Fish for breakfast

2013-06-08 Thread Sundale Preschool
While it is not a common breakfast meal here in the U.S., my British son-in-law 
of 14 years, tells me kippers (herring) and eggs is a classic English 
breakfast. I Googled “kippers and eggs” and he’s right as rain.  Herring is, of 
course, an ocean fish-and probably would not have been the kind Andy would 
have prepared for breakfast. 

Now that I think about it, a pan fried trout and scrambled eggs sounds really 
good for breakfast.

Ken in NC 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ms. Grayson

2012-10-22 Thread Sundale Preschool
Plot holes are aplenty on TAGS. I know we’re supposed to ‘suspend disbelief’ 
and go with the flow, but Paul’s question about Ms. Grayson and how she found 
where Floyd was located in The Gay Deceiver intrigued me.

I re-watched the first 15 minutes of the episode, to see if there was something 
obvious that I was missing. If there is, well, I’m still missing it.

Ms. Grayson had the address of the barber shopwe know that because she was 
sending correspondence to Floyd at that address. When she arrived in Mayberry, 
I have to assume she went to THAT address. It’s the only address she had. When 
she saw that it was “Floyd’s Barber Shop” and not “Floyd Lawson Enterprises” 
she may have been confusedbut with “Floyd” in the name of both businesses, 
she probably thought one of his “enterprises” must have been a barber shop. All 
of this doesn’t explain HOW she found Floyd in Cliff Deveraux’s home. 

You’ll note that when Floyd and Andy are looking out the window when she gets 
out of her beautiful car, she has a piece of paper in her hand. She quickly 
reads what she is holding in her hand and places it in her purse. I have to 
assume the paper had the address of the home she just arrived atCliff 
Deveraux’s. Simple enough. BUT---who gave her the address? 
Andy had made it plain this was to be hush-hush and for only one day. He 
enlisted the support of Aunt Bee. Aunt Bee could have told Clara 
oranyone...what she was doing, but how would Ms. Grayson have found out 
from one of Aunt Bee’s contacts? Opie knew where his pa was...he bolts through 
door as if he knows he’ll find him there. Barney is not in this episode, but 
one would have to conclude either Barney or someone else KNEW where Andy 
was.he’s the sheriff and someone has to know where he is at all times. 
Again, this doesn’t tell us how Ms. Grayson came to obtain Floyd’s whereabouts. 
What we do know: someone told her the address and she wrote it on a piece of 

I guess it could be as simple as: it’s a small town; she went to the only 
address she had (the barber shop), asked someone on the street where Floyd 
Lawson was, someone she met on the street had seen Andy and Floyd (together) 
earlier and Andy told that person he was headed over to the Deveraux home to do 
a safety check and subsequently that person told Ms. Grayson the address where 
she’d find Andy, and possible Floyd still with him. The hole in this theory is 
the person would have told Ms. Grayson that Andy and Floyd might be at the 
DEVERAUX house---not Floyd’s house. I’m not how Ms. Grayson would have 
reconciled that. 

Talk about over-thinking a situation!! As I said at the beginning of this post, 
this is one of those things we aren’t supposed to think about. Mental exercises 
such as this one are fun to dooccasionallybut, on the whole, we’re 
better off just sitting back and enjoying the best show in the history of 

In NC (formerly in AZ) 
WBMUTBB mailing list

What did he say?

2012-06-18 Thread Sundale
It is said under his breath, but based on a little lip reading and my amplified 
speakers, it sounds like “you just stuff it.”   But others may hear it 

Ken in NC (formerly AZ)

What did Gomer say at 5:50 ?

Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Just a guess....

2012-03-30 Thread Sundale
Since Glen Ford’s film biography doesn’t include a movie titled “G-Men”, I 
suspect that the writers of the show were reluctant or not allowed to use the 
name of a real movie title in which Mr. Ford starred. Instead they may have 
generally referencing the characters Ford often portrayed or, possibly, the 
movie The Undercover Man.  In that movie his character was a U.S. Treasury 
Agent. While I realize that G-man (Government Man) is supposed to be slang for 
an FBI agent, a Treasury Man is pretty close. 

Ken in AZ   (but now in NC)
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS mentioned in the New York Times

2011-03-04 Thread Sundale
Our beloved show was mentioned in a New York Times story yesterdayand not 
in a way that makes me very happy.

