Fwd: I'm late!

2020-10-28 Thread Jason Stillwell
I apologize if this shows up twice, but it's been quite a while since I've
posted, and I believe I sent it to the wrong email address.

I sure got lax with keeping up with the digest this year! I'm currently
going forward and backward trying to catch up. I've read all the current
ones and have been reading about five at a time from when I missed
(currrently sitting at about July). It sure threw me into a state of
confusion seeing all the odd posts recently showing up from back in July
and August. These electronal marvels do have their quirks, and I would like
to once again thank Allan for keeping things up and running for this little

Jason Stillwell
"Jason at the Hotel"
Caddo, Oklahoma
WBMUTBB mailing list

Late Posts

2020-10-24 Thread Ken Anderson
I wonder if the Digests would come sooner if we all used thicker computer
wires.  Sometimes these electronal marvels can be troublesome.

Colonel Harvey was on a Twilight Episode.  He was a con man who took his
wagon show to towns and claimed he could raise people from the dead.  I
wonder if he was in Charlotte when Tom Silbey was run over by that taxi.

Ken "Barney" Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-10-24 Thread gboe
Janine, I am guessing that our Digests are arriving late because they were
stuck in Quarantine for several days.  There's been a lot of that going
around lately...

-Greg from Minnesota (Mayberry of the North)

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-10-23 Thread Janine L Johnson
So what's been going on that we received newsletter postings from August 
just today? I wondered what happened to all the news both pre and after 
Mayberry Days? Am I out of the loop or what? Or is this electronal 
marvel of mine (computer) acting up again? Oh noo!!!

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Better Late Than Never....

2020-01-16 Thread Joe
Well, it took me awhile, but in reply to Jeff's New Years Day challenge,
here are my 5 themed episodes.

The central theme that runs through the entire 8 seasons of TAGS is the
father-son relationship between Andy and Opie. There are so many memorable
episodes that feature this relationship, I chose 5 where Andy doubted or
didn't believe Opie, then had to admit he was wrong, and apologized -
strengthening their relationship.  In most of these episodes, Opie showed
himself to be generous and kind, caring more about others than himself:

1.  "Opie's Charity

2.   "Mr. McBeevee"

3.   "Opie's Ill-Gotten Gain"

4.   "Opie's Fortune"

5.   "Opie's Job"

Also - I finally have seen that Lincoln commercial with Matthew McConaughey
and the TAGS theme song - makes me smile every time.

*Joe Suszczynski*
*Grand Island, NY*
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou (Janet) is Never Late to The Party!

2017-04-22 Thread John Graham
   I just want to say that the posts from Thelma Lou (Janet) are, more
often than not, the "Life of the Party" and they never make her seem late
to the party. Most of her posts are spot on the subject and usually quite
interesting. I don't know her personally, but I just wanted to put in my
opinion based on what I have read on many of her posts.

Thanks For Listening,
Sheriff Poindexter

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another smell - late entry

2016-10-13 Thread eric swolgaard
Floyd the Barber referring to Barney's picture on the election poster as a 
"bloodhound sniffing out crime" !

WBMUTBB mailing list

Late Post for Me

2016-09-20 Thread Ken Anderson
I too have had some very late posts lately.  The one that was just posted I
had sent in almost two weeks ago.  I wondered why it hadn't appeared.  I
also tried using thicker wires but it still didn't appear.  But then
suddenly, there it was for all the world to see.  Well, maybe not all the
world, but for all of our little world of Mayberry.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Late Posts

2016-09-19 Thread Gary Muskat

Yours at least get posted.  Mine keep bouncing as if I'm not allowed to post
here.  Does anyone else have this problem?


