
2017-04-23 Thread CTMIDWAY58
What we have going on right now reminds me of one of Andy's  monologues... 
"It won't no ordinary rain, it was a real frog  strangler!"
Looking for 4 - 6" in this area by time it is over. Eric, you  came at the 
right time!!
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2013-12-18 Thread Dan Goodwin
I had always thought the wet streets in the Christmas episode were due to a 
Southern California rain shower, but I just noticed when Andy drives to the 
court house that the wet streets do not extend up the street beside the church 
or to the feed and seed building behind the court house. 

A production decision to make Mayberry look more wintery?


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2011-07-23 Thread Bob James

Should have been in Mayberry where it rarely rains. Watch out for Max Klinger 
and those darned gypsies!  Bob
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Nashville and rain

2010-05-15 Thread Bentle, Margaret
Hello TAGS family,
Welcome new members.
Happy Birthday Don Rickles our own Newton Monroe turned 84, May 8, 2010.
rain go away for a while
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my hometown of Nashville,
I hope everyone on the digest who lives in Tennessee is okay.
My immediate family survived the rain and flood.
My mom kept saying are we going to have to build an ark like Noah?  The
front and backyard flooded three times each.
If you have ever been to Nashville or one of the surrounding counties,
you will know that we have some beautiful landmarks and landscape.
This past weekend May 1 and 2 we received almost 14 inches of rain.
Homes, businesses, churches, and hotels (Opryland Hotel and 
The Grand Ole Opry House) were damaged with flood water and rain.  The
Cumberland River which surrounds Nashville flooded.
The Harpeth River, Mill Creek, Duck River and several others flooded way
beyond their banks.
Some of the streets were so flooded that they were using boats to rescue
people from their homes.
Tennessee will survive and so will Tennesseans.
Come and visit the state.  Visit the Grand Ole Opry, which for the time
being will be back at the Ryman Auditorium.
We have plenty of hotels in Nashville.
The National News really didn't cover the story, too much else going on,
bomber in NYC and the oil slick in the Gulf Coast.
A friend of mine in Montana said that the only way she knew about the
flood was from her father who lives here and from the Weather Channel.
Go to the following website to see pictures.
Look at the aerial photos.
Nashville does have a connection to TAGS.  Opryland Theme Park hosted
Don Knotts and some more Mayberry folks, I think back in 1991.
The park has been replaced by Opry Mills (shopping).
Jim Clark (head Goober), George Lindsey (the real Goober) and Jeff
Koontz (Surrey Arts Council) live in Nashville.
Sorry Allan for breaking any rules.  I just had to get this off my
chest.  I'm not like Lydia nothing usually lays on my chest.
Floyd: 'I'm going to Nashville.'   
(Margaret: I already live in Nashville.) 
p.s. I've tried to send this several times, I hope this works this time.

  Nashville has more rain today. 


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Recall: Nashville and rain

2010-05-08 Thread Bentle, Margaret
Bentle, Margaret would like to recall the message, Nashville and rain.


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Recall: Nashville and rain

2010-05-08 Thread Bentle, Margaret
Bentle, Margaret would like to recall the message, Nashville and rain.


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RE: trivia, rain and favorite episodes

2008-08-26 Thread Good, Don
...As for rain, be careful what you wish for... Mother Nature has been
messing with us 

When I get a might put out with Mother Nature, I try to think of Ellen
Brown.  Nature's been REAL good to her.

Don Good
(She's definitely NOT a boy)

WBMUTBB mailing list

trivia, rain and favorite episodes

2008-08-25 Thread jlj9675
I'm tickled to hear that Cheri's trivia event was such a huge success.  I'll 
bet her next one will be a humdinger!  I'm with most of you on the 
favorite season and episode question.  It's hard to pinpoint just one as 
almost all of them were so wonderful.  I'm still partial to Only a Rose due 
to Clara's magnificent gesture of friendship. As for rain, be careful 
what you wish for.  Down here we have many citizens flooded out and wishing 
for a draught (not really)! Mother Nature has been messing with us 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Rain in Mayberry

2007-07-09 Thread Silvia Boosten
It was storming in the Dogs, Dogs, Dogs episode too.
  I've noticed that the streets in Mayberry are often wet, on Leave it to 
Beaver also.
  When Barney goes into the hotel in the Gold Truck episode his raincoat is 
  dry, but when he comes out his shoulder and back are wet.  Maybe they did a 
take in
  the rain.
  Were the Andy Griffith shows and Leave it to Beaver filmed on the same set?
  Silvia from California, who wishes she was in Mayberry   

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Re: rain in Mayberry

2007-07-09 Thread Sweet Charity

It was storming the night Sam Becker's baby was born.

Cay Holliday


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Rain in Mayberry

2007-07-07 Thread Danny Bryan
  I  was reading the FAQ'S on mayberry.com and came across this one:
  Did it ever rain in Mayberry?
Regarding the subject of bad weather, there was a flood in Mayberry sometime 
between episode 95 The Big House and episode 118, Andy's Vacation. Barney 
says, I can get Gomer as a deputy. He's still sworn in from the flood. Also, 
in episode 219 Goober's Contest, Andy mentions that a tornado once struck 
Mayberry. Of course, neither of these catastrophes happened on-screen; they 
were just mentioned later. The only time it actually rains on-screen is in A 
Black Day for Mayberry while everybody anxiously awaits for the arrival of the 
gold truck. My guess is that it actually was raining at the time, but the 
producers were forced to shoot the episode anyway due to one deadline or 
another. I mean, why would they go to the trouble to make FAKE rain? There are 
a few other episodes in which storm sound effects are heard (Quiet Sam, The 
Jinx, Dogs Dogs Dogs) but no rain is actually seen in those episodes. --Paul 
Mulik Speaking of weather, the other day my little boy was asked
 by his teacher to spell weather and he spelled it w-a-n-t-h-e-r. That's just 
about the worst spell of weather we've had in a long time (from An Evening 
With Me by Don Knotts.)

   I was watching Episode 183 The Gypsies, and at the end of the show when 
the gypsies break the curse, there is a shot where you can see it raining 
looking out of the courthouse window. Just didn't see it mentioned on the 
answer to that question, and thought I'D share.

The fish are biting.
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2006-07-12 Thread Ruth Stanley
Rain in Mayberry has often been the subject on here, so I hope y'all don't mind 
me telling that today a 114 year record of no measurable rain on July 12th, in 
Salem Oregon just was broken. Just like an article one would expect in a 
Mayberry news paper, it appeared on the front page. Salem was also the only 
city in Oregon to have this distinction.  Oh well, it is still the State 
Capitol. Actually I live in Keizer which which was established in the 1980s, 
due to the fact that we did not want to be annexed by Salem. We're an 
independent bunch of folks, that's what makes Mayberry, oops I meant Keizer so 
Aunt Bee 2 (Ruth in Or)
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