[web2py] Re: autodelete image computed field

2012-11-09 Thread Mark Li
Any success on getting the computed thumbnail image to autodelete? I'm 
having trouble with this too, where an update of a new thumbnail will not 
delete the old file.

On Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:06:25 PM UTC-7, ctrlSoft wrote:

 hi i have a resize function wich creates image thumbanils...
 def THUMB(image, nx=120, ny=120):
 from PIL import Image 
 import os  
 img = Image.open(request.folder + 'static/img_folder/' + image)
 img.thumbnail((nx,ny), Image.ANTIALIAS) 
 root,ext = os.path.splitext(image)
 thumb='%s_thumb%s' %(root, ext)
 img.save(request.folder + 'static/img_folder/' + thumb)
 return thumb
 return None  
 and this :
 Field('image', 'upload', requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IMAGE()), 
 uploadfolder=request.folder+'static/img_folder', autodelete=True), 
 Field('image_thumb', 'upload', compute=lambda r: THUMB(r['image']), 

 the problem is when i delete a row, image(big image) is deleteing from 
 disk but the image_thumb stil remains on disk. 
 any solutions are welcome :), thx



Re: [web2py] Re: REF: Modal Window: Automatically close and update parent window:

2012-11-09 Thread Teddy Nyambe
Oke gr8!!! will give it a shot!!! thanx you guys, so much to learn!!
wb2py rocks!!

On 11/8/12, Paolo Caruccio paolo.carucci...@gmail.com wrote:
 a possible solution (skeleton code so please check for errors and

 # controllers
 def companies():
 return dict()

 def add_company():
 form = SQLFORM(db.company, formstyle='bootstrap')
 if form.process().accepted:
 session.flash = 'form accepted'
 redirect(URL('add_company', vars={'success':'ok'}))
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = 'form has errors'
 return dict(form=form)

 # view = companies.html
 {{extend 'layout.html'}

 !-- Button to trigger modal --
 a href=#myModal class=btn data-toggle=modalLaunch modal/a

 !-- Modal --
 div id=myModal class=modal hide fade
   div class=modal-header
 button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modalĂ—/button
   div class=modal-body
 {{=LOAD('default', add_company.load', ajax=True, ajax_trap=True)}}
   div class=modal-footernbsp;/div

 script type=text/javascript
 jQuery('#myModal').on('hidden', function () {
   // ajax call to refresh data grid

 # view = add_company.load

 script type=text/javascript
  var res = '{{=request.vars.success}}'
  if (res != 'None') {

 Il giorno giovedì 8 novembre 2012 16:52:46 UTC+1, software.ted ha scritto:


 How do I auto close a JS Bootstrap modal window that has simple form
 and then update a grid on the calling main page??? I am using
 Bootstrap modal window.

 db.define_table('department', Field('name'))
 db.define_table('office', Field('name'), Field('department',

 def add_department():
if ..:
return dict(form=form)

 def add_office():
form = SQLFORM(db.office)
if ...:

 What I want in the view is to be able to add a company using a
 bootstrap modal window after clicking on save close the modal window
 and update a grid with a new company added in the same window. Also I
 when i add office modal window, in the dropbox i want to see the just
 added company without refreshing the main winnow but using ajax.

 Any ideas pointer...thanx in advance...
  enalapril + nifedipin + pediatric benlin

 Teddy L.



Teddy Lubasi Nyambe
Opensource Zambia
Lusaka, ZAMBIA

Cell: +260 97 7760473
website: http://www.opensource.org.zm

Human Knowledge belongs to the world! - AntiTrust

Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he
is all - Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881



[web2py] Re: Optimized way to use web2py Scheduler

2012-11-09 Thread Niphlod
ehm, missing something here: worker(s) do(es) auto-assignments of tasks. 
there's no web2py involved in assigning task to a particular worker.
Said that, I'd run one worker if there are no requisites like I need 
function1 and function2 to run concurrently, in which case, start 2 
workers, they'll split the jobs.

On Friday, November 9, 2012 7:59:04 AM UTC+1, Amit wrote:

 I have more than 10 functions which has to be executed by Scheduler and 
 each task has assigned different time ( for e.g...one has to execute on 
 every 15 minutes, other one has to executes on every 24 hrs etc... ) to 
 execute, so in my CustomScheduler.py module : I wiil have 10 different  
 statements like below:

 repeats = 0, # run indefinately
 period = 3600, # every 1h
 timeout = 120, # should take less than 120 seconds

 repeats = 0, # run indefinately
 period = 900, # every 15 min
 timeout = 120, # should take less than 120 seconds

   My doubt is what will be the better optimized approach to assign those 
 10 tasks to Scheduler:

 1. Create only one worker  using *web2py -K appname* command for all 
 tasks, which will further takes care of running all tasks at designated 
 time OR
 2.  Create 10 different workers means execute above command 10 times and 
 then web2py takes care of assigning the task to each worker.

 which will be the best optimized way to use web2py scheduler?



