[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-21 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

On Feb 21, 4:33 pm, "Jean M."  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a PHP developer interested in understanding the fundamentals of web2py
> framework and after reading the book and the documentation, I have some
> questions which I would very much appreciate to have answered.
> 1) Why (or "is") a VPS is necessary to host web2py Python web-apps? Can it
> not run under any Linux shared web-host which has python installed?

web2py can run under shared hosts.
The only issue is that each shared hosting is a little different
therefore how depends on details.
What web server do they provide? Do they provide mod_wsgi? Do they
assign you a port? Do they allow long running processes?
If they allow long running processes I'd suggest running web2py under
your own account and configure their web server to act as proxy.

> 2) Is web2py restrictive in any way? How broad is the freedom to define
> custom routes, naming controllers, models and views? Can this happen
> without sharing the same name?

Not sure I understand the question. web2py does not impose any
restriction on the number of apps. The models and controller must be
valid python file names but you can use routes to map them into
arbitrary URI paths.

> 3) What is web2py approach to configuration, settings and programming? CoC?
> What do you think about it?

What is CoC? Web2py has no configuration files except for the optional
routes.py You use it when you do not want to use the default URLs.

> 4) Is it possible to get web2py like PHP frameworks without installations?

Web2py does not require installation. PHP does. Python does. Most
system come with PHP and Python pre-installed but no web2py. You do
not need to install it, you just need to download it somewhere. No
need for root permission.

> Do an unzip and have the folder structure to develop on without admin
> interfaces and such?

Again, I do not understanding the question. Anyway on any shared host
you can do:

wget http://web2py.com/examples/static/web2py_src.zip
unzip web2py_src.zip
cd web2py
mkdir applications/myapp
cp -r applications/welcome/* applications/myapp/
python web2py.py -a somepassword -i -p  &
open  http://yourhostname/myapp

> 5) What would be deemed as good read for people from PHP background to
> understand web2py's ways?

try the above commands. Read chapter 3 of the book. Ask questions

> Thank you

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-21 Thread pbreit
1) Python hosting is much harder than PHP hosting. While hosts that support 
Python should be able to support Web2py, that is not always the case 
because they don't support one of the web server communication mechanisms 
such as mod_wsgi or fastcgi. If the host supports Django apps, it should be 
possible to get Web2py to work.

2) It's pretty flexible but there are some restrictions enforced by Web2py, 
Python and/or the database. Routing is pretty flexible.

3) There isn't much of a concept of config files or anything. The optional 
routes.py file is sort of like a config file for routes. You can place 
config-like settings in models files as well. I'd say CoC has an edge.

4) Once again, setting up Python apps is harder than PHP. You don't just 
drop files into a folder. However, once you have Web2py up and running, 
then you can just drop a bundle of web2py app code in the applications 
directory (possibly requiring a server restart).

5) The Web2py book is the best I've seen. You can get started quickly by 
just downloading the Windows or Mac package and running it from your own 
computer. Later you can figure out how to deploy to a remote web server.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-21 Thread Jean M.
Thank you, both of you. I am really struggling to understanding the very 
basics of how Python Web-apps work. Your answers do help.

So basically, a python app (running on web2py or not) is actually an app, 
and it runs on Python interpreter (just like Java apps).
So they also contain, naturally, the web server or a web server interface 
to respond to requests.

One more question:

PHP allows writing stupid code. Because even if a part of the code starts 
performing an infinite root or somthing, the process in the end dies 
without affecting other connections or parts of the web-app. 

How does this work with Python? What happens if a part of the app, during 
production, goes crazy? Will the web2py app crash? Will it re-launch it 
self automatically or is it necessary to use something like "forever"?

Thanks again!

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-21 Thread Anthony

> 3) What is web2py approach to configuration, settings and programming?

As noted, the only real configuration file is routes.py, which is optional 
and used for routing (URL rewrite and routes on error). In addition to the 
root routes.py file in the /web2py folder, you can also have app-specific 
routes.py files. Also, note that model files are executed on every request 
(unless they are in subfolders to be executed conditionally based on the 
controller and/or function), so app-specific configuration-like settings 
are sometimes put in a model file (model files are executed alphabetically, 
so if you want some configuration settings to be set before any other app 
code runs, you might put them in a model file named 0_config.py).

> CoC?

Probably more so than most Python frameworks, web2py does adopt a strong 
"convention over configuration" philosophy (this is in contrast to the 
"explicit is better than implicit" Python mantra followed by most other 
frameworks). See http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/1#Principles. 
In web2py, everything has sane defaults but can be customized as needed. 
That's why the "hello world" is as simple as:


def index():
return dict(message='Hello World')

4) Is it possible to get web2py like PHP frameworks without installations? 
> Do an unzip and have the folder structure to develop on without admin 
> interfaces and such?

