Re: [web2py] Re: REF: Upload of Files

2013-03-21 Thread Teddy Nyambe

I have noticed an error in the code. I have created a very simple form to
test the upload without using components. The code is as follows:

def index():
form = SQLFORM.factory(Field(first_name),Field(quotes_file,
upload, uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder, 'uploads')))
test = ''
first_name = ''
if request.vars.first_name:
first_name = My test
if request.vars.quotes_file:
test = My File
return locals()

{{extend 'layout.html'}}br
File: {{=test}}br

First name: {{=first_name}}

When i submit the form with a file attached the beautify displays the file
content and the value for first_name.

But, the value for test = My File is not being displayed in the view,
while the first_name = My test is being displayed without any problem.

I have further noticed this error in the page source after making a submit:

script type=text/javascript!-- // These variables are used by the
web2py_ajax_init function in web2py_ajax.js (which is loaded below). var
w2p_ajax_confirm_message = Are you sure you want to delete this
object?;var w2p_ajax_date_format = %Y-%m-%d;var
w2p_ajax_datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S;var ajax_error_500 =
'An error occured, please a
the page' //--/script

any idea on whats going on here?

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Teddy Nyambe software@gmail.comwrote:

 Actually this this is how am loading it, please advise:

 {{=A('Quotes', component=URL('quotes','quotes.loadp ),

 div id='quote-content'/div

 One funny thing is when I add a simple text field to the SQLFORM.factory
 and submit sample content...its displayed...only for upload is not showing.
 On Mar 20, 2013 4:23 PM, Anthony wrote:

 Did you set ajax=True or ajax_trap=True in your LOAD() call? If not, the
 form will get posted to the action of the containing page, not the
 component action.


 On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 10:06:28 AM UTC-4, software.ted wrote:


 Am having a very funny behavior. I am loading a form in a component
 quotes.load in another page of a div.
 When i access the component directly through the URL address the
 {{=BEAUTIFY(request.vars)}} am able to see the uploaded file, but accessing
 it through the component its sending empty quotes upload file note the code:


 def quotes():
 form = SQLFORM.factory(Field(first_**name), Field(quotes,
 upload, uploadfolder=os.path.join(**request.folder,'uploads')))


 first_name = 

 if request.vars.quotes:

 if request.vars.first_name:
 first_name = Testing

 return dict(form=form, file_name = file_name, first_name =


 First name is: {{=file_name}}br


 First name is:{{=first_name}}

 filename is returning empty all the time.

 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Anthony wrote:

 As is, your code should generate an error because you haven't specified
 an upload folder, which is required when passing new Field objects to
 SQLFORM.factory. Try:

 import os
 SQLFORM.factory(Field(quotes**, upload, uploadfolder=os.path.
 join(requ**est.folder, 'uploads')))

 If you don't want to save the file at all, though, then don't call
 form.process(). Instead, just check for the uploaded file:

 if request.vars.quotes:


 On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 8:30:29 AM UTC-4, software.ted wrote:

 I want to upload a file to web2py and then manipulate it. I dont want
 to save it into the database...after manipulating it i want to delete it.
 How do i do that. I have been trying like this but all fails:


 def quotes():
 form = SQLFORM.factory(Field(quotes, upload)
 if form.process().accepted:
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = form has error

 After upload I cannot see the uploaded in the upload folder!


 Teddy Lubasi Nyambe
 Opensource Zambia
 Lusaka, ZAMBIA

 Cell: +260 97 7760473

 Human Knowledge belongs to the world! - AntiTrust

 Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he
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[web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Annet
After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

I get the following error:

global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all the 

of the cms part of my application.

Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

Kind regards,



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[web2py] MySQL Error

2013-03-21 Thread Relsi Hur Maron
I have this action that verify is a group exist, if not, it create this 

verify_install = db(db.auth_group.role == 'admin').select()
if not verify_install:
 auth.add_group('admin', 'Administrative Group')

 works well in sqlite, but in mysql I am getting this error:

IntegrityError: (1452, u'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key 
constraint fails (`chipincode`.`auth_event`, CONSTRAINT `auth_event_ibfk_1` 
FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)')


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[web2py] Mongodb error in appadmin

2013-03-21 Thread Mike Veltman
The action I have a table/collection with 3 objects

In the table this is reverenced as

 Field('host_id', mdb.hoststable,
  comment=Like nim or hmc server.,
  label=T('Destination Host ID')),

But when in appadmin I select a other object to change then it throws a

The error

  Ticket ID

type 'exceptions.RuntimeError' uncaught exception when
updating rows: MongoDB can only handle up to 8-byte ints


web2py^(TM) Version 2.4.5-stable+timestamp.2013.
Python  Python 2.7.3: /usr/bin/python2.7 (prefix: /usr)



Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 212, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
 line 410, in module
 line 194, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
 line 277, in update
 line 1527, in accepts
 line 9834, in update
ret = db._adapter.update(tablename,self.query,fields)
 line 5450, in update
raise RuntimeError(uncaught exception when updating rows: %s % e)
RuntimeError: uncaught exception when updating rows: MongoDB can only handle up 
to 8-byte ints


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[web2py] Re: Send email with link to SQLFORM.grid edit form

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
there's a logic step that you are missing
the grid is - usually - protected with signed urls, if you want to access 
the edit form of the grid itself. First of all, you should embed in the 
mail the signed url, otherwise a not authorized is expected.
but, since the signature depends on the specific user accessing the site, 
you can't know in advance what will be his session key.
You'd better prepare a bounce link to send by email, and redirect from 
there to the signed link to access the record (cause when the user access 
the bounce page, you know how to generate his specific signature)

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:51:21 AM UTC+1, Jim S wrote:

 I want to automatically generate an email whenever a record is added to a 
 specific table and embed in that email a link to edit the record using 

 I have it working, sending the email and all, but when the user clicks on 
 the link to view the record they get a 'not authorized' message.

 This happens even if the user is logging into a fresh session when 
 clicking on the link.

 Here is the code I'm using:

 msg = ('htmlhead/headbodyA new support ticket was added.  Click 
 to view./body/html' % (id))
 mail.send('','New IBC Lead added',msg)

 Any ideas?



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Re: [web2py] Re: bootstrap's modal and web2py's LOAD

2013-03-21 Thread Vincenzo Ampolo

On 03/20/2013 08:33 AM, Martín Miranda wrote:

Here ...

Hi Marti'n, Richard,

Thank for your time.

Actually I think I solved it in another way allowing:
1) Load modal by an ajax call
2) use template system for modal html generation

I reached this goal like this.

Add this small piece of javascript:

$(document).ready(function() {  
// Support for AJAX loaded modal window.
// Focuses on first input textbox after it loads the window.
$('[data-toggle=modal]').click(function(e) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
if (url.indexOf('#') == 0) {
} else {
$.get(url, function(data) {
var rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*1);
//Do this in two steps or scripts in data will be loaded 
too early
$('body').append($('div /', {'id':'modal'+rnd}));
var modal_element = $('body #modal'+rnd).children()[0];
$(modal_element).on('hidden', function(e){
}).success(function() { $('input:text:visible:first').focus();


This looks for elements with data-toggle=modal such that when an 
element like this is found into a view:

!-- Button to trigger modal --
	a href={{=URL(f='add_traceback', args=[request.args(0), 
bug.tstamp])}} role=button class=btn btn-primary 
data-toggle=modalAdd bug/a

The href is called via Ajax, so the controller (add_traceback in this 
case) defined as:

def add_traceback():
form = SQLFORM.factory(
_action = URL('add_traceback'))
if form.process().accepted:
response.message='form submitted'
return dict(form=form)

Is just a normal controller function with no modifications, buttons=[] 
and formstyle have been added to allow a better rendering of the form 
but they are not necessary.

Finally the view related to add_traceback is:

div id=modalwindow class=modal hide fade tabindex=-1 
role=dialog aria-labelledby=myModalLabel aria-hidden=true

  div class=modal-header
button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal 

h3 id=myModalLabelAdd bug to database/h3
  div class=modal-body
  div class=modal-footer
button class=btn data-dismiss=modal 

button class=btn btn-primarySave changes/button
script type=text/javascript
$('#modalwindow form').on('submit', function(e){
var frm = $('#modalwindow form');
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: frm.attr('action'),
data: frm.serialize(),
success: function (data) {
$('#modalwindow .btn-primary').click(function(e){
$('#modalwindow form').submit();


The javascript in the view ensures that the modal form is submitted as 
ajax as well instead of a post.

I'll try to make a plugin and publish/document all this soon.
Vincenzo Ampolo


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[web2py] Mongodb error in appadmin

2013-03-21 Thread Mike Veltman

Created the following table


Field('commandname', type='string',
Field('commandline', type='string',
Field('host_id', mdb.hoststable,
  comment=Like nim or hmc server.,
  label=T('Destination Host ID')),
Field('description', type='string',
  comment=Fase 1 is storage, Fase 2 is Profile Creation, Fase 3
is VIO deployment, Fase 4 is Lpar deployment..,
  label=T('Created On'),writable=False,readable=False),
  label=T('Modified On'),writable=False,readable=False,,

# Table rules for command
mdb.syscommands.fase.requires = IS_IN_SET(['1', '2', '3', '4'])
#mdb.syscommands.host_id.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
mdb.syscommands.commandname.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
mdb.syscommands.host_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(mdb, '',
mdb.syscommands.commandline.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()

it revers to this table


Field('hostname', type='string',
Field('description', type='string',
Field('netboot', type='string',
  label=T('Netboot information')),
Field('ip', type='string',
  label=T('IP Address')),
Field('connectcmd', type='string',
  label=T('Connection command')),
Field('useraccount', type='string',
  label=T('Default User')),
  label=T('Created On'),writable=False,readable=False),
  label=T('Modified On'),writable=False,readable=False,,

# Table Hosts rules
mdb.hoststable.hostname.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
mdb.hoststable.ip.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()

Then when I create a record in appadmin and after that change this item

It throws this error.

  Ticket ID

type 'exceptions.RuntimeError' uncaught exception when
updating rows: MongoDB can only handle up to 8-byte ints


web2py^(TM) Version 2.4.5-stable+timestamp.2013.
Python  Python 2.7.3: /usr/bin/python2.7 (prefix: /usr)



Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 212, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
 line 410, in module
 line 194, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
 line 277, in update
 line 1527, in accepts
 line 9834, in update
ret = db._adapter.update(tablename,self.query,fields)
 line 5450, in update
raise RuntimeError(uncaught exception when updating rows: %s % e)
RuntimeError: uncaught exception when updating rows: MongoDB can only handle up 
to 8-byte ints


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Re: [web2py] Mongodb error in appadmin

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
seems to me that a lot of people are interested in using mongodb but really 
few are contributing back with tests and patches.

