Things that make me wonder...beyond the epilogue

2020-07-03 Thread Gary A. Johnson
I'll start with Season Number One.
1.   Did Dicky give up his home to Winkin', Blinkin' & Nod?
b.   Andy's next interaction with How Do You Do Mrs. Wiley 
3.   Did Jim Lindsey ever get his little red car back with all the knobs and
leather upholstery AND his 2nd life-on-the-road with Freddy Fleet
D..  Did Ellie go to work for CVS?
Where was I...oh, #5.  Did Mr. Finch continue with shoe sales?
That's enough thanking...this of course leads to speculation and as Barney
All I'm saying is that there are some things beyond the ken of mortal man
that shouldn't be tampered with. 
We don't know everything, Andy. 
There's plenty goin' on right now in the Twilight Zone that we don't know
anything about and I think we oughta stay clear.

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Kelsey's Woods, Texas

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 16, Issue 212

2015-08-21 Thread Gary A. Johnson
 That vein in Harriet's neck is sticking out...again.
Gary A. JohnsonChicken Thiefs & WhatnotKelsey's woods, Lubbock, TX

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 08:01:35 -0400
From: Harriet Browder 
To: wbmutbb 
Subject: RE: Aunt Bee's name spelling

Could everyone get on the same page regarding the correct spelling of Aunt Bee? 
 Or as some clever sole mentioned a while back. I before E except after C 
and E before E in Aunt Bee.

How can you brag about how big of a fan of TAGS you are if by now, after all 
these years, and after all these Digests, and after all of Allen's blogs, and 
after all the newsletters, and after all the readings/books on the subject of 
TAGS, and after all the everything else that's all TAGS related, you haven't 
noticed by now, the spelling is EE??  Why are there so many people drinking 
Colonel Harvey's elixir? That stuff can rob your brain of TAGS smarts.

Several stupidly designed graphics that have hit Facebook recently were created 
by people who have little knowledge of Aunt Bee's name spelling as well as not 
knowing who's married and who's not.  Are you part of them or are you part of 

I know this will net me plenty of rudes but I don't care, that's my story and 
I'm sticking to it. 

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

 Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for the teeth..That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS Quotes (WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 250)

2014-08-23 Thread Gary A. Johnson
Thanks, Harriet, for a transcript of the 249 episodes of The Andy Griffith Show.
Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & What-not Chapter
Lubbock (near Kelsey's woods), TX

   2. RE: TAGS Quotes (Harriet Browder)
>Message: 2
>Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:26:05 -0400
>From: Harriet Browder 
>To: wbmutbb 
>Subject: RE: TAGS Quotes
>Well, it would help if I added the quotes, right?
>My favorites
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 31 - Piano player

2014-01-27 Thread Gary A. Johnson
What about Hazel who played & played good ol' 14-A in Barney & The Choir?

Charlene/Doris/Maggie Peterson played in the last ever episode in a Girl for 

Gary A. Johnson

Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter

From: Paul Mulik 
To: "" 
Subject: People who played the Taylors' piano

OK, here are the correct answers folks have given so far:

1. Aunt Bee in Aunt Bee's Medicine Man
2. Thelma Lou in Barney and the Choir
3. Andy in Barney's Physical
4. Clara in Opie's Group
5., 6., 7., Opie, Arnold and Flip Conroy in Opie's Piano Lesson

No one has yet named the eighth person, so here is a hint: a female in a color 
episode (OK, that's two hints).

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sarah, the operator & Juanita, the waitress

2012-12-22 Thread Gary A. Johnson
In response to Message: 3 (Victor yesterday)
I don't know if this subject has ever been discussed ...but have you ever 
wondered what some of these unseen gals of Mayberry might have looked 
likeSarah, Phoebe Gilbert, Juanita at the diner, and who was that gal Doug 
Wash was accused of flirting with, then there was "The Beast of the 4th floor", 
Jeff Pruitt's girl friend Bertha, Vicky Harms, Alice Harper, Laura Lee Hobbs, 
...I know there are others but that's a start...ever wonder what they looked 
like..might be fun to pick a couple and describe them
Here's Sarah:
and Juanita:

I'm still researching the others' pictures, it might be I need bigger wires.

-Gary A. Johnson-
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock (near Kelsey's Woods), Texas
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry 2012

2012-10-15 Thread Gary A. Johnson
I've read the posts that speculate how Mayberry would be in 2012.  Well, it's 
all speculation with the wistful, romance thinking of how we would like it to 
be.  It's hard not to want it to be that way.  Gentle lessons, outright comedy 
and love for each other.  I think it's agreeable to most, if not all, that 
Mayberry was based on Mt. Airy so it's easy for me to see Mt. Airy of 2012 
Mayberry of 2012.  