Even if you’re not a sports fan, it’s possible you heard about the incident 
concerning the oak trees at Toomer’s Corner in Auburn, Alabama a few weeks 
back.  An Alabama “fan” named Updyke admitted on a radio call-in show that he 
had poisoned the 130 year old trees, which are a part of Auburn’s traditions. 
Mr. Updyke has been charged with the crime and has had difficulty getting an 
attorney to represent him until a Mr. Threatt took the case. It is Mr. Threatt 
who is quoted in the Times.  Here’s the quote:

Threatt, an Alabama native with degrees from Princeton and Howard University 
School of Law, takes offense at some portrayals of Updyke, one of which 
compared him to Ernest T. Bass from “The Andy Griffith Show.” “He is not 
ignorant, not a redneck,” Threatt said. “He is not some sort of Andy 
Griffith-type of character who would be hanging out at Floyd’s barbershop. I 
resent those types of stereotypes.” 

Isn’t it ironic that Mr. Threatt resents “those types of stereotypes” while at 
the same time he is the one creating them by painting the characters who hung 
out at Floyd’s barbershop as “ignorant” and “redneck”.  

Ken in AZ
WBMUTBB mailing list

Low and Lonely

2010-11-10 Thread Sundale
I am sure more than one will supply the lyrics of Low and Lonely; but just in 
case, here they are:

(Floyd Jenkins)

Low and lonely, sad and blue
Thinking only, of little you
Always trying, to keep from crying
I'm low and lonely over you.

Do you miss me, say you do
Tell me darling, please tell me true
Do you yearn dear, for my return dear
I'm low and lonely over you.

--- Instrumental ---

Low and lonely, weary too
You're the only, true love I knew
Don't be long dear, you know it's wrong dear
I'm low and lonely over you.

You're my darling, you're my dear
You can trust me, so never fear
How I miss you, I long to kiss you
I'm low and lonely over you...Ken in AZ 
WBMUTBB mailing list

3:00 vs. 3:05

2010-10-15 Thread Sundale
I knew lots of people would post correct answers regarding Bob's question 
concerning the time deadline for someone claiming the wallet Opie found. And 
lots of people did.  

It got me to wonderingI think it would have been unusual (unlikely) for Bob 
to have missed that part of the conversation as it all took place within 30 
seconds or so.  Then I went back and noted that Bob said he was watching the 
show on the local TV station.  I wonder if, maybe, the dialogue about he's 
already been here five minutes was cut and the edited version left you with 
impression that 3:00pm was the deadline. 

Ken in AZ
WBMUTBB mailing list

Desert Island......hmmm.

2010-08-13 Thread Sundale
Harriet's posing of the desert island question is a good one. Females choosing 
males (Andy), some males making clear choices (lady manicurist) and others 
pondering over male or female choices. 

I'm going with Harry in Salem's choice. Miss Peggy could do all the things he 
mentioned plus she probably makes a mean Sazerac (on my island the ingredients 
would all be there)-which would come in handy on desert island. I also find 
Peggy to be feistyand I like that.  

Just for the heck of it I took a look at Wikipedia's entry on the Sazerac 
cocktail. Very interesting.  You might like to do the same.

Ken in AZ

WBMUTBB mailing list

The other Ken

2010-07-22 Thread Sundale
Just some clarification.  Be aware that there are two Ken's who post on the 
digest.  From time to time I get an email asking about something I posted 
and it turns out it is the other Ken.

Ken, I think your posts are an integral part of the Digest. Your stories and 
other sharings get my day off to a good beginning. Though my wife is not a 
true fan of TAGS, I nearly always copy and paste your comments and email them 
to her.  We're both former school teachers and appreciate your continued 
dedication to teaching with meaning!  You bring TAGS to life for those who hold 
it as a memory AND to those who don't know it at all. You should be proud of 
that accomplishment. I'm sure every other member of the digest is proud FOR 
YOU, I know I am. 

While folks could look to see where the email came FROM to ascertain whether a 
post was from you or me, it would be easier if you continued to be Ken and 
I'll now be Ken in AZ to avoid any confusion. It's either that or The Other 
Ken.Hmmm.  Ken in AZ makes me feel a bit better. (though my first 45 
years or so were in my home state of Tennessee and where my love for TAGS was 
born as a little boy watching first run episodes in the early '60's.)

