Re: Mayberry cars one last time

2009-05-18 Thread Dixonhayes
I just finished the last batch of car images from TAGS and submitted them  
to the Internet Movie Car Database.  They are from the last two seasons and  
should be posted within about 10 days or so.  (Also did some from "I Love  
Lucy," which are now posted.)
Some observations:
*At the beginning of the 1966-67 season, the owner of that green Ford  
Falcon is none other than Floyd.  He apparently likes to swap cars from  time 
time.  We've seen him in a '34 Pontiac and considering buying Gilly  
Walker's '58 Rambler.  At the end of the '66-67 season, in his final  
he's driving a brand new, beautiful '67 Mercury Comet  convertible.  No 
wonder he left Mayberry and retired, the open road was  calling him.  I would 
love to know what kind of retirement plan helped him  make those car payments.
*In one of the last episodes, we find out the owner of the blue Mercury  
Comet is none other than Emmett.  But we also see him in a '64 or '65  Falcon 
in another episode.
*Look very carefully at the beginning of the episode about the council race 
 between Sam and Emmett.  Goober and Andy are walking down the street and 
in  the background...are you ready for this?  An Asten-Martin that looks  
identical to the one James Bond drives.  Wonder if 007 ever did any work in  
Mayberry (or more realistically, at 40 Acres)?  There it is, just sitting  
there casually, getting a lot less attention than a similar car would in any  
actual small town in the U.S.
*Other exotic cars that pop up include the Jaguar the new town doctor shows 
 up in, and the late model car (another Jaguar?) Opie plays around in at 
the auto  show.
*The Coors beer truck from "Goober the Executive" is a '66 Chevy  C-series. 
 And it appears the Acme gas station where they stop at the end,  and see 
Goober's friend working the lube rack, was actually a "greeked" Shell  
station.  The colors are a giveaway and the top part of the logo barely  peeks 
from being the Taylors' car.
*1966 was the year Citgo became the motor oil of choice at Wally's  
Service/Goober's Service.  Other ungreeked brands that slipped through  include 
Birdseye frozen food, United Airlines and Kodak.  On the other  hand, several 
cars actually have their logos covered up, including Howard's '64  Chevy.
*We see Andy using Aunt Bee's '55 Sunliner for personal use during the last 
 season or so.  No more taking the squad car on picnics. 
*The 1959 Ford pickup appears once as Emmett's work truck, but in the last  
few episodes it's cleaned up a bit (and the lettering removed from the 
door) to  become Sam Jones' truck.  Wow, Sam got Emmett's truck, the seat 
 wanted on the council, and Howard's ex-girlfriend...he was something of a  
moocher, wasn't he?  (Just kidding.)
*It's now officially settled: Andy never drove a '68 squad car, the '67  
even pops up in the series finale, "Mayberry R.F.D."  Most Mayberry fans  know 
this but occasionally people on car message forums insist otherwise despite 
 a glaring lack of evidence.
*In the episode where Opie makes friends with the rich kid, when Andy goes  
to the party at the mansion later, every single other guest shows up in a 
'67  Lincoln Continental, including a limo.  No Cadillacs, no sports cars, 
just  the Lincolns.  This is hilarious as it makes it look like the rich life 
has  way too much sameness and conformity to it.
*Mayberrians evidently have an economical but sporty streak in them: during 
 the last couple of seasons the town is overrun with Ford Mustangs.
**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 
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Re: Don Knotts

2009-05-18 Thread mevans284
I was in Los Angeles last week and had the honor of visiting Don Knotts' 
gravesite.  Admittedly it is probably not on most people's "Top 10 places I 
want to visit while in Los Angeles" but for me it was certainly well worth 
taking the time to pay tribute to the man who single-handedly brought more 
laughs into my life than any other actor.  I wish there were more like him. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday Rodney!!

2009-05-18 Thread ruf
Happy Birthday Rodney Dillard Thank-you for all the music you have given us.
WBMUTBB mailing list

"Spinstering" it

2009-05-18 Thread Janet Anderson
Remember in "Dinner for Eight" when Andy told Howard that he was "baching it" 
(meaning living like a bachelor) because Aunt Bee and Opie were both out of 
town?  Well, I guess I am "spinstering it"!  My husband took my daughter to 
visit his mom, and I am actually by myself for a couple of days.  My darlin' 
person thought I could use some time alone, since I seldom have any (being a 
stay-at-home and homeschooling mom), and even then usually only an hour or two 
at a time.

