[web2py] Resources for setting up for development

2012-01-15 Thread glimmung
Hi All,

I've been asked to give a short talk on web2py for a local Python user

One thing that I am a little intimidated by is that some of these guys
have been exposed to the tribal nonsense that somehow seems to keep
rearing its ugly head, and so I'm concerned to anticipate the sorts of
questions that might come up.

I'm happy with the PEP8 and import parts of the piece, but I'm a bit
concerned about questions about setting up a development environment -
my own set-up is very simple (I use SPE as an editor), but my solution
to the code-completion issue is distinctly inelegant.

Can anyone point me to good resources for setting up various IDEs for
web2py, so that I can point people in the right direction?

There is quite a bit out there, mostly about Eclipse/Aptana, but most
of it is very old so I'm concerned that I'm missing a more elegant




[web2py] Re: PDF Book Aesthetics

2011-12-29 Thread glimmung

On Dec 26, 5:06 pm, Bruce Wade  wrote:
> I honestly don't understand what the big deal is. It is a little single
> line at the bottom of the page. Packt provides your FULL address on the
> bottom of their books, when buying from their site.

Did you read the subject line of my post? Note the word "aesthetics"!

I did not suggest that it was a "big deal", merely that it was over-
prominent and distracting, and that the presentation could be
improved, in particular the choice of colour.

That would not seem to be such a marginal viewpoint, as Massimo has
been kind enough to address my concern.

> Also why would you care if your Full Name was on the book? The entire point
> of the line is so you don't give the book away or post it online. If you
> never have that intention then your Name being on it should not matter to
> you.

You have not understood my original message correctly - my concern was
not that the purchaser's name was shown, but that the credit card
holder might *NOT* be the purchaser.



[web2py] Re: PDF Book Aesthetics

2011-12-29 Thread glimmung
Hi Massimo,

On Dec 26, 4:29 pm, Massimo Di Pierro 
> OK. It is now black and smaller.

Great - thank you!



[web2py] PDF Book Aesthetics

2011-12-26 Thread glimmung
Hi All,

I've had the PDF a few days now, and one feature of it is really
getting on my wires!

Why does the ownership statement have to be on every single page?

Why is it the same size as the text, suggesting that it is as
important as the actual texy?

Why is it *RED* suggesting that it is *MORE* important than the text?

I understand the motivation to track illegitimate copies, I'm just
pointing out that this less-than-subtle way of doing it is degrading
my experience as a /legitimate/ user, without adding on iota to its

Suggestions: -
- Reconsider having it on every page.
- Make it smaller.
- Definitely, definitely *DON'T* make it red!
- Consider either not using the name on the credit card, or warning
the user that that is what you are going to do, as it may not be

I now have the print and the PDF versions of the book, and I'd give it
9.5/10 for content - but the PDF gets only 2/10 for presentation,
mostly due to its being unnecessarily disfigured in this way.

Hope this helps future buyers of the PDF to have a more pleasant
experience with it!




[web2py] Re: recommendations for production system?

2011-05-18 Thread glimmung
Hi Ross,

Thanks for the links. I have seen mixed reports, certainly in the more
distant past, but as I said my experience since Hardy (8.04) has been
very good.

On May 18, 5:03 pm, Ross Peoples  wrote:
> My own personal experience it with it a couple years was terrible. It
> destroyed several systems that needed to be rebuilt because webmin messed
> them up so bad. But again, I don't know if this has changed or not.

Well, from my PoV it has!

A couple of cautions though: -

- Webmin/Virtualmin need a clean, freshly installed system as a
starting point. If there is any configuration work done before
installing them, I'd expect problems.

- When I started out with my production hosting I had very limited
linux-fu, and needed to use  Webmin/Virtualmin to work safely (e.g. I
was a bigger risk than they were!), and so I set things up to do
everything apart from my narrow specialty (then the care and feeding
of Zope and Plone) using the web interface, and have been very
conservative about changing that.

I would recommend them without hesitation to anyone in the same
predicament as I was a couple of years back (an application developer
with limited Linux sysadmin skills), but since you are effectively
delegating your sysadmin load to that s/w in that case, it's important
to be careful and test your understanding of what you can do by hand.
In my case, there is an additional apache .conf file where all my
Zope, Plone and web2py config lives, and that is pretty much the only
thing I manage by hand, other than my Zope/Plone instances which I
install to /opt and Webmin leaves well alone.

My suggestion to the OP would be to fire up a VM and test the
alternatives - but I'd include Webmin as one of those alternatives.





[web2py] Re: recommendations for production system?

2011-05-18 Thread glimmung
Hi Ross,

On May 18, 11:59 am, Ross Peoples  wrote:
> On a quick side note, you are not supposed to use Webmin with Ubuntu. It is
> mentioned in several places that it breaks Debian-based systems. Ubutnu has
> been pushing eBox (now Zentyal) which is more for setting up a small
> business infrastructure than managing a web server. As is mentioned,
> managing Apache (or whatever you intend to use) yourself is the best way,
> even though it's not the easiest or the most convenient.

I'm baffled by that statement - can you provide a source, please?