BTW: you DO know that Mongo generally doesn't play well with joins, right ? 
Using references in mongodb is not a smart design.


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Re: [web2py] Mongodb error in appadmin

2013-03-21 Thread Mike Veltman

Op 21-03-13 17:50, Niphlod schreef:
 seems to me that a lot of people are interested in using mongodb but
 really few are contributing back with tests and patches.

 BTW: you DO know that Mongo generally doesn't play well with joins,
 right ? Using references in mongodb is not a smart design.

Mongodb as far as I know does not have joins :) But it did accept it, so
I decided to post the error.

But this is mysql database design that I did put over 1 on 1

I have to redo the database design to be nicer to Mongo (I am just
looking up to the conversion, even though I now have both databases so
its just a matter of writing a copy and past program after I created the
new database structure in mongo) .

I would love to have some pointers about how though define mongo in in a proper nosql way.

Thanks for the remark btw :) 

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[web2py] Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread dederocks
I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the recommended 
backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone 
Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
import os
if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

and similarly the restore function would be:
import os
if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
this not be a more reliable approach?
The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) into y 
(say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some significant edit of 
the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to figure out 
the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Re: package import

2013-03-21 Thread Phillipp Schmidt
Thanks for the advice! I checked all the folders and removed some example 
and doc folders that didn't include code. All the other folders contain 
Still not working. I wonder if it is intended that way? Can you just put 
packages in modules that make global imports?


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[web2py] Re: web2py and timezones

2013-03-21 Thread mart
hum... I use this and solves pretty much the bulk of the DLST issues that 
were problematic for me.  (its the Olsen TZ DB wrapped in python)

I found it a little tricky at first, but once i got my head wrapped around 
the different permutations of 
dates (past, presents, different time zones, DLST, DT formats) i work 
with, things cleared up pretty 

Anyways, works for me.

- Mart

On Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:31:24 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I was looking at code to detect the user timezone and store dates 
 consistently in UTC format.
 I made some changes in trunk to handle this. I could use some help testing.

 1) In the header of your layout.html add:

  {{if not session.timezone:}}

 2) in the default controller:

 def set_timezone():
 session.timezone = int(request.vars.timezone)/60

 3) Use the new timezone attribute of validators in trunk:

Field('birthday','datetime',requires = 

 Does it work for you? Suggestions for improvement?



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[web2py] Why does appadmin execute conditional models?

2013-03-21 Thread Marin Pranjić
If I put a code inside models/controller_name/, it gets 
executed when running appadmin.
Tested in 2.2.1 and trunk.



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[web2py] Re: Why does appadmin execute conditional models?

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
uhm. I'm not familiar with the implementation, but appadmin needs to be a 
global management solution
What if in your conditional model you defined a table and you want to 
manage that table from appadmin ?

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:40:09 AM UTC+1, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 If I put a code inside models/controller_name/, it gets 
 executed when running appadmin.
 Tested in 2.2.1 and trunk.



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[web2py] Error Working With mysql

2013-03-21 Thread mqadomi
Dear ALL , 

i am having some problems starting my project in mysql , it was working 
fine in sqlite but its not creating any tables in mysql , here is the error 

Ticket ID
class 'gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.ProgrammingError' (1146, uTable 
'' doesn't exist) Version  web2py™ (1, 99, 4, 
datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 14, 14, 46, 14), 'stable') Python Traceback 
24. Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 204, in restricted
 exec ccode in environment
, line 888, in module
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 172, in lambda
 self._caller = lambda f: f()
, line 634, in index
 interview=db(db.News.EnglishTitle!= ).select (db.Interview.ALL,orderby=~[:1]
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 6333, in select
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1282, in select
 rows = response(sql)
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1272, in response
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1359, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
 File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1353, in log_execute
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 File C:\web2py\gluon\contrib\pymysql\, line 108, in execute
 self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
 File C:\web2py\gluon\contrib\pymysql\, line 184, 
 raise errorclass, errorvalue
ProgrammingError: (1146, uTable '' doesn't exist)


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[web2py] How to embed Google player in a web2py generated web page to play files retrieved from the database.

2013-03-21 Thread Gennaro Kukonu

I am new to web2py, and I am trying to get an embedded mp3 player to play audio 
files stored in a database locally. I am using Google player, and I got the 
following to work on my webpage
developed in web2py:

embed type=application/x-shockwave-flash 

However, when I tried to substitute embedded python code to play a file 
retrieved from the database, it will not work:

embed type=application/x-shockwave-flash 
quality=best flashvars=audioUrl={{=URL('download', args=image.file)}}

I am wondering what it is I am doing wrong as I do not get any sort of error 


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[web2py] Embed MP3 audio player in HTML via web2py

2013-03-21 Thread Gennaro Kukonu
I am new to using web2py, and I was wondering how to embed an MP3 player 
into a webpage using web2py. I have made a page with the embedded player, 
with the MP3 file in a SQL Lite DB, but I cannot get the file to play with 
the embedded player.

I am not sure if this is relevant, but I have jpg and mp3 files in the same 


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[web2py] auth.has_permission(...) slow -- any way to speed this up?

2013-03-21 Thread weheh
I have a table that represents a group, which has permissions on a 
row-by-row basis. User belongs to certain number of groups, and the rows 
into the table are kept for convenience sake. I would like to screen that 
list of rows for a specific permission and exclude those rows from the 
list. The code looks like this:

for row in rows:
if not auth.has_permission('update', db.my_table, row):

Problem is, the auth.has_permission is slow ... on the order of 1.5 seconds 
when scanning a half-dozen row entries. my_table has around 150K rows. How 
do I speed this up?


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Re: [web2py] Mongodb error in appadmin

2013-03-21 Thread Alan Etkin

 I would love to have some pointers about how though define mongo in in a proper nosql way. 

Could you open an issue at the project page?

If you can, please provide:

- The relevant part of the model
- A possible set of data which would reproduce the error
- Your mongodb driver, database server, web2py and Python versions

The MongoDB DAL adapter does some automatic type mapping for id fields. I 
belive the issue could be realted to that.


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[web2py] Re: Rocket server on two ports

2013-03-21 Thread Tim Richardson

I'm struggling to understand the interfaces syntax.
Because I'm using this as a Windows service, I need to set up the file.

I see from the documentation ie python --help
that the ip option is ignored if interfaces is present.
What about port (logically that should be ignored as well).

To get a minimal config working I've gone with port = 8010 and tried
interfaces=  (my attempt to follow the documentation)
interfaces=[('',8020)]  (based on the example in the file)

But I don't get a server at 8020, only at 8010.

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 00:05:00 UTC+11, Tim Richardson wrote:

 The rocket documentation seems to say that the server can be invoked 
 listening on multiple ports. 
 I'm using it as http and I'd like to deploy rocket as ssl (self signed). 
 Then I need to change book marks; running on http and ssl means I can 
 gradually transition. Is this going to blow up? Also, in practice can I 
 just run two web2py instances on two different ports? 


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread LightDot
Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to postgresql 
would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses csv as the 
export format.

I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over using 
the native export / import functionality of your database engine or a 
specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and it 
quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more specific 
or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't think 
web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? The 
referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are you 
saying you have the same exact error?


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the recommended 
 backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) into y 
 (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some significant edit of 
 the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to figure out 
 the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Re: Rocket server on two ports

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
on command-line should be, in your case -i,

using the options file,

interfaces = [('', 80), ('', 443, keyfile.key, certfile.cer)]

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 1:29:45 PM UTC+1, Tim Richardson wrote:

 I'm struggling to understand the interfaces syntax.
 Because I'm using this as a Windows service, I need to set up the file.

 I see from the documentation ie python --help
 that the ip option is ignored if interfaces is present.
 What about port (logically that should be ignored as well).

 To get a minimal config working I've gone with port = 8010 and tried
 interfaces=  (my attempt to follow the documentation)
 interfaces=[('',8020)]  (based on the example in the 

 But I don't get a server at 8020, only at 8010.

 On Thursday, 21 March 2013 00:05:00 UTC+11, Tim Richardson wrote:

 The rocket documentation seems to say that the server can be invoked 
 listening on multiple ports. 
 I'm using it as http and I'd like to deploy rocket as ssl (self signed). 
 Then I need to change book marks; running on http and ssl means I can 
 gradually transition. Is this going to blow up? Also, in practice can I 
 just run two web2py instances on two different ports? 


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[web2py] Re: auth.has_permission(...) slow -- any way to speed this up?

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
So, basically you're doing 
get me 150K rows, put them in a list
for each of them, query the db for permission
if query doesn't return True, scan the 150K list and remove this instance

Cycling 150K and removing from a list while checking surely will get your 
app killed. 
Firing one query for each row is what seems the problem on the half-dozen 
Try the 'accessible-query' way 
rows = db(auth.accessible_query('read', db.my_table, 
This will do all the required joins under the hood and resolve in 
one-query only.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 12:59:57 PM UTC+1, weheh wrote:

 I have a table that represents a group, which has permissions on a 
 row-by-row basis. User belongs to certain number of groups, and the rows 
 into the table are kept for convenience sake. I would like to screen that 
 list of rows for a specific permission and exclude those rows from the 
 list. The code looks like this:

 for row in rows:
 if not auth.has_permission('update', db.my_table, row):

 Problem is, the auth.has_permission is slow ... on the order of 1.5 
 seconds when scanning a half-dozen row entries. my_table has around 150K 
 rows. How do I speed this up?


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread dederocks
Indeed, or quite 
And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than 

To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with backup / 
1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or restore an 
older version through the application.
That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to postgresql 
 would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses csv as the 
 export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over 
 using the native export / import functionality of your database engine or a 
 specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and it 
 quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more specific 
 or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't think 
 web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? The 
 referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are you 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the recommended 
 backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) into y 
 (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some significant edit of 
 the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to figure out 
 the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Ref: Problem with simple file upload

2013-03-21 Thread Teddy Nyambe
This is a repost cause it did not receive much feedback.

I have noticed an error in the code below. The book emphasises on upload
file storage in the db, but what about simple upload and manipulation.

I have created a very simple form to test the upload without using
components. The code is as follows:

Controller: = def index():
 form = SQLFORM.factory(Field(first_ name),Field(quotes_file,
upload, uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder, 'uploads'))) test = ''
first_name = '' if request.vars.first_name: first_name = My test if
request.vars.quotes_file: test = My File
return locals()

View: ==

{{extend 'layout.html'}}br File: {{=test}}br

First name: {{=first_name}} {{=form}} {{=BEAUTIFY(request.vars)}}

When i submit the form with a file attached the beautify displays the file
content and the value for first_name.

