*** WBMUTBB HQ: Tom Kessel ***

2010-02-10 Thread Allan Newsome

Hello Mayberry friends,

I'm sorry to report this but I have removed one of our members, Tom 
Kessel,  from the Digest mailing list.  I felt I needed to let you know 
this because he has been active at times with posting and will be missed.

I do not want to go into the issues that caused me to finally remove him 
from our list here on the Digest.  I can only say that he has had MANY 
chances to, as Andy would say, "act like somebody" and has not taken the 
best advantage of those opportunities. 

I believe that I have a responsibility to all of you here on the Digest 
to make our little corner of Mayberry a fun place to come and enjoy 
everyday.  Upholding that belief, I will not allow the members of our 
community (including myself) to have the joyfully feeling of visiting 
Mayberry taken away from our visits to this online Mayberry we share.

I have cut all ties with Mr. Kessel to include closing the Tom Kessel 
Blog that I established for him a year ago in my attempt to allow him an 
outlet for his wonderful character interviews.  I want to thank those 
that worked on that blog in assisting Tom's posting.  If someone is 
willing to take on the site for Tom, contact me and we'll talk about how 
that can be done.

In my 18 years of running the WBMUTBB Digest, this is the first time I 
have ever run out of ways to try and make things right with someone.  
I'm sorry that I failed and wish things were different.  Those who 
believe I'm wrong in this action, please contact me directly 
(fl...@mayberry.com) as I am more than willing to learn from any errors 
I have committed and will try to make it right.

I love our little corner of Mayberry and I will continue to do my best 
to keep this a place where folks feel safe to talk and enjoy themselves 
without worrying what may show up in their Inbox later.  I hope I 
haven't let everyone down.

God bless,

--Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list

Severe weatherin Mayberry

2010-02-10 Thread Gary Carroll
A bad storm hit town when Andy had to go out to Sam Becker's place
Floyd was sitting outside the barber shop with a fan complaining it was 92 

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Juanita and Sara

2010-02-10 Thread David Switzer
I've always pictured Juanita as having a little Spanish blood, as Juanita is 
Spanish for Jean.   I picture her as wearing red lipstick and being a little 
hot-blooded...what other kind of woman would listen to Barnie's singing and 
poetry?  She had more suitors than Barnie, as in one episode she was too busy 
to go out with Barnie.  I can't remember which  episode that was or what 
exactly was said, but it was over the phone, of course.
I picture Sara as looking like a combination of Mrs. Mendelbright  (Up in 
Barney's Room) and Emma Brand (Ellie Comes to Town, Those Gossipin' Men).

Andrea (My husband David has been known to wear his pantlegs rolled up like 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Juanita and Sarah

2010-02-10 Thread Harry Brewbaker
I always imagined Juanita to be a younger version of Flo from the "Alice" 
series.  Maybe with a bleach blonde (blonde right out of a bottle) boufant 
hairdo and lots of makeup.  I'm sure she called the customers "Sugar" and 
"Hun".  In the 60's there were a lot of waitresses in southern diners who 
looked and sounded like that.  
I always thought Sarah to be a thin woman in her 50's who liked to talk and 
wanted to keep up all the goings on in Mayberry ("Listenin' in again!).  I 
think she would look similar to the lady who talked about her sister with the 
long teeth...The Beaver.
My two cents for the day,
Harry in Salem, VA
"Nita, Juanita" 


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Visualizing Sarah

2010-02-10 Thread PLV
How fun to compare our different visions of the beloved Sarah!

I've always seen her as being very much like the town telephone operator in the 
movie "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming" - zaftig figure, wry 
sense of humor and the holder of all the secrets in the town!



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Re: Quake

2010-02-10 Thread PLV
gloria bruce
I woke up this morning around 4 because we had an earthquake.  I live in 
Illinois near Chicago and we're in the New Madrid System.  I thought at first 
it might have been the loaded goat blowing up but I don't think we have any 
accessible dynamite that I know of here in the Burbs.

I'm also in the Chicago burbs and had just gotten up when it hit. But I 
immediately thought my aging refrigerator was doing an imitation of Aunt Bee's 
quaking & shaking "bargain" freezer! Goats & freezers - I guess we're not 
attuned to earthquakes!



WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd Walking

2010-02-10 Thread DAVID QUINN

With all the talk about the last time we saw Floyd walk, it brings to mind the 
last time we saw him walk normally.  Floyd hitches up his pants and strides to 
the door of O'Malley's cabin and announces "I am not going to be responsible if 
those hamburgers are ruined Al"!  Wonderful show for Floyd to go out on.


Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs - Speaking of hamburgers, I think I 
will go grill Martha a hamburger for lunch.  
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
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Sarah and Juanita

2010-02-10 Thread hyperauntjan1

I picture Sarah as a real skinny older lady who wears a different color 
shirtwaist to work every day. (maybe the pinch of snuff she takes occaisonally 
is an appetite supressant).

Juanita, I think of as a blonde (right out of a bottle) with a little too much 
eye makeup - and not a lot upstairs!


" Paw, if Barney's already got a girl, why does he need another one?"

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-02-10 Thread gloria bruce
I don't remember any reference to earthquakes in Mayberry, but they have 
happened in the southeastern and southern parts of North Carolina.  They even 
had one in my hometown of Spartanburg, South Carolina sometime in the last two 
years.  There is evidence that the same seismic zone that's here has hit 
western North Carolina.  

Never fear shadows.  They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby.
WBMUTBB mailing list

What does Sarah look like.....

2010-02-10 Thread Harriet Browder

>Sarah is elderly, tends to plump--and always smells like the chocolate chip 
>cookies she has just 

>baked for her grandchildren.


