice of reason silenced in Iraq

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Jun 16, 2009 

A voice of reason silenced in Iraq
By Sami Moubayed 

DAMASCUS - All hopes that the months to come would witness real reconciliation 
in Iraq were suddenly muted this weekend when Harith al-Obeidi, a heavyweight 
Sunni politician renowned for his moderation and civility, was gunned down 
after delivering a Friday sermon in Baghdad. 

He is one of the most senior politicians in Iraq to have been killed since the 
downfall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003. Obeidi, who heads the Iraqi 
Accordance Front bloc in parliament, was shot twice in the head by a teenager 
at the Shawaf mosque, bringing the number of Front figures assassinated over 
the past six years to nearly 100. Four other people were killed in the attack, 
including Obeidi's brother-in-law, and 12 were injured before the young 
assassin was himself gunned down by mosque security. Shortly before his death, 
Obeidi, 45, was speaking to worshipers about the lack of accountability and 
justice in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Iraq. 

Deputy chairman of the Human Rights Committee in parliament, Obeidi had often 
criticized Maliki for the continued detainment of Sunnis, calling for a general 
amnesty and a greater role for Sunni politicians in the post-2003 political 

Harith al-Obeidi was born and raised in Baghdad, where he studied Islamic 
jurisprudence for one year at Mustansiriyya University in Najaf before moving 
to the Faculty of Islamic Sharia in Baghdad, from which he graduated in 1988. 
He then obtained a PhD in Comparative Jurisprudence from Baghdad University and 
worked as an academic, writing and lecturing, until the downfall of Saddam's 
regime in 2003. He became an active member of the Accordance Front, lobbying 
for Sunni rights in the post-Saddam order. His uniform demands were always 
related to an amnesty for Sunnis, a curb on Shi'ite and Sunni militias, greater 
freedoms and greater dignity for Iraqi prisoners. 

He was always at odds end with the Americans, members of Maliki's cabinet and 
members of al-Qaeda, criticizing all three groups for the chaos that has 
existed in Iraq since 2003. His loudest words were often directed at the 
Americans, and he famously said, "The occupation is responsible for every crime 
and the death of every citizen in Iraq. If the occupier would leave, Iraqis 
would live as brothers." 

After entering parliament in 2005, he was voted head of the Front bloc on May 
2, only one month before his assassination, replacing his colleague Adel 
al-Samarrai, who was elected speaker. One day before his killing, he spoke 
within the chamber, calling for the interrogation of the ministers of Defense 
and Interior in Maliki's cabinet, blaming them for sectarian violence and poor 
conditions in prisons. 

In September 2005, US troops raided his home, suspecting him of being part of 
the so-called Sunni insurgency. These accusations proved to be false, and, far 
from it, Obeidi had long called for the disarmament of militias, be they Sunni 
or Shi'ite, and the restructuring of the army on nationalist lines with no 
distinction to ethnic or religious backgrounds. In January 2006, he lobbied 
with Sunni militias to release US journalist Jill Caroll of the Christian 
Science Monitor, claiming that the continued abduction and killing of 
foreigners in Iraq harmed the interests of the people. 

Drawing a clear balance in his criticism, he was equally very critical of the 
Maliki cabinet; when it raided a Baghdad slum known as Sadr City in March 2008, 
he commented that the district's residents - who are all Shi'ite - had had 
enough. More recently, Obeidi called on US President Barack Obama to release 
blocked photos of prisoner torture at Abu Ghraib, saying that all the promising 
words spoken by Obama in Cairo on June 4 "would fail" if secrecy over wrongs 
continued and if the abusers were not brought to justice in US courts. 

It won't be easy for the Front to recover the loss of a heavyweight like 
Obeidi. When the coalition was created in 2005, it won 15.1% of the vote, 
thanks to the charisma of leaders like Obeidi, and took 44 seats of the 
275-seat parliament. That entitled it to six seats in the cabinet, which it 
held until withdrawing from government in August 2007, accusing the prime 
minister of sectarian practices. The Front is likely to face some turbulence in 
the weeks ahead as the Americans start leaving and the country braces for 
parliamentary elections. 

It will have to push forward with its demands, representing Sunnis, vis-a-vis 
rapprochement, dialogue and amnesty. That certainly won't be easy without 
Obeidi. For now, one question remains; who did it? Was it al-Qaeda, as some 
members of the Front say? Or was it certain Iraqi politicians who were 
distressed at the lout anti-corruption campaign preached by Obeidi from within 
parliament? Last month, Maliki was forced to dismiss, then arrest, his Minister 
of T

[wanita-muslimah] Manohara in her Own Words

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

  Manohara in her Own Words  
  Written by Our Correspondent 
  Monday, 15 June 2009 
  Indonesian teen model tells of her treatment at the hands of a Kelantan 

  The story of the jet-setting Indonesian teen model who was kidnapped by 
her 31-year-old Malaysian royal husband who allegedly raped and tortured her 
keeps taking on new permutations, including, last week, protesters who 
surrounded the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta, demanding war.

  Now the 17-year-old model, Indonesian-American Manohara Odelia Pinot, has 
told her story in English, to Jakarta Globe journalist Armando Siahaan. At 
times insouciant, at times seemingly bewildered, she describes a high-flying 
life in Europe's capitals as well as detailing allegations of terror and rape 
at the hands of the prince. Her story can be found here.

  Last week Mano, as she calls herself, hired Indonesia's most flamboyant 
lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, to announce she was filing a case with the 
Indonesian national police alleging abuse against her husband, Kelantan Tengku 
Temenggong Muhammad Fakhry. Fakhry fired back by filing charges against 
Manohara in Kuala Lumpur, alleging she had made the whole thing up.

  It is notable that Manohara didn't file in Malaysia and Fakhry didn't 
file in Indonesia. Indonesian courts, considered the most corrupt in Southeast 
Asia, have a pretty much unanimous record of siding with the locals against the 
foreigners. The courts in Kuala Lumpur are only marginally better, having 
suffered through a long series of judicial scandals over the last 20 years. 
Neither side apparently wanted to dare defeat in the other's court. 

  In Indonesia, Manohara's story has consumed readers of tabloid 
newspapers, TV, Web sites and blogs, making the relatively unknown beauty a 
household name although at 16 she was named one of Indonesia's 100 Precious 
Women by Harper's Bazaar magazine. A full half-hour documentary of her travails 
has aired repeatedly, at times almost a continuous loop, on Jakarta television. 

  The tale of the tortured princess has taken on unlikely diplomatic 
overtones as well, nearly overshadowing the cat-and-mouse game going on along 
the ill-defined border between Indonesia and Malaysia in the Celebes Sea, where 
the two countries' navies have repeatedly squared off since January over the 
resource-rich Ambalat exploration block. 

  Last week, Malaysia's Navy Chief, Admiral Abdul Aziz Jaafar, journeyed to 
Jakarta to say he was offering an apology to Indonesia over the incidents and 
added the navy would no longer deploy its Scorpene submarine in the block. 
Unfortunately, the commander said, they couldn't deploy their submarine in the 
Malacca or Sulawesi straits because they're too shallow. 

  War is hardly likely, with the two countries agreeing last week to trade 
so-called fifth-freedom air rights granting expanded permission for stopovers 
in each other's major cities. 

  There have been no similar apologies over Mano, as the 17-year-old 
princess calls herself. Harrumphed one Jakarta paper: "It is a sad truth that 
Indonesian workers, including female domestic servants, have long been the 
target of abuse by some employers in Malaysia.We must not stand by and accept 
such treatment of an Indonesian citizen. The publicity the case has generated 
and the shocking accusations made by Manohara herself have elevated this matter 
beyond the tabloids. It is serious and demands action."

  Malaysia's nine sultans, who critics say were nothing more than a bunch 
of pirate chieftains until the British colonial government co-opted them to 
help them run what was then Malaya, today have become nearly a law unto 

  Despite moves by then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to take away many 
of their powers during his 22 years in power, the United Malays National 
Organization, the country's biggest ethnic political party, today uses them in 
much the same way the British did. Although some have repeatedly run up 
gigantic gambling debts in London casinos, to be paid off by their sultanates, 
and that at least one reportedly killed two innocent people, none have ever 
been brought to justice. Whatever the prince either did or didn't do to Mano, 
it is unlikely he will be dragged before the bar in Malaysia.

  Accordingly, once Mano made a dramatic escape from the Kelantan royal 
family in Singapore on May 31 with the aid of the American embassy and the 
Singapore police, she took to the airwaves along with her mother, Daisy 
Fajarina, to repeatedly allege in French-accented vernacular American-English 
that she was drugged, raped, tortured, kidnapped, burned with a cigar and 
carved with an eyebrow razor by the prince, and that she didn't know she was 
getting married until two days before the event took place. The prince, she

[wanita-muslimah] Marcos and her gems to be reunited

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Capers-capers NKRI bicara dan janji macam-macam, tetapi satu hal 
yang mereka tidak utik-utik ialah harta kekayaan rakyat yang dicuri oleh 
Soeharto yang menurut UN Stolen Assets Recovery [StAR] berjumlah antaran US$ 30 
- US$ 50,-- milyar.  Apakah para capers-capers ini satu komplotan kleptoktatik  
dengan Soeharto  dan oleh karena itu  mereka tidak berani  mengutik-mengutik  
masalah tsb dalam pemilihan umum maupun pemilihan presiden yang akan datang?


Marcos and her gems to be reunited 
By Roel Landingin and agencies in Manila 

Published: June 15 2009 20:12 | Last updated: June 15 2009 20:12

She was famous for her shoes and lavish lifestyle. Now, 23 years after her 
husband was deposed as leader of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos may soon be 
reunited with her jewellery. The Philippine government has urged the return of 
gems worth more than $310m (?224m), including a Burmese ruby said to be as big 
as a prune.

The justice department on Monday ordered an anti-corruption agency to resolve 
claims dating back two decades on several sets of jewellery allegedly belonging 
to Mrs Marcos and return them to her family if warranted. 

Raul Gonzalez, justice secretary, said that the Presidential Commission on Good 
Government, which aims to recover about $10bn of the allegedly ill-gotten 
wealth of Ferdinand Marcos, the late dictator, and his family, did not issue a 
sequestration order when it seized the jewellery in 1986.

"Evidently, Mrs Marcos remains to be the legitimate owner of said prized 
jewellery," Mr Gonzalez said in a letter to the commission.

The commission said that it was surprised but would discuss the order on 

The collection, which reportedly included a diamond brooch, bracelet and 
earrings as well as the prune-sized ruby, has been kept in a vault at the 
Philippines' central bank since 1990.

Mrs Marcos, who went to court to stop a government attempt to auction the 
jewellery collection in 2006 arguing that the gems were not acquired illegally 
using public funds, welcomed Monday's decision. 

"Thank God that after more than 23 years of relentless persecution and 
deprivation initiated by the Cory Aquino administration in 1986, President 
Gloria Arroyo's government has now started efforts for truth and justice to 
prevail," she said.

Many of the pieces were meant for religious images, including "tiaras for the 
Blessed Virgin Mary", said the former first lady, whose power and extravagance 
is the theme of a show, Imelda: The New Musical, set to open on Broadway in New 
York this autumn. 

