High School Reunion

2014-09-18 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Ken and friends

If I may jump in on your subject of High School Class reunions

I just attended my 40 year.  I received a nice surprised about 3 weeks before 
the event when I was asked to Emcee the evening.  I guess they remembered me 
being a big joker, and the non-bashful type.

In my opening remarks I did refer to our favorite show.  I told them  that I 
did class reunion research by studying the Andy Griffith Show episodes about 
class reunions, which got a little bit of a chuckle.

I told them that I understood the main motivations for having and attending 
such reunions..to see "who made it and who didn't".  Then I went on to 
speculate what that meant. I asked who didn't make it?..perhaps an individual 
who got arrested for stealing pop bottles shortly after high school, but I 
really focused on "who made it"  I went on to list these categories and 
recognize people who fit them.

Those who served in the military
Those who went into health care...and the benefit they had provided to mankind
Those who were preachers, teachers and social workers..and how they had really 
made a positive impact on society.
Then I went on to try to draw everyone in
Those who had raised children
those who had been faithful to a loved one
Those who had cared for their parents or other elders
Those who served their Church, Charity or community group

You have all made it, I said, by your positive contributions to society
You have made it because you helped your home town..and your home team

It was a great experience and seemed to really bring everyone together.  I 
interjected lots of humor and memories (like Beasto Mareasto  and Halcyon 
so my conclusion..you CAN go back home again and celebrate..how everyone made 
it and perhaps just a few did not

The Untrained Voice
Joe Gritton--Class of 1974


WBMUTBB mailing list

Jim Nabors awesome appearance

2014-05-25 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
It was great for Hoosiers to see Jim Nabors sing at the Indianapolis 500 one. 
More time.   But not only did he regale the hundreds of thousands with his 
wonderful rendition of Back Home Again in Indiana  but he also joined the track 
owner with that famous race starting phrase that began here.  "Start you 
engines".   If you hadn't heard Jim chose to retire after this year.  Thanks 
Jim for. 36 years of memorable caterwauling.   The untrained Voice 
saluting one of the best Trained Voices everhttps://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry in the Midest

2014-05-19 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
What a great experience to be at Mayberry in the Midwest in Danville Indiana 
this past weekend.   Danville has always been known as home to the Mayberry 
Cafe.  The home cooking there does Aunt Bee proud and draws people from all 
over Indiana and beyond, but what a surprise it was to this Indiana native that 
the spirit of Mayberry could burst out of those Cafe doors and envelope the 
whole town of Danville in Mayberry Spirit!   The one squad car that is always 
out front was turned into over a dozen Mayberry vintage squad cars lining to 
whole block on both sides of the street.   
How appropriate it wass that in the center of town, right across the street 
from the Cafe is a Mayberry-esqe Courthouse.  All around the courthouse square 
are little shops reminiscent of Mayberry including a quaint little theatre just 
like downtown  Mayberry (showing the Andy Griffith Show all weekend!!) . Now 
there are a few Neil Bentley type lawyers also. But how appropriate that one of 
them is Howard and Lawson.  Just a few blocks away is Lawson 
auctioneering..great Mayberry names.
The downtown was a festival of crafts, goodies, music and fun.  Danville was 
also bursting with Volunteers.  Local poeple were dedicated to making this a 
memorable event, and they were all over, caring for all teh details and 
assisting visotor with Mayberry Spiirt.
As I walked around town  just in awe of the Mayberry that had been created 
there, I saw smapp crowds of people.  What's going on? I wondered.  Is there a 
deputy writing a ticket to someone?  Is there a lady pulling a coaster wagon 
full of meat?  It someone selling Indian Exlixar?
It was better.  there were the Mayberry Tribute artists, handing out autographs 
and posing for photos. with the locat attendees.  People were just drawn to 
them insects to honey.    Goober and Gomer, I spotted first, and then I heard 
the recognizable voice of David Browning, the Mayberry Deputy,,and then I saw 
our own Floyd and Howard.  THye were trying to walk a few blocks to teh start 
of the parade, but it was difficult because they were in such demand!  People 
simply would not let them go.
I had seen a few tribute artists before, but this was a phenomenah that I had 
never experienced.  Briscoe, Ernest T Bass, Otis, Aunt Bee and even Henry 
Bennett and the others has a magnetism that I cannot Explain.
I've often wondered when Visiting Disney World, why we clamor for characters 
that you know are just cast memeber dressed in a costume,, but something about 
that resmblance draws out the kid in all of us, the make-believe comes alive, 
and we put away the adult skeptical- analytical self, and just have fun  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry in Miwest continued

