Raising children

2006-11-29 Thread jlj9675
All of the postings about child-rearing warmed my heart.  Now we know why the 
offspring of Mayberry fans are terrific!  I don't have any of my own, but I too 
subscribe to the theory of an occasional paddling when other avenues fail.  I 
see so much negative behaviour in public that when I encounter a well-behaved 
family, I take the time to compliment them and have even picked up their dinner 
tab now and then.  I feel we must reward positive examples.  This is just one 
more reason I am so proud to be a Mayberrian!
Aunt Bee of Orlando
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: "The 100 Greatest Quotes and Catch Phrases"

2006-11-29 Thread Sue Doughty
>>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:43:20 -0800 (PST)
>>From: Loren Evarts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: "The 100 Greatest Quotes and Catch Phrases"
>>To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

>>How about compiling a "100 Greatest Mayberry Quotes and Catch Phrases"
list (or maybe the 50 greatest).  Any  >>?contributions?
Definitely "Nip it", "Hi Doll", "You got time to breathe, you got time
for music", It's me. it's me, it's Ernest T".  I'm sure there are a
few more.

My favorite Quote and Catch Phrase is when Andy tells Opie: "Go out and
act like somebody."

Another good one is "Tick a Lock".

Sue Doughty
High Point, NC

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-29 Thread Martha
Gomer "shazamed" in Mayberry as well as his own show, didn't he?

"He is one of my own."  Opie, the bicycle/spanking episode.  Or do they need to 
be used repeatedly?  It's such a great line.


Huntsville, AL
WBMUTBB mailing list

Welcome new members!

2006-11-29 Thread K. Darden
Welcome new members! I want to invite all new folks to post their location
on "The Andy Griffith Show" Fans Map at:

So far 276 Mayberry fans have posted their locations, so it's a great way to
find other Mayberry fans in your area.

Flora in Nashville
http://www.ChristianActivities.com/Mayberry - Mayberry articles, news,
events and more!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-29 Thread ladynoogs45744
Wow i guess i'm out numbered in this matter but thats whats
great about groups like this.. we all have differening opinions and
experiances.  i've voiced my opinion earlier just like everyone else,
and i respect everyone elses opinions also.  

WBMUTBB mailing list

A Mayberry Christmas Poem

2006-11-29 Thread Ken Anderson
I know it is early, but I thought I would beat the rush and help get you all 
in the holiday spirit by writing my annual Mayberry Christmas Poem a bit 
early.  There are so many things to say it was difficult to keep it short.

   Christmas Time in Mayberry

It's Christmas time in Mayberry

And the town is all aglow.

Sounds of laugher fill the air,

While children dream of snow.

The stores are all decorated

With wreaths and trees alight.

Candles light up the windows

As each day turns to night.

Aunt Bee is baking cookies

With sweetness in the air.

Ben Weaver's store is busy

Selling gifts for all to share.

Fireplaces are burning

With logs of pine and birch.

The Sunday School program is ready

At All Soul's Community Church.

Emma Watson's at the drugstore

Buying her cotton balls.

Opie and his friends are busy

Decorating the classroom walls.

Otis is restocking his moonshine

And he seems all ready to go.

While Barney is secretly rehearsing.

His merry "Ho Ho Ho".

The carolers are sharing their cheer

As they sing up and down the street.

They're invited in out of the cold.

To have cocoa and cookies so sweet.

It's Christmas time in Mayberry

The day of the Christ child's birth.

When love, joy, and peace

Are spread throughout the earth.

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Is a joyous Christmas song.

While the little town of Mayberry

Remains in our hearts so long.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 342

2006-11-29 Thread ladynoogs45744
Val... i know the episode well adn it being a different place and
time and culture there is a lot of differences... as the wife of an
now grown abused child and a foster/adopt mother any physical
discipline is an absoulute no no.  i like the phrase in Little Women
that states "to hit and humiliate a child, is to teach them to hit
and humiliate".  I find that most of the abused children i see are
abused because they're parents were abused/spanked as children.  So
naturally when a child is hit becasue his parents didnt like what he
did, he learns to hit when someone does something he doesnt like. 
Its a generational thing... luckily my husband and his siblings have
broken that trail of abuse... unfortunatly for thosands of other
families it has not ended, and in some cases gotten worse.  What
realy ticks me off is the "spare the rod spoil the child" attidude..
which btw is NOT in the Bible, it says something about disciplining
your kids but not physically abusing them.  

