[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2012-11-08 Thread Mark Abajian
Thank you, Anthony,

The reset_email_lower() worked for me.  I just needed to use table_user() 
instead of table_user.

By reading this thread, I am now able to store emails as lower case, but 
allow upper/mixed case logins and password resets.  Just what I was looking 

Thank you, everyone.



[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-15 Thread Constantine Vasil
I added this code (reset_email_lower) to  registration
too. But I checked the database and see the following:

1) I create a new user account with email all lower case.
2) the app logs in as default.
3) Log out.
4) I try to create a new user account with same email but
first letter a capital. I see in the database that a new account is created
and the email is stored a lower cap but now I have two id's with the same
email in auth_user table
5) after creating the new account the app logs automatically
and in auth_event I see  User # Registered and in user_id column
the user_id of the other account which already was created with lower caps.

Bottom line - when registering - how to convert the email to lower cap so 
web2py to be able to check if the same email is already registered,
and if so to prevent creating of a new account and notify the user that the 
already exist.

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
I checked the code in tools.py, the name of the function (list)
to be executed for 'onvalidation' for request_reset_password
is: reset_password_onvalidation (the neame is not right
it should correspond to the name of the operation - 
request_reset_password - it should be renamed like:

Anyway - this is according to the login and registration way of
working, but in the case of request_reset_password it does not 

   auth.settings.reset_password_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
current.app.auth =  auth

Regarding IS_LOWER - the name says 'IS' which means 'check if'
probably the name is not right because I expect something like 
TO_LOWER. Of the reasons on other post not using it is because
of the name.

Regarding tolower - if you have a Gmail account and you created 
your email with lower case, later you can login with mixed case.
There is not a point to store the email in mixed case when it is 
used as a login (no username, no first, last name, just email/password),
because from usability point of view it is a disaster.

I tested  with several users and almost in all cases the experience was 
like this.
My app is online app which is accessible from mobile devices as well as
from desktop. Same app, no change in layout specifically for mobile or 
Very simple.

Now one user creates an account myemail @ gmail.com in his iPad - 
just email/password - user experience is great, it is quick, reliable, the 
user is in the system.

Now same user opens up his Android phone and opens the web site address 
of my app, sees the login screen and because he just created an account,
tries to login. Clicks on Sign In, email/password screen comes in and he 
his email whicj is (myemail @ gmail.com) like this: MyEmail (the @ 
gmail.com) is hidden
from Andorid browser for security reasons. So he assumes it is OK because 
this is his email an he just adds the @ gmail part. Then he tries to login.
The app should pass him through because obviously that is his email address 
no matter
the casing. So my app has to convert the email to lower case anyway. 
Before to convert to lower case MyEmail  @ gmail.com was not recognized and
he was frustrated because he just created his account and wonders why he 
cannot login.
Because he badly wants to use my app, he thinks something was wrong with 
the initial
account creation, so he clocks on Sign Up and creates an account 
with MyEmail  @ gmail.com.
I go to the Database View (GAE) and see he has now two accounts:
MyEmail  @ gmail.com and myEmail  @ gmail.com.

And no - this cannot be that way. The user does not cares about SMTP 
protocols, etc.
He will abandon using my app on the spot, thinking it is insecure.

I believe this is frustration experienced from many web2py users using the 
email/password login system possible. 

Probably it is a good idea if Massimo looks at what I have just described 
and make
the functionality needed login_email_lower is OK but it should work with 

Thank you,


[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank you, it would be much easier - all lower case - all major
email providers like Google, etc. prefer a better user experience
than strict protocol. I believe Massimo will agree. Massimo?

Now the last important issue:

   auth.settings.reset_password_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
current.app.auth =  auth

If this is not working - it would be a disaster  - users not able to 
change their password. They will call us and we have to tell them -
use all lowercase. They will say - but that is really them same mine 
email?!? What the BS.

How to make this work?

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony
I submitted an issue.

On Friday, December 9, 2011 11:23:04 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:

 I agree -- I think the auth system should convert all emails to lowercase 
 at all points. In particular, two accounts should not be allowed to have 
 the same email address, just with different cases.

 I see your confusion about the naming of IS_LOWER (there are a few other 
 validators like that too). Note, however, that it is a Validator object, 
 and like all validators, it does return a tuple of the form (value, error 
 message), though the error message is always None. In that sense, it is 
 in fact checking (or perhaps more precisely, confirming) that the value it 
 returns is all lowercase (of course, that's because it converts the value 
 to lowercase).