But, the value for test = My File is not being displayed in the view,
while the first_name = My test is being displayed without any problem.

I have further noticed this error in the page source after making a submit:

script type=text/javascript!--// These variables are used by the
web2py_ajax_init function in web2py_ajax.js (which is loaded below). var
w2p_ajax_confirm_message = Are you sure you want to delete this object?;
var w2p_ajax_date_format = %Y-%m-%d; var w2p_ajax_datetime_format =
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S; var ajax_error_500 = 'An error occured, please a
href=/testapp/default/index? first_name=bggfbfgamp;quotes_
file=FieldStorage%28%27quotes_ file%27%2C+%27rows+%282%29.
csv%27%2C+%27circular. circular_no%2Ccircular. recipients%2Ccircular.
circular_title%2Ccircular. circular_date%5Cr%5CnNAZ%2F1%
2F2013%2CALL+MEMBERS+OF+STAFF% 2CLunch+to+be+served+at+the+
Motel%2C2013-03-01%5Cr%5Cn%27% 29reload/a the page' //--/script

any idea on whats going on here?


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread LightDot
I solved a similar case by writing a function to a) use native postgres 
dump and archive the database and b) present the file to the user for 
download in the administrative back-end. This function is triggered by cron 
in my case, but it could also be executed on demand. For this I would use 
the scheduler and throw in some additional checks so the user doesn't 
trigger the backup too often.

Hope this helps a bit.


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Indeed, or quite close:
 And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than 

 To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with backup / 
 1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
 2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or restore an 
 older version through the application.
 That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to postgresql 
 would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses csv as the 
 export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over 
 using the native export / import functionality of your database engine or a 
 specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and it 
 quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more specific 
 or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't think 
 web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? The 
 referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are you 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the recommended 
 backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) into 
 y (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some significant edit 
 of the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to figure 
 out the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Re: auth.has_permission(...) slow -- any way to speed this up?

2013-03-21 Thread weheh
Not exactly. The fields in rows are indices into db.my_table. len(rows) is 
a small variable number, say around 8.

But there it is, anyway. Thank you Mr. Niphlod. Good work!

bad_rows = db(( 
(auth.accessible_query('update', db.my_table, 

Speed comparison: 1.4 seconds before change, 0.7 seconds after change. 2X. 
Not bad, although I'd prefer 10X :-)

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:19:34 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 So, basically you're doing 
 get me 150K rows, put them in a list
 for each of them, query the db for permission
 if query doesn't return True, scan the 150K list and remove this instance

 Cycling 150K and removing from a list while checking surely will get your 
 app killed. 
 Firing one query for each row is what seems the problem on the 
 half-dozen set.
 Try the 'accessible-query' way 
 rows = db(auth.accessible_query('read', db.my_table, 
 This will do all the required joins under the hood and resolve in 
 one-query only.

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 12:59:57 PM UTC+1, weheh wrote:

 I have a table that represents a group, which has permissions on a 
 row-by-row basis. User belongs to certain number of groups, and the rows 
 into the table are kept for convenience sake. I would like to screen that 
 list of rows for a specific permission and exclude those rows from the 
 list. The code looks like this:

 for row in rows:
 if not auth.has_permission('update', db.my_table, row):

 Problem is, the auth.has_permission is slow ... on the order of 1.5 
 seconds when scanning a half-dozen row entries. my_table has around 150K 
 rows. How do I speed this up?


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Re: [web2py] Re: How to create a loop to add multiple child records

2013-03-21 Thread 黄祥
i'll take a look and send it too you the file on the discussion that i've 
refer above.

On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 9:36:49 PM UTC+7, Alex Glaros wrote:

 thanks for the attached full example Steve

 did you write it just to assist for this topic?

 When I go to the app page I get:

 invalid view (default/register_new.html)

 do I need to import anything?

 I will study it and try and get small pieces of it going a bit at a time 
 so that I can understand how it works

 regarding did you take a look the discussion link above?, I did but I'm 
 not experienced enough to get over my lack of understanding

 much appreciated!


 On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 1:05:21 AM UTC-7, 黄祥 wrote:

 did you take a look the discussion link above?
 please find attached file that on discussion link above
 hope this can help


 [image: 黄祥]

 スティファン クリスティ (黄祥)

 Stifan Kristi (Kou Shou)

 ジャカルタ、 インドネシア

 Jakarta, Indonesia

 携帯。 +六二 八一八 七八三 一一八

 Cell. +62 818 783 118

 ウェブサイト :

 Website :

 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Alex Glaros wrote:

 is there any way to use python to create the loop?

 {{while user keeps adding records:}}

 {{pass parent ID to variable}}

 P{{run factory to create child record and auto-insert parentID}}/P

 {{response.write('do you want to add more child records?')}}

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 3:21:39 PM UTC-7, Alex Glaros wrote:

 @Derek: I'm a newbie.  Where do I put the Ajax controller, or 
 view..?  Does it need some kind of script/script or brackets 
 surrounding it?

 Can you please type the syntax for linking to a page where user can add 
 addresses?  I don't know the best format for linking to functions.  For 
 purposes of showing me, assume that the function is called add_partners 
 that I want to link to. Would it just be a href=**CEA/default/add_partners/
 add partner/a ?



 On Monday, March 18, 2013 5:33:41 PM UTC-7, Alex Glaros wrote:

 Does anyone know how to create a loop allowing variable number of 
 child records to be added to a parent?

 Here’s a sample where only one child is created.  The “client” is the 
 parent record and “address” is the child record.**default/chapter/29/07

 Can anyone please type the code to show how to allow user to add 
 variable number of child records?

 If it’s easier to do not using factory, that’s fine.


 Alex Glaros

 One form for multiple tables





 Field('client','reference client',




 def register():


 if form.process().accepted:

 id = db.client.insert(**db.client._**filter_fields(form.vars))


 id = db.address.insert(**db.**address._filter_fields(form.**

 response.flash='Thanks for filling the form'

 return dict(form=form)

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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread dederocks
Thanks Ales,
Basically, you're confirming the native backup / restore choice. I'm 
concerned though that web2py's csv solution is not reliable, and should 
therefore be used with high caution -- not to say a word about how slow it 
is. It feels sad for me that web2py which other than that an incredible 
tool keeps this unpractical feature.


Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:09:23 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 I solved a similar case by writing a function to a) use native postgres 
 dump and archive the database and b) present the file to the user for 
 download in the administrative back-end. This function is triggered by cron 
 in my case, but it could also be executed on demand. For this I would use 
 the scheduler and throw in some additional checks so the user doesn't 
 trigger the backup too often.

 Hope this helps a bit.


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Indeed, or quite close:
 And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than 

 To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with backup / 
 1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
 2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or restore 
 an older version through the application.
 That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to postgresql 
 would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses csv as the 
 export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over 
 using the native export / import functionality of your database engine or a 
 specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and it 
 quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more specific 
 or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't think 
 web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? The 
 referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are you 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the recommended 
 backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) into 
 y (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some significant edit 
 of the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to figure 
 out the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
so you'd prefer to have it removed alltogether ?

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:37:44 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Thanks Ales,
 Basically, you're confirming the native backup / restore choice. I'm 
 concerned though that web2py's csv solution is not reliable, and should 
 therefore be used with high caution -- not to say a word about how slow it 
 is. It feels sad for me that web2py which other than that an incredible 
 tool keeps this unpractical feature.


 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:09:23 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 I solved a similar case by writing a function to a) use native postgres 
 dump and archive the database and b) present the file to the user for 
 download in the administrative back-end. This function is triggered by cron 
 in my case, but it could also be executed on demand. For this I would use 
 the scheduler and throw in some additional checks so the user doesn't 
 trigger the backup too often.

 Hope this helps a bit.


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Indeed, or quite close:
 And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than 

 To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with backup 
 / restore:
 1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
 2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or restore 
 an older version through the application.
 That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to postgresql 
 would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses csv as the 
 export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over 
 using the native export / import functionality of your database engine or 
 specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and it 
 quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more 
 or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't think 
 web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? The 
 referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are you 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the 
 recommended backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) 
 into y (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some 
 edit of the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to 
 figure out the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread dederocks
Yes - unless someone finds a good use for these two functions.
It looks to me that if a record has been removed in a db (e.g. id is not 
continuous: 1, 2, 4, 5 for example), the restore won't work if the table is 
linked to another table. This is I think a sufficiently likely case to 
remove the functions - or am I wrong?

Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:42:51 UTC+1, Niphlod a écrit :

 so you'd prefer to have it removed alltogether ?

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:37:44 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Thanks Ales,
 Basically, you're confirming the native backup / restore choice. I'm 
 concerned though that web2py's csv solution is not reliable, and should 
 therefore be used with high caution -- not to say a word about how slow it 
 is. It feels sad for me that web2py which other than that an incredible 
 tool keeps this unpractical feature.


 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:09:23 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 I solved a similar case by writing a function to a) use native postgres 
 dump and archive the database and b) present the file to the user for 
 download in the administrative back-end. This function is triggered by cron 
 in my case, but it could also be executed on demand. For this I would use 
 the scheduler and throw in some additional checks so the user doesn't 
 trigger the backup too often.

 Hope this helps a bit.


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Indeed, or quite close:
 And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than 

 To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with backup 
 / restore:
 1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
 2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or restore 
 an older version through the application.
 That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to 
 postgresql would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses 
 csv as the export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over 
 using the native export / import functionality of your database engine or 
 specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and 
 quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more 
 or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't think 
 web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? 
 The referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the 
 recommended backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) 
 into y (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some 
 edit of the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to 
 figure out the source format -- is this possible?


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Re: [web2py] web2py 2.4.5 is OUT

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I know they are not on but they exist and can be extended to 
include user applications.

On Tuesday, 19 March 2013 18:07:35 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:

 if you're referring to gluon/tests/ they aren't (at least in 
 you're required to have a running webserver in an outside process when 
 launching test_web

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:34:35 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I do not believe the exec thing is any obstacle to testing. applications 
 can be tested in the same way. Current tests incude for example functional 
 testing for the registration and login process in welcome.

 On Tuesday, 19 March 2013 13:20:41 UTC-5, Richard wrote:

 I thougth that testing web2py was complexe because of the way the 
 environnement was setup (execute)...