[web2py] REF: Tabs and FORMSQL.Grid focus

2012-11-09 Thread Teddy Nyambe

I have tabs and in one one of them I have a SQLFORM.grid displayed.
But when i hit say view or search the grid, the default tabs is
displayed. Is there a way of making SQLFORM.grid make ajax calls
instead of refreshing whole page...or is there another way i can
ensure my grid refreshes the same tab on which is is displayed...here
is my code:


def index():
response.subtitle = Human Resource and Administration
db.department.id.readable = False
headers = {'db.department.name': 'Department
Name','db.department.description': 'Description'}
form = SQLFORM.grid(db.department, headers=headers,
orderby=default_sort_order, create=False, deletable=False,
editable=False, maxtextlength=64, paginate=25)
return dict(form=form)

Views - index.html:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
div class=tabbable !-- Only required for left/right tabs --
  ul class=nav nav-tabs
li class=activea href=#tab1 data-toggle=tabSection 1/a/li
lia href=#tab2 data-toggle=tabSection 2/a/li
li class=dropdown
a class=dropdown-toggle
Meta Data
ul class=dropdown-menu
lia href=#tab3 id=department tabindex=-1
data-toggle=tabManage Departments/a/li
lia href=#tab3 id=office tabindex=-1
data-toggle=tabManage Office Titles/a/li
li class=divider/li
lia href=#tab3 tabindex=-1 data-toggle=tabManage
  div class=tab-content
div class=tab-pane active id=tab1
  pI'm in Section 1./p
div class=tab-pane id=tab2
  pHowdy, I'm in Section 2./p
div class=tab-pane id=tab3
div id=department_form{{include 'administration/test.html'}}/div

View: test.html

!--Navigation Bar--
div class=navbar
  div class=navbar-inner
a class=brand href=#Manage Department Data/a
ul class=nav
  li class=activea href=#Add New/a/li
  lia href=#Edit/a/li
  li class=divider-vertical/li

form class=navbar-form pull-left
 input type=text class=span2 placeholder=search
 button type=submit class=btnSearch/button
!--Nav End --
Teddy Lubasi Nyambe
Opensource Zambia
Lusaka, ZAMBIA

Cell: +260 97 7760473
website: http://www.opensource.org.zm

Human Knowledge belongs to the world! - AntiTrust

Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he
is all - Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881



[web2py] Re: how i can write a web2py code nto javascript

2012-11-09 Thread lyn2py
Do you mean that you want the code to appear on the webpage?

Save your code into a file in the static folder, and include in your views 
file using response.files:

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 5:39:36 PM UTC+8, Ali Alroomi wrote:

 hello  plz i need help i need t write web2py code into javascript ike the 
 following my code plz any help with the this:

 $.fn.fancybox = function(options) {
 $(this).data('fancybox', $.extend({}, options));

 $(this).unbind('click.fb').bind('click.fb', function(e) {

 if (busy) return;

 busy = true;


 selectedArray= [];
 selectedIndex= 0;
 {{for i in db().select(db.Project.ALL):}}
 var rel = $(this).attr('rel') || '';
 var message = {{=i.CategoryID}};
 var url = ?pro= + escape(message);

 if (!rel || rel == '' || rel === 'nofollow') {

 } else {
 selectedArray= $(a[rel= + rel + ], area[rel= + rel 
 + ]);
 selectedIndex= selectedArray.index( this );
 /*window.open(url, _self);*/
 history.replaceState({}, Title, url);




 return false;

 return this;


Re: [web2py] Re: Optimized way to use web2py Scheduler

2012-11-09 Thread Amit
Thanks Niphold for your informative response so If i understood correctly,
in my case , I don't need to start 10 different workers as all these 10
tasks will have different time period to run hence one worker will be
sufficient to perform the required tasks and in any case, suppose I have to
run more than one tasks at the same time period then I should go to the
approach of starting more than one workers.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 ehm, missing something here: worker(s) do(es) auto-assignments of tasks.
 there's no web2py involved in assigning task to a particular worker.
 Said that, I'd run one worker if there are no requisites like I need
 function1 and function2 to run concurrently, in which case, start 2
 workers, they'll split the jobs.

 On Friday, November 9, 2012 7:59:04 AM UTC+1, Amit wrote:

 I have more than 10 functions which has to be executed by Scheduler and
 each task has assigned different time ( for e.g...one has to execute on
 every 15 minutes, other one has to executes on every 24 hrs etc... ) to
 execute, so in my CustomScheduler.py module : I wiil have 10 different
 statements like below:

 repeats = 0, # run indefinately
 period = 3600, # every 1h
 timeout = 120, # should take less than 120 seconds

 repeats = 0, # run indefinately
 period = 900, # every 15 min
 timeout = 120, # should take less than 120 seconds

   My doubt is what will be the better optimized approach to assign those
 10 tasks to Scheduler:

 1. Create only one worker  using *web2py -K appname* command for all
 tasks, which will further takes care of running all tasks at designated
 time OR
 2.  Create 10 different workers means execute above command 10 times and
 then web2py takes care of assigning the task to each worker.

 which will be the best optimized way to use web2py scheduler?




Re: [web2py] Re: Optimized way to use web2py Scheduler

2012-11-09 Thread Niphlod
yep. The only limit to having a single scheduler for all your tasks is that 
it's allowed to have only one running task in a single point in time.
NB: no task is discarded at all, only the concurrency is avoided, e.g.: if 
you have five tasks scheduled for 9.00 AM you'll get all your five tasks 
executed but they will be serialized one after another, so, let's say, 
the fifth one will be started on 9.05AM .

If you have, e.g. two tasks that need to run every 5 minutes and each one 
takes 5 minutes to finish, one scheduler will not be able to perform all 
the iterations you need, so you need to start 2 of them.