Happy to be the other Ken,

Ken in AZ
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-07-20 Thread Sundale
Top Ten for their final season on the air.  We all know The Andy Griffith 
 Show finished #1 for its final season, a feat shared only by I Love 
Lucy and  Seinfeld.  The year TAGS wrapped up (1967-68), so did the #2 show 
on  television (The Lucy Show; Lucy and Gale Gordon returned the following 
season  in a new series playing new characters, Here's Lucy).  A year 
later  (1968-69), the #2 show that season also wrapped.  Can you guess the  

A very good trivia I could not have answered without 
cheating by using the Internet. The answer is Gomer Pyle, USMC.   

And I do believe Ron Howard was the answer to your other 
questionco-starring in TAGS and starring in Happy Days, ten years apart and 
both ending their seasons #1 for the year.  I don't know about the rest of you, 
but I liked the way our little Opie grew up to be Richie Cunningham. Ron Howard 
MADE him into a good character. 


WBMUTBB mailing list

It must be the bomb

2010-05-28 Thread Sundale
I would have been 12 years old when the Opie's Newspaper episode aired. I 
certainly wasn't particularly precocious but I did get the meaning at the 
time when Barney said the warm weather was related to the bomb. (I'm sure I'd 
remembering asking my mom or dad 'what'd that mean' if I hadn't known).  

Even though above ground nuclear bomb testing had ended in 1962 by both the 
U.S. and U.S.S.R., and Opie's Newspaper aired in 1965, it was sort of a 
common joke to blame anything you had no explanation for on THE bomb. 


...but I ain't gonna be beat to death with no spoon!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mr. Masters!!!

2010-05-22 Thread Sundale
Regarding Mr. Master's hand signal in the old photograph, when I was in high 
school, I think that gesture was call the one finger peace sign. 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-03-08 Thread Sundale
Didn't the Andre Castellanos cymbals (marchers) Barney purchased in the 
Mayberry Band episode come from De-troit?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Final viewing and Dee-troit

2009-11-23 Thread Sundale
I didn't have to think too long or hard about what last request episode I 
would select. The finalists were Barney's First Car and The Pickle Story, with 
The Pickle Story being my first choice by a hair. 

I noticed that many other list members selected episodes with life lessons, 
deeper meanings, etc. I simply went for FUNNY; the ones that make me 
laughand you can't beat Barney's explanation to Aunt Bee about his quick 
trip to visit his cousin and upon his return when Aunt Bee asked how his trip 
was and he replies: Fine, they were just pickled tink to see me! 

Also, about Detroit's pronunciation on TAGS: my deceased father was born in 
Western North Carolina in 1912-and he always called that Michigan city 
Dee-troit. Must have been a regional thing.


...but I ain't gonna be beat to death with no spoon.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dick Elliott

2009-09-24 Thread Sundale
Someone may have mentioned it previously, but one of my favorite Dick Elliott 
roles was his appearance on I Love Lucy. He and his wife were visiting New York 
City for the first time and were on top of the Empire State Building. Lucy and 
Ethel, dressed as women from Mars (publicity stunt), appear and scare the heck 
out of the couple. I can still hear and see Lucy looking at Dick Elliott and 
saying, It's a moo moo, as if she were speaking Martian.

I think he also had a small role in the I Love Lucy episode that guest starred 
George Reeves as Superman. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dub and Michael, too.....

2009-08-22 Thread Sundale
Dan mentioned seeing our good friend Briscoe Darling while watching the classic 
movie Bonnie and Clyde. There are two other TAGS alumni in B  C: Michael J. 
Pollard (Cousin Virgil) and Dub Taylor (Billy Ray, the postman plus others).

Also, Clyde correctly mentions that in the visiting relatives episode, they do 
say up  to  Lake Charles when it would be down if they were talking about 
Louisiana. But if memory serves me correctly, in Floyd, The Gay Deceiver, Floyd 
says he is going either UP or DOWN to Nashville (can't recall which), when it 
should be (directionally speaking) OVER to Nashville. While we don't know which 
Lake Charles they're talking about, but we do know which Nashville it is and 
its relative location to Mayberry.   Wow.  Up-Down-Over-Under: we sure do get 
into the details, don't we? 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Tom's Blog today

2009-08-11 Thread Sundale
I wanted to say a thank you to Tom for his blog today. It told of his 
communication with TAGS's Irene Tedrow of Chicken a la King fame. It caused me 
to take a look at her work history on Wow, what a lengthy  body 
of work! She always seemed to play a dour characterbut I'll bet she was 
anything but that. 