But the justice department order was condemned by human rights advocates as 
another example of the "unpredictability and instability" of government 
policies under Mrs Arroyo.

The president is struggling to counter record low popularity ratings amid a 
widespread perception that she is behind attempts to rewrite the constitution 
to remain in power after her term ends next year.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
ada joke lain:

Ada rahasia mengapa TNI tidak pernah memberikan tembakan peringatan ke 
kapal-kapal Malaysia.
Hal itu bukan karena menjaga hubungan baik dan rukun dengan saudara serumpun,
tapi karena masalah teknis, yaitu: 
takut niatnya membuat tembakan peringatan, tapi malah kena 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Lina Dahlan 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 6:21 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan 
Pesawat TNI

  Saya lagi mbayangin kalo Indo jadi perang sama Malay. Gak usah diapa-apain, 
diplototin aje deh, pesawat tempur Indo juga bakal jatuh sendiri...:-))

  Ssst ntar dimarahin JK neh.

  Mending dukung perang mulutnya Hotman Paris (Indo) and Sobri (Malay)aja deh.


  --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
  > Jawa Pos
  > [ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
  > Kalah sebelum Berperang 
  > PEMERINTAH RI saat ini dipusingkan dengan masalah Ambalat yang dapat 
mengganggu kedaulatan NKRI. Banyak lontaran dari masyarakat agar kita 
mempertahankan harga diri bangsa. Tujuannya, kita tidak diremehkan oleh bangsa 
lain. Kelompok itu menginginkan, kalau masalah tersebut tidak dapat 
diselesaikan dengan diplomasi, berperang adalah jalan terakhir untuk 
memperingatkan Malaysia.
  > Hanya, yang jadi pertanyaan, bagaimana itu bisa kita lakukan? Pesawat 
tempur kita sudah tua dan banyak yang jatuh. Berapa lagi korban yang akan jatuh 
jika perang dilakukan? Pada 2009 saja sudah lima pesawat TNI yang jatuh 
sendiri, padahal perang belum dimulai! Harapan saya, semoga tragedi jatuhnya 
pesawat TNI pada 12 Juni lalu menjadi kecelakaan terakhir dan perang pun tidak 
  > ALFIAN, mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Sains Universitas Wijaya Kusuma 
  > Jawa Pos
  > [ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
  > Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI 
  > Oleh: M. Sanusi 
  > Berselang empat hari dari jatuhnya helikopter Bolkow 105 di Cianjur, Jumat 
siang 12 Juni 2009 helikopter jenis Puma SA-330 milik TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) 
kembali jatuh dan menewaskan sedikitnya lima di antara tujuh orang 
penumpangnya. Peristiwa itu merupakan kecelakaan pesawat militer ketujuh dalam 
empat bulan terakhir, yang menewaskan 84 personel TNI dalam rentang Maret 
hingga Juni 2009. 
  > Menyikapi drama kecelakaan pesawat TNI tersebut, segudang pertanyaan dan 
setumpuk keprihatinan seketika memenuhi pikiran dan perasaan masyarakat 
Indonesia. Ada apa pesawat TNI? Siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap sekian 
peristiwa nahas itu?
  > Pertanyaan pertama mengacu kepada situasi buruk yang menimpa tiga matra 
angkatan, yaitu Angkatan Darat (AD) Angkatan Laut (AL), dan Angkatan Udara 
(AU), secara khusus dan TNI secara umum. Pertanyaan kedua mengacu kepada 
pemerintah dan lembaga yang selama ini diserahi tugas mengelola urusan 
pertahanan dan keamanan. Jika pertanyaan pertama terjawab, tidak bisa 
dihindarkan pertanyaan yang kedua juga bisa disingkap.
  > Peristiwa kecelakaan di landasan helikopter Markas Besar Komando Lanud 
Atang Sendjaja, Kabupaten Bogor, itu bisa jadi hanya fenomena gunung es dari 
kondisi sebenarnya yang terjadi di TNI. Jika benar, alangkah buruknya sistem 
pertahanan dan keamanan di Indonesia. Jangankan bisa membela negara Indonesia 
dari serangan luar, mengatasi serangan dari dalam berupa kerusakan dan 
kecelakaan saja sudah tidak sanggup. Untuk itulah, kita harus mencari penyebab 
paling signifikan dari serentetan persitiwa nahas yang terjadi tersebut.
  > Berbagai Persoalan 
  > Pertama, yang penting disorot adalah alokasi anggaran. Pemerintah melalui 
Departemen Pertahanan terbilang minim dalam masalah alokasi anggaran. Menurut 
Direktur Eksekutif Institute of Defense and Security Study sekaligus penulis 
buku Defending Indonesia Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, anggaran pertahanan 
Indonesia adalah yang terkecil di ASEAN. Anggaran pertahanan dalam Anggaran 
Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2009 hanya 0,6 persen dari produk domestik 
bruto (PDB) atau setara dengan USD 3,3 miliar. 
  > Fakta itu menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara berwilayah besar dengan 
anggaran pertahanan terendah di ASEAN setelah Laos (0,4 persen dari PDB), 
Kamboja (1,4 persen dari PDB), apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan Vietnam (6,3 
persen dari PDB), atau Singapura (7,6 persen dari PDB). (Majalah Tempo/Mei 2009)
  > Minimnya anggaran tersebut berdampak pada poin kesalahan yang kedua, yakni 
kebiasaan untuk mendaur ulang alat-alat yang sudah tidak lagi memiliki 
kemampuan operasional yang layak. Poin itu merupakan penyebab signifikan dari 
terjadinya kecelakaan pesawat, sekaligus akibat langsung dari keterbatasan 
  > Diketahui, pesawat Puma SA-330 yang jatuh kemarin (12 Juni 2009, Red) 
sebenarnya telah dinyatakan rusak permanen (total loss) oleh TNI-AU. Artinya, 
pesawat itu sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Pertanyataan i

[wanita-muslimah] Mousavi's letter to Iranians

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, June 14, 2009 
23:43 Mecca time, 20:43 GMT

  Mousavi's letter to Iranians 
Mousavi wants supporters to hold protests calmly and without 
breaking the law [File: EPA] 

  Fellow countrymen,

  I am receiving news about objections to the declared results of the 
latest elections, from all over the country. I am certain that these reactions 
are not for my personal sake, but it's due to concern about a new way of 
political life that is being forced on our country.

  The actions that we have witnessed in these few days has been 
unprecedented in the Islamic Republic.

  If the people are following these present developments with a sense of 
worry, it's because of their deep worry for the great achievements of their 
revolution being in danger.

Related link 
See the original letter
  Those who with the assistance of many violations have declared 
unbelievable results for the presidential elections, are now trying to 
establish those results and start a new period of our country's history.

  I have repeatedly, during the course of these elections, have spoken of 
dangers of escaping from the law and have emphasised that this method might 
result in tyranny and dictatorship, and today our nation is standing at a point 
that finds this prospect tangable.

  We, as those who are loyal to the Islamic Republic and its constitutional 
laws, consider the Holy Jurisdiction one of the fundamentals of this regime and 
follow the political movements within legal frameworks.

  I hope the progress of the new events would show the mistake in this 
impression and, at the same time, we warn that in this country no one who likes 
the Islamic Republic would accept this method, and this is what demands the 
bloods of hundreds of thousands of our martyrs to be responsible against it.

In depth 

 Mousavi sees election hopes dashed
 Iran writer on poll result
 Mousavi's letter to the people
 Iran poll result 'harms US hopes'
 West concerned by Iran fraud claims
 The Iranian political system
  Dear people, today, in a letter that I presented to The Guardian Council, 
I have asked for the annulment of the results of the latest elections and I 
know this to be the only resolution for gaining the public confidence and the 
support of the people for the government.

  My repeated suggestion as your servant is that you continue your civil 
and legal opposition all around the country, in a calm manner and observing 
anti-conflict fundaments.

  We have asked the responsible people to issue a permit for a mass rally 
in all the cities in Iran so that the people will have an opportunity to show 
their opposition towards the results of these elections and the way it was 

  The authorities agreement could be the best resolution for restraining 
the present tensions.

  Let's not abandon the green colour which is a symbol of spirituality, 
freedom and religious mentality and moderateness and the Allah O Akbar slogan 
that tells us of revolutionary roots.

  This is the colour and slogan that is still unifying our nation and will 
be the best measure to connect our hearts and needs.

  Sadly, an extensive effort has is being used to to cut off our means of 
communication with each other, and it is not noticed that that the blocking of 
these lines would change the nature of the organised and goal-driven reactions 
to, God-forbidding, change into blind actions.

  I am certain that your creativity would result in new and effective ways 
of communication so that we could use our actions in a beneficial way for the 
country and the revolution.

  As someone who likes the police, I recommend them avoid harsh reactions 
towards people's self-motivated actions and not let the people's trust to this 
worthy organ be damaged.

  These people have come to the scene to to demand both their, and your, 
rights and they are your brothers and sisters. The power of the police and 
military forces of our country has always lied in their unity with the people 
and it will be the same in the future.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Anomali Dendam

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik heri latief
Anomali Dendam

manusia setengah jadi
berlagak jadi nabi
kotbah soal moral
lidahnya bercabangcabang
idenya bau bir basi
bacot doang dibanggakan
lupa umur
lupa jalan pulang
masturbasi dipojokan
jauh api dari puisi
hidup pun sunyi
rindu dibakar dendam!

Heri Latief
Amsterdam, 15/06/2009



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Sajak Pro Rakyat

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik heri latief
Sajak Pro Rakyat

ayo bung
jangan bingung!
yang berani bela bangsa
pro rakyat
anti kosmetik politik

ayo bung
jangan bengong!
tanahmu dirampas
hidupmu ditindas
berani milih
anti penindasan!

Heri Latief
Amsterdam, 15/06/2009 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Sajak Pro Rakyat

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik heri latief
ayo bungjangan
bingung!pilihlahyang berani bela bangsapro rakyatanti kosmetik
politikayo bungjangan bengong!tanahmu dirampashidupmu
ditindasberani milihanti penindasan!
Heri Latief
Amsterdam, 15/06/2009 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik Lina Dahlan
Saya lagi mbayangin kalo Indo jadi perang sama Malay. Gak usah diapa-apain, 
diplototin aje deh, pesawat tempur Indo juga bakal jatuh sendiri...:-))

Ssst ntar dimarahin JK neh.

Mending dukung perang mulutnya Hotman Paris (Indo) and Sobri (Malay)aja deh.


