Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-09-22 Thread Brian M
Try this it'll give you a form, intercept the form submission and instead 
do an ajax call to the validate page which checks the email and password 
and if that's correct will return True and the page will get forwarded via 
JS to the next page with your email  password in the URL as args.

Why do the redirect via javascript rather than just having the controller 
do the redirect though?

Controller (
def index():

example action using the internationalization operator T and flash
rendered by views/default/index.html or views/generic.html

response.title = Passing Args to URL through JS
response.subtitle = T('Home')
form = SQLFORM.factory(
Field('email', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(IS_EMAIL())),
Field('password', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
_name='foo_form', _id='foo_form')
return dict(message=T('Demo'), form = form)

def validate():
import gluon.contrib.simplejson as sj
print request.vars
print request.args
if == '' and request.vars.password == 
return sj.dumps(dict(success=True, message='Success!'))
return sj.dumps(dict(error=True, message='Oops wrong login 
return sj.dumps(dict(error=True, message='Login Failed, Please Try 

def receiving_page():
response.title = Passing Args to URL through JS
response.subtitle = T('Results')
#get passed args
email = request.args[0]
password = request.args[1]
return dict(email = email, password = password)

View (default/index.html)

{{extend 'layout.html'}}


div id=statusPlease Login/div
script type=text/javascript

$(function() {

 var email = $('#no_table_email').val(); 
  var password = $('#no_table_password').val();
  alert(Submitting +email+ +password);

   $.post('{{=URL(r=request, f=validate)}}',
function(json) {

if(json.error) {
} else {
destination ='{{=URL(r=request, f=receiving_page)}}/'+email 
parent.window.location = destination;
}, 'json');
return false;


{{block left_sidebar}}New Left Sidebar Content{{end}}
{{block right_sidebar}}New Right Sidebar Content{{end}}


Good Luck!

On Friday, September 21, 2012 11:20:44 AM UTC-5, jjcurats wrote:

 good day great folks..i've been encountering same problem here..i have  2 
 variables in my function to pass in my controller...i just cant do it right 
 trying lot of options's my code:

 $(function() {


  var email = $('#email').val(); 
   var password = $('#password').val();
$.post('{{ constant('BB_URL_API') }}guest/client/login',
 function(json) {
 if(json.error) {
 } else {
 parent.window.location ='
 +password;//this doesnt work...what is the right approach in 
 this,,pls help

 }, 'json');
 return false;

 and how should my controller look...?thanks people

 On Monday, May 21, 2012 10:49:24 AM UTC+8, Bruce Wade wrote:

 If param1 and param2 are from javascript:

 1) You can not write the code in headers as you have current written you 
 will have to use something like the following:
 h3a id='url_with_params'/a/h3

 // javascript function:
 function generateURL(param1, param2) {
url = '/action/' + param1 + / + param2;
$(url_with_params).attr('href', url);

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Ashraf Mansour ad...@aqar-riyadh.comwrote:


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/**param1/param2/a/h3 


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/**param1/param2/a/h3 

 are not working ( they are not showing the values of param1 and param2 )

 Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online



Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-09-21 Thread jjcurats
good day great folks..i've been encountering same problem here..i have  2 
variables in my function to pass in my controller...i just cant do it right 
trying lot of options's my code:

$(function() {

 var email = $('#email').val(); 
  var password = $('#password').val();

   $.post('{{ constant('BB_URL_API') }}guest/client/login',
function(json) {
if(json.error) {
} else {
+password;//this doesnt work...what is the right approach in 
this,,pls help

}, 'json');
return false;

and how should my controller look...?thanks people

On Monday, May 21, 2012 10:49:24 AM UTC+8, Bruce Wade wrote:

 If param1 and param2 are from javascript:

 1) You can not write the code in headers as you have current written you 
 will have to use something like the following:
 h3a id='url_with_params'/a/h3

 // javascript function:
 function generateURL(param1, param2) {
url = '/action/' + param1 + / + param2;
$(url_with_params).attr('href', url);

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Ashraf Mansour 


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/**param1/param2/a/h3 


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/**param1/param2/a/h3 

 are not working ( they are not showing the values of param1 and param2 )

 Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online



Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-22 Thread Ashraf Mansour
Thank you, Bruce.

h3a id='url_with_params'/a/h3 

document.getElementById('url_with_params').href = {{=URL('action')}} + 
/ + param1 ;

is working fine. 


Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-22 Thread Ashraf Mansour
Thank you, Anthony.

h3a id='url_with_params'/a/h3 

document.getElementById('url_with_params').href = {{=URL('action')}} + 
/ + param1 ;

is working fine. 

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Bruce Wade
{{=URL('controller','action', args=[arg1, arg2])}}
On May 20, 2012 10:18 AM, Ashraf Mansour wrote:

 I tried this

 h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action'))}}/param1/param2 /h3

 and it did not work.:)

 what is the right way of doing it?

 On Saturday, December 3, 2011 7:37:58 PM UTC+3, Anthony wrote:

  var param1 = 'value1' ;
  var param2 = 'value2'


 You need to use = to write the output of URL.

 {{=URL(...)}} + '/' + param1 + '/' + param2


Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Ashraf Mansour
thanks for the immediate reply.

param1 and param2 are determined on the client side.

h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action'))}}/param1/param2 /h3 

how can it be generated by javascript?


Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Bruce Wade
Why would you do the code like that?? [?]
jQuery(function() {
  var param1 = 'hello'
  var param2 = 'world'
  jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href', '{{=URL(action, args=[' + param1 +
',' + param2 + '])}}');

h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Anthony wrote:

 On Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:43:38 PM UTC-4, Ashraf Mansour wrote:

 thanks for the immediate reply.

 param1 and param2 are determined on the client side.

 how can it be generated by javascript?

 It depends. Here's one example:

 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href', '{{=URL(action)}}' + '/' + param1 +
 '/' + param2);

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 When the page is loaded, the href of the mylink anchor tag will be
 replaced with the action URL along with the values of param1 and param2
 appended. Of course, you'll need some way to set the values of param1 and
 param2, and there may be some other event that should trigger the
 replacement -- it depends what you're trying to do.


Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Anthony
He said param1 and param2 are determined on the client side -- which means 
they cannot be set on the server side by web2py. Of course, I don't know 
what he's actually doing on the client side, so this exact code may or may 
not be relevant. Do you have an alternative suggestion?


On Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:57:10 PM UTC-4, Bruce Wade wrote:

 Why would you do the code like that?? 
 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href', '{{=URL(action, args=[' + param1 + 
 ',' + param2 + '])}}');

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Anthony wrote:

 On Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:43:38 PM UTC-4, Ashraf Mansour wrote:

 thanks for the immediate reply.

 param1 and param2 are determined on the client side.

 how can it be generated by javascript?

 It depends. Here's one example:

 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href', '{{=URL(action)}}' + '/' + param1 + 
 '/' + param2);

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 When the page is loaded, the href of the mylink anchor tag will be 
 replaced with the action URL along with the values of param1 and param2 
 appended. Of course, you'll need some way to set the values of param1 and 
 param2, and there may be some other event that should trigger the 
 replacement -- it depends what you're trying to do.


 Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Bruce Wade
Well honestly if it was a dynamic link I wouldn't even use URL as good
style of JS programming is putting the code in a .js if this is the case
then the web2py parser cannot even access the URL to parse it. (At least I
have never been successful with that process.)

If they are getting the params at a later time and in a js file there is no
need in using the URL just use url = '/path/' + param + '/' + param; The
only problem with this is if he changes the path, however if he changes the
path he would be required to update URL() anyways.

I have fell into the trap on trying to rely on the helpers to much myself
in the past. Some places in your code you shouldn't use them. Trying to use
them for everything kind of forces you to change your logic to bend around
web2py instead of having web2py work with your logic. Also whenever you use
URL instead of the direct url='/path' the framework is forced to do more
function calls, in some situations like this one it isn't really worth
having the extra function call and it is actually more typing :D

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Anthony wrote:

 He said param1 and param2 are determined on the client side -- which means
 they cannot be set on the server side by web2py. Of course, I don't know
 what he's actually doing on the client side, so this exact code may or may
 not be relevant. Do you have an alternative suggestion?