Certainly as life changes, so would Mayberry.  For most people, we would have 
difficulty not having a cell phone, e-mail (of which you're reading this post) 
and to a lesser degree perhaps, GPS, Skype, Chic-fil-a, 8-track>CD>MP3, a man 
walking on the moon (what a concept!) and online shopping/information.  All 
mentioned not available pre-1968.  With the amazing developments since 1968 
last year of TAGS), we take most of the technology developments happily and 
realize the derogation of such a happy place due to selfishness of people, 
and death.  Certainly Mayberry wasn't perfect, neither was/is Mt. Airy, but it 
is easy to see how life evolves and the spirit of Mayberry/Mt. Airy continues 
live.  After all, there's still a Snappy Lunch on the same street as Mayberry 

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, Texas
WBMUTBB mailing list

One mystery solved.

2012-02-10 Thread Gary A. Johnson
On METV this morning, they showed an episode of "My Three Sons".  The dad on 
that show, Steve Douglas (Fred MacMurray), has a secretary named Janice.  
was played by Thelma Lou (Betty Lynn) so now we know the office in which she 

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 12, Issue 386

2011-12-31 Thread Gary A. Johnson
Good thought, Carolina Tom, but the calendar for 2005 it won't work for 2012: 
2012 is a leap year.  You'd need a 1984 calendar (or a 2040 calendar) for the 
days to match up.
The 2005 calendar will work, up to February 28th...

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thief & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, TX

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 11:04:15 -0500
From: "Rusk, Thomas E SFC RET" 
Subject: re: 2012 Calendar
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hey Mayberry Friends Happy New Year!

If you're like me you miss our annual Mayberry calendars. Well if you happen to 
have a 2005 calendar you can put a sticky note over the "05" with a "12" on it. 
Same days of the year with January 1st on Sunday. Enjoy!

Carolina Tom
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 12, Issue 335 Message #4

2011-11-12 Thread Gary A. Johnson
One guy who had debt problem was Jim Lindsey.  I think it's a great example of 
trying to live up to a life style (a selfish/ego problem) when your employment 
status or income status is raised above what you're used to.  He didn't need a 
little red car as most of what we need isn't really a need, just a perception 
what we need.  When it gets down to it, we have very few needs and I'm sure 
Mulik can tell ya what's a need and what isn't...

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, TX

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 20:53:25 -0600
From: Ken Anderson 
Subject: No Credit Cards in Mayberry

As I sit here tonight once again preparing for a Mayberry Presentation
tomorrow I can't help but think about one very distinct difference between
the lives of our beloved Mayberry folks and our lives here in 2011.  I
think one reason the folks of Mayberry were so happy and content was
because they were not consumed by the enormous debts that families of today
have.  Folks in Mayberry paid for items they needed in one way.  They used
cash.  It wasn't until 1986 and the movie "Return to Mayberry" did we ever
see or hear anyone use a credit card in Mayberry.  Barney put the dinner
bill at the restaurant on his credit card in the movie.  You may have
noticed that I said people paid for things they "needed" with cash.  Back
in the days of TAGS people were not so materialistic minded.  If they
really needed something or wanted something, they waited until they saved
the money.  Barney used his entire nest egg to buy his first car.  Even
Otis took a second job to earn enough money to buy his car. I think the
only time we saw anyone borrowing the money to buy something was when
Goober went to the bank to get a loan to buy the gas station, and that was
the way real estate is bought. Quite a few of the good citizens of Mayberry
didn't even own a car.  I recall many folks in our small town who likewise
did not have cars.  Their lives centered around the town in which they
lived and all their needs were usually found right there.  While there were
those like Frank Myers and the Scobies who had financial difficulties, it
was not due to their excessive debts because of unnecessary spending.  How
great for all those good folks in Mayberry to be able to go to bed at night
without worrying about all those credit card payments that would be due at
the end of the month.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 12, Issue 136, Message 6, moulage about improper references

2011-05-29 Thread Gary A. Johnson
I'm no lurker of this list, I watch, listen and read and then on those 
observations, comment when I'm so moved.  Three weeks ago the reference to 
"turning air conditioning up/down" was posted.  I Laughed Internally Loud (LIL) 
when Paul Mulik mentioned the water heater reference below, something for which 
I'm annoyed.  I know plumbers who squint when customers call to have their "hot 
water heater" replaced.  

My peeve since around the 5th grade is when good folk talk about buying a 
You don't buy a home.  If you do, you've been suckered into a realtor's 
of what a wonderful place you can have, just for the mere buying price of $...