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> Jawa Pos
> [ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
> Kalah sebelum Berperang 
> PEMERINTAH RI saat ini dipusingkan dengan masalah Ambalat yang dapat 
> mengganggu kedaulatan NKRI. Banyak lontaran dari masyarakat agar kita 
> mempertahankan harga diri bangsa. Tujuannya, kita tidak diremehkan oleh 
> bangsa lain. Kelompok itu menginginkan, kalau masalah tersebut tidak dapat 
> diselesaikan dengan diplomasi, berperang adalah jalan terakhir untuk 
> memperingatkan Malaysia.
> Hanya, yang jadi pertanyaan, bagaimana itu bisa kita lakukan? Pesawat tempur 
> kita sudah tua dan banyak yang jatuh. Berapa lagi korban yang akan jatuh jika 
> perang dilakukan? Pada 2009 saja sudah lima pesawat TNI yang jatuh sendiri, 
> padahal perang belum dimulai! Harapan saya, semoga tragedi jatuhnya pesawat 
> TNI pada 12 Juni lalu menjadi kecelakaan terakhir dan perang pun tidak 
> terjadi.
> ALFIAN, mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Sains Universitas Wijaya Kusuma 
> Surabaya 
> Jawa Pos
> [ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
> Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI 
> Oleh: M. Sanusi 
> Berselang empat hari dari jatuhnya helikopter Bolkow 105 di Cianjur, Jumat 
> siang 12 Juni 2009 helikopter jenis Puma SA-330 milik TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) 
> kembali jatuh dan menewaskan sedikitnya lima di antara tujuh orang 
> penumpangnya. Peristiwa itu merupakan kecelakaan pesawat militer ketujuh 
> dalam empat bulan terakhir, yang menewaskan 84 personel TNI dalam rentang 
> Maret hingga Juni 2009. 
> Menyikapi drama kecelakaan pesawat TNI tersebut, segudang pertanyaan dan 
> setumpuk keprihatinan seketika memenuhi pikiran dan perasaan masyarakat 
> Indonesia. Ada apa pesawat TNI? Siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap sekian 
> peristiwa nahas itu?
> Pertanyaan pertama mengacu kepada situasi buruk yang menimpa tiga matra 
> angkatan, yaitu Angkatan Darat (AD) Angkatan Laut (AL), dan Angkatan Udara 
> (AU), secara khusus dan TNI secara umum. Pertanyaan kedua mengacu kepada 
> pemerintah dan lembaga yang selama ini diserahi tugas mengelola urusan 
> pertahanan dan keamanan. Jika pertanyaan pertama terjawab, tidak bisa 
> dihindarkan pertanyaan yang kedua juga bisa disingkap.
> Peristiwa kecelakaan di landasan helikopter Markas Besar Komando Lanud Atang 
> Sendjaja, Kabupaten Bogor, itu bisa jadi hanya fenomena gunung es dari 
> kondisi sebenarnya yang terjadi di TNI. Jika benar, alangkah buruknya sistem 
> pertahanan dan keamanan di Indonesia. Jangankan bisa membela negara Indonesia 
> dari serangan luar, mengatasi serangan dari dalam berupa kerusakan dan 
> kecelakaan saja sudah tidak sanggup. Untuk itulah, kita harus mencari 
> penyebab paling signifikan dari serentetan persitiwa nahas yang terjadi 
> tersebut.
> Berbagai Persoalan 
> Pertama, yang penting disorot adalah alokasi anggaran. Pemerintah melalui 
> Departemen Pertahanan terbilang minim dalam masalah alokasi anggaran. Menurut 
> Direktur Eksekutif Institute of Defense and Security Study sekaligus penulis 
> buku Defending Indonesia Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, anggaran pertahanan 
> Indonesia adalah yang terkecil di ASEAN. Anggaran pertahanan dalam Anggaran 
> Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2009 hanya 0,6 persen dari produk 
> domestik bruto (PDB) atau setara dengan USD 3,3 miliar. 
> Fakta itu menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara berwilayah besar dengan 
> anggaran pertahanan terendah di ASEAN setelah Laos (0,4 persen dari PDB), 
> Kamboja (1,4 persen dari PDB), apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan Vietnam (6,3 
> persen dari PDB), atau Singapura (7,6 persen dari PDB). (Majalah Tempo/Mei 
> 2009)
> Minimnya anggaran tersebut berdampak pada poin kesalahan yang kedua, yakni 
> kebiasaan untuk mendaur ulang alat-alat yang sudah tidak lagi memiliki 
> kemampuan operasional yang layak. Poin itu merupakan penyebab signifikan dari 
> terjadinya kecelakaan pesawat, sekaligus akibat langsung dari keterbatasan 
> anggaran. 
> Diketahui, pesawat Puma SA-330 yang jatuh kemarin (12 Juni 2009, Red) 
> sebenarnya telah dinyatakan rusak permanen (total loss) oleh TNI-AU. Artinya, 
> pesawat itu sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Pertanyataan itu dikeluarkan 
> oleh Panglima Komando Operasi TNI Satu Marsekal Muda Imam Safaat di Bandung 
> (12/6). Meski hasil penyelidikan dan investigasi masih berlanjut, minimal 
> jelaslah persoalan bahwa kecelakaan terjadi bukan karena semata-mata 
> ''takdir'' seperti yang pernah dinyatakan menteri pertahanan RI, tapi lebih 
> dari itu, yakni unsur perawatan yang memang sangat penting untuk menjaga daya 
> operasional alutsista (alat utama sistem pertahanan) dikerjakan dengan amat 
> sewenang-wenang dengan tanpa memperh

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Arab-Barat Belum Akui Pemenang Pilpres Iran

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik ariel

saya binun dengan sikap barat.
memang negara ini masih dikuasi oleh para Mullah, walaupun demikian Iran tetap 
melakukan proses demokratisasi, ada pemilu, ada parlemen, ada kubu konservatif, 
ada kubu reformis. Coba bandingkan dengan Arab Saudi, dan negara2 jazirah arab 
lainnya, apakah ada proses demokratisasi?

ikut binun juga dengan sikap negara-negara Arab lainnya.
yang menganggap Iran merupakan 'ancaman' bagi hegemoni mereka.
entah karena mazhab Syiah, entah karena mereka bangsa Persia bukan Arab, yang 
jelas mereka telah menunjukkan konsep ukhuwwah versi Arab (either you are with 
me or not) yang baik.

tambah binun lagi, jika dikaitkan dengan isu senjata nuklir.
definisi boleh atau tidaknya punya senjata nuklir tidak jelas, suka2 gue 



--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> Jawa Pos
>  Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 
> Arab-Barat Belum Akui Pemenang Pilpres Iran 
> TEHERAN - Sehari setelah diumumkan secara resmi sebagai pemenang pemilihan 
> presiden (pilpres) di Iran Jumat lalu (12/6), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kemarin 
> (14/6) memberikan keterangan pers. Tokoh ultrakonservatif (garis keras) itu 
> menganggap kemenangannya riil. Dia pun merasa terpilih kembali dalam pilpres 
> ''yang bebas''.
> Ahmadinejad juga meminta kemenangannya tidak dipersoalkan. Meskipun, ada 
> tuduhan luas soal terjadinya kecurangan dalam pemungutan suara. ''Pilpres di 
> Iran benar-benar riil dan bebas. Pemilu itu juga akan meningkatkan power 
> negara ini dan masa depan di mata dunia,'' kata Ahmadinejad di hadapan 
> puluhan wartawan lokal dan luar negeri.
> Beberapa wartawan Iran memberikan ucapan selamat kepada Ahmadinejad lebih 
> dulu sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan. Saat ditanya soal tuduhan ketidakberesan 
> dalam pemungutan suara, pria 52 tahun itu langsung membantah. Dia juga 
> menganggap tuduhan itu tidak penting.
> ''Sebagian orang yakin, mereka akan menang, alu mereka marah (saat dinyatakan 
> kalah). Itu tak punya kredibilitas hukum, tapi lebih mirip kemarahan setelah 
> pertandingan sepak bola,'' ungkap Ahmadinejad. ''Pendapat saya tidak terlalu 
> penting. Tapi, selisih perolehan suara saya dengan yang lain terlalu besar. 
> Jadi, orang tak perlu mempersoalkan,'' lanjutnya.
> Ahmadinejad juga menuduh media massa di luar negeri sengaja melancarkan 
> ''perang psikologi'' atas negaranya. Ahmadinejad diumumkan memenangi pilpres 
> setelah meraih 62,63 persen suara. Pesaing utamanya, tokoh moderat yang juga 
> mantan Perdana Menteri (PM) Mir Hossein Mousavi, mendapat 33,75 persen suara. 
> Dua calon yang lain mendapat suara jauh lebih kecil. Tokoh konservatif Mohsen 
> Rezai meraih 1,7 persen, sedangkan tokoh reformis dan mantan Ketua Parlemen 
> Mehdi Karroubi 0,9 persen.
> Hingga kemarin, baru Afghanistan (tetangga Iran) yang menyampaikan ucapan 
> selamat secara resmi. Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai menyatakan, 
> terpilihnya lagi Ahmadinejad dengan suara mayoritas sangat tepat bagi 
> kemajuan dan kesejahteraan Iran. ''Saya juga mengucapkan selamat atas 
> kemenangan ini kepada rakyat Iran,'' kata Karzai.
> Namun, sebaliknya, negara-negara besar di dunia (Barat), terutama pendukung 
> Afghanistan, seperti AS dan Inggris, belum memberikan pengakuan. Dua negara 
> itu memilih hati-hati dalam menyikapi terpilihnya lagi Ahmadinejad.
> Presiden AS Barack Husein Obama juga belum memberikan komentar atas 
> terpilihnya Ahmadinejad. Tapi, sikap AS jelas terwakili dari pernyataan Menlu 
> Hillary Clinton Sabtu lalu (13/6). ''AS menahan diri untuk tidak mengomentari 
> pilpres di Iran. Tapi, kami jelas berharap agar hasil pemilu tersebut 
> mencerminkan keinginan dan kehendak rakyat Iran,'' katanya.
> Sikap yang hampir sama juga dilontarkan Kanada, Prancis, Inggris, dan Uni 
> Eropa. Bahkan, Uni Eropa mengungkapkan ''keprihatinan atas ketidakberesan 
> selama pilpres dan kekerasan pascapemilu''.
> Negara-negara Arab maupun Rusia juga memilih bersikap lebih hati-hati. Di 
> Moskow, Ketua Komite Masalah Internasional Duma (parlemen Rusia) Konstantin 
> Kosachev berharap, Ahmadinejad akan ''menunjukkan sikap lebih memahami dan 
> juga bijak kepada komunitas internasional selama periode kedua 
> kepemimpinannya nanti''.
> Sementara itu, Liga Arab mendesak Ahmadinejad memanfaatkan kemenangannya 
> untuk menyelesaikan isu nuklir serta membangun perdamaian dan keamanan di 
> Timur Tengah. ''Kami mengharapkan bisa bekerja sama dalam mencapai keamanan 
> regional melalui penghancuran senjata pemusnah masal di Timur Tengah,'' kata 
> Sekjen Liga Arab Amr Musa. Sebaliknya, Israel mengkhawatirkan terpilihnya 
> Ahmedinejad bisa menciptakan ancaman bagi dunia. 
> Situasi di Iran hingga kemarin belum kondusif. Menyusul aksi protes masal 
> Sabtu lalu, gelombang protes kembali terjadi kemarin. Ketika Ahmadinejad 
> mengadakan jumpa pers di Teheran, di lokasi yang hanya berjarak sekitar 1,5 
> km, sekitar 200 orang turun ke jalan. Kecewa ata

[wanita-muslimah] Kalah sebelum Berperang + Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Jawa Pos
[ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 

Kalah sebelum Berperang 

PEMERINTAH RI saat ini dipusingkan dengan masalah Ambalat yang dapat mengganggu 
kedaulatan NKRI. Banyak lontaran dari masyarakat agar kita mempertahankan harga 
diri bangsa. Tujuannya, kita tidak diremehkan oleh bangsa lain. Kelompok itu 
menginginkan, kalau masalah tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan diplomasi, 
berperang adalah jalan terakhir untuk memperingatkan Malaysia.