Using the "admin" interface is entirely optional. You can develop using any 
text editor or IDE (and, in fact, you can access most of the "admin" 
functionality programmatically via the gluon.admin module).

> 5) What would be deemed as good read for people from PHP background to 
> understand web2py's ways?

A little old, but you can check 
out http://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/106. That's really 
comparing web2py to plain PHP, not PHP MVC frameworks. Compared with PHP 
MVC frameworks, the biggest difference is probably just the language. You 
should also get a good idea about how web2py works by going through the 
Introduction and Overview chapters of the book, as well 
as http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Workflow 
and http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Dispatching.


> Thank you

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-21 Thread pbreit
Not really. It's probably more like PHP than Java in that there isn't 
really any compiling. With more Python-based web development, you can edit 
files directly and the edits will be immediately visible in the browser.

I'm sure some really sloppy code could cause some problems but I suspect it 
might be harder to do than with PHP. I don't worry about that at all and 
I'm a total newbie.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread LightDot
Is there a specific PHP framework you use? Perhaps someone could offer some 
comparisons based on that.

I used CakePHP a lot before starting with web2py and I always compared the 
two in the beginning. It's a natural thing to do, I guess.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Jean M.
Good morning,

This community is very understanding and helpful, I really appreciate the 
input from all of you.

In PHP, I really like Kohana. All URL requests are first filtered through 
URL mapping settings which can be extended and set in any way necessary. 
Then depending on that URL routing, a controller is triggered either 
because it's requested via the URL or because it's set as "default". 
Controllers can have any name, models can have any name and they don't need 
to match. And it is really this simple. There is no administration, there 
is no set up, there is no installation. But with Python frameworks, there 
are many "strange" (to me that is) things.

I just want to "get" the logic behind this all. In PHP, when an HTTP call 
is made, Apache, using the PHP, interpretes the PHP file and sends the 
outcome. But python, an app needs to be triggered with a specific port. Why 
is this so? I am not saying PHP is better. I just want to understand the 
"how" python functions, the fundamentals.

Thank you.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Jean M.
Hello Anthony, thank you for your answer.

Is it possible to have wildcard URL mappings without specifying the 
controller in the url? 
Say for instance if I want to have, "myurl.com/random1" and 
"myurl.com/r4nd0m2" to be forwarded to a single controller to perform an 
action within that controller, how can that be done with web2py, without 
permitting that controller to be called directly by 
myurl.com/controllername? (basically, instead of 
myurl.com/controllername/random1 -> myurl.com/random1)

Thank you.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Jean M.

I have done some more technical reading and have a direct question about 
web2py's basics.

I would like to ask why does web2py come with it's own wcgi daemon instead 
of relying on an apache with embded wcgi?

Thank you.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread LightDot

In PHP, when an HTTP call is made, Apache, using the PHP, interpretes the 
> PHP file and sends the outcome. But python, an app needs to 
> be triggered with a specific port. Why is this so? I am not saying PHP is 
> better. I just want to understand the "how" python functions, 
> the fundamentals.

PHP and python behave very similar in this area, at least on the outside. 
There is no special port that you need to use with python. If you are 
referring to web2py's bundled web server's default port, than that's just a 
default setting, similar as you could have Apache running on some other 
port, not the default 80. There is absolutely no need to use web2py's 
bundled web server if you don't want to. It's just here for convenience.

In Apache PHP is usually executed trough mod_php, mod_fcgid or other 
similar module. Python can be executed trough mod_fcgid or, preferably, 
mod_wsgi. There are other ways, I'm just stating the most obvious.

I have never used the bundled web2py's server in production or even for 
development, just for limited testing. Based on my experience, I would 
advise deploying web2py with Apache or Nginx, although I'm sure other web 
servers could be sufficient, depending on your needs.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread pbreit
You can do it with URL rewrites but I'd advise against it. It's typically 
unnecessary and poor app design.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread pbreit
Web2py sounds similar but you generally skp the mapping part and just name your 
controller files and functions according to how you want our urls structured. 
It works really well if ou keep our app cleanly designed and avoid the urge to 
do "dumb" things.

There's a little bit of "magic" getting web servers to talk to python programs 
but once that is set up it works similarlay to PHP. But things aren't always as 
simple as just dropping files in directories. A lot of add on libraries need to 
be installed, for example (sort of like PEAR I suppose).

The one advantage of PHP is deployment ease. In all other respects python is 
much more pleasant, IMO.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Jean M.
Hello again,

I have been reading further more and I found out that deploying Python 
applications with Apache might be a better idea than nginx due to its 
non-blocking nature and pythons, natural nature.

Once you set up Apache to work with mod_wsgi, is it enough to upload files 
like in a PHP framework? What are the differences under mod_wsgi, from your 
experience? What do you do with the Administration section?

