The Academy of Motion Picture Art and Science

2006-03-07 Thread EPinMem
Greetings from the Land O' Elvis!
I have been wondering why the "Academy" neglected  to mention Dennis 
Weaver, Darren McGavin and our beloved Don Knotts. I haven't  seen this posted, 
but I think it should be brought up. My grandpa was a big  TAGS fan and if he 
was here he'd say "Those snooty Oscar people wouldn't know  Art or Science if 
bit them on their backside". 
The show is scripted, but allowances are always  made for the odd mistake 
or interruption. I hope "The Academy" honors these  great men next year, but 
I wouldn't bet money on it. They must consider all  three "too TV" for an 
Oscar show. Well, I watched my TAGS DVDs and said the  Oscars could "run up and 
alley and yell 'fish' ".We know the Emmys will do a  better job, but I think 
best tributes are those posted here. Don Knotts was  a radio, television, and 
movie star. Although he was and forever will be best  known as Barney Fife, 
he did so much more. Maybe because he made good,  clean, movies you could take 
your children to see, in a time when Hollywood  didn't think America wanted 
them anymore, he was overlooked in the tributes. My  2 cents.
Still too sad to look for Bobby Fleet,
Eric in Memphis
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ron and Rance Howard / Tribute to Andy

2006-03-07 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
"The older Ron Howard gets, the more he looks like his father, especially in 
the eyes."

I have always thought that Ron Howard looked a lot like his dad, even when he 
was a little guy.  However, I do agree that the older he gets, the more he 
looks and sounds like Rance.  He probably always looked like Rance did at the 
same age, but we didn't notice it until Ron was an adult since we don't know 
what Rance looked like as a child.  I remember seeing an episode of Happy Days 
a few years ago and Rance Howard played a character in it.  When I looked at 
middle aged Rance in that episode, he looked so much like Ron does now.  

I am in full agreement with the idea that we should create some sort of tribute 
to Andy Griffith while he is still with us.  Although I believe that he already 
knows how much he is appreciated for his talent and hard work, it would be so 
much better for us to let him know it while he is still able to enjoy it.  One 
single word of praise said to a living person is worth more than 1000 words of 
praise after the person has passed on. 

Mary Grace Gossage
"We shall meet, but we shall miss him"
WBMUTBB mailing list

buying Don Knotts stuff

2006-03-07 Thread Martha
Weaver's may have the following items--I really doubt the first one--but I 
thought I'd pass on two Knotts items.

1) I just purchased a tape--no DVD here--that has some Secret Storm episodes 
that Don Knotts was in from

(Thank you, Janet, for the link to the bio in  It led me to 
the tape.)

I'm in Huntsville (35802) so if anyone nearby would like to borrow the tape, PM 
me at my e-mail above.  I'd give it 2-3 weeks to come in.

2)The latest Critics' Choice catalogue ( is offering a "Don 
Knotts  The Reluctant Hero Pack, 2 DVDs, with "The Ghost and Mrs. Chicken," 
"The Reluctant Astronaut," "The Shakiest Gun in the West," and "The Love God" 
for $19.95.  Weavers may have this one.  If so, buy there.  If not, ccvideo is 
reputable.  Translation--I've bought there and been satisfied.
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Omission of names at Oscars

2006-03-07 Thread Anthony Sizemore

I found a section on the Academy Awards web site that recognizes the artists
that have died.
It appears that the memoriam is updated and artists recognized between the
dates Feb. 1st through Jan. 31st of the next year.
So this would explain why some of the actors were there that had just died
this year, and why Don Knotts and the others were not.
I am already looking forward to, and yet dreading the reminder that he is
gone, of Mr. Knotts career being acknowledged.

Big ain't the word for it.

Andge in Bethlehem, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Forty Acres/Reel Mayberry Site CORRECTION

2006-03-07 Thread Joel Rasmussen

I apologize to everyone who went to my "Reel Mayberry"
Forty Acres Location Guide site and only found a link
to the 2008 Mayberry Presidential Poll.  