Since Paul endured his tragedy last Sunday, not even a week ago, he didn't lose 
a home, he said he lost a house.  He lost a lot of what was in the house, but 
he simply and adroitly stated, "But that's just STUFF, and stuff in 
unimportant.  I can always get more stuff later."  His home is still intact.  
It's the same kind of spirit we find when we watch "our show".  Home, faith, 
love are "rich" words; you can't describe them simply, as something you just 
nail together, happen upon or ride like you would Blackie.  

In "Barney, the Realtor", only once was the word "home" said and that was when 
Andy welcomed the Sims the second time around.  Yet another way in the last 60 
years marketing has developed in trying to influence us to part with our money 
by selling a feeling.  If I'm selling, maybe that ain't so bad but Opie said 
"You mean that kids should be honest but grown-ups don't have to be?".  Thanks 
to "our show", we're reminded of values we cherish.

Glad that's no longer layin' on my chest...

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock, Near Kelsey's Woods, TX

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 13:35:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Mulik 
Subject: turning "up" the air conditioner
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hear, hear!? That comment of Andy's has always annoyed me too.? If your 
thermostat is set at say, 76, and you want it colder, you turn it DOWN, not 
Maybe years and years ago air conditioners were different?

Reminds me of car windows.? Have you ever wondered why we say "roll down the 
window?"? You aren't "rolling" anything, the car window is a solid piece of 
glass.? But 100 years ago, car windows (and before that, carriage windows) were 
like window shades.? You rolled them down to close them, and rolled them up to 
open them -- now it's backwards.

One more pet peeve: that big tank of water in your house is a water heater, not 
a "hot water heater."? You don't need to heat hot water, it's already hot!

Paul Mulik

It has always bugged me that people say turn up the A/C when 
they want it cooler Turning the A/C up would make a room warmer.

Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 12, Issue 26, message #3

2011-01-24 Thread Gary A. Johnson
John Masters was about to kick Barney out from the choir - the very day he 
him to join.  John called the emergency meeting (to tell then he was going to 
tell Barney Fife to get out of the choir).  Andy, Thelma Lou & Aunt Bee refused 
to tell Barney so John restated "then I'll tell him".  One diversion (secret 
meeting practice - John's idea) and reaffirmation that he'd tell Barney.  The 
last meeting with Andy, Thelma Lou and John left little doubt when he tells 
that it's "you or me" led Andy to develop his alternate ways: uvula (I got 
one) & the solo microphone.  

John delivered the bad news when the Ralph Prichard, first tenor, had to drop 
out - of course, that was an announcement and not a "man-up" confrontation...

John called the PO-lice to evict the Darlings when he KNEW there was more than 
one tenant in the hotel room.  He knew better than to take the law into his own 

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken thieves & whatnot
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, TX

Message: 3
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 17:58:59 + (UTC)
Subject: Observation of the pageant and names
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I watched "the Pageant" recently.  That teh episode about the Centennial, and 
Aunt Bee trying out for Lady Mayberry.  Just some rambling thoughts here.

There were a few times when Aunt Bee had to go to Play practice, that Andy just 
seemed to be kicking back at home.  Why wasn't he, as "James Merriweather" 
to play practice as well.  Perhaps they were just working on certain scenes, 
he doesn't seem the type not to be there to  support.

Did John Masters ever deliver bad news?  He chickened out and had Andy tell 
Barney when he was a lousy singer, and he had Andy do the same thing when Aunt 
Bee was a lousy actress.  For a guy so worried about his reputation in the 
norther part of th state, he was a bit spineless.

If the script of Happy Valley was true..whetever happened to the Indian 
reservation, and Nugatuck's family?? All we hear about after that is one Native 
American at election time.

I find it interesting that just a few days ago, I made fun of my own name 
(Gritton) with my post about "the Grit" and then there was a little moulage 
about the name Crump and Ken's piece that I found very witty and harmless.  We 
can all be like Barney at times and be "high-spirited" but we goota watch that 
vein poppin out of our neck, when we take things too seriously.  I agree that 
the name Crump, was conjured up by the writers to make Andy think of a teacher 
who might be somewhat repulsive.  Miss Crump then showed by her physical 
appearance, and manner, that you can't judge a person by their name.  She, if 
fact, brought a certain grace and dignity to the name Crump "C_R_U_M_P".  I 
agree,though, that we need to respect the names of real people.  We've all 
probably been teased about something, and a name is something every  deserves 
repsct for. teeth--The Untrained Voice

no, My Name is Talyor, I don't need the Tailor stop.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Unseen Mayberry People - REVEALED!