 On Friday, December 9, 2011 10:55:23 AM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 I checked the code in tools.py, the name of the function (list)
 to be executed for 'onvalidation' for request_reset_password
 is: reset_password_onvalidation (the neame is not right
 it should correspond to the name of the operation - 
 request_reset_password - it should be renamed like:

 Anyway - this is according to the login and registration way of
 working, but in the case of request_reset_password it does not 

auth.settings.reset_password_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
 current.app.auth =  auth

 Regarding IS_LOWER - the name says 'IS' which means 'check if'
 probably the name is not right because I expect something like 
 TO_LOWER. Of the reasons on other post not using it is because
 of the name.

 Regarding tolower - if you have a Gmail account and you created 
 your email with lower case, later you can login with mixed case.
 There is not a point to store the email in mixed case when it is 
 used as a login (no username, no first, last name, just email/password),
 because from usability point of view it is a disaster.

 I tested  with several users and almost in all cases the experience was 
 like this.
 My app is online app which is accessible from mobile devices as well as
 from desktop. Same app, no change in layout specifically for mobile or 
 Very simple.

 Now one user creates an account myemail @ gmail.com in his iPad - 
 just email/password - user experience is great, it is quick, reliable, 
 the user is in the system.

 Now same user opens up his Android phone and opens the web site address 
 of my app, sees the login screen and because he just created an account,
 tries to login. Clicks on Sign In, email/password screen comes in and he 
 his email whicj is (myemail @ gmail.com) like this: MyEmail (the @ 
 gmail.com) is hidden
 from Andorid browser for security reasons. So he assumes it is OK because 
 this is his email an he just adds the @ gmail part. Then he tries to 
 The app should pass him through because obviously that is his email 
 address no matter
 the casing. So my app has to convert the email to lower case anyway. 
 Before to convert to lower case MyEmail  @ gmail.com was not recognized 
 he was frustrated because he just created his account and wonders why he 
 cannot login.
 Because he badly wants to use my app, he thinks something was wrong with 
 the initial
 account creation, so he clocks on Sign Up and creates an account 
 with MyEmail  @ gmail.com.
 I go to the Database View (GAE) and see he has now two accounts:
 MyEmail  @ gmail.com and myEmail  @ gmail.com.

 And no - this cannot be that way. The user does not cares about SMTP 
 protocols, etc.
 He will abandon using my app on the spot, thinking it is insecure.

 I believe this is frustration experienced from many web2py users using 
 the simplest 
 email/password login system possible. 

 Probably it is a good idea if Massimo looks at what I have just described 
 and make
 the functionality needed login_email_lower is OK but it should work with 

 Thank you,


[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank you! 

Now - I am very close to a launch live phase - 
are there a workaround like with login_email_lower?

I don't know how long it will take to patch but with
a workaround I am in control.

Your help is very much appreciated.

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony

 Now - I am very close to a launch live phase - 
 are there a workaround like with login_email_lower?

I'm not sure -- I would expect the request_reset_password onvalidation to 
work. I suppose you could intercept the request.vars in your controller and 
do the conversion before Auth gets it. Another option might be client-side 
conversion to lowercase via Javascript (either as the user types or upon 
form submission).  

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
 I suppose you could intercept the request.vars in your controller and do 
the conversion before Auth gets it.

This is OK - could you please tell me with a code how you would do it? I 
want to be sure it works
and going with the debugger is time consuming if it does not.

-- what you will add here?

current.app.auth =  auth

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony
I guess anywhere an Auth form is processed, prior to calling the Auth 
method, do something like:

if request.vars.email:
request.vars.email = request.vars.email.lower()

So when a user submits an Auth form with an email address, it is converted 
to lowercase before being passed to the Auth method or being saved in the 


On Friday, December 9, 2011 1:28:11 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

  I suppose you could intercept the request.vars in your controller and do 
 the conversion before Auth gets it.

 This is OK - could you please tell me with a code how you would do it? I 
 want to be sure it works
 and going with the debugger is time consuming if it does not.

 -- what you will add here?

 current.app.auth =  auth

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am using this:


and it is in tools.py - is it possible this to be done outside

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony
Not sure I understand -- are you saying you added that line to tools.py? 
What does you code look like?

BTW, I think the onvalidation for request_reset_password didn't work 
because request_reset_password adds a validator to the email field that 
requires the submitted email address to be in the db. If the address is 
converted to lower at registration time, but the user enters an address 
containing caps on the request_reset_password form, the submitted address 
won't be found, and validation will fail before the onvalidation function 
gets called.