Subject: Late posts
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Well, that was weird!  I just finished reading today's digest, and all three
posts were from late August!  One of them was mine.  I knew I had never seen
it appear in a digest but just thought that, for some reason, it wasn't
going to appear.  Was it some odd glitch?  Maybe Allan needs bigger wires!
Thelma Lou

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Late posts

2016-09-18 Thread Janet Anderson
Well, that was weird!  I just finished reading today's digest, and all three 
posts were from late August!  One of them was mine.  I knew I had never seen it 
appear in a digest but just thought that, for some reason, it wasn't going to 
appear.  Was it some odd glitch?  Maybe Allan needs bigger wires!
Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

percussion: late entry

2015-02-15 Thread eric swolgaard
I don't think this percussion example has been mentioned yet, if so pardon the 
redundancy but on "Howard's New Life" Howard Sprague tries his hand on a few 
bongo licks over there in the Caribbean Islands!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Day Late and a Dollar Short (Well, a Day Late, Anyway)

2014-02-14 Thread Janet Anderson
Well, I just realized that after I spent time coming up with the ten characters 
who wore a Mayberry uniform, I was a day behind on my digests because I didn't 
read my e-mail yesterday past first thing in the morning.  So several others 
already answered before I did.  But I did come up with my list on my own before 
I read the next digest.  That was rather deflating, though.  I guess that will 
teach me to keep up to date on my digests!!

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

(A date, I know I'm late!)

2012-02-07 Thread Laura Wheeler
In regards to a date in Mayberry, I am surprised that no one mentioned a date 
with Andy!  He would be my number one pick, he's handsome, sincere, has a good 
sense of humor, and knows how to treat a girl like a lady!  He's an awesome 
father figure, and seems like someone I could turn to if I had a problem, or 
needed advice.  I'd be happy to make him some brownies with Thelma Lou's recipe 
for peach ice cream, and we could simply sit on the couch and watch a movie, or 
he could read a mystery novel aloud to me. (I know, I'm a cheap date!)  I love 
Andy, he is/was a special man.in my opinion, they don't make 'em like they 
used to!!  :)    P.S.~~I think that he fills out that uniform of his quite 
WBMUTBB mailing list

late Digests?

2008-10-02 Thread jlj9675
Like Maud's feet falling asleep (I wonder what causes that?), my Digests are 
still coming sporadically, out of order and much later than the kind folks 
who are forwarding them to me get them.  I've conferred with my server and 
they cannot find any problems so the robot our editor uses must be playing 
jokes on us.  Maybe this is an early Halloween prank! In any case, I'm just 
glad to get them.  Being part of the Mayberry family means a lot to me and I 
thank all of you who keep me in the loop and entertained to boot! Much 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Omen of the Day (a little late from still timely)

2008-06-15 Thread Allan Newsome
Omen of the Day
  by Briscoe Darling

Friday the 13th Omen

Paraskevidekatriaphobics - people afflicted with a morbid, irrational 
fear of Friday the 13th

The sixth day of the week and the number 13 both have foreboding 
reputations said to date from ancient times. Their inevitable 
conjunction from one to three times a year denotes more misfortune than 
some can bear. Folklorists say it's probably the most widespread 
superstition in America (and no doubt in other parts of the world, as well).

Those who know about these things, inform us that Adam and Eve were 
expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday, Noah's flood started on a 
Friday, and Christ was crucified on a Friday. Christians also noted that 
twelve witches plus one devil are present at Satanic ceremonies so 
Friday and 13 make a deadly combination.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Is it too late?

2006-11-21 Thread Marie

I was sick these past few days and completely forgot about the 
collection for dear Olive's Thanksgiving basket. Bless her heart, a 
widow with 4 young 'uns. Is Juanita the one who took up the collection 
this year, seeing as they both work at the diner?


WBMUTBB mailing list

The late, great Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread marten
Don Knotts is missed by everyone who held out for a little more kindness, 
heart, and
  respect in the human condition.
  The timing of Don's death seems a bit odd. I (and may TAGS fans) probably 
   poetically that Andy would be the first to leave us and Barney would not be 
far behind.

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