Re: [web2py] Re: Optimized way to use web2py Scheduler

2012-11-09 Thread Ramos
How to start 2 or more workers?

Em sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012 11h47min31s UTC, Niphlod escreveu:

 yep. The only limit to having a single scheduler for all your tasks is 
 that it's allowed to have only one running task in a single point in time.
 NB: no task is discarded at all, only the concurrency is avoided, e.g.: if 
 you have five tasks scheduled for 9.00 AM you'll get all your five tasks 
 executed but they will be serialized one after another, so, let's say, 
 the fifth one will be started on 9.05AM .

 If you have, e.g. two tasks that need to run every 5 minutes and each one 
 takes 5 minutes to finish, one scheduler will not be able to perform all 
 the iterations you need, so you need to start 2 of them.


[web2py] Salting tables with legacy data, when to turn on record versioning?

2012-11-09 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I am migrating data from a legacy PHP/MySQL app to Web2py/Postgres.

The new app will have record versioning for archival purposes.

Should I migrate the data with record versioning turned on, or should I 
wait and turn it on after the completing the migration?

Cliff Kachinske


Re: [web2py] Re: Optimized way to use web2py Scheduler

2012-11-09 Thread Niphlod
one worker
web2py.py -K yourapp
two workers: two shells of the above one, or just
web2py.py -K yourapp,yourapp


[web2py] OperationalError: database is locked

2012-11-09 Thread Mike Anson

I may have a problem with my database (sqlite) locking.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py, line 218, in executor
result = dumps(_function(*args,**vars))
  File applications/ircmessage/models/tasks.py, line 57, in 
for row in db(db.messages.status=='unsent').select(db.messages.id, 
db.messages.message, db.messages.uid):
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8787, in select
return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 2127, in select
return super(SQLiteAdapter, self).select(query, fields, attributes)
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1615, in select
return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1580, in _select_aux
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1693, in execute
return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
  File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1687, in log_execute
ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
OperationalError: database is locked

I have a scheduler every minute that get's records (messages) out of the DB 
with a status of unsent. The messages then get posted to an IRC channel and 
updated to sent to they are not included the next time the scheduler runs 
the script.

This seems to work just fine.

It's when I inject a new message (which by default has a message status set 
to unsent) via a bash script. The message inserts fine but my script that 
posts it to the IRC channel doesn't not post anything but simply updates 
it's status to sent without actually sending it. By sending it I mean post 
a message over sockets.

Here is my model for sending unsent messages:
for row in db(db.messages.status=='unsent').select(db.messages.id, 
db.messages.message, db.messages.uid):
message_id = row.id
message_message = row.message
message_uid = row.uid

#socket connection already opened earlier in the script
s.send(PRIVMSG %s :%s - %s\r\n % (channel, message_uid, 
print message %s has been sent % message_id

## Only seems to print message when a delay is here.

## Set message record to sent and update modified field
modified_stamp = strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
db.messages[message_id] = dict(status='sent', 


Inserting a message via jsonrpc (shown) and cURL (not shown):

def savemessage(message, uid):
db.messages.insert(message=message, uid=uid)

message = {status:saved}

return message

Should I simply switch to a postgresql or mysql database to prevent this 

Thanks for any help/advice in advance


[web2py] Re: OperationalError: database is locked

2012-11-09 Thread Niphlod
if you can, use a separate db for the scheduler. SQLite doesn't handle well 
concurrent writes (with default operational capabilities), so having the 
scheduler operating on the same database of your insertion of messages 
can lead to locks.

Just do 

db = DAL('whatever.db')
db2 = DAL('whatever_scheduler.db')

db.define_table('messages', .)

from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
mysched = Scheduler(db2)

and to queue tasks you can then use


or, with the new API


On Friday, November 9, 2012 3:56:59 PM UTC+1, Mike Anson wrote:


 I may have a problem with my database (sqlite) locking.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py, line 218, in executor
 result = dumps(_function(*args,**vars))
   File applications/ircmessage/models/tasks.py, line 57, in 
 for row in db(db.messages.status=='unsent').select(db.messages.id, 
 db.messages.message, db.messages.uid):
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8787, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 2127, in select
 return super(SQLiteAdapter, self).select(query, fields, attributes)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1615, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1580, in _select_aux
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1693, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1687, in log_execute
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 OperationalError: database is locked

 I have a scheduler every minute that get's records (messages) out of the 
 DB with a status of unsent. The messages then get posted to an IRC channel 
 and updated to sent to they are not included the next time the scheduler 
 runs the script.

 This seems to work just fine.

 It's when I inject a new message (which by default has a message status 
 set to unsent) via a bash script. The message inserts fine but my script 
 that posts it to the IRC channel doesn't not post anything but simply 
 updates it's status to sent without actually sending it. By sending it I 
 mean post a message over sockets.