Hanya, yang jadi pertanyaan, bagaimana itu bisa kita lakukan? Pesawat tempur 
kita sudah tua dan banyak yang jatuh. Berapa lagi korban yang akan jatuh jika 
perang dilakukan? Pada 2009 saja sudah lima pesawat TNI yang jatuh sendiri, 
padahal perang belum dimulai! Harapan saya, semoga tragedi jatuhnya pesawat TNI 
pada 12 Juni lalu menjadi kecelakaan terakhir dan perang pun tidak terjadi.

ALFIAN, mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Sains Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya 

Jawa Pos
[ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 

Drama Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI 
Oleh: M. Sanusi 

Berselang empat hari dari jatuhnya helikopter Bolkow 105 di Cianjur, Jumat 
siang 12 Juni 2009 helikopter jenis Puma SA-330 milik TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) 
kembali jatuh dan menewaskan sedikitnya lima di antara tujuh orang 
penumpangnya. Peristiwa itu merupakan kecelakaan pesawat militer ketujuh dalam 
empat bulan terakhir, yang menewaskan 84 personel TNI dalam rentang Maret 
hingga Juni 2009. 

Menyikapi drama kecelakaan pesawat TNI tersebut, segudang pertanyaan dan 
setumpuk keprihatinan seketika memenuhi pikiran dan perasaan masyarakat 
Indonesia. Ada apa pesawat TNI? Siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap sekian 
peristiwa nahas itu?

Pertanyaan pertama mengacu kepada situasi buruk yang menimpa tiga matra 
angkatan, yaitu Angkatan Darat (AD) Angkatan Laut (AL), dan Angkatan Udara 
(AU), secara khusus dan TNI secara umum. Pertanyaan kedua mengacu kepada 
pemerintah dan lembaga yang selama ini diserahi tugas mengelola urusan 
pertahanan dan keamanan. Jika pertanyaan pertama terjawab, tidak bisa 
dihindarkan pertanyaan yang kedua juga bisa disingkap.

Peristiwa kecelakaan di landasan helikopter Markas Besar Komando Lanud Atang 
Sendjaja, Kabupaten Bogor, itu bisa jadi hanya fenomena gunung es dari kondisi 
sebenarnya yang terjadi di TNI. Jika benar, alangkah buruknya sistem pertahanan 
dan keamanan di Indonesia. Jangankan bisa membela negara Indonesia dari 
serangan luar, mengatasi serangan dari dalam berupa kerusakan dan kecelakaan 
saja sudah tidak sanggup. Untuk itulah, kita harus mencari penyebab paling 
signifikan dari serentetan persitiwa nahas yang terjadi tersebut.

Berbagai Persoalan 

Pertama, yang penting disorot adalah alokasi anggaran. Pemerintah melalui 
Departemen Pertahanan terbilang minim dalam masalah alokasi anggaran. Menurut 
Direktur Eksekutif Institute of Defense and Security Study sekaligus penulis 
buku Defending Indonesia Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, anggaran pertahanan 
Indonesia adalah yang terkecil di ASEAN. Anggaran pertahanan dalam Anggaran 
Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2009 hanya 0,6 persen dari produk domestik 
bruto (PDB) atau setara dengan USD 3,3 miliar. 

Fakta itu menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara berwilayah besar dengan anggaran 
pertahanan terendah di ASEAN setelah Laos (0,4 persen dari PDB), Kamboja (1,4 
persen dari PDB), apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan Vietnam (6,3 persen dari 
PDB), atau Singapura (7,6 persen dari PDB). (Majalah Tempo/Mei 2009)

Minimnya anggaran tersebut berdampak pada poin kesalahan yang kedua, yakni 
kebiasaan untuk mendaur ulang alat-alat yang sudah tidak lagi memiliki 
kemampuan operasional yang layak. Poin itu merupakan penyebab signifikan dari 
terjadinya kecelakaan pesawat, sekaligus akibat langsung dari keterbatasan 

Diketahui, pesawat Puma SA-330 yang jatuh kemarin (12 Juni 2009, Red) 
sebenarnya telah dinyatakan rusak permanen (total loss) oleh TNI-AU. Artinya, 
pesawat itu sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Pertanyataan itu dikeluarkan oleh 
Panglima Komando Operasi TNI Satu Marsekal Muda Imam Safaat di Bandung (12/6). 
Meski hasil penyelidikan dan investigasi masih berlanjut, minimal jelaslah 
persoalan bahwa kecelakaan terjadi bukan karena semata-mata ''takdir'' seperti 
yang pernah dinyatakan menteri pertahanan RI, tapi lebih dari itu, yakni unsur 
perawatan yang memang sangat penting untuk menjaga daya operasional alutsista 
(alat utama sistem pertahanan) dikerjakan dengan amat sewenang-wenang dengan 
tanpa memperhatikan standar keamanan dan keselamatan.

Faktor ketiga -dan, inilah sebenarnya akar dari sekian persoalan yang mendera 
TNI- adalah persoalan regulasi yang cenderung irasional dan minim pertimbangan. 
Menurut Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, Indonesia tidak menyertakan potensi ancaman 
25 tahun mendatang dalam tiap pembahasan anggaran pertahanan. Hal itu 
disebabkan penekanan yang besar terhadap bidang perokonomian dan sosial. 
Padalah, dalam praktiknya, pembangunan ekonomi dan militer merupakan dua garis 
sejajar yan

[wanita-muslimah] Investasi Gerakkan Ekonomi

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Jawa Pos
[ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 

Investasi Gerakkan Ekonomi 

Perdebatan tentang bagaimana mengelola ekonomi bangsa ini seolah tak ada 
habis-habisnya. Kita masih saja mencari sistem ataupun mazhab yang dianggap 
terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi. Khususnya terkait dengan masih 
tingginya pengangguran dan kemiskinan serta semakin tertinggalnya kita 
dibandingkan negara-negara tetangga. Tak heran bila banyak warga negara kita 
yang terpaksa mengais rezeki di luar negeri untuk menjadi pembantu rumah tangga.

Berbagai perdebatan publik terkait pengelolaan ekonomi juga masuk ke kampus. 
Tentu saja, itu bagus untuk perkembangan daya pikir anak muda kita. Namun, 
banyaknya benturan kepentingan yang mewarnai perdebatan di ranah publik, kalau 
tidak hati-hati, juga akan memengaruhi daya kritis anak-anak muda. 

Sangat tidak baik bagi anak-anak di kampus kalau dalam pemikiran akademik, 
analisis yang mereka buat sudah sarat dengan berbagai kepentingan. Dengan 
begitu, anak-anak muda tersebut tidak bisa menganalisis sesuatu masalah secara 

Investasi Swasta 

Saya yakin banyak di antara kita yang cukup memahami bahwa investasi sangat 
penting bagi pembangunan ekonomi. Demikian pula, mahasiswa ekonomi sejak 
tingkat pertama tentu sudah belajar bagaimana pentingnya investasi dalam 
pembangunan ekonomi suatu bangsa. 

Investasi, baik yang dilakukan pemerintah maupun swasta, akan memacu aktivitas 
ekonomi dan meningkatkan kesempatan kerja (pendapatan bagi masyarakat). Bahkan, 
bisa meningkatkan penerimaan pajak negara. Selain itu, ekonomi yang semakin 
maju banyak ditentukan oleh besar kecilnya investasi. Karena itu, pembangunan 
ekonomi suatu bangsa ataupun di daerah memerlukan investasi agar masyarakat 
semakin maju dan sejahtera.

Dampak investasi pemerintah maupun swasta secara umum tidak banyak berbeda. 
Meski, tentu saja hal tersebut juga bergantung pada pengaturan dan pengawasan 
dari otoritas terkait. Jika pengaturan dan pengawasan pada dunia usaha swasta 
berjalan baik, kita tidak perlu khawatir atas timbulnya eksploitasi atau dampak 
negatif lainnya yang dapat merusak alam, ekonomi, dan sosial.

Sayangnya, berbagai perdebatan pada tingkat elite sering membuat masyarakat, 
khususnya di daerah, cenderung anti terhadap peran swasta dalam dunia usaha 
(juga investasi), khususnya asing. Hal tersebut juga muncul dalam suatu diskusi 
di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, pekan lalu. 

Yakni, generasi muda kita cenderung tidak percaya terhadap investasi asing. 
Pada kesempatan lain, kadang muncul ketidaksenangan pada usaha swasta domestik 
besar (investasi swasta dalam negeri). Sentimen negatif itu, jika terus 
berkembang tanpa kendali, akan membahayakan masa depan ekonomi Indonesia.

Sebab, berkurangnya investasi di Indonesia dalam satu dekade terakhir telah 
membuat kualitas pembangunan ekonomi merosot. Demikian pula, berbagai 
infrastruktur dasar yang penting untuk menggerakkan ekonomi tidak tersedia 
dengan cukup. Tanpa investasi yang memadai, ekonomi Indonesia tidak akan maju. 
Demikian juga, kehidupan masyarakat tidak akan sejahtera.

Keuangan Negara Cekak 

Berbagai proyek pembangunan infrastruktur dasar (jalan, jembatan, pelabuhan, 
irigasi, pasar, waduk, dan listrik) atau berbagai pelayanan dasar yang 
diperlukan masyarakat (pendidikan, kesehatan, dan sebagainya) sebaiknya memang 
didanai negara. Namun, kita ketahui bahwa keuangan negara terbatas. Bahkan, 
tiap tahun masih terus defisit yang dibiayai dari utang luar negeri atau 
melalui pasar modal dengan penerbitan surat perbendaharaan negara (SPN). 

Selain itu, sejak reformasi, banyak kebijakan publik kita yang tersandera 
kepentingan jangka pendek untuk kepentingan politik, baik dari pusat sampai ke 
daerah. Karena itu, berbagai prioritas pengeluaran pemerintah mulai pusat 
hingga daerah cenderung bersifat populis, khususnya yang menyenangkan rakyat 
dalam jangka pendek.

Hal tersebut membuat berbagai program atau proyek yang bersifat jangka panjang. 
Misalnya, pembangunan infrastruktur kurang mendapatkan prioritas. Tak heran 
bila krisis listrik masih saja berlangsung (dunia usaha dipaksa beroperasi pada 
hari libur secara bergiliran). Kondisi jalan, pelabuhan, atau infrastruktur 
terkait dengan irigasi pun sangat memprihatinkan.

