Re: George Lindsey

2012-05-08 Thread Matthew Anderson
Thank you for all the times you have made me laugh and continue to do so.
George signed a Mayberry book for me at Mayberry in the Midwest II. I had
such a great time.
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Goober at Floyd's

2012-05-08 Thread Jason Stillwell
Unfortunately, I've never gotten to meet any of the TAGS cast members.
Once, in the early 90s, George Lindsey visited Hugo, Oklahoma, a small town
down the road from my even smaller hometown of Soper, Oklahoma, and the
county seat of Choctaw County. I don't know why I didn't go see George. I'm
not sure if I was still in high school or if I had already gone away to
college. (College for me was never more than a couple hours away.) I do
remember seeing George's face on the front page of the Hugo Daily News, his
picture having been taken with the sign at Floyd's Barber Shop. I remember
reading in the article that, of all the places he has performed, Hugo is
the only place where he's actually seen a Floyd's Barber Shop. Nowadays the
shop still stands, but it is called Robbie's Barber Shop, but I think ol'
Floyd might still work a day or two each week.
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Sunday dinner

2012-05-08 Thread (Ted) Easy-T Straight Outta Delhi!
I would like to invite Ed Sawyer and ask him since he went through all
that trouble to be a Mayberrian-why we only saw him once! I LOVED that

Walter Ted Kamprad

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Goober with a heart of gold

2012-05-08 Thread pdking77

 What was true of every character on TAGS, regardless of their outside, was 
true of Goober:  Their innards was pure gold.  Remember when Andy and Goob go 
to the auto show?  Talk about a heart-tugger!  One of my VERY favorite 
episodes, black and white or color, because it shows just what the citizens of 
Mayberry are all about.  

A little bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

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2012-05-08 Thread Maurine Taylor
ANDY:  (Discretely speaking out of the side of his mouth) Goober, your hair is 
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2012-05-08 Thread jlj9675
I've always said that Goober would be fun to cook for; after all, he even 
appreciates good salt!  So I do believe it is he whom I would invite to 
dinner and I'd probably fix spaghetti with oregano just for him, hoping I 
didn't goof up the recipe!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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George Lindsey Article

2012-05-08 Thread Gary Wedemeyer
I was just looking on the Internet (like a lot of folks have been doing 
for the last couple of days) and found this nice article about our 
friend George.,0,1472663.story

For those of us who had the opportunity to know him, we will remember 
him not as Goober but as George, a warm, wonderful, caring person who 
allowed us to see the real man under the beanie. I urge everyone to read 
more about George and his life outside of Mayberry. It was an amazing 
life. Thank you George Jr. and Camden for sharing your dad with us. 
Thank you Anne for always being there and putting a smile on George's 
face. And from the heart, thank you George. You were one-of-a-kind. I'll 
miss you my friend.


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Sunday Dinner

2012-05-08 Thread Randy Davis
So many to choose from it's hard to decide, I guess I'd have to ask Miss Peggy 
over for dinner. I'd have Aunt Bea fix pot roast with those lil onions that 
twang my buds, along with fresh green beans from Foley's and mashed potatoes 
with gravy. I'd wash that down with some ice cold sweet tea and for dessert a 
triple layered chocolate cake. I'd even go so far as to decorate the table with 
fresh cut roses from Aunt Bea's rose bushes. Bon Apetite.

Randy Ange Davis

Sent from my iPad
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The Art of Love and the definition of albatross

2012-05-08 Thread Holland Shoaf

Hi, please allow my sadness for the lost of Goober to precede my post.
Watching episodes that Goober has a major role in via WFMY Channel 2 here in 
The episode (The art of love ). In that episode where Barney and Andy are 
trying to get Goober a date ( so that he will quit intruding on their time with 
Helen and Thelma Lou ) , Barney refers to Lydia Crosswaith ( sp?) as an 
albatross. Now Lydia has a good size nose on her that appears to be offline 
somewhat , not to mention that knot or whatever it is on the end of her nose as 
well. Now when Barney is referring to her as an albatross is he 1. referring to 
her as a woman with a long crooked nose. 2 A worriesome burden that is always 
meddling in their affairs or C. Both ?
Lexington NC , just 55 minutes from Mayberry
albatross or al·ba·tross·es. 1. Any of several large, web-footed birds 
constituting the family Diomedeidae, chiefly of the oceans of the Southern 
Hemisphere, and having a hooked beak and long, narrow wings. 2.a. A constant, 
worrisome burden. b. An obstacle to success.
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episodes that tug on my heart

2012-05-08 Thread King of Mayberry
Another episode that tugs on my heart is Only a Rose where Clara voluntarily 
gives up her first place ribbon for her rose when she sees how beautiful Aunt 
Bee's rose was that Opie accidentally destroyed. Clara didn't have to do that 
since she won the contest fair and square, but she did it because of her strong 
friendship with Bee
and what it would mean to her. It's nice to see that side of Clara since we 
usually only see the putting on airs side of her.

But one episode that really gets the floodgates going is the end of Opie's 
Job when Andy is blasting Opie for being fired, telling him he'd never been 
fired in his life. After Opie explains why he intentionally got fired to give 
the job to Billy Crenshaw since his family needed the money more than Opie, 
Andy tells Opie that he's
proud of him for being a man (by doing the right thing even though it cost him 
his job and perhaps his reputation with Mr. Doakes).

sniff sniff 

Mr. Schwamp

What was true of every character on TAGS, regardless of their outside, was 
true of Goober:  Their innards was pure gold.  Remember when Andy and Goob 
go to the auto show?  Talk about a heart-tugger!  One of my VERY favorite 
episodes, black and white or color, because it shows just what the citizens 
of Mayberry are all about.

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