 So, how is travis-ci is working testing web2py and what the limitation 
 of the test case for instance?

 Maybe the issue with testing is more for app then web2py it self?



 On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Cliff Kachinske cjk...@gmail.comwrote:

 I saw a talk on Travis-ci last week.  I think it's a great idea.

 You could also use it to test your own Web2py-based project and do your 
 system regression test using Selenium.

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:31:06 AM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:

 for 5-6 years old, it assures to run a set of commands in a fresh 
 environment and logs the results.
 Given that we have some tests, and that those tests can be invoked, 
 and that we **should** check if web2py works with python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 it 
 very useful. 
 Additionally the travis environment ships with some services by 
 default, and we're currently using postgresql and mysql to see if the DAL 
 checks out, in addition to sqlite that has always been the embedded 
 option. You all know that t-sql may differ, so we can check if any new 
 feature committed to trunk is fine in nearly-real-time (can watch the 
 status on the github page 
 see the green badge) or at**web2py,
 if you click on the badge).

 tl;dr: travis-ci is saving developers from installing 3 python envs 
 and 2 db engines to check if everything runs normally.

 PS: goes with the announcement that if tests cover what you need and 
 what you use in your app, there will not be a new web2py release without 
 those test pass completely (cause lazy developers can't hide anymore 
 the on my system it checked out correctly).
 The nice addition, on the user-side, is that if you need some 
 feature to be watched closely by the web2py team, you can submit 
 or additions to the current tests suite: they'll get integrated in the 
 mainline suite and travis will do the checks automatically.

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:06:51 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:**Travis_CI

 I don't that much, but I would say that it is a motor to execute unit 
 tests so it make integration test finally. And I guess once you 
 your project to work with it each you commit something on github it will 
 execute all your unit tests and let you know that your build is good to 
 as long as your unit tests are up to date...


 On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto wrote:


 forgive my ignorance what's Travis and what does it do ? 
 (explanation for 3 year old if you can) 
 Also, what benefits I can have by integrating it with Web2py ?

 Thanks for the info.
 Marco Tulio

 2013/3/18 Massimo Di Pierro

 Passes all tests using including python 2.5/2.6/2.7 

 Thanks to Marc who originally pushed for integration one 
 year ago and Niphlod for his help in getting this to work, explaining 
 it to 
 me like a three years old (and I needed the explanation), and for 
 all tests!**web2py


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[web2py] Re: installing web2py service on Windows, passing account credentials doesn't work

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I believe there is problem in parsing options. Those options are not web2py 
options. They are winservice options. Please pen a ticket about this.

On Wednesday, 20 March 2013 09:36:18 UTC-5, wprins wrote:


 I'm trying to set up web2py with alternate account credentials via the 
 command line as per the command line help page, but when I pass the 
 specified options web2py claims there's no such option:

 C:\web2pypython -W help
 web2py Web Framework
 Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2013
 Version 2.4.5-stable+timestamp.2013.
 Database drivers available: SQLite(sqlite3), MySQL(pymysql), PostgreSQL(
  MSSQL(pyodbc), DB2(pyodbc), Teradata(pyodbc), Ingres(pyodbc), IMAP(
 Unknown command - 'help'
 Usage: ' [options] install|update|remove|start 
 [...]|stop|restart [...]
 |debug [...]'
 Options for 'install' and 'update' commands only:
  --username domain\username : The Username the service is to run under
  --password password : The password for the username
  --startup [manual|auto|disabled] : How the service starts, default =manual
  --interactive : Allow the service to interact with the desktop.
  --perfmonini file: .ini file to use for registering performance monitor 
  --perfmondll file: .dll file to use when querying the service for
performance data, default = perfmondata.dll
 Options for 'start' and 'stop' commands only:
  --wait seconds: Wait for the service to actually start or stop.
  If you specify --wait with the 'stop' option, the service
  and all dependent services will be stopped, each waiting
  the specified period.

 C:\web2pypython -W install --username=web2py
 Usage: python error: no such option: --username

 C:\web2pypython -W install --username web2py
 Usage: python error: no such option: --username


 What am I missing?


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Re: [web2py] How can I run multiple applications with multiple domains on nginx?

2013-03-21 Thread Richard Vézina
It's not specific to web2py, but may help you maybe :

The idea is to create a other server in nginx...


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Tito Garrido wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I am reading the book section:

 But I couldn't figure out how could I setup nginx to serve multiple
 domains pointing to a different application on the same web2py instance.

 Do you have any example?

 mydomain1 - /home/www-data/web2py/applications/myapp1

 mydomain2 - /home/www-data/web2py/applications/myapp2




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[web2py] Re: How to embed Google player in a web2py generated web page to play files retrieved from the database.

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Probably the problem is the nested quotes in 

flashvars=audioUrl={{=URL('download', args=image.file)}}

should be

flashvars=audioUrl={{=URL('download', args=image.file)}}

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 00:25:53 UTC-5, Gennaro Kukonu wrote:

 I am new to web2py, and I am trying to get an embedded mp3 player to play 
 audio files stored in a database locally. I am using Google player, and I got 
 the following to work on my webpage
 developed in web2py:

 embed type=application/x-shockwave-flash 

 However, when I tried to substitute embedded python code to play a file 
 retrieved from the database, it will not work:

 embed type=application/x-shockwave-flash 
 quality=best flashvars=audioUrl={{=URL('download', args=image.file)}}

 I am wondering what it is I am doing wrong as I do not get any sort of error 


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[web2py] Re: Error Working With mysql

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
What is wkaleh_db? Is is defined somewhere in your code?

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 03:38:35 UTC-5, wrote:

 Dear ALL , 

 i am having some problems starting my project in mysql , it was working 
 fine in sqlite but its not creating any tables in mysql , here is the error 

 Ticket ID
 class 'gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.ProgrammingError' (1146, uTable 
 '' doesn't exist) Version  web2py™ (1, 99, 4, 
 datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 14, 14, 46, 14), 'stable') Python Traceback 
 24. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 204, in restricted
  exec ccode in environment
 , line 888, in module
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 172, in lambda
  self._caller = lambda f: f()
 , line 634, in index
  interview=db(db.News.EnglishTitle!= ).select (db.Interview.ALL,orderby[:1]
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 6333, in select
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1282, in select
  rows = response(sql)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1272, in response
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1359, in execute
  return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\, line 1353, in log_execute
  ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\contrib\pymysql\, line 108, in execute
  self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\contrib\pymysql\, line 184, 
  raise errorclass, errorvalue
 ProgrammingError: (1146, uTable '' doesn't exist)


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[web2py] Re: package import

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
This was fixed in 2.4.5. What version of web2py are you using?

On Wednesday, 13 March 2013 09:47:38 UTC-5, Phillipp Schmidt wrote:

 I want to use the tablib package. 
 So I put it in the modules folder of my application and use `import 
 Although the package is working locally, when trying to use it in web2py I 
 keep getting import errors from files inside the package.
 It doesn't seem to support any global imports from inside the module!?


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[web2py] Re: web2py and timezones

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I have a major patch from Niphlod that replace my naive implementation with 
one based on pytz. I agree this is the way to go. We have two open issues:
1) should be include pytz in web2py r make it a depencency
2) should we do the pytz import in web2py or should we pass pytz objects to 
validators (the pytz would be defined outside of web2py), tus giving the 
option of not using pytz.

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 05:28:09 UTC-5, mart wrote:

 hum... I use this and solves pretty much the bulk of the DLST issues that 
 were problematic for me.  (its the Olsen TZ DB wrapped in python)

 I found it a little tricky at first, but once i got my head wrapped around 
 the different permutations of 
 dates (past, presents, different time zones, DLST, DT formats) i work 
 with, things cleared up pretty 

 Anyways, works for me.

 - Mart

 On Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:31:24 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I was looking at code to detect the user timezone and store dates 
 consistently in UTC format.
 I made some changes in trunk to handle this. I could use some help 

 1) In the header of your layout.html add:

  {{if not session.timezone:}}

 2) in the default controller:

 def set_timezone():
 session.timezone = int(request.vars.timezone)/60

 3) Use the new timezone attribute of validators in trunk:

Field('birthday','datetime',requires = 

 Does it work for you? Suggestions for improvement?



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[web2py] Re: Ref: Problem with simple file upload

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I think the problem my be this: {{=BEAUTIFY(request.vars)}}. What if you 
remove it?

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 08:56:44 UTC-5, software.ted wrote:

 This is a repost cause it did not receive much feedback.

 I have noticed an error in the code below. The book emphasises on upload 
 file storage in the db, but what about simple upload and manipulation.

 I have created a very simple form to test the upload without using 
 components. The code is as follows:

 Controller: = def index(): 
  form = SQLFORM.factory(Field(first_ name),Field(quotes_file, 
 upload, uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder, 'uploads'))) test = '' 
 first_name = '' if request.vars.first_name: first_name = My test if 
 request.vars.quotes_file: test = My File 
 return locals()

 View: == 

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}br File: {{=test}}br

 First name: {{=first_name}} {{=form}} {{=BEAUTIFY(request.vars)}}

 When i submit the form with a file attached the beautify displays the file 
 content and the value for first_name.

 But, the value for test = My File is not being displayed in the view, 
 while the first_name = My test is being displayed without any problem.

 I have further noticed this error in the page source after making a submit:

 script type=text/javascript!--// These variables are used by the 
 web2py_ajax_init function in web2py_ajax.js (which is loaded below). var 
 w2p_ajax_confirm_message = Are you sure you want to delete this object?; 
 var w2p_ajax_date_format = %Y-%m-%d; var w2p_ajax_datetime_format = 
 %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S; var ajax_error_500 = 'An error occured, please a 
 href=/testapp/default/index? first_name=bggfbfgamp;quotes_ 
 file=FieldStorage%28%27quotes_ file%27%2C+%27rows+%282%29. 
 csv%27%2C+%27circular. circular_no%2Ccircular. recipients%2Ccircular. 
 circular_title%2Ccircular. circular_date%5Cr%5CnNAZ%2F1% 
 2F2013%2CALL+MEMBERS+OF+STAFF% 2CLunch+to+be+served+at+the+ 
 Motel%2C2013-03-01%5Cr%5Cn%27% 29reload/a the page' //--/script

 any idea on whats going on here?


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[web2py] Re: package import

2013-03-21 Thread Phillipp Schmidt
I just updated to this version, but I am still getting the error. Fany 
interface, though! 
Do you know any working packages that I could try to see whether it has 
something to do with my setup?