 Here is my model for sending unsent messages:
 for row in db(db.messages.status=='unsent').select(db.messages.id, 
 db.messages.message, db.messages.uid):
 message_id = row.id
 message_message = row.message
 message_uid = row.uid
 #socket connection already opened earlier in the script
 s.send(PRIVMSG %s :%s - %s\r\n % (channel, message_uid, 
 print message %s has been sent % message_id

 ## Only seems to print message when a delay is here.

 ## Set message record to sent and update modified field
 modified_stamp = strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
 db.messages[message_id] = dict(status='sent', 

 Inserting a message via jsonrpc (shown) and cURL (not shown):

 def savemessage(message, uid):
 db.messages.insert(message=message, uid=uid)
 message = {status:saved}

 return message

 Should I simply switch to a postgresql or mysql database to prevent this 

 Thanks for any help/advice in advance


Re: [web2py] OperationalError: database is locked

2012-11-09 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
what version of sqlite ?

import sqlite3
print sqlite3.sqlite_version

for sqlite =3.7 you can do

db.executesql('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')

to enable wal ( http://www.sqlite.org/draft/wal.html )

and I am sure that you will not get this error anymore,
I remember I had something like that some times ago and that worked


Re: [web2py] OperationalError: database is locked

2012-11-09 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
it is enough to execute that only once
db.executesql('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')

then you can remove it


[web2py] Re: OperationalError: database is locked

2012-11-09 Thread Mike Anson
Thank you again Niphlod. That seems like a sensible way for me to separate 
the two out. I'll give that a try.

On Friday, 9 November 2012 10:31:04 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:

 if you can, use a separate db for the scheduler. SQLite doesn't handle 
 well concurrent writes (with default operational capabilities), so having 
 the scheduler operating on the same database of your insertion of 
 messages can lead to locks.

 Just do 

 db = DAL('whatever.db')
 db2 = DAL('whatever_scheduler.db')

 db.define_table('messages', .)

 from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
 mysched = Scheduler(db2)

 and to queue tasks you can then use


 or, with the new API


 On Friday, November 9, 2012 3:56:59 PM UTC+1, Mike Anson wrote:


 I may have a problem with my database (sqlite) locking.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py, line 218, in executor
 result = dumps(_function(*args,**vars))
   File applications/ircmessage/models/tasks.py, line 57, in 
 for row in db(db.messages.status=='unsent').select(db.messages.id, 
 db.messages.message, db.messages.uid):
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8787, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 2127, in select
 return super(SQLiteAdapter, self).select(query, fields, attributes)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1615, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1580, in _select_aux
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1693, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/web2py/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1687, in log_execute
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 OperationalError: database is locked

 I have a scheduler every minute that get's records (messages) out of the 
 DB with a status of unsent. The messages then get posted to an IRC channel 
 and updated to sent to they are not included the next time the scheduler 
 runs the script.

 This seems to work just fine.

 It's when I inject a new message (which by default has a message status 
 set to unsent) via a bash script. The message inserts fine but my script 
 that posts it to the IRC channel doesn't not post anything but simply 
 updates it's status to sent without actually sending it. By sending it I 
 mean post a message over sockets.

 Here is my model for sending unsent messages:
 for row in db(db.messages.status=='unsent').select(db.messages.id, 
 db.messages.message, db.messages.uid):
 message_id = row.id
 message_message = row.message
 message_uid = row.uid
 #socket connection already opened earlier in the script
 s.send(PRIVMSG %s :%s - %s\r\n % (channel, message_uid, 
 print message %s has been sent % message_id

 ## Only seems to print message when a delay is here.

 ## Set message record to sent and update modified field
 modified_stamp = strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
 db.messages[message_id] = dict(status='sent', 

 Inserting a message via jsonrpc (shown) and cURL (not shown):

 def savemessage(message, uid):
 db.messages.insert(message=message, uid=uid)
 message = {status:saved}

 return message

 Should I simply switch to a postgresql or mysql database to prevent this 

 Thanks for any help/advice in advance


Re: [web2py] OperationalError: database is locked

2012-11-09 Thread Mike Anson
I really appreciate your input Vasile. I will round back on to your advice 
should Niphlod's advice of separating the scheduler DB and my messaging DB 
not help me out here.

On Friday, 9 November 2012 10:33:01 UTC-5, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:

 it is enough to execute that only once 
 db.executesql('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')

 then you can remove it


[web2py] Re: What can cause unable to install application?

2012-11-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Hello Luca,

where do you teach?

Look into gluon/admin.py app_install. There is a try...except. Try replace

except Exception:
if did_mkdir:
return False


except Exception:
import traceback
print traceback.format_exc()
if did_mkdir:
return False   

Also if you open a ticket about this, I will make sure better errors are 
reported via admin.
I have apps that allows students to upload projects w2p and bulk install 
them, bulk register and test them. Need polishing.
Remind me in a couple of weeks and I will be happy to share them.


On Friday, 9 November 2012 00:08:32 UTC-6, Luca wrote:

 I am using web2py to teach a class on web development, and sometimes the 
 students submit .w2p packages as assignments that cannot be loaded.  When I 
 or the TAs try to load them, we get the unable to install application 

 What can cause this message? 

 The packages open without problem when I tar xfvz them, so it's not clear 
 to me what the problem is. 

 Many thanks!


[web2py] Re: gitpython module error

2012-11-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It is not a requirement. It is an experimental feature for now. We cannot 
include it because has binary dependences. When we'll support hg, we'll 
include it since it has no binary dependencies.

On Friday, 9 November 2012 01:19:23 UTC-6, Luc Chase wrote:

 When trying to install a package from github I get an error saying that I 
 need to have the gitpython module. But when I execute the following it 
 seems it is already there...
  sudo pip install gitpython
 Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gitpython in 
 Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gitdb=0.5.1 in 
 (from gitpython)
 Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): async=0.6.1 in 
 (from gitdb=0.5.1-gitpython)
 Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): smmap=0.8.0 in 
 (from gitdb=0.5.1-gitpython)
 Cleaning up...

