
2008-12-26 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Mayberry Nuts I always t-vo all the TAGS shows that come on tv.  Well, 
I had started watching the christmas show, then put it to save so I could watch 
it on Christmas Day.  Well, something crazy happened cause it wasnt saved.  So 
instead, I got out my valuable dvds, (that I got at a bargain at Weavers) and 
found the episode on it. I sat with a cup of tea, and watched it through, what 
a Christmas I had.  All I needed was some cashue fudge and I would have been 
set.  But it was wonderful.
Well, hope you all had a merry Christmas and be safe in 2009.
Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

Add my thanks and Holiday wishes to all

2008-12-26 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
Taking time off work, I sometimes avoid this electronal marvel called
the computer because work news come in to the same place I enjoy reading
and writing to the Digest, but I just couldn't stay away from the Digest
for more than a couple days, so here I am enjoying it again, and boy am
I glad.

Thanks to all the poem writers, story sharer's Card Makers , etc.   I
have to add my thanks to Allan for both his Christmas Card and the last
two exciting podcasts on Two Chairs no-waiting!!  It was great hearing
from Kenneth (Otis) Junkin  and our Dear Miss Ellie, Elinor Donahue.
Before I saw Allan's Card I had just watched the Christmas Episode on
Christmas Eve (one of my favorite traditions).   I had lost/forgotten in
all the great memories of that episode, the sheer joy that Andy and
Barney shared over getting Christmas Cards.  It made getting Allan's
card that much more special.

Thanks all for your great posts.  I continued another great Darling person getting me good stuff from Weaver's for
Christmas.  I'm excited to watch my new Gomer Pyle DVDs and, my new
books on Don Knotts and Ron Howard.

Continued happy holidays to you and yours!!
I'm Very Grateful for all who participate in the little corner of the
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Season Five

2008-12-26 Thread Debbie Rauch
On the Paramount Fifth season, on disc 5 I couldn't help but notice the 
necklace Thelma Lou was wearing when she, Helen  Andy were in the diner (The 
arrest of the fun girls). My Mom used to have one somewhat like it. 
Then on the same disc (Opie and the carnival) Helen had the same necklace on in 
the final scene where Andy is opening his birthday gifts. Did anyone else 
notice this??
Debbie in SC
Trained noticer (Trainee)
WBMUTBB mailing list

Season Five

2008-12-26 Thread Debbie Rauch
When I was watching Paramount's season five and disc 5 (The arrest of the fun 
girls) I couldn't help but notice the necklace that Thelma Lou was wearing when 
she, Helen  Andy were in the diner. My Mom used to have one somewhat like it.
The on the same disc, (Opie  The Carnival) Helen has the same necklace on in 
the final scene where Andy is opening  his birthday gifts. Did anyone else 
notice this?
Debbie In SC
A Trained Noticer in training
WBMUTBB mailing list

Newspaper tear...and RESTORE on TAGS!!!!

2008-12-26 Thread baker
A BIG thanks for the one that posted (sorry...can't remember who that was right 
now!!))about where Barney tore the the newspaper in the episode about the new 

I do a NEW version of the Torn and Restored Newspaper (I'm a part-time-pro 
magician and that is my favorite magic effect!!!)but tearing the newspaper 
with the grain (the length of the paper) is the way to do itplus...the 
episode where Howard goes to the island also shows where a newspaper needs to 
be torn with the grain...remember the guy (and Howard!!!) there tearing the 
newspaper in lenghts there also!!!???

Anyway, I've come up with an all NEW version of the classic effect of the Torn 
and Restored Newspaper (I tear it into 128 pieces!!...nobody else in magic 
does it this way:) and when I make the video of HOW to do'd be FUN 
to have those two newspare tears from TAGS on the how to video!!!

OHHhh...IF anybody would like to see a YouTube link to me performing this 
effect...please send me a private message and I'll send you a link to it!


..always pays to look neat...

Mr. Goss

Tom Baker
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Holidays and a Platex glove

2008-12-26 Thread Lisa Ahlers
I want to wish each and everyone of you here at the message board a most 
blessed Holiday Season! You all play such an important part in bringing 
Mayberry to me. I used to feel so alone out there always wishing there was 
really a Mayberry and so much wanting to step back in time and live there. This 
past year, I found the message board and found all of you. All of you are so 
awesome! So kind and always helpful. Just like Mayberry. Allen, thank you to 
you and your family for the wonderful Christmas card. I looked back over the 
others you sent out over the years and they are all awesome. Some even brought 
tears to my eyes.
As far as the latex glove story goes. All the talk about Snails  Worms lately 
reminded me of a funny memory. Me and my children had conquered the fear of 
putting a worm on a hook, but not the fear of touching the fish to take it off 
the hook if we did catch one. So, one beautiful summer day we wanted to go 
fishing, but we had this husband was at work, so we had no one to 
to handle the caught fish for us. Finally, my son Josh, now 20, then 12 or 13, 
says I can take the fish off the hook if you can figure out a way for me not 
to have to touch it. I turned on my thinking cap and thought of those yellow, 
platex gloves I use to do dishes. I was out of them, so my two boys went to the 
store and bought a pack of two, so off we went to the lake. There were several 
others there fishing as well, so we found our spot and started to bait hooks 
and get them in the water. We usually didn't have much luck catching anything, 
but of course today was quite the opposite. It's like the fish were under the 
water watching us fools and wanted to have some fun with us. It's like they 
were jumping on our hooks. Every time one of us caught a fish, we'd yell for 
Josh to Get the Gloves! He couldn't get them on fast enough, soon there was 
another fish, and then another, and then yet another. It never failed, he'd 
just take them off and we were yelling for the gloves again. We all got 
laughing so hard that our stomachs just hurt. The other people around the lake 
had quite a show that day, as we could hear others laughing at us. It was a 
wonderful day for all of us that day and we still share many laughs over it yet 
today. All it takes is someone saying Josh, get the gloves! 
Ben, this is the first time I seen the Night Before Christmas in Mayberry Poem. 
It was very well done, thank you for that.
Well, I had better let someone else get a word in, I just wanted to share.
Bea in Iowa ~ Lisa
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