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony
Removing the functionality altogether seems extreme. However, perhaps we 
should change the documentation to remove the backup/restore terminology 
(i.e., we can describe it as a way to export and import an entire db, 
but not recommend it as a primary backup strategy and instead recommend 
native db functionality for that purpose).


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 10:57:05 AM UTC-4, dederocks wrote:

 Yes - unless someone finds a good use for these two functions.
 It looks to me that if a record has been removed in a db (e.g. id is not 
 continuous: 1, 2, 4, 5 for example), the restore won't work if the table is 
 linked to another table. This is I think a sufficiently likely case to 
 remove the functions - or am I wrong?

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:42:51 UTC+1, Niphlod a écrit :

 so you'd prefer to have it removed alltogether ?

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:37:44 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Thanks Ales,
 Basically, you're confirming the native backup / restore choice. I'm 
 concerned though that web2py's csv solution is not reliable, and should 
 therefore be used with high caution -- not to say a word about how slow it 
 is. It feels sad for me that web2py which other than that an incredible 
 tool keeps this unpractical feature.


 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:09:23 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 I solved a similar case by writing a function to a) use native postgres 
 dump and archive the database and b) present the file to the user for 
 download in the administrative back-end. This function is triggered by 
 in my case, but it could also be executed on demand. For this I would use 
 the scheduler and throw in some additional checks so the user doesn't 
 trigger the backup too often.

 Hope this helps a bit.


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Indeed, or quite close:
 And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than 

 To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with 
 backup / restore:
 1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
 2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or 
 restore an older version through the application.
 That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to 
 postgresql would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py uses 
 csv as the export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended over 
 using the native export / import functionality of your database engine 
 or a 
 specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it works and 
 quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything more 
 or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I don't 
 web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? 
 The referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the 
 recommended backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the various 
 databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, but would 
 this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) 
 into y (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some 
 edit of the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to 
 figure out the source format -- is this possible?


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[web2py] Re: Backup Restore problems

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
my point exactly  it's a matter on how it's perceived as a 
one-solution-for-all-exporting-problem vs a rapid way to load fixtures/etc 
in your environment.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:41:48 PM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:

 Removing the functionality altogether seems extreme. However, perhaps we 
 should change the documentation to remove the backup/restore terminology 
 (i.e., we can describe it as a way to export and import an entire db, 
 but not recommend it as a primary backup strategy and instead recommend 
 native db functionality for that purpose).


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 10:57:05 AM UTC-4, dederocks wrote:

 Yes - unless someone finds a good use for these two functions.
 It looks to me that if a record has been removed in a db (e.g. id is not 
 continuous: 1, 2, 4, 5 for example), the restore won't work if the table is 
 linked to another table. This is I think a sufficiently likely case to 
 remove the functions - or am I wrong?

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:42:51 UTC+1, Niphlod a écrit :

 so you'd prefer to have it removed alltogether ?

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:37:44 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Thanks Ales,
 Basically, you're confirming the native backup / restore choice. I'm 
 concerned though that web2py's csv solution is not reliable, and should 
 therefore be used with high caution -- not to say a word about how slow it 
 is. It feels sad for me that web2py which other than that an incredible 
 tool keeps this unpractical feature.


 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:09:23 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 I solved a similar case by writing a function to a) use native 
 postgres dump and archive the database and b) present the file to the 
 for download in the administrative back-end. This function is triggered 
 cron in my case, but it could also be executed on demand. For this I 
 use the scheduler and throw in some additional checks so the user doesn't 
 trigger the backup too often.

 Hope this helps a bit.


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 Indeed, or quite close:
 And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore 
 than backup.

 To build on your comment, there are indeed two ways to deal with 
 backup / restore:
 1- managed by the database manager using native backup / restore;
 2- managed by the user, to send the db to another colleague, or 
 restore an older version through the application.
 That's what I'm dealing with right now, and it fails on me. 

 Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 13:49:24 UTC+1, LightDot a écrit :

 Quite right, restoring from, let's say, native mysql dump to 
 postgresql would most certainly not work. That's exactly why web2py 
 csv as the export format.

 I don't think exporting / importing to csv is really recommended 
 over using the native export / import functionality of your database 
 or a specialized backup software (depending on your needs). But it 
 and it quickly covers the most broad spectrum possible. For anything 
 specific or complex, it's up to the developer to use something else. I 
 don't think web2py should try to reinvent the wheel here.

 If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? 
 The referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are 
 saying you have the same exact error?


 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:12:57 AM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:

 I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the 
 recommended backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and 
 They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone (!newtopic/web2py/web2py/reOzXobYNgE
 Would it be wise to replace the backup function with something like:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'.dump ',targetfile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_dump -f',targetfile, dbname)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqldump -r',targetfile, dbname)))

 and similarly the restore function would be:
 import os
 if 'sqlite' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('sqlite3',db.path,'',sourcefile)))
 elif 'postgres' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('pg_restore -d',dbname, sourcefile)))
 elif 'mysql' in db._uri:
 os.system(' '.join(('mysqlimport',dbname, sourcefile)))

 Unfortunately I'm not knowlegable enough (yet) about all the 
 various databases supported nor about platform-dependent intricacies, 
 would this not be a more reliable approach?
 The only major downside is that restoring a db from x (say sqlite) 
 into y (say postgresql) might not be possible, or require some 
 edit of the dump file. And to make the restore smoother, you'd have to 
 figure out the source format -- is this possible?


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Re: [web2py] web2py 2.4.5 is OUT

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
see the other thread on web2py-developers for further details.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:19:22 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I know they are not on but they exist and can be extended to 
 include user applications.

 On Tuesday, 19 March 2013 18:07:35 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:

 if you're referring to gluon/tests/ they aren't (at least in 
 you're required to have a running webserver in an outside process when 
 launching test_web

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:34:35 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I do not believe the exec thing is any obstacle to testing. applications 
 can be tested in the same way. Current tests incude for example functional 
 testing for the registration and login process in welcome.

 On Tuesday, 19 March 2013 13:20:41 UTC-5, Richard wrote:

 I thougth that testing web2py was complexe because of the way the 
 environnement was setup (execute)...

 So, how is travis-ci is working testing web2py and what the limitation 
 of the test case for instance?

 Maybe the issue with testing is more for app then web2py it self?



 On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Cliff Kachinske cjk...@gmail.comwrote:

 I saw a talk on Travis-ci last week.  I think it's a great idea.

 You could also use it to test your own Web2py-based project and do 
 your system regression test using Selenium.

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:31:06 AM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:

 for 5-6 years old, it assures to run a set of commands in a fresh 
 environment and logs the results.
 Given that we have some tests, and that those tests can be invoked, 
 and that we **should** check if web2py works with python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 
 very useful. 
 Additionally the travis environment ships with some services by 
 default, and we're currently using postgresql and mysql to see if the 
 checks out, in addition to sqlite that has always been the embedded 
 option. You all know that t-sql may differ, so we can check if any new 
 feature committed to trunk is fine in nearly-real-time (can watch the 
 status on the github page 
 see the green badge) or at**web2py,
 if you click on the badge).

 tl;dr: travis-ci is saving developers from installing 3 python envs 
 and 2 db engines to check if everything runs normally.

 PS: goes with the announcement that if tests cover what you need 
 and what you use in your app, there will not be a new web2py release 
 without those test pass completely (cause lazy developers can't hide 
 anymore behind the on my system it checked out correctly).
 The nice addition, on the user-side, is that if you need some 
 feature to be watched closely by the web2py team, you can submit 
 or additions to the current tests suite: they'll get integrated in the 
 mainline suite and travis will do the checks automatically.

 On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:06:51 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:**Travis_CI

 I don't that much, but I would say that it is a motor to execute 
 unit tests so it make integration test finally. And I guess once you 
 configure your project to work with it each you commit something on 
 it will execute all your unit tests and let you know that your build is 
 good to go as long as your unit tests are up to date...


 On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto wrote:


 forgive my ignorance what's Travis and what does it do ? 
 (explanation for 3 year old if you can) 
 Also, what benefits I can have by integrating it with Web2py ?

 Thanks for the info.
 Marco Tulio

 2013/3/18 Massimo Di Pierro

 Passes all tests using including python 2.5/2.6/2.7 

 Thanks to Marc who originally pushed for integration 
 one year ago and Niphlod for his help in getting this to work, 
 it to me like a three years old (and I needed the explanation), and 
 fixing all tests!**web2py


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 Marco Tulio 

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[web2py] Re: Why does appadmin execute conditional models?

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony
That's intentional. The idea is that appadmin needs access to all the 
models in order to be able to manage the whole database. If you don't want 
that for some reason, I think you should be able to change the name of and appadmin.html to something else (the model execution code 
specifically checks for a controller named appadmin).


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:40:09 AM UTC-4, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 If I put a code inside models/controller_name/, it gets 
 executed when running appadmin.
 Tested in 2.2.1 and trunk.



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[web2py] Re: Why does appadmin execute conditional models?

2013-03-21 Thread Marin Pranjić
Sure, I can do that. Good idea :-)



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[web2py] Re: How can I run multiple applications with multiple domains on nginx?

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Yes you can. From the point of nginx treat all domains as one. the use 
web2py to map different domains to different apps.

On Monday, 18 March 2013 15:21:25 UTC-5, Tito Garrido wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I am reading the book section:

 But I couldn't figure out how could I setup nginx to serve multiple 
 domains pointing to a different application on the same web2py instance.

 Do you have any example?

 mydomain1 - /home/www-data/web2py/applications/myapp1

 mydomain2 - /home/www-data/web2py/applications/myapp2




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[web2py] Re: package import

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Did you restart web2py after upgrade?

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 10:38:47 UTC-5, Phillipp Schmidt wrote:

 I just updated to this version, but I am still getting the error. Fany 
 interface, though! 
 Do you know any working packages that I could try to see whether it has 
 something to do with my setup?


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[web2py] how keepvalues if the page reload by the form don't even get submit?

2013-03-21 Thread Richard

I have a bizzard case where I need to set the number of input (more number 
of rows to be insert then inputs to be more precise) of a form... I create 
a bulk insert form that will insert many record at the same time but, if 
there is empty rows form will never submit since there is field in the row 
that can't be empty... So I need to let the user determine the number of 
input he needs... For more flexibility I would prefer the user to be allow 
to change the number of inputs (rows) while he is filling the form since he 
may have made a mistake in evaluation of the number of row he were needing 
if I only let him set this parameters before the form is generated...