 So what do I need to do to ensure it is available to Web2py ? 

 By the way... gitpython is a requirement of web2py so how come it isn't 
 It also can't be used as a tag in this group?


Re: [web2py] Re: Help with db query

2012-11-09 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
Assuming that request.args contains the right values, this should work:

category = request.args[1].replace('_', ' ')
query = (db.Supplements.Category == category)  ((db.Supplements.Users == 
request.args[0]) | (db.Supplements.Users == Both))
records = db(query).select()

- contains does not work as it's intended only for fields defined as list 
- the alternative is to use belongs as Niphlod suggested yesterday.


[web2py] Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim S
I'm missing something.  I have a table where I want to react to changes to 
a particular field.  I'm trying to use the _after_update callback check for 
this.  However, using this it appears to me that I am only seeing the data 
values after the update.  I can't see what they were before the update so I 
don't know which fields we actually updated.  Is there a 'bef'ore' buffer 
available that I'm missing?  I'm trying to capture changes made using a 
smartgrid.  Any tips would be appreciated.



[web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Derek
Why not just use before_update?

On Friday, November 9, 2012 10:53:21 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 I'm missing something.  I have a table where I want to react to changes to 
 a particular field.  I'm trying to use the _after_update callback check for 
 this.  However, using this it appears to me that I am only seeing the data 
 values after the update.  I can't see what they were before the update so I 
 don't know which fields we actually updated.  Is there a 'bef'ore' buffer 
 available that I'm missing?  I'm trying to capture changes made using a 
 smartgrid.  Any tips would be appreciated.



[web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim S
Because the update may fail.


On Friday, November 9, 2012 12:20:18 PM UTC-6, Derek wrote:

 Why not just use before_update?

 On Friday, November 9, 2012 10:53:21 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 I'm missing something.  I have a table where I want to react to changes 
 to a particular field.  I'm trying to use the _after_update callback check 
 for this.  However, using this it appears to me that I am only seeing the 
 data values after the update.  I can't see what they were before the update 
 so I don't know which fields we actually updated.  Is there a 'bef'ore' 
 buffer available that I'm missing?  I'm trying to capture changes made 
 using a smartgrid.  Any tips would be appreciated.



[web2py] Re: What can cause unable to install application?

2012-11-09 Thread Luca

I teach at UCSC; here is the class web 
Thank you for the help; I will do this next time a student package does not 
load properly! 

On Friday, November 9, 2012 8:18:21 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Hello Luca,

 where do you teach?

 Look into gluon/admin.py app_install. There is a try...except. Try replace

 except Exception:
 if did_mkdir:
 return False


 except Exception:
 import traceback
 print traceback.format_exc()
 if did_mkdir:
 return False   

 Also if you open a ticket about this, I will make sure better errors are 
 reported via admin.
 I have apps that allows students to upload projects w2p and bulk install 
 them, bulk register and test them. Need polishing.
 Remind me in a couple of weeks and I will be happy to share them.


 On Friday, 9 November 2012 00:08:32 UTC-6, Luca wrote:

 I am using web2py to teach a class on web development, and sometimes the 
 students submit .w2p packages as assignments that cannot be loaded.  When I 
 or the TAs try to load them, we get the unable to install application 

 What can cause this message? 

 The packages open without problem when I tar xfvz them, so it's not clear 
 to me what the problem is. 

 Many thanks!


[web2py] Re: how i can write a web2py code nto javascript

2012-11-09 Thread Derek
No, he's trying to use a web2py function within the javascript, or have 
web2py write javascript instead of html. I'm not sure it can do that.

On Friday, November 9, 2012 3:37:10 AM UTC-7, lyn2py wrote:

 Do you mean that you want the code to appear on the webpage?

 Save your code into a file in the static folder, and include in your views 
 file using response.files:

 On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 5:39:36 PM UTC+8, Ali Alroomi wrote:

 hello  plz i need help i need t write web2py code into javascript ike the 
 following my code plz any help with the this:

 $.fn.fancybox = function(options) {
 $(this).data('fancybox', $.extend({}, options));

 $(this).unbind('click.fb').bind('click.fb', function(e) {

 if (busy) return;

 busy = true;


 selectedArray= [];
 selectedIndex= 0;
 {{for i in db().select(db.Project.ALL):}}
 var rel = $(this).attr('rel') || '';
 var message = {{=i.CategoryID}};
 var url = ?pro= + escape(message);

 if (!rel || rel == '' || rel === 'nofollow') {

 } else {
 selectedArray= $(a[rel= + rel + ], area[rel= + 
 rel + ]);
 selectedIndex= selectedArray.index( this );
 /*window.open(url, _self);*/
 history.replaceState({}, Title, url);




 return false;

 return this;


[web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Derek
Use before_update to store the current data in the session, then the 
after_update would have access to it.

On Friday, November 9, 2012 11:55:36 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 Because the update may fail.


 On Friday, November 9, 2012 12:20:18 PM UTC-6, Derek wrote:

 Why not just use before_update?