Now to all those who think there is a difference between discipline
and abuse... i guess that depends on the family.  But in my state if
you leave a mark, its abuse (in my eyes any physical discipline is
abuse).  There are millions of better ways to discipline children
without hitting them.  I'm not saying "spankers" deserve to have
thier kids taken away.. i'm saying they need to learn other
alternatives. most parents have the best of intentions.. but this is
how i see it and is my opinion... also do you want your kids to do
what you say out of love and respect or fear? if you dont want them
to fear you then dont hit them, that only causes fear and resentment
in the end.  

As for the spoiled kid prevention would have been teh best
route but sense it was "to late" the best way to handle it was to
make him give away what he treasured and start earning things back
with good behavioru... studies show positive reinforcement is much
more effective than physical punishment.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Catch Phrases

2006-11-29 Thread dek697
My all time favorite line:

"there's only two kind of lawmenthe quick and the dead"  - Deputy Bernard 
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: CONTENTS OF WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 344

2006-11-29 Thread Micki Holley

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:43:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Loren Evarts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "The 100 Greatest Quotes and Catch Phrases"
To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

How about compiling a "100 Greatest Mayberry Quotes and Catch Phrases" list
(or maybe the 50 greatest).  Any contributions?  Definitely "Nip it", "Hi
Doll", "You got time to breathe, you got time for music", It's me. it's me,
it's Ernest T".  I'm sure there are a few more.

Can't forget: "Go-o-l-ly"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry prices

2006-11-29 Thread Kim
Laura Lee, read no further.  
  I don't want to hurt her feelings as I went to the dollar store today at 
lunch time.  She might feel neglected that I bypassed the Dime Store.  I found 
a TAGS dvd for fifty cents.  I splurged and treated myself to one as well as a 
Dick VanDyke Show dvd.  For a dollar, I'm getting to see Aunt Bee's Medicine 
Man, Andy Discovers America, Andy's English Valet, The night the roof fell in, 
Give me your walls and Man's teeth.  There's even TAGS/DVDS crossovers in that 
the painter in the DVDS Give me your walls episode is the guy who portrayed a 
gypsy on TAGS, and Malcolm Merriweather was in two DVD show episodes.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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things done faster.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Missing digest

2006-11-29 Thread Janet Anderson
Hey, folks, for some reason I didn't receive digest #343.  I got #342 and #344 
but missed the one in between (that was the one that apparently had my post 
about spanking in it).  I'd sure appreciate it if someone could send me a copy!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Catch Phrases

2006-11-29 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
>>>How about compiling a "100 Greatest Mayberry Quotes and Catch
Phrases" list (or maybe the 50 greatest).  Any contributions?
Definitely "Nip it", "Hi Doll", "You got time to breathe, you got time
for music", It's me. it's me, it's Ernest T".  I'm sure there are a few

Loren, not a bad idea.  I'm sure its been done before but not for a
while.  May I politely suggest though that you are mixing "favorite
quotes" with "catch phrases".

I believe that a catch phrase has to be spoken more that oncewhile a
favorite quote such as "You got time to breathe, you got time for music"
is just spoken once.  "Ain't you got a jack" is another favorite quote.

And while I'm being picky it's "Hello Doll" not Hi Doll (a common

So here are some more in the spirit of your "catch phrase" request.

"You beat everything you know that"
"You're a bird in this world"
"He's a nut"
"heartaches, nothing but heartaches"
"citizen's arrest!  Citizen's arrest!"

The Untrained Voice
Practicing my catch phrase enunciating with Mrs. Poulice. NIP IT!  NIP
IT!  NIP IT IN the BUD!!!
Ju-dy Ju-dy Ju-dy Ju-dy Ju-dy  (I can't do it)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Coats and ties

2006-11-29 Thread Narron
   There has always been things on the show that people did not do or say in 
North Carolina.The thing that I never understood was Opie always wearing a coat 
and tie when they went somewhere.I didn't know any kid who dressed this way in 
eastern NC.I was 4 yrs. old when the show started ,so we were of similar 
ages.The only time we wore ties was to church.The older adults always wore 
them,but the middle age men did not wear them when the went visiting,or for a 
car ride.Maybe it's trivial ,but that wasn't the North Carolina Maybe someone 
can explain to me or were we different in the eastern part.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Catch Phrases

2006-11-29 Thread Harry Brewbaker
I don't mean to be a stickler for details but a Catch Phrase would be one 
that is used multiple times in the series.  There were a lot of great quotes 
on TAGS, we could probably come up with a list of 500 - 1000.  I don't think 
there were too many phrases used over and over though.  Not sure of the 
reason, maybe they didn't want things to get stale.  I can think of a 
couple, "Shazam!,You beat everything, you know that?..and of course 
"Nip-It!!! Nip-It in the bud!!'  Let's hear any other Catch Phrases you 
folks can come up with.