You think Sarah has time to bake with all that gossipying-listening? In my mind 
Sarah is lot like Miss Fanny Tatum on The Waltons. Plump, maybe, but definitely 
a nosybody listening in on every call and sharing with her tight circle of lady 
friends every juicy story. Remember, she's on duty 24 hours a day.a phone 
operator's work is never done. She doesn't have time to bake cookies. If she 
smells like anything, it's probably bon bons and Eau dooo To-i-lette.

What I DO know about Sarah is that A) She likes to take a pinch of snuff every 
now and then and 2) Has something that needs to "Well, soak it, Sarah, soak it 
a long time." You think it might be cornbread


Harriet, the chicken thief, and who can't get a single gossip item from her 
chickens. They ain't talking, they ain't talking.


 .."Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
old wives tale""Johnny Paul ain't married"
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Karen Knotts show at Mayberry Day

2010-02-10 Thread rspell3
I was not able to see Karen's show last year. Just trying to get some reviews 
from people that may have had the chance to see it last year.

Richard Spell

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Weather Question

2010-02-10 Thread Ken Anderson
I wonder if the weather was ever so foggy in Mayberry that Barney and Thelma 
Lou couldn't see the ducks at the duck pond.  After all, why go to the duck 
pond when it's so foggy you can't see the ducks?

Emmett Clark also once quoted Emerson by saying, "Do you think the rain will 
hurt the rhubarb?"

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: weather

2010-02-10 Thread daltonarick
You know Mayberry is in NC,and we know it snows in NC.  But, does anyone recall 
any snow or discussion of snow on the show? We know it rained and flooded and 
we know it was hot and cold but what about snow?
And speaking of Floyd,  I loved it when Barney brought up the case of a sock in 
the nose.   Everyone is related to everyone and taking sides and the noses were 
bleeding.  And there is Andy trying to soothe everyone and Barney out 
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads Chapter 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WBMUTBB mailing list

looks of offstage characters

2010-02-10 Thread Martha Humphreys
I'll agree with Don Knotts on Juanita--although I've always seen her as thin.  
You do a lot of walking as a waitress.

Sarah is elderly, tends to plump--and always smells like the chocolate chip 
cookies she has just baked for her grandchildren.

Martha, who loves to manufacture people
Huntsville, AL
WBMUTBB mailing list

earthquakes in Mayberry

2010-02-10 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
First, I hope all in the earthquake are doing ok.  I hear it was a big un!
That made me wonder, what with the discussion of Mayberry weather, if there was 
ever a quake in Mayberry?  
The first thing that comes to mind is the Goat and the blasting for the new 
highway.  Also, 
that one time when Gomer said that he was gonna backfire at Thelma Lou could be 
counted as a potential 

Can anyone else think of one?  Maybe the time that the one man band from 
Altoona blew into the wrong 
end of a clarinet?  

Over and Under,
Clyde "Barn"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Breaking Up

2010-02-10 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Clyde mentioned how great it would be to see the other actors faces to see 
their reactions to the person on camera.  That would have been interesting.  
But I have noticed several occasions where Andy seems to be breaking up in the 
background.  The one that first comes to mind was shen Barney was lecturing 
three new deputies, one of which was Floyd.  I can't remember the episode (it 
may have been the Gold Truck) but Barney was lecturing on Bud Nippin and had 
then yelling NIP-IT!!!  Floyd was so hilarious and if you look in the 
background, Andy is covering his face and definately laughing.  There are 
several other scenes with Barney where you can tell Andy is about to lose it.  
In all of the interviews with the cast they always talked about what a great 
time they had on the set and how much of a family atmosphere there was.  In all 
of the home movies from the sets everyone is always smiling and laughing.  I 
can't remember if it was Andy Griffith or Don Knotts who said they didn't feel 
like they were going to work, it felt like they were going home.  I think that 
attitude was reflected in the show and that's why we all feel like we are a 
part of Mayberry.
Harry in Salem, VA
"You're not going to let them make fun of our little fat mayor are you Andy?"


WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-02-10 Thread hyperauntjan1

As a testament to his acting, I didn't know until I read it here that poor 
Floyd had a stroke - he was always good old Floyd to me.

However, I did take exception to him telling Andy I had a slight overbite!


"The face of an angel..."

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry weather

2010-02-10 Thread Dixonhayes
I love all the references to Mayberry's weather conditions.  Here's  
another one: all the cattle thefts.  It's implied that they took place  after a 
period of heavy rain since there's so much mud everywhere and therefore,  a 
lot of deep footprints.  They even made a moulage out of it!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Podcast

2010-02-10 Thread Allan Newsome


The last three episodes of the Two Chairs No Waiting have focused on 
Howard "Floyd the Barber" McNear and are something you won't want to 
miss.  They focus on an interview done with Parley "Mayor Stoner" Baer 
back in 1976 where he talks about his friend Howard McNear. 

The latest edition also includes some information about Aaron Ruben as 
well as Howard. 

I hope you'll all enjoy listening as much as I've enjoyed making the show.

Two Chairs No Waiting - Andy Griffith Show Fan Podcast

-- Allan Newsome

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-02-10 Thread gloria bruce
I woke up this morning around 4 because we had an earthquake.  I live in 
Illinois near Chicago and we're in the New Madrid System.  I thought at first 
it might have been the loaded goat blowing up but I don't think we have any 
accessible dynamite that I know of here in the Burbs.

Never fear shadows.  They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Quote of the Day

2010-02-10 Thread Allan Newsome

BARNEY:  Oh, it's no use, Andy!  Can you tell a bird to talk?!  Can you tell
a bird to just go 'chirp, chirp, chirp?'  No, Andy, I'm like a bird.  I was
born to sing.  ...Well if you'll excuse me I got some throat spray out 
in the

car.  If I'm gonna be doin' solos I better give myself a couple squirts.

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