 On Friday, November 9, 2012 10:53:21 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 I'm missing something.  I have a table where I want to react to changes 
 to a particular field.  I'm trying to use the _after_update callback check 
 for this.  However, using this it appears to me that I am only seeing the 
 data values after the update.  I can't see what they were before the update 
 so I don't know which fields we actually updated.  Is there a 'bef'ore' 
 buffer available that I'm missing?  I'm trying to capture changes made 
 using a smartgrid.  Any tips would be appreciated.



[web2py] Re: Optimized way to use web2py Scheduler

2012-11-09 Thread pbreit

On Thursday, November 8, 2012 10:59:04 PM UTC-8, Amit wrote:

 I have more than 10 functions which has to be executed by Scheduler and 
 each task has assigned different time ( for e.g...one has to execute on 
 every 15 minutes, other one has to executes on every 24 hrs etc... ) to 
 execute, so in my CustomScheduler.py module : I wiil have 10 different  
 statements like below:

 repeats = 0, # run indefinately
 period = 3600, # every 1h
 timeout = 120, # should take less than 120 seconds

 repeats = 0, # run indefinately
 period = 900, # every 15 min
 timeout = 120, # should take less than 120 seconds

   My doubt is what will be the better optimized approach to assign those 
 10 tasks to Scheduler:

 1. Create only one worker  using *web2py -K appname* command for all 
 tasks, which will further takes care of running all tasks at designated 
 time OR
 2.  Create 10 different workers means execute above command 10 times and 
 then web2py takes care of assigning the task to each worker.

 which will be the best optimized way to use web2py scheduler?



[web2py] Re: How many error tickets does a typical newbie handle?

2012-11-09 Thread pbreit
Are you saying your app used to work but now it doesn't? I don't understand 
your problem exactly.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 5:34:40 PM UTC-8, Bill Thayer wrote:

 Didn't have ANY problems with this line of work in 2 years of deployment.

 So your post does help with migration errors but...

 I have 81 tickets today mostly related to lambda taking [1|2]  arguments 
 but only [0|1] given. This leads to all sorts of variations leading to 
 errors because sometimes '%(something)s' works and other times you just 
 need r.something  or simply lambda val: function(val).

 Much of my errors today were dealing with validators, looks like lambda 
 functions and validators I had last week are not working now. Just when I 
 figured my data tables were ready I have to go through each one line by 
 line and rewrite validators  lambda functions (and requires= and default= 
 etc) I've already removed most of my referenced fields.

 Hope you guys plan on having a web2py boot camp very soon. There have been 
 probably 74 or more posts made in this Google group in the last week so I 
 can't think that I'm alone. I've read most of the code, all of the book and 
 epidocs and most of the posts here and on stackoverflow. I bought the 
 application developement cookbook, tried the slices. Kept my versions up to 
 date etc...

 Still, I am probably going to get fired  divorced for this project being 
 so late after all the hours I put on it.



[web2py] Re: sym link for an application - is it possible?

2012-11-09 Thread pbreit
Symlinks should work fine. The symlink should be to the app's directory on 
your hard drive.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 12:40:37 AM UTC-8, dederocks wrote:

 I'd like to have an application folder on dropbox, so I've replaced the 
 application folder with a link on the folder in dropbox -- but it doesn't 
 work. The problem is not dropbox related I think -- it's more an issue of 
 the shortcut link in windows. Any workaround?


[web2py] DAL and Pivot Tables

2012-11-09 Thread Rocco
(I already post this question, but it was deleted in few seconds and no 
reason was mentioned. I try to repost it, removing formatting and external 
links... If something is wrong, please inform me :)

I have defined this model:


With this kind of record inside:
fruits_in_shop.id fruits_in_shop.shop_name fruits_in_shop.species 
1 Mark's shop apple 32
2 Mark's shop pear 22
3 John's Market banana 22
4 John's Market apple 36

I'm looking for a way to show the result as a pivot table:

Shop  applepear banana
Mark's shop 32  220
John's Market   32   0   22

I often used a mysql trick to get this result, but there is a way to get 
this result using DAL? 

Otherwise I suppose to perform sequential queries and store the results in 
a dictionary. 
(fruits-select distict fruit from table; for fruit in fruits: 
column-select * from table where fruit=fruit;) 
In this case, there is a (easy) way to convert that dictionary into a 
gluon.sql.Rows object?
Should I use its __init__ method?


[web2py] Routing help with url helper

2012-11-09 Thread Ashu Verma

i am having the basic routing where i omitted the application name in url. 
Below is the content of my routes.py

default_application = 'init'   
default_controller = 'default'  
default_function = 'index' 

routes_in = (
  (  '/$c/$f' ,  '/init/$c/$f' ),
  (  '/$c/$f/$anything' , '/init/$c/$f/$anything' )

routes_out = [(x, y) for (y, x) in routes_in]

But when i generate a url via URL helper

{{=URL(f='temp.json', hmac_key=, user_signature=True)}}

This will generate a URL with application name which means that application 
name will be treated as controller and I will get a HTTP 404. 

So either i create my URL manually, but then i wouldn't be able to use 
digitally signed url  or I should modify the routes.py which I am not able 
to figure out without dropping the URL routing.

Also, I tried putting a=None and a=''  in URL helper, still application 
name is appending.

Thank you,


[web2py] web2py appliance not working

2012-11-09 Thread elyase
Can some one tell if the eStore example appliance is working for you? 


In web2py 2.1.1 the products don't get listed, I get an invalid SQL error.


