The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

2012-07-22 Thread Victor Friskey
I watched The Ghost and Mr. Chicken on Svengoolie Saturday. I won't go into 
how many Mayberrians
were in the movie or all Mayberry references...since these have been discussed 
on here before. But during
the commercial breaks Svengoolie was making a lot of Mayberry comments. Such as 
Floyd being a bad
barber and when Luther was dismissed from the newspaper Svengoolie said Don't 
worry Barney there's
an opening for a Deputy Sheriff in Mt. Pilot. But two things Svengoolie 
mentioned that really surprised 
me were that the Simon haunted house was once seen on the Desperate 
Housewives series. I have never
watched that show so I have no idea whether he was making a joke or if he was 
serious. The other remark 
was that the three off camera comments Atta boy, Luther! made first while 
Luther was giving his speech 
after spending the night in the Haunted House, again in the court room at 
Luther's trial and lastly at the wedding
were made by TAGS writer Everett Greenbaum
The other thing I caught that I never did before was that there was a Mr. 
KelseyWonder how he ever found
his way out of those woods.
Anyone know if the above remarks are really facts. ???

Vic Friskey
WBMUTBB mailing list

New Member Update/Bio's

2012-07-22 Thread Allan Newsome

New Member Update/Bio's

The latest WBMUTBB Chapter member list can be found at the at the 
WBMUTBB Chapter's web site.  Go to the web site and click on the 
Members Only link. There you will see another link you can click on.  
That will take you to a page for entering your PASSWORD for the Member 
List page.

Enter your PASSWORD: jl327

Or you can go directly there by going to:

Below are the biography's on most of our newest members. Be sure to say 
hey back to them and tell 'em a little about yourselves so they'll 
feel right at home here in Mayberry.

   ---Next WBMUTBB Message Follows

My name is Cheryl Polk and I am from Wade, NC

My Email address is:
Polk, Cheryl -   Wade, NC

I moved from FL to NC in 2006. I have 1 son in the army and 2 wonderful 
human like pets.

By profession I am a web  graphic designer. I founded A Hero's 
Tribute.Org in 2004 that pays tribute to our Country's Fallen Heroes.

I Love tags and getting to know those that love it too Ü


My name is Patty Haley and I am from Rocklin, CA

My Email address is:
Haley, Patty -   Rocklin, CA

Born in 1961 and grew up in Westchester County NY, watching TAGS and 
Mayberry RFD, and throughout the years after the purge, reruns, but 
always liked the earlier episodes more than the later one and more than 
Mayberry RFD. I now am enjoying them all equally as well. I came across 
TAGS again on netflix and watched the entire series in about two 
months.Someone has posted half the series of RFD on youtube too. 
Interesting to note is that no one has insisted he remove it.  The 
same person posted all the TAGS episodes too. I guess that could be a 
bible study in itself.One is apt to find TAGS at their local library 
too, but I can't find RFD at all. Anyway,just wanted to say hey and that 
I want to move back to Mayberry.


My name is Shelia Brown and I am from Hattiesburg, MS

My Email address is:
Brown, Shelia -   Hattiesburg, MS

I have grown up watching The Andy Griffith Show. I would rather watch 
Andy, Barney, Opie and Aunt Bea that anything else!
I have three teenage children that know exactly who the different 
characters from Mayberry are, unlike so many kids their age.


My name is Debbie Biase and I am from Berkeley Heights, NJ

My Email address is:
Biase, Debbie -   Berkeley Heights, NJ

60 yr young Grandmother of 2. My Grandson IS so much like OPIE! I'm SO 
proud he acts like somebody!


My name is Debbie Melton and I am from Rutherford College, NC

My Email address is:
Melton, Debbie -   Rutherford College, NC

I have watched,and loved the TAGS since I was in my 20's.I had the good 
fortune to go to my first Mayberry Days last year,and I had a blast.I 
have already made reservations this year,and look forward to meeting 
some of the nicest people in the world. I and my immediate family all 
love the show,and I beat them all at the Trivia game . I have no 
children,unfortunately, and I currently have a wonderful boyfriend, who 
enjoys Tags,not as much as I do ,but ,give him time. I met Mr. 
Newsome,and David Browning last year,and truly I haven't laughed so hard 
in many years, I hope I can connect with all Mayberry fans,and enjoy,the 
friendship that last,just like Mayberry.May God bless all.


My name is Kirk Herbertson and I am from Lincolnton, NC

My Email address is:
Herbertson, Kirk -   Lincolnton, NC

I am 44 going to be 45 in August I loved watching Andy Griffeth , and 
Gomer Pyle , The Brady Bunch , Happy days, Laverne and Shirley and all 
those shows I especially am a fan of The Lawerence Welk show  I hope I 
can join your group would love to do so , thanks so much .