...but I ain't gonna be beat to death with no spoon. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Toilet Water....

2009-07-12 Thread Sundale
Happy to report that I have an authoritative source to help answer the toilet 
water question. The authority is my wife who taught high school French or 20+ 
years and speaks the language fluently. 

Toilette (the French spelling adds another T) originally referred to a person's 
morning grooming procedure; combing of hair, brushing of teeth, washing all 
over, etc. The  washing part was, of course, accomplished with a cloth and 
basin of water. In the south of France many flowers are grown and at some point 
they decided it would be a good idea to distill some of their pretty 
fragrancesand add this nice smelling liquid to the water they used during 
their morning toilette procedure.  As we learn nearly everything worth knowing 
by watching TAGS, in one episode Andy told us about what a good smell-in' 
country it was, remember? 

Anyway, at some point, instead of adding the nice smelling toilette water to 
their bathing water, a more concentrated version was used to sprinkle on your 
body after washing up.  

My wife also lets me know the difference between toilette water, cologne and 
perfume. And for you men out there, this is important. Each of the three smell 
good, but it's a matter of concentration. Toilette water is the most diluted 
and the least expensive. Cologne is less diluted and more expensive. Perfume is 
the strongest stuff and the most expensive. My wife tells me women know this 
and judge accordingly when received as a gift. Hence: toilette water bottles 
BIG; perfume bottles TINY.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Guest Characters

2009-07-09 Thread Sundale
Ted posed the question about any characters that appeared only once in TAGS 
that we'd like to have seen more of. It seems to me that shows today try SO 
HARD to have a CORRECT mix characters that they  inevitably fall flat on their 
face. What they end up with seems forced and contrived. TAGS was a near perfect 
blend of characters.

That being said, I would like to offer up a character that appeared once that I 
think could have been incorporated into the show. While I hesitate to tamper 
with perfection, don't you think it would have been a plus if Mary Grace 
(Gossage?), Thelma Lou's cousin (She's NICE), moved to Mayberry and she and 
Gomer became an occasional story line. Their relationship certainly was going 
in a positive direction when last we saw them. Mary Grace Canfield was the 
actress who played Mary Grace (guess the folks who came up with character's 
names weren't working that week!) and, of course, she later became Ralph Monroe 
the carpenter on Green Acres. Wikipedia tells me that she was born in 1924 and 
is still with us.

Another one  to consider for reappearance would be Michael J. Pollard as 
Barney's cousin Virgil. Though a little of Pollard goes a long way, IMHO. 

Which makes me think: what about a scene with Mary Grace and Virgil together!! 
That WOULD be awkward!  And quiet...
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-23 Thread Sundale
Maybe it's my upbringing in the south, but I've always known that a picnic is 
a type of ham--but didn't know the specifics until Ted asked this question. 
I've noticed the sign in the window referring to the picnics for 40 
yearsbut never gave it a second thought. Thanks for bringing this up, Ted! 
Here is more detailed explanation as to what a picnic ham is..and I'm 
sure many members on the list will also answer Ted's question.

Not really a true ham (which comes from the pig's back leg), the picnic ham is 
taken from the upper part of the foreleg and includes a portion of the 
shoulder. This cut is also more accurately referred to as the picnic shoulder 
or pork shoulder. The picnic ham is smoked, which gives it a very hamlike 
flavor. It often has the bone removed. Though it's slightly tougher (requiring 
longer cooking) and has more waste because of the bone structure, picnic ham is 
a good, inexpensive substitute for regular ham.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fred Goss

2009-06-23 Thread Sundale
Thanks to Tom Kessel for  mentioning Fred Sherman (Fred Goss, the dry cleaner). 
This prompted me to look at his entry on IMDB. While I consider myself fairly 
knowledgeable on the subject of the I Love Lucy show, I had never noticed 
(despite dozens of viewings) that the drunk in The Diner episode was our very 
 own Fred Goss. As I scrolled down the list of his acting appearances I was 
impressed by the volume of his work!   