Here's a secret -- onvalidation can be a dictionary with keys 'onsuccess' 
and 'onfailure'. You could create an onvalidation['onfailure'] function 
that handles the conversion and lookup. It should check if there's a 
form.errors.email, and if so, convert form.vars.email to lowercase, check 
to see if the converted email is in the db, and if so, delete 
form.errors.email. The form will then pass validation.


On Friday, December 9, 2011 3:20:57 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 I am using this:


 and it is in tools.py - is it possible this to be done outside

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
are you saying you added that line to tools.py - o no - I would not have 
enough understanding to do that yet, and my focus in on my project because 
I have a deadline.

Any help with request_reset_password issue would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony

auth.settings.reset_password_onvalidation = 

def reset_email_lower(form):
if form.errors.email:
form.vars.email = form.vars.email.lower()
if db(auth.table_user.email == form.vars.email).count():
del form.errors.email


On Friday, December 9, 2011 4:55:13 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 are you saying you added that line to tools.py - o no - I would not have 
 enough understanding to do that yet, and my focus in on my project because 
 I have a deadline.

 Any help with request_reset_password issue would be much appreciated.

 Thank you!

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
Great! Will try it now. Thank you!

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil

I believe this:

if db(auth.table_user.email == form.vars.email).count():

should be:

if (db.auth_user.email == form.vars.email).count():

Is that correct?

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
It should be:   
  if db(auth.user.email == form.vars.email).count():

but auth.user is None because the user is logged of.

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony
On Friday, December 9, 2011 6:05:09 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 I believe this:

 if db(auth.table_user.email == form.vars.email).count():

Sorry, should be auth.settings.table_user.email. auth.settings.table_user 
is the user table, which is typically (but need not be) db.auth_user.

 should be:

 if (db.auth_user.email == form.vars.email).count():

db.auth_user.email is fine, assuming your db connection is 'db' and your 
user table is 'auth_user'.


[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Anthony
On Friday, December 9, 2011 6:33:54 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 It should be:   
   if db(auth.user.email == form.vars.email).count():

 but auth.user is None because the user is logged of.

No, you're not checking whether the email is from the current logged in 
user, you are simply checking whether the submitted email address is in the 
auth_user table (i.e., the equivalent of IS_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.email')).


[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
Got this error: KeyError: 'auth_user'

The code is:
form.vars.email = form.vars.email.lower()
table_user_email = auth.settings.table_user.email
if db( table_user_email == form.vars.email).count():
del form.errors.email

the table is: auth_user

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-09 Thread Constantine Vasil
OK - I didn't set the db right, now it work. 

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-08 Thread Constantine Vasil
I tested this:

in registration form - entered lower case email, then in login form
entered email with first letter - a capital. The message was 'Invalid 

In registration form:

current.app.auth =  auth 

In login form


current.app.auth =  auth

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-08 Thread Anthony
What login method are you using? I would think that would work with the 
standard login method, but when using alternative methods, it looks like 
the login() code uses request.vars[username], which would be the 
un-transformed password (i.e., not converted to lowercase).


On Thursday, December 8, 2011 11:12:40 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 I tested this:

 in registration form - entered lower case email, then in login form
 entered email with first letter - a capital. The message was 'Invalid 

 In registration form:
 current.app.auth =  auth 

 In login form

 current.app.auth =  auth

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-08 Thread Constantine Vasil
OK - this is working

auth.settings.login_onvalidation = login_email_lower
current.app.auth =  auth

it works also for registration:

auth.settings.register_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
current.app.auth =  auth 

def login_email_lower(form): 
form.vars.email = form.vars.email.lower() 

I registered with lower caps email.

But when I try to enter mixed caps email in request_reset_password, it does 
not works and it does not shows an error message:

auth.settings.reset_password_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
current.app.auth =  auth

What is the correct way to use it?

[web2py] Re: Where is the best place to make e-mail by registration and login to be converted always to lower case?

2011-12-08 Thread Anthony
Not sure why that's not working. Regarding IS_LOWER not working for login, 
I think the problem might be that the login() function temporarily replaces 
the username field's 'requires' with just an IS_EMAIL validator.


On Friday, December 9, 2011 1:23:22 AM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:

 OK - this is working

 auth.settings.login_onvalidation = login_email_lower
 current.app.auth =  auth

 it works also for registration:

 auth.settings.register_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
 current.app.auth =  auth 

 def login_email_lower(form): 
 form.vars.email = form.vars.email.lower() 

 I registered with lower caps email.

 But when I try to enter mixed caps email in request_reset_password, it 
 does not works and it does not shows an error message:

 auth.settings.reset_password_onvalidation = login_email_lower 
 current.app.auth =  auth

 What is the correct way to use it?