Karena keuangan negara mulai pusat sampai daerah terbatas dan tuntutan 
pembangunan ekonomi yang berkualitas agar dapat memberikan kesejateraan bangsa 
terus meningkat, tidak bisa tidak, investasi swasta diperlukan. Jika investor 
dalam negeri kekurangan dana serta memiliki hambatan dalam teknologi, pasar, 
produksi, ataupun manajemen, itu bisa dipenuhi investor asing. Kehadiran 
investor asing diperlukan, meski perlu pengaturan dan pengawasan supaya 
berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.

Kabupaten Purbalingga termasuk salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang sukses 
memanfaatkan investor asing (khususnya dari Korea) dalam membangunan ekonomi 
daerahnya. Tingkat pengangguran di sana hanya 3 persen (ban

[wanita-muslimah] Salah Paham Neoliberalisme

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Jawa Pos
[ Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 

Salah Paham Neoliberalisme 
Oleh: Fahrul Muzaqqi

Isu neoliberalisme belakangan santer diperdebatkan. Dalam perdebatan itu, 
Bambang Nuroso, dosen Program Pascasarjana Kajian Wilayah Amerika UI Jakarta, 
mencoba membela neoliberalisme dari perspektif keadilan distribusi ekonomi 
(Jawa Pos, 13 Juni).

Bambang membela visi neoliberal dengan catatan bahwa peran pemerintah 
diperbesar dalam wilayah ekonomi melalui berbagai prakarsa kebijakan. Secara 
sederhana, dia menceritakan sejarah neoliberalisme sebagai perbaikan dari 
liberalisme klasik yang telah mengidap banyak kelemahan, terutama dalam 

Bambang tentu memiliki sederet alasan yang kuat dan masuk akal. Namun, terdapat 
kesalahpahaman atas neoliberalisme sebagai diskursus ekonomi-politik. 
Neoliberal sebagai sebuah mainstream ekonomi-politik perlu kiranya ditilik 
kembali dari kemunculan pada awalnya.

Bukan Konsep Keynesian 

Kesalahpahaman Bambang terletak ketika dia menyamakan konsep neoliberal dengan 
mainstream pasca-neoklasik yang dimotori John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), 
pemimpin aliran Cambridge pada 1920-1930-an atau populer disebut mazhab 

Memang benar, Keynes-lah yang menyelamatkan bangunan teoretis liberalisme 
klasik yang didirikan Adam Smith (1723-1790). Bangunan itu hampir runtuh 
menghadapi depresi besar pada 1930-an yang diderita negara-negara Eropa Barat 
dan Amerika Serikat.

Nilai-nilai klasik penghematan, anggaran berimbang, pajak rendah, standar emas, 
dan Hukum Say (formula ekonomi yang dipopulerkan Jean Baptiste Say) sedang 
mengalami serangan yang dahsyat (Skousen, 2006: 395). Akibatnya, para ekonom 
Anglo-Amerika mempertanyakan kembali ekonomi laissez faire.

Keynes dalam bukunya pada 1936 yang berjudul The General Theory of Employment 
mendiagnosis bahwa kapitalisme pada dasarnya tidak stabil dan tidak 
berkecenderungan ke arah full employment. Tanpa harus mengadopsi model 
komunisme, ia menawarkan formula negara kesejahteraan (welfare state) yang 
diterima banyak negara maju Eropa saat itu. 

Formula tersebut menghendaki adanya intervensi pemerintah terhadap pasar ketika 
regulasi pasar sudah tidak mampu mengatur diri sendiri.

Akhir 1940-an, pemerintah Inggris yang dikendalikan Partai Buruh memeluk 
ekonomi Keynesian. AS baru secara eksplisit menerima program Keynesian pada era 
Kennedy dan Johnson pada 1960-an. Negara-negara maju yang lain mengikuti 
setelah itu. Namun, doktrin Keynesian hanya mampu bertahan selama lebih dari 
tiga puluh tahun sebelum kemudian digantikan doktrin neoliberal.

Resesi ekonomi, pengangguran, dan inflasi yang kembali terjadi pada paro akhir 
1970-an membuat Keynesian kehilangan legitimasi teoretisnya dan akhirnya masuk 
dalam catatan kaki sejarah (Heertz, dalam Wibowo & Wahono, 2003: 20). Runtuhnya 
Keynesian memaksa para ekonom berpikir keras mencari rumusan ekonomi baru. 

Nah, gelombang neoliberal mengemuka menggantikan dominasi welfare state melalui 
ekonom asal Chicago, Milton Friedman (1912-...) dan ekonom asal Inggris 
kelahiran Austria, Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992). Keduanya merupakan tokoh 
peraih Nobel Ekonomi 1976 dan 1974.

Kembalinya Invisible Hand 

Salah paham neoliberalisme terjawab. Yakni, ekonomi neoliberal bukannya model 
welfare state ala Keynesian yang menghendaki intervensi pemerintah dalam pasar, 
melainkan kritik atas model itu dengan membangkitkan kembali the invisible hand 
ala Smith. Formula Friedman dan Hayek diadopsi pertama oleh Inggris pada masa 
Margaret Thatcher dan AS pada masa Ronald Reagan 1980-an. Keduanya sering 
disebut aliran kanan baru, yakni Thatcherism dan Reaganomics.

Negara tidak lagi memiliki tanggung jawab atas pasar karena keyakinan bahwa 
pasar dapat mengatur diri sendiri dengan ''tangan-tangannya'' yang tak terlihat 
(the invisible hand). Konsekuensinya, negara tidak lagi memberikan kompensasi 
kepada orang miskin, apa pun alasannya. Sebab, mentalitas welfare state hanya 
akan melahirkan kelambanan serta ketergantungan (Heertz: 22).

Neoliberal meyakini teori trickle down yang menghendaki pajak rendah, 
privatisasi, efisiensi, minimalisasi (bahkan penghapusan) subsidi, dan 
deregulasi ekonomi. Pendeknya, liberalisme klasik menemukan mantelnya yang baru 
yang lebih radikal (Wibowo: 2).

Ignatius Wibowo (Wibowo: 3-5) merangkum sedikitnya empat faktor yang 
memengaruhi dan mengiringi kemunculan neoliberalisme. Pertama, munculnya 
perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional (multinational corporations-MNC) dengan 
aset lebih besar daripada kekayaan negara-negara kecil di dunia.

Perusahaan-perusahaan itu mampu menembus batas teritori negara-negara sekaligus 
memanfaatkan infrastruktur negara tersebut. Kedua, munculnya rezim-rezim 
internasional sebagai surveillance system untuk menjamin negara-negara patuh 
dan tunduk pada hukum pasar bebas. Rezim-rezim tersebut adalah World Trade 
Organization (WTO), World Bank, dan International Monetary Fund (IMF). 

Ketiga, revolusi teknologi komunikasi dan 

[wanita-muslimah] Arab-Barat Belum Akui Pemenang Pilpres Iran

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Jawa Pos
 Senin, 15 Juni 2009 ] 

Arab-Barat Belum Akui Pemenang Pilpres Iran 

TEHERAN - Sehari setelah diumumkan secara resmi sebagai pemenang pemilihan 
presiden (pilpres) di Iran Jumat lalu (12/6), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kemarin 
(14/6) memberikan keterangan pers. Tokoh ultrakonservatif (garis keras) itu 
menganggap kemenangannya riil. Dia pun merasa terpilih kembali dalam pilpres 
''yang bebas''.

Ahmadinejad juga meminta kemenangannya tidak dipersoalkan. Meskipun, ada 
tuduhan luas soal terjadinya kecurangan dalam pemungutan suara. ''Pilpres di 
Iran benar-benar riil dan bebas. Pemilu itu juga akan meningkatkan power negara 
ini dan masa depan di mata dunia,'' kata Ahmadinejad di hadapan puluhan 
wartawan lokal dan luar negeri.

Beberapa wartawan Iran memberikan ucapan selamat kepada Ahmadinejad lebih dulu 
sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan. Saat ditanya soal tuduhan ketidakberesan dalam 
pemungutan suara, pria 52 tahun itu langsung membantah. Dia juga menganggap 
tuduhan itu tidak penting.

''Sebagian orang yakin, mereka akan menang, alu mereka marah (saat dinyatakan 
kalah). Itu tak punya kredibilitas hukum, tapi lebih mirip kemarahan setelah 
pertandingan sepak bola,'' ungkap Ahmadinejad. ''Pendapat saya tidak terlalu 
penting. Tapi, selisih perolehan suara saya dengan yang lain terlalu besar. 
Jadi, orang tak perlu mempersoalkan,'' lanjutnya.

Ahmadinejad juga menuduh media massa di luar negeri sengaja melancarkan 
''perang psikologi'' atas negaranya. Ahmadinejad diumumkan memenangi pilpres 
setelah meraih 62,63 persen suara. Pesaing utamanya, tokoh moderat yang juga 
mantan Perdana Menteri (PM) Mir Hossein Mousavi, mendapat 33,75 persen suara. 

Dua calon yang lain mendapat suara jauh lebih kecil. Tokoh konservatif Mohsen 
Rezai meraih 1,7 persen, sedangkan tokoh reformis dan mantan Ketua Parlemen 
Mehdi Karroubi 0,9 persen.

Hingga kemarin, baru Afghanistan (tetangga Iran) yang menyampaikan ucapan 
selamat secara resmi. Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai menyatakan, terpilihnya 
lagi Ahmadinejad dengan suara mayoritas sangat tepat bagi kemajuan dan 
kesejahteraan Iran. ''Saya juga mengucapkan selamat atas kemenangan ini kepada 
rakyat Iran,'' kata Karzai.

Namun, sebaliknya, negara-negara besar di dunia (Barat), terutama pendukung 
Afghanistan, seperti AS dan Inggris, belum memberikan pengakuan. Dua negara itu 
memilih hati-hati dalam menyikapi terpilihnya lagi Ahmadinejad.

Presiden AS Barack Husein Obama juga belum memberikan komentar atas terpilihnya 
Ahmadinejad. Tapi, sikap AS jelas terwakili dari pernyataan Menlu Hillary 
Clinton Sabtu lalu (13/6). ''AS menahan diri untuk tidak mengomentari pilpres 
di Iran. Tapi, kami jelas berharap agar hasil pemilu tersebut mencerminkan 
keinginan dan kehendak rakyat Iran,'' katanya.

Sikap yang hampir sama juga dilontarkan Kanada, Prancis, Inggris, dan Uni 
Eropa. Bahkan, Uni Eropa mengungkapkan ''keprihatinan atas ketidakberesan 
selama pilpres dan kekerasan pascapemilu''.

Negara-negara Arab maupun Rusia juga memilih bersikap lebih hati-hati. Di 
Moskow, Ketua Komite Masalah Internasional Duma (parlemen Rusia) Konstantin 
Kosachev berharap, Ahmadinejad akan ''menunjukkan sikap lebih memahami dan juga 
bijak kepada komunitas internasional selama periode kedua kepemimpinannya 

Sementara itu, Liga Arab mendesak Ahmadinejad memanfaatkan kemenangannya untuk 
menyelesaikan isu nuklir serta membangun perdamaian dan keamanan di Timur 
Tengah. ''Kami mengharapkan bisa bekerja sama dalam mencapai keamanan regional 
melalui penghancuran senjata pemusnah masal di Timur Tengah,'' kata Sekjen Liga 
Arab Amr Musa. Sebaliknya, Israel mengkhawatirkan terpilihnya Ahmedinejad bisa 
menciptakan ancaman bagi dunia. 