My name is Terry Simpson and I am from North Bend, OH

My Email address is:
Simpson, Terry -   North Bend, OH

I'm 56 years old and newly married after many years as a single parent, 
just like Andy, except no Aunt Bea to help out.  Spent the last four 
years as Mayor of the little Ohio village of North Bend, so I have run 
into my share of Barney's and Goober's. God speed Andy Griffith, may you 
rest in peace.


My name is Stan  Oliver and I am 

Betty Lynn autograph session dates

2012-07-22 Thread David Oberly
She does the sessions on the 3rd Friday of each month at the museum. They are 
around 12:30pm to 3:30 but I know she was there until at least 4:30 this past 
Friday. She is SO pleasant!
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

2012-07-22 Thread Gary Muskat


The Simmons house could very well have turned up on Housewives. That show
was filmed at the same studio lot. Also, besides Everett Greenbaum's writing
talents on Ghost, check out the movie on  and click on complete cast and crew and take
special notice of the third writer. Maybe that's why there were so many
similarities to Mayberry, especially the little exchange between Luther and
Calver Weems and Luther saying Why don't you run up an alley and holler
fish? to Billy Ray Fox.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Eating Sunday Dinner

2012-07-22 Thread DAVID QUINN

Today is Sunday and so many families are gathering around their dining room 
table for Sunday dinner.   It got me to thinking that almost every person in 
Mayberry ate at Andy's house one time or another.   Floyd and Clara ate with 
the new doctor.   The Darlings hollered while they were eating.   Goober ate 
spaghetti.   Gomer ate several times while he was the house guest.  Barney ate 
there to try to get fatter.  Even Fred Goss partook of a meal.   As a matter of 
fact, it is easier to try to remember which regular did not eat with Andy than 
remember all the ones that did.How many regulars can you think of who were not 
shown eating with Andy? Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man From Mt. Pilot.  
  I never ate at the Taylor house, but I supplied the butter and eggs for the 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you, David Oberly

2012-07-22 Thread Tammy Sinclair
I wanted to shout out a big thank you to fellow Mayberrian, David Oberly.
When I asked if anyone knew where I could send a letter to Betty Lynn, he
offered to have me email him a letter for her since he and his family were
going to see her in person. He printed it and hand delivered it to her on
Friday! Now that's right neighborly and it just goes to show how most of
us really do feel like we're all apart of Mayberry. 

This sure is a friendly town!

Thanks again, David!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Nice Dress Nellie

2012-07-22 Thread
Hey thanks Trained Noticers for the Nice Dress Nellie sightings and references 
to her webpage.  As the orginator of that page (with Allan's great help)  I'm 
thrilled that it is being used and generating these comments.   I will try to 
get those addtions made this week.  (if not already done) Thanks so much!!
Can I plug something else I've contributed to regarding Nice Dress Nellie?  I 
hope most of you listen to Allan Newsome's Podcast Two Chair's No Waiting.
Episodes 191 and 192 are called Mayberry after Midday.  I have been a Fan 
Fiction writer off an on for the past 10 years or so.  A Fan fiction writer is 
kind of like a Tribute Artist..but in Tribute to the writers rather than the 
A few years ago Allan and I talked about doing a podcast with a script using 
Floyd and Bert Miller since he can do both voices.  So we did that one..I 
wrote, he performed it very well.  That first one took place totally in the 
Barber Shop.   About a year later we collaborated again with another Floyd and 
Bert episode that creatively took them out of the Barbershop just a bit, and 
referenced a few other characters.   That one went well also, and we left the 
door open for another one.
When I used to write Fan Fiction just for reading..I always tried to include 
something in Mayberry that I would have like to seen (but we didn't) such as 
more about Opie's Mom, a story about basketball..and another Christmas this time I applied that principle to the third Floyd and Bert 
Podcast. (I'm getting back to Nellie here)
The thing that I would have like to seen that we featured was..more about the 
Silent Characters.  Mr. Schwamp  and Nice Dress Nellie..why are they often seen 
together?  What about Edgar Coleman?  What about Hazel?  Phoebe? the Beamons? 
  This Podcast brings all of them together as well as a Mayberry Hayride.  I 
think you will enjoy it.
There is a little scandal on a very tame Mayberry scale..and thus the title 
Mayberry After Midday.  We find out about an unusual friendship between two of 
our favorites.   OK that's enough of a tease..check it out when you get time.  
The current series of podcasts are of course tribute to the man Andy Griffith, 
after our great loss, but these Fan Fiction episodes can wait.  I'd love to get 
any feedback from anyone who listend to them.  I hope the story develops in 
your imagination like it did in mine.  The two episode together ironically are 
about the length of a broadcast episode!!!  
 Have a Mayberry day all
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list