Also, how would you personally compare web2py to cakephp? Any input would 
be great from your transition.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Jean M.
I see, but why is it poor app design? If you have, let's say, a social 
network and you want user profiles to be displayed directly at 
mysocialnetwork.com/username, then it would be necessary,

Could you tell why with Python would it be a poor design? I am asking to 
learn the essence of the culture of this language. 

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Anthony

> Is it possible to have wildcard URL mappings without specifying the 
> controller in the url? 
> Say for instance if I want to have, "myurl.com/random1" and "
> myurl.com/r4nd0m2" to be forwarded to a single controller to perform an 
> action within that controller, how can that be done with web2py, without 
> permitting that controller to be called directly by 
> myurl.com/controllername? (basically, instead of 
> myurl.com/controllername/random1 -> myurl.com/random1)

Yes, I suggest you look at 
http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#URL-rewrite as well as the 
/web2py/routes.example.py and /web2py/router.example.py files. The 
paramater-based rewrite system works well for common simple cases, like 
removing the app name and default controller name (and a default function 
name per controller) from all URLs. For more complex cases, the 
pattern-based rewrite system is quite flexible.

The nice thing about the rewrite systems is that they work in reverse as 
well -- if you use the URL() function to generate URLs, they will 
automatically be rewritten according to the rewrite rules.


[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Anthony
On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:46:53 AM UTC-5, JeanM wrote:
> I see, but why is it poor app design? If you have, let's say, a social 
> network and you want user profiles to be displayed directly at 
> mysocialnetwork.com/username, then it would be necessary

I don't think it would be poor design in that case -- that seems like a 
reasonable use case for rewriting.


[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Anthony

> PHP allows writing stupid code. Because even if a part of the code starts 
> performing an infinite root or somthing, the process in the end dies 
> without affecting other connections or parts of the web-app. 
> How does this work with Python? What happens if a part of the app, during 
> production, goes crazy? Will the web2py app crash? Will it re-launch it 
> self automatically or is it necessary to use something like "forever"?

If your app code generates an error, the web2py framework will catch the 
error and issue an appropriate response (rollback database transactions, 
generate a ticket with the traceback, return an error message). The error 
handling behavior can be customized via 
routes_onerror: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Routes-on-error. 
See also the end of this 
section: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Dispatching.

Also, assuming you're using a threaded web server (e.g., apache), an error 
on a given request will only affect that request's thread, not the others. 
If it's not an error but just something that is excessively long running, 
you might be able to configure the server to set a timeout per request.


[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Anthony

> In PHP, I really like Kohana. All URL requests are first filtered through 
> URL mapping settings which can be extended and set in any way necessary. 
> Then depending on that URL routing, a controller is triggered either 
> because it's requested via the URL or because it's set as "default".

Very similar in web2py, except in web2py, explicit URL mappings are 
optional, as there is a default mapping built in 
(/myapp/mycontroller/myfunction/arg1/.../argN?var1=val1&...varN=valN gets 
routed to the myfunction function in the mycontroller controller in the 
myapp application, with arg1 to argN in request.args and var1 to varN in 

> Controllers can have any name, models can have any name and they don't 
> need to match. And it is really this simple.

Same in web2py. Models not only don't need to have the same name as 
controllers, but all model files are executed on every request (except for 
conditional models, discussed in the Workflow section of the Core chapter), 
so all models are available to all controllers by default. 

> There is no administration, there is no set up, there is no installation.

Same in web2py.

> But with Python frameworks, there are many "strange" (to me that is) 
> things.

I think web2py tends to eschew some of those "strange" things as well. :-)


[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-22 Thread Anthony

> I have been reading further more and I found out that deploying Python 
> applications with Apache might be a better idea than nginx due to its 
> non-blocking nature and pythons, natural nature.

You don't have to stick with Apache. Nginx + uWSGI is another recommended 
configuration: http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/RunOnNginx. web2py 
includes a setup 

> Once you set up Apache to work with mod_wsgi, is it enough to upload files 
> like in a PHP framework?

In web2py, individual files are not directly accessible by simply 
specifying the filesystem path to the file in the URL, as with PHP, but I 
assume you don't do that with PHP MVC frameworks either. However, if you 
add a new file or add code to an existing file in web2py, the change will 
be immediately available in your web2py app without having to restart the 
server (e.g., if you add a new controller, you will immediately be able to 
access that controller within the app).

> What do you do with the Administration section?

Note, the admin app is just a convenience and is not required to use web2py.


[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
It's not a Python thing. It's a web development thing. URLs should 
typically correspond to one resource.

That's an OK case for rewriting but quite different from the previous 
example. Depending on how necessary it is to avoid an extra URL segment, 
you could easily set it up as myserver.com/user/username without rewriting.

I recall a thread awhile back on how to implement myserver.com/username and 
don't recall the exact outcome.