One solution is to create a factory form with one field number_of_inputs 
that could auto-submit once the number of inputs is select by a dropbox, 
then the page reload and I can force the regeneration of the seconde 
embeded form in the page to consider the new number_of_inputs parameters 
before redraw the form... With this approach I need to keep values that are 
already entered, but the second form should not be submitted since it is 
not completed and because of that I need a custom keep values feature that 
doesn't required the second form to be submit...

Other solution, could be to embed the number_of_inputs into a unique form 
and parse only the first inputs until the max number of rows allowed by the 
number_of_inputs value... Not very possible without customizing 
form.accepts() I guess...



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[web2py] Re: package import

2013-03-21 Thread Phillipp Schmidt
Yes, I restarted a couple of times.


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Re: [web2py] Re: REF: Upload of Files

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony

 if request.vars.quotes_file:

Sorry, I didn't realize this, but apparently if you do if 
[cgi.FieldStorage object] you get False rather than True, so instead try:

if hasattr(request.vars.quotes_file, file):


import cgi
if isinstance(request.vars.quotes_file, cgi.FieldStorage)


 I have further noticed this error in the page source after making a submit:

var ajax_error_500 = 'An error occured, please a 
 the page' 

That is not an error -- it is just a Javascript variable that is 
automatically generated by web2py_ajax.html. It is there in case there is 
an Ajax error on the page, in which case it will be used to generate an 
error message. However, I notice there is an error in the code used to 
generate that variable -- it should not be including post_vars in the link 
URL, only get_vars (I have submitted a patch to correct that).



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[web2py] postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread yashar

origin country'))

when i try to input testing from database administration, i get this error:

class 'psycopg2.IntegrityError' insert or update on table testing 
violates foreign key constraint sea_inquery_origin_fkey DETAIL: Key 
(origin)=(0) is not present in table countries. 

any idea? i create different tables but get same result.


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[web2py] Re: How to create a loop to add multiple child records

2013-03-21 Thread Derek
I'm glad you like it, and it's interesting, but this way is not secure, 
since it is susceptible to double submit and CSRF. I would only recommend 
this way if you are building an internal only website. You should probably 
have a formkey to protect against it.

On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 6:44:16 PM UTC-7, 黄祥 wrote:

 this cool man, thanks derek
 hi alex,
 hope this can help for you to follow the web2py slices (much more simple 
 than the one on the discussion that i've attached before):

 p.s. please focus on the bold


 *cat controllers/*
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # this file is released under public domain and you can use without 

 ## This is a samples controller
 ## - index is the default action of any application
 ## - user is required for authentication and authorization
 ## - download is for downloading files uploaded in the db (does streaming)
 ## - call exposes all registered services (none by default)

 *def index(): *
 *return dict(message=hello from*
 * *
 *def display():*
 *people = db().select(db.person.ALL)** *
 *return dict(people = people)*
 * *
 *def showHouses():*
 *houses = db( ==*
 *return dict(houses=houses)*
 * *
 *def saveAddress():*
 *if request.post_vars.address:*
 *newhouse =, 
 *houses = db( == 
 *return dict(houses=houses)*

 def user():
 use @auth.requires_login()
 @auth.requires_membership('group name')
 @auth.requires_permission('read','table name',record_id)
 to decorate functions that need access control
 return dict(form=auth())

 def download():
 allows downloading of uploaded files
 return, db)

 def call():
 exposes services. for example:
 decorate with @services.jsonrpc the functions to expose
 supports xml, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amfrpc, rss, csv
 return service()

 def data():
 but URLs must be signed, i.e. linked with
 or with the signed load operator
 return dict(form=crud())

 *cat models/*
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 ## This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
 ## File is released under public domain and you can use without limitations

 ## if SSL/HTTPS is properly configured and you want all HTTP requests to
 ## be redirected to HTTPS, uncomment the line below:
 # request.requires_https()

 if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
 ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
 db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
 ## connect to Google BigTable (optional 'google:datastore://namespace')
 db = DAL('google:datastore')
 ## store sessions and tickets there
 session.connect(request, response, db=db)
 ## or store session in Memcache, Redis, etc.
 ## from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
 ## from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
 ## session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))

 ## by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from localhost
 ## none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.extension'
 response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []
 ## (optional) optimize handling of static files
 # response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline'
 # response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline'

 ## Here is sample code if you need for
 ## - email 

Re: [web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Richard Vézina
I don't see any decaration of on_logout in web2py 2.3.2, search the book
for on_logout lead to nothing either...

Could it be your own custom function??


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Annet wrote:

 After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

 auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

 I get the following error:

 global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

 on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all the

 of the cms part of my application.

 Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

 Kind regards,



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[web2py] Re: web2py and timezones

2013-03-21 Thread Derek
Massimo, I think you need a new keyboard, looks like your 'o' key is 
failing you. Either that, or the ring finger on your right hand has a 
problem. Twice now there's a missing 'o'.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 8:33:42 AM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I have a major patch from Niphlod that replace my 
 naive implementation with one based on pytz. I agree this is the way to go. 
 We have two open issues:
 1) should be include pytz in web2py r make it a depencency
 2) should we do the pytz import in web2py or should we pass pytz objects 
 to validators (the pytz would be defined outside of web2py), tus giving the 
 option of not using pytz.

 On Thursday, 21 March 2013 05:28:09 UTC-5, mart wrote:

 hum... I use this and solves pretty much the bulk of the DLST issues that 
 were problematic for me.  (its the Olsen TZ DB wrapped in python)

 I found it a little tricky at first, but once i got my head wrapped 
 around the different permutations of 
 dates (past, presents, different time zones, DLST, DT formats) i work 
 with, things cleared up pretty 

 Anyways, works for me.

 - Mart

 On Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:31:24 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I was looking at code to detect the user timezone and store dates 
 consistently in UTC format.
 I made some changes in trunk to handle this. I could use some help 

 1) In the header of your layout.html add:

  {{if not session.timezone:}}

 2) in the default controller:

 def set_timezone():
 session.timezone = int(request.vars.timezone)/60

 3) Use the new timezone attribute of validators in trunk:

Field('birthday','datetime',requires = 

 Does it work for you? Suggestions for improvement?



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Re: [web2py] Re: REF: Upload of Files

2013-03-21 Thread Teddy Nyambe
But the question again is where is the file stored, its not appearing in
the specified uploads directory for manipulation. What I want to do is
upload an excel sheet with specific columns of data, then get the data and
insert into db with similar columns
On Mar 21, 2013 6:48 PM, Anthony wrote:

 if request.vars.quotes_file:

 Sorry, I didn't realize this, but apparently if you do if
 [cgi.FieldStorage object] you get False rather than True, so instead try:

 if hasattr(request.vars.quotes_file, file):


 import cgi
 if isinstance(request.vars.quotes_file, cgi.FieldStorage)

 I have further noticed this error in the page source after making a

 var ajax_error_500 = 'An error occured, please a
 Motel%2C2013-03-01%5Cr%5Cn%27%**29reload/a the page'

 That is not an error -- it is just a Javascript variable that is
 automatically generated by web2py_ajax.html. It is there in case there is
 an Ajax error on the page, in which case it will be used to generate an
 error message. However, I notice there is an error in the code used to
 generate that variable -- it should not be including post_vars in the link
 URL, only get_vars (I have submitted a patch to correct that).



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[web2py] Import MySQL module in Web2py on mac

2013-03-21 Thread Aditya Harish

I use Mac Os X Lion
I open the web2py app directly for the server rather than using the 
terminal to open.

I want to use MySQL database.
SO where should I place the MySQL db module so that I can import it in the 

For a Windows System we can direclty copy the contents to site-packages 
What should we do in case of mac?



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[web2py] Re: web2py and timezones

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 12:51:26 UTC-5, Derek wrote:

 Massimo, I think you need a new keyboard, looks like your 'o' key is 
 failing you. Either that, or the ring finger on your right hand has a 
 problem. Twice now there's a missing 'o'.

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 8:33:42 AM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I have a major patch from Niphlod that replace my 
 naive implementation with one based on pytz. I agree this is the way to go. 
 We have two open issues:
 1) should be include pytz in web2py r make it a depencency
 2) should we do the pytz import in web2py or should we pass pytz objects 
 to validators (the pytz would be defined outside of web2py), tus giving the 
 option of not using pytz.

 On Thursday, 21 March 2013 05:28:09 UTC-5, mart wrote:

 hum... I use this and solves pretty much the bulk of the DLST issues 
 that were problematic for me.  (its the Olsen TZ DB wrapped in python)

 I found it a little tricky at first, but once i got my head wrapped 
 around the different permutations of 
 dates (past, presents, different time zones, DLST, DT formats) i work 
 with, things cleared up pretty 

 Anyways, works for me.

 - Mart

 On Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:31:24 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I was looking at code to detect the user timezone and store dates 
 consistently in UTC format.
 I made some changes in trunk to handle this. I could use some help 

 1) In the header of your layout.html add:

  {{if not session.timezone:}}

 2) in the default controller:

 def set_timezone():
 session.timezone = int(request.vars.timezone)/60

 3) Use the new timezone attribute of validators in trunk:

Field('birthday','datetime',requires = 

 Does it work for you? Suggestions for improvement?



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[web2py] Doing validation using sqlform grid onupdate or ondelete callbacks

2013-03-21 Thread Jean-Baptiste Fuzier

I am having trouble finding the right way to do this : 

   - I have a table, each row has an owner which is the only one allowed to 
   edit or delete it
   - Ownership is represented thanks to auth_permission (permission 'owner')
   - I would like to use ondelete and onupdate callbacks to verify that the 
   auth.user indeed owned the row, the test is working fine within the 
   callback function. However I do not know how to properly stop the update or 
   delete when the user does not own the row
  - I managed to make this work in a pretty ugly way I think by raising 
  an Exception within the ondelete callback when the user is not allowed to 
  remove the row
  - However I can't to it with update as the exception seems not to be 
  catched ...
Am I missing something ? 

Thanks for your help !


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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread Alan Etkin

 class 'psycopg2.IntegrityError' insert or update on table testing 
 violates foreign key constraint sea_inquery_origin_fkey DETAIL: Key 
 (origin)=(0) is not present in table countries. 

Are you setting 0 value for the foreign key?

If you are in the admin app, the insert form should not pass validation 
unless you specify an actual db record as reference.


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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread yashar
the form is created by the admin app, no validation error, just i get this 
error for any insert with relation.

i dont understand.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 10:06:54 PM UTC+3:30, Alan Etkin wrote:

 class 'psycopg2.IntegrityError' insert or update on table testing 
 violates foreign key constraint sea_inquery_origin_fkey DETAIL: Key 
 (origin)=(0) is not present in table countries. 