Apparently, the site was not appearing properly on
some browsers, but I think I've fixed the problem!

To see the COMPLETE site, with information on the
"Reel Mayberry Forty Acres Location Guide" (where TAGS
was filmed), just shout "Shazam" and click again:

Joel R. 

Do You Yahoo!?
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney cartoons

2006-03-07 Thread Kathy Hinkley
Hey ya'll.

Thanks to a fellow member of wbmutbb, who found the site for the cartoons I
had and a few more.

That site is:



Thanks Kim and I sure enjoyed all the responses I got to send the ones I had

Have a Mayberry Day!!

And good luck to you and yours!!

Kathy in Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list

Tv Land and Chris Penn

2006-03-07 Thread MarTim1219
Chris Penn was the brother of Sean Penn. I agree about the Oscar tribute  but 
remember this is the Academy.   I also have a complaint. Even  though I love 
TVLAND and watch it everyday I see a growing trend of cutting out  some very 
funny parts of episodes, including TAGS. They cut out the part where  Barney 
went to get more rescue equipment and Gomer told him Goober wasn't  stupid, he 
was ugly but not stupid. I am sure the executives will say they must  cut in 
order to show more commercials but it is a crying shame, just a crying  shame! 
And that is my two cents worth!  Let me know if yall agree! Liz  Roberts
WBMUTBB mailing list

Find-a-grave, not just for the famous

2006-03-07 Thread Maurine Taylor
Find a grave is a terrific site.  I found my grandfather's monument.  He died 
in 1919 as a young man; my father bearly remembered him.  The only picture that 
was ever made of him is on the stone, which is in a Chicago cemetery.  I live 
in Tennessee a century later, and I can visit my grandfather's grave 
electronically anytime I want to.  But a total stranger put the monument up.  
And I am grateful.
  So go check out Don's site, and leave him a note.
WBMUTBB mailing list

I guess I'm confused....

2006-03-07 Thread Priscilla
.and couldn't figure out how to let ya'll know I was a new member, so, I'll 
tell ya who I am this way.

My name is Cilla Jean and I live in Colorado.  I was raised in So. California 
and can remember watching TAGS sitting on my Dad's lap.  Dad had a striking 
resemblance to Andy Griffith and, most of the time, had one pantleg in his 
boot, just like Andy.  Watching those old shows daily brings a lot of comfort 
to me.  I come home from work and the show's on @ 6:30 here.  It's a perfect 
way for me to unwind!

The passing of Don Knotts made me feel as though a portion of my childhood 

Thank you for allowing me into your "club".  TAGS is, and always will be, the 
best show on TV in my opinion!

Cilla Jean

P.S.  Thank you to those of you who referred me the Weaver's Dept. Store to buy 
the DVD's.  Hubby's ordering them for me today!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-03-07 Thread John W. Sasser
Re: I agree that some sort of a tribute to Andy would be great...

Well, we could all eat four bowls of white beans!

John of SoCal
"...and eatin' speaks louder than words!"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks Dixon!

2006-03-07 Thread Parks, Jim
Thank you for the information on the missing epilogues on TAGS DVD's.  If you 
find anymore please let me know.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Helmet Color

2006-03-07 Thread BEN CURRIN
When Barney arrived back from the Army Surplus Store in Mt. Pilot, the helmet 
he walked into the courthouse with & laid on the desk was black. From then on 
out, it was white with the badge decaled, or painted on it. Just wondering 
about a "Notice"!  On another notethe Oscar's & Grammys became history in 
my life, when they turned in to what they now are, & represent. That's just me. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: New Members

2006-03-07 Thread K . Darden
I want to let all of our new members about our members' and Andy 
Griffith fans'  map at

All members are invited to post their location, a photo and a shoutout 
message. It's a good way to get to know other members and fans, 
especially in your area. Check it out at

We have 215 members on the map as of today! They have changed our 
photos so now they move and you can sit back and watch all the pictures 
- kind of fun!