2010-02-11 Thread Gary A. Johnson
Juanita and Sarah - check it out.

 Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 374 #5

2009-12-28 Thread Gary A. Johnson
I get my neck dusted each and every time my hair is cut by Butch, the barber, 
but there's not much dust on my neck.  I think he uses the brush to help brush 
off those little hairs that tend to get down your shirt a bit - which is good 
because I don't have an Opie around.  IF he does a good job, I pay him cash.  I 
always request a hair cut that don't look like a hair cut - he knows what I 
mean, which is why he gets cash.

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Kelsey’s Woods (Lubbock), TX

Message: 5
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:14:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick 
Subject: Mayberry in a Deluth catalog

I was looking online at a catalog I buy stuff from and there it was LOL, a 
reminder of Mayberry.Take a 
 Thought you might get a kick out of it, I did.
Charlottesville, Va.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 44 Message 7

2009-02-15 Thread Gary A. Johnson
I submit Mr. Ernest T. Bass for 'most healthiest male' - like he said: 'I'm a 
little mean, but I make up for it by being real healthy."  According to Joe's 
criteria, ETB is a well-known character.  He's no creech-ter.

Gary A. Johnson
Kelsey's Woods, Texas
Message: 7
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:18:43 -0500
Subject: My favorite ailment

Hey fellow Townsfolk!  I was gone for a week, and then spent a week
catching up on Email so I hope you've enjoyed the quiet period from The
Untrained Voice.  I have enjoyed reading all your posts about the
various ailments in Mayberry (and other posts.  What a human touch the
writers gave our favorite characters.  I wonder who was the healthiest
well-known character?  Thelma Lou???
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 44 Message 7

2009-02-13 Thread Gary A. Johnson
I'd vote Ellen Brown for "most healthiest" - nature's been REAL good to her.
Gary A. Johnson
Kelsey's Woods, Texas
Message: 7
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:18:43 -0500
Subject: My favorite ailment

Hey fellow Townsfolk!  I was gone for a week, and then spent a week
catching up on Email so I hope you've enjoyed the quiet period from The
Untrained Voice.  I have enjoyed reading all your posts about the
various ailments in Mayberry (and other posts.  What a human touch the
writers gave our favorite characters.  I wonder who was the healthiest
well-known character?  Thelma Lou???
WBMUTBB mailing list

WBMUTBB Digest - Dramatic Moments

2008-12-04 Thread Gary A. Johnson
Since the show is filled with love a music, my first runner-up: The duet (Andy 
& Ellie) singing Away In A Manger.  My winner: After the Darlings finish 
playing and Charlene singing There is a Time, Andy's comment, "I believe that's 
about the prettiest thing I've ever heard".

I'm clutched.

Gary A. Johnson
WBMUTBB Member circa 1999
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 265 Message #2

2007-09-23 Thread Gary A. Johnson
 The research you did was a fine job - a FINE job!  There's more to the story 
than what you discovered.  What you pieced together was entirely right - only 
in a tree branch, directly hanging above the lake was Goober, with a rock and a 
crazy owl, who dropped the rock into the lake, causing the ripple splash.  
 Fortunately, it was NOT the rock on which Barney's dad had him strike the 
match to light his pipe.  Nor was it the imaginary rock that Andy claimed that 
was in his shoe when he was stalling while Barney rode the horse East to West.  
It WAS one of the rocks that came from Meyers Lake area that was used as a 
skipping stone, as demonstrated by Andy and Miss Peggy.
 Sorry it took a couple of days to finish our report.
 Yours truly,
 One of the Boys at the Lab that only Barney knows about.
Scott of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:10:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sportz Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Opie's Rock Throwing Scandal!


I don't know much about the opening credits and who
gets billing and how, but I HAVE done some research
into the Opie rock throwing scandal!  If you watch the
opening credits where Opie picks up a rock and,
supposedly, throws it into the water, you'll notice he
doesn't throw it into the water at all!  Slow down the
DVD and you'll notice that Opie's rock flies
off-screen to the right and a rock is dropped from the
top of the screen and falls straight down into the
water.  Somebody is up there on a crane or something
and drops a rock.  I bet it ain't even a local rock. 
Well, anyway, if you watch in slow motion, you can
watch the rock fall straight down and it's clearly not
the rock Opie throws.  Now, if they'da had Ernest T.
heave a rock, he coulda hit the water no problem.


Gary A. Johnson
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 265 Message #2

2007-09-22 Thread Gary A. Johnson

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 265 Message #2

2007-09-22 Thread Gary A. Johnson

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 190

2007-07-07 Thread Gary A. Johnson

WBMUTBB mailing list