Situasi di Iran hingga kemarin belum kondusif. Menyusul aksi protes masal Sabtu 
lalu, gelombang protes kembali terjadi kemarin. Ketika Ahmadinejad mengadakan 
jumpa pers di Teheran, di lokasi yang hanya berjarak sekitar 1,5 km, sekitar 
200 orang turun ke jalan. Kecewa atas hasil pemilu, para pendukung Mousavi itu 
membakar ban dan menutup jalan.

Tong-tong sampah juga dilempar ke tengah jalan. Tak luput dari amukan, sejumlah 
kendaraan dibakar. ''Matilah diktator,'' teriak mereka. Polisi langsung 
membubarkan massa menggunakan pentungan dan gas air mata.

Sedikitnya 170 orang demonstran ditangkap. Di antara jumlah itu, sekitar 15 
pemimpin dan tokoh reformis pendukung Mousavi. ''Kami menangkap para pelaku dan 
otak kerusuhan,'' kata Wakil Kepala Polisi Teheran Ahmad Reza Radan. Dia 
menegaskan, polisi akan terus bertindak tegas terhadap pengunjuk rasa.

Sejumlah sumber menyebutkan, tokoh reformis yang ditangkap termasuk sejumlah 
orang yang menjabat di era pemerintahan Presiden Mohammad Khatami. Termasuk, 
saudara mantan presiden kubu reformis tersebut. Tokoh reformis lain yang 
ditangkap adalah para pendukung Karroubi.

''Tadi malam, mereka (polisi) menggedor pintu rumah kami dan menangkap Taghi,'' 
tutur Narges Mohammadi, istri Taghi Rahmani, tokoh 

[wanita-muslimah] Iran bans planned Mousavi rally, result disconcerts Western powers

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

Monday, June 15, 2009 12:34

  Iran bans planned Mousavi rally, result disconcerts Western powers
  TEHRAN - Iran's Interior Ministry declared as illegal a rally which 
supporters of defeated moderate presidential candidate Mirhossein Mousavi plan 
to hold in Tehran later on Monday.

  Protests, violence follow Iran vote

  Unrest has rocked Tehran and other cities since the Interior Ministry 
released results on Saturday that showed hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
had defeated Mousavi by a landslide in Friday's presidential election.

  Mousavi has appealed to the Islamic Republic's top legislative body to 
annul the result because of what he alleges were irregularities, a charge the 
Interior Ministry and Ahmadinejad have dismissed. 

  The election result has disconcerted Western powers trying to induce the 
world's fifth-biggest oil exporter to curb its nuclear program. U.S. President 
Barack Obama had urged Iran's leadership "to unclench its fist" for a new start 
in ties.

  On Sunday, Mousavi's supporters handed out leaflets calling for a rally 
in downtown Tehran on Monday afternoon. The protests over the last two days are 
the sharpest show of discontent against the Islamic Republic's leadership for 

  "The Interior Ministry issued a statement and said no permission had been 
issued for a rally ... The holding of such a gathering would be illegal," state 
radio said.

  "Some seditious elements had planned to hold a rally and by fabrication 
said they had permission from the Interior Ministry. Any disrupter of public 
security would be dealt with according to the law," it said.

  State television said Ahmadinejad was due to fly to Russia later on 
Monday to attend a summit meeting, a day after holding a triumphant rally 
attended by a cheering crowd of tens of thousands of people.

  Pro-Mousavi demonstrators threw stones at police at Tehran University on 
Sunday and also clashed with Ahmadinejad supporters on a main street in the 
city that was littered with broken glass and fires.

  In the north of the capital, a stronghold of Mousavi backers, riot police 
patrolled after midnight. Rubbish burned in the street, some cars had their 
windows broken, and police blocked access to roads.

  Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Iranians to support 
Ahmadinejad and state media quoted him as saying the unprecedented high 
election turnout was "a divine wonder".  

  In a statement on his website, Mousavi said he had asked Iran's 
legislative Guardian Council to cancel the vote result.
  "I urge you, Iranian nation, to continue your nationwide protests in a 
peaceful and legal way," he said.

  After dusk on Sunday some Mousavi supporters took to rooftops across 
Tehran calling out "Allah Akbar" (God is greatest), an echo of tactics by 
protesters in the 1979 Islamic revolution.

  Ahmadinejad appeared at his rally amid a sea of red, white and green 
Iranian flags waved by supporters thronging Tehran's Vali-e Asr square, some 
perched on rooftops or cars.

  "Some ... say the vote is disrupted, there has been a fraud. Where are 
the irregularities in the election?" Ahmadinejad said in a speech that the 
crowd punctuated with roars of approval.

  "Some people want democracy only for their own sake. Some want elections, 
freedom, a sound election. They recognize it only as long as the result favors 
them," he said.

  U.S. Vice President Joe Biden cast doubt on the election result but said 
Washington was reserving its position for now.

  "It sure looks like the way they're suppressing speech, the way they're 
suppressing crowds, the way in which people are being treated, that there's 
some real doubt," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" when asked if Ahmadinejad had 
won the vote.

  Germany, one of Iran's biggest trading partners and a negotiator in the 
West's nuclear talks with Tehran, said it had summoned the Iranian ambassador.

  "We are looking towards Tehran with great concern at the moment. There 
are a lot of reports about electoral fraud," Foreign Minister Frank-Walter 
Steinmeier told German ZDF TV.

  An adviser to French President Nicolas Sarkozy said what was happening in 
Iran was "clearly not good news for anyone, neither for the Iranians nor for 
peace and stability in the world".

  Iran's refusal to halt atomic work the West suspects is aimed at making 
bombs, a charge Tehran denies, has sparked talk of possible U.S. or Israeli 
strikes on its nuclear sites.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Alice in Talibland-2

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

  Alice in Talibland-2
  Saturday May 09, 2009 (1259 PST)

  Anwaar Hussain 



  Alice's shriek of terror surprised every one. It rose from the depths of 
her soul and escaped her throat with a gut-wrenching force. Everyone froze 
while it echoed eerily in the cave bouncing from wall to wall. 

  Taking advantage of this brief moment of paralysis, Alice bolted towards 
the nearest cave opening. But before she could get out of the room, she found 
herself falling yet again straight down another hole. The fear, the fall and 
the dangerous uncertainty of her situation overwhelmed her and she lost 
consciousness. Her last memory was that of the Talib gesticulating wildly to 
the Taliban group and their long knives flashing in the dim light.

  When she came to, she found a kind faced Talib observing her keenly from 
a distance. Alice abruptly sat upright and looked around in alarm.

  "Relax", said the kind faced Talib. "That was Mad Hater that you met up 
there. You were supposed to have met me first. Somehow that did not happen. You 
see Mad Hater cannot stay normal for a very long time. You also didn't help by 
your probing questions. The script went horribly wrong actually. It won't 
happen now. From now on you are going to be chaperoned by me."

  Alice nodded uncertainly. She didn't have much choice, she thought.

  "You may continue asking your questions. I hope I will give you better 
answers than Mad Hater did. But first tell me why do you ask all these 
questions?" asked the kind faced Talib.

  "Oh, you see my parents brought me up without a religion. All my friends 
follow one or the other religion. I felt I was the only odd girl out. So I 
thought I will choose one for myself too but only after someone answered all my 
queries about religion", said Alice.

  "Then you have come to the right people girl; ask."

  "Ok," Alice took a deep breath before starting her questioning again. 
"Please tell me what is faith?" she asked.

  "Faith is the belief in the unseen, the unprovable, the unreachable, the 
ununderstandable. The faithful are God's chosen people", replied the Talib.

  "Urrr, I am not sure I follow you."

  "It's simple. Let me put it this way. When you don't understand how 
something works, there's no use trying. Just say God did it and be done with 
it. Actually you should not be even thinking about such issues. The effort is 
useless. While if you leave it to God, not only you will become faithful 
yourself, we will have a generation of faithful coming up after you."

  "But," said Alice, "we will get nowhere by ascribing our ignorance to 

  Very patiently the kind faced Talib explained to her, "Curiosity is a 
disease girl. It is this which impels us to try and discover the secrets of 
nature, those secrets which are beyond our understanding, which can avail us 
nothing and the knowledge of which brings only further misery to us. That is 
exactly why learned people are always ill at ease with themselves and others. 
Why would you willingly bring yourself to such pain? It is such bliss to be 

  But Alice wasn't giving up that easily. "Why is God considered an 
explanation for anything? Is this failure to explain not really an admission of 
ignorance? When someone says, 'only God knows', is that not saying that he 
hasn't a clue, so he's attributing it to someone that cannot be approached for 
an answer, the unreachable, as you just called him?"

  "I have nothing more to say on the subject", said the Talib with a 
flicker of doubt appearing on his kind face. 

  "Oh, but I am not finished. Not just yet. I think in essence what you are 
implying is that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding. What is 
worse you are even implying that the greater the depth of my ignorance, the 
stronger is my faith," said Alice, a little haughtily.

  The Talib looked at her with what looked like pity in his eyes. Then 
after a long pause he said, "Yes that is exactly what I meant. I mean look at 
some really learned people and look at the condition of their faith. According 
to one survey only six out of hundreds of Nobel Prize winning scientists 
believed in God. If this is what learning does to one's faith, give me death 
any day. I would rather stay ignorant."

  "But.." Alice wanted to say something before she was cut short abruptly 
by the Talib. "No ifs and buts in matters of faith", retorted the Talib. 

  "Let ME ask YOU something for a change," the Talib continued without 
pausing. "Why don't you believe in God? Even if you are skeptical about the 
idea of God, 

[wanita-muslimah] Alice in Talibland-1

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

  Alice in Talibland-1 
  Tuesday April 14, 2009 (1617 PST)

  Anwaar Hussain 




  Alice fell straight down the rabbit hole. Suddenly she landed on a heap 
of sticks and dry leaves and the fall was over. She saw a Talib running in 
front of her through a long labyrinthine passage. It looked like some 
underground cave system. Alice started to follow the Talib. He appeared to be 
in a great hurry. 

  She almost lost sight of him but caught up with him near a bend. Fearful 
that she would lose him again, she caught his shirt tail to make him stop. At 
this the Talib came to an abrupt stop pushing her hand away.

  "You cannot do that," said the Talib, "You are a female!"

  "But I am only 12 years old!" replied Alice. "That's old enough," 
retorted the Talib in a gruff voice. Alice blinked, failing to understand the 
Talib's meaning.

  "Now here is the deal," the Talib said in a commanding voice. "You follow 
me while I attend to a few urgent chores and stay quiet. When I am done, I will 
answer any questions that you have. Agreed?" 

  "Agreed!" said Alice meekly and started following the Talib a respectful 
distance behind. 

  Presently they entered a hall where they found a group of Taliban holding 
a miserable looking old man in shackles. In a corner, a Talib was sharpening a 
butcher's knife. The smell of blood was every where. From his looks, he 
appeared to be a poor farmer.