2014-05-19 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
(continued from my previous message)
So like Disney characters, people were setting aside the obvious that these are 
atrists portraying the orginals, but they love Mayberry so much, they they 
allow thier mind to take them there.  To them, this is really Goober,  Barney 
is really here.  Gomer hasn't changed a bit.  Look at Ernest T acting up.  
There's Mayor Pike!  There's Colonel Harvey! OMG Floyd is clipping that guys 
hair.  More poses more photos.  Who's the guy with the little TV?   Oh Gosh, 
its Henry the Jinx, LOL   Some look like the originals more that they sound, 
some look and sound similar enough that you just laugh when they say 
catch-phrases that you have heard dozens of time.  Otis is politically correct, 
but still funnier than a stitch.  Aunt Bee is demure, but dead-on in her 
depiction..and look at all the Opies (in Danville's parade and contest).  The 
aritsts make Mayberry come alive today in 2014.  Certainly Maggie Peterson and 
Rodney Dillard,anchor the show and
 give some authenticity to the orginal, but these cut-up look-alikes provide 
the volume, the memories,  and the re-creation that completes the Mayberry 
Vision in our minds.  Serious fans and casual fans and even new fans line up to 
see what these Tribute Artist have to say, and to take one of their cute 
autograph sheets that they are handing out.   I got a ticket from Barney!  
Goober had that Judy Judy Judy look in my picture.  Gomer has that gun-belt on 
the same way he did in that episode he was deputized.  OMG Floyd even has the 
facial expression down.  Its all real enough to take the mind to Mayberry.  
They marched in the Parade, again reaching out to fans.  They even put on a 
stage show..not bad for one actor and a buch of amauters.  Quoting, clowning , 
joking, and even a little acting and softshoe!
I've often wondered why these guys take 8-10 hour drives to be at these events. 
 What Darling person's their Darling person must be.  Honey I'll be gone again 
this weekend to go display my inner Howard Sprauge.  What sacrifice.  But 
hearing the laughter, seeing the joy..now that I've been there I get it.  Its 
the people and the joy that they bring them.  Its the friends they make, the 
smile and laughter they incite.  Its th common bond of Mayberry.
Thanks Everyone
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

Disney characters

2014-05-18 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Would a couple of the Disney characters be Robin Hood and the Sheriff of 
Nottingham (stupid deputy does not count ).  How about Ichabod Crane? From the 
legend of Sleep Hollow.   https://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

it just fits

2014-03-29 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I go to  a fitness place here locally to stay in  shape.  I read up on 
etiquitte at these places and learned that you rarely introduce yourself and 
say very little to others, because everyone is focused on thier workout and not 
there to make friends.
  Well I'm kind of a Mayberry person who likes to know names, so of course I 
have to make them up since everyone is a stranger.
At my Gym, there is (in my mind)  The Reader (always has a book in his 
stationery bike)  Groaner  (he makes a funny noise running on the tradmill.   
The wiper (no not Andy's cousin) he has a compelsion to keep wiping off the 
machines,  There is Pony Tail,  Charles Atlas,  Stretch...an the guy who sweats 
by far more than anyone..Ralph Haines, of course.  That one is so ingrained, I 
almost called him Ralph once to his face (but I remembered the etiquette).  He 
is always sweatin'.  I think I saw Hogette Winslow ther once too, but I'm 
watching for her again to confrim.
I can't help it, my mind just wanders that way.  I just smile and nod at every 
one.  (oh my gosh I wonder if I am Mr. Schwamp on everyone els's list.!!
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