 Are you setting 0 value for the foreign key?

 If you are in the admin app, the insert form should not pass validation 
 unless you specify an actual db record as reference.


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Re: [web2py] Mongodb error in appadmin

2013-03-21 Thread Mike Veltman
On 03/21/2013 08:06 PM, Alan Etkin wrote:

 I would love to have some pointers about how though define mongo in in a proper nosql way.

 Could you open an issue at the project page?

Done :-) Issue 1401 Mongodb error
in appadmin If more info needed or some testing is needed just ask.

I will play with mongo and web2py anyway.

 If you can, please provide:

 - The relevant part of the model
 - A possible set of data which would reproduce the error
 - Your mongodb driver, database server, web2py and Python versions

 The MongoDB DAL adapter does some automatic type mapping for id
 fields. I belive the issue could be realted to that.

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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread Alan Etkin

 the form is created by the admin app, no validation error, just i get this 
 error for any insert with relation.

Wait, your model has something odd (at least for me)

Since countries is a reference value, AFAIK, it must be an integer. But you 
are using a string validator. I don't think that's legal. If you remove the 
validator, it should work fine. I think you need to set the constraint in 
another way.


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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread yashar
there is no string validator, i just use IS_IN_DB to create drop down widget

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 10:26:38 PM UTC+3:30, Alan Etkin wrote:

 the form is created by the admin app, no validation error, just i get this 
 error for any insert with relation.

 Wait, your model has something odd (at least for me)

 Since countries is a reference value, AFAIK, it must be an integer. But 
 you are using a string validator. I don't think that's legal. If you remove 
 the validator, it should work fine. I think you need to set the constraint 
 in another way.


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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread Alan Etkin
 there is no string validator, i just use IS_IN_DB to create drop down 

Yes, sorry, I checked the api and it seems you are using the correct syntax.

Does it work using  IS_IN_DB (db, db.countries.country_name) instead? 


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Re: [web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
on trunk there is such a function, however it takes only user as a parameter

if onlogout:

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:48:40 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 I don't see any decaration of on_logout in web2py 2.3.2, search the book 
 for on_logout lead to nothing either...

 Could it be your own custom function??


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Annet anne...@googlemail.comjavascript:

 After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

 auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

 I get the following error:

 global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

 on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all the 

 of the cms part of my application.

 Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

 Kind regards,


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[web2py] Smartgrid: tamanho (largura) das colunas?

2013-03-21 Thread Fernando Lucas
Como posso alterar o tamanho (largura) das colunas do smartgrid? 


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[web2py] Webfaction out of memory? Hardly seems possible

2013-03-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Can anyone shed light on this?

Webfaction shut me down this morning at a very inconvenient time, claiming 
that I had exceeded my 256 Meg of memory.

The had an output from ps -u ... that supposedly showed my 5 Apache workers 
had consumed ~ 50 meg each.

I don't see how this is possible.  The site has been in operation one week. 
 I'm the only one who has used it for testing.

I know Apache child processes grow with each request, but they start out at 
4096 bytes and there were fewer than 3000 lines in all the log files added 

That averages out to an average growth of 85 kB per request.

Cliff Kachinske


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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The syntax may be correct per the manual, but IS_IN_DB tells Postgres to 
create a foreign key constraint on the field.  If you look at the tables 
with psql or pgadmin you will see this is so.

A foreign key constraint is always on the primary key of the foreign table. 
 It has to be this way to guarantee uniqueness.

This will work:

countries = [r.countryname for r in 

db.testing.origin.requires = IS_IN_SET(countries)

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:36:51 PM UTC-4, Alan Etkin wrote:

  there is no string validator, i just use IS_IN_DB to create drop down 

 Yes, sorry, I checked the api and it seems you are using the correct 

 Does it work using  IS_IN_DB (db, db.countries.country_name) instead? 


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Re: [web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Richard Vézina
:~/version_232/web2py$ grep 'onlogout' *

Return nothing!!


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Niphlod wrote:

 on trunk there is such a function, however it takes only user as a

 if onlogout:

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:48:40 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 I don't see any decaration of on_logout in web2py 2.3.2, search the book
 for on_logout lead to nothing either...

 Could it be your own custom function??


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Annet wrote:

 After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

 auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

 I get the following error:

 global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

 on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all the

 of the cms part of my application.

 Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

 Kind regards,



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[web2py] Re: Doing validation using sqlform grid onupdate or ondelete callbacks

2013-03-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I would do onvalidate.  

Then you can redirect before damage is done or you can do something like:

form.errors['the_restricted_field'] = Gotcha!! What were you thinking? 
 You cannot edit this record.  Go away.

You may wish to use a less abusive error message.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:26:10 PM UTC-4, Jean-Baptiste Fuzier wrote:


 I am having trouble finding the right way to do this : 

- I have a table, each row has an owner which is the only one allowed 
to edit or delete it
- Ownership is represented thanks to auth_permission (permission 
- I would like to use ondelete and onupdate callbacks to verify that 
the auth.user indeed owned the row, the test is working fine within the 
callback function. However I do not know how to properly stop the update 
delete when the user does not own the row
   - I managed to make this work in a pretty ugly way I think by 
   raising an Exception within the ondelete callback when the user is not 
   allowed to remove the row
   - However I can't to it with update as the exception seems not to 
   be catched ...

 Am I missing something ? 

 Thanks for your help !


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Re: [web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
if you search with grep you should do it recursively 

grep -nR 'onlogout' *

R for recursively, n for the line number.

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:03:55 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 :~/version_232/web2py$ grep 'onlogout' *

 Return nothing!!


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Niphlod 

 on trunk there is such a function, however it takes only user as a 

 if onlogout:

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:48:40 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 I don't see any decaration of on_logout in web2py 2.3.2, search the book 
 for on_logout lead to nothing either...

 Could it be your own custom function??


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Annet wrote:

 After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

 auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

 I get the following error:

 global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

 on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all the 

 of the cms part of my application.

 Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

 Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread Niphlod
just to clear out doubts.
a field 'reference sometable' gets:
 - a foreign key to the id of sometable
 - a validator that by default builds up on the format argument of sometable

you CAN'T have a foreign key to a table and have the requires parameter 
with is_in_db() building a string value.
So, if you want the 'origin' field to store the integer that is a pointer 
to the table, while retaining the country_name while 
representing it in the dropdown, you should do

Field('origin','reference countries')



Field('origin','reference countries',requires=IS_IN_DB(
db,'', '%(country_name)s',error_message='Choose origin country'

if you want testing.origin to be a string holding country names (so, not a 
reference), with the dropdown showing  the countries you have in the 
countries table

db,'countries.country_name',error_message='Choose origin country'))

tl;dr your mix and match doesn't specify what you want. Field type 
trumps the requires parameter on a database level. 

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:02:20 PM UTC+1, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 The syntax may be correct per the manual, but IS_IN_DB tells Postgres to 
 create a foreign key constraint on the field.  If you look at the tables 
 with psql or pgadmin you will see this is so.

 A foreign key constraint is always on the primary key of the foreign 
 table.  It has to be this way to guarantee uniqueness.

 This will work:

 countries = [r.countryname for r in 

 db.testing.origin.requires = IS_IN_SET(countries)

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:36:51 PM UTC-4, Alan Etkin wrote:

  there is no string validator, i just use IS_IN_DB to create drop down 

 Yes, sorry, I checked the api and it seems you are using the correct 

 Does it work using  IS_IN_DB (db, db.countries.country_name) instead? 


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Re: [web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Richard Vézina

Sorry for the noise...

So with w2p 2.3.2 get onlogout and logout_onlogout

So Annet must have a mistake in his code or the on_logout change for
onlogout I guess...


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Niphlod wrote:

 if you search with grep you should do it recursively 

 grep -nR 'onlogout' *

 R for recursively, n for the line number.

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:03:55 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 :~/version_232/web2py$ grep 'onlogout' *

 Return nothing!!


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Niphlod wrote:

 on trunk there is such a function, however it takes only user as a

 if onlogout:

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:48:40 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 I don't see any decaration of on_logout in web2py 2.3.2, search the
 book for on_logout lead to nothing either...

 Could it be your own custom function??


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Annet wrote:

 After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

 auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

 I get the following error:

 global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

 on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all the

 of the cms part of my application.

 Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

 Kind regards,



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[web2py] Re: postgres error

2013-03-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
My bad.

How could I not remember that?

On Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:27:40 PM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:

 just to clear out doubts.
 a field 'reference sometable' gets:
  - a foreign key to the id of sometable
  - a validator that by default builds up on the format argument of 

 you CAN'T have a foreign key to a table and have the requires parameter 
 with is_in_db() building a string value.
 So, if you want the 'origin' field to store the integer that is a pointer 
 to the table, while retaining the country_name while 
 representing it in the dropdown, you should do

 Field('origin','reference countries')



 Field('origin','reference countries',requires=IS_IN_DB(
 db,'', '%(country_name)s',error_message='Choose origin 

 if you want testing.origin to be a string holding country names (so, not a 
 reference), with the dropdown showing  the countries you have in the 
 countries table

 db,'countries.country_name',error_message='Choose origin country'))

 tl;dr your mix and match doesn't specify what you want. Field type 
 trumps the requires parameter on a database level. 

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:02:20 PM UTC+1, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 The syntax may be correct per the manual, but IS_IN_DB tells Postgres to 
 create a foreign key constraint on the field.  If you look at the tables 
 with psql or pgadmin you will see this is so.

 A foreign key constraint is always on the primary key of the foreign 
 table.  It has to be this way to guarantee uniqueness.

 This will work:

 countries = [r.countryname for r in 

 db.testing.origin.requires = IS_IN_SET(countries)

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:36:51 PM UTC-4, Alan Etkin wrote:

  there is no string validator, i just use IS_IN_DB to create drop down 

 Yes, sorry, I checked the api and it seems you are using the correct 

 Does it work using  IS_IN_DB (db, db.countries.country_name) instead? 


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Re: [web2py] Webfaction out of memory? Hardly seems possible

2013-03-21 Thread Tito Garrido
I am also having memory issues on dreamhost VPS... only 3 people accessing

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 Can anyone shed light on this?

 Webfaction shut me down this morning at a very inconvenient time, claiming
 that I had exceeded my 256 Meg of memory.

 The had an output from ps -u ... that supposedly showed my 5 Apache
 workers had consumed ~ 50 meg each.

 I don't see how this is possible.  The site has been in operation one
 week.  I'm the only one who has used it for testing.

 I know Apache child processes grow with each request, but they start out
 at 4096 bytes and there were fewer than 3000 lines in all the log files
 added together.