[web2py] Pivot tables using DAL?

2012-11-09 Thread Rocco
Dear All,

I have defined this model:

With this kind of record inside:

I'm looking for a way to show the result as a pivot table:

*Shop  applepear banana*
Mark's shop 32  220
John's* *Market   32   0   22

I often used a mysql trick to get this result (similar to this one: 
http://www.artfulsoftware.com/infotree/queries.php#78), but there is a way 
to get this result using DAL? 

Otherwise I suppose to perform sequential queries and store the results in 
a dictionary. 
(fruits-select distict fruit from table; for fruit in fruits: 
column-select * from table where fruit=fruit;) 
In this case, there is a (easy) way to convert that dictionary into a 
gluon.sql.Rows object?
Should I use its __init__ method?

Any help would be apprecciated :)


[web2py] Something I have been working on ...

2012-11-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

This is not web2py related but it is python related. The JS part could find 
applications in web2py apps.


Re: [web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim Steil
I thought of that too, but for some reason it appears to be a fragile
solution in my mind.  Should I be putting more faith in the stack?  Is this
something that is commonly done?


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Derek sp1d...@gmail.com wrote:

 Use before_update to store the current data in the session, then the
 after_update would have access to it.

 On Friday, November 9, 2012 11:55:36 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 Because the update may fail.


 On Friday, November 9, 2012 12:20:18 PM UTC-6, Derek wrote:

 Why not just use before_update?

 On Friday, November 9, 2012 10:53:21 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 I'm missing something.  I have a table where I want to react to changes
 to a particular field.  I'm trying to use the _after_update callback check
 for this.  However, using this it appears to me that I am only seeing the
 data values after the update.  I can't see what they were before the update
 so I don't know which fields we actually updated.  Is there a 'bef'ore'
 buffer available that I'm missing?  I'm trying to capture changes made
 using a smartgrid.  Any tips would be appreciated.




Re: [web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Niphlod
simple scientific thoughts.
It's like databases triggers. Db triggers apply to the onupdate event, 
i.e. they let you use a set of just updated fields AND the fields that are 
going to be updated.
Web2py has to intercept the update before or after, because databases (the 
python dbapi in general) don't expose that functionality. I rely on 
database triggers most of the times (as soon as I have access to the 
underlying database), but that's just because for simple things I'm faster 
on coding database triggers than python functions.

However, with after_update, you can't scientific-ly know the values the 
rows had before the update, because the update has already happened.  The 
stack works (I have in production several apps relying on web2py's 
triggers). After all, all your db(something).update() pass to the same 
function that applies - conditionally - the triggers. 

PS: if the update fails, then the trigger fails too if you don't do a 
db.commit() in the trigger itself. 
All web2py's operations are handled in transactions, so it's safe. 
Moreover, all the before_* triggers have the feature that if that 
function call returns True the update is not done kinda of an 
additional validation (I use that in business logics, e.g., you can't 
delete the default mapping for a particular product category)


Re: [web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim Steil
Thanks Niphlid, I was going to ask about the db.commit issue before but
forgot.  I'm going to give the _before_update callback a try and see how
well that works for me.

Thanks for all the responses, I truly appreciate it.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 simple scientific thoughts.
 It's like databases triggers. Db triggers apply to the onupdate event,
 i.e. they let you use a set of just updated fields AND the fields that are
 going to be updated.
 Web2py has to intercept the update before or after, because databases (the
 python dbapi in general) don't expose that functionality. I rely on
 database triggers most of the times (as soon as I have access to the
 underlying database), but that's just because for simple things I'm faster
 on coding database triggers than python functions.

 However, with after_update, you can't scientific-ly know the values the
 rows had before the update, because the update has already happened.  The
 stack works (I have in production several apps relying on web2py's
 triggers). After all, all your db(something).update() pass to the same
 function that applies - conditionally - the triggers.

 PS: if the update fails, then the trigger fails too if you don't do a
 db.commit() in the trigger itself.
 All web2py's operations are handled in transactions, so it's safe.
 Moreover, all the before_* triggers have the feature that if that
 function call returns True the update is not done kinda of an
 additional validation (I use that in business logics, e.g., you can't
 delete the default mapping for a particular product category)



Re: [web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim Steil
Just reporting back.  The _before_update is working perfectly for me.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Jim Steil ato.st...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Niphlid, I was going to ask about the db.commit issue before but
 forgot.  I'm going to give the _before_update callback a try and see how
 well that works for me.

 Thanks for all the responses, I truly appreciate it.


 On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 simple scientific thoughts.
 It's like databases triggers. Db triggers apply to the onupdate event,
 i.e. they let you use a set of just updated fields AND the fields that are
 going to be updated.
 Web2py has to intercept the update before or after, because databases
 (the python dbapi in general) don't expose that functionality. I rely on
 database triggers most of the times (as soon as I have access to the
 underlying database), but that's just because for simple things I'm faster
 on coding database triggers than python functions.

 However, with after_update, you can't scientific-ly know the values the
 rows had before the update, because the update has already happened.  The
 stack works (I have in production several apps relying on web2py's
 triggers). After all, all your db(something).update() pass to the same
 function that applies - conditionally - the triggers.