Nabors to sing at last Indy 500

2014-03-26 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
here in Central Indiana we got the news that 2014 will be the last time Jim 
Nabors thrills fans with his singing of Back Home Again in Indiana before the 
Indy 500.We're thrilled he will be here but sad this will be his last time 
to thrill over 200,000 fans live and millions on TV with his rendition of our 
state song. I can't seem to paste the link here but go to Indystar.com. 
Abcnews or just Goggle it.Lets enjoy him this year.  There will never be 
another tradition like Jim who has thrilled fans for 40 years.The 
Untrained Voice honoring one of the great voices of all timehttps://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Squad Car Nationals ideas

2014-03-19 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Mayberry Squad Car Nationals ideas
Task One:  Meat Delivery and Cutting
Passenger would get out of squad car and have to pull a child's coaster wagon 
full of some weight representing a wagon full of meat.  Let's Say competitor 
pullis it 15 feet to the Butcher Shop.  Then at the butcher shop they have to 
take a knife and cut up a hot dog..say into 10 pieces (You know anything about 
cutting meat?--Do you think they'll ask me that?)  The crowd could re-enact a 
famous Peyton Manning commercial by chanting "cut that meat"  "cut that meat"  
(yapping Dogs optional)
Task Two:  Adventure Sleeping
Passenger arrives at an ironing board with a large night shirt, night cap, and 
Blanket on it.  They pick up the Laundry and the ironing board
 and walk/run 10 feet to two chairs.  They put the blanket under a leg of each 
chair, lay the ironing board between the two chairs.  Put on the night shirt 
and cap  (Like Andy when he performed Carter Wakefield Wedding).  Lay down on 
the ironing board and cover up with the blanket  (like Barney in the back room 
when Andy put the blanket under the legs) and say aout Loud  "Snore Snore Snore 
Snore"..Uncover, take off Night shirt and cap..return all to orginal postion of 
ironing board.
Task Three:  Master of Disguises
Passsenger arrives at Disguise Center.   Puts on Hunting Jacket and Cap.  Steps 
up on a four-sided platform and freezes like a mannequin, then turn 90 degress, 
and repeats until they have posed in all four directions  (prreferably in 
different poses).   They take off Hunting Garb and put on a large dress and 
pick up Mrs. Mcgruder's mop and make four mopping motions.  Finally take off 
the Dress and 
(what's a matter haven't you ever seen a man take off a dres before?)   put on 
Motor Cycle jacket , Goggles, and Helmet.  They hop on fake motorcycle  (Saw 
Horse, Bicycle, moped, whatever)   and Holloer 4 times "Citizens Arrest"
That would be a special competition!!
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2014-03-18 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I've answered this question many times in the past,  and I'm happy to repeat 
for this particular question.  (what job do I have in Mayberry)
I work for a telecommunications company in real life.  Im Mayberry I would work 
for the Mayberry Bell Telephone  
(aka May-Belle).   At night and on some weekends I would be Sara's backup.  She 
has to sleep sometimes, so I take over the switchboard.  People still say 
"Sarah Get me  "  I just set them up without explaining it is not Sarah.  
Its a good way to find out what's going on..who's talkng to who etc...and yes 
I've even heard the voice or Mr. Schwamp, a rare treat.  I know who is 
moonshining, who is datin, who's going to win an election, and when out of town 
guests are coming in.
So I've explained the "inside" part of my job.  The outside part is, I get to 
team with another Mayberry favorite.  I go out and help build new lines with 
Mr. McBeevee.  Ocassionally I get to walk in the trees with him, but more often 
I work with him to run new drop wires to homes and Businesses.  I also collect 
coins from the payphones, like at Walker's Drugs, and I do a litte repair.   
Its pretty easy to keep up May-Belle because we only have on line that leaves 
the town.  You probably know that the Mendlebright sisters give that a good 
test every Sunday afternoon.  When I'm on the switchboard, I put my feet up 
they talk so long..and you guessed it.. my feet fall asleep.
Barney keeps asking me and McBeeVee to install a hotline from his room to 
Andy's house (like a Bat-phone!)  But Andy keeps saying the only Hotline in 
Mayberry is needed at the ice house so someone can call and remind them to turn 
the light off. LOL
Have a Mayberry Day
THe UNtrained Voice
Well gotta go now
WBMUTBB mailing list