Ken in AZ
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread Sundale
Ken, I read with great concern and sadness your confession about your digest 
posting compellsion.  I wonder what causes that?

Ken in AZ
WBMUTBB mailing list

Perfume $$$

2009-06-16 Thread Sundale
This may be over-analyzing whether the $64.00 bottle of perfume was an 
extravagance or not.but isn't this one of the many reasons why we love 
our little group: obsessing on things others don't even notice?? 

I did some searching and found that, when adjusting for inflation, $64 in 1968 
is the equivalent of $391.89 in today's dollars. Yes, about $400 today is a lot 
for perfume.but it's not unheard of. (The most expensive perfume in the 
world is $2,150 PER OUNCE Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty.)   The bottle 
that Opie broke contained 4 OUNCES. That comes out  to about $100 per ounce in 
2009 dollars.  But, in today's dollars, Chanel #5 (something that would have 
been  known and popular in 1968) costs $123 dollars per ouncecomparable to 
the 100 dollar per ounce for the perfume Andy  considered buying. 

So, if you find that Andy buying Helen a perfume less expensive than Chanel #5 
to be extravagant, I guess it would be. It's all subjective depending on your 
definition of extravagant.  I, on the other hand, think Helen was well worth 
it.and that several women in Mayberry would have had perfume the equivalent 
of Chanel #5.

And why didn't Opie notice that when he broke the bottle of perfume on the 
floor the perfume had no fancy female smell to it?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Life with Lucy

2008-11-20 Thread Sundale
The last Lucy situation comedy was called Life with Lucy and aired for 13
episodes in early 1986. Gale Gordon, her long time co-star as Mr. Mooney,
also appeared in the show. I believe he was a hardware store owner and Lucy
worked for him. Although written by Bob Carroll, who wrote many of the I
Love Lucy episodes, the show was not very good. I remember reading at the
time that it broke Lucy's heart that she was unsuccessful in her last
attempt to do situation comedy. 



WBMUTBB mailing list

Trained noticer?

2008-11-16 Thread Sundale
Having been on this list for a relatively short period of time, I am not
aware of what it takes to be designated a trained notice. I am sure the
training is quite rigorous! 


That being said, I really think that Opie, Jr. might be allowed to fast
track right to the trained noticer status for his spotting of the brown
(beer?) bottle. 



WBMUTBB mailing list

Dub Taylor

2008-10-19 Thread Sundale
Great actor Dub Taylor was,  but it was Strother Martin who had the famous
line in Cool Hand Luke, What we have here is failure to communicate. 





WBMUTBB mailing list

Any truth to this vague recollection?

2008-04-14 Thread Sundale
It seems to me that I read/heard or otherwise came to know that Season 5 of
TAGS, thought aired in BW, was actually taped in color. 


I am aware that at least one season of The Lucy Show was shot in color but
aired in black and white, as CBS transitioned to color TV programming in
order to compete with NBC. 


Might be just my (vivid) imagination, but season 5's appearance on the TV
screen looks like a color program  (edges a little fuzzier than BW
episodes) with the color turned off. (Remember how you used to be able to
do that with the first color TV sets? Turn off the color with the twist of
a button.)




.but I ain't gonna be beat to death with no spoon.

WBMUTBB mailing list

That's our man....

2008-01-01 Thread Sundale
Being new to the newsletter, I was never aware of the big Christmas in
Connecticut/Mr. Schwamp controversy. I told my wife about it.she's
originally from Los Angeles.she just stared at me, blankly. :-) (If you're
not a huge fan of the show, it probably seems a little.aah,
obsessive---though she's too kind to say that.)


I took a look at the youtube video of Christmas in Connecticut, for the
first time ever--for what it's worth, there is no doubt in my mind that
IS Mr. Schwamp, as usual, sitting (not standing) in the stag line. The
time line as far as age works out fine---he looks to be 40ish, in TAGS he's
60ish. Add to that the HAIR and, importantly for me, the mannerisms. Notice
him turning his head, looking side-to-side, shaking his head and
smiling--just as he did as an extra on TAGS. Unless he has a twin, it's
him. IMHO.



Scottsdale, AZ



WBMUTBB mailing list

A young Miss Bee

2007-12-25 Thread Sundale
Frances Bavier, pretty young in this photo:




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