  "What is his crime?" asked the Talib with Alice. He behaved like the 
group's leader.

  "He saw us beheading a man and said something blasphemous," said one from 
the Taliban group.

  "What did he say?" 

  "He said that if we were doing what we were doing in the name of God then 
we could not be worshiping the same God. He said that his God was merciful, 
loving and forgiving."

  "Ah! That's blasphemous indeed. But why was the man being beheaded?"

  "He was being beheaded for saying exactly the same thing when he saw us 
digging a dead man's grave."

  "And why were you digging a dead man's grave?"

  "Because he had escaped beheading for saying the exact same blasphemous 
words when he saw us beheading yet another man for a similar blasphemy but died 
a natural death before we could reach him. We wanted to dig him out and behead 
his dead body to correct the lapse."

  "That seems reasonable," said the Talib with Alice. "Off with his head 
then!" said he and motioned to Alice to continue with him.

  Soon they approached a dark cave from which heart rending shrieks of a 
girl were coming. Trembling slightly, Alice peeked from behind the Talib and 
saw a strange spectacle. Three men were holding a girl face down while a Talib 
was flogging the girl mercilessly. With each lash, the girl would beg for mercy 
at an even higher pitch. That in turn would urge the flogger to whip her with 
ever greater fervor. 

  Seeing the Talib and Alice, the group at once stopped the activity. "What 
is her fault?" the Talib asked.

  "She loved," said one from the group.

  "What? Loved? How evil. Continue the punishment," said the Talib. "But 
who are the men holding her down? She cannot be touched by every one." He asked.

  "Oh, the ones holding her arms are her brothers and the one holding her 
feet is her father. We took care that every thing is done according to the word 
of God." 

  "God is great. That is good then. Carry on."

  With that, the Talib led Alice out of the caves to a dark, unlit opening. 
A pale moon was visible in the sky. Under the eerie light, the Talib turned 
towards Alice and said, "Now you may ask your questions."

  Gathering her nerve, Alice asked her first question, "Is it possible to 
have a religion that makes me happy, balanced, moral, and intellectually 

  The Talib thought for a while and then replied, "Well! I am afraid your 
very first question is a loaded one. You see religion is all about morals. 
Happiness is just an idea. Balance and intellect are twin-evils born out of 
lack of faith. Some far gone devils call it reason and rationality too. When 
one has faith, it doesn't matter whether he has balance or intellect or any 
thing else. I hope I have made myself clear."

  "Quite clear, I guess," said Alice. "My next question then is why a 
religious belief is necessary in order for us to have acceptable morals? And if 
that indeed is the case then why not cut out the middlemen and go straight for 
the moral choice without the religion?"

  The Talib looked stumped for a while. He blinked a few times as if trying 
to comprehend the real import of the question. Th

[wanita-muslimah] Govt orders operation against Baitullah Mehsud

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

  Govt orders operation against Baitullah Mehsud
  NWFP governor says full-fledged war against Taliban launched 
  Monday June 15, 2009 (1045 PST)



  ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has launched a "full-fledged" assault against the 
Taliban in the lawless northwest tribal belt and will continue until all 
militants are eliminated, NWFP Governor Owais Ahmad Ghani said on Sunday. 
  "The government has launched a full-fledged operation in the tribal areas 
including Waziristan," he told a press conference in Islamabad. "Operations 
will continue till the elimination of the militants." 

  Owais Ahmed Ghani said the Pakistan Army had been ordered to carry out a 
full-fledged offensive against the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief 
Baitullah Mehsud and his fighters in South Waziristan Agency (SWA). 

  "The military and law enforcement agencies have been ordered to carry out 
a full-fledged operation to eliminate these beasts and killers by using all 
resources," Owais told reporters. He didn't give an exact starting date, but 
implied that military action had already begun. 

  Army spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas told The Associated Press: "The 
government has made the announcement. We will give a comment after evaluating 
the orders." Over the past five weeks, as Pakistan has pursued an offensive 
against militants in Swat Valley, rumours have swirled that it had plans to go 
into South Waziristan tribal region to target the country's most powerful 
Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud. -Agencies 

  Our Khar, Bannu, Wana and Mingora correspondents add: At least, 50 
militants, including two commanders, and five children were killed when 
security forces pounded the hideouts of militants with jet fighters and 
artillery guns in Bajaur Agency, FR Bannu and South Waziristan Agency on 

  In Bajaur, 20 militants, including two commanders, were killed when jet 
fighters of the PAF blitzed suspected hideouts of Taliban fighters in Charmang, 
Sheda Shah, Asghar Killay, Chinar in Nawagai Tehsil, Darra Banda in Salarzai 
subdivision and Garigal in Mamond, sources told our sources. 

  Besides 22 militants, five children were also killed and two persons were 
injured when artillery shells fired by security forces hit houses at Sor Dagi 
in Salarzai and Garigal in Mamond Tehsil of Bajaur Agency. The civilian deaths 
caused anguish in the area and forced the people to start migrating from their 

  Two militant commanders were also among the dead, but the official 
sources said their names couldn't be ascertained. There was no word from the 
Taliban militants about their losses. The sources added that security forces 
had entered Charmang, a stronghold of the militants in the agency. They took 
control of the strategically important locations and established positions on 
the hilltops. 

  In FR Bannu, 18 militants were killed when security forces targeted their 
hideouts in Bakakhel and Janikhel areas with artillery from Bannu Cantonment. 
Official sources said security forces continued the operation against the 
militants in the troubled semi-tribal areas of Bakakhel and Janikhel on the 
fifth consecutive day. 

  Security forces travelling in a convoy shot dead a youth identified as 
Hakimullah Shah in Doghawara Sorani area. Miscreants fired three rocket from an 
undisclosed location, one of which landed at the house of Parvez, slightly 
injuring his mother. 

  The second shell landed on the ground of the Government Girls' Primary 
School, Lalozai, while the third one fell in the fields. The District Police 
Officer (DPO), Iqbal Khan Marwar, has imposed a ban on the entry of displaced 
people from Janikhel and Bakakhel areas. 

  He warned the local people against sheltering or renting out houses to 
the displaced tribesmen. Police also arrested 10 tribesmen under the 21 
Frontier Crimes Regulation and sent them to jail. 

  In South Waziristan Agency (SWA), eight militants were killed when jet 
fighters hit hideouts in Makeen and Spinkairaghzai Kot areas early in the day, 
official sources said. Also, three civilians were killed in a roadside bomb 
blast in Angoor Adda. 

  The sources said a container loaded with Nato supplies was on its way to 
Afghanistan when a roadside improvised explosive device planted by unidentified 
miscreants went off at 9:00 am near Barmal area of Angoor Adda, completely 
destroying the truck and nearby parked vehicles. Those killed in the blast 
included Muhammad Nauroz Wazir, Painda Khan Kharoti and Jan Gul Salyankhel 
while Saudal Khan and Noor Wali were injured

[wanita-muslimah] A real solution to the crisis

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

11 - 17 May 2009
Issue No. 951
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

A real solution to the crisis

The only way of helping the millions suffering the consequences of the global 
financial crisis is to jettison the economic model, with its engine of 
inequality, championed by those running the capitalist system, writes Curtis 

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet think they have the solution to the global 
financial crisis. At least one would think so listening to these American 
investors talk up their investments around the world. 

Barack Obama, although a bit more modest, also seems to have a solution. He is 
sure he does, at least that is what his vice-president tells us, although it is 
not exactly clear what this solution is. 

Outside the US, the likes of Silvio Berlusconi, Gordon Brown and Nicolas 
Sarkozy have solutions to the global financial malaise too.

All of these influential people and their entourages of economic advisors tell 
us they know the answer to the world's economic woes, or at least that they 
will find it. We must trust in them, they tell us. We must continue to follow 
their liberal laissez faire capitalist economic solutions or, they threaten us, 
we will suffer even greater economic pain. They all base their claims on the 
mantra of individual achievement, greed, and the belief that if each of us does 
what is best for ourselves, everybody will benefit. 

According to their creed, the large financial institutions that promote 
economic growth are the other answer. Paying trillions of dollars to bail out 
the billionaires that own and operate these institutions, and the million 
dollar minions who they use to maintain their institutions, is part of the 

For all the so-called economic crisis trouble-shooters mentioned above, the 
free market system is the solution. A second thing in common among them is that 
we have been following their advice for many years and it has never worked for 
the majority of the people in the world. Yes, some elites have become very 
rich, but we have not found a way to provide every one of the estimated 6.3 
billion people on earth a minimum existence. Instead we have almost half the 
planet living on less than two euros a day. In Europe or North America an 
annual salary of 730 euros or around $1,000 would be considered derogatory and 
insulting. Yet we expect half the world to accept it so that a few of the other 
half can live the "good life".

All this time few have ever thought of asking the other half what the solution 
might be, or of seeking a solution that makes life liveable for everyone. Even 
as the global financial crisis continues to squeeze the last drop of blood out 
of the most vulnerable people in the world, the above elites, usually alone, 
sometimes with a few others, sometimes even in the G20, have been running 
around securing their interests and those of their peers and friends.

It is only recently that anyone suggested including everyone, at least all 
sovereign states in the international community that are members of the United 
Nations. Early this year, the president of the UN General Assembly, the 
highest-ranking official of the world body, announced that the UN was holding 
an economic summit 24-26 June 2009 and every state was invited. In doing so he 
drew attention to the fact that the world economy and the welfare of all the 
world's people was a concern of all the world's people. 

Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann, showing the traits that made him one of the most 
well-known and well-respected reconciliation thinkers of our time, called for 
everyone to come together to think about how we can jointly solve the global 
financial crisis. The welfare of all people was too important, he said, to be 
left to just a few leaders, even to the G20 or the World Bank. Indeed, he could 
have pointed out that these are the people and institutions that got us into 
this problem in the first place. Instead, he extended an olive branch to those 
responsible and invitations to those who have been warning that this was the 
inevitable outcome of a market- driven economic model. 

D'Escoto Brockmann even enlisted the services of the Nobel Prize winning free 
market champion and former World Bank chief economist Joseph Stiglitz to chair 
the advisory committee preparing for the summit. He solicited the advice and 
comments of anyone who wished to provide them and had access to the Internet. 
And realising that this might not be enough to include many of the poorest in 
the world, D'Escoto Brockmann travelled around the world and asked others to do 
so to get the opinions of anyone who wanted to give them on what should be done 
about the global financial crisis.

Perhaps it is not surprising that a meeting is called for world leaders at the 
New York headquarters of the UN to discuss so

[wanita-muslimah] Pagans, atheists and nature worshippers

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny

11 - 17 May 2009
Issue No. 951

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Pagans, atheists and nature worshippers

While walking through Wadi Digla with a group of friends we got to talking 
about pagans, and found that we were not in agreement, writes Jill Kamil 

   Click to view caption 
  Painted amulets dangling from a cartonnage mummy case 
Wadi Digla is a dried-out river bed lying to the east of the Cairo suburb of 
Maadi. It was declared a nature reserve some years ago, and is frequented by 
nature lovers and those who want to take exercise far from the madding crowd. 
For my group of friends it is also an opportunity to walk together to discuss 
matters of mutual interest.