And while you,mentioning Two Chairs

2014-02-24 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Allan and all. I'm catching up with Digests after finding them in my Spam 
folder.   There were several Digest posts about the Great Gildersleves andI 
believe there was a nice Podcast or two about that radio show and Mr Doaks on 
Two Chairs.Real people huh.  It's not Maureen O Sullivan  it's not 
Johnny Unitas.  Is not Glenn Ford.  There are two Beatles Living. (Not 
several).  It's not Mark Twain or Calvin Coolidge or J Edgar  Hoover.Don't 
tell me.   I'll get there.  On another matter Aunt Bee did ride in a 
pickup truck. When Warren commissioned Goober to use his as a paddy Wagon 
The Untrained Voicehttp://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Near international incident

2013-12-24 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I just read where a foreign dignitary was offended by Vice President Biden.   
After forgetting their name several times, Biden poked him in the stomach and 
said "you're a character,  you know that".Mr Putin objected saying who is 
this clown?An embarrassed President O'Bama said "oh. He's just my um 
Deputy".  Putin just laughed and said. Well at least we got to "raid the 
icebox"Jeff Gossett is the one who found the latest Schwamp sighting 
I mentioned in yesterday's Digest. Congrats JeffI loved reading up on 
things like left overs.   I will add to the list the railroad tramp Willy.   He 
wasn't served by aunt bee but he got leftovers.  You are good Janet.  
 The secret ingredient could have been allspiceThe untrained  
voiceSgt at arms.  Schwamp fan club and hair loss support 
groupSanta does not come until Ellie sings Away in a Mangerhttp://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Catching up and responding

2013-12-23 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Hello fellow   Mayberryites.For about the past three months I have not been 
getting the Digest in my email at Frontier.com.I haven't bothered Allan 
with it because I know it's not the Digest itself.  I can see the messages in 
the archives so I know the Digest is working.   This is the second Email I've 
had that stopped getting the Digest.   Maybe I do need bigger wires!,I want 
to first address a message from a couple months back about Mr. Schwamp.   I put 
together the  Schwamp  page and the list of sightings. So I am "the boys at the 
lab" and I agree that there is a not yet documented sighting in Aunt Bee's big 
moment.  great find!!!   I will get that added to the Schwamp page.  
wonderful Christmas Card as usual Allen.  Enjoying the podcast!   
More soon likely if this goes through The untrained 
VoiceSgt at Arms. Schwamp fan club and hair loss support grouphttp://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another show that reminds me of TAGS

2013-09-02 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I watch a cable show from time to time called Pawn Stars.   People bring in 
things to possibly pawn or sell to a Pawn Shop.   I saw back to back episodes 
this week.  In the first they bought a working cannon for $30,000.   It didn't 
even have a TR reference so I think Andy should have kept his price at $200.
The other item was George Washington  inauguration day buttons.   They were 
also highly valued.I kept waiting for a Lavaliere of Martha's but it has 
not shown up yet.And yes they fired the cannon  just like Warren, only on 
purpose.  every ounces in a while they buy guns but they can't have 
missing screws or moldy bulletsThe Untrained VoiceSent from 
Yahoo! Mail for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberrry reference by Ron Howard

2013-08-14 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I have been watching the TV show Arrested Development on Netflix.
For those not familiar, Ron Howard is the Narrator of this comedy and 
ocassionally makes cameo appreances.  I think is is probably also the producer,
Fair warning..its not Mayberry..in terms of  age-appropriate content.
In a Season 4 Episode Ron appears as himself,  and he was getting a haircut, 
but strangely still wearing his ball cap.
He referred to the Barber as "Floyd"..which was a nice Griffith Show/Howard 
McNear  tribute..but he took it a step further and said.
"I call all my Barbers Floyd".
Only Mayberry Fans probably "got it" so of course I thought it was cool.
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry connection Americas got Talent

2013-08-10 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
A very funny impressionist on America's Got Talent is the real life son of 
Marion Ross. mrs Cunningham on Happy Days. Which of course makes her Richie 
(Ron Howard's ) mom.  Does that make this guy a half-brother to Opie.  Or just 
half a boy? He is funny and good.  A regulator Howard Spraugue with a joke 
bookSent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Crooks and bad people