 That averages out to an average growth of 85 kB per request.

 Cliff Kachinske


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Linux User #387870
..º[ .-.___.-._| . . . .
.__( o)__( o).:___


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Re: [web2py] Re: REF: Upload of Files

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony
Recall that the suggestions to forego calling form.process() and instead 
just check for and directly manipulate request.vars.quotes_file was 
assuming you did not want to permanently store the file. If you do want to 
keep the file, then you should call form.process() (or include code to 
manually save the file). However, it's not clear that you do really need to 
keep the file. Presumably whatever code you plan to use to process and 
store the data would first open the file and then work with the open file 
object -- instead, you should be able to work with the FieldStorage file 
object directly (i.e., request.vars.quotes_file.file).


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:01:01 PM UTC-4, software.ted wrote:

 But the question again is where is the file stored, its not appearing in 
 the specified uploads directory for manipulation. What I want to do is 
 upload an excel sheet with specific columns of data, then get the data and 
 insert into db with similar columns
 On Mar 21, 2013 6:48 PM, Anthony javascript: 

 if request.vars.quotes_file:

 Sorry, I didn't realize this, but apparently if you do if 
 [cgi.FieldStorage object] you get False rather than True, so instead try:

 if hasattr(request.vars.quotes_file, file):


 import cgi
 if isinstance(request.vars.quotes_file, cgi.FieldStorage)


 I have further noticed this error in the page source after making a 

 var ajax_error_500 = 'An error occured, please a 
 Motel%2C2013-03-01%5Cr%5Cn%27%**29reload/a the page' 

 That is not an error -- it is just a Javascript variable that is 
 automatically generated by web2py_ajax.html. It is there in case there is 
 an Ajax error on the page, in which case it will be used to generate an 
 error message. However, I notice there is an error in the code used to 
 generate that variable -- it should not be including post_vars in the link 
 URL, only get_vars (I have submitted a patch to correct that).


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[web2py] Embed MP3 audio player in HTML via web2py

2013-03-21 Thread wwwgong
Check out my app at
I embed video mp3 and img
I can share the code if interested


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[web2py] Re: Doing validation using sqlform grid onupdate or ondelete callbacks

2013-03-21 Thread luismurciano

There are some easy ways to do it. 
If the owner reference is in the row you can use before and after 

db.mytable._before_update.append(lambda s,r: True if r.owner == 
auth.user_id else False)

The True value cancels the insert

Also you can use 

rows = db(auth.accessible_query('update', db.mytable, user_id)) 

I like the Authorization choice because its a nice abstraction and you dont 
need to mess with forms or tables
21 de marzo de 2013 19:26:10 UTC+1, Jean-Baptiste Fuzier escribió:


 I am having trouble finding the right way to do this : 

- I have a table, each row has an owner which is the only one allowed 
to edit or delete it
- Ownership is represented thanks to auth_permission (permission 
- I would like to use ondelete and onupdate callbacks to verify that 
the auth.user indeed owned the row, the test is working fine within the 
callback function. However I do not know how to properly stop the update 
delete when the user does not own the row
   - I managed to make this work in a pretty ugly way I think by 
   raising an Exception within the ondelete callback when the user is not 
   allowed to remove the row
   - However I can't to it with update as the exception seems not to 
   be catched ...

 Am I missing something ? 

 Thanks for your help !


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Re: [web2py] auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony
No, there is no onlogout function in web2py (either in globals or in the 
Auth class). Rather, the logout() function takes an onlogout argument, 
which is a callable -- so this code:

if onlogout:

is inside the logout() function, and the onlogout referenced there is the 
onlogout argument passed to logout() (though it defaults to 
self.settings.logout_onlogout if not directly passed in to logout()).

It appears that Annet has her own on_logout (not onlogout) function 
defined in a module. Presumably the error is occurring because it is not 
getting imported (who knows why without seeing some code).


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:36:24 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:


 Sorry for the noise... 

 So with w2p 2.3.2 get onlogout and logout_onlogout

 So Annet must have a mistake in his code or the on_logout change for 
 onlogout I guess...


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Niphlod 

 if you search with grep you should do it recursively 

 grep -nR 'onlogout' *

 R for recursively, n for the line number.

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:03:55 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 :~/version_232/web2py$ grep 'onlogout' *

 Return nothing!!


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Niphlod wrote:

 on trunk there is such a function, however it takes only user as a 

 if onlogout:

 On Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:48:40 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 I don't see any decaration of on_logout in web2py 2.3.2, search the 
 book for on_logout lead to nothing either...

 Could it be your own custom function??


 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Annet wrote:

 After upgrading to web2py version 2.4.4 this no longer works:

 auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: on_logout(auth,session)

 I get the following error:

 global name 'on_logout' is not defined.

 on_logout(auth,session) is a function in a module which clears all 
 the settings

 of the cms part of my application.

 Is there another way to call on_logout(auth,session) in web2py 2.4.4?

 Kind regards,


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[web2py] Access data in PUT request for @request.restful()

2013-03-21 Thread Daniel Gonzalez

How can I access the data in the PUT request? (in the body of the request)
Can this be automatically parsed (my data is JSON)



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[web2py] record representation format that refer to another table and that table is refer to another table

2013-03-21 Thread 黄祥

did anyone know how to show record representation format that refer to 
another table and that table is refer to another table?

Field('address', 'text'),
Field('company', 'reference company'),

Field('status', 'list:string'),
Field('branch', 'reference branch'),
format='%(branch)s %(room_no)s')

Field('scheduled_start', 'datetime'),
Field('due_date', 'datetime'),
Field('room', 'reference room'),
Field('customer', 'reference customer'),
Field('description', 'text'),
format='%(scheduled_start)s %(customer)s %(room)s')

*my question is:*
when i select table booking, i want to see : branch address room no (e.g. 
jakarta 101), notf branch id room no (e.g. 1 101).

many thanks before


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[web2py] Re: record representation format that refer to another table and that table is refer to another table

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony
The format attribute does propagate, so you'll have to write your own 
represent function for the room field (not tested):

Field('room', 'reference room', represent=lambda id, r: '%s %s' % (

The above represent function uses recursive selects, which I think should 


On Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:30:34 PM UTC-4, 黄祥 wrote:


 did anyone know how to show record representation format that refer to 
 another table and that table is refer to another table?

 Field('address', 'text'),
 Field('company', 'reference company'),

 Field('status', 'list:string'),
 Field('branch', 'reference branch'),
 format='%(branch)s %(room_no)s')

 Field('scheduled_start', 'datetime'),
 Field('due_date', 'datetime'),
 Field('room', 'reference room'),
 Field('customer', 'reference customer'),
 Field('description', 'text'),
 format='%(scheduled_start)s %(customer)s %(room)s')

 *my question is:*
 when i select table booking, i want to see : branch address room no (e.g. 
 jakarta 101), notf branch id room no (e.g. 1 101).

 many thanks before


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[web2py] Any Apache wizard - another dumb question

2013-03-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
My Webfaction account uses Apache with workers for MPM.

It seems that any memory allocated to a process spawned by an Apache worker 
actually clings to that worker after the process finishes.  That's why 
there is a maximum_requests_per_worker directive.

Could it be that big database migrations cause huge memory allocations 
across most of the available Apache workers?

Thank you,
Cliff Kachinske


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[web2py] Pythonanywhere down today?

2013-03-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The Python anywhere web site was down earlier today.

Were the hosted apps down at the same time?


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[web2py] Re: Access data in PUT request for @request.restful()

2013-03-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
if request.env.request_method=='POST':
put_vars = request.post_vars

basically request.post_vars are the variables in body whether it is PUT or 
POST or other.

On Thursday, 21 March 2013 19:10:27 UTC-5, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:


 How can I access the data in the PUT request? (in the body of the request)
 Can this be automatically parsed (my data is JSON)



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[web2py] Re: record representation format that refer to another table and that table is refer to another table

2013-03-21 Thread 黄祥
it's work well, thank you very much anthony.
it seems the 'represent' can't work in validators : requires. actually i'm 
also want the represent format in the form too. when i try to use the 
represent in requires an error is occured. did you know how to do it in 
requires field?

when using :'Available'),, 
  represent=lambda id, r: '%s %s' % 


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 212, in 
exec ccode in environment
line 57, in module
represent=lambda id, r: '%s %s' % (,
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'represent'

when using :'Available'),, 
  lambda id, r: '%s %s' % 



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 212, in 
exec ccode in environment
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/applications/hotel/controllers/, line 
181, in module
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 194, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 2971, in f
return action(*a, **b)
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/applications/hotel/controllers/, line 
99, in booking
editable=has_membership, deletable=has_membership)
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 2084, in grid
search_menu = SQLFORM.search_menu(sfields, prefix=prefix)
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 1663, in 
for k,v in field.requires.options()],
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 545, in options
  File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 542, in 
self.labels = [self.label(r) for r in records]
TypeError: lambda() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)


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[web2py] Re: record representation format that refer to another table and that table is refer to another table

2013-03-21 Thread Anthony
No, IS_IN_DB does not take a represent argument, but it does take a 
label argument that works similarly (though the lambda takes only a 
single argument -- the record):

 label=lambda r: '%s %s' % (,

Actually, you can optionally specify the represent function to take only 
a single argument as well, so you could just define the function once and 
use it in both places:

def format_room(record):
return '%s %s' % (,

Then do Field(..., represent=format_room) and IS_IN_DB(..., 


On Friday, March 22, 2013 1:06:22 AM UTC-4, 黄祥 wrote:

 it's work well, thank you very much anthony.
 it seems the 'represent' can't work in validators : requires. actually i'm 
 also want the represent format in the form too. when i try to use the 
 represent in requires an error is occured. did you know how to do it in 
 requires field?

 when using :'Available'),, 
   represent=lambda id, r: '%s %s' % 


 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
  line 57, in module
 represent=lambda id, r: '%s %s' % (,
 TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'represent'

 when using :'Available'),, 
   lambda id, r: '%s %s' % 



 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
 line 181, in module
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 194, in lambda
 self._caller = lambda f: f()
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 2971, in f
 return action(*a, **b)
 line 99, in booking
 editable=has_membership, deletable=has_membership)
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 2084, in grid
 search_menu = SQLFORM.search_menu(sfields, prefix=prefix)
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 1663, in 
 for k,v in field.requires.options()],
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 545, in 
   File /home/stifank/Desktop/web2py/gluon/, line 542, in 
 self.labels = [self.label(r) for r in records]
 TypeError: lambda() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)


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