On a recent occasion we got to talking about paganism. As an Egyptologist I 
naturally associate the word "pagan" with polytheism, the worship of many gods 
before the introduction of the divine or "revealed" religions: Judaism, 
Christianity and Islam. Characteristic of pagan traditions, I presented, is the 
presence of a living mythology that explained natural phenomena and religious 

However, a friend claimed that paganism referred to atheists and agnostics. A 
third asked, rhetorically, what of Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and the 
Bahaai faith, surely they are not pagan, or are they? When I pursued the 
conversation with others that evening, I heard the remark that the Old 
Testament of the Bible (the Hebrew Scriptures) contained references to pagans 
as those communities surrounding the Hebrews, and they included Babylonians, 
Canaanites, and Philistines. 

In fact, everyone I spoke to seemed to have a different definition of the word 
"pagan", and at some gatherings, as the argument became more and more heated, I 
realised that while opinions differed, most of my compatriots remained 
convinced that their meaning of the word was the correct one. There was 
obviously no consensus, and, I observed, not even a "correct" definition of the 
word "pagan". So I decided to look it up on the Internet. There I was in for a 
number of surprises. "Paganism" is actually derived from the Latin paganus, 
meaning "country dweller, or rustic", and was a term originally used to 
describe the religions and spiritual practices of pre-Christian Europe; by 
extension, it was a term for polytheistic traditions or folk religion (like 
that of ancient Egypt) seen from a Western or Christian viewpoint. 

Today the word pagan encompasses all of the religions of the world outside of 
the Abrahamic group of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And that includes 
Eastern and native American religions and mythologies. Ethnologists, by the 
way, avoid the term "paganism" in referring to traditional or historic faiths, 
calling them shamanism, pantheism, animism and the like. But this too is 
criticised as terms that refer only to aspects of different faiths, but do not 
denote the religions themselves.

So, what is paganism? If one tries to define it, broadly speaking, as anyone 
involved in any religious practice that is not Jewish, Christian or Muslim, and 
which is outside of Hinduism and Buddhism, then are pagans those without a 
religion -- i.e. are they atheists? Far from it. After all, in the strictest 
sense paganism refers to the authentic religions of ancient Egypt, Greece and 
Rome as well as surrounding areas. They originated way back in the Stone Age, 
and while the belief was in many gods, one was chosen to represent the chief 
god and supreme godhead, worthy of special worship. That supreme god was 
generally a nature god and kingship was associated with it.

When one wanders through the colonnades of Egyptian temples, strolls through 
museum galleries, stands in awe before the relief on a massive sarcophagus, or 
simply observes the remarkable detail of a single gold statue or illuminated 
papyrus, the vast number of divine images staggers the imagination. We are 
conscious of the vital part religion played in the life and experience of the 
ancient Egyptians. The capitals of columns are adorned with sculptured reliefs 
of Pharaohs making offerings to the ram-headed god Amun, or hawk-headed Horus. 
Statues and statuettes in granite, limestone and sandstone portray different 
deities, seated or standing, all frozen in hierarchical attitudes. They may be 
male or female figures with human heads, in human form surmounted by the head 
of an animal, or sometimes even by the muzzle of an animal, the beak of a bird, 
or a scorpion. These are the gods and goddesses to whom offerings were made or 
ritual gestures performed. But a fact that is too frequently overlooked is that 
the daily, monthly, and annual rituals carried out in the various temples, to 
various gods in different forms, were uniform. They related 

[wanita-muslimah] Yudhoyono : Jangan Mudah Memberi Janji

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Janji sudah habis dibagi-bagikan sebelum tiba di Kupang, jadi harap 
maklum tidak bisa diberikan oleh-oleh janji.


Yudhoyono : Jangan Mudah Memberi Janji
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009 14:17 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | Dibaca 331 kali

(ANTARA/Widodo S. Jusuf/)

Kupang (ANTARA News) - Calon Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengingatkan 
semua pihak tidak mudah berjanji karena semakin banyak janji semakin sulit 

"Saya memilih tidak mudah berjanji, tidak mudah mengatasi masalah, tidak mudah 
memimpin negara, banyak saudara kita yang tidak sabar ingin banyak yang diubah 
dalam semalam, makin banyak janji sulit dipenuhi," kata Yudhoyono dalam 
kampanye terbatas di Gedung Olahraga Flobamora, Kupang, Minggu siang.

Ia menambahkan, dengan kondisi yang ada sekarang hendaknya rakyat memilih 
pemimpin yang sudah memiliki komitmen yang jelas terhadap penegakan hukum dan 
pemerintahan yang bersih.

"Saudara bebas memilih, mau pilih yang jelas komitmennya terhadap pemerintahan 
yang bersih, atau yang belum jelas komitmennya? Kalau janji semua orang bisa, 
saya lebih baik, saya lebih cepat...jangan terlalu mudah bikin janji," tegasnya.

Yudhoyono diawal orasinya mengatakan kota Kupang merupakan kota yang penuh 
dengan kenangan karena semasa menjadi perwira TNI, dirinya menghabiskan lima 
tahun penugasan di Timor-Timur dan sering mengunjungi Kota Kupang.

"Kota penuh kenangan, saya sering ke sini, lima tahun saya tugas di Timtim, 
setelah itu waktu saya jadi menteri sering ke sini, alhamdulillah saya bisa 
bertemu kembali dengan saudara-saudara, terobati sudah kerinduan saya," 

Yudhoyono hadir didampingi oleh Ani Yudhoyono dan putra bungsunya Edhie Baskoro 
dan sejumlah ketua partai politik yang berkoalisi dengan Partai Demokrat.

Ketua parpol yang hadir adalah Presiden PKS Tifatul Sembiring, Ketua PKB 
Muhaimin Iskandar, Sekjen PAN Zulkifli Hasan dan Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat 
Hadi Utomo.

Kampanye di Kupang merupakan rangkaian kampanye putaran pertama pilpres dengan 
kota-kota Malang, Kendari dan terakhir di Kupang.

Pola kampanye di Malang, Kendari dan Kupang, menggunakan metode "Town Hall 
Meeting" yaitu pertemuan dengan jumlah massa terbatas dan memberikan kesempatan 
pada capres untuk memaparkan visi dan misi mereka.(*)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Orangutan Terdesak ke Tepian Sungai

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik sunny
Dirgahayu NKRI!


Orangutan Terdesak ke Tepian Sungai
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009 17:48 WIB | 
Simpang Hilir, Kalbar (ANTARA News) - Pembukaan lahan di seputar kawasan Taman 
Nasional Gunung Palung (TNGP) di Kabupaten Kayong Utara, Kalbar, memaksa 
orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) terdesak ke hutan yang tersisa di tepian sungai.

Yusuf (20), seorang pekerja di permukiman Blok Q PT Jalin Vaneo di Kecamatan 
Simpang Hilir, Kamis, mengaku kerap melihat orangutan di pinggir Sungai 

"Orangutan itu tengah memakan umbut tanaman nipah yang banyak terdapat di 
tepian sungai," kata Yusuf.

Yusuf sudah satu bulan bekerja di permukiman yang berjarak sekitar 20 kilometer 
dari Desa Batu Barat, Kecamatan Simpang Hilir tersebut.

Ia melihat dua ekor orangutan dewasa dalam hari yang berbeda. Namun waktunya 
sama, sekitar pukul 11:00 WIB.

Joni (17), pekerja pembersihan lahan PT Jalin Vaneo di Blok L hampir setiap 
hari juga melihat orangutan di tepian Sungai Semadang.

Blok L sekitar 30 menit ke arah hulu dari kawasan Blok P PT Jalin Vaneo bila 
ditempuh dengan speed boat bertenaga 40 tenaga kuda.

"Orangutan itu juga makan umbut tanaman nipah," kata Joni. Terkadang ada dua 
ekor orangutan di tepian sungai. Joni sudah bekerja di Blok L sejak Januari 
tahun 2008.

Menurut dia, sewaktu hutan di kawasan itu masih baik, agak sulit menemukan 
orangutan. Namun setelah pembersihan lahan dilakukan, orangutan mulai sering 
terlihat. Perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit PT Jalin Vaneo menyisakan areal 
hutan dengan lebar dari tepi sungai sekitar 100 meter.

"Di hutan tepi sungai itu kerap terlihat orangutan," kata Joni. 

Manajer Perlindungan Hewan Yayasan Palung Tito P Indrawan mengatakan, satu ekor 
orangutan jantan membutuhkan luas kawasan hutan dua kilometer persegi. 

"Kalau saat ini mereka kerap terlihat di tepian sungai, terpaksa karena hanya 
itu hutan yang tersisa di kawasan itu," kata Tito P Indrawan.

Orangutan, lanjut dia, bersifat individual sehingga kalau habitatnya tergusur 
akan sulit untuk beradaptasi di daerah lain.

Humas PT Jalin Vaneo dan PT Cipta Usaha Sejahtera, Omay Kamaruzzaman 
mengatakan, mereka menyediakan sebagian lahan perkebunan untuk hutan 

PT Jalin Vaneo dan PT Cipta Usaha Sejahtera mendapat konsesi lahan 
masing-masing 20 ribu hektare di Kecamatan Simpang Hilir.

Perusahaan juga siap untuk membantu evakuasi orangutan yang terjebak di areal 
perkebunan dan permukiman penduduk setempat.
Baca Juga
  a.. Populasi Orangutan Kalbar Berkurang 50 Persen 
  b.. Aktivis Lingkungan Razia Gedung DPRD Kalbar 
  c.. Populasi Orangutan Taman Nasional Kutai Kritis 
  d.. Empat Bayi Orangutan Menanti Orang Tua Asuh

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Undangan Konprensi Pers PKT RSCM

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik adindatitiana
untuk Perempuan dan Anak Korban Kekerasan
RS.Cipto Mangunkusumo
Jl. Diponegoro Raya No. 71, Jakarta, Telpon: 021 - 316 22 61

No : 017/PKT/ SK/V/2009
Lampiran : -
Hal  : Undangan Konperensi Pers

Jakarta, 25 Mei 2009

Kepada Yth
Pimpinan Redaksi

Dengan hormat,

Kami mengundang media yang bapak/ibu pimpin dalam konperensi pers memperingati 
ulang tahun Pusat Krisis Terpadu untuk Perempuan dan Anak korban Kekerasan yang 
ke-9. Dalam konperensi pers tersebut akan kami paparkan apa yang telah PKT RSCM 
lakukan untuk pemulihan perempuan dan anak korban kekerasan serta memaparkan 
data kasus korban perempuan dan anak yang menjadi korban kekerasan. 

Pertemuan tersebut akan diselenggarakan pada :

Hari/Tanggal: Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
Jam : 13.00 - 14.30 WIB
Tempat   : Hotel Acacia, 
Jl.Kramat Raya No.81, Jakarta Pusat
Telp: 021 - 390 3030

Kami sangat berharap liputan anda, demi terwujudnya dunia tanpa kekerasan 
terhadap perempuan.dan anak.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

Dr. Mutia Prayanti SpOG
NIP: 196001131985122001