2013-04-20 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
For your notorious Mayberry vistors list, how about Eddie Brooke, whom Barney 
wrestled down to the ground?  Or how about the Escaped Prisoner that Andy Tied 
to a tree?  Or speaking of escaped prisoners, how about those three women led 
by Maude "Ralph Henderson" Tyler?  Then, don't forget the miracle Salve guys 
and the way they cruelly blacklisted Trey Bowden.  I think any of the prisoners 
who pointed a gun at our friends would have to go on the list.
If you went by Andy's reactions though, it would have to be Melissa and her 
"Daddy".  They are the only ones that I recall Andy asking to "leave "and I 
mean Mayberry" other that Dave Browne in a good natured way..
The Untranied Voice 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Great video of Andy and Doon performing together

2013-02-06 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I got a link to this clip from a facebook page that I didn't even sign up for.
Maybe most of you have seen it.  I don't remember seeing it on  Allan's Two 
Chair's  Podcast, or reading about it here.
Its Andy and Don on a 1966 Jim Nabors Variety show.  They do a little singing 
and dancing together and reenact portions of an episode or two..in costume, in 
character..in a courthouse mock up ..but with a shiny white floor.
you may have to copy and paste into your browser.  this is a classic  dont-miss
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

Christmas--things we'd like to see

2012-12-15 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Thanks for that peek in the Taylor home of Christmas eve. Nice image..good View.
 Now for those of you who have been in the Mayberry Jail for a while, you know 
my annual reminder, but for those of you who are new here at the rock...there 
are a couple of Nice Christmas Stories on the Fan Fiction Section of WBMUTBB 
website.  One of those stories was written by your truly (I didn't write it on 
the wall because it take alot of work to clean the writing off of walls)  The 
other story (Ope's Christmas Wish) was by a fellow Fan Fiction writer.  Mine is 
Titled --An Unfogettable Christmas-- and is second from the bottom.  It would 
be probably a double episode due to its length, but I think you will enjoy how 
the whole Mayberry Community comes together in this special story that our 
favorite Charactars are all true to themselves.
Check out these for your extry TAGS Christmas pleasure next week.
But it ain't really Christmas until the guitar chords begin and Ellie's soft 
voice begins Away in a Manger.
THe UNtrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

William Lanteau later appearances

2012-11-12 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I  saw the string about William Lanteau, and wanted to remined the group  that 
our own Ed Sawyer was a Semi-regular on the series Newhart.
That is the one where Bob Newhart owned an Inn and had colorful characters like 
the Darling-esq Larry, Daryl and Daryl.  William played a charactar named 
Chester.  The much older Lanteau was usually seen with his friend Jim.  He 
looks much different, bald, but the voice is unmistakable.
Here is a Youtube link to an episode with him.  He appears at about 9:30 and 
then at the end of the episode.
Around my house there have been strains of "I smell Gas"  I somehow got into 
fresh highway paint and splattereed it on the side of my vehicle..so I was busy 
for two hours with gas and a rag trying to get it off  the car, the tires, 
wheels, bumper etc.  I got it pretty clear, but I will prbably hear the "I 
smell gas" comment foir a few days.  What do you think you clean paint off 
with? Coal?
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

Heads-up and Congrats

2012-10-29 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Congrats to Mrs. Opie Taylor Senior and Jeff "Howard" Branch.
Hey Ken, Roger Hanover called, he wants his corny schtick back... but you do 
keep it relavent and current.  good job.
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

One more Baby--Nice Dress Nellie page updated!!

2012-10-27 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I know it's been a while since some of you pointed out that there were a few 
Nellie appearances that were not on the Webpage we created for her.  I have 
finally added those.  As Barney would say,  I was waiting for the work-order to 
come in.  These include episodes 2 ,3 ,70 and 176.  Unlike Barney, I did not 
wait for the official verification, but I will watch them soon, and correct as 
needed.  I also made a correction on the background character page, identifying 
Rance Howard.  Thanks to the lady who brought that one to our attention, as 
well as the Trained Noticers who found Nellie.
Here is the Link to the character page, Nellie is at the bottom.
Ken, there was a Baby in the episode Andy and The New Mayor, Episode 66.  Like 
another ocassion a Baby is dropped off at the courthouse for Andy or Barney to 
watch for a short time.  This clashes with Mayor Stoner's by the book reporting 
to the Governor.
One of the reasons I haven't been out her much lately is I have been busy with 
my own Mayberry Historical Society-type geneology project.  I have many 
Mayberry sounding ancestors which I may share later, but the most notable is a 
Sprague married to a Comstock.
The Untrained Voice
..another reason I've been scarce.. My Last script "Mayberry after Middday" 
bombed, despite Allan's excellent renduring of Bert and Floyd on the podcast.  
I guess I should have stuck with something from the light classics..this was 
over thier heads :)  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Amish vehicle shows and lighter