This brought to mind the episode "Dinner at Eight."  Andy was relishing his 
time alone and went to the store for some exotic treats:  wild mushrooms, 
oysters in chili sauce, shrimp enchiladas, and chocolate sauce.  Well, I 
decided to take a cue from Andy and have life imitate art.  So when I was 
walking the aisles of Big Lots yesterday, I decided to buy a few indulgence 
items that I would not normally put in my cart.  I got some hummus dip, a jar 
of grilled artichoke hearts, a small box of pad thai (Asian noodle dish), and 
gazpacho soup.  I've never tasted artichoke hearts, and I never even heard of 
pad thai before, but I am willing to expand my gastronomic horizons.  This is 
what you call adventure eating!

By the way, so far, no one has invited me over for a spaghetti dinner.

Thelma Lou

P. S. -- If Lydia Crosswaithe appears on my doorstep with an alligator-hide 
suitcase in her hand, I'm not answering the door!  (Well, I couldn't say 
Goober, could I?  Both TAGS and my own life are strictly rated G!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

40 Acres

2009-05-18 Thread
I was looking at the site the other day at the 40 Acres pictures.  
The house known as Aunt Pittypat's in Gone With The Wind was located next door 
to Andy's house.  It was featured as the haunted house on that one TAGS show 
and also the mayor's house.  What I don't understand about this is, when Opie 
and his friend were walking towards the house and throwing the baseball, the 
house looks like it's standing in an isolated area.  Just a dirt road and no 
houses around it.  Does anybody know if it was dismantled and located in 
another area for the haunted house show?  Or, are my eyes playing tricks on me? 

"Where's Gomer?"  
"Oh, he probably stepped in a closet."

Bee in New Concord, OH

Brenda J. Higgins

Click here to find the perfect banking opportunity!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-05-18 Thread kim
Ken, I'd love the see the bottle that ship came out of!

Kim - Wylie, TX
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social network for tags fans

2009-05-18 Thread
playing around with
anyone interested?

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out-of-towners in more than one episode

2009-05-18 Thread Victor Friskey
on 1 may 09 Brad 'Neil Bentley' Cunningham wanted to know how many 
out-of-towners were seen in more than one episode of TAGS. Does Barney count. 
Your rules don't say anything about ex-Mayberrians. Barney first returned in 
'The Return Of Barney Fife' for a 
high school reunion, again in Barney Comes To Mayberry', to escort his old 
girlfriend, and finally in "Barney Hosts a Summit Meeting' . But I'm wondering 
why they called Barney the host when the Russians diplomats stayed at Andy's 
I saw something strange this morning when I was watching my DVD's. In One show 
line of buildings from the courthouse are, Floyd's Barbershop, Phoebie's Beauty 
Shop, Monroe's TV repair and Funeral home.
In another episode, 'Barney On The Rebound' Crowley's Market in in place of 
Funeral Home. Has anybody else noticed that one.
victor 'Bert Miller' Friskey
P.S. I just got my tickets in the mail today for Mayberry Days 2009

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nurse Peggy..

2009-05-18 Thread Brearry

Though I liked all of Andy's female friends/girlfriends, and grew to 
love Helen, I must say that Peggy McMillian was my favorite!

There was just something about her voice and her face, that was gentle, funny, 
kind, sweet and likeable.  I think she would have  
made Andy a great wife and Opie a great Mom.  But that's just my personal 

Brenda Jo

God shall be my hope, my stay, my guide, and lantern to my feet...  William 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ryan O'Neill and Spinstering it

2009-05-18 Thread hyperauntjan1
Yes, I was married to Ryan but that was before I moved to Mayberry and 
graduated from nursing school. I try to keep that quiet so as not to intimidate 
potential suitors even more than my new car does already.

Hey, Mrs. Anderson - did you leave your heels right in the middle of the 
livingroom floor?!