Flora in Nashville
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another tribute to Don Knotts

2006-03-07 Thread Janet Bowlin
Here is another take on Don Knotts and his career:






WBMUTBB mailing list

Omission of names at Oscars

2006-03-07 Thread Anthony Sizemore

Well, I'll buy the time constraint theory for leaving out Don Knotts in the
memoriam segment. After all, where would Hollywood find any talented people
at the last minute to pull off such a spectacular project? Wait, we're
talking Hollywood film makers, so I ain't buying that either.
As for the 2005 theory; when did Shelly Winters and Chris Penn die? 2006.
And just who is Chris Penn?
I know there's nothing that can be done since it's over, and maybe they'll
have them in next year's show, but that's a long way off.
Don deserved better.
And that's all I got to say about that.

Andge in Bethlehem, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

New Member Update/Bio's

2006-03-07 Thread Allan Newsome
New Member Update/Bio's

The latest WBMUTBB Chapter member list can be found at the at the 
WBMUTBB Chapter's web site.  Goto the web site and click on the "Members 
Only" link. There you will see another link you can click on.  That will 
take you to a page for entering your PASSWORD for the Member List page.  
Enter your PASSWORD: harvey

Or you can go directly there by going to:

The member list is still located on AOL so that isn't a type-o.

Below are the biograph's on most of our newest members. Be sure to say 
"hey" back to them and tell 'em a little about yourselves so they'll 
feel right at home here in Mayberry.

   ---Next WBMUTBB Message Follows
My name is James Carroll and I am from Clinton, SC

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carroll, James - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Clinton, SC

I have been watching Andy Griffith since first grade (1961) and Ihave 
been hooked ever since.There is no better TV show that best exemplifies 
small townlife than The Andy Griffith show. 

My name is Billy Justis and I am from New Church, VA

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Justis, Billy - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > New Church, VA

i am 25 and live in an area thats not a far cry from mayberry. i grew up 
watching the show and now that the seasons are on DVD (finally all 5 
with Don Knotts) i watch them everyday for hours..

My name is Lenora Likins and I am from Newbury, OH

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Likins, Lenora - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Newbury, OH

member of 'I Was Born to Sing" chapter of TAGSRWC

My name is Fred Martindale and I am from Angleton, TX

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Martindale, Fred - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Angleton, TX

TAGS fan for over 40 years. Well known in these parts as to "go-to" guy 
for TAGS trivia.

My name is Glen Falgou and I am from Donaldsonville, LA

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Falgou, Glen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Donaldsonville, LA

QUESTION:  Why did Barney have to carry his bullet in his pocket?  Was 
it because he once shot himself in the foot?

My name is Gary Matty and I am from Hurricane, WV

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Matty, Gary - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Hurricane, WV

23 year old Electronics and Computer Engineer Major. I am a PADI Dive 
Master. Been an avid TAGS  watcher for about 15 years.

My name is Yvonne Crawford and I am from Manasssas, VA

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crawford, Yvonne - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Manasssas, VA

My husband and I are big Mayberry fans. we love Barney so much, My 
husband is a lot like Barney, and I'm Themla Lou

My name is Joe Jones and I am from Henderson, TX

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jones, Joe - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Henderson, TX

I grew up with The Andy Griffith show, and now, watch an episode evry 
day after work.

My name is Deborah Cole and I am from Jacksonville, AL

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cole, Deborah - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Jacksonville, AL

Married to a longtime AGS fan.  His favorite is Barney, mine is Floyd.
If I want to watch anything but TAGS I am usually out of luck.

My name is Joe Tewkesbury and I am from Marietta, OH

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tewkesbury, Joe - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Marietta, OH

Sad to learn of the passing of Don Knotts. We will miss him very much.


WBMUTBB mailing list