2012-09-09 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I read Ken's  tongue in check question asking if the Amish had Buggy shows.  
I'm not exactly sure, but I can say that I have been to one of thier horse 
auctions.  A few years ago I was in Shipshewana Indiana.  It is an large Amish 
Community that a portion of has been commercialized.  One thing about 
Shipshewana that reminds me of Mayberry though is that they basically roll up 
the streets a night.  There is nothing going on at night..not even a movie 
theatre.  Anyway, they have a large Flea Market and Auction House.  We happened 
to be there one time and I was lucky enough to attend this horse auction.  When 
I entered this large areana..99% of the people were in tradtional Amish garb.  
They would bring the horse in one at a time and talk about how much mileage 
they had on them, how much food they consumed, their top speed etc..just like 
you would hear about a car...and then the auctioneer would start the bidding.   
It was a crackup but very
 quaint and special at the same time.   
There has been a lot of good answers about Barney's lighter, but I'll just 
add..You never know when you are going to have to light a magic lamp..or go out 
to a gabarge dump to supposedly make sure a chain letter is burned up.  Wasn't 
Andy quick with a lighter once when a pick-pocket or crook was looking for a 
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Andy Video

2012-09-01 Thread jgr...@frontier.com

Well I  enjoyed the what's my line videos so much I went looking for more 
videos amnd found this one of Andy on The Morning Exchange an interview he made 
in 1972.   A very interesting twist if you watched the what's my line 
clips.   One of the panelists is mentioned in this interview.  Andy also speaks 
of the CBs cancellation of all rural themed shows.   He also talks about his 
hit Radio clip about football.  

The Untrained Voice
Also enjoyed Barbara Eden interview
WBMUTBB mailing list

DVDs. Uncut

2012-08-05 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I would start with our sponsor. WEAVERS. The link is on every Digest!!!,  Ben 
has the uncut Paramount set.  

Sorry to hear  about Dale.  I love that book

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nice Dress Nellie

2012-07-22 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Hey thanks Trained Noticers for the Nice Dress Nellie sightings and references 
to her webpage.  As the orginator of that page (with Allan's great help)  I'm 
thrilled that it is being used and generating these comments.   I will try to 
get those addtions made this week.  (if not already done) Thanks so much!!
Can I plug something else I've contributed to regarding Nice Dress Nellie?  I 
hope most of you listen to Allan Newsome's Podcast "Two Chair's No Waiting".
Episodes 191 and 192 are called Mayberry after Midday.  I have been a Fan 
Fiction writer off an on for the past 10 years or so.  A Fan fiction writer is 
kind of like a Tribute Artist..but in Tribute to the writers rather than the 
A few years ago Allan and I talked about doing a podcast with a script using 
Floyd and Bert Miller since he can do both voices.  So we did that one..I 
wrote, he performed it very well.  That first one took place totally in the 
Barber Shop.   About a year later we collaborated again with another Floyd and 
Bert episode that creatively took them out of the Barbershop just a bit, and 
referenced a few other characters.   That one went well also, and we left the 
door open for another one.
When I used to write Fan Fiction just for reading..I always tried to include 
something in Mayberry that I would have like to seen (but we didn't) such as 
more about Opie's Mom, a story about basketball..and another Christmas 
Episode..so this time I applied that principle to the third Floyd and Bert 
Podcast. (I'm getting back to Nellie here)
The thing that I would have like to seen that we featured was..more about the 
Silent Characters.  Mr. Schwamp  and Nice Dress Nellie..why are they often seen 
together?  What about Edgar Coleman?  What about Hazel?  Phoebe? the Beamons? 
  This Podcast brings all of them together as well as a Mayberry Hayride.  I 
think you will enjoy it.
There is a little "scandal" on a very tame Mayberry scale..and thus the title 
Mayberry After Midday.  We find out about an unusual friendship between two of 
our favorites.   OK that's enough of a tease..check it out when you get time.  
The current series of podcasts are of course tribute to the man Andy Griffith, 
after our great loss, but these Fan Fiction episodes can wait.  I'd love to get 
any feedback from anyone who listend to them.  I hope the story develops in 
your imagination like it did in mine.  The two episode together ironically are 
about the length of a broadcast episode!!!  
 Have a Mayberry day all
The Untrained Voice
WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberry Sightings on Get Smart