 On Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:57:10 PM UTC-4, Bruce Wade wrote:

 Why would you do the code like that??

 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href'**, '{{=URL(action, args=[' + param1
 + ',' + param2 + '])}}');

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Anthony wrote:

 On Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:43:38 PM UTC-4, Ashraf Mansour wrote:

 thanks for the immediate reply.

 param1 and param2 are determined on the client side.

 how can it be generated by javascript?

 It depends. Here's one example:

 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href'**, '{{=URL(action)}}' + '/' + param1
 + '/' + param2);

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 When the page is loaded, the href of the mylink anchor tag will be
 replaced with the action URL along with the values of param1 and param2
 appended. Of course, you'll need some way to set the values of param1 and
 param2, and there may be some other event that should trigger the
 replacement -- it depends what you're trying to do.


 Bruce Wade**brucelwade
 http://www.fittraineronline.**com -
 Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Ashraf Mansour
thank you for your interest.

let me brief what i am doing. I am building an application accessing google 
maps api v3. I need the function that decide if a certain point is within 
certain bounds. my understanding is that i need to do that in the view ( by 
passing the point and the coordinates of the bounds ). the view js can 
access them if they in {{ }}. then I need to return the output of the 
function to the next action, by clicking 

h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action'))}}/param1/param2 /h3  

it did not work (it does not write the values of param1 and param2 )


h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action',args=[param1,param2]))}} /h3   

is not working ( param1, param2 is not defind within {{ }}  )

is there a solution without using jquery?

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Bruce Wade
You do realise that you are missing the closing ?

h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action'))}}/param1/param2 /h3

Also what you are trying to do in this code will never work.

h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action'))}}/param1/param2 /h3


h3 a href='/action'/a/param1/param2 /h3

Try this:

h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/param1/param2/a/h3

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Ashraf Mansour ad...@aqar-riyadh.comwrote:

 thank you for your interest.

 let me brief what i am doing. I am building an application accessing
 google maps api v3. I need the function that decide if a certain point is
 within certain bounds. my understanding is that i need to do that in the
 view ( by passing the point and the coordinates of the bounds ). the view
 js can access them if they in {{ }}. then I need to return the output of
 the function to the next action, by clicking

 h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action'))}}/**param1/param2 /h3

 it did not work (it does not write the values of param1 and param2 )


 h3   {{=A('  . ',_href=URL('action',args=[param1,param2]))}} /h3

 is not working ( param1, param2 is not defind within {{ }}  )

 is there a solution without using jquery?

Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Anthony
I wasn't suggesting he should use the URL() function, just pointing out 
that it *can't* be used to build a URL on the client side, and showing a 
simple example of how to build a URL on the client side via Javascript (use 
of the URL() function was incidental and not central to the point of the 
example). In any given case, it may or may not make sense to use the URL() 
function to build the base URL (vs. hard-coding it in a .js file), and I 
wouldn't state a blanket rule either way (if you're using the web2py 
rewrite system, it's generally a good idea to use URL() whenever feasible).

Also, I hadn't realized you made an update to my code example. The update 
wouldn't work because it attempts to put Javascript variables inside Python 
code that must be executed on the server.


On Sunday, May 20, 2012 8:56:51 PM UTC-4, Bruce Wade wrote:

 Well honestly if it was a dynamic link I wouldn't even use URL as good 
 style of JS programming is putting the code in a .js if this is the case 
 then the web2py parser cannot even access the URL to parse it. (At least I 
 have never been successful with that process.)

 If they are getting the params at a later time and in a js file there is 
 no need in using the URL just use url = '/path/' + param + '/' + param; The 
 only problem with this is if he changes the path, however if he changes the 
 path he would be required to update URL() anyways.

 I have fell into the trap on trying to rely on the helpers to much myself 
 in the past. Some places in your code you shouldn't use them. Trying to use 
 them for everything kind of forces you to change your logic to bend around 
 web2py instead of having web2py work with your logic. Also whenever you use 
 URL instead of the direct url='/path' the framework is forced to do more 
 function calls, in some situations like this one it isn't really worth 
 having the extra function call and it is actually more typing :D

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Anthony wrote:

 He said param1 and param2 are determined on the client side -- which 
 means they cannot be set on the server side by web2py. Of course, I don't 
 know what he's actually doing on the client side, so this exact code may or 
 may not be relevant. Do you have an alternative suggestion?