" If I felt like it!"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Searching for Jack Prince

2009-05-18 Thread Jason Harrod

Hello fellow Mayberry-ites,

I found a little more info on Jack Prince, but not much.  It looks  
like he recorded three songs with Shep Fields and his Orchestra, all  
of which were released on the short-lived "Vogue Picture Records"  
label between May 1946 and April 1947.

The songs are:

Atlanta, GA
I Guess I’ll Get the Papers ( and go home)
Whatta Ya Gonna Do!

I had never heard of Vogue Picture Records before but their story is a  
fascinating and colorful slice of Americana.  This site has a lot of  
info about them:

If you click on this link and then click on "print view (pdf)," you  
can download a hi-res pdf of an image of one of the picture records  
where you can see "jack prince- vocalist" on the label:

I found a copy of it on eBay for $39.00:

(no I'm not the seller)

Lastly I found this magazine ad.  I believe it's from the New Yorker:

You can (just barely) see where Jack Prince was singing at "Club  
Bagatelle" with Dorothy Ross and The Striders.

Wish I could have been a fly on the wall that night...


WBMUTBB mailing list

Inspector's Name?

2009-05-18 Thread Steve Cooke
Last week someone mentioned the inspectors name being the same as one of Andy's 
friends.  I noticed the same type thing with the Production Manager in the 
credits.  The man's name who owns the first house you see coming into Mayberry 
is.Frank Meyers.  The production manager's name is also Frank E. Meyers.  
Does anyone know the story behind this coincidence?  Very peculiar to me.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Real law

2009-05-18 Thread terry mayew
Way to go, "labspecimen" Kim, working Mayberry quotes into real law!!  By
the way, what's Elvis doing in Vegas these days?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Invisible People

2009-05-18 Thread DAVID QUINN

We all know that on Andy there were hundreds of people who were mentioned but 
were never seen.  Viola Slatt and my Martha for two.  But I think I have 
discovered the only person who was mentioned 4 times on Andy and never shown.  
That would be Earl Gilley.  Once Fred Goss stated, in the show "Wedding Bells 
for Aunt Bea", that he had found a poker chip in Earl Gilley's pants pocket 
while he was cleaning it. Then in the show "The Jinx", Andy says that Earl 
Gilley caulked his boat before it sank.  When Opie's baseball team is playing 
for the championship, Andy is forced to umpire because Earl Gilley who was 
supposed to umpire did not show up.  Finally in the show about Goober's 
contest, at the start of the show, Goober briefly mentions to Andy that Earl 
Gilley runs a filling station out on the highway.

Can anyone else think of a person who was mentioned 4 times but never shown?   
I would have a hard time even thinking of someone who was mentioned twice.


Orville Hendricks - Selling butter and eggs in Mayberry for 50 years.  Both of 
my wives were mentioned on Andy, but neither one was ever shown.  

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WBMUTBB mailing list

FW: Invisible People

2009-05-18 Thread DAVID QUINN

 Just as I finished and mailed this letter, I was watching the Andy show where 
Opie finds $50.  At the very end, Andy says that Verna Beasley and Earl Gilley 
have gotten engaged.  So that makes 5 mentions of Earl Gilley.


Orville Hendricks - I guess I am getting that old timers disease.  

Subject: Invisible People
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 22:29:04 -0400

We all know that on Andy there were hundreds of people who were mentioned but 
were never seen.  Viola Slatt and my Martha for two.  But I think I have 
discovered the only person who was mentioned 4 times on Andy and never shown.  
That would be Earl Gilley.  Once Fred Goss stated, in the show "Wedding Bells 
for Aunt Bea", that he had found a poker chip in Earl Gilley's pants pocket 
while he was cleaning it. Then in the show "The Jinx", Andy says that Earl 
Gilley caulked his boat before it sank.  When Opie's baseball team is playing 
for the championship, Andy is forced to umpire because Earl Gilley who was 
supposed to umpire did not show up.  Finally in the show about Goober's 
contest, at the start of the show, Goober briefly mentions to Andy that Earl 
Gilley runs a filling station out on the highway.
Can anyone else think of a person who was mentioned 4 times but never shown?   
I would have a hard time even thinking of someone who was mentioned twice.
Orville Hendricks - Selling butter and eggs in Mayberry for 50 years.  Both of 
my wives were mentioned on Andy, but neither one was ever shown.  

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