Ubuntu (in its LTS versions) is specifically listed as a supported
operating system for Webmin, and a "Grade A" supported operating
system for Virtualmin [1]. As you suggest, eBox/Zentyal does *NOT* do
the same job as Webmin/Virtualmin.

I have used Webmin and Virtualmin for a couple of years now on LTS
versions of Ubuntu, and have had a very positive experience of it. As
well as web2py, I also do integration and hosting with Zope and Plone,
and I've been very happy letting Virtualmin manage Apache for the
"standard" virtual hosts, and managing web2py, Zope and Plone virtual
hosts by hand.


[1] http://www.virtualmin.com/os-support




[web2py] AWS Free Tier

2010-10-22 Thread glimmung
Hi All,

For anyone looking for hosting, Amazon's recent announcement of the
AWS Free Tier may be of interest: -






[web2py] Re: encrypt source code

2010-07-29 Thread glimmung

On Jul 29, 5:07 pm, ilovesss2004  wrote:
> Now I know the web app will work just with the pyc files, and others
> can not view the source code from pyc files. But the source code can
> still be viewed in web browser (I mean the source code of html and
> javascript at the client side). Is there a method to encrypt the
> source code by a language that the web browser knows so that the
> source code will be unreadable but still readable to web browser?

Not one that is effective - that simply isn't how the web works.

There are utilities which advertise this ability, and which serve
pages to the browser as an encrypted block which is decrypted by
JavaScript in the browser, but they are useless because it is trivial
to see the unencrypted version after it has been processed by the
script - "view source" will show the encrypted data, tools like
FireBug will show the plain-text (e.g. post-decryption).

The bottom line is that such schemes will only foil those who wouldn't
know what to do with the code in the first place, whereas they
represent no obstacle at all to anyone who has the slightest technical
savvy. Additionally, they will prevent anyone with e.g. NoScript or
sight-impaired people with text-to-speech systems from using your site

What are you afraid of? That is the real problem.




[web2py:24361] Re: Using jQuery UI ThemeRoller with web2py

2009-06-17 Thread glimmung


On Jun 17, 11:48 am, glimmung  wrote:
> My specific concern is maintainability - I'd like to be able to
> approach this in a way that enables me to drop in a new ThemeRoller
> theme, or update web2py, with the minimum of fuss. Has anyone any
> recommendations as to best practice, or better yet can anyone point us
> at or share their experience so far?

I've been tinkering with this, and would be interested in any feedback
on my appraoch - I'm an RDBMS guy, so I'm quite happy to be told that
my approach to CSS/JS is off the mark!

First of all, I looked at the static demo page that is bundled in the
ThemeRoller download. My objective was to get that page to work in a
web2py view.

There is JS and CSS in the header of that page, so I set about
creating a static file called "web2py_jqueryui.html", modelled after
web2py_ajax.html. Stuff is a little scattered now, but my objective is
to have all my modifications in that file, other than the approach to
base.css described below.

Then, as a "playground" to test with I created a "dumb" controller
that returns an empty dict, and a view to render it. In the body of
the view, I pasted the body content of my sample page. I now have a
working demo with all the JQuery-UI goodies working as expected.

This has exposed what I was wary of, but wasn't able to articulate in
my first post: as expected, the web2py menu is not styled in any way
by the theme, because it uses web2py-specific CSS classes. Looking at
the menu, and digging into where these classes are set, I see that
they originate in /gluon/html.py - which is part of the distribution,
and which I don't want to modify. They are defined in base.css.

I'm now about to set to to create a replacement version of base.css
which provides the classes not native to the jQueryUI theme - it seems
that the tidiest approach is to use my own base.css, such that that is
the only file /changed/, other than adding the call to include
web2py_jqueryui.html in layout.html.

Does this approach make sense? Have I overlooked anything?

FWIW, my intention is to create a w2p application file to use as a
start point for jQuery-UI apps.



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[web2py:24350] Using jQuery UI ThemeRoller with web2py

2009-06-17 Thread glimmung

Hi All,

We're just setting to on this task, and I wondered if others had gone
this route and could share their experiences.

My specific concern is maintainability - I'd like to be able to
approach this in a way that enables me to drop in a new ThemeRoller
theme, or update web2py, with the minimum of fuss. Has anyone any
recommendations as to best practice, or better yet can anyone point us
at or share their experience so far?

If there isn't anything in existance to help us on our way now, what
is the best way for us to share our experince as we work? I see the
AlterEgo FAQ, and the Wiki - is either one of those the right place to
document this stuff, or am I best publishing the notes on my own site
until they are in a fit state to be of use to others?




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[web2py:23143] windows service problem in 1.63 (source)

2009-06-02 Thread glimmung

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to install as a service under XP SP3.

I've followed the instructions at


...which has installed the service.

However, the service will not start - when I look in the event log I
see: -

Python could not import the service's module
ImportError: No module named winservice
%2: %3

FWIW, I see winservice.py in the /web2py/gluon folder.

Having searched the mailing lists, it seems that this is not a new
issue, but all the reports I see relate to the web2py.exe setup.

Can someone clue me in please?

BTW, I'm a relative newcomer to web2py (and a refugee from Zope and
Plone, FWIW), and I'm having lots of fun - this is good stuff, even if
am mildly frustrated to be stuck on the service issue!




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