 PS: if the update fails, then the trigger fails too if you don't do a
 db.commit() in the trigger itself.
 All web2py's operations are handled in transactions, so it's safe.
 Moreover, all the before_* triggers have the feature that if that
 function call returns True the update is not done kinda of an
 additional validation (I use that in business logics, e.g., you can't
 delete the default mapping for a particular product category)



Re: [web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Derek
Cool, I might have suggested using versioning if all you are trying to do 
is to track changes.

On Friday, November 9, 2012 3:38:28 PM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:

 Just reporting back.  The _before_update is working perfectly for me.


 On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Jim Steil ato@gmail.com javascript:

 Thanks Niphlid, I was going to ask about the db.commit issue before but 
 forgot.  I'm going to give the _before_update callback a try and see how 
 well that works for me.

 Thanks for all the responses, I truly appreciate it.


 On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Niphlod nip...@gmail.com 

 simple scientific thoughts.
 It's like databases triggers. Db triggers apply to the onupdate event, 
 i.e. they let you use a set of just updated fields AND the fields that are 
 going to be updated.
 Web2py has to intercept the update before or after, because databases 
 (the python dbapi in general) don't expose that functionality. I rely on 
 database triggers most of the times (as soon as I have access to the 
 underlying database), but that's just because for simple things I'm faster 
 on coding database triggers than python functions.

 However, with after_update, you can't scientific-ly know the values 
 the rows had before the update, because the update has already happened.  
 The stack works (I have in production several apps relying on web2py's 
 triggers). After all, all your db(something).update() pass to the same 
 function that applies - conditionally - the triggers. 

 PS: if the update fails, then the trigger fails too if you don't do a 
 db.commit() in the trigger itself. 
 All web2py's operations are handled in transactions, so it's safe. 
 Moreover, all the before_* triggers have the feature that if that 
 function call returns True the update is not done kinda of an 
 additional validation (I use that in business logics, e.g., you can't 
 delete the default mapping for a particular product category)



[web2py] Re: DAL and Pivot Tables

2012-11-09 Thread Derek
try using groupby and sum


On Friday, November 9, 2012 1:10:40 PM UTC-7, Rocco wrote:

 (I already post this question, but it was deleted in few seconds and no 
 reason was mentioned. I try to repost it, removing formatting and external 
 links... If something is wrong, please inform me :)

 I have defined this model:


 With this kind of record inside:
 fruits_in_shop.id fruits_in_shop.shop_name fruits_in_shop.species 
 1 Mark's shop apple 32
 2 Mark's shop pear 22
 3 John's Market banana 22
 4 John's Market apple 36

 I'm looking for a way to show the result as a pivot table:

 Shop  applepear banana
 Mark's shop 32  220
 John's Market   32   0   22

 I often used a mysql trick to get this result, but there is a way to get 
 this result using DAL? 

 Otherwise I suppose to perform sequential queries and store the results in 
 a dictionary. 
 (fruits-select distict fruit from table; for fruit in fruits: 
 column-select * from table where fruit=fruit;) 
 In this case, there is a (easy) way to convert that dictionary into a 
 gluon.sql.Rows object?
 Should I use its __init__ method?


[web2py] Re: calendar display

2012-11-09 Thread dantuluri jaganadha raju

Please reply to this as soon as possible.Thank you in advance

On Sunday, November 4, 2012 8:03:20 AM UTC+5:30, dantuluri jaganadha raju 

   I want to display the calendar that will display when we click on some 
 field(appropriate) of a form .One thing is that I will not click on 
 field.,what I mean is that ,it should appear as soon as I entered that page 
 and should have same functions(dynamic) that is in normal calendar that 
 displays in web2py.Moreover I am NOT USING EXTENDED LAYOUT.HTML and using 
 new layout. please reply as soon as possible what changes I have to make.

Thank you in advance ...


[web2py] Images not laoded

2012-11-09 Thread Julien Courteau
Hello All,

The images of my home page didn't load if I try to access it with the 
following URLs: 


but loaded fine with:

localhost:8000/mm/default/ or

the name of my application being, of course, mm and my home page is 
displayed by
In the console of Firebug I've got the following error message for each 
of the home page (when I try to access it by / or /mm) :

NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND -;.

My folder image is under: ~/web2py/applications/mm/static/images.

It is a problem if I want to set deafult_application = mm (in routes.py)...

Could you help me understand that situation?



[web2py] Re: Images not laoded

2012-11-09 Thread pbreit
Are you doing images like this?

IMG(_src=URL('static','logo.png'), _alt=My Logo)


img src=URL('static','logo.png') alt=My Logo

On Friday, November 9, 2012 7:20:03 PM UTC-8, Julien Courteau wrote:

 Hello All,

 The images of my home page didn't load if I try to access it with the 
 following URLs: 


 but loaded fine with:

 localhost:8000/mm/default/ or

 the name of my application being, of course, mm and my home page is 
 displayed by
 In the console of Firebug I've got the following error message for each 
 of the home page (when I try to access it by / or /mm) :

 NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND -;.

 My folder image is under: ~/web2py/applications/mm/static/images.

 It is a problem if I want to set deafult_application = mm (in routes.py)...

 Could you help me understand that situation?



[web2py] Ref: SQLFORM.grid question

2012-11-09 Thread Teddy Nyambe

How does one achieve clicking a row SQLFORM.grid and the details open in a
modal window form, save changes to fields then modal window closes and the
grid is refreshed with changes.

Whr can I find comprehensive documentation on the SQLFORM.grid.

Teddy L