 On Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:57:10 PM UTC-4, Bruce Wade wrote:

 Why would you do the code like that?? 

 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href'**, '{{=URL(action, args=[' + param1 
 + ',' + param2 + '])}}');

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Anthony wrote:

 On Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:43:38 PM UTC-4, Ashraf Mansour wrote:

 thanks for the immediate reply.

 param1 and param2 are determined on the client side.

 how can it be generated by javascript?

 It depends. Here's one example:

 jQuery(function() {
   var param1 = 'hello'
   var param2 = 'world'
   jQuery('a#mylink').attr('href'**, '{{=URL(action)}}' + '/' +param1 
 + '/' + param2);

 h3{{=A('...', _href='', _id='mylink')}}/h3

 When the page is loaded, the href of the mylink anchor tag will be 
 replaced with the action URL along with the values of param1 and param2 
 appended. Of course, you'll need some way to set the values of param1 and 
 param2, and there may be some other event that should trigger the 
 replacement -- it depends what you're trying to do.


 Bruce Wade**brucelwade
 http://www.fittraineronline.**com - 
 Fitness Personal Trainers Online

 Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Ashraf Mansour

h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/param1/param2/a/h3 


h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/param1/param2/a/h3 

are not working ( they are not showing the values of param1 and param2 )

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Anthony

 let me brief what i am doing. I am building an application accessing 
 google maps api v3. I need the function that decide if a certain point is 
 within certain bounds. my understanding is that i need to do that in the 
 view ( by passing the point and the coordinates of the bounds ). the view 
 js can access them if they in {{ }}. 

What do you mean by needing to do that in the view? Do you mean in the 
browser? If so, that's not the same thing as in the view. In web2py, the 
view is a special template that can include Python code. The view is 
executed on the server, and the output of that execution is what is sent to 
the browser. The browser does not see any of the Python code (i.e., none of 
the {{...}} end up in the browser).

is there a solution without using jquery?

It's still not clear what you are doing. What are param1 and param2? Are 
they determined dynamically within the browser? If so, you'll need 
Javascript to build the URL in the browser (it doesn't have to be jQuery 
specifically, but some form of Javascript). If param1 and param2 are known 
on the server at the time the page is being constructed by web2py, then you 
can simply include them as args in the call to the URL() function.


Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Anthony


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/param1/param2/a/h3 


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/param1/param2/a/h3 

 are not working ( they are not showing the values of param1 and param2 )

You are simply putting the literal strings param1 and param2 directly 
into your HTML there, so of course the values of those variables won't be 
shown. What are param1 and param2? Are they Javascript variables? If so, 
where are they defined? If they are Javascript variables, then you have to 
use Javascript to build the URL -- you cannot just paste Javascript 
variables directly into HTML and have the browser translate them into their 


Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2012-05-20 Thread Bruce Wade
If param1 and param2 are from javascript:

1) You can not write the code in headers as you have current written you
will have to use something like the following:
h3a id='url_with_params'/a/h3

// javascript function:
function generateURL(param1, param2) {
   url = '/action/' + param1 + / + param2;
   $(url_with_params).attr('href', url);

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Ashraf Mansour ad...@aqar-riyadh.comwrote:


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/**param1/param2/a/h3


 h3a href={{=URL('action')}}/**param1/param2/a/h3

 are not working ( they are not showing the values of param1 and param2 )

Bruce Wade - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: Pass multiple arguments to URL through javascript

2011-12-04 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Dec 3, 2011, at 11:32 PM, Vineet wrote:

 @Anthony, thanks. Your method worked.
 Secondly, if I want to pass arguments by name, would it be okay to do
 something like this
 {{=URL(...)}} + '/' + 'p1=' + param1 + '/' +  'p2=' + param2

Almost. You want:

{{=URL(...)}} + '?p1=' + param1 + 'p2=' + param2

...then look for p1  p2 in request.vars.