2012-06-09 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
TAGS in Get Smart
I don't know if we have mentioned before Mayberry actors on "Get Smart".  I was 
running through a DVD this week and in one show there was Mrs Lesch (Ellen 
Corby) as a sneaky lady once again.  then a few minutes later ole Jud (Bert 
Mustin) shows up.  he was in a secret room behind a dart board target.  
Reverend Tucker even shows up as a bag guy (William Keen)  Also appearing was 
Byron Foulger who played various TAGS roles including Harrry Bosworth (Head of 
Water and Power in The Cannon episode.  Vaughn Taylor, also from the cannon 
episode was there too!!   A Regular Mayberry reunion!!  They kept Agent 86 and 
Agent 99 guessing..kind of like the McCalister Case.  The episode was about a 
retired agent's diary..called Dear Diary..Season 1.
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Podcast--my endorsement

2012-06-07 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
Hello Friends,
I'd like to Echo what Allan said about the podcast  (the part about how 
enjoyable it is, and how easy it is to listen to)
He did say some nice things about my writing..but I have to say they would just 
be words on paper without his Voice Talents and ability to record a podcast.
For a tribute writer wannabe, its a dream come true to hear your work performed 
by someone who can do Floyd and Bert so well (I'll say it..even better than 
Goober's Cary Grant)
I'll have more to say about the story later, but do give it a listen.  If you 
are a true fan I think you will really enjoy the story.
One idea for the story even came from this Digest.  I believe it was Ken who 
said something about a Hayride...that's all I'm going to say for now about that.
You may have heard one of our Bert/Floyd collaborations before..but this one , 
in a creative way opens up to some very memorable but silent stars.
Check it out.. Two Chairs No Waiting..one episode on the link., another to come 
this Monday
The Untraind Voice
Harvey B, I hope you would be proud
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Mayberry RFD another comment and Insecticide convention

2012-06-01 Thread jgr...@frontier.com
I know the question about Barney on Mayberry RFD got answered.  I have anothe 
RFD question.  I have watched most of the episodes on Youtube, since DVDs of 
RFD are not readily available.  
Are all the episodes there?  I have not found episodes such as Goober's 
Brother, and Millie the Secretary, the numbering seems to be off also.  My book 
(Fernandes and Robinson's A Guide to Television's Mayberry RFD) says that 
Season two Ep 1 is Goober's brother..but the Youtube episode S2E01 is Andy's 
Any help would be appreciated.
This week in my local paper (Westfield IN) the first sentence was "the 10th 
Fumigant and Pheremones Technical conferencebut for those in the pest 
control industry it was a can't miss event.  IT was a bonafied international 
insecticide convention!!  I'm dying to find out who sang the national anthem.  
I wonder if they did as good a job as Leonard Blush..or if they wore a mask???
Th next confernce in 2014 will be in Krakow Poland...so this year's event was 
the last chance for a while to sing our national anthem.  This was a regular 
international event on the  scale of Mayberry's the Summit.  representatives 
from 33 countries attended!!
You just never know when Mayberry is going to pop up.
The Untrained Voice
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Jim Nabors

2012-05-26 Thread jgr...@frontier.com

You are correct Jim will not be at the Indy 500 this year due to his scheduled 
heart surgery in a few days. However he has recorded on sound and video his 
rendition of Back Home again in Indiana which will be played att the race and 
on TV.

One of the local stations did and interview with him at his home in Hawaii just 
a few days ago.   if this link does not work try "wthr.com"  and look for Dave 
collabro interview with Jim Nabors

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