WBMUTBB mailing list

West Virginia

2006-11-29 Thread Brearry
And don't forget "Daphne", our Miss Jean Carson.
  She's from Charleston, WV.  My hometown...
  Brenda Jo  

"My help comes from the Lord"  Psalms 121:2
WBMUTBB mailing list

What is a Rod?

2006-11-29 Thread bcq145
 Dear People of Mayberry and especially Thelma Lou,
First,  let's clear up a little mistake in my last post. Of course, it was the 
taxidermist who sewed up Hogette's head; it was Ernest T. who hit her. Glad 
that's off my chest.
I also love it when we can turn a frustrating situation into a Mayberry moment. 
 That is truly the Mayberry
spirit at work.
Thelma Lou wrote an excellent piece on spanking and she made many wonderful 
points. I know we are not
suppose to talk "Bible" here, but if I may, just this once, make one little 
point.  People often quote, "Spare
the rod, spoil the child."  But the rod in Scriptures refers to discipline, not 
an actual stick.  Remember Psalm
23?  "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."  This is referring to a shepherd 
gently guiding his flock and
keeping them safe; not beating them over the head with his stick.  He keeps the 
wolves away and guides
his sheep.
Personally, I do not know how anyone can raise children without ever giving 
them a smack on the behind,
at least once in a while.  I have three and, as sweet as they are, they are not 
that good.  But if you are
shouting more than you are hugging and laughing with your child, something is 
wrong.  And no amount of
trips to the woodshed is going to fix that.
That's just my thoughts,
Laura Lee Hobbs 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie and the Spoiled Kid (Spank You Very Much).

2006-11-29 Thread brodahaver
I'm sure Simon Winkler (Harlan Warde) exercised a little discretion in  his 
use of discipline by that old-fashioned wood shed out back. He portrayed  well 
respected professionals like doctors, judges, police officers, and  detectives 
during his acting career. He even played a coroner on 'Mannix' in  1968 
before it was hip to play one.
Brian Rodahaver
One Of Maryland's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-29 Thread Janet Anderson
Regarding my last post answering Val's question about spanking, I realized only 
after I hit the "send" button that I omitted something.  I intended to wrap up 
my comments by connecting them to the episode Val referred to, but I didn't.  
That may be a rule violation, so I just wanted to apologize upfront.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 342

2006-11-29 Thread BCunnin107
In a message dated 11/29/2006 4:48:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,  

My name  is Harold Lamb and I am from Hutchinson, KS

My Email address is:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lamb, Harold - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Hutchinson,  KS
Harold - are you related to that lens grinder that the Mendlebright sisters  
talked about? 
Seems I remember them discussing a lens grinder from Hutchinson, KS  once.

Brad "Neil  Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my  services"
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-29 Thread Stan Oliver
One thing West Virginia did first and only was to give us the greatest
comedy actor Don Knotts.  So it has to be not all that bad now is it? 

Stan Oliver
Mechanicsburg, Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list

"The 100 Greatest Quotes and Catch Phrases"

2006-11-29 Thread Loren Evarts
How about compiling a "100 Greatest Mayberry Quotes and Catch Phrases" list (or 
maybe the 50 greatest).  Any contributions?  Definitely "Nip it", "Hi Doll", 
"You got time to breathe, you got time for music", It's me. it's me, it's 
Ernest T".  I'm sure there are a few more.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-29 Thread Dan Goodwin
Yeah, I was disappointed that TVLand didn't include Charlene's "Huggie, 
huggie!" in their list of 100 Greatest Catch Phrases.

I always thought Charlene was just cute as a bug, well worth some of the 
Mayberry bachelors' time.  But I guess having Briscoe Darling as a pa-in-law 
could be a bit of a drawback.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks for all the memories

2006-11-29 Thread maharmon
 Growing up in NC and now living in CT, it's nice to have this daily journey 
into Mayberry. This is probably my 2nd post in the 7+ years I've been reading 
the list, but I just wanted to thank you for the memories and laughs you all 
provide me daily. I also co-host a radio show at WHUS - 91.7FM every Sunday 
from 2-4pm EST (unless, like this coming Sunday, we're pre-empted by sports) 
that focuses on old-time music. At approximately 3pm, we do a Mayberry trivia 
question and the winner receives a CD of their choice from our collection 
(which includes the VW boys doing "Whatever Happened to Mayberry"). We've kept 
the questions simple for these folks up here, but we've received exceptional 
participation. Feel free to participate by tuning in to WHUS.org, the 
University of CT radio station (a non-profit, community radio station). Our 
studio phone is: 860.429.9487 and the show is "The Red Rooster Party" ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) hosted by Jim & Marti 

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WBMUTBB mailing list